crashing_this_thread ago

It's none of the parents concern either way. Solving murder is in the publics interests regardless of what the parents want. We can' respect someones wish to have a murder on the loose.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Similar behavior at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando too in the news clips. One woman injured interviewed at the hospital in a wheelchair turned out to be a Fox news reporter from another state who happened to be there.

But who she was and where she was from was never part of the report. She was just part of the shenanigan news clips.

Petri_Krohn ago

Someone Just Edited Seth Rich’s Reddit Posts

"Seth Rich’s main account led to the discovery of his secondary account u/pandas4bernie, the existence of which confirms what we’ve all suspected for a long time: that Rich was a closet Bernie supporter."

janet58 ago

I don;t like the criticism of the family's reaction. People are in shock at first and may say or do anything. People criticized Noreen Gosch for wearing make-up after Johnny was taken; she was just trying to cope as best she could. She is a firm believer in the cartel and the Franklin conspiracy:

YingYangMom ago

I personally think they might have been under duress and still are. But that's just me.

lynn1314 ago

We need to FORCE Congress to see if Susan Rice unmasked any American talking to Wikileaks. Like Seth Rich. That is the smoking gun that led to a million coverups and could finally "unmask" the Podesta emails and send them all to prison.

YingYangMom ago

We are on the side of truth, just trying to find the truth

So am I. And I can agree to a degree that the family seemed detached to a degree (especially the brother) but people react differently, under different circumstances. I personally would have been in tears, I think... But does that make them guilty of anything? No.

This is so off the chart from a normal grieving process that it raises legitimate questions.

  1. Did his parent really love him or did they hate his guts? 2. Is this another Sandy Hook? And if so, did Seth Rich even exist? 3. Did Seth Rich really die? 4. Did they fake his death and is now hiding somewhere, in protective custody? 5. Was he a member of a pedophile network which knew too much and was silenced before he could tell? 6. Were his parents and his brother members too? 7. Are they Satanists and decided to sacrifice their child?

Do I sound like a conspiracy theorist now?

notdivided ago

if all you have seen is the "creepy" family video there is more to this story. How many more "please help us find the killers" videos are there?

WHY has only the "creepy" video been pushed to us?

notdivided ago

"we are not going to stop until we find my sons killers"

also.. he carried waterbottles around to defend himself?? Is this normal? Did he know he was in danger?

peacebringer ago

My guess is someone got to the investigator in some way, that is what it reeks of.

quantokitty ago

Okay, this is getting bizarre. For starters, where did this come from? When was it filmed? Who are they talking to when they say "everyone"? You can't post a tape where you don't know the source or why it was filmed and draw such conclusions. Was it recent? I mean, since the PI went public? The only thing I get out of this is the mother saying TWO. There were TWO men that attacked Seth Rich. How do they know that if there were no witnesses? Because of bruising or other damage? Or because there was a witness/tape?

There is more emotion shown in this, and I'm not "against" the parents. I am very sympathetic to them, but not if they did refuse to believe the evidence the PI uncovered. I'm also not sure why they did not raise holy hell with the police and hospital. They'd certainly have plenty of support.

Dressage2 ago

I think there was a video tape of two guys.

quantokitty ago

You know, I keep hearing about this video ... what gives with that? Don't they usually release pics of the perps? You'd be surprised how people are recognized, but not a peep out of parents on this happening ... another very suspicious sign. Oh, but that's right! The dad is too engrossed in fondling the pic he got the Cannibal Queen to sign for Kelsey! I keep forgetting ... priorities, Quanto .... priorities ...

Dressage2 ago

I know that whole thing of the autograph is whacked!

quantokitty ago

It really is. Something way wrong there.

fartyshorts ago

Agreed. I really want to know when this video was made.

quantokitty ago

Exactly. This could have been made for close personal friends ... or friends at the DNC. No one knows who she's addressing ... or when.

If it was posted on FB, or sent to a personal account, it might have been shared and open to downloading. Looks like a shill went to work to try to lighten the amount of bad press these parents were receiving. This is NOT the way to do it!

YeezusKTrump ago

The poor family must be scared out of their minds. Knowing their son was murdered by people who are still out there, operating freely.

YingYangMom ago

So nothing has changed. They still want and need help finding who murdered their son, and they still know that their son's death was not just a random act of robbery.

privatepizza ago

Important post OP, thanks

2impendingdoom ago

there is an alleged grainy-quality video, the police wont release, that shows two people shooting seth and running away.

Piscina ago

I'm suspicious. When was this video made? This is public relations spin. They were probably instructed by DNC spin doctor Bauman to make this video as 'evidence' that they're authentically looking to find Seth's killer. But it's too late now. If they were legitimate, they would have made a video right after Seth died.

jordankelly ago

Not if John Pedosta had a gun to their head

anonOpenPress ago

Please link to with a short comment, this might become important for the project

maggiethatcher ago

The family disowned Rod Wheeler when he went public. I am not convinced they want the public's help to find his real killer.

YingYangMom ago

FAKE NEWS posted May 15, edited May 17. The parents are asking for help on May 19 (yesterday). So this article is just another fake news story OR the private investigator has received threats or he never was on the parents' side.

UncookedSpirit ago


Mad_As_Hell ago

Thanks for this. I think we need to stop focusing on pandas and Disney pics. From reading through his Reddit posts, these people clearly raised a very decent and kind son who truly loved his country. They have gotten entangled in this DNC/deep state mess through no fault of their own and only ever wanted justice for Seth. I feel so sorry for them, and scared, can only imagine the duress they're under from these creeps.

cantsleepawink ago

Sorry to inform you guys..the 'deep state' does not subscribe to the Democratic party alone.

crashing_this_thread ago

Both sides of the political spectrum is corrupted. The spectrum is designed to divide and conquer. Choose a side and you are being played.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Sure, I think in this case it's DNC interests that are at stake for the most part, although could have knock on effects for the cabal as a whole

Verite1 ago

Exactly. Seth rich case doesn't really have much to do with pedophilia, but why it is important is because of the "Russia hacked the election narrative" that has been pushed by Clinton loyalists within the media, that's number one. It really blows a hole in that theory because we can see it as a smear campaign, even though undoubtedly there has been some nepotism and conversations by Trump administration officials with Russian officials, etc. It's pretty well-established that Russia did attempt to meddle, but that is different than hacking. Clearly Seth rich removed massive amounts of information and proof of electoral fraud and campaign finance information during the four hour window in which the firewall was breached, and then he gave it to the attorney at WikiLeaks, which corroborates whomever it was who came forward and said his source met him in the park and gave him the information. So now we know there would be motive for Seth rich to do so, because he was a Bernie supporter! Get it? Now we know and can prove WikiLeaks got the information from Seth rich! It's been suspected but now there's proof ! IMO The other reason it is important is also because it's a huge distraction from "let's investigate Trump" and turn it into a massive witchhunt about him, when really what we want is the contents of Anthony Weiner's computer and we want to know how all of the emails ended up on it, we know it's BlackBerry syncing, and we want to know because of what the chief of NYPD said (Boyce?) which was that the contents involved pay to play schemes, sex trafficking, child exploitation, and it was vile. Let's keep our eye on the ball for god sake.

Dressage2 ago

Up voat, damn it!!!

equineluvr ago

It's not about the panda and Disney pics but their demeanor. E.g. -

"This video creeps me out. Your son gets murdered in the streets, and a mere two and a half days later, his parents are completely at ease, stoically contemplating the pitfalls of fate, fully accepting the fact that, yeah, you never know what's gonna happen people, so live life to the fullest y'all, and laugh! No flustered faces, no blood-shot eyes, no black pouches under their eyes, no raw emotion, no despair, nothing. They are playing a role, and they know it. Little brother is not overcome with sadness, he's smirking. Even mom can barely contain her laughter a little past the 2 minute mark.

Have you ever been near parents right after their son died an untimely death? I have, and it doesn't look like this. Not by a long shot."

From the same Voat link -

The affect of every Rich family in that video is really "off," especially given how soon after the murder this was filmed. The first thing I thought of was, "WERE THEY PAID OFF?"


To me, the Rich Family looks like the cats that swallowed a canary. Or perhaps they just pocketed millions and millions from the Clinton Crime Family Foundation. If anyone lives near these weird people, I'd be curious to know if they upgrade their house, buy new cars, or do anything noticeably different in the next year or three.

DarkMath ago

"the Rich Family looks like the cats that swallowed a canary."

Ah shit, I agree with you again.

YingYangMom ago

I agree. I've seen the "Panda stuffed animal and Disney accusations" being planted everywhere... ridiculous, really. Why try to discredit Seth Rich and his family? What's the friggin point? Seth Rich blew the whistle for justice, for US! Honor him and his life. Don't switch sides now, for God's sake!

cantsleepawink ago

What do you mean panda stories are being 'planted'?

YingYangMom ago

Well maybe I should have used the word 'suggested' instead of 'planted'. Here is where it pretty much started:

I see this as jumping to conclusions in a way that is pretty suicidal. I 100% agree with this comment here:

I agree video looks creepy but yall are jumping to conclusions. Throwing wild accusations with very little research. Is this LARPing to make the Seth Rich conspiracy theory look crazy? There is only one Seth Rich conspiracy theory. Seth Rich was assassinated on orders of Hillary or Podesta and made an example of for other leakers. The point i was trying to make is, do you really think Seth would snitch of Hitlary if he was "panda" lover? He would give juicer leaks if he was.

cantsleepawink ago

I see your point. I also thought at the time that was exactly why the mother was holding (or told to hold the panda). Then one has to ask why would she agree to that? Naivete or otherwise? One can go around and around on this. Frankly I haven't got the time to look any further into him..seems enough people are doing so already. Just felt that his story is creating an imbalance on our subverse and wanted to interject another viewpoint. I'm going back to my primary lines of research. Carry on :)

YingYangMom ago

One last hint about the panda before we part and be on our way... Panda bears were also the official mascot of the Bernie Sanders campaign. Peace :)

DangerPizza ago

Fake news is all the Panda=Pedo.

Real news is: To all @Google admins, Submit #SethRich acc contents to @Wikileaks: [email protected] Panda[email protected] Pandas[email protected]

Verite1 ago

Thank God you posted this! Have people not seen the Reddit thread where they have verified all of his social media accounts??? He talks about pandas, they verify him going shopping for patriotic clothing, which basketball fan he was, Lou's Bar, that he was a Bernie Sanders supporter, everything. Oh my God the only conspiracy is exactly what the previous poster said. It was a political assassination because he figured out there was electoral fraud last fall when they had the firewall incident with NGPVan software. The parents may be under duress from Brad Bauman, the PR DNC operative they have sickrd upon them, to "represent them." Give them a break!

YingYangMom ago

So maybe that's why the parents seemed so "odd" and "detached".

YingYangMom ago

Yup. Absolutely. The panda bear is Bernie Sanders' campaign mascot, which he was affiliated with.

cantsleepawink ago

Because that's what a parent thinks about when they are being interviewed about their child's murder. Okay...I'm done :)

YingYangMom ago

I think you misunderstood? I think the mother was holding on to her son's panda bear (stuffed animal), the one he had in his office which was also the mascot for Bernie Sanders, with which he was affiliated.

new4now ago

according to this article, the bear never made it home, they kept Bamboo the Panda at the office..

This article covers a lot of ground, As for Bamboo, you'll have to scroll down

cantsleepawink ago

I've always believed that Bernie is/was a gatekeeper. Anyway he's now enjoying his 3 homes even while the FBI investigate his wife for bank fraud.

The Seth story is far more convoluted than most people realize I suspect.

srayzie ago

I didn't know his wife was being investigated by the FBI. 😮 I've always wondered why Bernie never seemed outraged. I thought it was very strange that he didn't fight and just told people to vote for Hillary.

I've thought that the reason he didn't fight after being totally screwed over by the DNC, could be one of 2 things. Either he knows very well what happens to people in Washington when they get in the way. So, he feared for his life or his family. OR, that they warned him or blackmailed him to to stay quiet.

So, finding out from you that his wife is under investigation by the FBI, makes a lot of sense to me. He was probably warned or just knew, that if he didn't just let it all go, his wife's investigation would NOT end well.

Dressage2 ago

Or they are pissed and have manufactured a bank fraud to keep Bernie in line. If Bernie acts up pull the noose on his wife. Look, if they can make Sandy Hook, 9/11, Boston Marathon, OK City bombing, JFK, etc., surely they can play out a little bank fraud case.

srayzie ago

Good point

Mad_As_Hell ago

Robby Mook specifically says they have leverage over Bernie in this e-mail

What kind of leverage I don't know, but clearly it was enough to shut him up and back HRC

srayzie ago

Oh thank you. They are so dirty

Verite1 ago

People are getting way off base here! Are you seriously telling me that you don't understand how during a slimy primary and dealing with the Clintons, especially what we know about James Comey and his loyalty over the years, that the FBI wouldn't be trying to cause smoke and deflect and find dirt on Bernie and Jane? There was some question as to her previous role at the University and some problems with money, but there was nothing the nepharious going on. Furthermore, the money they used to buy the goddamn house in Maine was her family's inheritance money. They have now linked Seth Rich, through the vote ID software application that many political campaigns use NGPVan, to the electoral fraud that was suspected, and all of the donations coming in from Bernie Sanders which were being diverted to the DNC and to Hillary. How is it that people can except the Clintons has been guilty of serious crimes including murder, and then not understand how they would try and sabotage a primary opponent and a young patriotic man who figured out the dirty dealings during the campaign? I'm more than ever convinced now that Bernie was threatened during that meeting with Obama just before he came out in officially endorsed HRC.

srayzie ago

So, isn't that pretty much what I just said? Were you talking about me being off base?

YingYangMom ago

I don't care for Bernie myself. Was just stating a fact about the panda bear being his mascot and thus not unusual for Seth to have had one in his office since he was affiliated to his campaign.

cantsleepawink ago

The panda was used as a prop. Take it from someone who analyzes the media.

GuannaRue ago

I came to the same conclusion yesterday re Seth rich and Bernie Sanders. Not interested in any heroes or idols.

cantsleepawink ago

'...and to make the world a safer place'. She says that again here too..