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hojuruku ago

Wow I'm now going to dump news stories about USA GAY PEDOPHILES also working at (((BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS)))

Gay boy sex from the "big brother" Related article - insurance pulls the pin on gay dads unsupervised playing with kids at big brothers big sister - too high risk Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, a long-standing reputable organization which places children with same-sex adult mentors, has just enforced its 25-year nondiscrimination policy toward homosexual mentors as “law of the land” – now a binding policy on its over 500 local affiliates. Many within their ranks, as well as Americans around the country, are outraged.

This 98-year-old youth organization has been instrumental in giving children hope, encouragement and the loving support they’ve needed to overcome their rocky start early on in life. The BBBSA has served as the much-needed bridge by assisting these children to successfully move on physically, mentally and emotionally – into adulthood.

Sadly though, this past week, the near-century-old institution has become yet another trophy – the latest prize of the homosexual agenda’s grand scam to convert America.

Knocking down anyone and everyone in their path, homosexual activists continue their relentless media marketing of their “alternative lifestyle” as normal, inborn and unchangeable. They gloat over their ever growing tallies and lists of corporations, businesses and organizations which are “gay” friendly. They will do anything and everything to continue assimilating all of America into their web of deception. They want your tolerance and acceptance of their homosexual lifestyle – and they will not stop until they get it.

Focus on the Family’s Bill Maier said that the BBBSA should realize that “matching fatherless boys, starving for attention, with homosexual men is reckless and irresponsible, not to mention a recipe for disaster.”

As a former homosexual, I couldn’t agree more. Many of these children are already highly predisposed to going down the homosexual path. Unlike the “gay” spin we are constantly fed, no one is born homosexual. You don’t need to be a psychologist to figure out it has everything to do with the childhood.

In most cases, this homosexual predisposition begins with the lack of relationship with the same-sex parent – whether physical or emotional. This is one of the key red flags of the beginning of homosexuality in a child.

With the same-sex parent missing from the picture, the child gravitates toward the parent and peers of the opposite sex. In many cases, the child then tragically ‘detaches’ from members of their own sex.

From early on in life, these children feel different from the rest of the boys or girls and feel they don’t measure up. It’s at this stage many boys begin taking on feminine qualities, and the girls develop masculine ones. An unnatural role reversal and questioning of gender begins to take place – as well as the homosexual thoughts, feelings and attractions toward their peers of the same-sex. Thus, the birthing of a homosexual.

Placing a child who is experiencing this “gender confusion” with a homosexual Big Brother or Big Sister can be the conduit into the homosexual lifestyle. Even more so, a child who has no sexual feelings towards those of the same sex can be easily influenced or swayed by a homosexual authority figure or role model who abuses their mentorship. Worst-case scenario: They can be sexually abused – and it has been going on for years.

Big Brothers Big Sisters nondiscriminatory policy toward homosexuals is clearly an open door for tragedy and, unfortunately, the Big Brothers Big Sisters sex-abuse scandal is breaking even as we speak.

On April 28, 2001, the Fox television show “America’s Most Wanted” featured a homosexual offender on-the-run who infiltrated the BBBSA.

Tim Brown, a “Big Brother” and 34-year-old homosexual pedophile, sexually molested his “Little Brother” – a 10-year-old boy the organization should have never placed with him.

In 1999, Brown became a volunteer mentor in the Salt Lake City Chapter of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program in Utah. Even though Big Brothers Big Sisters was well aware of Brown’s prior criminal record, the organization still allowed him and gave him full, unsupervised access to work with a boy in need of a positive, male role model.

Salt Lake County Sheriff’s detectives say Brown betrayed the trust placed in him and used his status as a Big Brother to sexually abuse the little boy he was matched with. Charges: Aggravated sex abuse of a child, sodomy on a child, sexual exploitation of a minor, and dealing in harmful material to a minor.

Tim Brown was successfully apprehended by police four days later in Vancouver, Wash. – a direct result of the “America’s Most Wanted” broadcast – their 665th capture overall.

Unfortunately, Brown’s case is not out of the ordinary. Go on the Internet yourself and a do a search. In the short time I did, I was shocked at the numerous counts I found of homosexual molestation cases of Big Brothers and Big Sisters nationwide.

A 30-year-old man in Massachusetts, soccer coach and Big Brother: charged with three counts of homosexual molestation to minors – one being his “Little Brother” placed by the BBBSA.

The Police Department of Keene, N.H., did a three-year nationwide sting operation on child Internet pornography. Among those caught in their dragnet: