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jstrotha0975 ago


quantokitty ago

OMFG!!!! SHE IS!!!! Upvoat for you. Have we done any digging on this family?

thisHoCwilltumble ago

What's the significance of the panda?

DevilintheDetails ago

Seth rich loved pandas. His known insta handle was pandas4progress and he is believed to also be pandas4bernie.

Godwillwin ago

They pedos post pics of pandas all over their instagram

V____Z ago

Hey, I just found the answer to your question, it turns out this WAS written by his girlfriend, but this was posted by someone else to their facebook as a quote

Godwillwin ago

Ok. Thx! That makes sense

eyeVoated ago

Sleep deprived (abused) children exhibit dark circles around their eyes. Hence, the panda lover meme created by pedofiles.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

Jeez. What the fuck? Why do fucking pedophiles have to ruin everything good? First pizza, now pandas.

eyeVoated ago

Evil does exactly that. They sink energy--that is, they take goodness and light from the Universe. They are selfish and disconnected--they, in fact, live in a severely limited sphere of consciousness--believing two fundamental untruths: 1) they believe they are separate from the rest of the universe; and 2) they don't understand Karma. The Truth is, we are all One, and there are Natural Laws that Unite Us. For example, a basic law of physics is action-reaction--this extends, in Natural Law, to say that if you hurt another being, you are, in fact, hurting yourself.

But evil is a trick--it's a disconnection from unity--and those who are lost (i.e., don't know their Rights), falsely believe it is ok to hurt another. Lately, this has been described as social Darwinism (survival of the fittest)--which is a central tenet of Satanism. Essentially, they believe hurting others is to their advantage.

I could go on, but I hope you get the idea. Evil is a form of separation, but it is false/untrue/wrong/misled, etc.. Killing our egos is the hardest thing to do. Even those who seek Truth have a hard time getting over this hurdle. Evil is like cancer, wherein the only cure is Truth and Light. So, it is our job to keep shedding light on the darkness--we must do this with the generative principle of Care. That's what the 'G' in the freemason symbol stands for.

In freemasonry--forget about the broken, dark, lodge system, by the way--in True Freemasonry, in order to get to the higher levels, one must be able to understand and answer the following question: How do you know that you are suffering? Answer: Because another is suffering. So, we must do The Great Work--shedding Light and Truth--to free this planet of its bondage.

Know your Rights: A Right is an action, that when taken, does not cause harm to another sentient being.

Pedophiles cause harm to others--effectively through theft of the innocence and self-dominion of another person. That is the definition of evil. So it is no surprise that evil steals, causes harm, ruins all things Good. They are one in the same. We have much work to do, but it starts with the Generative Principle of Care. A fair amount of that work is being done in this forum.

Omnicopy ago

Like that little girl's eyes whose arms were taped down to the table. She has panda eyes!

ArthurEdens ago

It's actually more horrible than that. Head trauma causes black circles around the eyes. If you notice anyone with excessive bags under their eyes they were probably beaten severely and possibly regularly over a long period of time.

Martenzo ago

That symptom can be caused by many other things. An excessive drinking habit (even if it only started in adulthood) being a big one. Drug use (again, even if it doesn't start in childhood). A wide variety of serious-but-survivable illnesses in childhood. And even then abuse is far from the only reason children may suffer and survive serious head trauma. It can be a corroborating sign, sure, but don't go assuming anyone with big bags under their eyes or black circles has been abused as a child.

star_boi ago

'panda eyes' really?? the dark bags in children often a sign of allergies as well!

ArthurEdens ago

A year ago I wouldn't assume abuse, but now that's my first consideration. Also, rituals involve head trauma to adults

jstrotha0975 ago

look up cumpanda on alafantis instagram pics.

keepthefaith ago

ugh no thanks!

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

There is a panda theme for pedo's, like with pizza, that triggers researchers. Could very well be a stretch as Seth was known to love pandas, which is actually quite normal. Fuzzy wittle sweet eat your face off bears.

V____Z ago

Right? What the fuck?

Later edit:

Additional info:

Joel Rich said: 'He liked pandas and his mother had sent him a little stuffed panda that got named Bamboo.

'At the DNC, they would hide the panda - it would be in someone's office, and on filing cabinet.

'When they packed up and sent us the things from his cubicle, his one boss asked that Bamboo the panda stay there.

'When they went to the Democrat convention, they took Bamboo with them, and they sent out selfies of Bamboo listening to Secretary Clinton. Bamboo will still be at the parties and things.'


Joel Rich said that he and his wife had met with Hillary Clinton when she was on the campaign trail in Omaha recently but declined to comment further.

YeezusKTrump ago

The killers want to keep the panda as a macabre trophy.

Evil, sick people.