10124951? ago

You would be wrong.

hojuruku ago

Seems like the OTO is Untouchable.


Dear Mr Mckee

Thank you for your email to the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department dated 2 August 2017, concerning the Ordo Templi Orientis organisation.

You have asked the Commonwealth to intervene in a matter before the High Court of Australia. Your enquiry relates to a private legal matter. It is not appropriate for the Attorney-General as the First Law Officer, nor the Attorney-General’s Department, to intervene in, or provide legal advice or assistance to members of the public about private proceedings.

Additionally, you have requested that the Attorney-General instruct the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission (ACNC) to initiate investigations about the registration of Ordo Templi Orientis. Both the ATO and ACNC fall outside the portfolio responsibility of the Attorney-General. Therefore it would be inappropriate for the Attorney-General, or the Attorney-General’s Department, to direct such investigations. If you have not done so already, you may wish to contact the ATO and ACNC. The relevant contact details can be located on their websites:

· ATO – https://www.ato.gov.au/About-ATO/About-us/Contact-us/

· ACNC - http://www.acnc.gov.au/ACNC/About_ACNC/ACNC_role/ACNC/Edu/ACNC_role.aspx?hkey=88635892-3c89-421b-896d-d01add82f4fe

We hope this information is of assistance to you.


Courts, Tribunals and Administrative Law Branch

Attorney-General’s Department

3-5 National Circuit | Barton ACT 2600

[email protected] (02) 6141 6666

hojuruku ago


That Rainbow 5 pointed star you keep posting here is from the OTO's love of the Kabbalah. See the image for that video if it's embedded - it's the same one you have here. Also see 46 mins, it's got the same labelling you have of it!

Here is the OTO child sex cult of Australia calling for a "Rainbow New World Order" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liWnqYOf-aY

Here's a video made by a Fan of Frata Shiva X saying he catches little boys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilRiV0CRxkw

hojuruku ago

Secret gay anal sex magic rituals of the #Choronzon club https://www.scribd.com/document/55132833/Choronzon-Club-document-3#scribd published by the religion of faggotry and child sex OTO. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702

Downloaded documents 1-5 in the series.

Page 31 talks about killing children, both MALE AND FEMALE

hojuruku ago

https://rjwomack.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/liber077.pdf OTO Australia says they have the right to fuck whoever they want and kill whoever they want.

hojuruku ago

Garry talks about “Sparkles the pony” as child lovers group and admits his own webmaster runs it on his blog https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/2015/09/02/more-unfounded-rantings-from-luke-mckee/ “Classic Luke McKee twisted posting about a Facebook page Jeremy managed for a bunch of friends about Sparkles The Pony, A FB page designed fror fun, but of course McKee turned it into a depraved sexual , gay, child loving bunch of lies….” Go to Geoff for his write up on sparkles the pony and repost http://archive.is/gXrYy

hojuruku ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_Lodge OTO 9th degree members Arrested in the US for child rape!

hojuruku ago

Also relates to Legg & Devine: http://richardboyden.com/oto_satanists.htm

Children in Sexual Rituals

The Gnostic Mass, performed by the OTO, is a ritual which, at the least, is a symbolic enactment of the sex act between opposites - the Priest and the Priestess. They are waited upon by two children.

“The priestess must have divested herself completely of her robe…”

I,62: At all my meetings with you shall the priestess say-and her eyes shall burn with desire as she stands bare and rejoicing in my secret temple-To me! To me! calling forth the flame of the hearts of all in her love-chant. (Book of the Law)

An article by Frater V.I.T.R.I.O.L in the Lion and Serpent, The Official Journal of Sekhet –Maat Lodge OTO, Vol 5 No 3 http://www.sekhetmaat.com/www/html/journal/issues.html ) explains that we can learn everything we need to know about the Gnostic Mass by studying the Lovers card in the Thoth deck, and then its completion in the Art card. The lovers card contains a naked man and woman and two small naked children amongst various symbols, including an eagle and lion (waiting on the sidelines?). In the Art card the lion and eagle are feeding on some seemingly gory mass being delivered to a vessel by a two headed being which probably represents the two adults merged as one.

Is this ritual sometimes carried out with real sexual acts? Common sense provides the answer. The Baphomet Lodge (California) newsletter Baphomet Breeze, Volume III - Number 3, Autumnal Equinox, 1988, ran an explicit sounding account without comment, excerpted from Jurgen by James Branch Cabell, Copyright (c) 1919, 1928. Another dialogue recorded in a Baphomet Breeze newsletter suggests that orgies take place after their Gnostic Masses, which is not surprising considering the Book of the Law verses which are in praise of lust.

II,22: I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge & Delight and bright glory, and stir the hearts of men with drunkenness. To worship me take wine and strange drugs whereof I will tell my prophet, & be drunk thereof! They shall not harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against self. The exposure of innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man! lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture: fear not that any God shall deny thee for this. (Book of Law)

Meanwhile, in its Handbook, the US Grand Lodge (last revised Feb1999) warns its members among other things that violent behaviour, abuse of children and criminal conduct are considered greatly prejudicial to the purposes of the Order. (Perhaps this is to protect its non-profit, tax-exempt corporation status! ) On the other hand, the Fairfax, California, OTO Newsletter, Vol. II. number 1, W'l.#5,April 7, 1992, talks about the "so-called" Solar Lodge, who are not to be trifled with. It contains a reminder that they, the Solar Lodge group, were busted on felony child abuse charges over the famous "boy in the box" case at Bythe, California.

Child Sacrifice

III,43: Let the Scarlet Woman beware! If pity and compassion and tenderness visit her heart; if she leave my work to toy with old sweetnesses; then shall my vengeance be known. I will slay me her child: I will alienate her heart: I will cast her out from men: as a shrinking and despised harlot shall she crawl through dusk wet streets, and die cold and an-hungered. (Book of Law)

Regarding child sacrifice, Aleister Crowley in his Magic in Theory and Practice makes plain what is consistent with the Book of the Law references. He writes that only the Master of the Temple can say whether any given act is a crime. In response to expressions of horror from "the ignorant" about killing innocent children, the "knower" will rush to strangle the child and remark that the child "will become Nero" , who was as necessary as Julius Caesar).

There are other explicit references in the OTO material to child sacrifice and consumption of a baby's flesh, although this is not a direct admission that it was practiced by Crowley. See Crowley’s Sex-Magical Instructions, Of the Secret Marriages of Gods with Men, A Secret Instruction of the Eighth Degree.

( Also worth noting in this document is the reference to ON (Osiris) which is known to Royal Arch Freemasons as part of the true name of "God" - JABULON. )

And what does it mean, in Crowley’s Rites of Eleusis when one participant asks, "Are the brethren fed? and the answer is, "Upon the corpses of their children"? Is this “poetry” too? And when Crowley explains the following in his Magick in Theory and Practice ( http://www.rahoorkhuit.net/library/crowley/magick.html ) are we supposed to think of this as metaphor?

It is unwise to condemn the practice of savages who tear the heart and liver from an adversary and consume them while warm.

To achieve the highest spiritual working you must choose the victim which contains the greatest and purest force.

A perfectly innocent and highly intelligent male child is the best victim.

Bloody, human sacrifice is best.

Of course “the profane” (the name for non-Freemasons) are not going to be told what really goes on. And, as in normal Freemasonry, those in the lower degrees have little idea what’s going on in the higher degrees, like in the Eleventh, about which nothing is said whatever in any (other?) grade. It has no relation to the general plan of the order. It is inscrutable and dwells in its own palace.

What more have we learned from a brief skimming through of some of the voluminous texts and documents produced by the OTO, aside from The Book of the Law? The above collection of examples shows a total consistency with The Book of The Law despite the relevant sections being almost submerged by tons and tons of nonsensical, irrational and obscene intellectual self-gratification, (with an irresistible mystique for complete idiots). This religion’s creators must be laughing in their graves.

After-all, in Of the Nature of the Gods, A Secret Instruction of the Seventh Degree Crowley explains that people who profess to be orthodox in their faith, but only as a convenient means of dominating the vulgar are already "of us", although they don't know it. Ripe for conversion, such people may easily be brought to fight in the ranks of the Thelemites.

(This is on the the same html document as the above link to Sex-Magical Instructions, Of the Secret Marriages of Gods with Men, A Secret Instruction of the Eighth Degree.)

I,10: Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known.

(The Book of the Law)

hojuruku ago

OTO Australia running art class for 3 year old satanists: https://www.facebook.com/collective777/photos/a.538970999457551.1073741828.538917802796204/945688612119119/?type=3 Not this is in the same region where the Legg / Devine Dossier said they abused children. They are flouting it.

hojuruku ago

There are so many examples of how insane the special http://twitter.com/NODISCRIM / http://twitter.com/NCATNSW court of gay child sex normalization is. Bernard gaynor has been found guilty fo the crime of linking to the Mainstream news paper by the GAY TERRORISTS WHO RULE BABY RAPISTS MUST BE RESPECTED IN CASE LAW.

http://bernardgaynor.com.au/nsw-anti-discrimination-board-unlawful-link-andrew-bolt/ Andrew Bolt is a columinist in one of the biggest newspapers in Australia.

hojuruku ago

Garry Burns likes the child prostitutes - but if you complain - the NSW GLLO GAY CHILD FUCK POLICE WILL COME AFTER YOU. JOHN SUNOL WAS ARRESTED AFTER HE SENT THIS EMAIL.

ear Nathan Costello

This is a picture that I got hold of with Gary Burns which is something that people tried to put on my blog in the past but I will not entertain this.. this is the sort of 'shit' this man puts around and is blaming Luke for. I have been forwarded these emails from Luke to show what Gary is into.

I will not contact you but if you need to speak to me again my mobile is 0468 309 091



---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Luke McKee hojuruku@gmail.com Date: Saturday, August 27, 2016 Subject: Fwd: Is yours as big as this or bigger? Bottom needs top 9" + to BB fuck me - m4m To: John Christopher sunol johnsunol2@gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Garry Burns antidiscrimination@bigpond.com Date: 6 March 2016 at 05:26 Subject: Re: Is yours as big as this or bigger? Bottom needs top 9" + to BB fuck me - m4m To: [email protected]

So you want to meet today?

From: Garry Burns 22ccb88494fd3df882b2f209d3484101@reply.craigslist.org Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2016 9:07:17 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Is yours as big as this or bigger? Bottom needs top 9" + to BB fuck me - m4m

In the east near Queen Street between Paddo and Woollahra. Yep I have a nice thick tool and haven’t blown in 8 days so very horny. You got a pic ? Whats your name ? Cheers.

On 6 Mar 2016, at 9:01 am, craigslist 5477131862 mcrtx-5477131862@pers.craigslist.org wrote:

Hi there! Oh very nice cock it looks big! I am free today after 1130-1200 to have my holes violated and filled.

Where are you located?

From: Garry Burns 22ccb88494fd3df882b2f209d3484101@reply.craigslist.org Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2016 8:22:39 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Is yours as big as this or bigger? Bottom needs top 9" + to BB fuck me - m4m

Hey m8, Mine is 9 inch and thick. Looking to pound a nice bottom. Cheers Garry.<Photo on 27-12-2015 at 8.36 am #2.jpeg>


Original craigslist post: http://sydney.craigslist.com.au/m4m/5477131862.html About craigslist mail: http://craigslist.org/about/help/email-relay Please flag unwanted messages (spam, scam, other): http://craigslist.org/mf/c3f9a0e3077e83f2637d413395986475dd469636.1

Original craigslist post: http://sydney.craigslist.com.au/m4m/5477131862.html About craigslist mail: http://craigslist.org/about/help/email-relay Please flag unwanted messages (spam, scam, other): http://craigslist.org/mf/2070c46172dae68218a0494db0e19a859d43fd2e.1

Original craigslist post: http://sydney.craigslist.com.au/m4m/5477131862.html About craigslist mail: http://craigslist.org/about/help/email-relay Please flag unwanted messages (spam, scam, other): http://craigslist.org/mf/71f3841af4d39791f7804ddda293bb2966324feb.1

Original craigslist post: http://sydney.craigslist.com.au/m4m/5477131862.html About craigslist mail: http://craigslist.org/about/help/email-relay Please flag unwanted messages (spam, scam, other): http://craigslist.org/mf/2bc9f64e03989193c27c4ffa82b8d21cf96ba2b8.2

hojuruku ago

This email shows garry burn was sending child born - but the young asian has been removed by the internet and the person who reporeted pedophilia PROSECUTED BY THE GAY NSW CHILD FUCK POLICE / DETECTIVE NATHAN COSTELLO & CO

From John Christopher Sunol

I am sending you some forwarded information on Gary Burns which I got from a Luke McKee. Luke has evidemce that Gary is a child molesting Pedofile and I wish to forward to you some of this material.

If you wish to talk to me aggain contact me on 0468 309 091

Thanking you

John Christopher Sunol

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Luke McKee hojuruku@gmail.com Date: Saturday, August 27, 2016 Subject: Fwd: Looking to fuck asian - m4m To: John Christopher sunol johnsunol2@gmail.com

this google drive link has been edited. It previously had a picture of an underage child prostitutes bum hole spread eagled. I backed it up. Tell the police to go dig it up ;)


---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Garry Burns antidiscrimination@bigpond.com Date: 6 March 2016 at 05:17 Subject: Looking to fuck asian - m4m To: [email protected]

​ young asian .jpg ​


Original craigslist post: http://sydney.craigslist.com.au/cas/5478162693.html About craigslist mail: http://craigslist.org/about/help/email-relay Please flag unwanted messages (spam, scam, other): http://craigslist.org/mf/5e8d89684e117602369041c080267edaf82b19a0.447

hojuruku ago


I invited Garry Burns the great Boylover 666 to come here and speak for himself like the OTO tried and failed earlier. Don't hold your breath guys.

hojuruku ago

http://www.spiralnature.com/magick/left-ordo-templi-orientis/ I promised people that link. A female ex OTO member talking about the Gnostic Mass that the head of the OTO America said children must be included in - including simulated sex acts - but if you see the other posts we know they are not simulated. OTO gnostic catholic mass hardcore orgy images and videos are cirulating on the internet. The same event the leader of the OTO USA Frater Sab X says children must be in.

hojuruku ago

Good intro to Garry Burns early years: http://www.dailystormer.com/radio-stormer-presentations-luke-mackee-on-gary-burns-sodomite-rights-activist/ And the early years of the OTO child fuck cult: http://www.dailystormer.com/radio-stormer-narrations-the-jewish-roots-of-the-ordo-templi-orientis/

Mark Passio explains the OTO pedophile cult world view. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFMtE0IC12k Know they enemy - know how satanists think and how they get off getting ahead by stepping on the innocent (e.g. Legg / Devine) and how they will lie to achieve their agenda like David Bottrill and his OTO pedo mates did perjury. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTSpkffdBnI

hojuruku ago

American Readers if you think this has nothing to do with you - then think again. It has something to do with OBAMA - see the case law link from today and this! https://www.quora.com/Who-would-you-trust-alone-with-your-kids-Obama-or-Trump/answer/Luke-McKee-1 It's a crime to point out Obama's connections to "queer hero" Gay pedophile Terry Bean. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdpQ4SOVMoQ All from the same judge who let loose Garry is a self-declared pedophile today ;) ;) ;)

NotOneGETpost ago

Okay, I'll admit when you tagged me the other day in a post or comment, I barely managed to finish a paragraph, I couldn't understand what the hell you were trying to say. I put it down to you either being a meth user or mentally ill.

I'm with you now because of how well you know this subject and that you have been personally effected by this all. But yeh something along the lines of what that other commenter said; so much raw info here; It's quite hard to process all at once.

I live in Australia, what risks am I exposing myself to viewing these links etc. Will I get 60C'd?

hojuruku ago

60c is only for the elite thought criminals. Only Two before me when it was only 2 years jail (I'm the first for 5 years jail version -post nsw 2006 gang laws bill) according to this www.bocsar.nsw.gov.au spreadsheet you can verify by quoting the reference number to get a fresh copy if you email them. docs google com/spreadsheets/d/1EXchay3XFU2b6B1_j_SDF3ZoN-zC3YUHm51VCx0BVJ0/edit?hl=en&hl=en 100% death in custody rate, 100% conviction rate - no published case law.

Google 60c nsw crimes act stormfront to see what comes up. Garry Burns got the images censored sorry. Faggots at photobucket. Another site not to use.

There are some other truthnews.com.au videos on youtube.com/hojuruku about the incident. You can also see Garry Burns threatening to rape sodomize and murder anti-peodphilia activists on there. I'm surprised woman of the year 2011 Catherine Judith Burns loves someone so much who openly threatens to rape sodomize and murder women who are anti-pedophilia activists and famous for it. Did you see her published emails to the boylover after she was informed of him threatening to rape, sodomize and murder female anti-pedophilia activists? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB0pxOMoJ04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nxf_DXKWQ4

Garry Burns is a gay hero in Australia for normalizing sex with babies. First Gay Marriage Activist On TV after Keven '07 announced Australia could have gay marriage on his facebook and he even sued Sasha "The Dictator" Baron Cohen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY-HOPphCps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy_H_vwDdJE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mMPqbqmTg8

P.S. here's an old talk I did about 60c 5 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDjd0OEMr_0

More interviews with my dad - old out of date etc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS9qkUox6Ag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aCztdG9JlA

Here's my dad's own comments on facebook about his persecution by the NSW GLLO gay child sexxer protector police founded by the OTO. http://archive.is/LuSqb

The latest is from the faggot cop pedos in Paddington with Garry is they are doing a DOUBLE JEPOARDY PROSECUTION AGAINST JOHN SUNOL. They lost with the telecommunication charges because john never used any internet service provider in Australia, so they will try again for breach of bail - because luke McKee published content on a Google blog he doesn't own and he didn't know how to revoke access because he's not computer savvy - I used it to back up all of his emails showing previous incidents of the GLLO gay child fuck police loosing two AVOs against Sunol too - after Garry losts with costs he didn't pay with the Waverly Court judge calling him a vexatious lying faggot in the court room. But the gay police take their marching orders from pedos not judges so what do you expect.

Even an ex cop who was framed by the GAY PEDO Police Brendon Ritson Sued Garry for 7.5 grand and he doesn't pay - he's bankrupt and he gets 4k every month in extortion requests saying give me a faggot money or i'll sue you for hate speech and defame you. He's got a NSW faggot government protected stalking/extortion racket going on. We got his finances from the bankruptcy proceedings to prove it. Just research Garry Burns. He's also friends with two people in the original legg /devine dossier as pedophiles(eddie mcguire and Jeff Kennett). Man that's interesting, and is a whole other story. The OTO's and Garry Burns lawyers called justiceconnect.org.au / piac.asn.au / formally PILCH (all the same org) are blackmailing Jeff Kennett over his child abuse send all of his charities donations (beyondblue.org.au) to piac.asn.au and that's another big story: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1581946 https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/1582310 See this re ex cop Ritson who lost his job due to lies from Garry Burns: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/that-aint-no-way-to-treat-a-lady/news-story/21dba4aaddd91b2f804746fdac10451d https://inforrm.wordpress.com/2014/04/03/case-law-australia-brendan-ritson-v-gary-burns-a7500-damages-for-a-single-comment-made-to-one-person-yvonne-kux/

That's how filthy corrupt the faggot cops are.

The faggot cops wanted me to die for gay pride, then when I got out of Australian end exposed them they ran my dad out of the country too if you see this: http://archive.is/l590z

I've had confirmed Australian government interference in my life in 3 countries and counting and I'm really pissed off.

hojuruku ago

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-06-19/anti-discrimination-advocate-launches-legal-action/6558360 It's a crime to call a gay pedophile a gay pedophile.

Latrobe city councillor Christine Sindt facing vilification complaint over same-sex marriage Facebook comments By Mark Debono

Updated 19 Jun 2015, 12:08pm Latrobe City Council councillor, Christine Sindt Photo: Latrobe City Council councillor Christine Sindt is under fire again, this time over Facebook comments on same-sex marriage. (Supplied: Latrobe City Council) Related Story: Darren Chester first National to announce support for gay marriage Related Story: Independent panel to probe councillor conduct after anti-Islamic Facebook posts Related Story: Victorian councillor denies posts linking Islam to Nazism target Muslims Related Story: Latrobe councillor defends anti-Islam Facebook posts

An anti-discrimination campaigner has lodged a vilification complaint against south-east Victorian based Latrobe city councillor, Christine Sindt.

Cr Sindt made comments on her Facebook page criticising federal MP Darren Chester for his support of same-sex marriage.

The exact comments cannot be reported for legal reasons.

New South Wales based Garry Burns campaigns against commentators and high-profile people who link homosexuality with paedophilia.

He said the statement that Cr Sindt published could incite ridicule, contempt or hatred against homosexual men.

"We are all part of the Australian family regardless of those differences, whether we're gay, straight, bi, tranny, intersex, we all should be involved in the gig, and this woman seriously needs to reflect on what she said because those statements are simply unacceptable in 2015," he said.

He said Cr Sindt needed to explain her comments and apologise.

"Ms Sindt is a person in a powerful position," he said.

"She sought to represent the people, her local constituency, on council. She cannot be running around stating those kinds of things that she's published because those things are harmful."

Cr Sindt's Facebook page has been removed after threats of legal action by Mr Chester. Councillor draws wrath of Local Government Minister Natalie Hutchins

The state Minister for Local Government, Natalie Hutchins, has criticised Cr Sindt over her recent Facebook comments.

In a strongly worded statement, Ms Hutchins said Cr Sindt had failed to abide by the councillor code of conduct a number of times.

Her response comes before an independent panel meets to examine whether Cr Sindt has done just that.

Ms Hutchins said she did not have the power to sack an individual councillor but said Cr Sindt needed to understand the responsibilities that came with her role.

Latrobe city councillor Kellie O'Callghan has taken to social media, calling for a reasonable debate.

"I think the rules are pretty clear," she said.

"I don't think there's any confusion about it but when people don't articulate clearly the purpose of their statement and the reasoning and the logic behind why they're making comment then it starts to get very messy and I think that's what we're seeing in the public domain at the moment."

The ABC has sought comment from Cr Sindt.

eyeVoated ago

You want to be a copy editor? Start typing, and post here. Thanks!

hojuruku ago


Here's an email I sent out today ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Luke McKee Date: 31 July 2017 at 12:29 Subject: Proof Magistrate Harbison peverted the course of justice and needs to be jailed or lynched for working with the OTO child sex cult to perpetrate a tax fraud scam To: "[email protected]" vcat-hrd@vcat.vic.gov.au, "[email protected]" vcat-admin@vcat.vic.gov.au, [email protected] Cc: Tess Corbett tess.corbett@gmail.com, Personal // Bernard Gaynor personal@bernardgaynor.com.au, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "[email protected]" F.Nile@parliament.nsw.gov.au, John Christopher Sunol johnsunol4@gmail.com, [email protected], Robert Balzola and Associates RB.Assoc@optusnet.com.au, "[email protected]" pking@qsc.com.au, ACT Court act.news@abc.net.au, [email protected]

Dear Paedophile Judge Magistrate Harbison and her VCAT minions,

A man who stole her car who I believe trying to flee a regional OTO sacrifice was shot dead by police. It's a small world isn't it? http://www.cla.asn.au/Articles/REPINSKI_FINDING.pdf

See her exposed in HD here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5z_8Lh5UM0

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2023169 <- We now have proof of the OTO tax scam and it's leaders on camera mandating children must participate in child sex magick orgies, but you jail anyone for vilifying them when the NSW Supreme Court of appeals said in 2017 you had no jurisdiction to do so, and what Legg and Devine told you in what you called their "embarrasing" submissions. So are you embarrassed the supreme court of NSW said Harbison is embarrassing incompetent to the point of being a pro-pedophle cult loving corrupt judge who needs to be dealt with. Even the lawyers on the charter blog asked WTF happened. https://charterblog.wordpress.com/2008/10/12/the-rights-of-difficult-defendants/ https://charterblog.wordpress.com/2008/10/13/lost-in-transition/

She claims Legg and Devine were present in the court here: http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/vic/VCAT/2007/2470.html?stem=0&synonyms=0&query=legg%20devine

They were illegally kidnapped by NSW facebook.com/policeglbti gay pedo police founded by the OTO operative himself Dr Gregory John Tillett and sent directly to jail without trail, also with 4 Victorian police on a satanic pedo cult junket in attendance as the OTO said in their own December 2007 press release.

Everyone in the court room has wrote affidavits Magistrate Harbison is a liar for falsely claiming Legg and Devine were present in court. http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/couple-jailed-for-contempt-in-vilification-case/2008/02/20/1203467183354.html

Even the OTO published in their press release she lied. http://archive.is/RS9w0

Who's telling the truth?

Is the honorable age newspaper religion report reporter and Christian Barney Zwartz, and David Bottrill OTO child sex cult leader both lying and only Magistrate Harbison telling the truth? Is that what you believe?

When the OTO child sex cult tried again this time from the ACT to use religious vilification laws, the ACT Attorney General stepped in and said Magistrate Harbison was a fool to say to the OTO in an open court Legg and Devine's submission they didn't have jurisdiction was "laughable" https://www.scribd.com/document/354597842/2017-07-17-Bottrill-v-Sunol-Submission Who is laughing now? This corrupt pedo cult judge is going down and the deputy head of VCAT.

Will you update the case law to confirm she broke section 25 of the Victorian charter of Human rights so we can prosecute her for it - for sending people to jail without trail or their basic human rights to mount a defense and BE IN PERSON IN THE COURT as per section 25 of the Human Rights Legislation.

Here is judgment has been invalidated on grounds of jurisdiction by NSWSCA #3 Burns, Gaynor and Cobrett proving it was an illegal kidnapping of NSW residents. You will have to pay big compensation for denying due process, judicial incompetence by the deputy head of vcat, breach of human rights legislation, kidnapping and abuse in prison, all whilst the OTO cult members on the internet threatened their death whilst they were in prison. https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/58900a94e4b058596cba3975 http://archive.is/YYrpw (OTO threatening Death to Legg & Devine after you jailed them for disrespecting the self declared religion of blood drinking, boy murder and child orgies)

The OTO in their press release says Harbison said Legg and Devine's submission on jurisdiction validated by the NSW Supreme Court of Appeals was "embarrassing". it was the same argument the NSW Supreme Court of Appeals upheld - you can't enforce your satanic baby sex pedo cult must not be vilified laws on NSW Residents where the law doesn't exist.


Now the ACT attorney general has also intervened another case saying the same argument as me that you don't have jurisdiction over NSW Citizens: https:/www.scribd.com/document/354597842/2017-07-17-Bottrill-v-Sunol-Submission





hojuruku ago

More sparkles the gay child fuck pony page vids etc on the ozzieslovepedos youtube channel. the vidme had even more evidence of Garry Burns being a perjurer but that was censored from Youtube, VIDME, Liveleaks and Vimeo with NSW POLICE CENSORSHIP DATA ORDERS. We'll just throw it at him in the High Court of Australia - proven pedophile proven perjurer going to the High court of Australia to defend the interests of a proven self-confessed child sex cult OTOAustralia.org.au, all whilst the police, Garry and the OTO all sue John Sunol in tandem to establish phoney case law and persecute my mate.

Last year they nearly made laws special OTO pedo cult founded GLLO gay police could arrest people for the crime of having homophobic attitudes on the street without going to the DPP (DA) for approval - but we shut that down. Details not available as censored by ACT Tribunal order. Site is backed up with wget and will be re-hosted soon at victimsofgaybullying.com. Again a Rainbow childfuck Labor Party Pedophile Attorney General that emails Garry Burns is involved only this time in NSW. Yes there is such a thing as a "Rainbow Labort Party". https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIEnGFL1o_ODB0qVePMJv4A

Also OTO Australia's KINGPIN Frater Shiva X is on video calling for a "RAINBOW [CHILDFUCK] NEW WORLD ORDER" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liWnqYOf-aY

OTO scum covered in blood as shared from David Bottrill's OTO Canberrra Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/riteofsol/photos/a.1475320739439734.1073741828.1454910978147377/1542332702738537/?type=3&theater

And on top of this Garry Burns is running around saying you don't need to pay for a lawyer if you do gay sex - come to him for free legal advice which is a CRIME TO EVEN SAY IF YOU DON'T HAVE A LAW DEGREE IN AUSTRALIA. There is so much more to this saga but this is the basic intro. http://archive.is/Cbcvs saved today from https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/

English special gay police have also attacked someone critical of Garry "Boylover" Burns. They are an international pedophile protection squad. The American ones are http://twitter.com/GLLUDC and must be in charge of any case if a homosexual is involved like ALEFANTIS. http://archive.is/aQZHv

See http://motherdamnable.blogspot.com to see all her stories on the gay infant sex normalization activist Garry Burns.

hojuruku ago

Ok here are the sources for the OTO child fuck cult founding the special gay police based in Paddington NSW working with OTO operative Garry Burns who is trying to jail John Sunol right now with telecommunication offenses for what I did outside Australian "carriage of service" zone (jurisdiction) when I vilified a court confirmed pedophile ring member. http://archive.is/ymfqy Here is evidence GAY POLICE do serious cyber-crimes and harass John Sunol on the behest of Garry Burns the court confirmed pedophile. Unlawful searches, and destruction of data - 5 years jail, plus the same telecommunication offences they are trying to accuse him of. http://archive.is/l590z That also shows that NSW GLLO Gay police have a fetish for donkey dick. Google DKIM signed all the alerts you see screenshots of there.

Catherine Burn's Garry Burns greatest ally in his leaked hacked emails I will publish all in full shortly exposed having meetings with terrorist leaders in Australia as head of counter-terrorism. I think it also talks about her meeting with Mossad just before the Lind Siege incident I talked about here https://soundcloud.com/hojuruku/truthnews-radio-australia-oto-sex-magick-cult-censored-interview http://archive.is/08pkN

Now what's the big deal with the case law today and how does it prove Garry Burns is a pedophile! READ THIS from the case law published today where Garry Burns lost in court against John Sunol was declared he was a member of the "Sparkles The Pony" pedophile group that bragged about raping a young Queensland boy. He's involved in that with his Web Master Jez Smith that lives near where the boy was abused as exposed here:


And the case law says: http://archive.is/11Aic https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/597ab423e4b074a7c6e17790

GARRY BURNS AGREES THE PAGE HE RAN AND USED TO STALK WHAT HE THOUGHT WAS MY EMPLOYER IN VIETNAM AKA STUDYLINK IS A PEDOPHILE CULT, THEREBY CONFESSING TO BE IN A PEDOPHILE GROUP: https://twitter.com/garyburnsblog/status/628412363650117632 Here's the picture of him stalking my employer proving he operated and managed this pedophile group: http://archive.is/sGwU8

Relying on an extract purportedly downloaded from the “Sparkles the Pony” Facebook, Mr Sunol contends that “Sparkles the Pony” is “a network of homosexual men” who are paedophiles. Mr Burns agrees “Sparkles the Pony” [facebook group he used and ran] is a reference to a network of paedophiles, but not homosexual paedophiles. But more to the point, the issue is not what the parties understand to be the meaning conveyed but what the ordinary reader of the subject website is likely to have understood by the reference to “Sparkles the Pony”. Mr Burns has produced no evidence which might assist us to determine this question. There is no support for the contention that it is a matter of common knowledge, to which we may have regard, that Sparkles the Pony is a reference to a paedophile ring, or a paedophile ring whose members are homosexual. (See s144 of the Evidence Act 1995 (NSW)) By inviting the reader to search the term “Sparkles the Pony”, Mr McKee may have been seeking to persuade the reader that Mr Burns is a paedophile because he is a homosexual. Mr McKee makes no secret of his belief that male homosexuals have a predisposition to paedophilia. However, the issue we must determine is not what Mr McKee meant by the reference to “Sparkles the Pony”, but what meaning was likely to have been conveyed to the ordinary reader.

On the available material we are not satisfied that Mr Burns’ sexuality was at least one of the real reasons for the offending passage having the capacity to incite hatred towards, contempt of Mr Burns.

Accordingly, the first vilification complaint must be dismissed.

The judges in this case I have dirt on so they are playing ball for me now. Here's just the tip of the iceberg on what I have on them. Jennifer Newman: http://bernardgaynor.com.au/beyond-18c/ As published by an Ex Australian Army (didn't support gay marriage so kicked out) Intelligence Major who won a medal for distinguished service in Iraq, but that doesn't mean anything if you don't like faggots break the law and marching in political rallies in Australia aka mardigras.org.au She better keep up the good work or I'll prove her conflicts of interest in all Garry Burns previous cases and post pictures of her lesbian daughter in the Mardi Gras:

Magistrate Anne Britton: http://archive.is/UpSRl

hojuruku ago

See him and me talk together about the special gay child fuck police founded by the OTO pedophile cult who accused people of the crime of obtaining occult knowledge they are secret gay police aka 60C NSW Crimes Act aka obtain true personal information on a secret gay justice perverting faggot cop.


As payback for that interview he was sued by my faggot stalker Garry Burns.....

Here him talk about being sued for the crime of disrespecting those fuck babies (Mark J Newton & Peter Truong) on TRUTH NEWS RADIO AUSTRALIA - click on the speaker and hour 2 to play http://www.truthnews.com.au/web/radio/story/cultural_marxism_101

He got sued for this comment, and the faggot pedo judge ruled in case law the embedded video on this link doesn't autoplay and the internet archive dot org publishes FAKE archival pages because he believes the word of a gay pedophile garry burns not the 8th biggest site on the entire fucken internet.

https://web.archive.org/web/20140722080525/https://www.causes.com/posts/891061 That same link is in the case law https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/58b7789fe4b058596cba49b5

We also recused the first judge who had her brother die from AIDS anal sex aka drpeter.org for having private ex-parte meeting with the boylover Garry Burns - see this Australian Army Intelligence Officer's blog on that and the case law http://bernardgaynor.com.au/ncat-deputy-president-has-questions-to-answer/ https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/55b9a3efe4b0f1d031deb3b1 It took them 9 months to publish the case law when the law says 2 months after the decision was released because the corrupt pedophilia normalization court exposed in the MAINSTREAM NEWS didn't want the bad press.

The "|equability faggot division" Nancy Henessy we recused heads of www.ncatnsw.gov.au for some reason also deciding if pedophiles can get working with children certificates to get jobs in preschools. Guess what happened - lots of kids got raped and lots of pedophiles got playpen passes.... That's what happens when you lets the gays run the child rape candy store, and even the the mainstream news covered it. Do you want to see these cases? Just see what's going on in the "Equality Division" and look for the keyword in the title "children's guardian" https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/browse-court/54a634063004de94513d8289,54a634063004de94513d828d



hojuruku ago

what do you think of my dad's writing on the comment above? Wanna make it personal?

NSFW_LeeLee ago

ignore the "yeah, but" folks. Thank you for sharing. The story is always foremost and more important than the editing. i posted some of it in Gab.ai

hojuruku ago

On the Significance of "Sparkles the Pony" That Garry Burns was involved in being a pedophile cult I'll report on in my comment next. First read a comment by my father on this: http://archive.is/gXrYy

Sparkles the Pony - a systematic look at the case of pedophilic behaviour in the homosexual community To all my readers THE HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA AND HOMOSEXUAL VILIFICATION CASE-LAW IN NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA We would like to show our readers around the world what is going on in New South Wales, Australia, to create dangerous new case law relating to homosexual vilification. We will start by showing you a Facebook account belonging to a network of male homosexual persons. It is prima facie evidence of pedophilic behavior and interest. See https://filebin.net/6ock4tlhhvs0i9ad/Sparkles_The_Pony___Facebook.pdf You will notice that on page 14/18 of this Facebook page, it is visited and given sanction by a person by the name of Gary Burns. This person (Burns) describes himself as a 'gay activist'. He was convicted in the Waverly Local Court on August 5, 2011 of telling “vexatious lies” and ordered to pay me $4800 in damages. He is used by the Anti-Discrimination Board of New South Wales and also The Greens political party, to act as serial complainant initiating homosexual vilification actions against owners of blogs that oppose the Homosexual Agenda. The Freedom of Expression unit at Columbia University in America appears concerned about how I am being used to make case law that curtails freedom of speech. Two months ago, on the morning of November 12, 2015, David Shoebridge, Member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly, was present at my public hearing at the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal. The presence of Mr Shoebridge, who was working with the complainant Gary (a.k.a. Garry) Burns, shows that my cases are part of a political campaign. They are designed to deepen and strengthen homosexual vilification case law. Possibly Mr Shoebridge was not aware of the type of sexually perverted behavior displayed by the Burns and Smith network, because it seems a very bad career move to be associated with such unsavory characters. The hearing was attempting to make case law to support the notion that if a Christian calls homosexuality a sin then he or she is vilifying homosexual persons. In effect, they are trying to develop complex case-law to make certain Christian biblical teachings unlawful. This hearing on November 12, more likely than not, is linked to the Tasmanian case, wherein the Catholic Bishops in that State have been called up by the Anti-Discrimination Board by a complainant, who is a Greens Party parliamentary candidate. The complaint was that a booklet the Bishops endorsed presented arguments against 'same sex marriage' that vilified homosexual persons.
So far Burns has lodged 70 complaints against this blog and all have been referred to the civil court - the New South Wales Civil & Administrative Tribunal. I would hate to think of how many millions of dollars of Australian taxpayer’s money have been wasted on this political campaign to unsuccessfully silence only one blog. The problem for the tribunal is that in Australia under our Constitution we have the implied right of political discourse. The presence of Shoebridge at my hearing shows that we are involved in a political struggle here.
The referrals by the Anti Discrimination Board are designed to make homosexual vilification case law in New South Wales, Australia. I am the perfect case-law 'donkey' because I have no legal, financial or social resources with which to defend myself, until recently.
This homosexual vilification case law is predominately designed to de-link homosexuality from pedophilia. This is important because pedophilic acts are a crime in Australia but homosexual acts between two adults are no longer a crime.
What is legally significant is that the persons who are being used to lodge homosexual vilification complaints against this blog, appear to have pedophilic tendencies, judging by the above prima facie evidence in the offending Facebook page. However, they self-declare themselves, without evidence, to be 'homosexual' for which there is no legal definition in the New South Wales Anti Discrimination Act that specifically addresses 'homosexual vilification'.
Based on the case law being developed through this campaign against me, once a person has been accepted as 'homosexual' by the authorities, it will be legally impossible for that person to also be a 'pedophile' or have any erotic pedophilic interests of the kind as illustrated on the above offensive Facebook page. That is because the case law being set up will entrench the principle that, in effect, a person cannot be a 'homosexual pedophile'. A person can only be one or the other, either a 'homosexual' or a 'pedophile', but not both categories at the same time. For anyone (such as an alleged young male victim) to make such an allegation that a person is a 'gay pedophile', it will be deemed 'homosexual vilification' and unlawful. This case law is very dangerous, for it will have the effect of providing legal cover and protection for pedophiles who operate as a protected species called 'homosexual'. The law is an ass, for we do not know what 'homosexual' means, in a legal sense. You will notice that on page 10/18 of the above linked pedophilic Facebook pages, there is a comment by a person by the name of Jeremy (a.k.a. Jez) Smith. This person is the web page administrator and friend of the above-mentioned Gary (a.k.a. Garry) Burns who has lodged all 70 complaints against myself as owner of this blog.
This person, Smith, thinks it is funny to make very perverted and pedophilic comments in relation to a real young boy, aged maybe 9 or 10, sitting on a toy pony. Concerns about the welfare of this little boy have been expressed to the Commonwealth Police of Australia, as recommended by the child protection group Brave Hearts in Brisbane Australia.
Now I ask any ordinary reasonable person, after looking at the above homosexual activist's offensive Facebook page, would they allow any one of these characters in the network to get a job at a kindergarten looking after their children? Of course not! The irony here is that on January 31, 2013, Gary (a.k.a. Garry) Burns lodged a homosexual vilification complaint against a well-respected grandmother who resides in the town of Lake Bolac, Victoria. And what did the grandmother say to get her into great trouble with the homosexual political lobby? She said this. "I don't want gays, lesbians or pedophiles to be working in my kindergarten." I say that is a perfectly reasonable and understandable statement, if it comes from any responsible parent or grand-parent. It is a statement of what is called The Precautionary Principle. Yet the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal upheld the complaint that this grandmother vilified homosexual persons! This decision that broke new ground in homosexual vilification law is named Burns v Corbett [2013] NSWADT 227 Evidence like this gives credence to the opinions being expressed that operatives within the Anti-Discrimination Board of New South Wales and within the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal are attempting to set up homosexual vilification case-law that has the effect of allowing pedophiles to hide under the protected label 'homosexual'.

hojuruku ago


Paul Joseph Watson talks about the ideology driving those who want to normalize pedophilia.


David Shoebridge, the Member of Parliament representing the Greens Party, who attended my political trial on November 12, 2015.


Bernard Gaynor, parliamentary candidate in Queensland, talks about Gary (a.k.a. Garry) Burns' Facebook friend Peter Tatchell. http://bernardgaynor.com.au/peter-tatchell-why-the-paedophiles-love-him/

What is meant by The Homosexual Agenda. http://www.conservapedia.com/Homosexual_Agenda

What is meant by the Precautionary Principle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precautionary_principle

The following ABC Four-Corners program shows why we must not allow the homosexual political lobby groups and their backers in the judiciary to de-link pedophilia from 'homosexuality'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xufh8XysHJ4

This decision of the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) makes it unlawful, in effect, to criticize 'gay dads' of the type reported in the abovementioned ABC Four-Corners program. https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/558b3c8ee4b0f1d031de9eb8

Here is a link to the above-mentioned Burns v Corbett decision. https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/54a63b1f3004de94513db271

Gary (a.k.a. Garry) Burns has been trying to de-link homosexuality from pedophilia for 10 years. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/03/02/1078191330293.html?from=storyrhs

The precedents made in Burns v Sunol cases are a threat to freedom of speech to aid the Homosexual Agenda. https://globalfreedomofexpression.columbia.edu/cases/burns-v-sunol/

The Green Agenda is to remove the religious exemptions from the Anti Discrimination Act 1977 & 1993 homosexual vilification amendment http://nsw.greens.org.au/search/node/same%20sex%20Marriage

NSW Homosexual vilification amendment to the 1977 Anti Discrimination Act: put forth by Clover Moore, the then member for Bligh, on the 17th November 1993. Ms, Moore is currently the Lord Mayor Sydney, http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/prod/parlment/hansart.nsf/V3Key/LC19931117022

A list of all the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal cases that have been brought against myself as owner of this blog http://www.johnsunol.blogspot.com.au/2015/04/lists-of-my-tribunal-cases-burns-vs.html