hojuruku ago

What about if the mods say I broke a rule with flawed logic - and say this isn't proven because I say it is - but the facts of the matter are different. Make Vinny answer the simple questions I gave him.


Then you are playing fair. You are abusing your authority and I am following the rules.

Crensch ago

I know for a fact @Vindicator and @Kevdude don't really play in flawed logic. They may come to a different conclusion than I do, but it's due to different information and motivations, not from some cognitive error. @srayzie and I went at it over rules not long ago, and we eventually came to an understanding. I still despise @ESOTERICshade for every time he has been involved in mod drama, but he seems fairly reasonable in this thread.

Every single one of the above is trying to help you.

I'm not. I don't really care about you, and I don't think you're worth the effort. You're snubbing your nose at rules the PG community came up with on their own not too long ago. You're saying, "The rules don't apply to me", and expecting others to agree; you're also lying about supporting your claims, as if we can't plainly see that you aren't.

You're looking down at everyone trying to help you, everyone putting in effort on this subverse, and everyone here to make sure this place doesn't get overrun by disinformation, shills, spam, and subversive mods.

You call those mods that the entire rest of the community seemingly really like, and get along with, pedos.

The way I see it, you have two options:

Act like a fucking adult and admit you're wrong, or keep acting like an entitled shit, and being indignant when we hold you to the (extremely easy) standards of the subverse.

The former will earn respect, and the latter will probably wind up with you banned.

I care not either way.

hojuruku ago

Make vinny answer a few yes no questions to test out his logic. Put it into 1's and zero's for me.


/v/pizzagate/2500972/12511136 <- FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE ANSWER @Vindicator using your real account.

It's not hard to to ask him to answer a few yes or no questions to justify his censorship position. I've asked 10 times already /v/pizzagate/2500972/12512960 or the more expanded rebuttal: /v/pizzagate/2500972/12510102

FYI: /v/pizzagate/2500972/12512682 /v/pizzagate/2500972/12512682

I have thought hard about a solution to this clusterfuck that makes all of our lives easier:


^^^ For the time being I am still on YOUR SIDE if you just listen ^^^

That would make the moderators as it stands now being the problem turn be the accountable to the people and give the user-base what they want. Uncluttered, troll free threads without excessive censorship.

your thoughts @Dfens - would even you come back if they adopted that?

Crensch ago

Make vinny answer a few yes no questions to test out his logic.


You broke the rules. You don't get to demand answers to your questions.

Fix your shit, or I'll start leaning towards banning you for being either a troll, shill, or someone so fucked in the head they have no clue how to source their claims.

You have an hour before I start pushing for this; then you can go cry in /v/pizzagatewhatever, and post your unsourced BULLSHIT there.

Fix. Your. Shit.

@Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie @ESOTERICshade @think- - - User shows zero sign of wanting to follow the rules, even with the multiple offers of help; I'm not making a top-down directive here, just letting you know where I fall when this comment is an hour old if the faggot above doesn't make some kind of effort.

srayzie ago

I hear you. Keeping my eyes open.

hojuruku ago

^^ @auralsects your lover/my troll is here again with something important to finally contribute....


srayzie ago

Me and "Donkey" go back a long way. Almost everyone knows that. As for you, as far as I can remember, I've only spoke to you one time and yes, I used a meme and that was as a regular user. Today is my first official day as a pizzagate mod. You talked crap earlier asking why a meme lord was a mod. Why you are TRYING to be on my bad side is weird. Anyone who is friends with this user, also known as @Donkeyhote, has issues. He's the biggest shill here and anyone friends with him is put on my radar.

Wisen up. If you wanted to be treated fairly, then treat others fairly. Doing shit like this doesn't help you.

hojuruku ago

What rule did I break?

What was unsourced and unproven? Are you seriously going to believe this pro-pedophilia cover-up?




You can't even repeat one claim of @Vindicator again and say I support this XYZ claim of @Vindicator because you know it's complete LGBTI+ bullshit.

Why can't I call a Disney Operated Dating Site that has been proven to be used by gay men and boys what it is? What about the truth triggers you so much?

Crensch ago

What rule did I break?

What was unsourced and unproven? Are you seriously going to believe this pro-pedophilia cover-up?


hojuruku ago

this thread dummy - not the thread and trolling used to censor my whole account





Crensch ago

I'll make you a deal right here and now:

You can ask ONE question. Right here. You are allowed ONE link, and only ONE link, and you'll get your answer from me. If you do not ASK the question IN TEXT in the comment responding here, you get no question answered.

THEN you fix your submissions, and work with the mods to stay within the rules. NO MORE of your bullshit anywhere on PG - you follow the rules and work with the mods to stay withing the rules.

ONE question. ONE link. Then you fix your shit.

-- OR --

You can respond with more than one question or link, and get banned immediately.

@Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie @ESOTERICshade @think-

Given this user already having been banned, and his EXTREMELY rule-breakingly-long leash that he's been allowed, I think the above deal more than fair. Let me know if you disagree.

hojuruku ago

I'll play your game once you quote any claim vindicator's 4th attempt at censorship and say I SUPPORT HIM.

Here are some of his possible claims you could try:

1) DISNEY DOESN'T RUN A DATING SITE - a site where two or more people meet online for "friendship" or more, GAY MEN AREN'T ALLOWED TO USE IT,

2) CHILD ABUSE HASN'T HAPPENED AT BBBS USA or AU done mostly by homosexuals.

3) BBBS Australia hasn't employed pedophiles on their own advisory council (Dr Patrick Power) etc etc.

Just say one of his claims and say that there is NOTHING TO SEE HERE YOURSELF then I'll play your games.

Pick any lie and say I STAND WITH VINDICATOR.

@seekingpeace and I know there is similar shit to this going on in Vietnam with some suspect people I know....


Priniciple Partners

The Walt Disney Company (Australia) Pty Ltd Without the support of the Walt Disney Company, thousands of young people around Australia would not have had access to a mentor. Through providing the technology that powers Big Brothers Big Sisters' online mentoring platform OurSpace, The Walt Disney Company is a long-standing partner of Big Brothers Big Sisters, and has helped improve access to mentoring for young people who otherwise might not have access to a mentor.

In addition to OurSpace, the Walt Disney Company has supported Big Brothers Big Sisters with skilled volunteers and expertise, internal fundraising, and external fundraising, and pro-bono support.

That's right all the (((DISNEY))) staff are doing corporate giving making the bosses of Disney total VIP's around Big Brothers Big Sisters. I've seen a Vietnamese company totally obsessed in forcing their employees to raise $$$ for http://bluedragon.org that has had a history of employing pedophiles in order to fit in in the company. I was at the company meeting when one Vietnamese guy almost caused a rebellion exposing what was going on with that charity. Have you seen the CEO of Konica Minolta's AU CEO's projectfutures.org trip to the brothel district of Phenom Phen to hand out "mothers mlik" and contraceptives. Weird shit is going on and I've see this before. Disney and BBBS are totally inseparable now just like the OTO is totally protected by the highest judges who say they must be respected.

No cop can arrest an OTO pedophile without bringing down the whole system or "sandalizing the judiciary" https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html - just like nobody can oppose Disney dating sites for gay men and boys without getting banned....

hojurukuisatroll ago

Just like I said. Your goal was to get banned so you could cry about it. Because you are a troll.

Crensch ago

Consider your choice documented.

ESOTERICshade ago

Concerning Hojurku

This will go to @srayzie @kevdude @blacksmith21 @vindicator @crensch

I suggest that we all just take a step back from this and let the boy post his stuff. He is obviously serious in his quest, but also he has a hard time meeting the rules. He tries, he fails sometimes, but he is a serious pedo hunter. Let us take a step back, let him post his stuff, let him tell his story.

Take a deep breath, lets just see what happens in the future. I hate to ban a serious pedo hunter. Let us just try to work with him.


hojuruku ago

i upvoted you @ESOTERICshade so who is downvoating you?


Clearly someone people are pissed off I'm taking a stand and winning against unjust censorship.

I'm going to sleep now, no more point feeding the trolls. The ball is in their court. I'm a better ally than an enemy and I have been very tolerant so far. If some people can't tolerate an assertive anti-pedophilia activist that wont give up trying to get his research out there and have it censored by anonymous cowards, maybe they should get a new hobby.


Vindicator: Move on nothing to see here and don't censor - or answer the simple yes no questions to justify your intended censorship actions: /v/pizzagate/2500972/12511136

SUGGESTED NEW MODERATION POLICY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOXDt1XvHgY

ESOTERICshade ago

i upvoted you @ESOTERICshade so who is downvoating you?

You pissed off some very powerful people. They do no want to be exposed. You struck the heart of the baby raping cult. Need I say more?

hojuruku ago

the baby rapist lovers beat my upvote with a downvote against you. Who is it - right here with us now???? https://s9.postimg.cc/4dcb1l1a7/babyrapistwashere.png

speaking of baby raping cult - that's not an exaggeration... http://bernardgaynor.com.au/freedom-australia-just-taken-another-hit/ and the great gay police protected boylover @GarryBurnsBlog is praising said baby raping cult on his blog https://www.facebook.com/Garryburnsgayactivist/posts/1512977258811943

The truth is here: https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html /v/pizzagate/2492737 & /v/pizzagate/2489880

hojuruku ago

The fact is I source all my claims and they get refuted without merit.

@Vindicator wont answer the very simple questions that debunk his viewpoint that Disney isn't operating a dating site for gay men and boys.

He claims I haven't proven it's a dating site for gay men and boys. Instead troll accounts hijacking the prefix to my account name appear in his place instead of his response.




https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12508144 which I totally can not relate with. Vindicator please answer the simple questions on the links above the vs

I know you quoted them. Your next step is to quote them again and answer them. You can do it. Otherwise rationally I can not accept /r/pizzagatemods are playing fair.

His censorship request is a clear call to censor their criticism that goes unanswered and downvoted when it goes to the proper place.

The level of asshattery I got I haven't seen before in the last 1.5 years I was here:

Just look at all the batshit crazy trolling from the people who were triggered by this factual, properly sourced justified claim post. https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289

Let's be honest.... With some of the new invites to the moderation team, this place is going downhill fast.

I've made very clear I want to do two posts on this and move on with it. Instead the comments get filled with bickering and interference that is unwarranted calls for censorship instead of what should be happening - people sharing links about the OP and researching it further.

Is this the place where the truth goes to die?

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator does not support pedos and neither does @kevdude. I feel pretty solid about that.

I believe that you have solid info to report. We just need to figure out how to get this info into a format that be understood.

hojuruku ago


14 upvotes in a hour. v/pizzagatemods are being watched under scrutiny so play nice and make Vinny answer the simple question he was given.

hojuruku ago

If @Vindicator is not doing unjust censorship he will answer the simple questions he was given. The ones he quoted. It's not rocket science rather than him or his proxies keen on censorship and passing the buck for taking out my whole account playing games and use sock-puppets still pinging me. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12512465 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12512461

Where do I report abuse? I'll try /v/voatdev to see if the SQL database can reveal what really happened on the /v/protectvoat thread - seeing so many shills are blaming me their own downvoting now timed perfectly to the minute before Vindicator deleted the 1st thread.

Look they leave this here, and I keep posting my research or it's ON. I think I have to end this fatal attraction to those who think sex with children is worng - only if the perpetrators are white males.


[–] @Dfens 2 points (+2|-0) 2.4 hours ago (edited 2.4 hours ago)

I really don't understand the fatal attraction people have for that pizzagate site. With MF'er gone, it's still a cesspool. What's worse is the mods post child porn on the site and then remove the submissions to justify their heavy handed behavior. No place else on Voat has the rate of deleted posts they have, and half the subs have no moderator at all. I can't believe people continue to fall for their crap.

Edit: have you noticed they have turned the "deleted submissions" site into a child porn hub? No one seems to get that! The pedophiles must laugh every time they go to that site. They are literally being enabled by the very people who claim to be all about stopping them.

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator and @kevdude are not your enemy. Your own presentation style is your enemy. We believe you. We are trying t help you. Sowwww downnnn. Pardner. We will help you tell the story.

hojuruku ago

good cop bad cop trolling. Almost too much water under the bridge. You've see the shit on v/protectvoat

This thread isn't about mod bs and censorship it's about BBBS Jewishcare LGBTI pedophilia. This is thread hijacking and I'm friggen sick of it.

We need to have a policy of moderators suggesting edits VIA P'Ms only, and the haggling that way. Let's not have the user contributions hidden by /v/pizzagatemods spam

Then if the content is deleted, people will only ask WHY and form their own opinions - rather than going along to get along with the cabal that runs this place.

NO scratch PM's - that could be a first approach. STAGE 2: This bickering should be done in private not on the thread. OR A NEW /v/pizzagatemods/ thread for pending censorship discussions to make that thread more popular Directed to by a REVIEW flag instead of a 24 warning.

DIRECT DEMOCRACY. If the v/pizzagatemods/ thread downvoted into oblivion - the post gets deleted. If it is upvoted by more than a 75% threshold - the mod backs off REVIEW OVER.

**THIS IS A SERIOUS REQUEST AND IT'S JUSTIFIED. LET's curb this bad behavior I've been copping. **

Let's help the mods improve their game. Two can play at that game.


hojuruku ago

We Hate @Vindicator CENSORSHIP https://voat.co/storage/sda/compguad.jpg


Don't censor this based on claims I didn't prove everything a 4th time.

You NEED to properly respond to your 4th censorship attempt that mirrors your first only point one "not a dating site for gay men and boys" has been totally refuted.


Join me in the fight against pedophilia and stop opposing, with baseless claims for censorship.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12508144 vs https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12510102

Can we talk the old fashioned way on talkshoe - sort out our differences so I can move on to all the other threads and research I need to write?

DON'T JUMP THE GUN AGAIN AS YOU JUST THREATENED https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12510917

CC @auralsects @Cuckbot @Dfens @GeorgeT @Joe_McCarthy

Vindicator ago

@hojuruku, thank you for rewriting this thread in a serious attempt to comply with our submission rules. This is a huge improvement. It's not quite to the point where I am comfortable removing the flair, but because you've been willing to work on it, it seems fair for us not to take it down just yet. Here is what I'm still stumbling over:

  1. Please just chuck the first four paragraphs documenting your prior attempts to submit the story. That's all still Rule 4 crap that belongs in v/pizzagatemods. It clutters up what you are trying to say. If you need to vent about it still at this point, please do it in the appropriate subverse.
  2. You've done a really excellent job embedding the supporting links into your very densely-packed material -- well done. It's a great improvement! However, I am still not seeing a link supporting the premise of your title: that BBBS was operating as a man-boy dating site. That is a pretty serious charge that requires evidence...in the form of screencaps of their chatroom, or a quote from a kid "groomed" there with a link to where it was reported, or evidence presented in the criminal cases. If this is your opinion of how the site was used, that's fine but you need to say so rather than making a definitive statement of fact.
  3. If what you are saying is that McCool used BBBS chat to take advantage of kids and BBBS did not provide sufficient safeguards to protect kids, then say that, and give some linked evidence of their negligence (even if that's just McCool or someone else talking about the lack of oversight). It's not fair or accurate to brand an entire charity because one sick fuck took advantage of the organization to hurt kids (if that's what happened). (Also, that approach also really undermines your credibility as an activist/researcher, as well, so it's not in the best interest of your piece. You want to change minds, right?)
  4. In any case, we need linked support for the "man/boy dating" claim to be able to leave this up. I looked at several of the links from the BBBS pedo search you suggested, and did not see anything that supported your headline claim. You need something directly supporting it. If there is no evidence, then you need to create a different headline.
  5. I was a bit confused about the different people you've mentioned: McCool, Hall, Power and Bowersox. It became very difficult to follow. At first I thought you were saying they were the same person, and then I thought you were saying there were numerous different pedos connected to BBBS as part of your argument that BBBS is being run as a man/boy hookup service. Who's who and why they are in your thread needs to be very clear, so that it's possible to understand what you are asserting and assess the linked support you provide for it. (ProTip: If you have a piece of research you haven't yet gotten the evidence for, drop that down into the comment section as a "P.S. I am still investigating my suspician that...." Comments are free range).
  6. Consider using a less loaded rhetorical style that hits people with facts that make them think what you think they should think, rather than opinions that tell them what you think they should think. No one likes to be told what they should think. Opinions are like assholes, right? Everyone has one. The only people who listen to them are people who agree with you. What's the point of writing for people who agree with you? If you want to change minds, set up a domino chain of facts that lead to an inevitable conclusion. For example, if you want to convince people that Jews or gays are behind the normalization of pedophilia in Australia, it's much more effective to slip in the fact this is a relevant factor -- especially if you can use their own words like you did here -- than if you engage in a bunch of namecalling. It also gives you fewer things you have to source.

Okay...that was a lot. I hope you're willing to edit this a bit more so that we can leave this up.

@think- @Blacksmith21 @kevdude @Crensch Let's give hojuruku another day to work on this. He's put quite a bit of effort into embedded formatting, which he'll lose access to if we remove it. Hojuruku, I've also saved a copy of your source code here in the event other mods don't see this comment of mine.

hojuruku ago

I'm going to kick off my podcast and we can sort this out live if you want? What do you say - via anon chat on talkshoe.com, anon tor tunneled voip (SIP), or you can just type and listen to the mp3 stream.

I'll now work on part II of this thread as exposed before regarding the MSM news reports only having homosexual pedophiles at BBBS and the warnings that were given by everyone who wasn't perverted or scatological back in 2002 coming true.

hojuruku ago

If you weren't running interference I could work on to exposing the OTO's homeless children's charity in Australia. Those spirit cooking blood sacrifice cakes of light ingredients victims have to come from somewhere you know. http://parareligion.ch/elixir.jpg

hojuruku ago

Presses hand against forehead... That it. Gloves off BTW we confirmed you deleted a comment from someone asking if a pedophile was Jewish - and the pedophile based on research from someone you just downvoted is highly suggestive the pedophile Larry Nassr WAS Jewish. And you are even shutting comments down on it.

YOU CAN'T CRITISE ME UNTIL YOU SHOW ME A SCREENSHOT OF YOUR MOD INTERFACE SCREEN and how you can accidentally delete said comment, then accidentally type "SURE" then confirm deletion of the comment. Hey I'll let you delete this comment if you upload a video of the steps you went through it to do it. That's fine by me you have my consent.

https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/2501438/12501537 I wanted to move onto the next post about BBBS and all the google search results of child abuse in America (here's a snippet: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12503033) - and American Christians, Womens groups, child safety groups predicted the mass homosexual BBBS gay child rape epidemic could occur - even going as far as to say NAMBLA is Cheering on BBBS back in 2002.

That next thread will honor kevdude by going through all the google search results linking to homosexual pedophiles at big brothers big sisters only stopping when I hit the first heterosexual child abuser - which I haven't yet (bi doesn't count). He wanted it in the OP - he will get his wish seeing it can't fit in this OP.

  1. NO. Just no. Must posts on v/pizzagatemods don't get answered and downvoted into oblivion - like my peace offering to you guys there. If you actually answered anything there, rather than sending it as a place where criticism goes to die I'd honor your request. @heygeorge appears to have been caught running the gang stalking operation against me if you see /v/protectvoat thread - or at at lest whipping them up. You had 1.5-2 days to reply to that post mentioned in the OP and you didn't. SO NO.

  2. 10,000 Characters you can barely make a story or give more than one link to back up a claim.

A dating site is where two people meet online for FRIENDSHIP or more. Have I not proven that? Have I not proven gay men are given access to it? Haven't I proven boys use it. Journalists have had a creative license to make entirely true headlines that trigger for centuries. You want to put an end to that tradition because penis in other mans shit rubbers before it come out may be offended. Sorry - they are peverts - scatalogical and disgusting and MOST DECENT PEOPLE don't care for their feelings and hope they seek help.

  1. I have clearly shown gay men have given access to the website. I've clearly shown boys are using it. I've clearly shown BBBS's advisory council in Australia had a gay pedophile / BBBS boss / boy counselor patrick power. BBBS undermine child safety by allowing a demographic that is more likely to rape kids to access their children. READ THE OP AGAIN.

So the needs of the gay men to feel good about playing with little boys and being given access to children is more important than the benefit of less children actually being raped if a demographic that is more likely to abuse children is given access? Did you not read this that's going in the next post? https://concernedwomen.org/images/content/fc2002-09-19.pdf

I counter attacked this argument by citing 2x government and 1x NGO source - and anyone knows that stats about child abuse. Let me spell it out for you? Is a boy male? Yes? Is a Man Male? Yes. Definition of a Homosexual: A person who engages in same sex sex acts. 35% of all children abused are boys - see bravehearts fact sheet (actually 37% - I reducted it to 35% because 98% of child abusers male - so we had to account for some lesbian little girl action). So when they are raped by gay men is not an act of homosexual pedophilia - or more medically correct term is in fact HOMOSEXUAL ANDROPHILE doing it? Now when you tie that in with the fact 1% of the population is GAY AND MALE (1.7% gay) from the point of view of keeping a child safe a homosexual is 3500% more likely to rape children. Including that minority group in the BBBS big brothers and allowing them to interface on Disney's webserver (actually Amazon's leased by Disney Pixar) and meet them - is giving more opportunities for grooming and child abuse that could have been prevented. Statistically speaking BBBS's 2002 increases child abuse.

  1. All their relevance was explained. Re Bowersox: I have only seen one thing more disgusting that a pedophile done for child porn saying GO EASY ON ME JUDGE I'M A GOOD GUY I VOLUNTEERED ALL MY FREE TIME TALKING TO VULNERABLE TROUBLED LITTLE BOYS AS A BBBS COUNCILOR (WHO LOVES CHILD PORN) - AND THAT WAS BOWERSOX TESTIFYING IN COURT THAT DOG ON CHILD BOY PORN ISN'T DEPRAVED (he said in court he only became depraved in 2006 after seeing a hand grenade explosion aftermath involving two children - I found he joined beastforum.com where it is believed he got the CP by tracking his email address etc exposed in the videos, and I proved he joined in 2005 - proving he testified in court as a Bakersfield PD gay cop that dog on boy anal porn isn't depraved. So we all agree bowersox played the system even more that Crown Prosecutor Patrick Power.

6.) No! Children come first! Not the LGBTI+ Jewish Pedophile mafia feelings - that's what my threads are exposing. We don't need to be PC if PC is getting children raped. Haven't you seen what's going on yet? See my profile tag line. Deal with it. Please don't get in my way and let me move on with this thread to expose a lot more stuff about BBBS i dug up and stop running interference. I've seen whole threads hijacked with interference when we need to be sharing links and research about the true targets - not protecting the interests of the LGBTI+ Jewish Pedophile mafia.

Government agencies are reading my posts and are probably cheering you on in the SHUT IT DOWN ATTEMPTS.

CC @Dfens @auralsects @MadWorld @CheeseboogersGhost @Cuckbot

And I thought this interference was over. This post got mirrored on /v/pedogate because i would expect this kind of shit to happen. Quit it and let me focus on my real enemy the pedophiles. If I have to make a crypto-bounty driven pedophile doxxing website hosted in Russia to steal your user-base if that's what is required to get the job done I will - but right now I prefer to be at the coal face fighting pedophilia and exposing injustice to children without having to work around your interference.

NO MODIFICATIONS WILL BE DONE - especially the first request as the /v/pizzagatemods post wasn't answered - the questions in it - and downvoted so nobody who goes to that subverse can even see it without clicking on the new tab that nobody does. https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289

think- ago

Thank you for devoting so much time and effort into helping OP to improve this post. I can only hope he will appreciate it, and take your suggestions to his heart.

hojuruku ago

was that to me or @Vindicator - THE PRICELESS VINDICATOR! Can you quit the censorship - just leave the post here with the 24h old forever as an agree to disagree thing or something. Look at the upvoats of this thread (not in the right hand side but in the /v/pizzagate index - clearly the court of puplic opinion is against the mod team here).


Can you just stop interfering with my anti-pedophilia activism and playing censors game and spamming my research threads with mod circlejerk messages that when replied to make targets for the gang of 6 downvotes.


auralsects ago

For example, if you want to convince people that Jews or gays are behind the normalization of pedophilia in Australia

Whoa is that a serious invitation? And you promise to leave it Up? Despite apparently having named @srayzie an explicit Jew-defender mod? Last chance to rescind that offer you filthy kike.


hojuruku ago

Will you donate your bounty of $10-20 dollars I owe you for exposing Larry Nassar as jewish for the next thread to dig through the case law and find the BBBS new president that was a doctor that got fired for unnecessary child anal inspections, but @NCATNSW ruled he wont offend again. The case law mentioned he worked an organization that has the same role as BBBS. That will really redpill people from a government domain. Maybe they redacted it - I've been searching for months for it. I can't find it again. I swear as god as my witness I found it but didn't properly secure it because I was tired on that day's research binge.

The "children's guardian" case law on www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au has gay jew judges rule 17 year old boys who had sex with 15 year old 20 years ago aren't safe around children - but whenever the pedophile is gay "we believe he wont offend again".

Search through the Equal Opportunity, Appeals, And Gaurdian case law sections (for some reasons homosexual divisions of @NCATNSW are taking cases about children!!) and lets make up a spreadsheet statistically proving the judges are baised towards gay pedophiles. Faggots say it's a crime to believe in ex-gays - but their judges sure believe in ex-gay-pedophiles "that won't offend again".


What do you think @Vindicator - do you Agree with Australian gay jew judges there is such a thing as a "ex-gay-pedophile" - and if there can be ex gay pedophiles why is ex-gay therapy illegal in America - where doctors get 2 years jail for the crime of telling a child who was anal raped gay you don't have to be gay!

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._jurisdictions_banning_conversion_therapy_for_minors http://www.washingtonblade.com/2015/05/19/oregon-becomes-third-state-to-ban-ex-gay-therapy/

Once the child is raped gay, like Milo was, Like George Tekei was - nobody must get in the Gay Lobby's road from that child's bum being their collective property in years to come. Sorry to be rude and sick like this - I AM TRYING TO WAKE PEOPLE UP TO SEE THROUGH THE POLITICALLY CORRECT PROGRAMMING.

SEE WHAT THEIR REFORMS ARE DOING IN REAL LIFE. On the 3rd censored version of this thread I gave a post from a DOCTOR / PSYCHOLOGIST about BBBS but I was told to censor that - or try and fit different things in the 10,000 characters.

quit the asshatter propedo games and just let me do my work. I'll put a lot more effort into MY OPs - and you put a lot more effort in restraining your shut it down - it's wrong to blackpill people on the truth of LGBTI+ Jewish pedophilia normalization.

Credit to the jews they tell their own kids they better be straight etc... but with us goyim it's a game to them to corrupt and turn is into human cattle. This LGBTI, BPA Estrogen mimicking crap, cucking of our race is just to cull the heard a bit. But if you look at the videos of the blue face painted men jumping around in isreal with a gay leader ( i want to find that censored video again!!! - youtube takes too much down) you'll see maybe they are drinking too much of their own cool-aid.

srayzie ago

Poor Donkey 😂🤣🤣☺️😂 Don’t be jelly.
I’m a woman that can not only vote, but mod as well. 🤓

auralsects ago

I just looked to see if after 1.3 yrs u had managed to contribute a single byte of research and I noticed your second highest voted comment is saying Q "revealed" something -- but in fact it was me half a year prior. LOL AND U HAVE MADE THRICE THE SUBMISSIONS ON PG ON Q, idk why they bothered with this psyop when a ball of yarn would have distracted you post menstrual cunts just as easily.

hojuruku ago

upvoted. is that aussie scrag trolling really a mod... they aren't making a good case for themselves are they....

srayzie ago

Who are you calling an Aussie Scrag? Donkey hates everyone just so you know. If he doesn't show hate for you today, he will tomorrow.

auralsects ago

hate is a totally appropriate emotion to feel toward the jews who do PG..you always prove my point about women when youre trying to refute me, it would be endearing if you weren't pretending you could actually help anything. women are to be SEEN and not HEARD, and preferably not very much

srayzie ago

Predictable. You’ve said the same thing hundreds of times to find of women. Get over yourself.

srayzie ago


Vindicator ago

@ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Honeybee_ See parent. Let's give hojuruku another day to work on this. He's put quite a bit of effort into embedded formatting, which he'll lose access to if we remove it.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Sounds good to me.

hojuruku ago

you knew I wont loose anything because I mirrored it on v/pedogate - something I've never had to do before because I used to think this was the best place.

You can't live this down unless you go into hard deletions of the content.

hojuruku ago

You are tagging my trolls now Vindicator.... faaak me. It's done. Agree to diagree and leave the 24h hold. Censorship gets you nowwhere. I'll only link to this when I dig up all the MSM about the homosexual child abuse (pretty much only) at BBBS in America and the warnings given in 2002 that it would happen on my next post.

All MSM and American sources exposing something as big as the Catholic Priests, or Boy Scouts of America perversion file that hasn't got the attention it deserved because (((THEY))) Run it.

Maybe this Super Big Brothers Big Sisters Catholic Church pedo hunter will take the case. Tell him I'm coming...

http://www.lubbockonline.com/news/2017-12-03/big-brothers-big-sisters-serves-many-children-possible <- BBBS SERVES UP CHILDREN WITH (((MACDONALDS))) Is maccas more masonic - your thoughts?

http://fox8.com/author/billsheil/ - BBBS hero claims to be against pedophilia.

Vindicator ago

You are tagging my trolls now Vindicator.... faaak me. It's done.

No, hojuruku. I pinged the other mods whose job it is to remove expired flairs so they would be sure to give you more time to edit. I guess that was wasted effort on my part. You seem determined to believe everyone is out to get you.

Agree to diagree and leave the 24h hold.

Not happening. If we do it for you, we have to do it for everyone. If you want to post in v/pizzagate, you have to follow the community rules just like everyone else.

hojuruku ago

Do you even believe what you write, or you just do it to troll / be annoying?

Vindicator 0 points (+1|-1) 9.3 hours ago

ben_matlock EricKaliberhall srayzie Honeybee_ See parent. Let's give hojuruku another day to work on this. He's put quite a bit of effort into embedded formatting, which he'll lose access to if we remove it.

Since when is that shitposting meme lord @srayzie a mod....

P.S. My movie psych warfare games are better than yours. https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289/12508183

CC @auralsects @Cuckbot @Dfens @GeorgeT @Joe_McCarthy

auralsects ago

bruh I described exactly what they do, so don't give them the excuse. you use some colorful language to describe a website and he'll pretend you are actually claiming it is a public site specifically advertised as connecting gay pedos to their boy victims. this is obviously preposterous and impossible, but they will pretend it isn't and demand you prove it.

so just delete those unnecessarily colorful references (we already know theyre all faggots and pedos and kikes) and try to keep it to one line per subject, or bullet points, and more readable format.

REGARDING THE SUB yes its obviously ridiculous for Q-tards, which is essentially a rival conspiracy theory intending to elbow out PG with the twist of never, ever Naming The Jew, to be PG moderators and put stickies about it. but we know they are kikeshills and if we get more people to realize how much they protect Jews that's worth more than a few kike pedo names. i'll pull up some examples later and we can compile them

hojuruku ago

How many more Jewish Newspapers linking BBBS to pedophilia did you think I had to link to in the OP before he would accept reality? Instead I linked to 3 Jewish newspapers liking the Auroa shooter to BBBS for fun.

That kind of sauce gets people interested and (((they))) know it - SHUT IT DOWN!

Vindicator ago

Since when is that shitposting meme lord @srayzie a mod....

Srayzie was invited to mod v/pizzagate the day Falcon was demodded. She was busy building her v/GreatAwakening subverse at the time. She accepted the invite yesterday.

So you are going to censor this a 4th time based on refuted claims?

If I were interested in censoring you, hojuruku, I would have already removed your terribly-written post and banned you. You've already been given miles more leeway than most shitstirrers we deal with.

Do you accept people use dating sites for friendship?

Do you accept gay men can be in BBBS and mentor boys?

Do you accept boys use the dating site ran by Disney above?

You are debunked.

Sorry, dude. That's not how proving something works. You made a definitive statement that Disney and BBBS facilitate child abuse. You have to prove it with linked evidence, not hypothetical statements about what might be happening. We have a subverse for that: v/pizzagatewhatever.

We also have a subverse for complaints about how the subverse is moderated and the community agreed long ago those discussions to not belong on the research board or in research posts. Your belligerent unwillingness to honor the rules and remove that material from your post will not only force us to remove this thread, but all future ones that ignore Rule 4 as well. The flair is a privelege, not an entitlement, and it won't be offered to you in the future.

auralsects ago

Srayzie was invited to mod v/pizzagate the day Falcon was demodded. She

LOL, u can stop there. DISQUALIFIED.

hojuruku ago

You refuted it's a dating site. Men and boys meeting for friendship on Disney servers are happening? You accept that?

Did you not see all the links in the comments and google to all the BBBS facilitated child abuse that was warned of in 2002 when they made their non discrimination policy.

You are debunked. You are covering up pedophilia scandal bigger than the Vatican or Boy Scouts. Shame on you.

You refused to answer the question. You say I'm using the wrong method. I am using the right method you prick. I asked do you accept the claims I made above based on the EVIDENCE in the OP.

I am making claims based on EVIDENCE.

Just look at all the cases on the first 1.2 pages (13 google results) i've tried to fit in the OP but didn't have chacters. Gay men and boys on dating sites = child abuse. Look at all the MSM coverage backing up my claims.


So try again vindicator. Answer the questions I quoted. Quote my questions again then type your answers to them. DO IT PLEASE. Don't be evasive by refusing to justify your abhorrent censorship actions.

hojurukuisatroll ago

Claiming that you failed to provide adequate sources is not the same as "refuting". Do you understand how research works? He is not saying that you are wrong. He is saying that in this sub you need to provide direct evidence. Speculation does not meet the standard. You will ignore this. Because you are a troll.

hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289/12511916 Go back there kikelord where you belong - stop attacking trying to shoot the anti-pedophilia messenger on the anti Jewish BBBS pedophilia thread. There is a thread to talk about how great it is to attack people who haven't got the LGBTI memo that sex with children is good. Go back to where you started talking shit first Vinny or whoever the fuck you are.

hojurukuisatroll ago

What do you think you look like to people? Crying about people giving you down votes but posting everywhere about how people should give down votes to people you don't like. Crying about being "censored" but telling a user like me that I shouldn't be allowed to speak my mind.

You are baiting the mods and everyone sees it. When they ban you no one will care except your sockpuppet alts. It is strange how they only came out to support you when you were limited and then disappeared once you weren't. Did you down vote your own account so that you could play the victim and try to discredit the mod team here?

You are a troll. Every one sees it. I have to use this account because you will order your alts to down vote anyone who stands up to you.

hojuruku ago

I expose Jewish Pedophilia - and pedophiles - and a demographic more likely to be pedophiles given access to children. I'm the bad guy... so are these women right?

Your refute proven facts, then you attack the messenger. It's right out of CO-INTEL-PRO / JIDF handbooks.


You sexist now too bitch?

Now you are blaming me for what for what others did to shut it down. I'm taking this to /v/voatdev to investigate this now.


hojuruku ago

use your real account vinny. I'm glad you are taking the first steps to accept you are prick by not using your real account because you (or at least your kikeshill alias) don't to be held accountable for it.

I don't talk to anon's or sockpuppet accounts - so fuck off blocked. Squatting on my name? You know imitation is the best form of flattering kiketroll. You can't be me, so give it up. I appreciate your admiration though.

hojurukuisatroll ago

If I use my real account you will use all of your alt accounts to attack me with down votes.

hojuruku ago

fuck off kikeshill. go back to /v/anontalk where nobody can hear your autistic screeching.

YogSoggoth ago

Not sure where to post my comment on this one. Jeiws is spelled Khazars? Drugs are bad son.

hojuruku ago

90wpm raging against the Jewish machine. There is no other way to live :) upvoted.

hojuruku ago

@Vindicator - can you remove the 24 flag on this now. I've wrote it out again only this time more chronologically and removed the amount of screen real-estate related to housekeeping that hopefully will never come up again in future posts as I take on the homosexual pedophilia normalization mafia (Burns and his confirmed doxxed jew judges, gay police covering up pedophile links to the gay lobby etc) down-under.

I'll also work with more voat markdown in future to make my discuss posts more easy to read. I ask that you allow others to link to blogs instead of discuss posts where appropriate or videos if the title is absolutely correct rather than demanding discus posts for everything. That suggestion I think kicked this all off and it still stands. I will take your criticism and advice as a moderator as long as you make truthful fair and true claims. If your claims are refuted it's the path of least resistance to admit you were wrong. I hope the 4th edit of this is at least better in your eyes than the first. I'm glad I properly sourced your first concern - that it really is a gay dating site for gay men and boys the 2nd-4th time around. If it wasn't for your request for clarification I wouldn't' have dug up more on that angle. It's not an admission you were right - but I'm saying it helped get more intel out there.

I'd also appreciate how far I can go on those Jewish judges with the doxxes on them and get an answer to the /v/pizzagatemods post hidden by downvotes.

Also the boys are getting close re the $10-20 bet but they don't want payment which is infuriating me. Others told me how to block in my settings so all anon subverses stop pinging me - so I'm not involved with that ass-hatery anymore no matter what they do. I suggest pizzagate mods do the same and ignore the kike shills over there.

They have confirmed the surname has Jewish connections and are getting close. https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/2501438

I claim responsibility for that annoyance ^^^ done in guest but not the /v/anontalk kike shill antics you summarized was my fault. https://voat.co/v/pedogate/2502404/12501201

It must upset them they can't ping me anymore until they are not anonymous.

hojuruku ago

P.S. @Vindicator The /v/anontalk shill antics you blamed me for been traced back to the actions of @HeyGeorge and his possie based on the terms they used.

Review the evidence: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289/12504120

/v/anontalk idiots trolling me where whipped up by https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/2500184/

heygeorge ago

If the above conclusions represent the quality of your other 'investigations', then may God have mercy on your ill mind & tortured soul.

You're the online equivalent of those sorts of nutters who plaster their walls and windows with bible verse in permanent marker.

hojuruku ago

You wanna see batshit crazy allegations against me that don't make sense that are 100000 times less founded than mine. Knock yourself out. I got an email from @garryburnsblog a few days before TruthSurge aka BumDripShitSurge kicked this one off. It's hilarious.


You can see the kike pedo with his private browser window open in the background in the video he uses to run his own sockpuppets victimizing him.

Lukie what I found! They're coming to take me away, haha! - YouTube Inbox x Garry Burns antidiscrimination@bigpond.com


to Geoffrey Dear Mr.Mc Kee,

Please seek help for you psychotic son Luke.

Lukie needs to be placed on a treatment Order by a man wearing a white coat and barred by the authorities to ever be allowed to use a computer again.

A parent should always help their sick child.

Why aren’t you helping your son ?

Please consider ?

Warm regards,

Garry Burns.


--- ^^ that's an actual dkim signed email from the pedo ^^ --

Unmasking A Cyber-criminal - see description for important info - YouTube Inbox x Garry Burns antidiscrimination@bigpond.com


to Geoffrey Mr.Mc Kee,

Please help your mentally ill son.

Your son Luke needs your help.

The material published in the link below by your son Luke confirms he is sick.

As a parent of a mentally ill child you have a responsibility to get up off your fat arse and help a sick son.

Please consider.

Warm regards,

Garry Burns.


And look at the date on this before BumDripShitSurge's crazy videos.

The Luke Mc Kee YouTube clip about to be published might upset you 😜 Inbox x Garry Burns antidiscrimination@bigpond.com


to antidiscrimina. Dear Mr. Mc Kee, I'm reliably informed by a third party a YouTube clip is going to be published in relation to you and your associates. I hope no one accuses you or your associates or any of your family members of being child rapists as you've done with me and other innocent people in this publication. Karma is on its way Mr. Mc Kee so fasten your seat belts belts because it's suddenly going to become a bumpy ride for you and your prevented entourage. Order the pop corn and enjoy yourself. Have a nice day. Warm regards, ..........

Sent from my iPhone

@heygeorge @Vindicator - I'm the one copping it not you. Which allegations are stronger their's against me or mine against you?

I still done know who your "mole people" are. I got no fucken idea. All I know is you post theads about me on a sub-verse full of terms they use and I get stalked. Good job mate.

hojuruku ago

If that's your response to me finding a page you run covered with all the same terms the asshats trolling me anonymously calling me a pedophile and other crazy shit use - you may as well just admit it.

hojuruku ago

damn @kevdude I tried to do what you said and put the list of the google search results in the OP but it just wont fit. I'll edit this comment and see how high I can go until I hit a heterosexual pedophile..... still working on the OP. I wish I could do the impossible for you but you got to ask v/voatdev for more characters. Until then stop more unreasonable demands.

Here's a list of them by their result number in google search results. #3 , #4 , #5 - plus many more on same domain, #6 , #10 - claims BBBS is better than boyscouts at background checks MSM kikes, #12

hojuruku ago

bugger this i'm putting it in an OP a whole new OP with gems like this.... here's just one spoiler from my next attack on BBBS - it's a case of the warnings vs the I TOLD YOU SO.

https://concernedwomen.org/images/content/fc2002-09-19.pdf <- GOOD SHIT

http://www.lubbockonline.com/news/2017-12-03/big-brothers-big-sisters-serves-many-children-possible <- BBBS SERVES UP CHILDREN WITH (((MACDONALDS))) <- are they jewish or masonic? I thik the latter from the movie the founder... any idea?

More to come if not banned guys :) appreciate your support and upvotes (only if pedos try and negative downvote my comments)

hojuruku ago

OLD VER Disclaimer: This is the 3rd attempt I have tried to break this news. This is clearly something (((they))) who love sex with children or covering it up to serve a political agenda DON'T want you to know.

I did it perfectly the first time but I had my whole voat account suspended in a 30 min long coordinated downvote attack on moderator thread-hijacking-sharing-baseless-arguments-for-censorship-trolling solicited comments from me that finished 1 minute before the moderators deleted the thread to prevent any corrective action, and then I was issued a ban warning for posting a truthful title linking to a website that backed up all claims in the title by a mod who refuses to clarify exactly what was wrong in the title and invited me to do post it again in some kind of entrapment.

Mind you this is by the board owner of /v/pizzagate who calls me a "faggot pedophile" and others JEWS here with no proof when hijacking threads, in order to solicit my responses to use as an attack vector to mass downvote a day later causing a loss of 1500 CCP muting my whole account. If it wasn't for the intervention of others I'd still be mute on all of voat.

I can't reply to comments or comment on this new thread anymore because kikeshill pedo trolls will use it as an attack vector to shut my account down again as it was for the last 24 hours.

Now I will prove the subject of this post is true by refuting all of Vindicator's claims that shut down the first thread exposing this.

Mind you @Vindicator has done the only non-CP comment censorship on pizzagate in the last 12 months. Someone suggested a pedophile was with a big nose was Jewish and the comment got deleted.

If you see a hyperlinklink next to a claim "VDPGD" - it is a link to a comment made on the deleted threads to source my claim - that has a source in it. It stands for Vindicator Deleted ProPedophile Gang Downvoted x 6 to kill my account. Some of the things down-voted could only be down-voted by pedophiles - as they were MSM reports of child rapists using Disney's man boy dating site. It's funny on a post supported by 40 people - 6 pedos can wipe out a voat account's ability to post, send messages (not reply), and comment. If I knew their strategy was to troll I wouldn't have fed the /v/pizzagate pedo mods an attack vector to close my account by making it -160 CCP from 1000 CCP in the space of 30 mins. Quotes "" around text means it's a MSM headline or someone else's blog headline. VDPGD links need to be opened in a new tab. "IWITOPTWFT" (It was in the OP the whole f!@#!@$ time) denotes a link refuting something @Vindicator claimed that was unproven that was also in the OP of the first censored post when he claimed it was unproven as an excuse to oh Vey Shut it DOWN!

If I am not banned for trying to expose this pedophilia, this is my next move.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473279 Vindicator says

@hojuruku: Once again, I have to insist that you honor our submission rules. Every major claim must be sourced. Another way of putting that is research posts must not make any claims that aren't supported by linked evidence. You write:

Item #1

  • bigbrothersbigsisters.com.au dating site for gay men and little boys

Here is the dating site log in page: https://ourspace.bbbs.org.au/about-us

Here's a mod deleted thread about it with more information on "ourspace" https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500456

Video from BBBS - on BOY MEETS BOB via Disney's man boy dating site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fu1jTRd5yg Before the boy-scouts of America fractured in to pieces for making gay scout masters and the leaking of their BSA Perversion file listing 30,000 gay scoutmasters who abused boys when they had to be in the closet about what they were, back in 2002 they made a "non discrimination policy" that many predicted that would lead to rampart child abuse that has in fact came into being.

WND predicts rampart child abuse back in 2002 VDPGD

For the 1st time, Big Brothers- Big Sisters require gay mentors By WILLIAM J MAIER (a christian psychologist specializing in child safety) I's a brave new world at your local Big Brothers-Big Sisters office. As of this month, the Big Brothers-Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) will require that all 500 of its local affiliates include active homosexuals as volunteers and mentors to children. source: VDPGD

Baptist Church Coverage of the same news VDPGD

JewishCare affiliation in Australia VDPGD

Examples of chlid abuse at Big Brothers Big Sisters America facilitated by Disney's man and boy matchmaking system: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/15c6036a3a0ad0b546388f0ba8543b5350c8789cfcdcf490f33e20e47b68ef22.png

Las Vegas BBBS homosexual child abuser VDPGD @kevdude tells me to stop posting proof of what's in google search results - and tells me to do the impossible and put it in the full 10,000 character OP - then also tells me not to link to google search results or tell people look up how many cases come up if you google "big brothers big sisters" pedophile.

Bisexual BBBS childrapist VDPGD

"Child rape suspect Craig Morgenstern volunteered with Big Brothers" VDPGD

Big Brothers Big Sisters training materials start with - Don't worry - most pedophiles won't get caught in the first sentence - and most of them do about 400 kids. VDPGD

I'm out of space to refute all the other items from vindicator but I did a good job of it here

  • gave a character reference for one of their own homosexual board members done for sodomizing little Thai boys and child porn

Only quote in the OP deh! with this link above it IWITOPTWFT

  • who was a gay crown prosecutor

GTFO it's obvious Dr Patrick Power the guy who used his time at big brothers big sisters grooming boys to get a lesser sentence to show he was of good character. The court paperwork was linked to with his name all over it.

  • who helped remove the gay panic defense that allows children who kill gay men trying to rape them avoid jail for lawful self-defense.

We'll that's the only link in the OP that talks about "homosexual advance defense" aka gay panic defense directly behind the only quote in the OP from the Big Brothers Big Sisters Gay Crown Prosecutor Boy Rapist Dr Patrick Power IWITOPTWFT

*This law is needed when we have gay judges saying it's all the child's fault

This case I exposed in the comments and in the OP on how the gay panic defense is wrong when judges are letting Queenslander Foster Carer of the Year in Inaugural National Caterers Award off the hook said the child wanted the sex and it's all their fault for having a gad dads sex crush. IWITOPTWFT VDPGD

To take us out Here is a poem from @TwoDadsAndMe expressing his butt-hurt for me exposing how he was edited out of the Gayby Baby film because the police charged him with son sex. More of course on the VDPGD link.


P.S. If you link to the 8chan thread it will got pulled too, you'll see BBBS is in Jewish Newspapers linked to the Aurora shooter. h/t to non mods who researched further before the thread was shutdown and deleted as this one will be. https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1021233.html

P.P.S. @Cuckbot has claims there are 3rd party rogue actors (ozfags @srayzie ?) that took out my account and are now trolling me on Anon forums. https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289/12494570 Disney has in the last 24 hours made ourspace.org behind godaddy domain's by proxy for some reason. This could be a counter-attack, but occam's razor suggests otherwise.

The big thing exposed in the first thread/attempt not mentioned in this post because it wasn't refuted: Shannon McCoole mass baby rapist worked for Big Brothers Big Sisters Australia and it was covered up by all levels of the Australian Judiciary including a Royal Commission into SA Familes Abuse, the trial of Shannon McCoole, and by the Police in USA/Australia who I was in direct contact with. BBBS has got unprecedented protection from inquiry.

Disney are filming inside children's homes as they interact with and/or are groomed by gay men. This should scare all of us!

Over one million people watched this video and they didn't get the full story on other places he was getting kids to rape.


What the hell is this? https://s17.postimg.cc/a3wpuwwy7/jeiwshcarecamphorizionsshannonmccoolemassbabyfucker.png

See the 1st deleted thread with more details on the cover-up done by CampHorizionsVa.com pedophile boss John aka William Hall for BBBS. Triggered much? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500972/12494165

Devious1 ago

You also may want to research disneys main photographer. Olson? Twins and rape comes to mind >this is mild and not Olsen



You want to see the rest?

hojuruku ago

I would upvote you if the system would let me...

This thread is going to be deleted. Maybe you would like to take over and do the 4th attempt of trying to get this out there and start off an OP using voat formatting feng sui?

See how big the Shannon McCoole cover-up to protect (((Disney Big Brothers Big Sisters))) was - and I was the guy who exposed in 2015 Shannon McCoole worked there. John / William Hall at Camp Horizions VA dot com is seriously suspect and I"ve got him squirming on tape when I find out he's running the camp on a fake name, but uses his real profile account not normally linked to the camp to talk to Shannon McCoole.

Tazzermalt ago

scumbags !!

hojuruku ago

now to rewrite the post a 4th time. for some reason the preview button isn't appearing anyway here we go, another 10,000 characters.....

hojuruku ago

I have been hit with the downvote attack again. I am no longer able to comment for trying to expose this. I shouldn't have to anyway.

ESOTERICshade ago

We care, including the mods. And that includes the mods. All that I understand right now is that Disney has some pedos. We know that. We understand. Give us ammo. This Jewish Kids Org, they are definitely on the radar too. Spell it out. This type, remember that.

We get it. There are a lot of religious fronts acting as good people. Give us ammo, but give it to us in a format we can act on. I believe you, chill, feed the mill,, we will help you.

ESOTERICshade ago

I believe in your work. Your presentation is so busy that I honestly cannot understand what you are telling us. Break it down into pieces, or something. I think the mods here will let you tell the story. The mods are trying to help you. Here is my suggestion:

Start with the Jewish kids care org and state your case. Make it more simple. Your posts are so complicated that I cannot understand it.

I believe you, but, I don't understand you. The mods will let you post it, just clean it up.

auralsects ago

No action on your part was requested.

We are all here for one purpose only: to spread awareness of the Jewish Problem so that no time will be wasted in assigning proper blame when shit goes down.

Whatever you choose to believe whatever you want about the mods, but they are irresponsible at the least for not highlighting the particularly elevated risk of our readers involving their kids with Jewish organizations. SHAME

VoatisCIA ago

We too believe in your work @hojuruku !!!!!! WE know of the mods censorship here, and have spoken out many times about it. The mods here delete OUR hit post on Pedo Rob Reiner!!! Wtf???? WE have 'dark web' allies that WILL attack these mods; The mods made some "mistakes". Look for a post coming down the pipe entitled " unmasking the pedo mods at voat "............. Their safety is not OUR concern

hojuruku ago

FYI https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/2501438/12496430

My first PEDO hunting bounty is out. Happy hunting people.

VoatisCIA ago

WE will get word out to @KillAllPedos and @KILLALLMODS

hojuruku ago

I got it right the first time. The Jewish care thing was exposed more in that.

It's really fucken simple.

Disney makes a dating site.

Big Brothers Big Sisters / Jewish Care brand runs it

Gay men and boys use it.

Then the little boys get ......

It's pretty simple story. Of course there are no sources in this comment they are all in the OP again.

Altmight ago

I believe you as well. Just condense it. So Disney makes a dating site called Big Brothers, big sisters? Ok link that. Yet Disney does not run the site, Disney hires "jewish care" brand to run it? Ok link that. Disney is a jew owned and operated company at this point, so it makes sense, but a link is still necessary. "Gay men and boys use it" ok thats also easy to believe. So it should be a short post. "Disney makes a dating site called Big bro big sister"... Link Its run by jewish care brand"... Link "Gay men and boys use it"... Link "The boys get abused"... Link And yes kikes and faggots are a real obstacle for civilized humanity. Thats common sense at this point. History, facts, statistics prove it. And just look around, its obvious. To say otherwise it the result of jew brainwashing. Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries "but did nothing to deserve it" LOL Imagine a friend gets kicked out of a bar and says "those assholes kicked me out for no reason, I didnt do anything!".... You say "thats sucks man what assholes" Then he says "so I went to 108 other bars that night and they all kicked me out for no reason!" Lol. hmmm, no reason? Lol. Just Bad luck and jealousy? Fucking jews. The goyim know all the shit they're up to, so jews are working on ending free speech. Its their only hope for survival. Their asses are about to get camped again.

hojuruku ago

I answered a post just like this before..... See the new posts on this thread.

Disney IT runs the dating site "ourspace" and let's big brothers big sisters / jewishcare use it for their perps / boys.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's really fucken simple.

Disney makes a dating site.

Big Brothers Big Sisters / Jewish Care brand runs it

Start with that because I still don't understand it. It will be good news here and nobody will censor it. The 10,000 character limit on posts is not your friend. Make it more simple so that we can understand it. Your post does not need to be that long. Make your posts shorter. Hit your points. Expand later with more posts.

Your posts are on topic, and, they are so long and such a blizzard that we cannot understand.

hojuruku ago

Hey @ESOTERICshade,

Your thoughts on the 4th version of this thread - as your comment above related to version #3 vs Vindicators 4th censorship attempt him saying he speaks for all of Voat that's want to hunt me down like like a Hollywood movie for daring exposing pedophilia and it's normalization by Western Governments?



And see my replies to him.

hojuruku ago

@Vindicator that wasn't me...

You've got cunts roleplaying me on anonymous forums. If you see me posting anon it's not me and downvote the fuck out of it.


Vindicator ago

@Vindicator that wasn't me... You are a moderator can you ask someone in VOAT to unmask these fucks? Oh you wont because it's you or your friends right still trolling me?

I haven't been over there to see what's going on, hojuruku. I try to avoid drama as much as possible. From where I stand, you look like you're working a bunch of alts to cause a shitstorm. You're wearin' out your welcome. I do know that old goats don't like upvote requests and will downvote such "Reddity" behavior exuberantly. Most of them hate drama, as well. It sounds to me like you triggered the Voat immune system.

hojuruku ago

Anyone who knows me I don't use little kiddy troll tactics. You are smoking too much of whatever you are on to believe otherwise.

I doxx and I research cunts I hate. Nothing has changed.

Like the cunt who censored /r/pizzagate http://twitter.com/seansli

here's a link from: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289 on that: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2398840/12480989 The last comment I mate before my account was in effect banned from all subverses by (((them)))

hojuruku ago

P.S. What will you do if I can find proof the only comment deleted (other than dubious links to pansexual sites) by any mod in the last 12 months that was nixxed for PC reasons by you -

What will you do if the pedophile actually turned out to be jewish and you deleted the comment to stop people looking there. Will you apologize for unnecessary pro-jewish censorship? You know the Olympics coach that fiddled the children. You remember what I'm talking about?

Now USA Gold-Medal Winning Gymnast Gabby Douglas Comes Forward to say Official Olympics Doctor Also Sexually Abused Her. "We Were Conditioned To Stay Silent," She Says. Calls it "Extremely Painful." by 3141592653 in pizzagate

[–] @Cheesebooger 0 points (+0|-0) 5 months ago

Without even looking, let me guess: The official Olympics doc is jewish

permalink context full comments 

Vindicator removed 5 months ago on 11/21/2017 6:42:12 PM


That would be funny if he was actually jewish. I'm going to get to the bottom of that.


If anyone gets proof the guy in that thread is Jewish before me - there is a bounty. $20 bucks of ETH I mined in the last couple of months, and the transaction will be done live on here. I'm good for it.

Vindicator ago

You're welcome to ask Cheesebooger about that. I was modding from my phone during the heavy DDoS attacks we had during the fall, and Voat was very laggy. I type very fast, and the remove button is right next to the reply button. I hit it twice accidentally when I was trying to reply to @Cheesebooger's comment. I immediately DMed him and apologized and he said no hard feelings. My reply to his comment ended up in the removal reason field.

Why are you digging through five months of my Comment history, hojuruku, instead of editing your post? Is someone paying you to try to undermine v/pizzagate?

hojuruku ago

It's too late now. I've already put out a $20 ETH bounty to follow it through to the end.

No I was being censored so I thought who else has copped it so I had a look. Like I said I research people I don't like - I don't run sock puppets. You made a false accusation against me of doing that I made at true one against you.

That's how I escalate things. That's how the real @hojuruku rolls.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

If I remember correctly, Vindicator did PM me, he told me it was an accident and apologized to me and told me to repost it if I wanted to. I didn't even bother. I will say this; I'm not saying all of them at Pizzagate, but I'm saying quite a few, refuse to point out the jewish pattern in all of these sexual attacks. Thanks for batting for me, though. I appreciate it.

hojuruku ago

@Vindicator said that and from the point he said that I've been mentioning he claimed it was an accident - a slip of the delete button and S-U-R-E keys. It would be nice if vindicator could post a screenshot of the mobile voat app screen from his point of view, to see if he really does have more than the "submit reply cancel / preview" buttons. I WANT TO BELIEVE him

Anyway I did bet all my crypto mining in my small operation you are right https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/2501438 If someone proves you right - including yourself I'm good for it.

It's gone from kike-shaming mod bitch-fight into a hunt the jew pedo for sport and expose the MSM coverup - which is also what I did with this thread with Shannon McCoole especially in the 1st thread. I prefer not to find the answer myself. I hope someone else can do it, because I want this story to be apart of the history and lore of a new website I am thinking of building to put crypto bounties on the arrest or forensically shaming of a pedophile who grooms kids. I'd put bounties on some VIP pedophiles who get away with it Like Garry Burns head "anti-discrimination activist" or the second most famous who got done for child porn Alex Gollan who's also 2IC of ANTIFA to have people keep a keen eye on them. http://archive.is/KxnFX <- Half of that wrote by Mossad on Garry Burns when Michael Slay aka Joshua Rye Goldberg JEWISH TERRORIST infultrated dailystormer. I have screenshots of his articles in my possession they were censored of my scribd and and their mossad wrote text triggered the gay pedophile scribd legal officer Jason Bently who terminated my scribd account who blogs about watching children fuck on the blog linked to his linkedin profile as exposed here: http://archive.is/nlHzS - Also mentions how the faggots at LINODE.COM stole 4 billion fucken dollars.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

It is odd that it keeps happening(accidentally deleting comments). Its something to watch. I've been suspicious of Stormer for a while.

hojuruku ago

No it's rare! Very rare. You got the only non CP deleted comment in 12 months. I can't say the other ones were CP because I didn't click the links I'm just taking @Vindicator's word for it but they looked like pedophiles saying the same as the cunt who lead the Sydney Mardi Grass in 2010 - a Jew Peter Tatchell who copies the claim from the Talmud that sex with 9 year old boys bring joy and how pedophilia isn't harmful just like the pedo trolls who had their comments deleted from Pizzagate said.

Yep - fag jews at it again...

http://archive.is/26oTb From the OTO deleted https://8ch.net/pol/res/11454429.html (in archive.is if you read this months from now) - Faggot pedophile judge attacked blog - that they are jailing the co-owner of that didn't do shit or approve any of my posts. http://archive.is/johnsunol.blogspot.com https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2494791

Total proof the claim about Peter Tatchell - leader of the 2010 Mardi grass where all the other faggots in Sydney got in line and marched behind him rendering their support to his claims that 9 year old boysex brings joy just like the Talmud said.

Vindicator ago

That's how I escalate things. That's how the real @hojuruku rolls.

I'm sure @Cheesebooger will be thrilled to hear you put a bounty on him. WTF?

hojuruku ago

^^ Strawman - false claim ^^



hojuruku ago

Others smell smoke / fire here and their comments WEREN'T CENSORED LIKE @Vindicator did... Would you have censored this more detailed on too? Oh shit I may have to pay out $20 bucks if someone beats me. There may be something to this!


Larry Nassar’s surname is listed as Arabic, though he is Catholic.

One commenter pointed out that “most US based papers wouldn’t look too closely about his family background since he has an Arabic last name,” and this is probably true–especially in the xenophobic atmosphere of the Trump era.

However, it should be noted that the majority of high-profile men accused of, and charged with, sexual predation on women and girls are Jews.

Sandusky’s a Jew, Weinstein’s a Jew, Franken’s a Jew, etc., etc, etc.

The fact is that Jewish men have been getting away with so many crimes in the United States of which they’ve been hypocritically accusing their Gentile counterparts–because they can.

Generally speaking, Jews have never held themselves to the same standards as Gentiles. If they are the “Chosen People of God,” why should they?

U.S. based papers never dare say anything about the Jewish background of countless high-profile criminals and scoundrels–because U.S. based papers are owned and edited by Jews, in the first place.

In fact, the most pervasive form of discrimination practiced in the United States today is that of Jews against Gentiles–it truly is occurring in every sector of our society today.

But no one dare calls the Jews out on this discrimination, for the same reason that no one dares mention their ancestral background, when they are accused of, and charged with, crimes–he or she would automatically be labeled anti-Semitic, and shunned by our society, even if he or she is Jewish.

It is time for the Jews to abandon their collective superiority complex–to abandon the ungodly belief, which is drilled into their minds from infancy, that any people has ever been the “Chosen People of God.”

It is time for the Jews to hold themselves accountable for their collective transgressions and atrocities, as an ancestral group–just as every other racial, ethnic, and ancestral group has, and does.


January 28, 2018 @ 10:53 am 20

Scott: Part of your point was made on national television by Larry David…


and also in a specifically Jewish newspaper:


It would be challenging for Jewish men to be responsible for most of the complaints that American women voice. 60 percent of American women say that they have been sexually harassed (see https://nypost.com/2017/11/21/60-percent-of-women-have-been-sexually-harassed-poll/ ). Jews are roughly 1.8 percent of the population (http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/10/02/how-many-jews-are-there-in-the-united-states/ ).

If Jewish men are more likely than non-Jews to be involved in commercial sexual relationships with women, as you’ve suggested, and it is because of something in the Jewish religion, where are the observant Jews on the Great List of the Accused? Harvey Weinstein had a Jewish surname, but was he known for piety? For going to synagogue? For having a Jewish faith?

[If you want to see how deeply religious Jews think about the concept of the “Chosen People”, see http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/160993/jewish/Are-the-Jews-the-Chosen-People.htm ; it turns out not to be a license to trade career advancement for sex]

Have you considered the possibility that Jews have been disproportionately successful in Hollywood (partly due to other industries not wanting to hire Jewish employees at the time that Hollywood started up) and the public is disproportionately interested in what happens in Hollywood? If you hear that a waitress reports being sexually harassed at her job in a Denny’s in Arkansas, do you think “the manager was probably a Jew?”

On the other hand, maybe an investigation of Larry Nassar’s past will prove your point! He might be Jewish. Or maybe there were Jews telling him what to do when he was in high school and college!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Great post and good work, man. I've been seeing this pattern for a long time and couldn't figure out why no one else was, or if they were jus too afraid to speak up

hojuruku ago


I AM ASKING THESE PRICKS TO BE INVESTIGATED and you accuse me of running them. Clearly you are acting like a shill. Look at the comment of mine I replied to got nearly the 6 member downvote gang response.

The only other person saying I am running the alts are the cunts you have trolling me.

I have never ran an alt and it would stand out a mile a way if I did. So quit it with the false allegations or PROVIDE SOURCES AS I DID IN THE POSTS YOU DELETED.

Vindicator ago

Hojuruku, you apparently don't understand natural consequences. You've been in here for going on two days straight filling modmail and PG mod inboxes with toxic venom accusing us of being pedos, stalkers, shills, gays, rapists and Jews. You are a fool if you expect us not to downvote your foul shit talking. Do you see how many PG mods there are in the sidebar? That about square up to the number of downvotes you are getting on your scores of repetitive insulting comments? If you don't want downvotes, don't come in here and talk shit. It's quite simple.

hojuruku ago

In the OP I said I didn't want to come on the comments as they are used as an attack vector to nixx my account.

You true making false allegations. I respond. You downvote to mute my account. You win. I know how it works.

Look at the clusterfuck of the 1st thread and see people downvoting me sharing news stories about pedophiles....

Another strawman argument. Why were those news articles about big brothers big sisters pedophiles downvoated by the exact same number of people who downvoted the mod trolling of me eh? Who says it's wrong to share news stories about pedophiles here? Humm.....


You are clearly not telling the full truth in your responses to me - hence why you get another response that correct / triggers the downvote x 6 sockpuppets.

srayzie ago

Are you saying that you haven’t been sending whacked private messages to other users or posting like a crazy person on 8chan? Why would CUNTS want to role play and act like you?

hojuruku ago

@Vindicator - I didn't have to link to any "Jew controlled" White Nationalist (you fucken liar @Crensch) sub-verse or anywhere else to promote this and the VDPGD crowd can't get past a 6 downvotes on the op. It looks like the truth sells.

hojuruku ago


I had to repost this because it just shows what's been going on for years here. I got threads deleted about pedophiles trolling me on youtube at the exact same time someone else was doing it on here. These pedophiles thought child sex dolls were a good idea.

I DID cite primary sources in the very beginning in the OP. That's what IWITOPTWFT links are.

You say I can't read. I can't click on links. I say they are not cited - there is nothing to see there that proves these claims that I with my authority say are unproven..... that are infact proven in the OP.

Yeah did this comment trigger you? Pedophiles trolling me on youtube who say CHILD SEX DOLLS ARE GOOD MMMKAY. The shit you guys have deleted over the years is very interesting...


WOW it got downvoted by your gang - First 2 at first, and then before the thread is archived no doubt a lot more.

I guess it's wrong to be against men who love child sex dolls and think they are good trolling you on youtube right?

hojuruku ago

nb - so I gave that to vindicator tucked away in the discussion where most normal people wouldn't expand the thread to read it in the last 10 mins. And wow instantly after putting the link here two downvotes from Vindicator. That's pretty much how it went on every comment I was making on the original thread that killed my account.

Then half a hour before the thread was deleted another 4x people jumped on the pedo downvoat gang taskforce to take out a shitload of CCP for fighting the mod trolls and copypasting MSM stories about BBBS that only seems to be linked to homosexual child abuse. The big sisters are being well behaved or not getting caught.

Now who downvotes someone complaining about a SOB harassing my youtube channel who is putting out videos about Child sex dolls are being a good idea?

It's wrong to be against child sex doll lovers trolling you - how dare you complain in the right place too - a thread about child sex dolls.

hojuruku ago

I will not be posting this a 4th time. Other's are welcome to try their own discuss posts based on all the research that got VDPGD'ed. There is a case of VD going around.

I'll focus my effort on exposing other pedophile scandals from my backlog of research and stopping my mates being jailed for exposing gay Jewish pedophiles giving money to mass tranny aids rapists of women.



Vindicator ago

@hojuruku: We are happy to accept your clearly sourced research post about Australian pro-pedo chicanery, submitted with a clear and accurate title. If you want us to leave it up, you'll need to make sure each claim is supported by an embedded link. Posts that were removed due to rule violations are not sufficient support. It's your decision to encumber the essential PG-related news you are trying to share with additional claims that also require linked support. For example, if you call a judge a "baby rapist", you need to link to evidence the judge has been convicted of sex crimes. You need to build your research thread step-by-step, without assuming everyone understands what you are saying, and you need to give support for each piece of your argument.

Currently, over half of this thread is nothing but a rant about how v/pizzagate is being moderated, which is a direct middle finger to Rule 4:

Posts about the subverse itself go to /v/pizzagatemods.

As a result, I am giving you yet another edit warning. If you want this thread to remain up you need to remove the Rule 4 stuff. You need to remove the links to removed posts. To satisfy Rule 2, you need to link to an actual primary source, not a link to you posting on 8chan. You need to state your premise, state why it's important to the PG investigation, and then give the evidence, step-by-step, with links to primary sources for each claim. These are the rules the v/pizzagate research community agreed to multiple times. These are the rules that we all agree to follow. If you are serious about the corruption that shelters gays who consume child porn and adopt kids, I urge you to accept our community research standards. Please reply to this comment when you have fully edited this post. Thanks.

hojuruku ago

nobody gives a rats arse about /v/pizzagatemods and after 24 hours or weeks posts get no response from a mod. It's like transferring someone to a voicemail account that never gets listened to.

I highly suggest everyone read all the comments on: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289 too see what's going on.

They are saying because you don't like pedophilia mod censorship also all your research on jewishcare disney bbbs man boy dating site is "null and void"

The thread was only about the latter until the mods hijacked it and trolled - then tactically mass downvoted. And once all the downvotes where locked in and done from all 6 faggots. boom the thread was deleted a bit early so the damage couldn't be reversed - or so you thought. I still don't know how I got from -160 to 150 ccp in the last 24 hours.

hojuruku ago


Oh I tell you here I'm triggered and you keep going you fuck... that's it...

I'm done with Voat tonight. 24h should be long enough to redpill people here.

hojuruku ago

Why don't you P'M me how you want the post above written and what you want censored.

hojuruku ago


Now your comment spammers are pretending to be me and saying I said I'm a pedophile. You JIDF are fucken disgusting.

hojuruku ago


Can you translate this Hebrew pedo comment spam I keep getting tagged in please.

hojuruku ago

before I called for upvotes to get my account unmuted by the modpedo gang. Now I'm calling for downvotes on that fuck who keeps tagging me on the anon forums.

hojuruku ago

When I linked to the primary sources the first time in the OP you said I didn't.

And I did link to them again in this post. That's the long acronym that means THE LINK WAS IN THE OP THE WHOLE FUCKEN TIME YOU WERE SAYING IT WASN'T.

No vindicator. Everyone see's what you did to my voat account. If I didn't have the ability to reply to friends who sent me messages without requiring high CCP my account would still be -145 and blocked over all of VOAT.

Now your latest pedo stunt to troll me is to accuse me of farming CCP with your cunts making crazy shit posts tagging me all over the place and upvoting themselves then you are going to try and say they were my sockpuppets to kill the account.



Most people think what you shills did was disgusting. Stop pretending you are nice guys.

Vindicator ago

When I linked to the primary sources DIRECTLY the first time in the OP you said I didn't when I clearly did.

You made an incredibly long thread, with layers of claims piled on top of each other. Not a single one of them included an embedded link to a primary source that supported them. When you were asked to edit the post to add embedded links, you refused.

Why do you feel entitled to post to a lower standard than everyone else who posts here, hojuruku? If you cared about kids, you wouldn't be sperging out talking incessantly about how wronged you've been. If you were doing great research, folks would be cheering you on in the Comments, and upvoting you like crazy. You can keep spewing your vitriol and choose to not repost this thread properly. That is up to you. But if you want to keep posting in v/pizzagate, you DO have to honor our submission standards. I recommend you let go of your rage and edit this thread, starting over and writing it in a simple, straightforward manner.

hojuruku ago


That wasn't me. So when you loose an argument you or your mates run around all of voat saying I fuck kids. That's really nice you piece of shit.

That's what you get for exposing pro-pedophilia censorship x3.

And it all started with some nice constructive criticism.


Within 30 mins you have taken out 3 of my posts and all your claims to justify censorship were bogus - so bogus that not a single other mod will copypaste one of them and say I support @Vindicator's censorship claims that are in the OP of this post.

MadWorld ago

I find you to be a very naive goat on Voat!

The vote manipulation came from a group of kikes who are voting in the shadow to fit their narrative/agenda. Their voting powers can range from 5 to as much as 15 votes per comment. This isn't the first time that has happened; certainly it won't be the last. Without the admin looking into it, unfortunately, it is not possible to pinpoint the group behind it with concrete evidence.


That wasn't me. So when you loose an argument you or your mates run around all of voat saying I fuck kids. That's really nice you piece of shit.

You shouldn't pay attention to the anon subverses. In fact, I encourage you to completely block those anon subverses. Unsurprisingly, these anon subverses are often run by this group of kikes as well. They are intended to cause conflicts and dramas among other goats. You should treat such submissions as dirt and pure garbage! Don't waste your time on anon. If you are interested to see what came out of bullshit anon drama, check out this one.

I went through some of your submissions and they were hard to follow. You have a lot of material that weren't well organized into smaller pieces. Furthermore, you made a fuck load of comments with walls of text running around multiple submissions. This makes it very very difficult for the readers to follow through. I think you are onto something good, just need to break it down into consistent pieces. Remember, if it takes lots of comments to get the points across, it will be difficult for others to digest.

Another side note, if you edit your comments a lot, it will be difficult and waste of time for users engaged with your conversation. It's counterproductive having to skim through your comments multiple times to spot your new edits. Lastly, the pings don't work with edits and you can only ping 5 users per comment.

Cheers mate!

hojuruku ago

Can you make vinny or his @hojurukuisatroll account answer those simple yes know questions /v/pizzagate/2500972/12511136

hojuruku ago

They are making new non-anon sock-puppets now and have chosen to delete this thread again. I suggest you see the new developments.

hojuruku ago

Yeah I didn't know the anon forums even existed until the kikes went beserk on it playing games with the mods and myself.

Clearly they are triggered by this and my first post that ended with the "child rape assembly line" story from vice. https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2501780

This hasn't got a response from the mods yet only a few downvotes and equal upvotes. That's what I'll be up to in the month ahead.

MadWorld ago

Yeah these kikes in the shadow have targeted many users, especially active users. Anyways, it is good that we get them out of the way and not be deceived with in-group fight. Much of your energy can be spent doing the research. But we should also keep in mind that the massive downvoats aren't necessarily from users who are engaged with the conversation.

Clearly they are triggered by this and my first post that ended with the "child rape assembly line" story from vice.

Don't rule out that there are pedophiles here lurking in the dark. I hope you will be doing great research here!!

There may be a time where you do not know if a link is safe, where clicking on the link could expose your ip address and trace back to your physical location. It may be a good idea to get a VPN, or use archive.fo to archive the page. If you need to upload something, make sure to strip the metadata off the media. This is important because sometimes it contains geocoordinate that can trace back to your exact physical location. Practice caution and avoid getting doxxed.

hojuruku ago

I got tagged in an anon post blaming a kike. https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2500930/12498789 Is that official from voat admins?

I'm a political refugee living abroad. My UNHCR paperwork on scribd got deleted by their faggot legal officer Jason Bently who on his linked in profile links to a blog that talks about watching children fuck and gay dating sites.

Mentioned it at the end of this deleted post. http://archive.is/nlHzS

I think people who have been around a while saw the actual document. There are shills on the internet say I'm not wanted for 60c nsw crimes act like a cunt called @Avalon on /truth chat/ on discord. To him I say..

https://s9.postimg.cc/cooaxi5of/foi-60c.png https://s9.postimg.cc/9ul5k2b7z/foi-richard-hanson-gay-pedo.png https://s9.postimg.cc/9htrdwg3j/foi1.png https://s9.postimg.cc/yb3bejre7/foi2.png https://s9.postimg.cc/awvc2m1r3/foi3.png

That FOI was wrote by @RichardMHanon / @MrLicharo on twitter who got botted off once I doxxed him breaking police policy. A senior FOI officer Linda Trost was taken off the case and my true Nemesis sister of Garry Richard Burns (they both hail from Yass) put on a homosexual FOI officer that blogs about doing public sex crimes, going to orgies with the former police minister, and teaching little Japanese boys at a remote fishing village.


Excellent meme warfare against the closet-fag-police minister who signed off on the 2007 60c NSW Crimes Act Search Warrant that HAD NO RECORD IN THE POLICE COMPUTER SYSTEM EXERCISED ON MY HOUSE. yes they kick doors down with nothing in the police computer system to sieze and destroy evidence of gay cop crimes:


The faggot cop 60c saga is exposed here with my dad:


Oh there are also cunts who worked with Vinny fucken Eastwood the communist kike shill who say I'm not wanted for arrest for 60c nsw crimes act. These cunts are halarious - compare that to the government letterhead above.


Why does that matter? That cunt is working with Fiona Barnett an OTO double agent everyone keeps pushing here!

IanFreckleton.com.au OTO lawyer works with her media outlet pro-bono Independent Australia and they praise him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeVCLFvDOwM



WOW look at my posts on that thread. I triggered the downvote pedo gang FIRST by exposing Fiona Barnett was an OTO assett to discredit critisim against the OTO by making unbelievable allegations (2000km long deep underground bases, surving a trip to America on a C7 galaxy unpressurized with no oxygen etc) - build up by channel 7 and brought down by the faggots at ABC media watch.


I think I got an OTO fanclub. It would be nice if the people running /v/voatdev were anti-pedo hunters and I was bait.

MadWorld ago

Wow a lot of material and downvotes... You did trigger large volume of downvotes!! Thank you for the videos and links!

As for the anon, admin never uses anon. What you see is the pretenders.

The /v/voatdev is a subverse dedicated to the development of voat codebase. It's what enables us to use this platform. It mainly promotes free speech. What we do with it is up to us :-).

Thank you!

hojuruku ago

Here is a dox of some cunt's on youtube that were clearly OTO. Look what it led to - satanists murdering each-other to get a slut girl - all sorts of weird shit and another pizza place.


Started from here:


Just one lead on an OTO cunt not being careful enough usually brings dividend. They are all masons and child abusers. postimage.org lost their domain in some kind of takedown and they are pissed (postimages.org now). Also videos showing OTO Gnostic Catholic mass actual fucking orgy scenes was deleted just before the latest court case came out!


I'm going to see if I can post it soon. That's why @BabalonWorking wasn't my sock-puppet even though he didn't get a fair shake from the mods. The OTO is actively hunting shit on the internet that can be used against them. Links to Scientology could inspire an anonymous operation and he was looking for that.

Look maybe I'm being a prick to him - you know what's in a name.

MadWorld ago

A lot of work you have done there!

Something about jews.

I didn't know much about @BabalonWorking, only interacted with her a few time and she blocked me for no obvious reason. I think she is a bit emotional and irrational.

hojuruku ago

I didn't even know she was a she. Clearly not my sockpuppet. Anyway that name means incest child of the OTO. I need to dig up jack parson's FBI file again and make a post on him. I saw it online. Maybe someone can beat me to it and tag me.

hojuruku ago

It would be nice off the record for me to get a PM on some of the cunts who downvoted the OTO stuff and see if they are linked to the recent attacks.

We could do what the feds do with "parallel construction" to nail them in the end if you know what I mean. Completely under the radar.

Vindicator ago

Not sure what you're on about. I have never been to AnonTalk. I can't even keep up with your effluvium in my inbox, Hojuruku. Would you like me to post a screenshot of mountains of shit you've spewed my way over the last 48 hours? I am not the one trying to turn v/pizzagate into a toxic waste dump.

I've asked you to make a simple post, citing primary sources. I've asked nicely. You choose where we go from here.

hojuruku ago

I DID cite primary sources in the very beginning in the OP.

You say I can't read. I can't click on links. I say they are not cited - there is nothing to see there that proves these claims that I with my authority say are unproven..... that are infact proven in the OP.

Yeah did this comment trigger you? Pedophiles trolling me on youtube who say CHILD SEX DOLLS ARE GOOD MKAY. The shit you have deleted over the years is very interesting...


WOW it got ownvoted by your gang - First 2 at first, and then before the thread is archived no doubt a lot more.

I guess it's wrong to be against men who love child sex dolls and think they are good trolling you on youtube right?

think- ago

Please be aware that both me and @kevdude have @Vindicator's back. He is right in everything he told you, and in everything he asked you to edit.

And don't even try your 'if you support @Vindicator, you'll have to copypaste as I told you' games.

We fully support @Vindicator. It's up to you to adhere to the subverse rules, not to us to adhere to your bogus requests and go into circlejerks with you.

@Vindicator told you cleary what his edit requirements are. So please go ahead and edit.

Have a good afternoon.

hojuruku ago


If you can't you wont put your reputation on the line with him.


You only have to do the first 2 of 3 steps. I'll do the 3rd as I have done in the OP of this post - the content vindicator want's removed as it exposes his duplicity.

think- ago

1) Vindicator had no points of censorship, he had legt edit requests.

2) Which part of

And don't even try your 'if you support @Vindicator, you'll have to copypaste as I told you' games.

didn't you understand in my last comment?

Good bye.

@Vindicator @kevdude

hojuruku ago


Dating sites do friendship. Gay men and boys are allowed to use Disney's "Ourspace" - I've proven that. Sometimes people also fuck who they met on dating sites and that's obvious it's happening here - because gay men and boys matchmaked by BBBS are getting fucked and it's coming up in the news. It's a fair call.

That was the first of Vindicator's points clearly debunked. The rest were debunked much more easily.

So follow the how not to be a kikeshill mod by copying and pasting vindicator's claims and how you think they are right or you accept you aren't really supporting his claims - you just support his intellectually dishonest censorship as a fellow kikeshill.
