hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2025374/9993694 You fucken cunt @redstickbigdick Did you know one of Alister Crowley's associates in Australia was jacking off the little boys and even OTO members published a PhD on them doing it?

The guy who set up the homosexual vilification framework in Australia and the http://Facebook.com/policeglbti Special Gay pedo protector police Dr Gregory Tillett apart from writing the history of the OTO in Australia with ex an ex OTO member (http://www.parareligion.ch/dplanet/html/oto_au.htm)) he got his thesis in OTO member little boy child sex cover-ups by the NSW Police and it's called http://www.leadbeater.org Chapter 12 is interesting. Even he admits OTO members get caught helping the little boys masturbate after being trained by Crowley in Sex Magick [tm] More info: http://archive.is/7yuWG

He also advertised in the SMH personal ads recruiting for the OTO. You don't know how much dirt we have on you, and we like leaking in little drips just like AC likes to masturbate as you say the fucken wanker he is. So I take it you are master of the hermit traid IX in masturbation, or a master of the Hermit Traid XI in gay anal? For more information on master of the hermit traid see the Australian fucken government here: https://www.acnc.gov.au/Document?Seqn=113185&Ikey=13751EC6-FA9A-4D9C-9B74-BFE02DE16154&Aseqn=339029&noleft=1

Your ACT tribunal ordered this censored on letterhead: http://archive.is/YYrpw OTO satanic pedophiles threaten DEATH IN PRISON to Legg & Devine. You cunts are worse than ISIS threatening to kill non-believers or your Scientology creation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_Game_(Scientology) Your arguments are the same arguments as an OTO witness from Tasmania in a recent ACT Supreme Court case. It's kind of funny he didn't truthfully disclose he was an OTO member rather an impartial religious studies professor who puts witchcraft on student's HECS and got a very suspicious 1 million dollar grant for something he's not qualified in Mr Douglas Ezzy exposed in my Jim Fetzer interview. http://8ch.net/pol/res/10297068.html#q10297842

From what I hear loveforlife.com.au is waiting until the time is right very soon to screw you over in the High Court of Australia and put a caveat / intervene in Garry "Boylover" Burn's (http://twitter.com/garryburnsblog)) high court case as he fights for your interests so the state isn't liable for paying for the illegal kidnapping your pedo cult did to Legg & Devine.

Before replying see how fucked your kind is in Australia and now America because PIZZAGATE will be going for your IRS 501.c.3 as well, and that 2008 Legg Devine case has already been nullified by our massive NSW Supreme Court of Appeals victory on March 3rd, and all you can muster is a proven pedophile, proven perjurer boylover Garry Burns and Gemma Namey of the Crown Solicitors officer to fight against NSW State's Sovereignty from other state's malicious prosecutions. Namey is under the current employ of iclc.org.au that's famous for getting court orders to castrate 3 year old boys (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8YacOuD2XY)YouTube) and and PIAC.asn.au that worked with the OTO in that case you speak of (Legg & Devine) as well as suing churches for not handing free babies over to gay dads (Ow & Ov vs Wesley City Mission). PIAC director Peter Cashman seems to be a pedophile and I've caught him going to latinsummerschool.com.au 12 year old boy and up sleepover events : http://archive.is/Zqjgu

As it stands now the Legg and Devine case on otoaustralia.org.au/legal a NSW Supreme Court of Appeals confirmed illegal kidnapping / extradition, and in Victoria contrary to Victorian law DUE PROCESS WAS DENIED ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN FUCKEN PRESS RELEASES. So your threats aren't worth shit here you OTO pedo.

So go see how fucked your mob is now seeing your US leadership is on camera from mandating children must participate in your Gnostic Catholic Mass Orgy. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2023169 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5z_8Lh5UM0YouTube

CC @privatepizza @organic1 @MolochHunter @ESOTERICshade @NotOneGETpost @Cc1914 @carmencita @Kristina_Gilliam @Enigmatic_Continuum @hookednosedjoooo @DeathTooMasons @SwampAintDrained @kazza64 @kast0nius @wokethefkup @Takeitslow @onewitheverything @HighLevelInsider @Dfens @dickface888 @Jem777 @pbvrocks @redditsuckz

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is only the beginning and a quick summary of a few involved in the Real Agenda.

Jesuit > Greek Orthodox > LDS > Kabbalah > Scientology > OTO

Pope Francis > Timothy Dolan > Paul Ryan > Jack Lew > Reince Priebus > Nathan Johnson > Mitt Romney > John McCain > Evan McMullin > Warren Jeffs > Harry Reid > Nancy Pelosi > Chuck Schumer > Robert Byrd > Anthony Weiner > Huma Abedin > James Alefantis > Mae Podesta > Eric Braverman > Caron Butler > Jeff Neubauer > Kristin Bauer van Straten > Les Aspin > Clintons > Ron Burkle > Ashton Kutcher > Emanuels > Obama > Podestas > Chester Bennington > Tom DeLonge > Travis Barker > Peter Lavenda > Jack Parson > Aleister Crowley

They are all controlled by the real network at the top. This is how it connects to Racine, the ancient discoveries in Wisconsin, and the true agenda beyond U.N. Agenda 2030.

Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin)

Sustainability is the means to create Global Enslavement, and Community Policing is the means to enforce the Mark of the Beast.

The "Root" of all Evil is Racine, Wisconsin. This is the path to saving the world.

CC @privatepizza @organic1 @MolochHunter @ESOTERICshade @NotOneGETpost @Cc1914 @carmencita @Kristina_Gilliam @Enigmatic_Continuum @hookednosedjoooo @DeathTooMasons @SwampAintDrained @kazza64 @kast0nius @wokethefkup @Takeitslow @onewitheverything @HighLevelInsider @Dfens @dickface888 @Jem777 @pbvrocks @redditsuckz

MolochHunter ago

so which ancient discoveries are you referring to? The pyramids under Delta Mound Rock Lake?

kazza64 ago

this is some bullshit i'm not even interested in it

privatepizza ago

I look forward to your answers / counter arguments OP.

privatepizza ago

I argue that the last line (which you interpret as being a euphemism and your only argument that Crowley does not mean child sacrifice), actually means that that this sacrifice is magically dangerous. In the chapter, the preceding sentence states the danger -

Last line of Chapter 12, Magick in Theory and Practice -

You are also likely to get into trouble over this chapter unless you truly comprehend its meaning.

Preceding paragraph text -

One word of warning is perhaps necessary for the beginner. The victim must be in perfect health — or its energy may be as it were poisoned. It must also not be too large: the amount of energy disengaged is almost unimaginably great, and out of all anticipated proportion to the strength of the animal. Consequently, the Magician may easily be overwhelmed and obsessed by the force which he has let loose; it will then probably manifest itself in its lowest and most objectionable form.

The most intense spirituality of purpose is absolutely essential to safety. In evocations the danger is not so great, as the Circle forms a protection; but the circle in such a case must be protected, not only by the names of God and the Invocations used at the same time, but by a long habit of successful defence. If you are easily disturbed or alarmed, or if you have not yet overcome the tendency of the mind to wander, it is not advisable for you to perform the “Bloody Sacrifice”.

redstickbigdick ago

It's a euphemism, you're wrong. The warnings here, and the instructions to be healthy and cautious, are the same warnings you come across with Tantric cults who believed that an impure vessel would produce fucked up magick. Sex magick is a powerful weapon. You have to be skilled and your weapon in good working order.

privatepizza ago

This is your interpretation of the passage from Crowley above. Again, you cannot possibly speak for every Thelemite / OTO initiate in the world.

I interpret it differently, as I'm sure do others. I am quoting original Crowley text here. IF you have text from Crowley's writings (not addendums as you reference in the OP), please do educate us and post them with your arguments. Asking us to read a chapter of addendums which explain your 'euphemism' point isn't really creating the debate you initiated here imo.

And again, maybe you can try to explain away my point made about Crowley recommending in this chapter the initiate should read Frazer's "Golden Bough" for general conclusions about Bloody Sacrifice.

Frazer's tome goes into great detail about ritual human and animal sacrifice and their place throughout history. Therefore, I think there is no doubt that Crowley was talking about sacrificing an animal or human child, rather than this being a euphemism for something else, as the addenda and you suggest.

What do you think about this?

privatepizza ago

Regards Crowley's Bloody Sacrifice, I would like to ask what you interpret from this excerpt from Chapter 12 of Magick in Theory and Practice (which you reference in your OP), particularly the words in bold -

The practical details of the Bloody Sacrifice may be studied in various ethnological manuals, but the general conclusions are summed up in Frazer's "Golden Bough", which is strongly recommended to the reader.

Actual ceremonial details likewise may be left to experiment. The method of killing is practically uniform. The animal should be stabbed to the heart, or its throat severed, in either case by the knife. All other methods of killing are less efficacious; even in the case of Crucifixion death is given by stabbing.

Here we see that Crowley recommends his followers read Frazer's "Golden Bough" for general conclusions about Bloody Sacrifice.

Frazer's tome goes into great detail about ritual human and animal sacrifice and their place throughout history. Therefore, I think there is no doubt that Crowley was talking about sacrificing an animal or human child, rather than this being a euphemism for something else, as the addenda and you suggest.

privatepizza ago

I would also like to ask you about The Book of The Law, passage 11, quoted below. Do you think that some Thelemites and OTO initiates also take literally these words of Crowley's / Aiwiss's ? "Trample down the Heathen; be upon them, o warrior, I will give you of their flesh to eat!"

11 - This shall be your only proof. I forbid argument. Conquer! That is enough. I will make easy to you the abstruction from the ill-ordered house in the Victorious City. Thou shalt thyself convey it with worship, o prophet, though thou likest it not. Thou shalt have danger & trouble.

Ra-Hoor-Khu is with thee. Worship me with fire & blood; worship me with swords & with spears. Let the woman be girt with a sword before me: let blood flow to my name. Trample down the Heathen; be upon them, o warrior, I will give you of their flesh to eat!

redstickbigdick ago

A lot of people like to look at Crowley's ridings and show how much of a monster he was with some of his Illusions. Not a lot of people actually look at the book of the law. It seems strange because the book of the law has verbage in it that is definitely a lot more in contrast to Modern values then the relatively liberal Crowley does. He complained throughout his life that the book of the law was very difficult to stomach. I don't find it that difficult.

privatepizza ago

You say above that "not a lot of people actually look at The Book of The Law".

The Cake of Light sacrament comes from The Book of The Law and is part of every Gnostic (Thelemic) Mass.

Gnostic Mass, when you're an actual initiate, is what you do. So to say that not a lot of people look at The Book of The Law is, quite frankly, incredulous.

The Cake of Light is eaten as part of OTO / Thelemic Gnostic Mass. A comprehensive description of how Gnostic Mass is conducted including the sex magic element can be found here - https://iao131.com/tag/cake-of-light/ & http://archive.is/by7Ar

redstickbigdick ago

I know the culture, I know the people, there's not a lot of variation at all and when you consider how poorly Cakes of Light are made it really shows how little a lot of OTO culture considers The Book of the Law, despite the importance Crowley placed on it.

privatepizza ago

So you're suggesting that OTO culture doesn't generally follow the Book of The Law. That, to me, is like suggesting that devout Christians don't follow The Bible, or devout Muslims don't follow The Koran. This doesn't make sense at all and logically, it sounds as if your group is following something other than Aleister Crowley's OTO.

The Book of The Law is given place on the alter during Gnostic (OTO) Mass, and Cakes of Light are eaten as part of the mass.

In your order, does your group not conduct Gnostic (OTO) Mass set out by Crowley in Liber 15 as inscribed below ?

Gnostic Mass instructions from Aleister Crowley, Liber VX - http://www.sacred-texts.com/oto/lib15.htm & https://archive.fo/EYww

privatepizza ago

If that's the case, can you tell me why they are they eaten at every Gnostic (OTO) Mass then, if, as you say, a lot of OTO culture considers little of The Book of The Law ?

It's widely known that Cakes of Light are eaten at every OTO mass.

privatepizza ago

I would disagree and say that a lot of people do look at The Book of The Law. This is apparent by researching those who make Cakes of Light with blood. To generalize about every Thelemic and OTO follower and their practices may not be very helpful here as chapters and practices vary.

I find The Book of The Law difficult to stomach due to the Cake of Light sacrament and above excerpt re 'flesh to eat' although it's a very easy 5 minute read. For those interested - http://www.sacred-texts.com/oto/engccxx.htm

redstickbigdick ago

Let me reiterate here that my edge is as an insider and as one I can say that I have never heard of anyone serving Cakes with fresh blood in them. You read too quickly. "This burn, of this make cakes and eat unto me." Is possibly universally interpreted as meaning that you make a cake from the batter, bloody it (semen, menses, whatever), burn it to ash, and put that ash in the remaining batter. Any "blood" would have been denatured by the burning...

You will not find a recipe online that gives alternate instructions.

privatepizza ago

While I appreciate that you're an 'insider', I think you'll agree that you can't possibly have experience of what all the OTO and Thelemites in the world are doing.

From the research I've done, as an 'outsider', I've found numerous discussions among the OTO community about whether cakes of light should be made as cakes or burned to ash. So it seems you are wrong here. Just go and take a look at the divisions in 'your' community over this. It seems strange that you haven't heard of these 2 interpretations of the sacrament.

Here is one Thelemite / OTO initiate's quote -

"If it has been burned to ash, then it's a worthless substance and might as well not have been included. This ingredient needs to go in as a live substance and maintain its pranic vitality. The recipe drops to the level of mindless superstition if you kill it first."

http://www.heruraha.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6678 & https://archive.fo/vEEoS

Quoting you from above --

"You will not find a recipe online that gives alternate instructions."

Again, you are wrong. Here are three contemporary recipes for Cakes of Light which are online at Thelemic and Hermetic community forums, both made with blood and made as cakes (not burned to ash).

Cake of Light Recipe with "the blood of your choice"

First you will want to make the cakes as follows: 1c cornmeal, 1-2tblspn honey, 1-2tblspn olive oil, 7-10 drops Abramelin, & 1-2tblspn wine leavings. Flatten out the mixture & smooth it down with the blood of your choice & allow it to swell with the force. Cut cakes & Bake for 6-10 min at 360.

From Temple of Thelema Website http://www.heruraha.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2137 & https://archive.fo/3YlHi

Thelemic 'Cake of Light' recipe the cakes are also made with 'ingredient x'

"Ingredient X can be harvested, mixed with some honey and then frozen until such a time as you are ready to make your cakes of light."

https://hermetic.com/egc/aisha-cakes & http://archive.is/bN2QP

At The Temple of Thelema website we also find a discussion on how best to make Cakes of Light -

Forum - http://www.heruraha.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6678 & http://archive.is/vEEoS

So... wrong x 2. Also, I ask you again, where do Thelemites and OTO initiates get their "fresh blood of a child" from? Their children? By injection? I quote the exact teachings from The Book of The Law -

III,24: The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what.

Pray tell.

Jem777 ago

Thanks for posting. Would like to challenge you about the OTO & Thelma. Possibly you have not been really initiated? Aleister Crowley was involved in blood rituals, pedophelia, & bestiality. He is also most famous for being a british intelligence officer and spent significant time in the US with Intel agencies.

The most famous OTO member would shock you. Here is a question "what world leader despised by most as wicked actually threw Aleister Crowley out of his country?

redstickbigdick ago

I've taken seven initiations and Oto and have initiated many people. I've been involved for over a decade. I know what I'm talking about. I think you're misinformed.

Thesheeplfollowuhome ago

Aleister Crowley did talk about spells and sacrifices, and the ideal sacrifice to achieve a desired result. Often an intelligent young boy. Even if he was opposed to this himself, wouldn't it make sense that future adherents would will to exercise the most potent magic?

The people you know and practice which might not desire to do harm to children, but what if you were corrupted by immense power?¿

redstickbigdick ago

I'm telling you guys that if you don't read the chapter that I linked and I guess most importantly the very last line then you won't understand that it's euphemistic.

privatepizza ago

I don't agree with your interpretation of that last line, please see my other comments.

redstickbigdick ago

Elsewhere he has explicit instructions that that is what he's referring to. The use of orgasm and sexual fluids for magical and alchemical purposes is central to his methodology. If you don't accept that he's speaking euphemistically when he says he is after talking about how he's killed thousands of boys then I suppose you think that Crowley's the world's greatest serial killer of all time. Okham's Razor.

privatepizza ago

Please post the explicit instructions as sources so we can read and consider for ourselves.

Telling us to 'read the chapter' seems like a cop out in this debate you've initiated.

There's no proof Crowley killed thousands of boys, no. However we can read his words and teachings and many could interpret them in other ways than you have.

I quote your OP -

The only evidence people point to that he might have was an allegory he'd pinched from 18th century conspiracy theorists about the sacrifice of young boys where "sacrifice" is ejaculation and "boys" is sperm.

No.. we have Chapter 12 of Crowley's Magick in Theory and Practice which spells 'The Bloody Sacrifice' out* !!!

Which 18th century conspiracy theorists do you refer to? I find your interpretation of Crowley's words incredulous. 'Sacrifice' means ejaculation, and 'boys' means sperm? Seriously? Can you point us to where Crowley says this please?

Coming here and telling us 'up' means 'left', Im unsurprised at your voat count with this thread. At least come with a decent argument. You also invited questions and most you haven't answered.

I quote you from another comment in this thread -

I've never heard anyone interpret blood of a child as something other than the male sexual fluids just as blood of the moon is the female sexual fluids.

So the 'blood of a child' you interpret as male sexual fluids, and 'blood of the moon, monthly' you interpret as female sexual fluids?

I feel you are seriously misinterpreting Crowley's teachings, but hey.... do what thou wilt.

DarkMath ago

You're conflating the OTO and Thelema. Don't do that. They're not the same thing.

The OTO is sort of a more intense Freemasonry. Thelema is a creature all to itself. If Satan had a psychotic brother he'd kind of be like Aleister Crowley and Thelema would be something he'd invent. Basically Thelema is pure evil. For example one of its principles is to achieve enlightenment through the sodomy of young children. Ummm yeah...

A former devil worshiper Bill Schnoebelen converted to Christianity and felt compelled to expose the ideas he formerly believed in.YouTube

To the OP, redstickbigdick, I find it hard to believe your characterization of Aleister Crowley as "pro child". What's up with that?


redstickbigdick ago

OTO is purposed to promulgate Thelema via initiating individuals and publishing/proliferating literature. Obviously they're not the same thing like a bullet and a gun are not the same thing, but they make little sense without one another. OTO is very different from Freemasonry which any initiate of either would be very glad to tell you.

jstrotha0975 ago

redstickbigdick go eat the cake of enlightenment.

hojuruku ago

I just gave him one mate. See the newest comment on this thread :)

redstickbigdick ago

Don't even know the correct name.

jstrotha0975 ago

If I poop on a plate, you must eat it.

privatepizza ago

Interesting that you've decided to come here. I note with interest also that you highlight the fact that OTO Australia have previously sued for slander. I note also that the case did not involve someone quoting Crowley's written words.

I'm interested in the Cake of Light ritual from Crowley's 'The Book of The Law', which states that initiates should consume a sacrament of cakes baked with menstrual blood or the fresh blood of a child.

I'm interested in where OTO and Thelema followers obtain the 'fresh blood of a child' for this sacrament. Maybe you can enlighten us?

redstickbigdick ago

If you read the chapter that I linked about the blood sacrifice being a euphemism then your question will be answered.

privatepizza ago

The chapter your linked to has numerous addendums to the original text. That blood sacrifice is a 'euphemism' as you state, was not stated by Crowley himself. You seem to be basing your post on commentaries about Chapter 12 of Magick in Theory and Practice. Isn't that so?

Please correct me if I'm mistaken.

Question 1 to OP: Can you point us to any of Crowley's own written words where he says child sacrifice is a euphemism, rather than addendums, please?

Edit / Addition

Original text from Chapter 12 of Crowley's Magick in Theory and Practice, which you reference in the OP -

The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle, or the Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape.

An animal should be selected whose nature accords with that of the ceremony --- thus, by sacrificing a female lamb one would not obtain any appreciate quantity of the fierce energy useful to a Magician who was invoking Mars. In such a case a ram would be more suitable. And this ram should be virgin --- the whole potential of its original total energy should not have been diminished in any way.

For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim.

Addenda from the link you reference in the OP -

WEH ADDENDA: When Crowley speaks of sacrificing a male child, his diaries and other writings indicate that he thereby obfuscates the actual practice. Crowley did this by diversion of the act of sexual intercourse and other sexual actions. He considered contraception as human sacrifice. There is no indication in any of his writings that he ever performed infanticide. In fact, Crowley was even against abortion.

Question 2 to OP: It appears that this addenda is simply a denial of Crowley's words. I'm interested in why followers would follow an unknown person adding an addenda, rather than The Beast himself?

privatepizza ago

Awaiting your reply to this question I have, @redstickbigdick . Thank you.

privatepizza ago

I've read the chapter, thank you.

Given that the The Book of The Law was transmitted to Crowley by the entity known as Aiwass over the course of three days in April,1904 and are published as the 'Bible' of Thelema, if an unknown person then says that blood sacrifice is a euphemism, isn't that in direct opposition to the channeled words of Aiwass and in direct opposition to The Book of The Law?

We can see from the Thelema Temple website and others that Thelema followers do make cakes of light with blood. I would therefore ask you again, where do these Thelema followers obtain the blood for their Cakes of Light?

In this contemporary Thelemic 'Cake of Light' recipe the cakes are also made with 'ingredient x' : blood.

"Ingredient X can be harvested, mixed with some honey and then frozen until such a time as you are ready to make your cakes of light."

https://hermetic.com/egc/aisha-cakes & http://archive.is/bN2QP

At The Temple of Thelema website we also find a discussion on how best to make Cakes of Light -

Forum - http://www.heruraha.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6678 & http://archive.is/vEEoS

Wikipedia - Cake of Light - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cake_of_Light & http://archive.is/THoA1

redstickbigdick ago

Sexual fluids.

redstickbigdick ago

The blood component that goes into the cakes of light can come from a variety of different places as listed in the book of the law. I've never heard anyone interpret blood of a child as something other than the male sexual fluids just as blood of the moon is the female sexual fluids.

You'll notice also that the next instruction is to burn the listed reagents and from this make cakes. So generally what people do is mix it all up make cakes burn the cake and then use that ground up Ash in the very same batter.

privatepizza ago

If you take a look online at 'Cake of Light', you'll see that many Thelemites and OTO followers do take it literally and use blood in their cakes.

Personally I find it strange that people would change 'blood of the moon' and 'the blood of a fresh young child' to sexual fluids.

Throughout the history of sex magic we see that the most potent substances are menstrual blood and semen. So here, I interpret 'blood of the moon' to be menstrual blood. 'Blood of a fresh young child' I interpret to be just that.

Regards eating or burning cakes, we see through research that initiates do both. I understand that instructions are interpreted differently by different people and chapters.

redstickbigdick ago

The allusion to it being euphemistic is in the last line. "You are also likely to get into trouble over this chapter unless you truly comprehend its meaning." I guess it would be more obvious to be a euphemism if you were familiar with the hullabaloo of the time such as the blood libel.

privatepizza ago

The part you reference -

Crowley -

"If you are easily disturbed or alarmed, or if you have not yet overcome the tendency of the mind to wander, it is not advisable for you to perform the "Bloody Sacrifice".

Yet it should not be forgotten that this, and that other art at which we have dared darkly to hint, are the supreme formulae of Practical Magick. You are also likely to get into trouble over this chapter unless you truly comprehend its meaning."

Personally I feel that the excerpts "we have dared darkly to hint are the supreme formulae of Practical Magick" and "If you are easily disturbed or alarmed, or if you have not yet overcome the tendency of the mind to wander, it is not advisable for you to perform the "Bloody Sacrifice" are a much stronger indication that Crowley meant what he said than the last line.

I interpret the last line to mean that the ritual must be performed properly, as performing it improperly may result in dire spiritual consequences.

Why would Crowley write a chapter about blood sacrifice with detailed instructions, stating that this is the 'supreme formula for magick', when he didn't mean anything of the sort? What do you interpret from this chapter?

equineluvr ago

Jones is no hero. He is a disinfo agent, likely STRATFOR.

We don't know if Rich did what he is purported to have done. We don't know if Rich is really dead, let alone murdered.

Your opinions of the above characters doesn't exactly instill confidence in your other opinions/conclusions. But I will read what you have posted here later to check it out. I am open to the possibility that Crowley's teachings have been distorted while being exploited.

How's your day in Baton Rouge going?