hojuruku ago


How not to be a kikeshill guide again: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2398840/12480779

think- ago

@hojuruku: I will remove the post per Rule 3, since the title does not adequately reflect the content of the post, and titles can't be edited on Voat.

Ban warning: If you continue to disregard our rules, you will be banned.

hojuruku ago

Everything I said in the title was true.

What words in the title were not true and not proven on the 8chan link or the last discuss post you deleted linked to on the 8chan link?

Please tell us all. You have done pro-pedophilia cenorship. Who downvoated all the MSM news comments x6 I posted about JewishCare.com.au Big Brothers Big Sisters using a Dinsey Ran Dating site for gay men and boys to run their operation raped 100s of boys. You tell me you can't link or refer to the google search results you need to share them. So i do in the comments - then @kevdude complains after following your suggestion.

Who dowvotes MSM news articles in comments about Disney/Jewishcare big brothers big sisters fucking children? Only pedophiles do.

Voat needs to tell us what 6 cunts downvoated every comment I made to pedo mods trolling me on that thread and said it was wrong to oppose pedophilia. Then those pedo cunts need to be banned from Pizzagate.

@kevdude says it wasn't him but I think we need to ask voat.co / y-combi what really happened.

think- ago

@Blacksmith21: please see parent.

think- ago

@kevdude @Vindicator: please see parent.

hojuruku ago

Here is the Proof that Disney Operated Big Brothers Big Sisters prefers gay child mentors

I got 6 downvoats from the pedo gang like everything else did on the original discuss post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473565

Also here a news story from WND predicting mass child rape back in 2002 which has actually happened. Again downvoated by the pedo mod jewish child sex lover gang x6

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473538 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473565

hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12471974 6 downvoat pedo gang responses for linking Jewish Care to Big Brothers big sisters.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12471920 6 downvoats for exposing child anus inspector doctors working a a NSW Chidlren's mentoring organization (unsoruced - but I will when i dig up the case law again)..

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473659 6 downvoats for opposing a Big Brother big sister child fuck case

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473638 again another 6 pedo downvoat responses plus a direct response from @kevdude for reporting MSM cases of big brother big sisters disney facilitated child rape - HE IS SAYING CEASE AND DESIST PROVING THIS YOU CAN JUST LINK TO GOOGLE SEARCH RESULTS THERE - but then elsewhere is saying linking to google search results on only homosexual pedophiles using big brothers big sisters doesn't count - you must source every result in the google search results. Clearly trolling and abusing power as a mod to take out the story on pizzagate and all other voat subverses by the troll then downvoat technique to do a site wide in effect ban.


you get the idea. Another 50 posts like that all with -6 downvotes

I lost 1500 on that thread opposing pedophilia by kike baby fucker lover downvoat pedo mod gang that now @kevdude is trying to say he wasn't connected to. Get on that thread and see the downvotes and the content shared and go WOW WTF this is as big as the catholic church and boy scouts and why haven't I heard about them as much. Why are all their pedophiles gay? What's going on here?

hojuruku ago

There is not a dating site used by gay men and boys

Really? @Vindicator? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473279

See the 100s of mass downvoated copy and pasted news stories of Big Brothers Big Sisters gay men who raped boys in the USA. For some reasons the pedo mods downvoted all that. Get on that thread and get redpilled about Disney facilitating gay men to get access to children to rape and those who want to stop this getting it down and downvoted it to say I support child rape! I AM @Vindicator and his mod mates who all suppoted him (but couldn't copy and paste of of his bogus censorship claims and say they supported it) I am speaking of @think- and others on the thread. You go see for yourself what happened.

hojuruku ago

Is it going nuclear yet @Kevdude?

Where's the link to your meme you used on that thread eh? You trolled me so well refusing to answer the fucken question 100 times - hijacking the thread and making an attack vector of 150 comments to downvoat. And with only 5 users you could take away over 1000 CCP to kill someones account over one post you fucken cunt. EVERYONE KNOWS IT WAS YOU DID IT. YOU TROLLED ME AND IT WAS YOUR TROLLING COMBINED WITH THE DOWNVOAT GANG THAT KILLED MY ACCOUNT. EVERYONE KNOWS IT. Don't say you weren't involved you fuck. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12475652

Are you going to ban me before my next epic tri-fecta-thread on Austrlaia's newest gay jew judge linked to 3 kinds of mass rapists (muslim, aids tranny, and boylover pedo)? Are you going to shut it down? Oh you already did on that point - but I didn't make a discuss post on it but I will if my account isn't nixxed and I'm not banned by the pedo brigade.


This place isn't about truth, it's a controlled narrative. Any good posts go to the garbage bin.

I went into bat for that user - that's what kicked off Vindator's censorship attack taking out 3 posts in 30 mins that were up for a week. https://voat.co/v/pedogate/2499184 https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289

Not because I like him because he wasn't given a fair stick. I think he could even be an OTO operative searching for INTEL location on the internet that needs to be scrubbed. His nickname is about an OTO incest ritual but that is just speculation. The fact is he's not my friend - but when people are having their rights trampled to share decent OTO research blog links here - considering OTO cakes of light is spirit cooking and we all know how spirit cooking ties to PIZZAGATE


@kevdude is still refusing the answer the question. It was his trolling combined with the co-ordinated downvoat pedo gang attack exactly 30 mins before the post was deleted so nobody could upvote to restore my account.


SchlongKeyhote ago

proof vindicator is a kikeshill: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1905258

hojuruku ago

Go through the deletion log and find the only politically incorrect non CP linking comment that was deleted in the last 12 months. Investigate the pedo. Prove he was jewish. That will end @Vindicator if he was jewish all along and the person who asked the question - (was it your comment) was right.

I have a good feeling about this.

hojuruku ago

see you are a fucken troll. Do the copypaste to of vindicators claims (only the one you support) or you admit you are a pro-pedo-troll. You have been challenged. And you failed to back up your claims.

Provide sources to what individual bogus censorship grounds of Vindicator you support or GTFO kikeshill.

I will not respond until you can articulate which of Vindicator's points of claim for censorship you actually support - i.e. spell them out through copying and pasting.

hojuruku ago

I did a discuss post that was PROPERLY SOURCED - YOU keep saying it wasn't like a cunt but you can't copy and past a single claim vindicator made of a point that was unsourced.

DO IT YOU PRICK. DO IT. And stop talking known lies you shill.

https://voat.co/v/pedogate/2499184 https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289

If it wasn't for having friends and replies to existing pm's not requiring CCP you would have fucking won you kikeshill downvoat pizza party pedo mod gang.

Tell me which ones of Vindicator's claims about an unsourced claim was TRUE. DO IT!

Edit: I was asked to add a couple of links to some of @hojuruku's last posts: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2398840/12480779, https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2398840/12480989

If you can't follow the how not to be a kikeshill guide above on how to specify which of @Vindicator's baseless censorship grounds above and you can't copypaste what he said and say I STAND WITH @VINDICATOR then you are basically saying I SUPPORT THE CHILD RAPE ASSEMBLY LINE - the last link on the post you deleted.

darkknight111 ago

Holy shit. Don't understand much of the techie stuff, but yeah, Disney is definitely deserving of further digging.

hojuruku ago

i can't reply am i banned?

ok i can now. i was getting site errors... now you need to make a discuss posts linked to all the stuff they censored for the sake of jewish baby fucking supremacy ok mate?

Is this a CP link you mother fucker? most popular video on jews on television. If you say yes - then what religion is peverted!


The mods here are pro-jewish-pedophliia. There is no other way to explain their conduct.

hojuruku ago

The thread exposing this got deleted and refuted by the person who deleted the only non CP linking comment this year asking if a pedophile was jewish @Vindicator

My account was hijacked by a small cabal of PRO-LGBTI-PEDOPHILIA-"KIKESHILL" mods who trolled me with unjust censorship requests to make an attack vector to take over 700 CCP to mute my account across all off voat. Every upvoat help keeps me alive when there is a co-ordinated censor operation operated by those who run /v/pizzagate

https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2499289 https://voat.co/v/pedogate/2499184 (i haven't replied to the trolls there - just woke up and my account got unfrozen in the last few hours by upvoters fighting back against pedomods like @heygeroge that says YOU MUST BE BANNED FROM PIZZAGATE for mentioning the story of a man who lost his taxi and drivers license for the crime of not supporting gay marriage)


& See my last two comments before they shut me out doxxing a Y-Combinator Employee http://twitter.com/seansli who censored /r/pizzagate

Clearly the mods never had grounds to take out this post. Every claim vindicator made about my un-sourced claims had the source links in the OP every damn one.


So if first they don't succeed using the mass downvoting / trolling technique to kill my account they they are trying to appeal for my banning to be anti gay. They say it can't be believed that the gay lobby's operatives can take away peoples livelihood. I proved it's true in my reply to @HeyGeorge