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ESOTERICshade ago

Concerning Hojurku

This will go to @srayzie @kevdude @blacksmith21 @vindicator @crensch

I suggest that we all just take a step back from this and let the boy post his stuff. He is obviously serious in his quest, but also he has a hard time meeting the rules. He tries, he fails sometimes, but he is a serious pedo hunter. Let us take a step back, let him post his stuff, let him tell his story.

Take a deep breath, lets just see what happens in the future. I hate to ban a serious pedo hunter. Let us just try to work with him.


hojuruku ago

The fact is I source all my claims and they get refuted without merit.

@Vindicator wont answer the very simple questions that debunk his viewpoint that Disney isn't operating a dating site for gay men and boys.

He claims I haven't proven it's a dating site for gay men and boys. Instead troll accounts hijacking the prefix to my account name appear in his place instead of his response.

vs which I totally can not relate with. Vindicator please answer the simple questions on the links above the vs

I know you quoted them. Your next step is to quote them again and answer them. You can do it. Otherwise rationally I can not accept /r/pizzagatemods are playing fair.

His censorship request is a clear call to censor their criticism that goes unanswered and downvoted when it goes to the proper place.

The level of asshattery I got I haven't seen before in the last 1.5 years I was here:

Just look at all the batshit crazy trolling from the people who were triggered by this factual, properly sourced justified claim post.

Let's be honest.... With some of the new invites to the moderation team, this place is going downhill fast.

I've made very clear I want to do two posts on this and move on with it. Instead the comments get filled with bickering and interference that is unwarranted calls for censorship instead of what should be happening - people sharing links about the OP and researching it further.

Is this the place where the truth goes to die?

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator does not support pedos and neither does @kevdude. I feel pretty solid about that.

I believe that you have solid info to report. We just need to figure out how to get this info into a format that be understood.

hojuruku ago

14 upvotes in a hour. v/pizzagatemods are being watched under scrutiny so play nice and make Vinny answer the simple question he was given.

hojuruku ago

If @Vindicator is not doing unjust censorship he will answer the simple questions he was given. The ones he quoted. It's not rocket science rather than him or his proxies keen on censorship and passing the buck for taking out my whole account playing games and use sock-puppets still pinging me.

Where do I report abuse? I'll try /v/voatdev to see if the SQL database can reveal what really happened on the /v/protectvoat thread - seeing so many shills are blaming me their own downvoting now timed perfectly to the minute before Vindicator deleted the 1st thread.

Look they leave this here, and I keep posting my research or it's ON. I think I have to end this fatal attraction to those who think sex with children is worng - only if the perpetrators are white males.

[–] @Dfens 2 points (+2|-0) 2.4 hours ago (edited 2.4 hours ago)

I really don't understand the fatal attraction people have for that pizzagate site. With MF'er gone, it's still a cesspool. What's worse is the mods post child porn on the site and then remove the submissions to justify their heavy handed behavior. No place else on Voat has the rate of deleted posts they have, and half the subs have no moderator at all. I can't believe people continue to fall for their crap.

Edit: have you noticed they have turned the "deleted submissions" site into a child porn hub? No one seems to get that! The pedophiles must laugh every time they go to that site. They are literally being enabled by the very people who claim to be all about stopping them.

ESOTERICshade ago

@vindicator and @kevdude are not your enemy. Your own presentation style is your enemy. We believe you. We are trying t help you. Sowwww downnnn. Pardner. We will help you tell the story.

hojuruku ago

good cop bad cop trolling. Almost too much water under the bridge. You've see the shit on v/protectvoat

This thread isn't about mod bs and censorship it's about BBBS Jewishcare LGBTI pedophilia. This is thread hijacking and I'm friggen sick of it.

We need to have a policy of moderators suggesting edits VIA P'Ms only, and the haggling that way. Let's not have the user contributions hidden by /v/pizzagatemods spam

Then if the content is deleted, people will only ask WHY and form their own opinions - rather than going along to get along with the cabal that runs this place.

NO scratch PM's - that could be a first approach. STAGE 2: This bickering should be done in private not on the thread. OR A NEW /v/pizzagatemods/ thread for pending censorship discussions to make that thread more popular Directed to by a REVIEW flag instead of a 24 warning.

DIRECT DEMOCRACY. If the v/pizzagatemods/ thread downvoted into oblivion - the post gets deleted. If it is upvoted by more than a 75% threshold - the mod backs off REVIEW OVER.

**THIS IS A SERIOUS REQUEST AND IT'S JUSTIFIED. LET's curb this bad behavior I've been copping. **

Let's help the mods improve their game. Two can play at that game.