hojuruku ago

yeah who's sock puppet are you? I mean my sock puppet I outed in it's first fucken post and i only ever made one.

You fucken tell me who you are (who's sock pupet at least) anonymous coward.

kevdudeisaloser ago

3 - yes you do

kevdudeisaloser ago

Sure I am because that's what you do you fucking baby. My dad is dying and I have more strength than you and your army of pathetic alts.

Oh and I'm a woman and I hurt your little feelings you pile of human waste.

kevdudeisaloser ago

The really sad part is I'm trying to help and you are here to do the opposite obviously. You wanna run off all new people.

kevdudeisaloser ago

You couldn't be more obvious.

kevdudeisaloser ago

I see how you rated down every one of my (BabalonWorking) posts down, with all your alts, after this post you little cunt Kevdude. This just proves to me you are evil and not here for truth.

@puttitout @hojuruku @kingkongwaswrong [O] @Crensch [O] @kevdude [O] @Vindicator [M] @think- [M] @ben_matlock [J] @EricKaliberhall [J] @Blacksmith21 [J] @Honeybee_ [J] @heygeorge [D]

BabalonWorking ago

I don't.

BabalonWorking ago

5. Some of you don't like me. That is fine. I don't like some of you. I won't be staying long in any event. Long enough to make sure the mods are fair and impartial and the rules are adjusted (if needed) to make sure that good research isn't deleted. A few weeks at most.


More lies.

hojuruku ago

@kingkongwaswrong @Crensch @kevdude @Vindicator @think- @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Blacksmith21 @Honeybee_ @heygeorge

@BabalonWorking You are not my sock puppet. You only made one post here but 20 comments before that. I don't know how people can't like you not with a name like Babalon Working for gods sake. Sarcasm intended - it's an OTO incest ritual linked to Jack Parsons. But seriously if someone isn't given a fair shake I'll say so. It's a secriously screwed up name that may get you some hostility. I guess some people choose bad names or get given them like James "I Love Infants", so moving on what's in a name.

I did and I got @Vindicator reprisals for pointing out it is stupid to ask people to plagiarize every blog on the internet and screen-cap them into discus posts. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2496874/12473026

It's Millenial Falcon all over again. (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1818119 https://voat.co/v/pizzagatefree/2084050

I let mod censorship slide when it's fair. But saying a satanic "ritual abuse manifesto" mentioned in a prosecutor's document about a pedophile who confessed to police he raped children 3 years ago and wasn't charged who lived in a house with wall to wall child porn walpaper with 3 other Masonic/OTO brothers isn't related to pizzagate I don't know what is - you know with the OTO child sex cult's lawyer ianfreckleton.com.au writing in 2001 NZ Law Reform Journal SRA has never really existed before he worked on the "legg devine" on austlii.edu.au court case.

Now all the mods are being called "kikeshills" organically by other users. (Note to mods - it is not my act of defamation of calling you kikeshills if a genuine other non-sock puppet is saying it - people are allowed to report on the actions of others and not be held responsible for triggering people in a democracy.


Other users lost it before I did.

I have all the mods now doing a massive CIRCLE jerk. They say @vindicator is right.

I say dips-hits stop being ANONYMOUS COWARDS and upvoting pro-jew-ped-flawed-logic-censorship-request and put your NICKNAME's rep on the line with @Vindicator

What you do is this it's not f$@#@#$$ hard rather than refusing to answer the question for about 150 comments.

Here is how to stop being a K@#$@shill for dummies:

  1. You type a '>" followed by a copy paste of one of vindicator's points of claim for censorship here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12473279

  2. Then you tell me how you are so sure you can't find the link in the OP to back up the intel.

  3. Then I repeat the process and copy past the link in the OP and how it proves i provided a source A 3RD FRIGGEN TIME. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12476189

I want to know if he got banned for saying what others were thinking and biting their tongue.

You've just scared away a new user - who only commented here for a while and shafted him on his first post. You've pissed off a real anti-pedophilia researcher with so much more to share. PEDOMOD interference, what can I say. I will withdraw that claim when at least 3 mods can copy and paste Vindicator's claims and say I support them not-anonymously.

His censorship request is flawed rushed payback job for letting @BabalonWorking

I mean if he actually read it he would see I didn't expose how Garry Burns is a pedophile on this thread or link to it. Look at some of the Videos about Sparkles the Pony etc being censored on an old thread, and I was going to upload all the dirt on him bieing a pedophile in a future thread. If you tried harder (yes we have "try hard mods") you could have found a valid point on something that was not sourced but like a stupid moron you quoted 5 things that were all clearly sourced in the OP and everyone see you are full of shit.


Looking at how things deteriorated on the thread about Disney's Jewishcare's links to 1000s of cases of gay men getting access to abusing them in America and their 3x pedo connections in Australia it shows you there is some serious asshattery on the mod team.

Can one moderator copypaste some of Vindicator's censorship and say I STAND WITH VINDICATOR, rather than being asshats and refusing to back him up. You are not inspiring faith in your own collegues by not doing that. All you are demonstrating is you know he's full of it - and you are letting him have his biased censorship go through. It's disgusting that it's more important that minority groups have good self-esteem than the truth about that minority group running a dating site (friendship [or MORE]) for gay men and little boys get exposed.


The facts below have already triggered a mod in the past (when i had sources too) to actually delete comments and modify the discussion and I have pdfs of it to remember honey - and that being held in reserve lead to my first unbanning if you all recall.

Don't worry you aren't the only one's 'shilling for the.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2qHmdgxTc0

/qresearch/ post (with images that this pedo group is linked to the AURORA SHOOTER contributed by a banned user who supported me and 8chan researchers!)

Jewishcare Big Brothers Big Sisters liked to 3x aussie pedos + Auroa shooter Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 05:13:45 ID: 9ffa0f No.1021233[Watch Thread][Show All Posts] I got banned for posting this link on Q-Live chat yesterday, and boy are they trying to shut it down on PIZZAGATE as the up-vote gets close to 80% positive. So the OP will not come back here only give you the links now as I have been accused of "dominating" discussion. So it's all yours here. Enjoy! The massive pizzagate thread facing baseless censorship attempt

Disney Sponsored Jewishcare.com.au BigBrothersBigSisters.org.au links to 3x gay pedos & character reference for child pornographer board member https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273 8chan /pol/ trigger zone VOAT PIZZAGAYTE WHY! Oh vey shut down JewishCare.com.au Child sex Scandal https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html

11478443 I reserve the right to answer questions and quote on /pol/ thread or out shills. Guys this is massive. Googling the MSM there seems to be more stories of homosexual pedophiles in the USA at big brothers big sisters than the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts of America combined, and I have the illegal to resubmit leaked boy scouts of America perversion file database export. Let me know if you want it. And all that was even before they had a non-discrimination policy for homosexuals that split boy scouts of America in half. Jewishcare.com.au / USA Big Brothers Big Sisters did it back in 2002, and Christians/Doctors warned what would happen and boy it did. The Alternative to the JewishCare Big Brothers Big Sisters gay men and little boys dating site (for friendship OR…. ) Bikers Against Child Abuse were blocked in Australia due to the legal mafia making thought crime laws against them. Ask yourself WHY? Google "Big Brothers Big Sisters" pedophile or other terms and be shocked how we missed this all these years. There is a massive problem. Mostly homosexual pedophiles in search results (first page 100%) yet homosexual pedophiles only 10% of the pedophile base, 1% of the population and account for 35% of all child abuse. Even by the facts from US CDC, "pubmed homosexuality pedophilia", and bravehearts child abuse fact sheet I got banned for sharing on Q Lies CNN this is massively over-represented. https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273/12478478 SAVE OUR CHILDREN. Don't censor this. America has been hit harder than Australia by this according to my research. ▶Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 05:16:52 ID: 9ffa0f No.1021260 [pop] YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. P.S. I will link two videos about Shannon McCoole in the OP each watched by over a million people who weren't given the full story about him at Jewishcare ran big brothers big sisters. That's how big this story is. Please don't censor.

BabalonWorking ago

I'm definitely not your sockpuppet.

I've had run ins with kevdude and Crench and I'm fairly certain they're the same person. Possibly Vindicator too, although I'm not sure about him. They always seem to be on at the same time and support each other's bullshit.

One of my posts was removed without MF reading it before. It seems this is still going on.

hojuruku ago

@Sigmawarrior one of the original posters on /r/pizzagate (wow it's linked here because it's Y-Combi) told me the overview of how screwed up this place is. A faggot pedophile censor said we want no WITCHHUNTS - same word used by Christopher Puplick to shut down the Wood Royal Commission into gay pedophiles with police protection in Australia and the same title OTO members call themselves - WITCHES is they are female as exposed here:


Here is the dox on the censor of /r/pizzagate a hillary clinton nambla supporting faggot mr http://twitter.com/seansli who now runs the censorship on Discord after building a false consensus that Jew Hammer and Chisel Communist chinese VC funded load of crap was good with his moderation on Y-Combinator Reddit.


Since the very beginning pizzagate has been plagued by faggot pedophile censors. THAT IS THE FIRST.

It would be nice to dox his successors but you might have a point about people being the same. If this post gets deleted we know I'm on the money.

death2millenialfags ago

Yay now that millenial falcon is gone can I be unbanned (hojuruku)

I got banned for posting a link on scribd do a US prosecutors document about "satanic ritual abuse manifesto". Millenial falcon said that wasn't related to pizzagate.

Total bullshit it was. https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2171387


ESOTERICshade ago

The censorship on the internet is starting to trip me out a little. Saying pretty much anything truthful on Youtube earns a swift ban. Voat is one of the few places left that a person can speak their mind.

ESOTERICshade ago

Kevdude, you kept your word.

Altmight ago

Good. I stopped posting here because of MF. So many people have done good work in this forum and that MF brought the traffic down to near zero. (((MF)))...? Ok. Lets stay on the case, Pizzagate is real, anyone bothering to look into it can see that. Clintons are on the run and both nearly dead by the look of them, Podesta on the run, the mainstream censorship is so outrageous and obviously guilt ridden, that fact alone proves the case. And #MeToo is a total cover up for Hollywood child rape. Notice how child rape was never allowed on the table for discussion during the entire run of #MeToo? And they even tried to keep Woody and Polanski under the table but they had to say something, but not much was it? "Oh yeah, I guess they are bad as well" then #MeToo started to die. Getting #TooReal We have to hold Pedowood accountable.

awakenaware ago

Someone said in this thread look forward to working to find the late night tweaker posts and "Russian bots..".. And I'm thinking.. gawd blimey.. if people here are pointing fingers at Russians as some main kind of problem here then were really lost..



GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah his crap slow us down. I was here from the beginning and he was full of shit. Jumped on my Kuru searches of death announcements to discover the families of the deep flesh eating occultist. I still think this is a decent way to figure out who they are. I looked up obits with people with what is basically human mad cow disease. Lots of very interesting information there.

spacemanspliph ago

Alright! Done with reddit. Back to Voat!

lolitttta ago

Help me hack a pedophile tell him you sell CP and this is the sample: http://www.rapidshare.com.cn/BJYvXdM Tell him to open "IP-Changer" to get access to the password .rar with CP or you can just tell him to read the readme.txt Once he does, i have access to his computer and let you guys know

Vindicator ago

Thank you Fornost!

Honeybee_ ago

What was it, I see it was deleted!

Vindicator ago

It's in Removed Comments at the top. I haven't notified Putt yet because my initial peek at it showed no CP and I'm not set up to do a deep dive. You wanna check it out and let me know and I'll email Putt if there is really something there?

Psychanaut ago

Thank you. I stopped posting entirely in /pizzagate due to Millenial_Falcon, because there is not much point in posting in a sub where there is a predator ready to attack, belittle and abuse you. Look at my numbers. I'm hardly a light weight.

I have complained about this mod for over one year solid. I was mocked by the other mods. I was betrayed by them too, all due to this one moderator, and their desire to support M_F over the users who were complaining.

I actually created the sub /pizzagateNoMods SPECIFICALLY because of this issue and only because of this issue of the moderators.

I will tentatively dip my toe back into this sub, but I really really really hope the new mods @think really listen to the users and researchers if we have issues that are so severe that it takes a solid year to deal with. Please do not let the next issues cause so many problems that people actually feel the need to create alternate subs, ONLY to escape abusive mods.

Thank you ALL for your time, efforts, blood, sweat and tears. Please let's not let the same issues happen again. I know I will do my part and I know we all have only one thing in mind: the children.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I learned today something interesting. There was a guy arrested for CP where I worked... and I mentioned this guy to a new guy at work and I just said that yea he was really unsuspecting he was very serious about his job, former mil, seemed real straight edge... and he said yea that's how they always are from what I've found. They are quick to apply the rules strictly on others even though they are guilty of so much worse themselves. Made me think and this guy really did nitpick and now that whole conversation reminds me of melineal falcon. I think he was researching not to bring it down, but to get connected, do a favor, serve his sick community of perverts or something. But I highly suspected that MF of being a pedo for a long time.

Psychanaut ago

That's a great and smart observation...I always felt he only came after me when I was hot on the trail of something, and then he'd like mock me and stuff. Really weird...

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You must be new. Vindicator promotes Trump is fighting the cabal, not one of them. I connected Trump in every way shape and form to being a cabalist. He is also a Freemason by his own admission. Yes, it matters that Trump ;lies about 9/11 and is friends with 9/11 conspirators. This sub promotes that Trump is fighint the Satanist, not one of them. It is very revelent. Ask anybody in here about Vinicator deleting those threads. You want me to link a deleted series of threads? Again, you are new here if you don't know this stuff.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Vindicator is still here making the entire thing a waste of time. Yes, MF's problem was that he didn't like being a mod right? That was the problem right. Not a shill, just didn't like being a mod.. This is the only site on the web not controlled and run by shills right? Goat/Voat. Nothing to see here. Vindicator told me to stop posting about the Catholic church and their holocaust of Canadian children. Vindicator deleted several threads where I linked Trumps connections to Rothschild, Rockefeller, Jesuits, CIA/Mossad, Epstein, 9/11 criminals Larry Silverstein and Rudy Giuliani, his lawyer Roy Coh who ran pedo entrapment opperations with the CIA, His long time Clinton friendship, His years of being a fixture on the MSM, his being on the ballot and at the debates which only controlled candidates are allowed etc... Yeah, the problem is not that they are shills. Anything but that.

MyWeinerLeaks ago

Hey, I can’t reset my password to my other account: MencomotXO. I’ve been active here for a long time. Just had to make a new one which sucks for cred.

Sonic_fan1 ago

I will admit I just (literally) got my internet working tonight (4 months for a supergeek without internet is a long time... almost eternity)...

While I can kind of admit a change of mods might be needed (and, I'm not singling any out), whoever ends up as mods should be approved by the consensus and should be able to devote time to this project. I know I can't devote the time to this that is needed, though I have the knowledge to put forward (I always had to hold back when someone got on an "adrenochome" kick... yes, adrenochrome is oxidized adrenaline, no, it's not a drug... you could try it as a drug, but the trip is worse than it's worth; the claim that all this is in any way involved with satanism is just crap... at least as far as the real Satanism religion is concerned, numerous other things). One thing we all need to get onboard with is backing everything up somehow... someone should step up who has a backup solution... tape, a spare drive, whatever. If I can get my 400gB/800gB drive working under Windows though software (BIOS sees it), I'll lend it's space to the cause, but it's gonna need the software side to work. Another thing is the jumping to conclusions thing... just because someplace or someone or whatever has a symbol or something that is on the FBI list of pedo symbols or whatever, DO YOUR RESEARCH before labeling them as a pedo hangout or whatever. Remember, these are people and businesses that we're outing online where anyone can see, whether they are guilty or not... remember, the internet has a long memory. Just someone thought something that resembled a slice of pizza might make a neat lawn ornament, does that automatically make them a pedo or a satanist or anything at all?

Sorry to say, whoever takes the almighty staff of being a mod has to keep all this and more in mind when making decisions, and, some of those decisions might not make you too popular around these parts.

In some ways, having a mod who is a polarizing figure is a good thing, as long as they have their opposite on the other side of the aisle to keep things in balance. Remember, there should never be one single person who ends up being (through any reason) a total dictator. Checks and balances.

drstrangegov ago

I will throw my hat in the ring if you'll have me. I am open to any vetting, my views are conservative and I believe in the freedom to express yourself, even if its unpopular. I don't believe freedom of speech applies to corporations, artificial intelligences, individuals or organizations using manipulation or deceit to further their goals. message me and i'll provide my identity.

Luxxy ago

Thank god he is not a mod anymore.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @millennial_falcon - I left because of this person originally. He does not take this seriously.

Cantilever ago

Wew! Glad someone is cleaning up here. Thanks

GreenDell144 ago

Good. Thanks for taking the lead. I’m sure many appreciate it, as I do. I am pretty sure most of us are just working class family folk (likely especially anonymous unseen lurkers), not your typical revolutionaries or computer saavy types. We appreciate all the help we can get.

GreenDell144 ago

Haven’t seen comments appearing this rapidly here in awhile. That means we desperately need something better to talk about, lol.

To all mods here, past present and future: thank you for your efforts. You are appreciated more than you know. Victories here are also partly credited to you. You are to be commended.

millennial_vulcan ago

Respectfully agree to disagree Kev. I'm not wanting to upset the current positive status quo and just grateful that MF is no longer.

Shizy ago

Thanks for the reply. Makes sense. I will stuick to just shit taking that filthy punk

Shizy ago

I have had no bad experiences with MF, but seeing the way he modded and was to other, credible researchers, I questioned his approach to moderating. He was causing too many problems and division among good posters here so I support the decision to de mod him.

Shizy ago

That sorta sounds like a liberal tactic. If MF should be gone, he should be gone.

Shizy ago

So when users like don key hote or whatever variation he chooses to use posts that he is going to rape other posters children he won't get banned?

millennial_vulcan ago

Kev, so you're absolutely fine with shills coming in, disrupting the board, contributing absolutely nothing, but upchucking insults on all the fine, hardworking people here, who spend hours of their spare time fighting for the kids?

Help me understand this?

trillin ago

Jeez you guys are more paranoid than me, and that's saying something

Celticgirlonamission ago

Sounds like a plan...let me know if you need any help, I will gladly help

finska ago

Im so glad MF is gone. Can we now get back some of the amazing reseachers he banned too? Like Jem777, Dark Math and so many others. I even miss hojuruku!

Shizy ago

Isn't Jem back using a different name? She should be unbanned, her input was great

NoBS ago

You are earning my respect by exsposing the fake adults. Nice one.

MyWeinerLeaks ago

Can we get the executive summary back please?

IpointOutTrolls ago

11 month old account that made its first ever comments 9 days ago and randomly hops in here to support the outgoing mods?

Seems legit.

Yup :)

millennial_vulcan ago


NoBS ago

Quit shouting, you are still scaring the newbies away. Which divides us more so trolls can conquer voat and the pizzagate subverse.

You have done well in the division of this forum M_F. Too damned well.

millennial_vulcan ago


Can we ban this irritating dog specimen now @kevdude ? I don't like the bad karma hes bringing to the excellent new board

NoBS ago

I'll just call you underscore. Have a nice day control freak.

millennial_vulcan ago

grow up, nutjob.

rooting4redpillers ago

I read all of this. I hope NEW people don’t. Sure, it takes a certain kind of spine to tough this place out. v/pizzagate subject matter is bad enough. 424 comments with plenty of shitting on some people, and propping others like a lobby for HS Homecoming Queen. All over firing one moderator who’s volunteered a lot of hours, and still willing to stay on and contribute. 424 comments, FFS

Message to newcomers, we’re ALL here for the kids, we only sometimes SEEM cliquish, off-putting, intimidating, and discouraging.

True, we are running out of BIG, NEW finds. Serious people here have been at this for more than a year, with excellent coverage of unresolved cases, ignored by media, in many cases, for decades. While good and decent men and women have died for our fight. Great work has been done here:

Outing: James #49’s sick public presence on Instagram, scrutiny of hundreds of “artists;” bringing to light the complex practice of money-laundering; pedophile symbols; shady pizza shops; Haiti; Hampstead kids; Bohemian Grove; Marfa TX; Rothschilds; Royals; Podestas; CPS; DC tunnels; Comet Ping Pong “family friendly” bands; the abusive music and Hollywood entertainment industries; organ harvesting; satanic rituals...

Zero media coverage. Voat/pizzagate needs to grow and grow and grow.

ESOTERICshade ago

All over firing one moderator who’s volunteered a lot of hours, and still willing to stay on and contribute.

Wrong. That narcissistic cheetos eating basement dwelling little troll was blocking and hindering research efforts into subjects dealing with children being tortured and raped. It needs to be understood by all the researchers how that happened and what to look out for. He was intentionally gaming the rules and the posters into conflicts to get his narcissistic supply at the expense of the children.

After he gamed everybody he would bitch about being a victim. He is a psychopath and the worst possible type of human being. No decent person uses a sub that researches child abuse as his own personal ant jar to torture the ants with a magnifying glass like the little prick that he is. May he rot in hell.

Any decent thing he ever did in this forum has been negated in my eyes by his actions.

ThePuppetShow ago

You're probably right about this guy, but I pretty much gave up here after nothing was done last time. I was here daily before that. Check the stats. Thanks too @kevdude

srayzie ago

Good job!

madmama ago


srayzie ago

What Pepe?

srayzie ago

If you’re talking about that MF posted, it was months ago.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

Great decision!

Ina_Pickle ago

I made a single entirely honest effort at posting legitimate information in this sub. @millennial_falcon deleted it. No good reason given.

I think you can guess my opinion of that guy. As a mod, he was way past his expiration date.

IpointOutTrolls ago

I, for one, would not advocate for his return.


IpointOutTrolls ago

I will usually call her Sarah or Laura because she would always call me Laura. So if you see me calling someone Sarah or Laura, you will know. I gave tips on how to spot her but don’t want to say it publicly because it will make him/her change tactics.

Been watching that one too. Real active for a while but been absent lately. Not sure why.

IpointOutTrolls ago

And once the dust settles the mod team may decide to bring him back into their mix.

I was taking you seriously about your intentions of cleaning this place up but I have seen you say that about six times. I'm not saying that you don't have good intentions, but I am definitely saying that if you are even dreaming about bringing him back here then I seriously doubt your wisdom because that would be the dumbest and most destructive move this sub could ever make.

This sub so does not need him that I am flabbergasted that you would even consider it. Not only is he not made of gold but there is no mod quality he has that this sub needs. What are you thinking?

IpointOutTrolls ago

MF is most likely not coming back. BUT if you make a claim in your post you need to provide the source. That is how research is done.

Cool. Because I tried to resist the urge to hang out in pizzagate. I'm a pointer. Every time I came in here he triggered my pointer. Stayed hard all the time.

NoBS ago

We call that intuition. Survival instincts are at play. I trust your pointer more than M_F.

Antonius ago

Thank the gods you are getting rid of Millenium Falcon. Cripe...he pissed me off so much...getting rid of my posts all the time.

IpointOutTrolls ago

Thank the gods you are getting rid of Millenium Falcon. Cripe...he pissed me off so much...getting rid of my posts all the time.

He kept my pointer triggerd like mad baby.

dragonkiller ago



Catsfive ago

Just a random comment, but, I don't know if Voat has the same ability to add post/user flair that Rddt does, but, in some instances, and when applied consistently, it can also help manage a sub like this. Tx

srayzie ago

Awww thank you.

Cc1914 ago

This is all new to most of us , I'm pretty sure . We didn't all claim to be professional journalists or anything , we all landed here do to a sincere urgency to stop these unspeakable crimes against children ! I've seen people improve in their postings over the past year , we have all learned a lot ! MF definitely abused his " power " IMO . I've pretty much avoided posting during the MF time zone ..nothing like having your hard efforts slap you right in the face ! It's deleted before anyone can see it within a min? How do you even read Anything fully , in less than 1min?

srayzie ago

Thank you!

srayzie ago

I DM’d you

srayzie ago

I think that @Darkmath shouldn’t have been banned. I think he was great.

I don’t know if you saw that big list of “Sarah” shill accounts I posted a while back. He/she continues to make new posts all the time. Daily! I will usually call her Sarah or Laura because she would always call me Laura. So if you see me calling someone Sarah or Laura, you will know. I gave tips on how to spot her but don’t want to say it publicly because it will make him/her change tactics.

gamepwn ago

Kevdude you win my respect times times a thousand. Finally giving power back to the users. Vindicator also has always been one of the best mods as well and while I never supported Cresh before he's right on this one. Finally now we can stop delete happy subs and let people fix posts as well.

gamepwn ago

haha this forum is saved! :) I love this!

Talktome ago

That run-on sentence is the worst I've ever seen.

carmencita ago

I have just read the new posting rules and I am glad to say, as a non techie, HOORAY!!! They sound so much kinder and humane. I also have to admit that I will not miss MF. Although I do not post to often, I have had a few deleted by him. One major post garnered over 300 comments. This was unfortunate, because it was missed being seen by Newbies. In essence, in that case, when we have to go to whatever or no mods, etc. we are basically preaching to the choir. When there is such unfairness, we are deprived of some really great posts. So all in all I am glad we are Changing Out The Mods. Thank You all for all your hard work. It looks like things are going to be running a lot smoother around here now. And I am so glad to Welcome @think- Aboard!

think- ago

Thank you so much, Carm! :-)

carmencita ago

Well Deserved, My Friend <3

think- ago

xoxo :-)

carmencita ago

Much Obliged! :)

dragonkiller ago

Right now as far as we are concerned @vindicator and @think- are in charge.

1000 times better than what we had.

millennial_vulcan ago


Many congratulations @think- !!! A FINE CHOICE! :-)

I would also nominate @Carmencita if not now, then perhaps soon in the near future. She is beyond integral and a more worthy asset I could not name.

Thank you to all mods for everything! We are truly moving mountains.

carmencita ago

Holy Cow! Thank You MV for the accolades, but you would rue the day. I am a Box in the Rocks when it comes to Tech Stuff. It scares me to death. I can't tell you that I am still discovering things that should have dawned on me months ago. LOL. I am laughing at myself. Yes I agree @think- is an Awesome Choice!

millennial_vulcan ago

Come on Carm, you can do it and yes, Think is an asset to the boards. So many folk on here are. My hope is that all the great past contributors who were scared off by MF will now return and continue their invaluable work...

carmencita ago

@think- is surely more knowledgeable in the tech dept. than I am. Really you have no idea how it scares me. EEK!

think- ago

Hahaha, thanks, millenial! Much appreciated! :-)

millennial_vulcan ago

Your zen and rationale is so appreciated, think.

I am a self admitted hot head but only because this subject matter induces equal parts rage and anxiety. I will never stop fighting for abuse victims :(

dragonkiller ago

And I will say something else. There HAS to be somebody in the wings OTHER THAN crensch to keep the mods in line because I know with certainty that crensch is not that person to handle the job. crensch has no skills at all in judging worthy material or how all this should be handled. crensch is nothing more 7 letter on the sidebar that needs to keep its nose out of the business or give this sub to a person that is personally involved in pizzagate which needs to happen anyway. crensch has no business owning this sub and there is no reason for him to. We don't have to talk about that because we will not agree but it needed to be said.

dragonkiller ago

I understand the dilemma. That will happen. Let me phrase it another way. Lets take "everybody" out of the equation and replace it with "all material.".

That runs afoul of the "all material has to be treated equal and exactly the same"

We live in a world where "people" all have to be "equal" or the snowflakes eat us alive. "posted material" can't be a snowflake and all material is obviously not equal. That does not solve the dilemma and keep shills from screaming either.

But I think the crux of the matter is this >>> We had a mod that gave not two shits about the material or who posted it. He was gaming both people and material. That problem evaporated and its now a whole new paradigm. These two mods we have now won't do that and I believe that with 100% certainty. We had LEGIT posters and material that he was intentionally gaming into a conflict and that is why we had so much problems. These people won't create that problem because they just won't.

We need to stop basing our "what ifs" through the twisted lens of our experiences with Falcon because this is a new world and new paradigm. We may have a shill squeak but we won't have large numbers of LEGIT pissed off posters because these mods will treat the material with respect and the posters. This is a new environment that we are not accustomed to having.

dragonkiller ago

Posts like this will probably still get pulled with a "fix title and repost" request. What do you think?

I agree and especially with it being a video. The title needs to tell us WHY it is related and since it is a video we probably need to know WHERE in the video the material is because somebody could link to an hour long video and the mod can't spend an hour looking for something that may not be there. Most people will will catch on over time that it needs to be time stamped but people will still post it without time stamps. This is a situation where if I was a mod and I KNEW the material because I was familiar with it I might not pull it but give the poster time to timestamp it. That runs afoul of the "everybody has to be treated equal and exactly the same" but familiarity with material also breeds a better forum in cases like this. If I knew it was obvious bullshit of course i would want to pull it immediately and get rid of it. Sometimes a mod knows and if he knows let him do what needs to be done and not get ham strapped by the rules. We have to use the rules but we should not punish ourselves with them.

dragonkiller ago

Well, I backed you like a tiger so make us proud :)

dragonkiller ago

There are more to come. I would hope that you judge @crensch by the results of his actions and not words. I have known him for 2.5 years. He is a solid dude.

His words don't bother me so much but his actions are tied to his words and thus are not productive unless you stand on his head like a donkey. I am not disappointed anymore I just don't want to see any more shit like that. Right @crensh? roflmao....Its a joke. @crensch gets it :)

dragonkiller ago

He stepped down and maybe you are right. His final words lend some credence to your hypothesis here.

@crensch does not fit this model. He brought me back on the mod team knowing full well what I was going to do. He may not kiss your ass, but his role is to address problem mods. The majority of the people whining could never bring him concrete proof of MF being an issue. Recently he finally saw some black and white stuff and he moved on it.

I guess that it good that he stepped down since he would not take the new mod but you cannot sell me crensch because crensch is as toxic as a poison puffer fish and twice as unreasonable. Bringing you in might be a good thing I don't know yet. So far so good because we got a new mod and we needed it. But crensch ain't go no business owning a child saving sub and the obviousness of that is clear for all to see. crensch told all a hundred times how he had to come down out of his lofty perch (laying on a couch with a laptop eating cheetos) to deal with us stupid commoners. crensch's idea of winning an argument is playing dictionary games and grinding people about typos. Fuck that shit we are here to help kids not dick around with crensch's fucking grammar dictionary. Thanx for the new mod though I appreciate that man.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

By your comment I can see that you have no intention of conducting yourself to the agreed [O]wner level rules for this sub.

From this point forward I consider this subverse corrupt and to have been taken over by people who have the goal of perpetuating pedophilia and child abuse.

I am resigning my position and I will no longer participate in this community - obviously you can see from the comments of a few users I am not welcome here and no amount of work will change the communities hostility to the moderation team here.

IpointOutTrolls ago


From this point forward I consider this subverse corrupt and to have been taken over by people who have the goal of perpetuating pedophilia and child abuse.

I am resigning my position and I will no longer participate in this community - obviously you can see from the comments of a few users I am not welcome here and no amount of work will change the communities hostility to the moderation team here.


trillin ago

No what? Calm down, come back!

IpointOutTrolls ago

No what? Calm down, come back!

Noted. Probable Falcon or VSD alt.




trillin ago

Your pointer is bendy

Vindicator ago

Well, this was not helpful. :-( VSD, this seems like a very hasty reaction to a complex situation.

I'm sure the shills who have been trashing MF the past few weeks on /pol/, reddit and elsewhere will be quick to cite this as evidence for their premise that Voat is a limited hangout. What was the point of getting involved in addressing the situation if only to yank the ripcord and parachute out of the plane?

ESOTERICshade ago

vindicator if his decision making skills are not astute enough that he can't see that the mod had to go and he is going to call everybody pedos on the way out the door then let the door him in the ass. Enough of all these internet power trip kings. This place needed to be flushed out and if he is power tripping this hard let him go.

His leadership is responsible for this clusterfuck and if he don't want to help fix it without calling everybody pedos then oh well.

I am looking forward to the days when we don't have to screw with all this and I can go back to surfing the internet looking for good stuff to post but until that happens I will work to flush this place out.

Vindicator ago

Yes. Just at the moment, I'd like to let folks focus on the new warning flair though. :-)

HugoWeaving ago

Kev - You know why. You were on to something in another of your comment threads. It's all about the narrative. You raise a point, they flag it and flip to a new account to counter and co-opt the conversation. We had less snowflakes in the beginning...I'm eager to hear the answer though...

2impendingdoom ago

I think the fact that M_F is so controversial and has been a source of contention for so long means that M_F must go. Do other subverses have this problem? I doubt it. People who are still here don't want to speak out and risk being banned. I've pretty much stopped posting here but have come back when I heard M_F is no longer modding. I cant be the only one. In fact, a lot of good posters who were wrongly banned should be reinstated.

srayzie ago

Yay! I’m glad you’re back!

Onheresinceday3 ago

Be aware that darkmath is part of the gangstalk crew that drove ones to believe nathan was legit and safe. The two harmed were not the first. Those were intentional harms and set ups, and also pushing victims to suicide via bullying as "feelings and hurts" are not manly enough for ones too caveman to realize that sensory and miasms are part of functional intelligence. For centuries the divide and conquer, aggravate, trigger, mislead by elite has been a practiced norm to advance. Read the news on ones exposed that are connected to trump. Both and all sides are these plan and plot. The satanist is to logic the illogic and use that to defend ritual that is about distort and manipulate energy via orgasm, tesla coil, and more. Ones of us have been here from the first week of pizzagate on voat and were on front lines of all related issues for decades. You and others have found some good ones to work with but never drop your awareness that much high agendas are going on and all harmed and killed are ignored and there are more. This is not for us to answer back only warnings to keep all good safe and expand awareness and consciousness for safety and focus of lives. Ones that naively think that every system and industry is not profitting from bio matter and other parts are behind the waves. Of course every industry and system will fine tune for profit, agenda, satanic and have had centuries to expand and grow.

Esoteric has contributed go community growth. Apologizes and welcomes in ones hurt or jaded is demonstrated to a mother on here that had her child stolen in the system that mods and others on here jab in bullying. That is why suicides many ignored have occurred from this forum including to victims. You are a kind soul but still naive to how dark the math gets. Do not take as insult. We say to protect in foresight all that fight the cause for life versus what is against life for all as a manmade practiced religion in purposeful rituals, plot, plan and they use sexual orgy in ritual as the psychdrama of tension between conflicting energies a science of illogic so they call themselves logic as mpck other religions cause ones to follow to be impotent as state all religions are manmade and the masses are fooled in follow versus potency but their potency versus impotence is using life force in their rotual of psychodrama for deviance and death in dark math equations. There were many other researchers and asvocates on here from week one that had spent decades on the many front lines and were driven off in many violent formats. Many were already known for their works for all the related causes way before voat and election. Many of us watch and observe. A new account means nothing for any lifelong advocate changes patterns and many were hacked in the first month here including after gangstalked and groups trying to suicide ones. It is all a game a thrill for ones for is sadistic. They think are better than others including animals for they illogic lovic they are potent versus impotent. The truth is they are impotent and cannot naturally harness and connect to universal life source as indigenous and infants and mammals naturally do is the huge missing link in masses for it is all about energy. A precedent case ignored is in washington state supreme court done by a number of indigenous over 17 years ago for all life and the planet and headed by hank otrosky from alaska. Natives from all over including alaska, canada, and hawaii had fought for decades to bring the case of all life has a right to exist in allodial total, access to all resources including our universe divine energy at 3.14 golden proportion. The last post erased that brought mod stopped has many leads. Ones who spent research hpurs posting leads for topics and under topics as comments are important leads that put all the pieces together of the agendas and ones posted long comments instead so would not be erased. Good or bad, strategy is a chess game and only constant is change. Would you walk the same route if stalked or change your habits and patterns for to change is strategy and ones have strategized in these unwanted chess games of life and planet versus destroy to harness energy to further control, destroy, tyranize, rule, dominate, mislead, deceive. They are dependent on harming life energy for they are too stupid to atrach to life energy as dolphins do, all mammals, and infants require the nervous system attatchment which involves energy intelligence, competence, utilization. Much is written that may be much but print and hang on your wall for all truth is parallel and when dig deeper in all research and inside yourself and observe nature and meditate you will have more clarificatiin and knowing. Reading the satanic and masonic practices, meeting notes and more are pertinent to get inside the illogic logic mind programs of them to know thy enemy as they are way ahead and many all over world and initiating more every day. They are so ahead in group strategies that it is inside jokes to them how blinded the masses are that even satanist is ritual orgie they call confront the psychodramas. All of you had many satanists with parents of satanists that purposely pushed ones to another app. Nathan was neither solo. Archived on web is texts between Nathan and Mill Falcon and at this junction, Mill Falcolm owes explanation and proof of why Nathan called him out as Satanic Masonic for Nathan is that with parents high in government and healthcare industry technology. Causing divisions and distress are standard and stress hormones are used in their psychodrama rituals in person and long distance to achieve evil agenda outcomes of any and everything. This is centuries of practice with every type of science and more used to hone as is paperclip a piece of their continued puzzle. Pieces of the puzzle found are posted all over on this forum that ones discovered, including in public health care in the usa and usaid abroad. All the world is a stage to these evil fuckers. They did not start when voat did, but centuries ago and ones must catch up on all to get ahead of their waves that is in all areas on purpose. They are way in the lead and all divisions and dramas only further enable them which is very unwise. Secret societies in every realm and the good only has public sites is not strategy that wins. Putting past, present, future as one is a necessary key to win, to overcome this ENERGY WARFARE. We were not going to post directly to you, but that you are not aware that there are more bad players than good, we wrote to you, but we write for all that are legit for life. This site is nothing but easy thrills and sabotage to ones that have been ruling dominion on the masses that do not even have awareness that satanic is sexual orgy psychodrama. Very different from church of formality. Each ritual is highly sexual and perverse and orgasmic in group orgy participation. It is all by invite only, but they have brought satanic color books to public schools in many states and scream discrimination. How can sexual orgy ritual and invite only scream discrimination using religion. It is not a religion it is logic in rituals to psychodrama to control and very related to Tesla, Cern and much more.

srayzie ago

Why make a new account just to leave me a message like this? 🤔 I have 2 ideas of who you could be. But I don’t get why you don’t just say who you are and not hide behind an alt.

srayzie ago

Are you talking about Nathan from Discord? Cbradio?

srayzie ago

Why the new account? Triggered by Dracula?

Onheresinceday3 ago

All be wiser. This is not the many front lines and elders in the causes worldwide do not have consistent access or good technology. It is energy warfare, a energy world. Not all to be aware of is always visible for either side for life or satanic destruction. This is nursery level but all levels are pertinent and needed.

Onheresinceday3 ago

And of course it is nuts. This is all chosen worldwide group psychopatho in conscious logic of the illogic is their meme, are their purposeful habits and mind programs. They number at millions and are in everything and all over. Do not fear as they feed on fear. The universe life source and all of nature are allies and no orgy porgie sexual deviations will ever be remotely as power as universe life source energy. That is their ego and facade fantasy. May the force be with you.

Onheresinceday3 ago


2impendingdoom ago


srayzie ago

Ive missed you!

2impendingdoom ago

I know, our road trip!

srayzie ago

I know!

millennial_vulcan ago

So happy to have you back!!

2impendingdoom ago

thanks, I'm not going to be able to be here as much due to rl but I'll be reading posts again as much as I can. (so many new ids to learn)

pby1000 ago

I think it is a good idea to change the mods around, and to demod certain people. The pace of research has really slowed down here because the really good researchers get frustrated and leave. People should be focused on uncovering the pedophilia issue so we can stop it instead of fighting with mods.

I don't see what the big problem is with us submitting links. We all do this research for free, and share information freely with others. I usually just comment because I do not want to deal with the aggravation of submitting links.

I am hopeful that some regular researchers will step up and volunteer to mod.

rarepeeks ago

I think it is a good idea to change the mods around, and to demod certain people. The pace of research has really slowed down here because the really good researchers get frustrated and leave. People should be focused on uncovering the pedophilia issue so we can stop it instead of fighting with mods.

Thank you for saying so. Many others have complained and it is not only ignored but criticized as "being against the mod" and thus not credible. Well no no shit. People are supposed to want to change when something is not working properly but around here that is some sort of sin.

pby1000 ago

The pace of research has slowed, and the frustration level has increased. That is not good considering we all donate our time for this cause.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm back. I am typing left handed and nursing my baby so I can't post details YET but I'll be back with some examples of upsetting MF deletions.

rarepeeks ago

I'm back. I am typing left handed and nursing my baby so I can't post details YET but I'll be back with some examples of upsetting MF deletions.

Get ready to be tortured with an unfair accounting of how the rules work because they won't be fair unless it goes in favor of keeping Falcon. They will treat you unfairly and use it an excuse to keep Falcon. You might just be better off stating how you feel and leave it at that because if you get into a rules debate with these people they will twist it against you because that is their mode of operation. Your opinion that he is not a good mod might be better than letting them rip you pieces with their bullshit rules analysis. When they ask you for evidence it is usually a set up.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well I archived a couple of them on my blog and then I guess decided to leave Voat and start focusing on my own pieces elsewhere, but here is a portion of the ones he deleted that I archived on my blog.

"Thanks guys. Looks like Millenial_Falcon is of the opinion that there is no evidence that organ / blood / body harvesting and blood drinking and Satanism are in any way connected to kidnapping, pedophilia organ / blood / body consumption and cannibalism. Do you guys have any more information on Dorgan? Obviously, he’s an anti-truther connected to the Clinton Foundation. I guess Millenial_Falcon thinks that the CIA and elites are only into kidnapping, pedophilia and Spirit Cooking as art and that they have a small appetite."


IpointOutTrolls ago

Well I archived a couple of them on my blog and then I guess decided to leave Voat and start focusing on my own pieces elsewhere, but here is a portion of the ones he deleted that I archived on my blog.

I didn't know you had that blog. Thanx pointing that out.

Disappointed ago

@kevdude see above

HugoWeaving ago

@Millennial_Falcon did more for this sub than any of you know. It’s ok to be mad. It’s ok to want change. It’s part of life. It’s the natural progression of crowed sourced research.

Most of you are too new to this forum and don’t understand why moderating this sub is a thankless and uphill battle. You may think that being censored or held to strict rules limits your freedom of speech...but that’s the point. You shouldn’t be here to speak. This isn’t a personal soapbox. This is a place for real researchers to work together to uncover things THEY want buried. And facts matter. Truth matters. Following rules is what WE want THEM to do, isn’t it? Yet we can’t start with us? If anyone and anything is allowed here, then nothing can be trusted. You want the masses to wake up with you? Then you have to lead them to the water. And a pool infested the way this sub becomes these days...that’s undeniably undrinkable.

I have turned down offers to mod along the way because my focus has been research and not baby sitting wanna be social warriors who come here only to refresh their browsers and see how many likes they get...

Without pre judging those stepping up, let’s all work together and make sure that rules are upheld as applied to everyone equally.

Thank you to those who served. Welcome to those who will. Remember who we are doing this all for...they don’t have creative usernames. They don’t have voices.

They have us.

IpointOutTrolls ago

Most of you are too new to this forum and don’t understand why moderating this sub is a thankless and uphill battle. You may think that being censored or held to strict rules limits your freedom of speech...but that’s the point. You shouldn’t be here to speak. This isn’t a personal soapbox.

My pointer is hard. Something is triggering my pointer. Is it you?

HugoWeaving ago

Ha. If your pointer is triggered, then it must mean I did something right. Just make sure to use protection...

IpointOutTrolls ago

Just make sure to use protection...

Always :)

jfa ago

It's not a thankless job at all. There are many people who kiss the mods ass. Give me a break.

You aren't educated on this topic it seems.

HugoWeaving ago

lol says the 1.8 hour account...Please don't...When you're ready for an education, I'll know. That's when the lessons are learned.

jfa ago

People know who I am here, JusticeforAaron. I deleted that account, as I have done countless other ones (I believe I joined 3 months after the sub opened). As I said, you aren't up to date on this at all, you are ignorant of what goes on here, people like you always go for the easiest new account argument because you have nothing else. Oh, fuck you btw.

Narcissism ago

MV worked hard for this forum. With the Instagram fake hit piece on him and all the attacks it has all the hallmarks of a bad actor coup.

janet58 ago

I want to thank everybody who puts in the time to do this often thankless task. This is not in my skill set. As they say, it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to abuse a child, and it takes a village to end the abuse.

Phenomenonanon ago

Do old accounts that M Falcon has banned get unbanned due to his corruption?

Vindicator ago

No one has made a case that @Millennial_Falcon is corrupt, Phenomenonanon. That is not what is being discussed. The comments here clearly show that is at best a very minority opinion.

As always, ban removals will be considered. Please make the request in v/pizzagatemods, ping me, and provide links to whatever post led to the ban, as well as the approximate date the ban happened.

karenrussell63 ago

@kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator @Millennial_Falcon @VictorSteinerDavion

I don't have any personal feelings on M_F being removed, but on principal, we need to know why he was removed? I'm aware there have been accusations made but what specific conclusions were reached and what specifically did M_F do wrong? I want to know specific users who have accused him, and I could look through all recent comments and compile this list myself, but I assume since a decision has been made you would have this list already.

Secondly, I agree wholeheartedly with VictorSteinerDavion. For the record, I have no idea of what VictorSteinerDavion's beliefs are and have never had any interaction with him except that I believe I've seen his name before.

He's right though. Whether or not it was the right call to add kevdude as an [O] mod, valid points were made that this was handled incorrectly. This is nothing against kevdude, he's basically in the same boat; I haven't had much interaction with anyone of the mods with the exception of Vindicator. This feels too much like a hostile takeover and given the subject matter of this community that is one thing we absolutely do not want.

I want to give the benefit of doubt, and I feel like you guys are trying to make things right, but we need our mods in agreement.

ESOTERICshade ago

This feels too much like a hostile takeover and given the subject matter of this community that is one thing we absolutely do not want.

"fee fees" as these people call it don't count in this place unless the "fee fees" are inline with the fee fees of the board owners and mods. So that is pretty irrelevant.

karenrussell63 ago

I have no idea what you said or what that means. Can you dump it down for me and put it in normal terms?

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I assume since a decision has been made you would have this list already.

I have not seen a list that details this, just a single post that people have bandwagoned onto as a cause to demod M_F.

Thank you for the considered comment, I advocate more members of the community take the time to write their own considered comments, whatever their position.

dragonkiller ago

[–] VictorSteinerDavion -5 points (+0|-5) 13 hours ago

Attaboy "serve" the community. Go against the community and "serve" the community into the jaws of never ending problems that only you could fix but refuse to fix in order to justify your existence which is not needed or appreciated. You said you were going to resign so we hope you keep your promise.

IpointOutTrolls ago

Attaboy "serve" the community. Go against the community and "serve" the community into the jaws of never ending problems that only you could fix but refuse to fix in order to justify your existence which is not needed or appreciated. You said you were going to resign so we hope you keep your promise.

Dragonkiller I will say one thing for you, you do indeed have a way with words my man.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have not seen a list that details this, just a single post that people have bandwagoned onto as a cause to demod M_F.

Several people have an opinion you don't like. So, you put them in a "bandwagon" and of course that is bad. Bad bandwagon. Clever, but only works on dummies

ESOTERICshade ago

Thank you for the considered comment, I advocate more members of the community take the time to write their own considered comments, whatever their position.

If you think about how stupid the main problem is here it is eye shockingly simple. "We want to hear the opinion of the community! Oh, you have an opinion? That makes you bias and a shill because you have an opinion. We are looking for neutral people with no bias so speak up! What did you say? Oh no, you have an opinion, it does not reflect mine, that won't work, you neutral people speak up!" rinse repeat, rinse repeat.

This is a fucking game zone not a sub to save children from being tortured to death. I told you that I wanted the Mod removed and gave you the information and you called me part of a hostile takeover and that my intentions were to derail the sub. You wanted me put "on a list" of subversive people.

Internet absentee slum lord board owners are the problem in this sub.

Madwack ago

He should stay.

That simple.

Vindicator ago

Yes it is. I would sticky it, but I already made a new sticky for our experiment. Cross your fingers.

Also, Honeybee_ is coming back. I just sent her an invite.

millennial_vulcan ago

LOVE her!

VictorSteinerDavion ago

First point:

Making @kevdude an [O] level mod is directly against the operating rules of this subreddit and I explicitly do not condone this action and I now consider this 'verse corrupt and in the middle of a takeover by corrupt forces.
Kevdude you have 24h from this post to voluntarily resign this position or my assertion of the subverse being corrupt will be validated and I will resign my own position as I cannot in good conscience participate in a sub that is a willing participant in this type of moderator conduct.

Second point:

The two [O] level mods can only in unanimous agreement invite another [O] level mod. (kingkongwaswrong is absentee and considered an automatic nay vote)
I did not endorse or approve this action which makes your position here nonviable and in contravention of the rules of this sub.
@crensch I am very disappointed in this unilateral action you have taken and I disagree with it absolutely and unreservedly.
The removal of @millennial_falcon is a violation of the operating method of this sub and is something I consider further evidence of a hostile takeover attempt by external forces.

I consider this an overtly hostile action towards my position here and I am against all and any actions, rule changes and additions to the mod team that have been made without my consultation.
All these changes have been made in an uncharacteristic haste when all previously standing orders have been to apply patience and to wait before making drastic actions as witnessed here. (three days is not enough time to resolve this)

I now consider this entire subverse to be potentially in the hands of the very people I have been trying to work against and I am very disappointed that the derail and destruct attempts by the external forces have shown to be effective in causing this sub to fall into their hands.

And for anyone who thinks @millennial_falcon has done a poor job of moderating, not a single one of you has requested or made an effort to do a better job yourselves.
And in that single failure of action you have all shown your true motivations.

It should have been obvious to all of you that the subverse has been under constant and periodic attack from people with ambiguous motivations and the moderators of this subverse have been targeted for being the scapegoat to bring about exactly these types of changes as a way to open a wedge in the management of the subverse.

The only sensible thing I've seen from all this is the proposed 24h grace period for questionable posts.
That is something I can support.

As for the rest, revert or be shown to be corrupt

IpointOutTrolls ago

It should have been obvious to all of you that the subverse has been under constant and periodic attack from people with ambiguous motivations and the moderators of this subverse have been targeted for being the scapegoat to bring about exactly these types of changes as a way to open a wedge in the management of the subverse.

I am a pointer. I am pointing at you. Your whole asshole just fell out in the floor and everybody is looking at it. Please pull your pants up so that I don't have to point you out again.

dragonkiller ago

[–] VictorSteinerDavion -5 points (+3|-8) 14 hours ago

Refuses to acknowledge obvious problems. Uses rhetorical banter to make himself look right. Nobody buying the bullshit. Thats about right.

srayzie ago

The people here that are doing the work and care about these children are who you guys should be concerned about. If @Millennial_Falcon has his feelings hurt then welcome to the club. He’s the one that banned many good users and his reason was “Because I can” with his smart ass Pepe the frog meme.

I don’t like @Kevdude or @Crensch. The only reason Millennial_Falcon has been better lately is because his ass has been on the line. People HAVE stepped up and tried to help. As far as myself, there is no way in hell I would want to be a mod here with the current board owners. Not you. I’m talking about Kevdude and Crensch. All they do is stir stuff up, call people names, and label anyone who stands up to them a shill. Good pizzagate posts are removed and non related posts remain.

We the people should have the right to be in a positive environment and have mods and board owners that can be respectful to others. @Vindicator treats people fairly and people are a lot less mean to him. But, even if they are, he has the maturity to let it roll off his back. Even tho @think- and I disagree on certain issues, we’ve always had a mutual respect for each other because he/she could disagree in a respectful manner and is always the peace maker. Kevdude and Crensch say that respect is earned, but they have not shown respect to the respectful ones.

I never argued with a mod or owner for over a year. Then I complained respectfully about a post that was deleted. Kevdude actually handled it well and said it shouldn’t have been removed. That is until Crensch joined the conversation saying that a person I pinged in my post is someone he hates, therefore I was suddenly suspicious in his eyes. He didn’t even know me. That’s when I began backing away and went and started my own sub. I couldnt stand the constant negativity here. You can go back and read what happened the night I complained. It was insane.

They are immature. People have been begging for change. They’ve begged for Millennial_Falcon to be removed. If you care about this board and what it stands for, then you will care about what we want. We’re doing the work.

Disappointed ago

his reason was “Because I can” with his smart ass Pepe the frog meme.

If you can find somewhere he did this, I'd appreciate it. If it's too much trouble, don't worry about it.

srayzie ago

He sent that to someone’s inbox who then shared it with me because we’re friends. This person is not the type that would deserve it. He/she is a really sweet person like Carmencita. They don’t even curse!

Both times @Vindicator fixed the problem. As usual, he had to fix things. But the message was really disturbing. I will ask if he or she still has it and is willing to share it. But, Millennial has said cocky things like that several times.

jfa ago

This is the best comment of them all. I agree with everything you've said here and honestly it's heartbreaking because it should be about the kids but it's about creepy psychopath mods with a lust for power. I didn't even know VictorSteinerDavion even existed until now and in other threads he seems extremely condescending. If you can stay here through all this I highly commend you. Thank you. I won't be here.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Thank you for your thoughts.

I understand that Crensch can be abrasive, and I can see how that would put off many users.

Unfortunately by the very nature of this sub it attracts crazies and nutters so the tolerance levels are different for each of us mods.
I made a specific choice way back to conduct myself to a certain standard, and I can see the cost and benefit of how Crensch does their thing.

The key part to understand is: no matter the personal stuff if you believe in the cause stronk enough no amount of slings and arrow will dissuade you from your goal.

I've noted you long standing contribution to the community and I value it as much as I value any serious concerted effort to further the investigation.

Begging for change, or begging for M_F to be removed it to be expected, but begging alone is not enough for me to take any action.
What is needed for action is direct non-ambiguous proof of corruption and so far nobody has provided that.
Even the latest post deletion in question is not enough, as the post that was deleted is actually just another in a long chain of posts I have identified as being planned disruption - and I have instructed M_F and the mod team to delete them accordingly.

If anything, people should be braying for my removal as I'm the one that instituted the policy. M_F was just following orders.

IpointOutTrolls ago

The key part to understand is: no matter the personal stuff if you believe in the cause stronk enough no amount of slings and arrow will dissuade you from your goal.

I've noted you long standing contribution to the community and I value it as much as I value any serious concerted effort to further the investigation.

Begging for change, or begging for M_F to be removed it to be expected, but begging alone is not enough for me to take any action.

This is decent bullshit, which you are absolutely full of up to your eyeballs, but definitely not world class bullshit for sure. Since I spot trolls I could give you some tips on how not to be as obvious but i won't because I find your particular brand of bullshit to be nauseating and it reflects your true self, which is not a pretty site, so I won't.

dragonkiller ago

I understand that Crensch can be abrasive, and I can see how that would put off many users.

Flowery language for "beligerently refuses to solve problems." Your words are worthless and your actions are destructive. Until you prove otherwise you are useless to us.

ESOTERICshade ago

two more people just told you they want to leave because this place is like a prison camp. good job bro. @cc1914 and @srayzie just spoke. add them to the other roughly three hundred or so people you ran off with your "policies". We do the work here. WE ARE THE SUB and you guys are like absentee slum lords with an attitude. That is how we see you. We want you to just go away.

srayzie ago

Thank you for your respectful response. I can see that you have your mind made up so I’m not going to argue about it. I’ll just be attacked by the others.

Cc1914 ago

Exactly why I'm holding back here . He's made up his mind . And according to him MF was just following rules that he made , so we should have asked for his removal not MF ? Whaaat? I'm so done here !

dragonkiller ago

Exactly why I'm holding back here . He's made up his mind . And according to him MF was just following rules that he made , so we should have asked for his removal not MF ? Whaaat? I'm so done here !

The problem is obvious. The mod is a problem. They won't fix it to community satisfaction. I have mulled over the reasons why that would be the case and it comes down to control. If they can't control it they don't want it. Pretending to let the community run the sub is an illusion they create because if they don't like your opinion they have a stock set of reasons to deny your opinion. At all costs they intend to maintain control and anything that threatens their control is something to be neutralized. What is so obvious is that their is a mutiny against these worthless board owners and they have all kinds of reasons why it isn't real.

Vindicator ago

Interesting points about subverse operating rules requiring agreement of O's. Is there someplace this is written down. It's the first I've heard of it.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

It's not formalized, but has been the agreement between kingkongwaswrong and crensch and I from the start and is intended to block any takeover attempts.

My comment history should reflect this, but need a bit of digging to dredge up.

Vindicator ago

Got it. That makes sense.

Vindicator ago

Hey VSD. Thanks for chiming in. I did not expect any of the plot twists of the last 48 hours, including this one, LOL. Just for the record, I was planning to "J" @think- before this unfolded. He was not known to either Crensch or Kev before I suggested him, and he is doing a good job so far. We've needed the help for a while.

VictorSteinerDavion ago


I have no issue with any [M] level mods granting [J] mods, the more the merrier.
Please add them.

As for the rest lets see what happens

ESOTERICshade ago

Gee thanx. Have you been posting here and had to tolerate his modding as much as we have? Getting a new mod is the best thing that has happened here in a year. I don't even believe this. I really don't.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I'm not sure if you're aware, but I am the other [O] level moderator of this verse, and all the things I have listed in the above comment are true to the operating rules and standards this sub has been held to from the beginning.

I am well aware of all of the criticisms leveled at all the moderators, and my commentary (which is public) has been consistent from the beginning.
While I am not visbily participatory in the subverse I am constantly monitoring it for exactly this kind of hostile takeover attempt, which you seem to be the lead advocate for.

I don't even believe this. I really don't.

Your belief is not required.

ESOTERICshade ago

While I am not visbily participatory in the subverse I am constantly monitoring it for exactly this kind of hostile takeover attempt, which you seem to be the lead advocate for.

I am here every day. I am only trying to participate in making a better sub. I am not part of anything hostile or any takeovers. Us regular users have felt for a long time that we have been held hostage. There are two sides to this equation.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I am not part of anything hostile or any takeovers.

I don't believe you (but refer to my previous comment, it applies to me too)

What I have seen from you is a constant participation, but one that is consistently disruptive and requires significant effort to counter your attempts to re-direct the focus of the subverse away from the core purpose.

Us regular users

I'm a regular user too, I upvote and downvote content as much as I can, and I've even advocated for borderline posts to be left alone as they generated great discussion.

I am only trying to participate in making a better sub.

I can believe and would be happy to accept this, if you posted quality content and helped posters that ran afoul of the rules but would otherwise have great content.
If you want to gain my support, do more of this, be pro active in fostering and nurturing posters of content.

ESOTERICshade ago

I can believe and would be happy to accept this, if you posted quality content and helped posters that ran afoul of the rules but would otherwise have great content.

I don't know if you noticed but a lot of us quit wasting our time spending hours preparing things because of the moderation. You can blame it on us but we don't think its all our fault.

I don't believe you (but refer to my previous comment, it applies to me too)

I wish you did because its true. I'm just one of the few brave enough to speak with the possibility of getting banned.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I don't know if you noticed but a lot of us quit wasting our time spending hours preparing things because of the moderation. You can blame it on us but we don't think its all our fault.

I do blame you, your commitment is lacking and the very thing that makes me interpret your actions as that of a disruptor.
If you're serious, commit the time, take the action and persist. Show me you are what you say you are.

I'm just one of the few brave enough to speak with the possibility of getting banned.

I don't see anything you've done so far as being something as warranting a ban, and I request, formally, that you contact me directly if you are banned and I will remove it as quick as I can.
I can disagree with you all I want, but nothing so far warrants a ban and my disagreement is vastly insufficient to even permit a ban.

ESOTERICshade ago

I can disagree with you all I want, but nothing so far warrants a ban and my disagreement is vastly insufficient to even permit a ban.

It would be nice if everybody was a level headed. Falcon banned a user for simply saying "there are some good posts in the deleted submissions area." The community raised all amounts of hell until he finally unbanned her. I am not making a false claim its true. He does not deny it. @2impendingdoom confirms it in this thread. Other mods aware of it. There are others.

I do blame you, your commitment is lacking

The poster is always wrong is a common theme. Sometimes it really is the mod.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

The poster is always wrong is a common theme. Sometimes it really is the mod.

Mods can fail, and often do.
But I did not say "the poster is always wrong", I questioned your commitment to making the subverse better.
This is the kind of deflection that makes me suspect you and your intentions.

ESOTERICshade ago

I questioned your commitment to making the subverse better.

My committment was to help @vindicator and @kevdude make a better sub. You may not agree with what I am committed to but it is committment none the less. You can define my committment any way you like but as I am defining the term it reflects my intentions. If you interpret lack of committment with disagreement about how Falcon mods you are not defining my intentions correctly.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

And you further deflect by clearly not addressing the issue of you deflecting.

you interpret lack of committment with disagreement about how Falcon mods you are not defining my intentions correctly.

I do not see you working with members of the community to help draft and post better content and I do not see you taking the effort to go through deleted posts and help the poster make them better.

I have seen no action of yours that grows the community.
I have seen action of yours that destructs the community through negativity and constant complaining.

Do more of the first and less of the second if you want me to take you seriously.

ESOTERICshade ago

What about your mod banning people for simply speaking a sentence. The poster said "some of the better posts are in the deleted submissions bin" and got banned. Is that how the mods are allowed to operate without being removed?

VictorSteinerDavion ago

What about your mod

There is not such thing as "my mod".
You are creating a false reality with your first sentence that is misleading.
Please correct this and I request you make better efforts to not mislead readers through manipulations like this


Please link me to this comment and the user so I can investigate

ESOTERICshade ago

If I were to spend that amount of time looking for it and I find it. And it is as simple as I say it is and my words are truthful. Will this rise to the level of having the mod removed? This will be difficult to find but it is not impossible because I know two people that will know where to look. What is the penalty for a mod for such an action as I described?

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Will this rise to the level of having the mod removed?

It will rise to the level of having the user unbanned if they were banned unjustly.

What is the penalty for a mod for such an action as I described?

At the moment the penalty is censure, of which M_F already has one from me, if M_F was the mod that banned the user unjustly it would earn a second sanction and I would officially warn that mod that they are on a last step before permanent removal.
When a mod is on a last step, I am extremely sensitive to mod abuse and the mod in question would have to be a perfect angel in their conduct from that point forward.

I request you address the first part of my comment, the part that deals with you misrepresenting the facts and request you post an edit to that comment that reflects a clarification of your message that is more factual and bedded in reality.

ESOTERICshade ago

I request you address the first part of my comment, the part that deals with you misrepresenting the facts and request you post an edit to that comment that reflects a clarification of your message that is more factual and bedded in reality.


If I can provide two instances of a mod in this subverse banning a person for the scenario I previously described will that count as three instances and result in the removal of the mod? The mod is Falcon. In the other instance the reason he gave the poster was "because it amuses me." Vindicator had to get that poster unbanned. If I spend the time to provide you with these examples will it result in the removal of the mod?

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Please do link the user and comment that got them banned so I can determine if they should be unbanned and M_F censured.

If I can provide two instances of a mod in this subverse banning a person for the scenario

This crosses the threshold of being a witch hunt, as you have only introduced this question after you gained an answer that would produce the outcome you seek.

If I spend the time to provide you with these examples will it result in the removal of the mod?

For the first time you are honest with your intentions.
You are, and have been, on a long running witch hunt to ban a moderator from this subverse, yet to this date you have refused and/or failed to use the tools provided to you in /v/pizzagatemods and /v/pizzagewhatever or by directly contacting me.

You are not acting honestly and with good faith, you are manipulating and are using deception to gain your objective.
This marks your objective (to get M_F banned) as being an overt take over attempt of the subverse, and marks you as being a disruptor of the subverse.

BUT, and it's a big but, do not think for one second that I will dance to your tune and ban M_F because you fabricated a situation where you can scream "gotcha" and use my above comments in support of your witch hunt.

@Crensch - please add and monitor this user as they are now identified as a distruptor and a corrupting influence on the pizzage community.

I will unban the user if I deem it appropriate, but from this point forward I will ignore any and every attempt from you and alts I have identified as being you to ban any (and I mean any) moderator of this subverse.

In this comment I speak as a moderator and this is my official stance.

You are branded as a known shill, a known corrupter and a known time waster.
Please go and cry to anyone and everyone and link to this comment in your future deceptions.

Cc1914 ago

Wow! I will have to re read this before I make any further comments but WOW! I'm shocked .. I can see what's happening here and it's not a " hostile takeover "

VictorSteinerDavion ago

If you can see what is happening, please inform me of you thoughts

Cc1914 ago

Forgive me if I lol ! I find it comical that after 1 year of constant complaints about this guy your making people show you proof that his demoditization (if that's a word) is warranted 🤣.. it's like you are all conducting one of your experiments .. to answer your question from Earlier about " what's happening " @dragonkiller summed it up pretty good . Just reread his comments . Thanks

dragonkiller ago

Wow! I will have to re read this before I make any further comments but WOW! I'm shocked .. I can see what's happening here and it's not a " hostile takeover "

Yep. We gonna get one of those GPS dog collars like ESO got. These people are power hungry ego maniacs and maybe worse.

ESOTERICshade ago

yet to this date you have refused and/or failed to use the tools provided to you in /v/pizzagatemods and /v/pizzagewhatever or by directly contacting me.

Oh, and before I sign off our cheerful discussion I considered this thread one of those tools since it is strickied at the top of the page and directly pertains to mod behavior. You guys need a tool booklet to help us dumbasses tell the difference between a tool and and an oven.

ESOTERICshade ago

Please go and cry to anyone and everyone and link to this comment in your future deceptions.

Will do. And thank you for your graceful consideration. :)

ESOTERICshade ago

please add and monitor this user as they are now identified as a distruptor and a corrupting influence on the pizzage community.

Do I get an ankle bracelet with this? This seems a little harsh for reporting inappropriate mod behavior.

Cc1914 ago

What in the actual? Something's definitely wrong here !

dragonkiller ago

What in the actual? Something's definitely wrong here !

No shit. @VictorSteinerDavion ain't got no reasonable comback to that comment lol....Holy fuck. He gonna give ESOshade a dog collar with a GPS chip and put him in Gitmo for telling him that Falcon has been banning people without a good reason. I'm joking obviously but what the actual fuck. ESOshade on the list of subversives for reporting Falcon.

VictorSteinerDavion ago


I can see you probably don't have the same volume of information I have.
As a moderator I've been monitoring and tracking various users for the types of behaviors that are in line with groups that like to disrupt and otherwise ruin online communities.

EsotericShade is one of those people, but to an outsider who is coming into this new it can certainly look like I'm on a whacko crusade.

As for M_F banning people without good reason: This is a claim that has been made for years, yet nobody ever sends me the links to where it has happened, or when they do it turns out the person banned was a spammer (usually amalek).
Much of this current drama is forced and created by people who are not interested in the main function of this subverse.

If you are aware of anyone who has been unjustly banned, start a thread in /v/pizzagatemods and ping me so I can look into it

dragonkiller ago

As a moderator I've been monitoring and tracking various users for the types of behaviors that are in line with groups that like to disrupt and otherwise ruin online communities.

As a user I have been reading this sub for a year and started participating more lately and I can tell you that I can read and comprehend and that your definition of "behaviors" that are "disruptive" are defined as something you don't want to hear. I'm not an outsider and i'm not new. I might have spent more time reading this place than you so don't cast your aspersions on me.

As for M_F banning people without good reason: This is a claim that has been made for years, yet nobody ever sends me the links to where it has happened


or when they do it turns out the person banned was a spammer (usually amalek).

Falcon's go to boogie man when he wants to ban somebody.

Much of this current drama is forced and created by people who are not interested in the main function of this subverse.

Incorrect. The truth is that they don't like the way you guys run it and they want to change the way it works so that it WILL FUNCITON AS A SUB TO PROTECT CHILDREN and you sir are an anchor weight.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are not acting honestly and with good faith, you are manipulating and are using deception to gain your objective.

Wow reporting inappropriate mod behavior racks up a long list of crimes. This is like a concentration camp instead of a "community" as you call it. Need to keep reading. I only got this far. By time time I get finished with the crimes list there may be a guillotine at the end of your comment.

dragonkiller ago

By time time I get finished with the crimes list there may be a guillotine at the end of your comment.

ROFLMAO ESo. Off with your head. God Damn what is going on around here with these fucking people. This shit is bizarro world.

Use a sharp blade @VictorSteinerDavion so that it will be quick. What in the actual fuck is wrong with you man? He just reported something to you about a mod and you went ballistic. I'm sure I will get some of your meaningless bucket language as a response but damn dude.

ESOTERICshade ago

ROFLMAO ESo. Off with your head. God Damn what is going on around here with these fucking people. This shit is bizarro world.

Use a sharp blade @VictorSteinerDavion so that it will be quick. What in the actual fuck is wrong with you man? He just reported something to you about a mod and you went ballistic. I'm sure I will get some of your meaningless bucket language as a response but damn dude.

Word. When I got up this morning and looked at that conversation again it was like taking a space ride into another dimension of mind fuckville. I had to get another cup of coffee and read it again and it still said the same thing. Told the man the mod wasn't up to snuff and he Gitmo me. What a zoo.

Your comment made me laugh though. Thanx for the smile. I had a mental pic of me in my GPS dog collar headed for the guillotine at Gitmo and I busted out laughing out loud...fuck this crazy place man.

ESOTERICshade ago

This crosses the threshold of being a witch hunt, as you have only introduced this question after you gained an answer that would produce the outcome you seek.

I see. Reporting behavior of a moderator gets a poster put on a shit list. I figured this might happen. So much for democracy in the community. Reporting more than one instance of bad mod behavior is not tolerated. Wanting to replace a misbehaving moderator with a one that behaves correctly is a "witch hunt."

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Reporting behavior of a moderator gets a poster put on a shit list.

Again with the misdirection and lies.

Fabricating a situation where you dribble information to get an outcome gets you on a shitlist.
Only coming forward with speculative informaiton (you still haven't posted any links to the stuff in question) gets you on a shit list.

Continually misrepresenting information, and insinuating falsehoods gets you on a shit list.

Wasting my time with drawn out bullshit gets you on a shit list. You could have just posted the information in your first comment, but instead you've drawn this on in some kind of weaksauce melodrama attention whore malarky.

Wanting to replace a misbehaving moderator with a one that behaves correctly is a "witch hunt."

Yet more dishonest misdirection.
Nowhere have you even hinted at a replacement until just now.
Do you have someone in mind? Why did you wait until just now to even raise this concept?
Why did you not state this in your first comment?

I figured this might happen

Then WHY, why did you conduct yourself in such a roundabout manner?
Why did you not simply present all your claims and supporting information in your first comment?
Why have you misdirected and misrepresented throughout this entire conversation thread?


Because you are a tool who only wants to drown this subverse in wasteful drama in order to deflect the attention away from the purpose.

I encourage you to continue replying as all you will do is further prove my point that you are not the character you are trying to present

dragonkiller ago

Why have you misdirected and misrepresented throughout this entire conversation thread?

Tells ESO what the penalty is for banning people wrongly. ESO tells it happened multiple times. VSD goes whack on it. Right dude. Just resign for us like you promised. Bon voyage

dragonkiller ago

Fabricating a situation where you dribble information to get an outcome gets you on a shitlist.

That is crap. ESO gave you a violation. You told him what the penalty was. He then told you the violation happened more than once. Now you want to back track and start making up shit. The rules are whatever you say they are to fit your whims at the moment. You are so cold busted. No wonder nobody is bothering to try to talk to you.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is the kind of deflection that makes me suspect you and your intentions.

Deflection. Another term for you are always wrong. And I am not deflecting. Its the truth in this sub. You know that. You can nit pick me on the word "always" if you want to but essentially you know I am telling the truth because you see what goes on around here.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

You deflected. And you are furthering that deflection. You could take a moment to self reflect on this if you are as you claim to be.

essentially you know I am telling the truth because you see what goes on around here

I do see what goes on around here.
And you are not telling the truth, because your comment implies I said a thing that I did not - this is deflection and is misleading.
You are misleading people towards a conclusion that is not true.

Think on this, consider it and if I can see you have done this I will reconsider my opinion of you

ESOTERICshade ago

The donvoats on my comments should and will be interpreted as proving in the affirmative that this user is not acting with honesty and integrity.

Some priceless bullshit right there. And you thought that would fly exactly why?

dragonkiller ago

The donvoats on my comments should and will be interpreted as proving in the affirmative that this user is not acting with honesty and integrity.

You are one seriously delusional piece of work. You got down voted because people do not agree with you.. Telling everybody your down votes mean that somebody is dishonest. Your credibility is zero in spite of your flowery language bait.

nameof ago

Grow up you must be a liberal. But specifically mocking me for having said I was crying and posting in a way as to carry over that text, as an insult a thing you say to be an asdhole because you are an assjole. You think it's ok to shit and piss on whomever you want. That's obvious. Listen psychofag no one spends as much time as I do here on a broken phone to contribute to this cause/intelligence too be spoken to like a child. Sadistically spoken to by thg punk. Who would not care about my years. Ok hello bye bye! Sadist

nameof ago

Going to GAB

nameof ago

@Esoteric_shade remember this? Speaking for myself what level.of interest does a sock puppet have to spend hours on a broken phone just to share the things I know? in the search engine....and then voat people were saying oh your smart to me??

now dumb you saying I'm sockpuppet so weird. Such a weird horrible trip because I said MF is just a moderator.? I https://ibb.co/g556t7

Maybe this is pizzagate in that voat like Twitter is super suddenly hyper regulated.

ESOTERICshade ago

I am sorry that I thought you might be a sock puppet. Its been a weird day and a lot of crazy stuff has been going in. I hope you accept my apology.

nameof ago

I do thank you. I'm sorry I freaked out. It's too hard for me. I cry all the time I cry everyday actially. I'm actually one of the people who got my kid taken away based on nothing I didn't do anything wrong.. They got it so I can't see her. It's been 3 years I don't know how she's doing. I am not ok at all.

Shizy ago

I would like to try and help you if you would be interested. Have experience with CPS system and know there aren't alot of resources to navigate that overwhelming system

ESOTERICshade ago

I do thank you. I'm sorry I freaked out. It's too hard for me. I cry all the time I cry everyday actially. I'm actually one of the people who got my kid taken away based on nothing I didn't do anything wrong.. They got it so I can't see her. It's been 3 years I don't know how she's doing. I am not ok at all.

Wow I am sorry to hear that. It breaks my heart. This is supposed to be a sub that cares about children but the board owners and mods make it practically impossible for trauma survivors like you. Some of us are sticking our neck out to make this a better environment. I hope you feel better :)

nameof ago

Thank u so dearly today is real hard.

nameof ago

@kevdude talk too people like they are children! What the fuck would you care if I were a liberal who save kids you little bitch. You just wanted to start shit with me. No reason. You are a punk and a thug. I could a fucking green party member but you will always be a thug.

millennial_vulcan ago

its "to people" not "too" FUCKNUT

nameof ago

@kevdude you think your hot shit doncha?

nameof ago

@Kevdude what you said to me is so disturbing at @rsoteric_shade so disturbed... Sick really really fucking sick and disturbing. Attacking me? Why? Sick fuck in the head.


nameof ago

You are actually attacking another voater in this thread...divisive boring useless. That's what I'm looking the most useless

nameof ago

Not just you. Useless.

nameof ago


nameof ago

I've had enough. I was attacked by you now I'm.going off. Fuck this. read the thread you are a little thug punk . Fuck your unkind way, it's NONORODUCTIVE PSYCHO GARBAGE Telling me to grow up. It's bad enough ok you come around and kick.people. that's what you do for pizzagate? Actually really sick people

nameof ago

Fuck your lame emergency and your shitty excuse to pick on let alone a voat member and let people go full borr psychotic paranoid delusional.

Then act RobOTIC like a sociopath with no feelings. Grow Up. Fuck fuck u fuck fake fake fake ass attempt at MODERATION. SICK ACTUSLLY. RUDE.DISTURBONG


nameof ago

Fuck you!

nameof ago

It's already happening. I said something @esoteric_shade doesnt agree with and I'm called MF sockpuppet? Then some else posts they agree with that. Total and complete dissolution. My faith in our community kinda got shut down there. I'm crying now, fucking sockpuppet garbage. I can take shit really person and I think people who want this much of a fucking hand in a supposedly open environment screaming loudest are just wanting control. And they are UNGRATEFUL. I THINK THIS POST IS A FAIL. because you broke something now you want the mob to fix it. It's not a discussion it's not a brainstorm it's a power shift and nobody is being nice at all.

NoBS ago

Hey sock puppet, grow some backbone or mend your sock.

Seriously, pretend to act like an adult and the respect will be earned.

Unless hysterics are the goal, then victimhood is your BFF

nameof ago

Why lose that? Why is the board making executive decisions? Seems like mob rule. I just don't like being called MF sockpuppet. It's kind of a bitch slap move.

ESOTERICshade ago

Subjectivity leads to favorites leads to more mods like mf. The flair experiment should bridge the gap.

Maybe. But gray areas will always exist and its how we deal with those that can make or break a situation.

Disappointed ago

They're already on top of how to do it I believe. Check the swamp flairs on the main page for an example.

ESOTERICshade ago

Pitiful state of affairs when a mod makes posters life so much fucking hell that this had to be written. Sure, shills happen, some posters make mistakes, but GOD DAMN posting does not have to be this hard. @think- making exceptions to the rules is needed and expected sometimes with valid posters and good material. Falcon turned rules into a damn tedious game of horror. Make exceptions when you need to. Its not a crime. If shills cry, let them cry. This fucking rule abuse was intentional, I will say it, and I believe it. Life does not have to be this hard. Rules should be a set of guidelines used with discretion. Police officers also have discretion. That means they make exceptions because sometimes its necessary. Falcon turned some pretty decent rules into a horror freak show. You don't have to follow in his footsteps. Shitty posts and slides don't deserve your exceptions. That is what the word "discretion" is all about.

How To Get Your Posts To Stick and Not Be Deleted ---&--- Helping the 'New Posts' Section -- Recipes


Disappointed ago

has suggested flairs

This was someone else originally, maybe @Vindicator.

Disappointed ago

I'm assuming you mean a picture flair or something? And you have CSS enabled right? One thing to consider is most on voat have it disabled so any fancy CSS flair you make could be tied to a standard flair created via the voat flair mod panel. @heygeorge can this be done how I said it?

I really think heygeorge needs to be put to work, otherwise he will start flinging vegetables all over the place.

heygeorge ago

What you're suggesting is possible if they want it, but Vind sounds like he has it under control.

Lol at the vegetables comment. I think that @Vindicator would vouch that I'm generally well-behaved 'round these parts.

Vindicator ago

Definitely. :-)

Disappointed ago

I wasn't talking about your recent history, Mr. Cabbageguy.

heygeorge ago

Lol methinks you got the wrong cabbage poster.

What're you, team broccoli or somethin'?

heygeorge ago

I am hundreds of dogs.

Disappointed ago

Let's not talk about your medical problems here.

heygeorge ago

I don't see any issues.

Vindicator ago

I just make simple word flairs using the mod panel and whatever emoticon symbols will work from my phone that are appropriate to visually draw attention. If heygeorge can do something that would be better, that's fine with me. But I've got no skillz in that department.

Disappointed ago

Ah ok, so you mean like the ones we already have. Carry on then.

Vindicator ago

The beauty of the approach in the first link -- flair the rule violation and leave up for 24 hours -- is that it radically shifts the burden to the user themselves.

Right now, the mods are always the bad guys, with heavy pressure from above* if things aren't removed immediately that violate the rules, and heavy pressure from users if things are summarily removed. Our ruleset is somewhat contrary to the freewheeling expression beloved by Voat at large. Your average Old Goat coming in here to contribute something they think we might be interested in, and getting removed for rule-breaking, is usually shocked, and often complains to ProtectVoat. Understandably.

*Also understandably because of that anti-rule culture clash, @kevdude @Crensch @VictorSteinerDavion must ensure mods aren't abusing the rules. (Hence the downward pressure lest we mods make the rules look bad).

Mods do get caught in the middle, though, and the beautify of the 24-hour-flair is it involves the whole community and the user in "Removals".

So, O's...when can we start this experiment? @think- and I wanna try it out!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well I didn't archive all of them, but some of them seemed targeted. Recently he deleted a spirit cooking related post and then pretended he didn't see a black man tied to a tree in the photo from the spirit cooking party that I was posting.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I do that occasionally if I think it's not likely to get deleted. But sometimes I give up

ESOTERICshade ago

The word "elite" has often been somewhat of a thorn. We might be able to replace that word with something like "institutionalized and organized" because the "elite" tentacle reaches down into places some people cannot see or recognize. For instance what would a container shipping port in the Dominican Republic that ships through diplomatic ports have to do with the elite?" It might be part of their child trafficking network because diplomatic cargo can travel uninspected and people with diplomatic immunity use the ports. People with diplomatic immunity get that immunity from someone considered "elite."

There are many more examples. Some of the people that get caught trafficking children look like lone rangers when in fact they are usually tied to a bigger organization because these people are connected in "covens" that act as nodes of a spider web.

It is pretty subjective sometimes too. Not sure what the exact answer to that is but these are just some musings...

JusticeforAaron ago

No, it shouldn't have been pulled! MF said himself he made a mistake by pulling it because he didn't see the other examples. He said he didn't have time to read it all. SO WHY DELETE IT IF YOU DON'T READ IT?

I said many users and I knew the top posted had left. That is the TOP five, I think you failed to grasp that. I am not going to waste my time going through the entire history of users for you alone. It's arrogant of you to demand links. Who are you? Nobody in my eyes...just a jerk.

I already told you, he deleted his account or it's another user you looked up. I'm not sure how many times I need to repeat myself before it sinks in for you.

I get mad because you say things like I'm some other user or ask me if I'm on meds. YOU don't treat people with respect and therefore YOU don't deserve anymore of my time. You aren't entitled to my time and I don't have to give you what you want when you demand it. That's it. Done with you.

awakenaware ago

See this is where problems emerge.. mouthing off at each other. Wasting breath on clashes of personality.. JusticeforAaron your actually saying your never wrong and your intuition is pretty much perfect, which is just silly.. I'm intuitive myself and do use that skill every day in many ways. But your arrogance around it and also hatred for others who don't understand is a weakness in my opinion. And will no doubt cause unnessesary arguement and bullshit. Part of the reason I havnt been on voat in months. Each to their own I guess. If cults of personality wana spend hours debating their value with others they don't like well it's your time.. just try not to waste time on here with it.. But now I've probably triggered some kind of deep pattern trauma. Who knows.. I've seen this triggering really waste a lot of time on voat.

JusticeforAaron ago

Oh and if you were aware and awake, you would've noticed what I actually said....and the irony of someone with the username awakeaware commenting on cult of personality! bwahahhaha!

awakenaware ago

you seriously need to eat more toast dude.. haha!

JusticeforAaron ago

Nope, I didn't say I was never wrong. I said I'm not wrong and not once was I wrong with things I said to kevdude. If my intuition kicks in, I am never wrong. Sorry but it's true and I'm sorry if you don't like that but you can buzz off with your self righteousness.

I see your post as hateful to me and I also view you as ignorant. "cult of personality" ? I admitted I'm not a great researcher, I admitted I need help. I think you're just jealous and bitter that I recognize my talents. Again, buzz off.

awakenaware ago

I did buzz off for some time actually.. and btw GSAFD :)

JusticeforAaron ago

I'm perfectly capable of seeing the way you behave without you raping me aggressively with your points.

JusticeforAaron ago

Don't you think you should take into account that the other users are making connections and highly interested?

That's relevant to pizzagate. You don't think conditioning/hypnosis of the masses is what's happening today and doesn't groom kid?

I see the problem as you guys seem to be lacking in being able to make connections with other things. You have very rigid constructions of reality. Great scientists, like Einstein or Tesla, used imagination/creativity and reason. You need to learn how to think outside of the box. Maybe take up something creative.

ESOTERICshade ago

I see the problem as you guys seem to be lacking in being able to make connections with other things. You have very rigid constructions of reality.

This comment is not to be underestimated. This is actually what kicked off this thread we are in, in a way. The thread that got deleted that was the catalyst to a mod change involves this. The post about tavistock, Welcome Trust, Marina Arromavich, etc....that was a very insightful post. I saw the connections immediately because I have been at this shit so long.

It took some creative insight, intuiton, and knowledge of pizzagate to string this all together. It does not surprise me that some people would look at it and not immediately see the connections but anybody interested could scan through it and it would click. These are not memes we are making, these are complex ideas. Some of the info may later become a meme in some form but this is not a "picture is worth a thousand words" post because it is complex and content rich.

I will straight up call Falcon an ass for deleting this one. We used to get posts like this, several a week, but we don't anymore and its all his god damn fault. Sure we can nit pick the fucking rules to death on this post and argue until hell freezes over about the technicals but THAT is the reason Falcon had to go. For fucks sake you don't scrap something this good. You just DON'T.

The mother fucker even flared it possible disinfo. I don't give a fuck if he doesn't understand all these complex associations or not. I don't care if every single tiny detail fits or not. There was enough meat on this bone from the word "jump" to let it live. I was mad as a mother fucker when this got deleted. I'm still going back to this thread trying to tie it all together because its some great shit.

The Wellcome Trust, Tavistock, Biotech and pizzagate


JusticeforAaron ago

I think a way around this is to have exceptions to the rule. If well known users are discussing it and making connections, let it stay. Isn't that the whole point of this sub? It would be nothing if it wasn't for the contributors.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think a way around this is to have exceptions to the rule. If well known users are discussing it and making connections, let it stay. Isn't that the whole point of this sub? It would be nothing if it wasn't for the contributors.

That is exactly what I mean when I keep saying the rules should be "guidelines" used with common sense. There needs to be exceptions to the rules. Common sense in discretion will take care of it. Falcon did not always follow the rules and sometimes it needs to be that way. But, the blatant lack of common sense in using his discretion was off the charts and I don't mind saying that it was intentional and malicious. He needed to pretend to be victimized and then vindicated by crensch. It was a need.

JusticeforAaron ago

Yes, you are sharp. I admire the way you've approached this. I completely agree with everything you've said.

JusticeforAaron ago

I did prove it time and time again to you but you still charged at me, looking like a fool. I have a certain caliber of people I like I talk to, you aren't in that category because you're an asshole. I don't care if you doubt me, just stay away from me.

JusticeforAaron ago

I'm not wrong.

JusticeforAaron ago

There is a big different between assuming and being intuitive. You don't understand that because you aren't. People who know me have seen what I do, it's all recorded as well.

I don't expect you to take my word for it I just find you annoying as fuck.

JusticeforAaron ago

I do but duckduckgo isn't a rational thinking being that can contribute and link things together with its knowledge. I can't explain how I know but I do. For example, I knew the top pg contributors all left not by looking but just sensing or knowing...I didn't know the details but I knew. I had to manually look it up to show you and I find that frustrating with your attitude.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Pot, meet kettle.

You're the projector, here.

That will make this easier for you.

Why wouldn't it be easy for me to give up a tedious job that doesn't pay anything? The only possible reason it wouldn't be easy for me would be fear that the sub would not be moderated decently anymore, and I'm not worried about that, as it's in God's hands. What does make it less easy for me is your acting like I've been a power-tripping mod, or that I've suddenly gone off the rails, when things have been smooth sailing for months. I don't like being projected onto. It's something you've done toward me from Day 1.

I vounteered to be the one to rip the band aid off.

That metaphor makes no sense. You've taken advantage of @Vindicator's personal frustrations to try to make a power move because it hurt your fragile internet ego when I stood up to you over linking deleted posts. @Crensch seems to have reluctantly gone along with this "emergency action," as I haven't heard a word of disapproval toward my modding from him

Do you have a mirror handy?

Apparently, to you I AM a mirror.

ESOTERICshade ago

What does make it less easy for me is your acting like I've been a power-tripping mod, or that I've suddenly gone off the rails, when things have been smooth sailing for months. I don't like being projected onto. It's something you've done toward me from Day 1


2impendingdoom ago

M_F should have voluntarily stepped down long ago. His methods has always had involved lot of unnecessary contention which always seems deliberate. Other mods have been or are efficient and pleasant without frequent huge drama and user aggregation/migration. Long past time for him to go.

hojuruku ago

i think you all remember i was one of the first to blow up against M_F. I have nothing to say now that I'm back.

ESOTERICshade ago

Long past time for him to go.

He fucked this place up so bad I don't know if it will ever recover. I hope so but it will take a good while, if it does.

Psychanaut ago

Agree 100%

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It was not only MF. MF just didn't have a brain and was too obvious. This site is controlled. They are trying to keep us at this forum where they can control the narrative. So they sacrifice their dumber mod who sood out like a sore thumb.

death2millenialfags ago

I like your nick Mason

Sentastixc ago

it's true, voat was designed to break up reddit verses going too fast

dundundunnnnn ago

M_F is the reason I backed away from this place for a while. How fucking refreshing to see this stickied!

Laskar ago


spacemanspliph ago

same! He was toxic, banned pretty much any post of mine.

Psychanaut ago

I did too. I even created an entirely separate https://voat.co/v/PizzagateNoMod to deal with it. I never wanted that! I only ever wanted to post on /pizzagate

smokemirrors ago



Talktome ago

I can't message or post. PM me please.

2impendingdoom ago

i'm on my 2nd bottle of champagne already

sunajAeon ago

My faith is restored in the management of Voat-thank you very much

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

yea I had another account LOL. Voat has not way to recover an account unless you have your email added which was something I liked not adding. Well do a threshold check only accept year old accounts. I think that would be sufficient to prove the point at this time. All of them have witness Mel fal enough. I will say this though I frequently copy pasted the executive summary that he worked on. That was good work.

ESOTERICshade ago

The burden will still be on them to source all claims and provide an explanation to how their topic relates to the broader pizzagate investigation.

Agreed. And I don't think we need to torture obvious good faith efforts that are relevant with endless technical specifications though. It gives people posting fatigue and makes them not want to even go to the effort. I will probably start crafting posts again if we can shut that down but I damn sure will not burn off my time hassling with endless technical tortures. A mod that understand pizzagate and some commons sense should be able to use the rules as guidelines and make it work. I don't think the rules should be a barrier that has to be crossed, but a way to keep out the riff raff. Nobody will be perfect. Lets just see how it all flies from here. We are on the right track.

Or do we want to hearken back to a time when 15/25 front page posts were simply linking to the number of kids who go missing worldwide each year?

I understand and agree. There is also a weird paradigm here too. Falcon had people cut down so bad that people were limited to more click baitish things that could be posted.

I will never agree with @vinicator on the Q thing because any "anon" on the internet that keeps claiming people are arrested who keep showing up after they were supposedly neutralized should be discarded from here and left to the v/conspiracy or v/politics land. The famous Soros abduction in Atlanta airport in which he was supposedly whisked away to Camp David comes to mind. Soros just got through heckling Trump at the Davos forum so Soros is doing ok. That is just one is a hell of a long list of utterly fabricated crap and it needs to stay out of here.

There is nothing I can do about Q though so I just tolerate it and try not to bitch endlessly because I have to to tolerate it ;)

Shizy ago

Thank you for not bitching endlessly! 😁

srayzie ago

In case you haven’t noticed, me and @ESOTERICshade totally disagree about most things. I like positivity, am pro Trump and pro Q. He believes and handles things much differently. But we’ve been respectful to each other.

But, I do see him unfairly targeted by some of you. Mainly by @Crensch who will even talk crap about him in his posts. That is not productive. Mods should not be targeting people because they don’t like them.

@VictorSteinerDavion @Kevdude

VictorSteinerDavion ago

My issues with Esotricshade have nothing to do with my like or dislike.

My issues have to do with the track record of dishonest misrepresentations and insinuations that deflect the sub away from the task.

And the pointlessly long comment chains between myself and esoteric are proof that the user has no interest in actually improving the sub.
Someone interested in that would conduct themselves in a very different manner.

I'm ok with you disagreeing with my methods, but you have to agree that I have not been disrespectful or insulting to esotericshade.
In fact it shoul dbe obvious that I've tried to work this out in a meaningful way from the beginning

srayzie ago

I’ve honestly hardly noticed you. I don’t think we’ve communicated. I wasn’t talking about how you treat him or anyone. I mean mainly @Crensch

ESOTERICshade ago

Thank you @srayzie. We do disagree on Q but that does not stop us from being civil to each other in an effort to further the cause of helping children. @Crensch @VictorSteinerDavion @Kevdude say they are here to further the cause of the sub, which is to help children. So far only @kevdude has shown enough sub management skills to be of any benefit When the community is in an uproar over an administrative move so somple as replacing a mod and is willing to let the environment degenerate down to this level then they themselves are the problem and a destructive force. This is not about running a good sub for some people its about squatting on this sub because it makes them feel powerful at the sub's expense. I would be mortified to be an anchor around the neck of the sub and be part of dragging it down because power is not important to me. I would leave. They will squat on this sub no matter how far down in the hole they drive it. @millennial_faclon is so obviously toxic to this sub that replacing him is a no brainer and could be done in thirty seconds. It just goes to show us all that these owners do not care what we want and serving the community is the last thing on their mind. What you guys have done to this sub is an utter disgrace and @puttitout should jerk you both out of here for good.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Hopefully you'll be able to contribute research.

The voice of the community hasn't been heard yet. I'm happy to step away from modding if things go well without me, and I'd be glad to have the extra time to start expanding the Summary again, but I'm not going to be demodded by a kevdude decree. "smug little prick" indeed. Who is really the smug one, here?


ESOTERICshade ago

and I'd be glad to have the extra time to start expanding the Summary again

Knock yourself out.

JusticeforAaron ago

I think the quality has gone down significantly. In the earlier days, there were many great posts. Nowadays, there are a few good ones but most left up are boring news articles that have been re-posted many times or lack any real info. I like fresh new ideas/info to discuss. I'm not digging up anymore links either for you. Many of the good researchers have left and I believe it's because of the mods.

Orangutan ago

We need to make sure the "Fully Sourced Executive Summary" stays up. I think there have been various authors over the years, @Crensch being one of them. Currently it is under Mellennial Falcon's account. Let's switch that up if possible.

Hopefully this place stays in good hands. Thanks for whoever is working to making sure that happens.

HugoWeaving ago

Agreed. Everyone with ability and no how please archive for future use.

Something doesn’t feel right...and we cannot lose the collective good work put in by this sub.

millennial_vulcan ago

Are you really HW?!

JusticeforAaron ago

I'm pretty sure it's all backed up by multiple people.

ESOTERICshade ago

You have to understand that part of me is open to the idea that the outrage against him was completely manufactured by two or three individuals using an army of sockpuppet accounts.

As someone who has had his eyes glued to this forum for about a year every day I know that is not the case. I developed a lot of personal relationships along the way with some really good posters that are gone. Of course we all talk by PM around here and I read a lot of frustration from some really good posters. Of course this is my perception based on my observations so take it for what its worth. I just want to see this place heal. I hope those bad ass posters eventually hear that they can spend days racking a post together and get it posted without it getting deleted and being all pissed off. Don't know if they will ever come back. Who knows.

Part of me is open to the notion that it was many users dissatisfied with him. You never can tell because there's no way to prove who is who.

That is a skill that can only be developed by being obsessed enough with pizzagate to live your whole damn life with a laptop laying on your stomach with five tabs of voat pizzagate open 24 hours a day. I do that. Its all I do. I caught on to how important this subject is to the freedom of humanity many, many years ago. I threw my hat in the ring to fight it and I never stopped. I have a good eye for this. Many users were pissed, and they were really dedicated and good users.

Although I will say that this sub now is not covered by moderation so we do need other users to step up.

I believe @think- is a good start. I will try to think of somebody else. One thing I caution against is this attitude of "we can't mod anybody that didn't like the way Falcon modded." Why? I would not want a new mod that did not recognize that the Falcon way is the wrong way. I want a new mod that knows better than to do that. If you have a candidate that though Falcon was a good moderator and might imitate that why would you place them in the mod seat to create the same problem we just repaired? That makes no sense.

You do realize that was part of the reason why he was the Lone Ranger for a lot of the time.

I think that was part of it but I also believe that he didn't want anybody messing with "his board." @vindicator offered to help him and he turned it down because he said "well, I didn't think you really WANTED TO to the job." So which is it? Is @vindicator lying to us? I don't think so. He could have pulled somebody out of the crowd and let them try to help and fired them if they did not do good.

But, here is the problem. We had a lead mod, that was not a good mod, and he is responsible for building a good mod team? Nope. That won't work because people he hires will share his basic style or he will demod them. It takes a good mod to build a good mod team and a bad mod will only create a reflection of itself. This is pretty basic common sense here bro.

So some of the people on this sub need to put their money where their mouth is.

I agree. I will try to think of some people. I will ask some other posters who they think might can cut it and want to do it.

think- ago

Thank you, @kevdude, and @Crensch, for appointing me as a mod, and thank you, @Vindicator, for suggesting and supporting me.

It's great to be part of the team, and I will be gladly serving the community as best as I can.

The pizzagaters are an awesome crowd, so glad I joined.

I am here to help

Please feel free to DM me anytime - with questions, requests for help or any criticism you may have.

Please remember that everybody is here for the kids, and every contribution is welcome - be it comments, link-posts, or research posts. Also, there are many who lurk and redpill friends and family. They too, do valuable work.

I would like to thank @Millennial_Falcon for all the work he has done. Millennial, I hope you will stay on the board, I look forward to your input.

This is my first day as a mod, so please bear with me. ;-)

ben_matlock ago

well said, @think-. i echo all your sentiments, and i'm confident you'll do a great job!

it is indeed looking like the "dawn of a new day" here (to borrow from @vindicator.) i'll be joining the team as well to man the graveyard shift, helping to safeguard our beloved sub from late-night tweaker shitposts and Russian bots.

the work that is being done here is incredibly important and i have a ton of respect for you all. the wonderful effort being continuously put forth by this community is truly inspiring.

i appreciate everyone's support. i am a newbie mod myself, so please don't hold back any criticism, and feel free to PM me any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.

@crensch @kevdude @vindicator

think- ago

Thank you, Ben! Welcome on board! It is great that you agreed to be part of the team!! Very much appreciated! :-)

I read your submisson and comment history and I'm very confident that you'll do an excellent job! :-)

ben_matlock ago

thanks, i haven't been as active as i once was (as my time is a bit more limited recently,) but nonetheless look forward to helping out however and whenever i can!

EricKaliberhall ago

Congratulations @think-

I am confident that you will do a great job! Looking forward seeing my shit posts stay up under your watchful eyes... Just a joke! To be extra clear for the melodramatic faggots here; the last bit was a joke!

think- ago

Hahaha, thanks Eric! :-)

Never noticed any shit posts from you, though. ;-) So please put in some effort to present decent shit posts in the future! ;-P

SoldierofLight ago

Great to see named as Mod. Thank you for your willingness to put in the time and effort. And here's a bullet-proof vest in advance of the arrows that will be slung your way. ;-)

ESOTERICshade ago

Great to see named as Mod. Thank you for your willingness to put in the time and effort. And here's a bullet-proof vest in advance of the arrows that will be slung your way. ;-)

Thats what I want to see. Some positive enthusiasm!

sunajAeon ago

Agreed, looking for good things to happen here on Voat

think- ago

Thank you, @SoldierofLight!

And your bullet-proof vest is much appreciated as well - in fact, I already put it on (it fits! ;-)!

SoldierofLight ago

Stay strong. The Usual Suspects have already shown their hand, lol. Confirmation of a good mod choice!

ESOTERICshade ago

Stay strong. The Usual Suspects have already shown their hand, lol. Confirmation of a good mod choice!

Like a neon sign :)

SoldierofLight ago

Right? If nothing else, their tactics lack imagination and the element of surprise. ;-)

think- ago

:-) :-) :-)

JusticeforAaron ago

I would like the mods to understand that all people come to conclusions in different ways. I imagine, with you, you think first and logically come to a conclusion. For me, I see through intuition. I am led or guided to things and also by precognition. You don't have to believe that but evidence supports that in my history. I rely on very logical thinkers to help fill in the gaps after I find something. There are also those autists that have keen powers of observation. If we take a stance where only one type of approaching this is valued, we all lose.

Oh, many of the people you guys consider schizo or whatever can also be people who have been under mind control, been abused etc. Try to be more open-minded.

think- ago

Justice, we are all different, and each of the things you mentioned - logical thinking, intuition, and even precognition - have its merits.

If you write something, and are not sure whether it meets the 'logical' approach of the rules, there are many people here, including me, that will help you with that. Also, you can submit posts to v/pizzagatewhatever first, and invite people to add comments and suggestions. When it meets the guidelines, it can be crossposted to the main sub.

The submission rules mirror the logical approach, because this is the one most people can relate to. They are not meant to discredit people gifted with intuition, they just reflect the common denominator.

JusticeforAaron ago

I can do it myself and many people who are logical have said I'm logical as well. I've studied science at a university level and know how the scientific process and how to present information information in a logical way HOWEVER I'm not patient enough to waste my time researching and writing it out (I have many high rated research posts here but I always delete my accounts because I get pissed off) when there is a possibility that it's going to get deleted without even being read as MF did and admitted to doing. PGwhatever is a good suggestion but not everyone looks there, also I like my research archived and put together before putting it out there as people can cover their tracks. I've literally seen info being pulled down as I posted. I'm not the best researcher but I have something to contribute and I find it annoying how everyone is expected to conform to some rigid formula. I do understand there are standards to upkeep and guard and rules to follow but those rules are also HIGHLY subjective.

Disappointed ago

I've seen more than one account here thats not new. If you were sincere to me earlier then its time to move on and stop bickering. You are the one to move people on and pick new mods and see how they go. You both took down down a vote on this and a discussion on new mods was deleted. In doing that you accepted how the vote was headed. Stick by that and help the sub move on. I know its frustrating at times but sometimes you gotta step back and do what needs to be done.

Millennial_Falcon ago

No I basically said you had become a polarizing figure.

You have said other things than that, all of which have implied I'm on a power trip and like to lord it over the peasants, so again, you're being far from forthright.

Now let's see what happens. Narratives will either stand or collapse.

Probably what happens will be business as usual. I doubt it will either support OR disprove this narrative that users are upset with me. The point is there isn't much evidence or genuine impetus for it to begin with. Vindicator feels unappreciated by me and has placed a burden on himself of trying to please everyone. And, well, you're mad that you have not been given deference and submission to your perceived authority. This is drama and distraction of your creation. You repeatedly do this and it wastes everyone's time and disrupts the sub.

dragonkiller ago

If people come in here and make claims about posts removed that shouldn't have been, I expect to see links to those posts. This isn't Nam; There are rules.

For the future I agree. Past battles were already fought. Needs to stay in the past. This drama has been terrible for the forum and done an incalculable amount of damage to the user count, moral, quality of posting, and diminished quality of content. The posts that used be posted here in the beginning were the reason so many people used to come here. They were fascinating because complex associations were being demonstrated. Falcon killed trend dead. We need to let this go. Let us now be positive. Look to the future. People just want all this to go away because drama fatigue. You did good. Lets rock now big dog :)

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Thanks for doing that. I would be willing to volunteer, but most people here probably don't like me.

Shizy ago

I like you

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanks for doing that. I would be willing to volunteer, but most people here probably don't like me.

I know who you are. You are @AmyJames. I am not opposed to it. We lost a lot of talent due to our toxic mod. We need help and it is critical that a new mod understand pizzagate. I have no idea how you would do as a mod. Maybe you would be great, maybe not. But we need somebody that understands the freaky world of pizzagate to give it a shot. If you do a good job, great. If you don't, we can try someone else. I say why not because honestly Falcon ran off a lot of our talent pool.

@kevdude @vindicator @think-

Psychanaut ago

Yep! I haven't posted anything of value here in almost 6 months+ simply due to being betrayed by @vindicator so they could support @millenial_falcon. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Vindicator ago

I am sorry you felt betrayed, Psychanaut. You were asking for censorship to stop investigation and that's not cool. You were pretty nasty about it, as well when I explained why we couldn't grant your request. Falcon is no longer a mod and we have a new system for removing posts, so you may find things a bit different around here.

Vindicator ago

I am not averse to @EffYouJohnPodesta helping mod in and of herself. I respect her as a researcher. The only worry I have is that she has already been struggling with having doxxed herself on Facebook and being threatened by shills. If she becomes a mod, that is going to intensify dramatically and lead to even more upheaval in the sub. It was bad when they went after abortionburger. It hurt the whole mod team.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah I just volunteered because I thought you guys needed help. I don't have a great desire to paint any more targets on myself right now at all, so you're probably wise to recommend against it.

Vindicator ago

I do appreciate the offer!

ESOTERICshade ago

I am not averse to @EffYouJohnPodesta helping mod in and of herself. I respect her as a researcher. The only worry I have is that she has already been struggling with having doxxed herself on Facebook and being threatened by shills. If she becomes a mod, that is going to intensify dramatically and lead to even more upheaval in the sub. It was bad when they went after abortionburger. It hurt the whole mod team.

I didn't think about that. You have a point.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Literally LOL. It sure sounded like you were blaming me, and your whole rationale for doing this was supposedly the shit-stirrers attacking my mod decisions.

ESOTERICshade ago

Literally LOL. It sure sounded like you were blaming me,

I fully blame you because you deserve it You are also proving that all your claims of wanting others to help mod, and that nobody would help, are just bullshit. @Vindicator offered to help you and you rejected the help because you wanted to be a dictator and you didn't want anybody messing with "your board.".

I understand it's up to the community, but the notion that community is in uprising against me is a completely false narrative.

The legit part of the community has been on your ass for a year and not just the shills. Matter of fact you caught more hell from legit users than you ever caught from shills. You fucked the pooch and now you just have to live with it. Stop being an ass and do something postive.

JusticeforAaron ago

God, I REALLY hope kevdude is just temporary. I'm not sticking around if he's permanent.

think- looks like a good choice and doesn't seem to have an annoying abrasive personality.

ESOTERICshade ago

And if he gets remodded after 2 weeks it will be because no one could make a case.

You made a decision that needed to be made. You made the correct one. What do you suggest we do? Keep a two week court proceeding going on around here and stir up shit and wreck this place some more? I agree with you on a lot of things but i'm scratching my head right now. It is done. We need to move on. All this "re modding in two weeks if nobody makes a case" is about the worst idea I can think of and I am a little surprised.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

The member time is an illusion of credibility.

Gilderoy ago

I don't know much about this affair, but I wish @millennial_falcon all the best in his new endeavors. He was very fair to me and deleted my posts with good cause and forced me to work harder.

dragonkiller ago

And if he gets remodded after 2 weeks it will be because no one could make a case.

The case was already made. Why would you create drama now? The reason he got demodded is because there was a case. We are not here to make a case those days are over. We are here to move forward. You made this thread to make announcements about the changes, not hold a court hearing.

dragonkiller ago

The de-modding needed to happen. This will all blow over and things will be back to business as usual. Every single person will not be pleased but that is just life. There will also be posters in this thread trying to take advantage of a critical moment. There will also be sock puppets in here moaning about Falcon getting de-modded. This will pass and it is the step this forum needed to take.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Projection, again. Of course I'm not going to stand idly by while your ego paints this narrative so you can cling to your internet power. I've said repeatedly that I would be happy to have someone else step in to do most of the modding, including @Vindicator, but he wanted me to promise never to remove any posts he decided to leave up, to which I would not agree, because he has shown a willingness to leave up posts like the @letsdothis post @Crensch recently agreed was rightfully removed. All it needed was a little explanation, but if we want to handle that with flairs, we need to make that policy, rather than blame me for simply being the one doing the job.

dragonkiller ago

but he wanted me to promise never to remove any posts he decided to leave up, to which I would not agree,

So everybody but you is wrong. This is the reason you are a horrible mod. Fuck everybody else I am always right is your motto.

ESOTERICshade ago

rather than blame me for simply being the one doing the job.

You are responsible for your own actions. Nobody else is.

ESOTERICshade ago

If only you had links to back this...


There are plenty in the deleted submissions bin but those were fought over long ago and I'm not digging them all out. This last big blow up was one of those posts and it is the post that created the current shit festival. It is the post that me, you, and vindicator believed was improperly deleted. That is one of the posts I am talking about. It pointed to Welcome Trust which is a huge finance hub of the global satanic empire. The post made by @letsdothis1 that we all just fought over.

Millennial_Falcon ago

There you go interpreting things however you like. Most of the genuine users here support me. I'm surprised the shills (and the troll's army of sockpuppets) aren't here yet.

ESOTERICshade ago

There you go interpreting things however you like. Most of the genuine users here support me. I'm surprised the shills (and the troll's army of sockpuppets) aren't here yet.


argosciv ago

oh, they are... -2 to me already

IpointOutTrolls ago

Thanx ESO. I knew something had my pointer triggered. This is a nasty critter right here from what I understand.

ESOTERICshade ago

oh, they are... -2 to me already

argosciv would you mind letting the adults talk so that I don't have to wade through nine dozen of your comments that have no meaningful content? It gets tedious.

ESOTERICshade ago

You know all I see in this thread are accounts calling for his reinstatement. Are there any users who have been here more than a couple of months who agree? I mean given how "everyone was ready to leave" I would think there would be a mass celebration in here.

What did you expect? There is never 100% agreement in a crowd. And its only a couple of people. His modding caused what got us here today and we don't need to blink. In a few days it will be a memory and we can chug on. The forum suffered because he would not stop torturing posts with the ruleset.

He also had certain topics such as Planned Parenthood, the Hampstead children case, and posts related to the UK which is the control center of the global satanic monster, that he would find any excuse at all to delete. He regularly exceeded his mandate and that is what got us here today. When this thread is gone so will our problems with his modding be gone.

argosciv ago


oftotc ago

Reasonable approach to an unreasonable situation :-) Well done, kevdude! If you can avoid the de-mod, stick with it. What was that meme from yesterday - something like "we gave up stuff that worked for stuff that sounded good." You want folks to beg for M_F to come back and mod - just make me a mod for about an hour ;-)

ESOTERICshade ago

This needed to be done. I am also against re modding Falcon and the reason is simple. He had a year and he couldn't cut it. This had to happen.

If @think- will just common sense and treat the rules like guidelines instead of something written in stone that has to be followed to the millimeter things should improve. Common sense goes a long way.

If the post is obviously relevant and OP tried to present it seriously simply DO NOT nit pick it to death or delete it because then the guidelines/rules become our enemy. This is not rocket science and someone who understands what PG is really about can use their powers of discretion to make this work.

The problem with Falcon is that he would torture great posts to death with the rules. That does not have to happen. If the shills bitch because their post got deleted and cry favoritism fuck them thats just too bad they will always be with us so let them cry.

ESOTERICshade ago

In a couple of weeks after everything has cooled down maybe he gets reinstated.

Vehemently against it, ever.

Dressage2 ago


ESOTERICshade ago

sobersecond is a shit stirrer and not real bright

Millennial_Falcon ago

The @millennial_falcon drama was distracting from that.

WHAT drama?

dragonkiller ago

WHAT drama?

The drama you kept going by being an inflexible never wrong dictator.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Member for 27 days. Really making me rethink.

You know who that is.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I mis posted a Nancy P goat hill pizza meme almost a year ago. Got removed by mel fag. I was here when PG is stupid was spaming she shit out of us every afternoon around 3pm est. I remember diging into this shit alot and reading it up. Just with anotehr acocunt. I lost my passord or it just got locked out.

Millennial_Falcon ago

@Crensch, can you explain your reasoning in agreeing to this? As I said to @kevdude, moderation has been going pretty smoothly for a long time now, and this sudden concern is strange to me. Frankly, I perceive it as motivated by @kevdude's ego, since I stood up to him recently on the issue of users linking removed submissions, and perhaps instigated by @Vindicator's apparent need to try to placate very single user of the subverse, even the shills and the mentally ill.


JusticeforAaron ago

It's unacceptable that you deleted people's research without even reading it first. Really unacceptable...why would you delete it? Leave it there if you don't have time to properly read through the entire thing.

Giving someone like @kevdude power, is like giving a toddler a machine gun.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@Millenial_Falcon, I had to create a new account because you banned me for "spam" like a year ago. I wasn't spamming, I had simply tried to repost something. Thanks for making me figure out quickly that I would need to create my own blog and go elsewhere to write in order to be able to document my own research without having it slide off the forum into never never land. The posts you deleted were always Planned Parenthood, satanism, body parts and organ harvesting related. It kinda made me lose trust in this board altogether. Which is probably actually a blessing in disguise. One time I went back to see who else was getting banned and it was mostly actual pedophiles, posting CP, allegedly.

Recently, after an obvious shill asked me if I was Amy James and I said yes, you began deleting my posts almost daily, so I left again.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I wasn't spamming, I had simply tried to repost something.

You tried to repost it, knowing a mod had taken it down? Tsk, tsk. And somehow I'm at fault? Standard procedure was to ban in such a case at that time, given the heavy amount of trolling, and had you appealed the ban, I would have readily reversed it. All that was needed was some indication you would stop posting in defiance of the rules. Don't blame me for your own attitude problem.

you began deleting my posts almost daily

I delete posts because they break rules which are widely supported by the community, here.

ESOTERICshade ago

You tried to repost it, knowing a mod had taken it down? Tsk, tsk. And somehow I'm at fault?

At @commoner was one of the best posters we had left that was still doing original research and making great posts. @commoner tried to fix a post to make it fit the rules. You banned @commoner. commoner was OBVIOUSLY not a shill and a damn good poster. @vindicator had to get him unbanned. A lot of us were pissed off about that and we talked about it by PM. I volunteered to go to @vindicator and rectify the situation after talking to three or four posters. @vindicator handled it. Now commoner stopped posting and never posts here anymore. You burned a lot of good people and we are pissed off at you for it.

EFFYouJohnPodesta was a damn good poster too that posted as @AmyJames. Amy gave the youtube child molesters so much hell they have been threatening her and stalking her. You banned one of our best warriors you idiot. You have no excuses. You are toxic as all hell.

dragonkiller ago

What about the time you banned @2impendingdoom for saying "some of the really good posts are in the deleted submissions area." You banned her for that. Holy hell was raised by a lot of the community and you were forced to back down and unban. Don't bother denying it. It happened.

2impendingdoom ago

thank you for remembering, that was huge unnecessary drama. so many others have been banned I hardly recognize anyone when I do come here which isn't very often these days. The quality of posts is not really worth spending so time here anymore. Regardless, I think that M_F is too controversial to be an appropriate mod.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yes I tried reposting it in compliance with the rules

You're not totally reasonable. Vindicator is really reasonable. I don't argue or debate or waste time with reposts any more. Instead I archive it as a MF deletion on my blog and turn it into a better article later. Everything you deleted was later more fully explored. Thank you for the hints.

Millennial_Falcon ago

yes I tried reposting it in compliance with the rules


So then it still wasn't in compliance? What was this post about? What was the problem? Are you being deliberately vague?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't have it at my fingertips but it happens a lot, I'm just used to it either you don't like me or you're closed minded or a shill

Millennial_Falcon ago

Without anything specific, your words are just hot air.

Dressage2 ago

You were a horrible mod. You have run everybody out of here due to your loose finger on the delete key. You might have lots on your side, but all could be sock puppets. I don’t know. I almost never come here anymore. There are some excellent researchers on here that wanted to move out of here, but did not know where to go. Too bad your Nazi style of control wasn’t booted long ago. @kevdude, great decision.

2impendingdoom ago

ditto for me too.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You're full of crap, troll. Go back under your bridge.

Too bad your Nazi style of control wasn’t booted long ago

@kevdude, he's talking smack about Nazis. You sure you're on his side? xD

ESOTERICshade ago

can you explain your reasoning in agreeing to this?

The fact that you pretend not to understand it is the reason you had to be de-modded. You said time and time again you would like to step down but there was nobody else to mod. That problem was just solved for you and now you are against it. Being consistent is something you were unable to do.

argosciv ago

I still love ya!

nameof ago

Also I just read on the comments in all the voat I read. MF has had the most shit slung in his direction as a mod, so just know that hyper shilling rage that may have JUST been shills, but it has seemed to teach everybody how to shill MF and this is what amounts to change? Not LEARNING. The same is just going to refocus on another weaker target, @think?

I mean what are you going to do when "everybody/certain people" start whining and crying again? it's bound to happen

ESOTERICshade ago

Also I just read on the comments in all the voat I read. MF has had the most shit slung in his direction as a mod,

If there was ever a mod that deserved it, he deserved it. He earned it. He was abusive so he had to go.

so just know that hyper shilling rage that may have JUST been shills,

I know for a fact that is not true. Its too bad that all the legit posters that spoke against his modding got so pissed off they left and are no longer here.

Honestly I wonder if you are his sock puppet.

ThePuppetShow ago

Its too bad that all the legit posters that spoke against his modding got so pissed off they left and are no longer here.

I was certainly shocked when I saw this the other day. I pretty much left after the last bullshit when MF was kept.

nameof ago

Ahh this is sad.but u have succumbed. To the goal Come back !! Wtf! Sock puppet. Not you.nyou did not say that. Because if u did go and check me out. I don't deserve that

AND THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT. Abusive? What about calling me a sock puppet after all the shit you and Ispecifically communicated. I'm gonna let it go. HONESTLY This environment breeds paranoia . Sockpuppet !! I could be like that's not you that's at sober second thought ( don't write the name right!) Mr. Everybody is a sockpuppet.

Anybody can look at everything I've posted that stuck up here and when. They can see that after I started being attacked with being called other people's sock puppet. I HAVE BEGUN TO POST LESS.
I am not going to rage against a moderator here even if they were fucking up badly. Look around. People are looking pretty fucked up themselves. People are dying. We know kids are in trouble. I'm gonna let all this shit go.

We talked about that stuff and I sent you a funny link and I think your smart about this occult stuff so please don't everr say that again. You can it's just really sad.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I agree with this.

nameof ago

I DO NOt WANT @millenial_falcon De moded. I don't like getting posts deleted either but it made me a better poster. Perhaps controversy is part and parcel to being a moderator? If I can help just ask. MF, working this hard for a good cause Pizzagate to be kicked out out of a position NOBODY ELSE was doing...is sad. Id hate to see that. I don't know what's going on. That's what it looks like from here. Thanks guys

Gothamgirl ago

If there is anything I could do to help let me know. I feel saddened about Millennial_falcon because I never had any issues, but I have seen a few posts deleted, that were excellent to. How does he feel about this, is there no compromise? I hate to see another person that cares pushed out.

Vindicator ago

When you see a thread with the new flair, Gothamgirl, please jump in and comment with anything that will help the user edit their post and avoid a removal. :-) That is a great way to help.

Hortance ago

Not sure I've formed a permanent opinion on this issue, but I'll offer @millenial_falcon a "thank you" for efforts here. At least he took the position seriously. I didn't always agree, but some of the insults I've seen directed at him (?) certainly went over the line of basic decency.

Seems like deleting topic posts was the big issue. Should point out that re-posts of the same material were often left alone when standards-related content was edited/changed. Kinda puts the lie to the idea that millenial's moderation decisions were as biased as some have suggested.

I'd encourage those who were so excited to run him out of here to consider whether they have let "the perfect" become "the enemy of the good", and whether getting someone's head on a stick is an achievement by itself.

millenial_falcon, once everyone has had their say, I hope you'll offer a response to the other side. I would certainly read it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Should point out that re-posts of the same material were often left alone when standards-related content was edited/changed. Kinda puts the lie to the idea that millenial's moderation decisions were as biased as some have suggested.

For me it conjures up the image that you might not have been paying close attention because I flatly disagree.

Hortance ago

You might be right, I read a lot of posts without making note of who posted it....But also noted at least 1 post on this thread from somebody who said they had posted topics that were deleted, cleaned them up, and then they were allowed. M_F doesn't seem to be pitching a fit about it, so .... I could probably pay better attention to who's doing what.

Disappointed ago

Should the other sticky pointing to the voting thread be unstickied now? That thread has been deleted.

dragonkiller ago

Should the other sticky pointing to the voting thread be unstickied now? That thread has been deleted.

Yes we need to squash this subject and move on. Better days are surely ahead.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Praise the Lord. He was really having some kind of mental issue. Modding had nothing to do with the work we were trying to do. He lived his life trying to be a computer on here. It never seemed to work to the communities advantage only disadvantage. @millennial_falcon take a break, then come back to post.

JusticeforAaron ago

We really don't need to be petty like this at all, let's move on here. @Millennial_Falcon has done some exceptional work, like the executive summary. I imagine that's why his standards were so high but also so rigid.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I agree. Therefore he should be Chief researcher, not Mod. He may well be a great autist among us.

Millennial_Falcon ago

mental issue

Project much?

IpointOutTrolls ago

Millennial_Falcon -5 points (+4|-9)

Project much?


nameof ago

Perhaps he's talking pizzagate? Now there's a mental issue. Thank you MF, for your issues.!

dragonkiller ago

Project much?

Projection is your specialty Falcon. You blamed every problem you created on the users, always.

millennial_vulcan ago

well said DK!

Blacksmith21 ago

FWIW - I have no beef with any of the mods. It is a thankless job. Not one I would want. I want to see the existing rules on the books ENFORCED. Very simple:

1) Must be directly related to Pizzagate - Make the connections. Build the case.

2) Empiricism will be difficult to quantify. May be easier to say that any "claim" needs to be sourced and/or cited.

3) Clarity - Good luck with this. Titles should be related to the post and not contain red herrings or misleading statements. NO LINKS in the title, if I have my way.

4 & 5) Good to go.

Vindicator ago

Blacksmith, would you be willing to deploy this clarity of vision as a user-mod per the new flair system I outlined in the sticky? That would entail keeping an eye out for the flair and commenting in any posts that have it with simple suggestions to help them edit. You could also DM us to flair posts you feel don't meet these standards. You know I've tried to talk you into modding in the past...

millennial_vulcan ago

seconded! @Blacksmith21 is one of my faves!

Vindicator ago

MV, how about you, too? We need all the help we can get with helping people to fix their posts. Leave constructive comments when you see the flair, and @think- and I will do the dirty work if they choose not to edit.

millennial_vulcan ago

BLUSHES!!!!! Vindi, you guys constantly make my day. I don't trust myself to be a 'grown up' mod with full privileges as I know I can be a little salty tongued sometimes (only cos godd*mn Skippy and co get me so riled... ) but absolutely: I will do anything I can to contribute to the game changing work that's being carried out here :-) :-) :-)

think- ago

Yesss, @millenial_vulcan, go for it! :-)

Very good choice, @Vindicator!

millennial_vulcan ago

will try! Gulp...

think- ago

Wow, welcome on board, millenial! :-) You'll do great!! :-)


Blacksmith21 ago

Citizen-Narc ; )

millennial_vulcan ago

hahaha!! ;-)

Blacksmith21 ago

I'll be happiest when I can throw the switch.

millennial_vulcan ago


Disappointed ago

In a couple of weeks after everything has cooled down maybe he gets reinstated. We'll see.

Not sure thats a good idea to float about at this point.

maggiethatcher ago

I didn't have a problem with @millennial_falcon who clearly put in a lot of work. My beef was with @Vindicator who - despite my issues - also put in a lot of work and therefore has my respect.

The mods on this board are generally reliable and with the cause at their heart (obv not incl people like donkeyhote).

Perhaps there should be two mods agree before a post is deleted.


Vindicator ago

I don't agree with SST's assessment of think- or Q. Some of his others I tend to agree with. He made a number of shill expose threads where he presented his evidence. He did not mention think- in any of them.

ESOTERICshade ago

The reason he didn't mention think- in his previous ones is because he changes his bullshit depending on what is going on around here. If you will notice his post is designed to create division among the users. Also Glenn Beck is his hero which speaks for itself. He doesn't believe any of his own bullshit he is just here to cause trouble. Shows up to try to create doubt and pit users against one another.

SoberSecondThought ago

True, and I have not presented any evidence against think- here either. As I have said in the past, I am not looking for endless fights about who is a sockpuppet.

My perspective at this point is that the 13,000 sealed indictments will eventually drop, and at that point we will enter a new phase. I think it will be very important in that phase to focus on the Glenn Beck whistleblower episode and the coverup. The public will be reeling in shock, and people will need to know the history. They will want to know who actually tried to do something about this horror. So I do my best to keep that story alive.

In the meantime, the Q phenomenon is way too big for me to stop, even if I cared to. So apart from episodes like this, I stay in my corner and keep quiet.

dragonkiller ago

True, and I have not presented any evidence against think- here either.

Maybe you should stop coming here to stir up shit then because I have seen your meaningless stuff and all you do is fling accusations at people on bizarre claims.

SoberSecondThought ago

No, I can take your word for that. In the past, I have seen remarks that seemed to imply mods could see IPs. If that is not true, then there is much less of a problem so far as I am concerned personally.

I still have serious concerns about making @think- a mod, obviously, but that is good news. Thank you.

Disappointed ago

You might want to look into using a VPN as well but I can back what kevdude said. There's no IP shown anywhere like it used to be for mods on forums.

letsdothis1 ago

I don't think VPNs make much of a difference to be honest.

Disappointed ago

Maybe not to the Feds but it will help with some other data gatherers.

Vindicator ago

Just to clarify...are we still removing posts according to the rules currently in the sidebar? I got the impression from your convo with @Disappointed in the other thread that the submission rules are too strict and unVoat-like. Do I need to change my approach at all?

@Crensch @kevdude

Disappointed ago

I hope you guys will still look into the flair suggestions and put your heads together for some that will allow the community to discuss possible leads. Not everyone is capable of writing out fully fledged research posts but that doesn't mean they don't have ideas worth discussing. @kevdude originally sold me the idea back about two years ago and its solved a lot of problems on a lot of subs here.

From little things big things grow.

JusticeforAaron ago

I agree but it's not just about being capable always either. If you do spend an enormous amount of time researching and writing something out and it's not even read but taken down down, you aren't going to want to continue spending that time. I fully admit I haven't been committing more than hour or so to posts and research lately for that reason. It still doesn't mean I'm wrong, it just means I haven't spelled it out for those who don't have enough information on it.

Vindicator ago

I have never removed posts without reading them, 119, and neither will think-.

think- ago

I have never removed posts without reading them, 119, and neither will think-.

True. I won't.

jfa ago

I'm going to delete this again as although I love the new flaring idea, it's not going to fix the problem of who runs this sub, it's destined to get worse if those at the top are power hungry psychopaths.

I signed up again to apologize to you as I said you removed things without reading but it was MF that did that, not you. I don't think I've had any problems with you, I can't remember. I had to look back to refresh my memory and it wasn't you that deleted my post, it was MF.

Vindicator ago

Sorry to hear that. We'd love to have you back when you want to.

Vindicator ago

I have DMed both sensitive2 and Honeybee_ on Twitter.

Disappointed ago

It seems to m he wasn't enjoying being a mod. If thats the case then it's time to move on.


If he thinks he can be of more value contributing more in another way then no doubt he will be.

To both sides of this its time to stop the fun and games and go after the pedos.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I enjoy being a mod just fine. I've simply been clear that I'm willing to let the role go. Think of it as a Buddhist perspective. @kevdude, I see @Disappointed is a rather old account? Do you know him?

HugoWeaving ago

@Millennial_Falcon: I wanted to personally thank you for all your time and input. Very few of these people are aware of how much work this sub put in last year when this issue first broke. Truthfully it was a mess and in need of order. You brought that. Maybe it was thankless, maybe you tired of it. I know I did as a poster and researcher. I had to take breaks. I had to walk away and find “life” again.

And for all the newbie whiners who have no clue why harsh moderation was and IS still needed will never understand. I turned down being a mod twice because I knew how polarizing and difficult a job it would be. My skills were and continue to better spent on research and education.

So thank you comrade. Your efforts by those who know why will always be appreciated.

  • 77

ESOTERICshade ago


Imagine that

HugoWeaving ago


ESOTERICshade ago


Special number.

bb22 ago

You have way too much fucking ego to moderate a forum about child abuse. This forum was never about you, fuckhead, and if you were really so nonchalant about the whole thing you would have went and fucked yourself a lot earlier before whatever happened recently.

Shizy ago

Well said! I always got the impression MF is the type of rigid, boring IT or accountant type who has very little emotion and too focused on hard facts, but your ego angle makes a lot of sense too

Disappointed ago

Maybe have some appreciation that I've been doing this for a year, all the while wishing there were someone else to do it. I would rather be doing my part by continuing to expand the Executive Summary I spent weeks working on, but I'm not able to do that because nobody else seems willing to do the thankless job of moderating

That was you 3 weeks ago. I can only go off what you say. I think the best idea is to let it go for bit and see if you can all uncover some more leads while seeing how things go.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yes, that's true. I am very ready to step aside if someone else can do the modding work, but I won't be removed by kevdude's decree. He's acting like it's a forgone conclusion (because he wants someone who will submit to him readily), while the community hasn't had a say yet, and most who have weighed in support me, even though this sort of thing always has a bias toward attracting complainers and shills (and that ever-present troll with hundreds of accounts).

jangles ago

your commitment has been profound and needed. You deleted many of my shit posts, gave reasons, that is good. You also deleted other posts that were good but something you didn't comprehend. Your God like attitude toward rule 3 is the source of this problem, there should be no immediate deleting for rule 3. @kevdude, MF is a valuable asset to this community, you addressing this issue is appreciated, I am not sure if there will be any resolve without a good flag for posts that are not masterpieces like "underdeveloped/shitty post" instead of deleting them .

Vindicator ago

Please see the sticky I put up, jangles. We're going to try a 24 hour reprieve so the community can help fix problem posts. We've got one flaired now.

Disappointed ago

Well you say you enjoy it on one hand and on the other hand that you did it reluctantly because no one else would do it, so lets see how the new mods go with this. This could be the best thing that has happened to you and this sub if you just give it time. If it all falls down then it's good to know you would be there to step into the breach again. I think given your obvious passion you might be of far more value if you aren't bogged down with doing the mod work all the time. I think if the shills who are trying to bring this sub down think they have won then they better think again. Having someone like you with the free time to join all the dots together could make all the difference here and raise the standard of other posters.

JusticeforAaron ago

In all seriousness, it seems like a bit of a martyr complex on MF's part.

ESOTERICshade ago

Maybe have some appreciation that I've been doing this for a year, all the while wishing there were someone else to do it. I would rather be doing my part by continuing to expand the Executive Summary I spent weeks working on, but I'm not able to do that because nobody else seems willing to do the thankless job of moderating

Kudos to you bro and thanx for digging that up. I was planning to do that myself but you saved me the trouble. He is always a victim, he is never wrong. He says he does not have time to mod, will not let people help him. Has said several times he would like to step down but nobody will do the thankless job he must do.

Now we can watch him make a masterpiece out of the summary since he has time, but suddenly he does not want the time. His excuses are endless and thank you @kevdude.

I look forward to the days when people can see cool stuff to post and not fear their time will be wasted away in vain by having it deleted.

JusticeforAaron ago

Lol busted MF, just man up and take it like man MF. rawr men alpha roar!

SoberSecondThought ago

Well, this is bad news, but not entirely unexpected. For the record, I do not want MF demodded. He has deleted stuff of mine once or twice, but he was entirely within the rules in doing so.

Unfortunately, as I first explained several months ago, the guy David Brock pays to spread disinfo here has many sockpuppets. Since I exposed his Tory Smith LARP, he has been fighting desperately to survive. One of the sockpuppets that I did not bother exposing (there are so many) is @think-. Well played you pedosadist monster, you have staged a coup within the heart of the resistance. @crensch, please take note.

I would be surprised if @think- takes any overt action against my series exposing the David Brock - Media Matters disinfo project. That would be something of a dead giveaway. Instead, I assume he will use his mod powers to locate me, and I will then face extortion attempts aimed at forcing me to take down the series myself. Well, come at me you bastards. We will see what we will see.

Even though my posts are several months old, they still get new viewers every day. They remain a very real threat to the disinfo guy (and to his helper, Alexandra Meadors of Galactic Connection).

I have stated on several occasions now (see here and here) that Q is this same guy, that the whole Q phenomenon is just a desperate ploy to divert attention from the Glenn Beck whistleblower episode and the ensuing coverup.

Whether you believe me or not, everyone involved in this change to the mod structure needs to pay close attention now. You have handed control to the enemy, and bad things will happen as a result.

argosciv ago

1: Sorry to hear. Thanks for everything @Millennial_Falcon, I hope this is temporary and that either way, all is well on your end. Sorry things got to this stage.

2: No qualms here, congratulations, @think-

3: Sounds good

4: No comment(content)

5: I don't recall having a personal problem with you - I think I've been concerned about a few things you've said early on, but, don't recall ever having a reason to distrust you - thanks for helping out at such a time :)

6: I try.

Eh, you know I didn't want to see anyone gone - in fact I actually had every confidence he wouldn't go... le sigh, "Let it play"

Avatar - Let It Burn (Live at Wacken Open Air 2015 / Proshot)

JusticeforAaron ago

I'd like to see you banned.

JusticeforAaron ago

No, you are outvoted.

dragonkiller ago

I retract.

Fuck this shit,

argosciv you never learn

Admits to being a blood drinking satanist: (even catbox.moe put "barf" in the url)



He claims to be into "sex magic" and blood. Probably one of these Comet Ping Pong freaks.


Lures teenage drug addicted girls to his house and tries have sex with them and talk them into letting him drink their blood. He tells them he is a "magic dragon." (seriously, read what he wrote) A couple of those little drug addicted tweakers broke into his house a few weeks ago.

He constantly posts satanic music in v/pizzagate and pings a lot of other users to his satanic music concerts even though he knows v/pizzagate people hate it. He constantly pings the mods and tattles on people, shows the mods things people say, in an effort to get fights started between the mods and the users.

Whines because people do not like his obnoxious behavior. Some people never learn to keep their mouth shut and stop being an asshole.

2impendingdoom ago

awesome comment.

dragonkiller ago

awesome comment.

@argosciv is a delusional pest that follows the mods around posting satanic music. He actually believes he is "in their club" because they tolerate his ass kissing and don't tell him to fuck off. He is exactly what we fight against but vindicator seems to actually fancy his company for some reason which I don't understand because argosciv is a faker from hell. He is basically a little parasitic mod dick sucking mascot with the common sense of a tape worm.

2impendingdoom ago

yeah, when I see his ID I just skip his comments/posts altogether, but I'd read enough to know that you are spot on. I assume he's a 12year old kid that drives his parents insane.

dragonkiller ago

I assume he's a 12year old kid that drives his parents insane.

Middle aged man believe it or not. You would never think so.

2impendingdoom ago

oh that's hilarious.