wecanhelp ago

@hojuruku, I need to remove this per rule 3. Please resubmit this as a Discussion post, providing a tl;dr summary of the content of your link. Thank you.

hojuruku ago

I wish voat could let moderators move posts to the other "subreddit". Never mind, I'll work on a proper blog post about the research in the next few days. Better to be effective. Only fools rush in.

wecanhelp ago

I wish we could do that, too. It would be so much easier. Thank you.

hojuruku ago

Look i'm not mad, this is a raw research thread. I admitted myself it needs to be blogged up properly with images in a more readable form. Can you move it to some other /pizzagate chat page or something. PizzaGateDownunder or something is needed maybe. You know about the OTO jailing Australian's for not respecting their religion of sex magick [tm] with children? "legg devine" on austlii.edu.au case law etc?

Forgetmenot ago

I am sorry but this is one time I do not understand any of this. What is this?

redditsuckz ago

Stealing the youth through rape...why the children are abused?;

Secret Sex Rituals of the Illuminati Exposed Part I


hojuruku ago

There are 3 parts with some overlap too FYI

hojuruku ago

You got that from me :) youtube.com/hojuruku liked videos since 5 days ago - and I put that on my blog too I think or maybe not yet. That's why the Jewish breakaway Pedophile cult OTOAustralia org au believe they need to rape your child..... was going to be the headline for the blog. Good work.

redditsuckz ago

This is why "The Eye" is synonymous in the occult with "The Anus"...eg Amanda Kleinmans(Majestic Ape - Comet Ping Pong band) drawing on her website reveals this;



From that video they think rape of a childs anus gives them eternal life...

James Alefantis - "In the Butt" Comment on the baby;


James Alefantis wearing a red Kabbalah Bracelet;


They are raping babies...;

OTO cult and Hermetic Dawn have same triangles on the robes;


Aleister Crowley OTO Triangle on Robes and the Wall;


Pedophile Criminal Networks of the World Exposed - @6:55 - babies


Same Egyptian masks as Hermetic Dawn inside Besta Pizza;


Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (Latin: Ordo Hermeticus Aurorae Aureae; or, more commonly, The Golden Dawn (Aurora Aurea)) was an organization devoted to the study and practice of the occult, metaphysics, and paranormal activities during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Known as a magical order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was active in Great Britain and focused its practices on theurgy and spiritual development. Many present-day concepts of ritual and magic that are at the centre of contemporary traditions, such as Wicca[1][2] and Thelema, were inspired by the Golden Dawn, which became one of the largest single influences on 20th-century Western occultism.[3][4] The three founders, William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, were Freemasons and members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.).[5] Westcott appears to have been the initial driving force behind the establishment of the Golden Dawn. Movements Rosicrucianism Orders Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor Hermetic Brotherhood of Light Ordo Templi Orientis Topics Hermetic Qabalah Influence and influences Occult and divinatory tarot People John Dee Aleister Crowley Israel Regardie Thābit ibn Qurra Paracelsus Giordano Bruno Ahmad al-Būni Samuel MacGregor Mathers William Westcott Franz Bardon Jakob Böhme


Ordo Templi Orientis

Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) ('Order of the Temple of the East' or 'Order of Oriental Templars') is an international fraternal and religious organization founded at the beginning of the 20th century. English author and occultist Aleister Crowley has become the best-known member of the order.


Yuke ago

Please provide accurate, legitimate sources for all of your claims.

hojuruku ago

There are lots on the 8ch.net thread when you go through it, a stupid number of research links into the dirty relationship that PIAC.ASN.AU has with numerous Party. I have PIAC.ASN.AU board member caught going to 13 year old boy Sydney Latin Summer School week long sleepover camps, and the camp manager being very evasive on tape when confronted with the photo found.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14578444/SLSS2016/photos/final_day_morning_tea_7.jpg I have the camp manager saying that guy is a "barrister" but I don't know who he is on tape. How many Barristers look just like this PIAC pedo poofter gay judge Justice Kirby has been praising for 20 years. Dr Peter Chapman. How many barristers are a dead ringer for this lawyer for the Satanists? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDtyvPZmQCY

Pro-bono is a massive business when NGO's get money from the elite for worthy causes such as suing churches for not providing free babies to gay men ("ow & ov vs welsey city mission") or all the way to the high court - gay men must sleep over on church land with little boys and give them sex education - "wayout vs bretheren" as exposed in this video from ABC victoria.

http://www.piac.asn.au/legal-help/public-interest-cases/same-sex-discrimination-ov-ow/same-sex-discrimination-ov-ow (OH SHIT THEY JUST CENSORED IT) they keep a good eye on what I blog.. Trust me OW & OV are gay men. Again PIAC.ASN.Au Lawyer @KateHumanRights jumped ship to do the shakedown of wesley city mission to work for them before going back to PIAC.ASN.Au - you can look up the case law but that was the only place I found with them saying it was gay men demanding the free christian supplied gay babies. I wrote a larger dossier about it here: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/10/iceland-will-be-totally-destroyed-by.html (they even made new laws to stop the gays demanding free christian supplied babies)

ANTI-DISCRIMINATION ACT 1977 - SECT 59A Adoption services 59A Adoption services is the law...

As for the video about the gay must teach the child sex on church land whilst sleeping over lawsuit... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQgAm0rasWY

hojuruku ago

Chris Ronalds SC also did the OV & OW church suing leftist pedo case for the PIAC.ASN.Au lawyers of the OTO satanists. That's according to my email, or until I dig up that they removed from their website without redesinging it.

If you think that's bad, look at this government department deleting word documents and replacing it with a zero byte file here. Why? The government departement praised the Legg Devine OTO religion of gay child rape and boy murder court case religion that must be respected by law incident.

tinyurl links - compare the first and the second "vcatpedos" vs "vcatpedos2". The second link is the document they tried to redact still on their @VEOHRC gov fuck pedo website (humanrights.vic.gov.au) - the text is the same but it has a different MD5 to the original document they redacted. They re-used the text in the document for the latest 18C inquiry but removed all reference to the legg devine case because the lesbian pedophiles know i'm onto them. You should see my research into their "little girl project" at twenty10.org.au

hojuruku ago

https://www.piac.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/13.04.29_getting_closer_-_improving_rights_for_all_of_us._submission_to_the_standiing_committee_on_lca_on_inquiry_into_sda_bill_2013.pdf https://www.piac.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/12.03.14_embracing_equality.__submission_to_the_nsw_attorney_general_on_the_consolidation_of_commonwealth_anti-discrimination_laws.pdf

All proof that they were gay men, not lesbians asking for Free Christian supplied babies removed from the internet. I think I saved a copy of that page somewhere in my massive dossier. I'm sorting it all out for the documentary DON'T HATE GAYBY RAPE: HOW BOYLOVERS.NET WON IN AUSTRALIA.... I'll get there.

pizzaequalspedo ago

It's time for the people of Australia to grow up and face the evil NWO/PC globalists

dickface8 ago

I don't speak 4chan, and I'm a little too drained to try connecting all the dots here. Any chance of a TL;DR?

hojuruku ago


Archive this - this proves that Chris Ronalds also worked for Garry Burns before "defending" Jeff Kennett in the PIAC.ASN.AU pedophile (Ken Campagnolo boy rapist must not be vilified) shakedown incident. Then Chris Ronalds goes back to PIAC again to spend their Jeff Kennett's beyondblue.net.au's charity money running their mental health legal assistance program. The same shit happened with OW & OV vs Wesley City Mission with @KateHumanRights evil dyke working for PIAC, then for the Christians, then back to PIAC.

These leftist cunts use discrimination law as a extortion racket - and leech of other NGOs even Churches. There is no way Jeff Kennett should have paid off PIAC through his charities money (that the government and the people donate to pay) to these PIAC.ASN.AU pro-bono lawyers for the OTO religion of gay child sex and boy murder. They never had a case to answer. Clearly Jeff Kennett is compromised if you read the full thread and go through all the links and research.

Jeff Kennett has been named for YEARS AND YEARS as a pedophile and was named as one in the original dossier from Legg Devine I'm sending to @dickface8 right now. Please repost and watch VOAT.co be sued by the OTO like everyone else who touches it (e.g. lukesarmy.com loveforlife.com.au truthnews.com.au csapp.net and numerous other anti-pedophile activists / charities) See OTOAustralia.org.au's legal page to see what I mean or the recent case law.

hojuruku ago

http://archive.is/SIfD8 archived.

Barristers are not meant to work against you after you (or the taxpayers funding the satanists pro-bono lawyers piac.asn.au) paid them to work for you right?

hojuruku ago

If anyone wants to organize an interrogation session ( a long one) about what I know about pedophilia normalization down under, I can do an audio chat at an internet cafe on a youtube live stream - Or better yet from home use talkshoe http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/tscmd/tc/139182 or any where else that can take SIP calls. My PC has a buzz problem I'm fixing due to 50HZ and the lack of bloody earth connectors where I live. Subscribe to receive notification of when the event takes place if a few people RSVP.

dickface8 ago

Interesting. I've never hear of talkshoe but I'll def get back to you on that one!

hojuruku ago

And i upvoted your comment, I need to blog it up properly with pictures in a structured form. Now you have some but not all the research I have in that messy thread.

hojuruku ago

Jeff Kennett a known pedophile runs beyondblue.net.au Beyondblue.net.au gives money to PIAC.ASN.au that works pro-bono for OTOAustralia.org.au known as PIZZAGATE. Jeff Kennett was given a shakedown as a pedophile by PIAC.ASN.AU and known pedophile boylover garry burns.

If yesterday's NOT TERRORIST ATTACK BABY KILLING INCIDENT is blamed on mental health issues which it has, who stands to benefit. Quo Bono. That's the short version. See the details on Garry Burns / Jeff Kennett's PIAC.ASN.AU's barrister Chris Ronalds SC who broke the legal ethics laws to 1) Work for the Boylover Garry Burns and PIAC.ASN.AU v John Laws 2) Works for Jeff Kennett vs Gary Burns and PIAC.ASN.AU / PILCH 3) Spends Jeff Kennett's beyondblue.net.au charity dollars (not Jeff's money) that started flowing right after the pedo's shakedown to PIAC.ASN.AU beyondblue funded mental health legal assistance operation

PIAC.ASN.AU sued "Legg Devine" in austlii.edu.au case law - proving there is only one religion in Australia people have been jailed for not respecting and vilifying under religious vilification laws. The religion of LGBT child fucking and boy murder known as OTOAustralia.org.au that you know as Pizzagate.

Simple enough?

dickface8 ago

Pretty decent, thanks. I know Kennet was implicated in a majorly heinous way in Fiona Burnett's accounts. I'm starting to see stark similarities to these elite pedophilic murderous cults in the west and the pedophilic murderous cults that are ISIS and Islam... I upvoted you 5 minutes or so ago but it's not showing. Suppression tactics? Shows up only to me when I go to my comments but doesn't show up publicly in this thread... I really think Voat have been fucky lately now that shit's getting so real.

hojuruku ago

You know Jeff Kennet is also linked to the "Legg Devine" CSAPP.NET child fuckers dossier from Dr Reena Micleson that got people jailed for religious vilification of OTOAustralia.org.au pedophile cult back in 2004. I have the original dossier and so much more. I been fighting these cunts for years. See the JohnSunol blog links in the comments here.

dickface8 ago

Wow you're right onto this shit. I'll look into it

hojuruku ago

The dossier is long and some names have been switched. I have contact details for Reena but she can't talk to me with the OTO and the Deep state watching. She says she prays for us all. Part of the dossier I speak of is cut and paste into the thread.

I know who some of the fake names in the Dossier really match up to. It's scary. I put the beginning of it. If you have a disposable safe email address, PM and I'll email you all the maff files of my old blog that got censored by DMCA of the faggots claiming copyright of their death threats to rape my daughter made on social media. (yes that actually happened - something for chilling effects to document if the ACLU/EFF didnt' control it)

dickface8 ago

I'd love to see it.... [email protected]

hojuruku ago

sending you all VGB old archives. Look for the one that says "anti-pedophilia activists jailed for this".... it's a maff file. mozilla org's devs offical archive and faithful save plugin required to view zipped web pages.

dickface8 ago

ok cheers!

hojuruku ago

you got one email.. do you want more?

hojuruku ago

Video montage of the baby being murdered live in Melbourne's CBD and how the false flag will be used to justified massive funding for the satanists.


hojuruku ago

Background on how the OTO jails people for religious vilification of the Satanic pedophile cult you know as PIZZAGATE using @nodiscrim @VEOHRC @AHRC "religious vilification law" aka the "legg devine" case in Australian Case law database.


hojuruku ago

Also see for more details on the OTO. I'm sure you have seen the imagery before. It's linked to all of John Podesta's artists. https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/11/repost-dark-satanic-history-of-nsw-adb.html

hojuruku ago

http://8ch.net/pol/res/8840305.html#q8849478 Here is the short version of this "sperging" for dummies in plain English I sent to my mate who has 300k subs on youtube you faggot pedophiles who will be fucking you all up as a prelude to the documentary video editing project I'm keeping myself busy with these days. DON'T HATE GAYBY RAPE: HOW BOYLOVERS.NET WON IN AUSTRALIA. Basically it's like Pizzagate Australian style. Very complex, lots of interconnections.

Simple version as I told you before: court ruled that those who fuck babies must not be disrespected because they identify as homosexual and it's a crime to vilify a homosexual under the NSW anti-discrimination act.

There are about 8 cases I know of that make this ruling again and again with same gay judges involved - I've given you the case law links ten times already ("burns sunol" "burns mckee" "legg devine" "abcplugspedos" "burns gaynor" anything "garry burns" "gary burns" or "garry richard burns" in austlii.edu.au case law database. And worse "ow & ov vs wesley city mission" churches who have adoption agencies must give gay men free babies. "wayout cobram youth vs christian bretheran" - gays must teach sex ed to minors on church land at church camp for sleepover - etc etc it goes on and on..

The latest looks like a false flag to get millions of dollars in "mental" health funding for the same pedophile cabal who run beyondblue.net.au - behind beyondblue.net.au is otoaustralia.org.au piac.asn.au - and the director of beyondblue.net.au is a known pedophile linked to gary burns OTOAustralia.org.au PIAC.ASN.aU (satanists pro-bono lawyers) and the legg devine case.

That's the sort version. You have come into this late into the game.

Remembers others have been calling Kennett a fucken pedophile long before I joined this saga.


Here's more of Garry Burns doing the PR job during his shakedown for PIAC.ASN.AU pedo cash who get the money from beyondblue.net.au (he directs) for their mental health program.


Yet more MSM links:


^^ Jeff Kennett in the article - now being blackmailed by his fellow OTO kiddy fuck club clan for being on the wrong side of politics to do the bidding of the gay elite.

Now you know why Jeff Kennett and beyondblue supports "Safe Schools" child fuck clubs exposed here:


I'm mapping out all the research items, facts judical corruption etc into mind mapping software to use for graphics in the documentary I am making "don't hate gayby rape: how boylovers.net won in Australia" that I'm slowly working on producing.

You have a lot to go on from the 8ch.net link and others you were given. Does this make sense mate?


On 20 January 2017 at 23:53, XYZ wrote:


so this is really alot to go over and its very in depth, so i just want to make sure i have my facts straight and im going to send questions from time to time, if thats ok. So what you have forwarded me is a letter to Mr Coles?  im still getting the formatting straight on gmail, im new to it. thanks