Mbailey63 ago


Votescam ago

Up the chain, someone knows who brought police in, put him in guarded room as "VIP" and blocked those who had cared for him earlier from checking in on him. And who it was who made sure that the next day they also weren't permitted to see him on their rounds.

Additionally, we are finding that witnesses across the board are being put under "gag" orders.

From Roswell to our Scientists and EPA, from our military to our medical professionals, from anyone inside or outside of government who has witnesses anything, they can suddenly be silenced by a gag order these days.

This does begin with Roswell and military and civilian witnesses -- and we see it carried through to the JFK coup where medical professions were also intimidated.

HollandDrive ago

Yeah, I've heard Jerroll Custer's taped testimony about being traumatized as he signed a non-disclosure while MP's barred the door at Bethesda autopsy. Said he didn't think he'd get out of there alive if he refused. Court martial was the deal.

Here's an example of someone being seriously gagged ... not to open another rabbit hole.

DerivaUK ago

Oh I'd love to know what's down this particular rabbit hole!!

HollandDrive ago

Really? People have a lot of trouble with it. Long story short Heather Mills became aware (somehow or another) that the man she married was not the original Paul McCartney. I've researched it as well as thousands of others and Paul was really and truly replaced in 1966. Car crash death as has been rumored for decades. (Accidents happen, Buddy Holly, Jim Croce, Ricky Nelson, etc.)

British Intel were involved and N/D's were signed to keep the band going. That's why they quit touring and their music changed, overnight. Heather also (later after or during the divorce, was gagged also, because of what she knew). Now she fears for her life. Sir Paul (the replacement) is a jerk narcissist. In his "memoirs," written under a ghost-name w/ lots of legal counsel involved, much of this is explained, though not much info on Heather.

I could go on and on. Remember truth is stranger than fiction. If you want more sources just let me know. I'll stop now lest I write a book. I was a kid, but my older brother was a hippie, so I grew up w/ the Beatles.

DerivaUK ago

Thanks so much for this - I'd heard little bits and bobs but so far never the full story. It's something I must look into more. I was never a fan, but it is unbelievable how many people still gather outside Abbey Road studios for photos on that famous Zebra crossing and daub the outside white walls with graffiti of love for the Beatles; their legacy continues with gusto. Thanks again for the 'starter pack' of info. I'll shout you when I need more.

HollandDrive ago

You're welcome. Admittedly it is harder to research if you're not a fan. But it is the greatest rock and pop mystery of all time. So it's still fascinating. I've been to London, crossed the Mersey near Liverpool, and visited close to McCartney's estate in Scotland, but was never keen on doing any of the stuff you mentioned. Take care. (I know you're UK :)

keepthefaith ago

Was Skippy the VIP? (lol, "V" "I" P)

HollandDrive ago

Who's downvoting this post?

keepthefaith ago

Molester Podesterrrrsss

HollandDrive ago


Empire_of_the_mind ago

I like this name for them!

13Buddha ago

I also recently submitted a similar post to pizzagate and front news subs, "Seth Rich - Additional Info from Surgical Resident" from American Intelligence Media in which the narrator does a good job explaining medical lingo which may be unfamiliar to a lay person. I also provided the initial 4chan post that was submitted a few days ago which was only a paragraph, however, according to the America Intelligence Media narrator, the additional info from the surgical resident was also on 4chan but was quickly archived. Great to see that these sources that are now being submitted were able to capture this additional info.

HollandDrive ago

Yeah, we posted at same time. Yes this is good stuff. I directed someone to your post which is just above mine.

Sounds like the bullet(s) just grazed his liver but also did some relatively minor but survivable damage to bowels, and they apparently removed a section and then let him rest ... later they gave him more blood, and he was resting again. This doctor said he's seen much worse, where people survived.

HollandDrive ago

So who was this "VIP" that "came in last night"? This anon doctor knows who it was.

This was apparently somebody famous, someone very well known.

Silverlining ago

My reading is that Seth Rich was the VIP

HollandDrive ago

Ah, you're right. Seth Rich was the VIP.

HollandDrive ago

Thank-you. I need to listen to it again, maybe I screwed that up.

HollandDrive ago

David Lifton (great JFK researcher who sources everything) said Jack Ruby's role was mainly to get Oswald to the hospital. The wound was not fatal, just a lot of blood loss. In fact, Dr. Crenshaw who worked on Oswald confirms this in a phone call he took from LBJ during the middle of the surgery. Crenshaw told LBJ "He's lost a lot of blood but he's holding his own." LBJ was calling to ask Dr. Crenshaw to tell the head surgeon to extract a deathbed confession from Oswald.

carmencita ago

What the heck? He was still in the hospital 8 hrs. later? I would think since his parents and he were practicing Jews that he would be under strict burial rules. I would think his father was already on the way or there? Something sounds fishy to me. We are almost at a year since this happened and now there is a huge outpouring from rats crawling out of their holes everywhere. Not accepting this. How many anons are there and then there is GW trying to change the narrative saying there are no attackers on the corner that Seth was pumped full of drugs and killed in a car/van and dumped out. Also someone trying to change everything about his parents as well. This is getting beyond nuts.

2impendingdoom ago

How long does it take to harvest organs? Is this done in the ER or the morgue? I think the discrepancy and secrecy here means that he was organ harvested.

carmencita ago

From someone that that I worked with on this and has researched this up the ying yang, it is done in the ER or the set up that they have arranged. They already had him in the hosp. so perfect storm. To bad he was cremated. I wonder if someone had him weighed before cremation that is the giveaway. They are always quite lighter after harvesting. Mere shells.Also I have read on here that in Jewish wakes they have a closed casket so no one would have noticed either how thin and gaunt he looked.

2impendingdoom ago

but don't they clean the body? They would see incisions everywhere.

carmencita ago

Yeah, I don't know. Unless they are all in on it. The situations for organ harvesting are all controlled. They have everything they need pre-arranged and set up. All the people needed are in on it ahead of time. An airport or dock, ER or surgery room and in this case if they needed an autopsy well that guy is also bought, then the undertaker the same thing. Everything is in motion all the time. They have been at this for quite some time. Not saying that is what happened to Seth. I think this is just conjecture, there is no proof of harvesting. Could they have been holding him until his Dad arrived? I still can't believe that he was alive for 8 hrs. We have only this person's word. Idk. Up until now we were told he died a lot sooner.

HollandDrive ago

I think the doctor anons were given the impression he was alive 8 hours later, since they were barred from seeing him they could not confirm. My guess is he was not alive in the morning.

carmencita ago

I don't believe it either. I am done with the Anons and any of the YT Idols too. My head is swimming from all the constant "Scene Changes".

HollandDrive ago

My head has been swimming for a long time now :( I know. "Scene changes." That's a great way to put it.

carmencita ago

Yes, like in their play, with them as the actors and us as the audience. I'm glad I don't have to pay for those tickets.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't know, I just thought it was weird that the DrAnon's account differed from the death certificate and it occurred to me as a possible reason why. I don't know why they would have had to keep him sequestered for this either, nothing makes sense.

carmencita ago

That is why I believe we have been getting nothing but crazy stories. Every day there are different Anons coming out. GW comes out with a picture of a fairy tale (Little Red Riding Hood) at the head of his video. I know this sounds nuts but the picture of that fairly tale has been bothering me ever I first saw it. It think it was a joke on us. Sometimes I can over analyze, but I think GW is very smart and deceiving. So is the Cabal and the CIA. Little Red Riding Hood? Please. Is he trying to tell us that his whole story is a fairy tale? He might just be playing us.

2impendingdoom ago

I haven't watched any GW videos except a little bit about the Awan bros. I couldn't begin to speculate about him.

carmencita ago

The only way for this madness to stop, is for all of us to dump the YT Stars. They are getting clicks and viewers galore. We have no idea if these "findings" are for real. There are never and sources. Hey, you guys listen up. Whenever we make a claim about something the first thing I see is: Source? Yes! We demand sources from our members but not from these "Fairy Talers". @V___Z

HollandDrive ago

But what we're hearing sounds more sinister than organ harvesting. Why all the trouble just to harvest his organs? More likely they were there to make sure he didn't survive the shooting.

Besides, being a lib he probably was already donating everything.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't know, his reported time of death is 5:57am, but if he is still there 8 hours later is he alive or not? So who signed his death certificate? Maybe he wasn't an organ donor. what is the explanation for the time of death vs. the Anon's report? Just another detail that makes no sense. Where they waiting for something else to happen or confirm before finally killing him off?

HollandDrive ago

The death certificate could be jimmied with if intel is involved, easily. They do it with military records and changing of last names all the time. Of course this would have to be done quickly, but it happens (Bethesda JFK autopsy for example). I don't know.

It sounds like the attending physicians were sworn to secrecy by LE. That would mean, in my view, that the unsuspecting attendants were possibly somewhat traumatized by the experience. That happened to attending autopsy technicians at Bethesda with Kennedy, but it was easier to do in that situation, as everyone was military. Still, they were traumatized as they had to sign papers under threat of court-martial, with MP's guarding the doors. This is all confirmed and corroborated.

I would tend to believe the anon's report at this time. If the anon is correct, the really big news is that the floor was basically put in "lock-down" mode when a certain VIP came in. I believe the VIP came in at night according to the anon.

2impendingdoom ago

I believe the Anon too, but there is no way to know if Seth was alive or not all that time. so I guess the VIP came in to question him or ID him for the kill? The death certificate was altered because?

I wonder what time the family and friends were notified of Seth's death.

So who signed the certificate was in on it, obviously and if the Anon knows who the VIP is, why not say who it was? When I originally read the Anon's report, I thought he meant that Seth was the VIP (for needing all the security).

HollandDrive ago

Sounds like a VIP did actually come in. Maybe to give gravitas to what needed to go down, as far as getting the story straight, paperwork, timing. What I mean is, intel could have easily accomplished this w/out a "VIP" (they have before) but the VIP was for cover, etc. Theorizing.

Edit: The VIP they are referring to is actually Seth Rich.

Sorry, but who was saying he was drugged?

I believe the anon will eventually say who it is. They are already nervous enough as it is (they say they could easily be traced and identified due to the amount of info they gave out).

Edit: Also, are the anons saying, or indicating, that they did not see him again after that night ... I think indeed that is what they are saying.

2impendingdoom ago

If he was in the hospital with not very serious wounds, I would guess he was drugged to keep him from calling his family.

HollandDrive ago

I need to go back and read that post of yours about the police report (thinking out loud here).

His wounds were serious enough for some serious morphine as he had surgery to "section" a piece of colon (he couldn't empty bowels because of that too).

Don't know about other (nefarious) drugs. Well, again, no doubt he was heavily sedated, not just (temporary) anesthesia for the surgery but also (legit) anxiety meds like Valium.

2impendingdoom ago

All day seems a long time to be kept sedated, but I'm not a medical person. Also the 4channers thought that Seth was ruffied at Lou's City Bar with something to make him bleed out, but that wouldn't make sense if he was kept alive in the hospital.

Too many questions. And every new bit of info just raises more. I think its clear though, that something very sinister happened, not a random failed robbery whatsoever.

HollandDrive ago

Yeah I know. Let's hope the anons, assuming they are legit, keep talking.

HollandDrive ago

Apparently 8 hours later he was still alive and being "tended to." Not dead yet.

Edit: The anon is not saying they can prove that, since they were blocked from seeing him the next morning.

carmencita ago

Yeah, right. How many different stories are we going to be fed. This is getting ridiculous. I am sticking with the first story. I think they are trying their best to flood as many stories as possible to make people think we are all nuts here. We will believe anything an anon comes up with or any YT Star as well. All of a sudden almost a year later? Not this babe.

seekingpeace ago

Stay sharp, Lady! I agree.

carmencita ago

I have been on this stuff and Seth Rich since he died. I was at the Dem. Convetion and so I have maybe more reason than some to be upset. I became obsessed with the case when on Reddit and fell into the pedo elite Pizzagate research while still there. I am not going to let them change my mind. I am strong and pretty stubborn when I believe I am right. This is one of those times. Thanks.

HollandDrive ago

Briefly, what was the first story again?? Aaarrrgghh. This doctor sounds legit. But who knows.

Commoner ago

Wasn't there another healthcare worker on duty that night or shortly thereafter that reported the whole situation as weird.

13Buddha ago

According to the narration, this 4th year resident spoke to another surgical resident about the situation, and yes, the resident he spoke to agreed it was "wierd." The attending doctor and the "few nurses" who were the only hospital staff permitted in Seth Rich's room post op. They are key witnesses along with police and whoever else may have been in there.

HollandDrive ago

Edit: Thanks for that info. So it sounds like two different surgical residents are corroborating the (same) story.

I don't think, in this new era of the "explosion" of social media, that it would be unusual for others (such as these attending medical personnel), to not only be following these stories, but also to use the same medium to speak out about things, esp because of the accompanying anonymity.

I've always believed that Michael Flynn Jr. has been here on Voat for example, as well as Alefantis, and who knows who else.

HollandDrive ago

Sounds like we might be talking about the same person. See the new OP post above mine.