hojuruku ago

Here's a copypaste of the last comment I put on protectvoat thread. Because I got around their first pedomod downvote de-facto ban. Now I got a ban warning for telling the truth.

This is the level of shit I have to deal with...

v/pizzagate (Blacksmith21) > hojuruku | Sent: 12 minutes ago on 4/14/2018 1:18:36 PM Submission /v/pizzagate/2500456 deleted

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2500456 has been deleted by: @Blacksmith21 on 4/14/2018 1:18:36 PM

Description given: Rule Violation in v/pizzagate: 3: Clarity; Description: Post removed for lack of clarity and incongruence between title and content, per rule #3. Repost with a corrected title which reflects the content of the post. Original Submission Login details for the JewishCare/Disney IT operated "ourspace" Dating Site for Gay men (2002 non discrimination policy) and little boys @Vindicator refutes existance of


OK... So I'm told that a fully accurate title wasn't sourced and that I'm invited to post the link again contrary to what @kevdue said here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500456/12490735

LOL - This is a link to an 8chan thread where you bitch about your incompletely sourced post getting pulled. Mods will probably pull it for rule 3.

That's a lie the 8chan post does prove details on the Disney operated gay dating site for men and boys.

I'll post the text of the title again with sources from the deleted 8chan thread (that was linked to) and the deleted discuss thread.

Login details for the JewishCare/Disney IT operated "ourspace" Dating Site Ok that's clearly on the 8chan thread. You'd have to be a shill saying nothing to see here to say it wasn't just like @kevdude did.


for [mostly] Gay men See proof I put in the just deleted thread before @BlackSmith21 deleted it that was linking back to what was already on the thread (((they))) deleted before. So the mod who deleted the thread (Blacksmith) saw this quote below before he deleted it. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2500456/12491010

Here is the Proof that Disney Operated Big Brothers Big Sisters prefers gay child mentors I got 6 downvoats from the pedo gang like everything else did on the original discuss post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473565 Also here a news story from WND predicting mass child rape back in 2002 which has actually happened. Again downvoated by the pedo mod jewish child sex lover gang x6 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473538 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473565

Links to their 2002 non discrimination policy is above too. I put 4 posts about that in the comments on the original thread that was deleted along with lots of MSM news stories on big brothers big sisters story that were downvoted x6 by jewish pedo mods. This was one of the best of them.

For the 1st time, Big Brothers- Big Sisters require gay mentors

By WILLIAM J MAIER (a christian psychologist specializing in child safety)

t's a brave new world at your local Big Brothers-Big Sisters office. As of this month, the Big Brothers-Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) will require that all 500 of its local affiliates include active homosexuals as volunteers and mentors to children.

And vindicator refuting the existence of it OMG like that wasn't in the 8chan thread? HAHAHA of course that's what all this shit storm and my voat account being taken out by pedo mods is about. And all the mod gang especially @kevdude trolled me supporting vindicator but deliberately refused to articulate a SINGLE one of his points of claim for censorship (that were bogus because everything he says wasn't proven in the OP had source links in the OP the whole bloody time). During this trolling mostly from @kevdude they racked up a large number of comments all 6 of the pedos could downvote to mute my account from all comments, all private messages except replying and all posting on all of voat. Then come here and say it wasn't a de-facto ban. Thanks to people giving a fuck my CCP is back and now if first they don't succeed the pedo mods try again with bogus grounds for a ban.


And how am I to correct it from detracting from the truth? What kind of self-censorship do you ask of me? What truthful claim has to be edited out of the subject line. Provide sources. If i attempt to guess what you want censored and post again as you asked - you'll just ban me - so it's a trap. I need your answer to prove you are not a kikeshill.

And tell me why I deserve a ban warning for telling the truth again?

What kind of censorship of the truth do you demand from all /v/pizzagate users again? spell it out. No Jewish pedophilia or no LGBTI pedophlia and god fobid what happens when someone talks about the both of them working together to groom kids on camera going through DISNEY'S OWN IT INFRASTRUCTURE FOR FUCKS SAKE.

FUCK YOU if you can't explain yourself.

And please don't say the video i sent you is child porn - because that means jews are all pedophiles because it's the most popular video on the JewsOnTelevision youtube channel.


death2millenialfags ago


What a cunt! Pizzagate mods are criminals.

Dfens ago

They are paid shills for certain. My personal opinion is that the are paid Soros shills. Probably Share Blue. Although I think it is entirely possible this is a way that Reddit deals with competition too. Reddit being owned by the same people.

death2millenialfags ago

yeah it got sticky didn't it :)

Because we can all see kikeshill mods a mile away. I like that word. Did you ban the guy who introduced me to it using it against you on the thread?

death2millenialfags ago




Follow the how not to be a kikeshill guide I gave you in 3 easy steps - well only two for you and it involves doing some copypaste of Vindicator's censorship request.


Here is the how not to be a kikeshill guide again

What you do is this it's not f$@#@#$$ hard rather than refusing to answer the question for about 150 comments.

Here is how to stop being a K@#$@shill for dummies:

  1. You type a '>" followed by a copy paste of one of vindicator's points of claim for censorship here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473279

  2. Then you tell me how you are so sure you can't find the link in the O to back up the intel in the "unsupported claim I made" that vindicator used as an excuse for censorship.

  3. Then I repeat the process and copy past the link in the OP and how it proves i provided a source A 3RD FRIGGEN TIME FOR THE CLAIM THAT WASN'T UNSUPPORTED. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12476189

Blacksmith21 ago

It is as much of a loss as having a cyst removed.

death2millenialfags ago

MY CCP for @hojuruku -135 and it went there in the space of a few minutes.

Can you downvote archived posts? How the fuck did you pedos do it taking down my whole account you fucken jewish pedo gatekeeper shill.

Lets go Nuclear now... Protect Voat will deal with you or this will out Y-Combi staff member doxxer getting banned as last post for nixxing his whole account.

You are fucked. Check mate. And you think you are winning?

death2millenialfags ago


They are doing it again racking up trolling comments to mass downvote being pedo gatekeeper shills.

Dfens ago

Fuck off! Dickless bastard.

death2millenialfags ago

This is my alt I only ever used once to ask permission go get back on pizzagate after millennial faggot got shafted.

I only posted 2 comments on this account EVER and i'm -5 ccp now. My main account had even archived possed mass downvoated by a number of MODERATOR controlled sockpuppets or they have access to the voat server. You need to get on Voat. The BO of Pizzagate calls the BO of /v/OccidentalEnclave a jew and me a faggot pedophile - bans people for not providing sources when they did but can't back up any of his claims.

Deal with these sick censors that take down whole voat accounts so people can't talk outside their sub-verse.

The last two posts of Hojuruku - exposing the mods saying the biggest pedo scandal since the Catholic Church or Boys Scouts of America Perversion file (I have it) must be nixxed because it's OK when jews rape little boys under jewishcare.com.au and you can't complain.


DOX on the person who killed r/pizzagate/ working for reddit and now discord. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2398840/12480989

-- Here's what I wanted to put on the sticky OccidentalEnclave thread before they took out my whole voat account. Mind you if you watch the saga on the last thread of mine they deleted 150 comments or so you see how polite I was in the beginning and how corrupt and unreasonable they were and you see it escalate. Now they are trying to shut down my research. Clearly this case is so open and shut because I played fair for the first day of the saga it proves we do really have pedo gatekeepers controlling /v/pizzagate so I suggest you analyses it for yourself fully. Now you know I'm not a raving loonatic - let me act like one for a second and expose the behaviour of the mods - even though two wrongs don't make a right.

I have kicked over the hornests nest of Jews organizing pedophila. CHRISTOPHER PUPLICK and the 2 threads I did about him on Pizzagate. This guy just became a judge and is famous for supporting 3 kinds of mass rapists (aids infested tranny, robert dolly dunn - australia's most famous pedophile in the 90s, and muslim mass rapist MSK).

Look at the cunts full name he's a jew. He tried to make it a crime to be against muslim rape of Australian women in the 90's and then the Cronulla riots happened so ((they)) moved the plan to London.

P.S. Someone put this comment for me due to 10 comment limit on Occidental enclave.


Kikeshills galore at Pizzagate say you didn't prove shit when you put sources in the OP. Meanwhile their board owner is calling @hojuruku a "faggot pedophile" and @Joe_McCarthy a "jew" and can't provide the proof.

Pizzagate kike-shills covering up the biggest Jewish pedophile ring of all time linked to the Aurora wind-up shooter.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12477139 (can't prove he's a jew)

https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/1866459/9145866 (Goat fucker @Crensch can't prove I'm a fag)

Bloody hipocrite.

Now the jewish pedo ring protector will use this dissent as an excuse to stop my next tri-fecta x3 post linking Christopher Puplick AM (Australia's newest jew gay pedo judge) to 3x mass rapists (aids infested tranny noel crompton hall, mulsim msk mass rapist Skaf brothers, and pedo proud boylover until the day he died Robert "Dolly Dunn" - either giving money, offering to, or giving written support on government stationary in all fucken cases.

@kingkongwaswrong @Crensch @kevdude @Vindicator @think- @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Blacksmith21 @Honeybee_ @heygeorge

Dfens ago

I've had some really negative experiences with all of them, some on pizzagate and elsewhere. They never posts anything worth a damn at best and typically whatever they have to say varies from worthless to abusive. How people like that can be allowed to be moderators of anything is way beyond me. The are certainly destroying one of the most popular subverses on Voat. You'd think simple self interest would cause the owner of this site to ban all of them.

death2millenialfags ago

They needlessly debated me and trolled me to rack up comments so they could all mass downvote them in a co-ordinated operation at the very least if it isn't the Y-Combi connection.

Their misconduct needs to be reported to protectvoat and they all need to be demodded and have their subverse given to people who don't think it's wrong to be against jewishcare.com.au running a dating site for gay men and little boys linked to the Auora Shooter that has literally got 100s of children raped.

If you google "big brothers big sisters" pedophilia - only homosexual pedophiles come up. Why is this? where are all the little sisters being raped eh? It's statistically od, even by the fact that gays are mean't to do only 35% of the child abuse. This was the first child mentoring group to make a policy of having non-discrimination we need gay men having play dates with little boys. Look what happened.

Look at all the high profile prosecutors connected to them and how Disney Sponsored Jewish Care Big Brothers Big Sisters Dating site for man-boy love or friendship are even giving character reference to their board members done for child porn.

How could the pizzagate mods censor this based on @Vindicator Lies. (see my last two posts)