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hojuruku ago You fucken cunt @redstickbigdick Did you know one of Alister Crowley's associates in Australia was jacking off the little boys and even OTO members published a PhD on them doing it?

The guy who set up the homosexual vilification framework in Australia and the Special Gay pedo protector police Dr Gregory Tillett apart from writing the history of the OTO in Australia with ex an ex OTO member ( he got his thesis in OTO member little boy child sex cover-ups by the NSW Police and it's called Chapter 12 is interesting. Even he admits OTO members get caught helping the little boys masturbate after being trained by Crowley in Sex Magick [tm] More info:

He also advertised in the SMH personal ads recruiting for the OTO. You don't know how much dirt we have on you, and we like leaking in little drips just like AC likes to masturbate as you say the fucken wanker he is. So I take it you are master of the hermit traid IX in masturbation, or a master of the Hermit Traid XI in gay anal? For more information on master of the hermit traid see the Australian fucken government here:

Your ACT tribunal ordered this censored on letterhead: OTO satanic pedophiles threaten DEATH IN PRISON to Legg & Devine. You cunts are worse than ISIS threatening to kill non-believers or your Scientology creation. Your arguments are the same arguments as an OTO witness from Tasmania in a recent ACT Supreme Court case. It's kind of funny he didn't truthfully disclose he was an OTO member rather an impartial religious studies professor who puts witchcraft on student's HECS and got a very suspicious 1 million dollar grant for something he's not qualified in Mr Douglas Ezzy exposed in my Jim Fetzer interview.

From what I hear is waiting until the time is right very soon to screw you over in the High Court of Australia and put a caveat / intervene in Garry "Boylover" Burn's ( high court case as he fights for your interests so the state isn't liable for paying for the illegal kidnapping your pedo cult did to Legg & Devine.

Before replying see how fucked your kind is in Australia and now America because PIZZAGATE will be going for your IRS 501.c.3 as well, and that 2008 Legg Devine case has already been nullified by our massive NSW Supreme Court of Appeals victory on March 3rd, and all you can muster is a proven pedophile, proven perjurer boylover Garry Burns and Gemma Namey of the Crown Solicitors officer to fight against NSW State's Sovereignty from other state's malicious prosecutions. Namey is under the current employ of that's famous for getting court orders to castrate 3 year old boys ( and and that worked with the OTO in that case you speak of (Legg & Devine) as well as suing churches for not handing free babies over to gay dads (Ow & Ov vs Wesley City Mission). PIAC director Peter Cashman seems to be a pedophile and I've caught him going to 12 year old boy and up sleepover events :

As it stands now the Legg and Devine case on a NSW Supreme Court of Appeals confirmed illegal kidnapping / extradition, and in Victoria contrary to Victorian law DUE PROCESS WAS DENIED ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN FUCKEN PRESS RELEASES. So your threats aren't worth shit here you OTO pedo.

So go see how fucked your mob is now seeing your US leadership is on camera from mandating children must participate in your Gnostic Catholic Mass Orgy.

CC @privatepizza @organic1 @MolochHunter @ESOTERICshade @NotOneGETpost @Cc1914 @carmencita @Kristina_Gilliam @Enigmatic_Continuum @hookednosedjoooo @DeathTooMasons @SwampAintDrained @kazza64 @kast0nius @wokethefkup @Takeitslow @onewitheverything @HighLevelInsider @Dfens @dickface888 @Jem777 @pbvrocks @redditsuckz

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is only the beginning and a quick summary of a few involved in the Real Agenda.

Jesuit > Greek Orthodox > LDS > Kabbalah > Scientology > OTO

Pope Francis > Timothy Dolan > Paul Ryan > Jack Lew > Reince Priebus > Nathan Johnson > Mitt Romney > John McCain > Evan McMullin > Warren Jeffs > Harry Reid > Nancy Pelosi > Chuck Schumer > Robert Byrd > Anthony Weiner > Huma Abedin > James Alefantis > Mae Podesta > Eric Braverman > Caron Butler > Jeff Neubauer > Kristin Bauer van Straten > Les Aspin > Clintons > Ron Burkle > Ashton Kutcher > Emanuels > Obama > Podestas > Chester Bennington > Tom DeLonge > Travis Barker > Peter Lavenda > Jack Parson > Aleister Crowley

They are all controlled by the real network at the top. This is how it connects to Racine, the ancient discoveries in Wisconsin, and the true agenda beyond U.N. Agenda 2030.

Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin)

Sustainability is the means to create Global Enslavement, and Community Policing is the means to enforce the Mark of the Beast.

The "Root" of all Evil is Racine, Wisconsin. This is the path to saving the world.

CC @privatepizza @organic1 @MolochHunter @ESOTERICshade @NotOneGETpost @Cc1914 @carmencita @Kristina_Gilliam @Enigmatic_Continuum @hookednosedjoooo @DeathTooMasons @SwampAintDrained @kazza64 @kast0nius @wokethefkup @Takeitslow @onewitheverything @HighLevelInsider @Dfens @dickface888 @Jem777 @pbvrocks @redditsuckz

MolochHunter ago

so which ancient discoveries are you referring to? The pyramids under Delta Mound Rock Lake?