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BabalonWorking ago

5. Some of you don't like me. That is fine. I don't like some of you. I won't be staying long in any event. Long enough to make sure the mods are fair and impartial and the rules are adjusted (if needed) to make sure that good research isn't deleted. A few weeks at most.


More lies.

hojuruku ago

@kingkongwaswrong @Crensch @kevdude @Vindicator @think- @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Blacksmith21 @Honeybee_ @heygeorge

@BabalonWorking You are not my sock puppet. You only made one post here but 20 comments before that. I don't know how people can't like you not with a name like Babalon Working for gods sake. Sarcasm intended - it's an OTO incest ritual linked to Jack Parsons. But seriously if someone isn't given a fair shake I'll say so. It's a secriously screwed up name that may get you some hostility. I guess some people choose bad names or get given them like James "I Love Infants", so moving on what's in a name.

I did and I got @Vindicator reprisals for pointing out it is stupid to ask people to plagiarize every blog on the internet and screen-cap them into discus posts.

It's Millenial Falcon all over again. (

I let mod censorship slide when it's fair. But saying a satanic "ritual abuse manifesto" mentioned in a prosecutor's document about a pedophile who confessed to police he raped children 3 years ago and wasn't charged who lived in a house with wall to wall child porn walpaper with 3 other Masonic/OTO brothers isn't related to pizzagate I don't know what is - you know with the OTO child sex cult's lawyer writing in 2001 NZ Law Reform Journal SRA has never really existed before he worked on the "legg devine" on court case.

Now all the mods are being called "kikeshills" organically by other users. (Note to mods - it is not my act of defamation of calling you kikeshills if a genuine other non-sock puppet is saying it - people are allowed to report on the actions of others and not be held responsible for triggering people in a democracy.

Other users lost it before I did.

I have all the mods now doing a massive CIRCLE jerk. They say @vindicator is right.

I say dips-hits stop being ANONYMOUS COWARDS and upvoting pro-jew-ped-flawed-logic-censorship-request and put your NICKNAME's rep on the line with @Vindicator

What you do is this it's not f$@#@#$$ hard rather than refusing to answer the question for about 150 comments.

Here is how to stop being a K@#$@shill for dummies:

  1. You type a '>" followed by a copy paste of one of vindicator's points of claim for censorship here:

  2. Then you tell me how you are so sure you can't find the link in the OP to back up the intel.

  3. Then I repeat the process and copy past the link in the OP and how it proves i provided a source A 3RD FRIGGEN TIME.

I want to know if he got banned for saying what others were thinking and biting their tongue.

You've just scared away a new user - who only commented here for a while and shafted him on his first post. You've pissed off a real anti-pedophilia researcher with so much more to share. PEDOMOD interference, what can I say. I will withdraw that claim when at least 3 mods can copy and paste Vindicator's claims and say I support them not-anonymously.

His censorship request is flawed rushed payback job for letting @BabalonWorking

I mean if he actually read it he would see I didn't expose how Garry Burns is a pedophile on this thread or link to it. Look at some of the Videos about Sparkles the Pony etc being censored on an old thread, and I was going to upload all the dirt on him bieing a pedophile in a future thread. If you tried harder (yes we have "try hard mods") you could have found a valid point on something that was not sourced but like a stupid moron you quoted 5 things that were all clearly sourced in the OP and everyone see you are full of shit.

Looking at how things deteriorated on the thread about Disney's Jewishcare's links to 1000s of cases of gay men getting access to abusing them in America and their 3x pedo connections in Australia it shows you there is some serious asshattery on the mod team.

Can one moderator copypaste some of Vindicator's censorship and say I STAND WITH VINDICATOR, rather than being asshats and refusing to back him up. You are not inspiring faith in your own collegues by not doing that. All you are demonstrating is you know he's full of it - and you are letting him have his biased censorship go through. It's disgusting that it's more important that minority groups have good self-esteem than the truth about that minority group running a dating site (friendship [or MORE]) for gay men and little boys get exposed.

The facts below have already triggered a mod in the past (when i had sources too) to actually delete comments and modify the discussion and I have pdfs of it to remember honey - and that being held in reserve lead to my first unbanning if you all recall.

Don't worry you aren't the only one's 'shilling for the....

/qresearch/ post (with images that this pedo group is linked to the AURORA SHOOTER contributed by a banned user who supported me and 8chan researchers!)

Jewishcare Big Brothers Big Sisters liked to 3x aussie pedos + Auroa shooter Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 05:13:45 ID: 9ffa0f No.1021233[Watch Thread][Show All Posts] I got banned for posting this link on Q-Live chat yesterday, and boy are they trying to shut it down on PIZZAGATE as the up-vote gets close to 80% positive. So the OP will not come back here only give you the links now as I have been accused of "dominating" discussion. So it's all yours here. Enjoy! The massive pizzagate thread facing baseless censorship attempt

Disney Sponsored links to 3x gay pedos & character reference for child pornographer board member https:// 8chan /pol/ trigger zone VOAT PIZZAGAYTE WHY! Oh vey shut down Child sex Scandal https://

11478443 I reserve the right to answer questions and quote on /pol/ thread or out shills. Guys this is massive. Googling the MSM there seems to be more stories of homosexual pedophiles in the USA at big brothers big sisters than the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts of America combined, and I have the illegal to resubmit leaked boy scouts of America perversion file database export. Let me know if you want it. And all that was even before they had a non-discrimination policy for homosexuals that split boy scouts of America in half. / USA Big Brothers Big Sisters did it back in 2002, and Christians/Doctors warned what would happen and boy it did. The Alternative to the JewishCare Big Brothers Big Sisters gay men and little boys dating site (for friendship OR…. ) Bikers Against Child Abuse were blocked in Australia due to the legal mafia making thought crime laws against them. Ask yourself WHY? Google "Big Brothers Big Sisters" pedophile or other terms and be shocked how we missed this all these years. There is a massive problem. Mostly homosexual pedophiles in search results (first page 100%) yet homosexual pedophiles only 10% of the pedophile base, 1% of the population and account for 35% of all child abuse. Even by the facts from US CDC, "pubmed homosexuality pedophilia", and bravehearts child abuse fact sheet I got banned for sharing on Q Lies CNN this is massively over-represented. https:// SAVE OUR CHILDREN. Don't censor this. America has been hit harder than Australia by this according to my research. ▶Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 05:16:52 ID: 9ffa0f No.1021260 [pop] YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. P.S. I will link two videos about Shannon McCoole in the OP each watched by over a million people who weren't given the full story about him at Jewishcare ran big brothers big sisters. That's how big this story is. Please don't censor.

BabalonWorking ago

I'm definitely not your sockpuppet.

I've had run ins with kevdude and Crench and I'm fairly certain they're the same person. Possibly Vindicator too, although I'm not sure about him. They always seem to be on at the same time and support each other's bullshit.

One of my posts was removed without MF reading it before. It seems this is still going on.

hojuruku ago

@Sigmawarrior one of the original posters on /r/pizzagate (wow it's linked here because it's Y-Combi) told me the overview of how screwed up this place is. A faggot pedophile censor said we want no WITCHHUNTS - same word used by Christopher Puplick to shut down the Wood Royal Commission into gay pedophiles with police protection in Australia and the same title OTO members call themselves - WITCHES is they are female as exposed here:

Here is the dox on the censor of /r/pizzagate a hillary clinton nambla supporting faggot mr who now runs the censorship on Discord after building a false consensus that Jew Hammer and Chisel Communist chinese VC funded load of crap was good with his moderation on Y-Combinator Reddit.

Since the very beginning pizzagate has been plagued by faggot pedophile censors. THAT IS THE FIRST.

It would be nice to dox his successors but you might have a point about people being the same. If this post gets deleted we know I'm on the money.