10012336? ago

I honestly can't see any difference between the OTO and any other church, besides the length of the liturgy and number of props.

hojuruku ago

https://www.symantec.com/connect/forums/pgp-messenging-signs-one-key-not-another OTO's IT guy is obsessed with hiding OTO Australia's communication from the police I wonder why.

hojuruku ago

http://www.rigorousintuition.ca/board2/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4825 Oto child fuck cult Australia threatens to kill indymedia journalist in 2005 and shit in his mouth for covering Legg Devine case.

hojuruku ago

http://www.theyfly.com/articles/gaia/tsunamihoaxdec2.htm This email fsr at otoaustralia.org.au was sent from the faggot Shiva X. I've also found out a few OTO members - high up ones in Australia are also members of the TEMPLE OF SET - and they say it's a crime to say they are satanists????

hojuruku ago

Haha even lashtal.com says Alister Crowley prophet of their religion is a GOAT FUCKER! http://www.ranker.com/list/facts-about-aleister-crowley/setareh-janda https://www.lashtal.com/22-crazy-facts-about-aleister-crowley/

hojuruku ago

Details on all UK OTO kingpins here. Guess what in the UK they are not a charity or a religion, and have totally failed to get any recognition under their Tax / Legal system. But of course Australia leads the way in normalization and pedophilia the last few decades, with America now rapidly catching up. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/02203940

hojuruku ago

UPDATE: OTO Australia are on the run, redacting their own December 2007 press release from their OWN WEBSITE otoaustralia.org.au/legal and lashtal.com now ( or "database down") because their own testimony proves the magistrate partner in their tax fraud fake religion via religious vilification lawsuit scam Magistrate Harbison who jailed legg and devine for 9 months without them being in the court room contrary to her fake case law she published saying they were present - THAT IS REFUTED by the Age Newspaper and the OTO itself!

Here's what triggered them to do their takedown of their own content that incriminates the deputy president of the Victorian Civil and Administrative appeals Tribunal Miss Vanity Phone Extension 66666 exposed in my Jim Fetzer Interview: http://8ch.net/pol/res/10297068.html#q10312994

Both the OTO (the applicant) and a 3rd party observer the Newspapers are saying Magistrate Harbison is publishing fake case law. Also legal observers are having a go at her jailing christians for not loving satanic pedo sex cults for her breaches of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights alone: https://charterblog.wordpress.com/2008/10/13/lost-in-transition/ https://charterblog.wordpress.com/2008/10/12/the-rights-of-difficult-defendants/

Run satanic faggots run, circle the wagons. You still will be overrun. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:cBb_xig_udIJ:https://www.lashtal.com/974-old-news/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&client=firefox-b-ab saved again: http://archive.is/RS9w0 Article also referred to here http://archive.is/0YnyT

Here's another interesting press release. http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/7a78d4_eb3941efdfe29b0a4073a18ff44a003a.pdf

OOPS OTO blogs referred to what used to be on the OTOAustralia.org.au website they censored because of my activism - proving it was OTO pedo cunts trolling the 8ch.net thread that tipped them off to this intel gain http://www.aletheuo.org/essays/speak.html (http://archive.is/Ain8Q))

How did the OTO know FOUR VICTORIAN POLICE + NSW GLLO NAZI HOMOCOP pink-triangle.org wearing Officers did a kidnapping of the satanic pedo haters and sent them directly from the paddy wagon to jail without a proper trial as they were already tried and found guilty in abstentia without a proper chance to mount a defence. They challenged jurisdiction and have since been vindicated by this NSW Supreme Court case law. Were the police in direct contact with the OTO whilst they hunted them down? This is interesting eh?


Also 4chan are being arses me thinks putting my second post there into a secret invisible honeypot mode. That's what you get with kiwifarms pedo /pol/ admins running the show there. http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/135412087

@privatepizza @organic1 @MolochHunter @ESOTERICshade @NotOneGETpost @Cc1914 @carmencita @Kristina_Gilliam @Enigmatic_Continuum @hookednosedjoooo @DeathTooMasons @SwampAintDrained @kazza64 @kast0nius @wokethefkup @Takeitslow @onewitheverything @HighLevelInsider @Dfens @dickface888 @Jem777 @pbvrocks @redditsuckz

hojuruku ago

Here's what they redacted in text form. Notice they say Legg and Devine were not present in court contrary to the case law on austlii.edu.au http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/vic/VCAT/2007/2470.html

Who are dishonorable liars? The OTO or the Magistrate Harbison that jailed Legg and Devine for 9 months - 3 served? Either way the whole things a sham.

Australian OTO Legal News: December 2007 Press Release

Two Australian residents who were found to have religiously vilified the OTO and its members in Australia have been sentenced to nine months imprisonment for contempt of court after failing to comply with orders issued by the Victorian and Civil Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to remove offensive materials from their US hosted website.

Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine had posted a document authored by Reina Michaelson, a child psychologist, in which she made comment that an abusive network operating in Victoria, in which children were sexually abused and killed in a scenario of satanic ritual abuse, appeared to be the OTO.

The OTO acted to defend itself, its members and Thelema against this vile and unsubstantiated slur.

OTO officers Steve King, David Bottrill and Brent Gray appeared as litigants on behalf of the OTO and successfully sued Legg and Devine for defamation, and also filed complaints of religious vilification against them and Michaelson, whose document was also posted on her organisation's website.

In a VCAT case settled last year Michaelson admitted she had not produced any proof that any OTO members were involved in such practices and acknowledged the offence caused by the release of the document. The settlement is located at: http://www.otoaustralia.org.au/OTO_final_terms.pdf.

Michaelson also removed the document from her organisation's former website and published a statement (see bottom of http://www.csapp.org.au)) on her new website claiming that the document was placed there without her knowledge.

On 27 July 2007 Legg and Devine were found guilty of religious vilification and ordered to remove the offensive materials from their website. They failed to do this and contempt proceedings were initiated.

To ensure their appearance before the Tribunal four police officers from Victoria travelled more than 1500 kilometres to New South Wales where Legg and Devine live, and brought them to Melbourne.

Released on bail overnight with orders to appear the next day, they failed to take the opportunity provided by VCAT to comply with the Tribunal's orders and on the morning of Wednesday 28 November 2007 Judge Harbison found that their contempt was deliberate.

She sentenced Legg and Devine to nine months imprisonment with no minimum period.

Sadly, the internet has become a haven for bigotry, ignorance and hate but on a few occasions the perpetrators of vilification are able to be bought to task for their actions.

We applaud the decision by Judge Harbison to jail Legg and Devine who clearly felt that the due process of law did not apply to them.

The Australian OTO is proud to have been able to defend its members and Thelema against these vile slanders and hope that others benefit from the action it has taken.

The OTO was once again ably represented by Cathryn Prowse of DLA Phillips Fox who was joined on this occasion by Dr Ian Freckelton, newly appointed as Senior Counsel. The Australia OTO wishes to thank Ms Prowse, Dr Freckelton and all those who have previously provided us with assistance and representation. We also thank the numerous Thelemites around the world who have supported and encouraged us throughout these litigations - we will keep you posted on future developments.

Then the OTO Child fuckers threatened their death in prison whilst they were in jail:


For the case law put "Legg Devine" into austlii.edu.au

Here's the picture of the OTO pedo cult child art classes they run.


Truth news censored content - I bearly said anything about the OTO child fuck cult, just mentioned the legg devine lawsuit and how they were denied natural justice or a trial and that's it. The radio host who made the interview in Thailand under Thai law was sued by an Australian court, so they could take his parents house.



hojuruku ago

The corrupt judge at VCAT who gave the OTO their first judgment at http://www.otoaustralia.org.au/legal made sure to force the Christian victim and child safety campaigner Miss Riena Michelson to write OTO is a "religion" in her forced apology. Corrupt judge Magistrate Harbison was in on the tax scam from the beginning. They got tax exempt status only in 2012.

hojuruku ago

@privatepizza - like the update to the OP? You're in it.

hojuruku ago

It appears OTO have already threatened pizzagate already: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2025374/9993694

hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1931287/9994467 Come over here @redstickbigdick and explain yourself.

hojuruku ago

http://abr.business.gov.au/SearchByAbn.aspx?SearchText=40+062+646+155 (Even income tax exempt!) And their links to a HELLIOS book store. Interesting.. @Organic1 are you seeing this? Holy shit check this out!!! https://www.acnc.gov.au/RN52B75Q?ID=13751EC6-FA9A-4D9C-9B74-BFE02DE16154&noleft=1 THEY ARE A FUCKEN REGISTERED CHARITY NOW WITH TAX EXEMPT DONATIONS TOO! https://www.acnc.gov.au/Document?Seqn=113185&Ikey=13751EC6-FA9A-4D9C-9B74-BFE02DE16154&Aseqn=339029&noleft=1 YOU GOT TO SEE THAT. THIS IS A FUCKEN GOLDMINE!



hojuruku ago


Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2017 13:17:29 +0700 Message-ID: CAENjB=+3ZQXuKLCJrdeQEP4UdLzxh_w9eKpFmfwubH1H2axbrw@mail.gmail.com Subject: We are after your tax exempt / charity status you disgusting pedo cult From: Luke McKee To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


P.S. You were hacked.

organic1 ago

Here are some letters from TheyFly, and it appears their questions were getting ignored, but the responses are unable to be seen. http://www.theyfly.com/articles/gaia/oto.costello.5.7.05.htm, http://archive.is/tz5lF

hojuruku ago

If you saw my Jim Fetzer interview and the blog post that's based on they were writing letters to the VCAT pedos YOU DON'T HAVE JURISDICTION FUCK OFF and I rehosted those letters on my blog - and they were jailed for being right about that. They were jailed for not participating in a court that legally had no jurisdiction. The state is liable for illegal unconstitutional kidnapping and depravation of due process for a child sex cult, especially with the 2017 Supreme Court of appeals ruling they were right back then, VCAT and the OTO child sex cult's use of religious blasphemy laws had no jurisdiction in NSW.

That flawed case law got them all to write off their places of child sex magick worship as a tax free haven, no property tax. That was the motive for the judicial corruption. The persecution of Christians with flawed judgment got a pedo cult tax free status. It's fucken disgusting.

organic1 ago

Not sure if you've seen this:

In addition to our non-profit status, we have been recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under tax code section 501(c)3. For this purpose, we are classified as a religious organization by the IRS, and we are not required to pay taxes on our income.

One of the greatest advantages of our classification as a religious organization by the IRS is that contributions to the O.T.O., whether made to Grand Lodge or to a local body, are tax-deductible.... In addition, your national and local O.T.O. dues are tax-deductible, but initiation fees are not.

Template "/nonprofit.html" last modified Sat Feb 2 23:49:36 2013 All material © 1996-2006 by Ordo Templi Orientis. Ordo Templi Orientis, O.T.O., and the O.T.O. Lamen are registered trademarks of Ordo Templi Orientis. Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica is a registered trademark of Ordo Templi Orientis USA. Webmaster email: [email protected]

https://treasury.oto-usa.org/nonprofit.html, http://archive.is/Xfz0a

hojuruku ago

https://www.ato.gov.au/business/gst/in-detail/gst-issues-registers/charities-consultative-committee-resolved-issues-document/?page=32 That proves the motive for the OTO suing Legg and Devine. TAX EXEMPT STATUS. And read the document on their website they forced Reina to sign to say the court accepts the child sex cult is a religion hence gave them what they needed to get tax exempt pedo cult status http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/7a78d4_d6615170efcbe3d22ae30d02ba638f1c.pdf THEY EVEN FORCED RIENA TO PUBLISH A STATEMENT I ACCEPT YOU DESERVE TAX EXEMPT STATUS AS ORDERED BY VCAT PEDO TRIBUNAL from http://otoaustralia.org.au legal. She was used by the child sex cult, weather she liked it or not (and she didn't). She's also a Christian activist too, trust me I know.

hojuruku ago

I just found a interesting video last night where I heard it the first time and I was going to go looking for written confirmation. Good work organic one. OTO cunt gets grilled by masons but can't give up the biggest secrets. he did give up the intel about 501c3 however. I was listening to it last night and that's where I got my first confirmation of the 501c3, but you beat me to the disclosure. GREAT WORK!


Masons and OTO are one but for legal reasons they are saying they are separate because we are kicking the formers arse hard. Yep everyone needs to go after their US tax exempt status for the same reason. I"ve seen video of US prosecutors say Alister Crowley / OTO is a child sex cult to get convictions against a few perps. How the fuck can the IRS do this. Ah yeah, the IRS loves faggotry and pedophilia can be the only reason and that would explain this: https://winteryknight.com/why-does-wk-use-an-alias/

Millennial_Falcon ago

I will provisionally unban @organic1


MolochHunter ago

1) This is a really good initiative 2) Im in Australia, BUT 3) I have a personal approach that in order to reasonably protect myself from scrutiny/harrassment from the Elite, I focus my efforts on the USA / UK arms of the Paedostocracy, and therefore generally abstain from Australian based activism


4) Can I appeal to any non-Australian based pizzagate devotees to lend this initiative a hand in exchange for my continued effort on your shores? Fair deal?

hojuruku ago

I triggered the oto fags in alt.magic - but just go on facebook and tell all the truthers there. I got banned from Facebook by the boylover Garry Burns who just took down activist-news.com's Facebook page and he made a video telling everyone to fuck Facebook. May as well get some mileage out of them before they go under.

Vindicator ago

Bans can be temporary if the user requests an unban and has made efforts to understand and adhere to the submission rules. Not sure what the situation involving the ban here was. @Millennial_Falcon?

Sometimes it's not always clear whether someone is making legit efforts to post on topic and in accord with the submission rules and just not getting it, or whether they are forum-sliding.

hojuruku ago

He messaged me and seemed polite and not bitter, so he's still on voat just not pizzagate. Do an act of good will and unban him. Taking out posts if they are put in the deletion log (not shadow deletions) I an live with. I don't know why he was banned. All I know and think he wrote a well worded article on the OTO and should be part of our community.

The court case he was talking about is this one, before me. I've found the motive for it. TAX EXEMPT STATUS - TAX LOOPHOLE. Normally religions have to be listed by the attorney general here to get tax exempt status - but having a court say you are a religion is the loophole they used: https://www.ag.gov.au/FamiliesAndMarriage/Marriage/Pages/Recognisedreligiousdenominations.aspx Here is the cash in form they use to add tax exempt properties etc (their own houses) to the fake religion scam by Supreme Court ruled constitutionally invalid case law. https://www.ato.gov.au/uploadedFiles/Content/CAS/downloads/BUS20434Nat3142.pdf Here are the official major accepted religions in Australia as of 2011 (last update) https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2015C00895

organic1 ago

I'm baaack! Awesome digging you've done, and many thanks for persuading Millennial_Falcon to allow me contribute again. Time to get to work!

hojuruku ago

@Millennial_Falcon has seen the light, well the Cakes of Light. Cakes of light are the product of Spirit Cooking. I.e. baked shit, blood, piss, semen. When you see that spirit cooking bitch linked to Hillary Clinton also has the logo of Thelema behind her artwork, we know now the pizzagate pedos are in the OTO child sex cult.

hojuruku ago

The guy who dumped the OTO training videos on youtube said the same. See the youtube video entired "secrets" on the last big thread on pizza-gate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17RmeaAhhvg

hojuruku ago

I'll think of you when i format discus posts now. So who's calling up the Australian Tax Office and giving this link. Any requests to make it more pretty will be acted upon.

9981264? ago

The worlds best selling book describes it well at Acts 15:29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!

9981276? ago

Blood is one of the most important things to God . After all his son gave his life's blood for our sins .. think about it , these pedosatists are deliberately doing what God hates !

hojuruku ago

from: Luke McKee to: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

subject: Looks like your tax scam that involved unconstitutionally jailing Christians for not loving paedophilia without trail is coming apart

Plus a link here :)

carmencita ago

All this has started me thinking. The Body and Blood of Christ. That is considered Communion in the Catholic Religion. Bread and Wine. The Bread is the Body The Wine is the Blood. I have not taken Communion for decades since I do not go to Church. But now I am thinking that we were pretending to drink the Blood of Christ. I wonder when this started because it sounds sick to me. I always thought of it when I was little as being close to him. Now it is macabre. I am going to research this further. Whoa.

hojuruku ago

The reason why I want blood drinking is it's in their holy book and they can't refute it.

So is killing children and now we got them admitting on camera children must partake in orgies. I'm just trying to force the ATO to have a stronger case against the ASIO OTOAustralia.org.au religion of child fucking headed up by one of their own operatives david bottrill. It wasn't me to call David Bottrill ASIO first. his cover is an immigration manager but some court transcritps earlier gave away some stuff about him being on a mission in turkey and got redacted in the Legg Devine ACT case (not victoria case - they were being sued by two states they didn't live in at the same time - neither had jurisdiction - then jailed by Victoria for challenging their jurisdiction and not showing up - they were vindicated in the NSW Supreme court of appeals this year). NSW OTO founded homocops concieved by Dr Gregory John Tillett who wrote the history of the OTO downunder, yes the Special gay child fucker Police (http://facebook.com/policeglbti)) did kidnapping of Legg and Devine and THOSE CUNTS WILL BE MADE TO PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES SOON.

hojuruku ago

for fuck sake i added some markdown for you but as I said before the other thread IS TOO BIG to add markdown formatting. Another 10 characters and it's over the limit.

hojuruku ago

Australian OTO Legal News: December 2007 Press Release

Two Australian residents who were found to have religiously vilified the OTO and its members in Australia have been sentenced to nine months imprisonment for contempt of court after failing to comply with orders issued by the Victorian and Civil Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to remove offensive materials from their US hosted website.

Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine had posted a document authored by Reina Michaelson, a child psychologist, in which she made comment that an abusive network operating in Victoria, in which children were sexually abused and killed in a scenario of satanic ritual abuse, appeared to be the OTO.

The OTO acted to defend itself, its members and Thelema against this vile and unsubstantiated slur.

OTO officers Steve King, David Bottrill and Brent Gray appeared as litigants on behalf of the OTO and successfully sued Legg and Devine for defamation, and also filed complaints of religious vilification against them and Michaelson, whose document was also posted on her organisation's website.

In a VCAT case settled last year Michaelson admitted she had not produced any proof that any OTO members were involved in such practices and acknowledged the offence caused by the release of the document. The settlement is located at: http://www.otoaustralia.org.au/OTO_final_terms.pdf.

Michaelson also removed the document from her organisation's former website and published a statement (see bottom of http://www.csapp.org.au)) on her new website claiming that the document was placed there without her knowledge.

On 27 July 2007 Legg and Devine were found guilty of religious vilification and ordered to remove the offensive materials from their website. They failed to do this and contempt proceedings were initiated.

To ensure their appearance before the Tribunal four police officers from Victoria travelled more than 1500 kilometres to New South Wales where Legg and Devine live, and brought them to Melbourne.

Released on bail overnight with orders to appear the next day, they failed to take the opportunity provided by VCAT to comply with the Tribunal's orders and on the morning of Wednesday 28 November 2007 Judge Harbison found that their contempt was deliberate.

She sentenced Legg and Devine to nine months imprisonment with no minimum period.

Sadly, the internet has become a haven for bigotry, ignorance and hate but on a few occasions the perpetrators of vilification are able to be bought to task for their actions.

We applaud the decision by Judge Harbison to jail Legg and Devine who clearly felt that the due process of law did not apply to them.

The Australian OTO is proud to have been able to defend its members and Thelema against these vile slanders and hope that others benefit from the action it has taken.

The OTO was once again ably represented by Cathryn Prowse of DLA Phillips Fox who was joined on this occasion by Dr Ian Freckelton, newly appointed as Senior Counsel. The Australia OTO wishes to thank Ms Prowse, Dr Freckelton and all those who have previously provided us with assistance and representation. We also thank the numerous Thelemites around the world who have supported and encouraged us throughout these litigations - we will keep you posted on future developments.

Then the OTO Child fuckers threatened their death in prison whilst they were in jail:


For the case law put "Legg Devine" into austlii.edu.au

Here's the picture of the OTO pedo cult child art classes they run.


Truth news censored content - I bearly said anything about the OTO child fuck cult, just mentioned the legg devine lawsuit and how they were denied natural justice or a trial and that's it. The radio host who made the interview in Thailand under Thai law was sued by an Australian court, so they could take his parents house.



hojuruku ago

even github markdown is better that voat markdown.

Geo_synchronous ago

All their worried about is loosing tax exempt status ? What about the reason for the loss of said exemption. Like the email hacking stuff. The Dumbacrats claim the hacking of the emails was the crime. NOOOO.. Whats in the emails is the crime.

carmencita ago

No hurry. I will keep checking.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Anyone know what happened to that Australian woman, Fiona Barnett, who was an alleged victim of elite satanic ritual abuse? She was quite vocal up until 6 months ago where she suddenly stopped Tweeting and updating her web site. She made a couple of posts on Voat too.

hojuruku ago

she had a whole thing about bond university being a pedophile complex. Then i found a bond university Asian graduate prosecuting my mate for disrespecting the religion of OTO child sex and boy murder. Maybe she is legit. See the Jim Fetzer interview for details on me doxxing her or the other pizzagate thread. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5z_8Lh5UM0

carmencita ago

See my comment please. My eyes are tired from reading both reports. It asks the question whether it is really a crime to dink blood. Can you be charged just for that alone. Wonderful Addition to the Post Upvoat @ESOTERICshade

carmencita ago

IS it against the law to drink blood even in Australia? I looked up some articles and found blood drinking, and when they were arrested it just said they were arrested. It involved usually some violent act in how they got the blood so I was wondering if the charges were for the act and not the blood drinking. The stories were sick. Also laws differ from country to country. There was an instance in Chna were it said arrested for blood drinking, but not Australia. Am still checking. Magnificent write up. Upvoat @hojuruku

hojuruku ago

@Organic1 plug your own posts on this topic and help out. I know you are onto these bastards like me :)