bopper ago

Okay. Don't lose your in the midst of it all ... go slow .... anyway, you will find ultimately and eventually that discovering things we've heretofore been lied to about will actually help you keep your mind, your sanity.

Jem777 ago

Just made a new post called School Play. This will confirm what you feel this was a "Play" by some members.

bopper ago

Definitely, didn't take me long to figure it out. Sandy Hook was well-planned, fooled a lot of people. Of course gun grab was the reason. Then they got sloppier like with San Bernardino and esp Orlando Pulse. It's a great trick of the perpetrators to use children w/ false flags, people will call you nuts because you're heartless because these were children! Every shooting of that magnitude, there's always people wounded too, they're never ALL dead. That's a clean sweep. Nonsense. And on and on, no security photos etc.

And guess what, the moon landings were a hoax too. Research it w/ a very open mind. I know a lot of NASA big wigs and some astronauts, but I don't dare talk to them about it. Of course, I sound like a nut, but people would be very surprised about what we've been fooled about.

Ever seen this? Weird.

Aasb ago

Reminds me of Clement Freud confronting the McCann parents after her disappearance.

srayzie ago

Oh yeah. True!

Red4reel35 ago

I'm sorry but something is very wrong with the parents . As a parent you just know when someone has / had evil intent weather it be towards your child or anyone else in general and to ask for an autograph is truly demented . I guess you have to be a total sociopath though to meet with the family of a young man who was murdered by you ( or most likely her associates ) , smile in their faces while stealing everyone's money and keep right on lying and feeling absolutely nothing ! How do people like this even exist ? I feel horrible for months if I hit a bird in my car or get back to much change at the store . I guess i'd make a horrible politician, Thank God for that !

srayzie ago

You sound just like me. I couldn't even hurt a bird of even a frog. After learning about all of this, there is no way in the world that I would ever want to be in Hollywood or a politician. No amount of money or power is worth selling your soul. Not to mention, imagine having to look over your shoulder everyday, because if you piss people off or get in the way, they will off you. I would rather be a good compassionate person any day over all of this evilness.

I really look up to Trump. He has the money, power and the fame. He could have retired and lived like a king the rest of his life. He must have balls of steel to become president and have millions of people hate him so much they would want him dead and have the world hate you. His life sure doesn't sound pleasant to me. Imagine the things he must know about some of these sick people that he would like to take down, but he keeps being attacked in every direction. I truly feel that he likes kids and hates pedofiles. That's just my opinion tho!

Red4reel35 ago

I pray he really is trying . i did vote for him and before that I was a brainwashed Democrat I'm ashamed to say . It destroys me to think that I could have helped put some of these sick Pedos into office. It blows my mind looking back at what was right in front of my face that I could not see. I have this horrible sinking feeling though that its going to take so much more than President Trump being in office to fix what is wrong in Washington . I am so worried for my daughter and grand daughters future .

srayzie ago

Praying for him and our country sure sounds like a good idea to me. Most people are or were brainwashed because they believe what the media tells them. I feel for the kids too because it's getting more crazy by the day and it's really scary the thinking process these dems have.

Sords ago

This doesn't sound like Hillary at all. I seriously doubt she knows more than a handful of people that worked for her. A raging alcoholic obsessed with herself

ArthurEdens ago

Who has a big smile when consoling the parents of someone who was just murdered? A psychopath

srayzie ago

Jon Bonet's brother was on Dr Phil not long ago. He was awkward like that and kept smiling at the most inappropriate times. He was so strange like this brother.

ArthurEdens ago

Duping delight

TrishaUK ago

'The Dialogue' on youtube - :) not Bombards Body Language anymore for me, since she attacked David Seaman after his friend was murdered!

angry_mob ago


ProudTruther ago

That's like something out of house of cards.

Silverlining ago

I think House of Cards is something out of real life! New series on Netflix May 20 - tomorrow. I wonder if they deal with pedo/pizza?

ProudTruther ago

Well it's definitely based on the clintons. But I'd much rather have the underwoods in power because despite being power hungry and evil they still care about the constitution and doing a good job, they are harder to bribe too and do more of their own dirty work.

RweSure ago

You folks are immune to human decency.

Mad_As_Hell ago

😂😂😂😂😂 good one

bopper ago

Nah we're just hip to what's happenin' Was Sandy Hook real? Are you real? I like you but can't figure you out, if you're just naive or what. tell me please.

quantokitty ago

To me, it's just a whole new low for Clinton to sign a picture of Seth for his girlfriend.

Agree, but don't let Seth's dad off the hook for being a loser low life. Who the hell asks for an autographed photo at a time like that? It goes to show that things are not as they seem. And was Kelsey the honey pot used to spy on him? #drainthefuckingswamp

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I was giving the family the benefit of the doubt and figured they were just weird, but to ask for an autograph picture when their son was just murdered is way beyond bizarre. Maybe the Disney characters and the panda in the video mean something after all.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, I don't know what's going on there. I did reach Seth Rich's favorite animal was a panda ... so maybe ... but it wouldn't negate what his dad did ... or his brother laughing at what his dad was saying. I hope this all comes out because it's beyond weird.

srayzie ago

I didn't think of that. That IS really weird for the dad to ask for that.

quantokitty ago

It's bizarre. That father and mother are bizarre. Have no idea what went on there, but the way Seth's brother was laughing, everything they said must be one big bunch of garbage.

Shillary ago

he wasn't smiling or laughing his eyes had real tears

quantokitty ago

I didn't think he was that upset. His mother either. I'm not going to judge that, though. Some people hold it together better than others, but the rest? The rest is absolutely BIZARRE!!!!

srayzie ago

It reminds me of SandyHook

quantokitty ago

In a way ... yeah.

angry_mob ago

so creepy! this case & the dad smiling & laughing after sandy hook.

DonKeyhote ago

Benghazi family aaz worse cuz she said ima imprizon some random filmmaker fuck tha first

Why should i feel sorrier for seth rich than i do for a bond villains number two when he gets executed for double crossing his patron? Bernie is fucking evil too. And at any rate every single candidate is a complete zionist tool, tho trump less so cuz he didnt need their bribes

dickface888 ago

Yeah, if Bernie had won do we really think it would all be fine and dandy? That bitch would sell out too imo.

Blacksmith21 ago

How do we find Kelsey? You'll know by her reaction if you contact him/her, if he/she has been coerced into silence. There cannot be that many white Kelseys in the Detroit area in that age range. Less than 5 I bet. Work your magic...

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

Her name is Kelsey Mulka. /pol/ says she just took down her FB page two days ago.


sunshine702 ago

Wasn't she the one that wrote on FB days after the murder about Seth being killed for finding double poling places. The family are Starblind naive at best and super creepy Jew circling the wagons at worst.

Michael Hastings was also murdered by the deep state at 25ish. His wife didn't want to talk but didn't fawn over murderers.

Mad_As_Hell ago

TimesUp ago

Hillary probably just wanted to see how much the parents knew about the nature of Seth's she could decide if they should become victims of an unfortunate accident. :(

survey_girl ago

yes, she had to see if they were feeling "suicidal" over their son's death.

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

Yes it's actually lucky the parents are so naive. They might be dead by now if they had started asking too many questions.

V____Z ago

On Point.

anonOpenPress ago

Added to Seth Rich project /v/pizzagate/1867217

srayzie ago


V____Z ago

Hiding in plain sight. She probably loves meeting the family members of those she has sacrificed. I bet it's one of her turn-ons.

Freemasonsrus ago

She's had plenty of practice. Benghazi anyone?

pizzaequalspedo ago

Sadly this is all that it takes for most of the sheeple to eat out of the palm of her hand.

How stupid can these people be to not assume that Clinton played a role?

V____Z ago

We could get into the purposeful dumbing down of Americans, and how that plays a role. It's been done chemically, via water, food and air, as well as making sure the only media we get is controlled by the State. I don't really think most of our fellow Americans are that stupid - they are victims really.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Reminiscent of Freud and McCann, although that was probably just to get them over there in case his house was searched and DNA found. "It travelled there with the parents". With Clinton it's to show she cares.

remedy4reality ago

Like when Michael Corleone consoled his sister, right after making her a widow.

srayzie ago

Exactly. I think these people do get off on that. My gosh, she autographed his picture for the girlfriend! That's just sick.

V____Z ago

And she had no problem doing it. God i'm glad she's not president. WaPost just put out a story saying she is the top pick for 2020!

Godwillwin ago

John podesta prob wrote that article

2impendingdoom ago

that's hilarious. I hope she's in prison by then. WaPoo is institutionally delusional.

srayzie ago

😂 That would be perfect

V____Z ago

She can't even visit a 911 memorial without falling like a rag doll only to be hoisted into her van by attendants. She shouldn't even still be alive. Is it that baby blood?

srayzie ago

Like when she was thrown in the van like a slab of meat? LOL

V____Z ago

I loved that. Then her body double comes out hours later, skinny and not at all sick, whilst the campaign claimed she had pneumonia, but that kind that goes away within a couple of hours. And they say it's Trump who makes the U.S. laughing stock.

srayzie ago

I know 🤣

2impendingdoom ago

I watched the vambulance video about 100 times. I bet she crapped her pantsuit. Prison or dead, I'm good with either.

V____Z ago

100% accurate.

srayzie ago

Oh geez. Another lie. Like the fake polls! I don't think these people realize that a lot of people are disgusted how they are acting. The news tries to make people think almost everybody hates Trump. In reality, these people are deranged if they think they could win. Especially her! I seriously hate her

V____Z ago

You and the rest of the world, except those like the media who benefit financially by propping her up. Soros and the powers that be are using her because she's female, and with the stupid woman-power movement they're pushing, they can run her using her gender alone, and actually use it to cover up all her crimes, because SEXISM.

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

I seriously wonder this. WHY do they keep running the same losers (like H) over and over again? They don't have any other trusted associates who can run? Or it's just Hillary's turn! And nobody has the guts or standing to tell her no?

Imagine if, instead, they'd pulled out a new Obama 2.0 puppet---a likeable Hispanic woman, say. We could be in a very different situation right now.

Mad_As_Hell ago

I think it's Hillary's ego pushing for this. She ran a really nasty campaign against Obama despite him being a deep state cypher and no threat to her (and her funders') interests. Her arrogance is her weak point and needs to be weaponised against her.

There are dozens of NWO lackeys lined up for future power the world over. Our prime minister in Ireland just resigned, and his presumed replacement is well known to have attended a Bilderberg meeting a few years ago despite being a relatively minor politician at the time

These guys plan well in advance so that someone like Trump never happens.

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

Wow, they've got you all stitched up in Ireland too. This mess really is worldwide. I wonder how it all comes down: all pieces have to fall at once, or...? What if American Pizzagate is exposed first, how will the rest of the world react? (possibly not realizing they have their own Pizzagate at home). Scary times.

Mad_As_Hell ago

However it falls, it ain't going to be pretty

srayzie ago

Because Hillary is as evil as they come. She wouldn't hesitate doing what the shadow government wanted.

sunshine702 ago

I have ALWALYS said the next Republican Hispanic FEMALE who is LIKEABLE unlike Hillary will be POTUS.

V____Z ago

People hate Obama too now, they see that he played us. We have Tulsi Gabbard and Nina Turner who could easily win, but the DNC isn't going to allow them because they're free thinkers and anti-war. They're truth tellers. I liked and voted for the Green Party this time around, and it felt better than any other vote i've cast, in fact all my prior votes were 'against the other guy' rather than for someone.

I think through the Clinton Fn, the Clintons have so much dirt (power) on pretty much everyone, that no powerful force is going to come against them, not even Donald Trump, who is actually their buddy. And since she's got dirt on everyone, they probably want o see her in power rather than in jail. Our only hope, I think, was Trump. And he just seems to be dropping the ball.

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

That's cool, we all should support more third-party candidates. Who knows how lines will be redrawn when the dust settles after this. I was a Trump supporter from the very beginning, before I was even really "awake." I believed he would bring down the ring, although I was beginning to lose faith the last couple months, especially after the strike on Syria. I am feeling pretty good again now, after the firing of Sessions and #SethRich. After all, what other hope do we have of a non-violent, bloodless revolution? (Although I will take up arms if it comes to it).

That's not to say I don't think Trump isn't compromised; clearly he is somewhat operating under the Deep State's rules and seems to capitulate to them at times. The Illuminati hand symbols disgust me (did Trump always pose for pictures like that before?)

Some theories: - 12D chess double-cross? - maybe Trump realizes he can't outright win yet, so he's buying time and maneuvering pieces into place? - Maybe TPTB have a trump card, like worldwide Ebola outbreak, they're holding? - or yes, perhaps it's been a GENIUS mindfuck of a psyop from the start and we've all been duped into trusting Trump.

But if that's the case, why are they trying so hard to remove Trump from office? Simply to divide us, start a civil war, and conquer over chaos? I once read some Illuminati theory/confession that they realize they fucked up by pushing too fast in this final stage, and NWO may now fail. This hasty decision was made by some old Grand Master who insisted he wanted to see the completion before his death. If they'd slowed down by one generation, they would have easily succeeded. Of course, now they're all in, gotta to see it through to the end, but I don't believe that recent events have turned out the way they planned, at all. They're panicked and making sloppy mistakes, like Seth Rich and this Russia hysteria that is growing so ridiculous it's starting to wake up normies and will soon backfire.

V____Z ago

They're panicked and making sloppy mistakes, like Seth Rich and this Russia hysteria that is growing so ridiculous it's starting to wake up normies and will soon backfire.

I love it. I see this too.

srayzie ago

I totally agree. If they only knew how she really viewed and treated women and children.

V____Z ago

Rachael Maddow will never tell them, so they'll never know.

srayzie ago

Oh I can't stand her.

equineluvr ago

The PRO-CLINTON, "grieving" FAKE Rich family -- who smirked on the day of Seth's funeral and sported PANDA BEARS -- MONTHS later suddenly want to find the truth.

So, they go to MOSSAD agent George Webb, who disseminates copious disinfo.

The RICH family are crypto Jews (camp where Seth worked is for Jewish kids; RICH is your first clue as well as names like "Aaron" and attending a JEWSUIT [Jesuit] school).

George Webb, MOSSAD DISINFO AGENT, is part of this lie.

This whole story STINKS like a big pile of steaming bullcrap.

Jem777 ago

Hey @equineluvr since Webb is outing the intelligence operatives and shell corporations behind the Mossad right now maybe you should find another argument.

Start watching his actual videos before casting judgement. He has made a clear arguement with facts on videotape, confessed testimony, FBI insiders, CIA insiders, etc. who are tired of lying and corrupting America. It is all coming to the spotlight including the murder of Seth Rich. Again his sources are the white hats inside the govt. leaking to him through drop offs of memory sticks, thumb drives and other communications like videotapes of alive toddlers being placed on crude surgical beds with trays placed under them as a hack doctor prepares to remove this babies organs.

In the corner of that room is a stack of what they call in Syria "kidshells" these are the dead children who are simply a shell because their organs have been removed. The baby in the video is screaming for her mother as a child adjacent to her is having their chest and abdomen cut open to retrieve organs.

Please do your research. You do not have much time to come to your senses.

Silverlining ago

Could I trouble you for the link to the baby harvesting GW, please?

Jem777 ago

Not GW? Just following along. This was linked several months ago but deleted. It has also been sent on by several very high Intel officials who are all trying to share this and awaken people. Will look

srayzie ago

Omg 😢 I can't even stand picturing that! That makes me so sad. Poor babies.

redditsuckz ago

The RICH family are crypto Jews

Doesnt seem very crypto;

Promising Jewish Democratic National Committee Staffer Shot Dead on Own Washington D.C. Block

remedy4reality ago

100% agreement... the family is totally full of shit