anonOpenPress ago

10 days reminder to all M level mods: @Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator @sensitive

cc @nnfx @horse-with-a-name

VictorSteinerDavion: This is outside my my operational area. This is a "M" level type thing, totally up to you lot to sort out.

anonOpenPress ago

VictorSteinerDavion ago

This is outside my my operational area.

This is a "M" level type thing, totally up to you lot to sort out.

Chatman ago

Agree with anything that makes the cluster fuck of a subverse more traversable and easier to digest. I know mods are limited to what admin controls are implemented so it might have to be an external solution (like searchvoat)

Vindicator ago

I really like the idea of including the flair in the title rather than the little box to make it searchable: that makes the type of flair possible unlimited (we are currently limited to 10). Also, a separate subverse would give is 10 additional little box flairs. The only drawback of making the flair part of the title is that to change it (say from "Lead" to "New Evidence" or "New Evidence" to "Debunked", you'd have to delete the thread and repost it.

anonOpenPress ago

Good points there. I come up with these possible solutions:

  1. As the suggested new subverse has only link posts, it's not a big deal to just submit again by the mod who changes the flair (either ignoring or deleting the earlier link post).
  2. Or the flair could be just changed here and commented, or even ignored, in the new sub (as when people click the link there, they end up seeing the changed flair anyway). However, this is bad for searching.
  3. Or the link post could be flaired in the new sub as "Flair changed". Also this is bad for searching.

While picking any solution, I guess it would be good to notify what's requested from the mods (workload). For example if a flair would be changed in a very old thread, mod would need to find the related link post in the new sub. The "ignore" solutions above have the lightest workload. Personally I'd go with the 1st option with ignore, but feel free to pick any or come up with something totally different :)

Vindicator ago

I agree AOP, this could work well. I have been thinking we really need a "gold star only" subverse to help consolidate the research...kind of like the info warfare ammo dump. But only live shellls allowed. The only drawback would be the shills *who generally lose their minds when mods try to suggest a particular activity or research direction would go wild submitting shitposts that would have to be removed, and commenting in the threads to undermine them. It would increase the work of mods, or the need for additional mods.

However, I really like the idea and have been thinking along similar lines for quite a while.

sensitive ago

Yep, dig this too. Simple and efficient.

horse-with-a-name ago

Oooh. I dig this. Others? @sensitive?