jstrotha0975 ago

If you got the goods then release it lard ass.

Tazcatlipoca ago

He should post any information in case anything happens to him

Jem777 ago

He lives in New Zealand. The US govt. took his money & property under Obama admin. He created Mega & much more. Not to be doubted this has been planned.

V____Z ago

For sure. I wonder if Comey's dismissal has anything to do with the timing...

QuestionEverything ago

If Seth isn't avenged, this will just keep happening.. More and more so.

-We're basically showing them they can and will get away with it. Ala Kennedy.

awakenaware ago

The Moment of Truth


This was our Live internet event in New Zealand back in 2014 when Kim along with Assange and Greenwald attempted to use the New Zealand elections as a launching pad for a huge red pill media event called "The Moment of Truth" it was streamed live and much of NZ watched it, but of course the tv networks didn't air it. Snowden also did a live speech. Assange, Dotcom, Greenwald and others did live truth bombs about corruption of media and much more. It was a big deal but of course was played down and attacked and even just ignored by all the worlds corporate media. We discussed spying and cia corruption in nz government and much more. It was an exciting time for us Kiwis. We had hope that this would wake up the masses and something might change in NZ. What happened was everyone involved were viciously attacked and harassed by the media and vote rigging and the corrupt machine won the election and the party died out. It was a powerful event anyway. We did wake up people.

sunshine702 ago

They want you as a jumping off point for spying on Asia. The New World Order is deep rooted and world wide sadly. Fun fact though -American submarines can not come to New Zealand because we will not disclose nukes and so they are banned. :)

awakenaware ago

yea only thing is that submarines have been sighted many times off the coast of NZ and in one particular harbour.. there is a theory that USA has a secret underwater military base in NZ. And also sadly NZ govt and politics is CIA controlled. We are the guinea pigs for many social conditioning programmes and they used subliminal messages on TV in NZ first back in the 1980s before that tech was rolled out in USA/UK and elsewhere.. Isolated land mass + small population = Perfect testing ground to monitor effects of social conditioning.

sunshine702 ago

I believe you. :( I guess Syria and by proxy Russia are the final chess pieces for the parasite globalist baby rapers. Sigh. Keep fighting the good fight.

awakenaware ago

This was two years ago: Kim Dotcom: Julian Assange Has New Info Forthcoming About Hillary Clinton Air Date: May 13th, 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6F8oq7apqY

"Julian Assange is going to be Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare" - Kim Dotcom

Danick ago

This is interesting, If Kim shows evidence of Seth's affiliation with Wikileaks, then Julian can confirm compliance without actually outing him.

Whome ago


"Have you ever heard of Craig Murray?

Murray should be the government’s star witness in the DNC hacking scandal, instead, no one even knows who he is. But if we trust what Murray has to say, then we can see that the Russia hacking story is baloney. The emails were “leaked” by insiders not “hacked” by a foreign government."

"Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray, has suggested that the DNC leak came from a “disgruntled” Democrat upset with the DNC’s sandbagging of the Sanders campaign and that the Podesta leak came from the U.S. intelligence community….He (Murray) appears to have undertaken a mission for WikiLeaks to contact one of the sources (or a representative) during a Sept. 25 visit to Washington where he says he met with a person in a wooded area of American University. …."

awakenaware ago

Kims more or less a good guy.. During our last election in new zealand Kim started his own political party called the Internet Party. He had a live broadcast with Assange and others talking about the deep state and corruption in government. It was received well but the local media (cia run) lynched him and also there was evidence of vote tampering so he never got anywhere. Hes still fighting to remain in new Zealand. He knows his stuff re hacking and so on. Good to have on our side. Intelligent but also a bit of a big kid kinda like Trump in some ways.

V____Z ago

UPDATE: He was just contacted by Sean Hannity

Hannity: You have that evidence??

Com: I'm the evidence!! https://twitter.com/KimDotcom/status/865777584293806080


Aloha808 ago

He may have some evidence, their is evidence he may be one of the Shadow Brokers shutting down computers all over the globe and trying to auction off the NSA cyber arsenal. Hillary got him for $200,000,000 and he's going to be extradited to the USA one day and face 88 years in prison. I guess that raid was not that bad and he doesn't hate Hillary Clinton as much as the Americans do. Otherwise he would release the evidence and give Hillary the finger

OMNOMSoggyBiscuit ago

How could he possibly have any evidence, If he does, doesn't that completely under mine Wikileaks' claims that sources are guaranteed anonymity.

V____Z ago

They're guaranteed anonymity to keep them alive. In this case it's to late. Assange hinted as strongly as he could that Seth was the source, maybe he is OK with using someone else to say it more clearly.

V____Z ago

KIM DOTCOM SETH RICH MURDER EVIDENCE: Kim Dotcom Has Evidence Linking Seth Rich to Wikileaks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y6ODpZc_s8

snefru ago

Story is a tidal wave. If confirmed, it means the DNC killed its own staffer in order to cover up the theft of not only votes but also campaign contributions intended for Bernie. Anybody with half a brain will not work for or vote for a political party that murders its own staffers. Sounds like a good way to cause brain drain in the DNC. RNC likewise can try to ignore reality and usually does but there are forces of nature at play here far more powerful than any political party. Most people don't like people who kill kids.

lynn1314 ago

It is also when the "russian narrative" was created.

IronWolve ago

The NeverTrumpers and Rinos don't want Trump in office. Anonymous sources are some republicans trying to tank Trump.

V____Z ago

I wonder if he came out now because he senses the tide has turned enough that he is safe... or, and even more likely, his hatred for Hillary and the DNC, exceeds his fear of death.

sunshine702 ago

Some of Kim's feeling of safety is sort of like Assange and the embassy of Equador. Kim Dotcom fled to New Zealand and dug in with his hot Asian wife and kids years ago. The locals like him, he spreds money around, and New Zealand is a soverign nation which will have to heavily be leaned on to extradite.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Julian Assange is alive and he's well pissed off, maybe Wikileaks can turn the tide again after opening all of our eyes in the first place. Hearing The_Donald has been shut down has filled me with all kinds of righteous anger, /pol/ must be hopping

srayzie ago

Never mind V____Z I found out about how he is connected. Thank you anyways :)

V____Z ago

In case others are reading:


srayzie ago

Who is he?

TheTrigger ago

google it fgt, we're not here to spoonfeed you redpills. Look it up or lurk moar.

HollandDrive ago

You're an embarrassment here. Impediment. Why do people on here have to suck so bad?

srayzie ago

I don't recall asking you fagget. 👆🏻I want to know how he is related to Seth Rich. I was asking someone that I am familiar with on here. Not you idiot. So if you don't have an answer, then shut your pie hole and suck it.

HollandDrive ago

@srayzie I had no idea you wuz a faggot. LOL.

srayzie ago

I didn't know you wuz a faggot either

HollandDrive ago

I was joking of course. That guy calling you a faggot made me laugh. I've seen your posts here.

srayzie ago

Oh ok lol. Sorry!

HollandDrive ago

Why certainly! (That guy probably is a faggot himself.)

srayzie ago

Lol true

drozzxd ago

Stay away from the gym Kim. Not like that would be hard or anything for you.

lude ago

I doubt even Knows anyone named jim

V____Z ago

Have you all seen these tweets too? From earlier today, Kim tweets:

A Message For Survivors Still wonder why the @DNC refused server access to the @FBI to investigate the leaks? #SethRich ain't Russia!


https://twitter.com/KimDotcom/status/865643603262976005 To all @Google admins, Submit #SethRich acc contents to @Wikileaks: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


https://twitter.com/KimDotcom/status/865705807576301568 Democrats destroyed my business, attacked my family, stole my assets in a pay4play strike for the @MPAA Counterstrike: Trump Presidency ☑️


https://twitter.com/KimDotcom/status/865722642677899264 Read about corruption in my case. You'll understand why I'm fighting this political case with political measures. http://kim.com/whitepaper.pdf [PDF]

pizzaequalspedo ago

Let's face it, there is zero chance that the Republican House will have the balls to investigate this stuff because most of them would approve of what the DNC did, and prefer not to shed light on their own blackmail material.

BirdLaw ago


RonBennington ago

It sucks but he's right.

cthulian_axioms ago

On the one hand: oh, snap.

On the other hand: if he has the goods, why not give the sworn statement and release the evidence now? They can be read into the record at any time.

lude ago

This. Why doesn't he fucking show evidence? He wants to be the center of this shit. Stop talking about it, fucking be about it you fat fuck

cthulian_axioms ago

KEKU's warts! You've put it better than I did!

equineluvr ago

Sorry, the witnesses don't get to decide whether or not they testify.

See JFK assassination "investigation."

Dressage2 ago

Witnesses can always prepare a signed affidavit and file it with a Court. Post is on Twitter.

HollandDrive ago

That's a good example for sure, and there are dozens and dozens of examples, that were shunned, or worse. Thanks warmongers.

Jem777 ago

Wow. Playing with the big boys. Grab your popcorn

Dressage2 ago

Up Voat!

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/kimdotcom/status/865699156278484992 :

Kim Dotcom on Twitter: "If Congress includes #SethRich case into their Russia probe I'll give written testimony with evidence that Seth Rich was @Wikileaks source."

This has been an automated message.