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Vindicator ago

I don't agree with SST's assessment of think- or Q. Some of his others I tend to agree with. He made a number of shill expose threads where he presented his evidence. He did not mention think- in any of them.

SoberSecondThought ago

True, and I have not presented any evidence against think- here either. As I have said in the past, I am not looking for endless fights about who is a sockpuppet.

My perspective at this point is that the 13,000 sealed indictments will eventually drop, and at that point we will enter a new phase. I think it will be very important in that phase to focus on the Glenn Beck whistleblower episode and the coverup. The public will be reeling in shock, and people will need to know the history. They will want to know who actually tried to do something about this horror. So I do my best to keep that story alive.

In the meantime, the Q phenomenon is way too big for me to stop, even if I cared to. So apart from episodes like this, I stay in my corner and keep quiet.

dragonkiller ago

True, and I have not presented any evidence against think- here either.

Maybe you should stop coming here to stir up shit then because I have seen your meaningless stuff and all you do is fling accusations at people on bizarre claims.