mooteensy ago

WARNING: If you disagree with @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, you run the risk of getting doxxed.

50493827 ago

I am a shitizen investigator reporting on a year-long project.

ESOTERICshade ago

I am a shitizen investigator reporting on a year-long project.

roflmao...Shitizen Shill, here to report sober second thoughts from my year long investigation. See the "evidence" here. Paul Ryan is an honest man and Glenn Beck didn't cry on cue!!! Read alllll about it!!

srayzie ago

Lol. That he is.

50493827 ago

I know for certain which it is, but you have to weigh the probabilities. I concede all these problems. If you're still skeptical about the cover-up, or about certain accounts being sockpuppets, that's fine.

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow a very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people a sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of debate. Choam Nomsky

SoberSecondThought ago

... the best defense against democracy is to distract people.

Same book you quoted, page 53. I think /pol/ might suit you better, they don't require registration.

ESOTERICshade ago

Same book you quoted, page 53. I think /pol/ might suit you better, they don't require registration.

Your true colors are showing sobersecondthought. When are you going to call people nazis and ask them if they deny the holocaust?

srayzie ago

That's what you've spent hours doing

mooteensy ago

Gahahahaha @SoberSecondThought this just keeps getting better!

srayzie ago

Better at what? Lying? Maybe you are HIS sock puppet.

mooteensy ago

I am no ones sock puppet. Just because you don't like the narrative here regarding WIC, you think I'm a sock puppet? Give me a break. You sound so foolish.

srayzie ago

It's not about WIC. I've said that several times. It's about what he based conclusion off of. A dead man that is still alive? Please!

SoberSecondThought ago

I know, right? @oftotc was sure he couldn't be dumb enough to come back. But this is where we are, on Day 10. Jimmy Comet is scuffing dirt at me and saying, "I ain't scared of you," and HLI/WIC/Tory is screaming, "Help, help! He's trying to murder me! Haaalp!"

Guys, maybe you should hold a meeting and decide on a strategy here. You're giving pedosadists everywhere a really bad reputation.

oftotc ago

Jimmy Comet is scuffing dirt at me and saying,

You need to point me to this comment. The HLI/WIC references are clear. WIC made a tactical error and might get banned (we'll see). If you're a distraction, it's short lived. t.smith was very nearly a ghost ^before he died and the lead dries up quickly. And for the record, if you edit any comments or post content, you will be immediately labeled a fraud. I agree with the thought and effort behind this project. I think it has noble goals. But I am looking into solidifying some of the gaps - there are too many big ones to determine the validity of your claims thus far. Thanks for the ping, dude.

ESOTERICshade ago

But this is where we are, on Day 10. Jimmy Comet is scuffing dirt at me

Prove it.

mooteensy ago

@srayzie clearly didn't get the strategy memo.

DomKeyhote ago

You guys are fucking dunces.

Facts not under dispute:

  1. Jews dominate political spending domestically and the single most powerful lobby is the Israeli
  2. #1 priority of said spending has always been to open borders and the reduce white population
  3. Trump has appointed a huge number of Zionist and dual citizenship American Jews
  4. 110% of Trumps election was due to his tougher stance on immigration than 17 others
  5. Paul Ryan is an open borders shill, as is Beck

They're ALL controlled opposition because the reality is you guys don't even know what victory looks like, and they realize you don't LOL. They've slowwalked you for a year already!

srayzie ago


Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We do not disagree with that either. Racine is a model for Sanctuary cities. Look at the list of the other cities included in the letter to Obama before his term was up. The first signature was from Allentown, Pennsylvania which is another cesspool of corruption linked to Racine.

ESOTERICshade ago

Stop making me agree with you Donkey, its not nice...

srayzie ago

That's the fake wannabe donkey

mooteensy ago

Maybe I am crazy, but this is really intriguing. I don't think OP is saying that Paul Ryan and Mike Pence are wonderful people, just that they are not what we have been told over and over again by certain accounts/users. Looks like I will be the only person here to say thanks!

4_InquiringMinds ago

Thanks me too~

SoberSecondThought ago

Appreciated. Also, the day is young. Let's see how things go.

srayzie ago

Things didn't go as expected.

SoberSecondThought ago

Actually, they did. If you go back and count, I had quite a few more supporters than @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt did. I had more upvoats too.

srayzie ago

Once I replied and proved you wrong, I had more upvotes than you.

ESOTERICshade ago

I am suspecting that this is a smear campaign against @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. You have flipped the world upside down and made Paul Ryan a good guy and WIC the bad guy. Not buying it.

Tory Smith's health obviously went downhill like a roller coaster. He was probably losing his poor mind. Did you see the pics @srayzie posted of him?

SoldierofLight ago

Well said.

srayzie ago

I am pasting the comment I made on last nights post.

I will put my comments about Tory Smith in bold. My comment for today's post will be at the bottom.

You said...

Tory has a variety of spiritual gifts. He can "read" a person's DNA from a distance and learn all sorts of things about them. He can heal diseases. He can communicate with aliens and angels.

After I made my comment saying how ridiculous that was, you decided to edit...

EDIT: I'm being sarcastic in the next few paragraphs. Tory has no special powers, and he is not mentally ill. It is an act.

First of all, you don't know if Tory Smith was an act, if he was mentally ill or if he was a victim of abuse. You say "it is an act" as if it's fact. So in my opinion, the first person you have slandered in this post is Tory Smith. DISINFO.

Ok, so now that you say, you are being "sarcastic" in the next few paragraphs, let's go over some things.

There is just one constant in this bewildering struggle, and his name is Mike Pence.

How is that relevant? People talk crap about politicians ALL THE TIME. You can obviously tell that he's "special". Many times these people hyper-focus on certain people, groups, dates, etc excessively. My career was working with mentally disabled children, and then moving on to work with mentally disabled adults and mentally ill adults. My brother works with mentally ill children. I know how much they hyper-focus.

When it comes to Tory Smith, in my opinion, it's safe to say that he doesn't have powers. So could be mentally ill. He could have always been that way, or it could have been caused trauma or mind control. Or, like you said, he could be acting. However, one can simply watch some of his videos and clearly see his health declining rapidly week by week. His face starts sinking in. His physical appearance changes drastically over time. His voice becomes weaker. That IS NOT AN ACT. You can't fake that. Therefore, he didn't live on and end up being HLI, WIC, Senate Anon or anyone else. That is false and is very disrespectful to Tory Smith's memory.

Here are 3 images of Tory Smith. After looking at these, are you still going to claim it was an act?! Stop disrespecting the dead!

I don't know enough about the people you are accusing of being the same person, so I don't have an opinion on rather they are the same person or not. However, I also don't know you. From what I have seen so far, in my opinion, you are spreading disinfo and smearing peoples reputations based only on your opinion. Or possibly you are purposely doing it. How would you like that done to you? You could very well be the paid shill. What you are doing is something a paid shill would do. Maybe these people you are discrediting are revealing things you don't want revealed. Who knows.

I find what you are doing is very suspicious. You hyper-focused on these people. You've checked dates as if you're some private investigator. You are building your case as if you're a prosecutor. You seem to be fishing for something you can use to back your theory up.

Ater reading your "series" so far, you are coming off cocky by acting as if you did strategic planning on these suspects that you zeroed in on and planned your moves up ahead of time, trying to get them to take the bait. Yeah, it's easy to say that later and come off like you are this brilliant investigator. But, why have you been putting so much time into them instead of Pizzagate? Why would you go thru all this time and work just to throw names under the bus? You keep adding new people to the list.

You aren't fooling me.

Here is my comment to today's post...

I don't see enough proof to convince me that Paul Ryan is a good guy. I've read and heard too much. As far as Pence goes, you cannot prove that Tory Smith was the originator of the Pence being a pedophile rumor. The poor man is dead. Once again, here are 3 images showing Tory Smith's health declining I find it disgusting that you would tarnish the name of a dead man like this.

I don't know enough about the people you are accusing to make up my mind on rather or not they are the same paid shill that work for David Brock. But something about YOU stands out to me.

Let me first say that I have not been one that has looked into Racine. But have seen many here who have. However, I see that certain people have struck a nerve with you. I don't recall reading posts from HLI. I don't think he's a regular here. I do see WIC post here often.

This is what stands out to me. You are trying very hard to discredit @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

Here you speak of Paul Ryan

But the only person who could make that happen would be the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan of Racine, WI.

A handful of brave men nearly brought the whole thing crashing down in June of 2013.

So in other words, Paul Ryan of Racine was brave and wanted to expose everything. Wisconsin_is_Corrupt is a fraud?

What this says to me is that someone is trying very hard to take some heat off of Racine. If anything, this whole "series" makes me think that MAYBE THERE IS something about Racine that people should look at more closely. I never put a lot of thought into Racine before. But this has changed my mind.

SoberSecondThought ago

When it comes to Tory Smith, in my opinion, it's safe to say that he doesn't have powers. So could be mentally ill. He could have always been that way, or it could have been caused trauma or mind control. Or, like you said, he could be acting. However, one can simply watch some of his videos and clearly see his health declining rapidly week by week. His face starts sinking in. His physical appearance changes drastically over time. His voice becomes weaker. That IS NOT AN ACT.

So then all those zombies on The Walking Dead, they're real too? I'm well aware that his appearance changes. But (a) the video isn't HD, and (b) if you're going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay a guy to say crazy slanderous things year after year, you can probably splash out for a makeup artist to help him look hollow-cheeked when it's time to end his run. I know people who do more elaborate looks just for Hallowe'en.

As for @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, I hope you'll look at his latest comments in this thread, and my responses. He's not exactly overflowing with evidence.

carmencita ago

Evidence? Like what? Charges? Really.. Are you expecting a town that is as corrupt and criminal as Racine to charge people? They get slaps on the wrist or just agree to resign. So many officials have been suspected of racketeering and sexual abuse that there is a constant parade of resignations. Yes, I too have researched. Do some yourself. WIC has given many clues. Do you not think that he and others like him are not in any present danger? As I said, do roll up your sleeves and do some digging yourself instead of asking us to do your work. That's what we do on here. Research. Yeah, it's not fun. It is hard work that can take days and weeks. Try it sometime. Here you go. Type in Rico and then Racine in the Search Vote section and now get going. @srayzie

srayzie ago

That is the most RIDICULOUS excuse. There are A LOT of videos of Tory Smith! You have lost every ounce of credibility in my eyes now. What makes you think this poor guy had hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Your only evidence...

*Tory Smith said that Pence was this sick evil person and talked about him a lot. YOU even admitted all the other crazy things the man said. Go back and read your own post. That alone would make his comments about Mike Pence NOT CREDIBLE.

*YOU THINK that the Pence pedo rumors was started by Tory Smith. There is absolutely no way to prove that.

*Tory Smith "supposedly died" around the same time as HLI started posting. Wow! Amazing!

*Tory Smith FAKED EVERYTHING! He lives on!

*Tory Smith had hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend to hire people to do his makeup and make him appear like he's slowly dying. He must have joined weight watchers too right? He must have had a good voice box. He went thru ALL OF THAT to make youtube videos?!

You have got to be fricken kidding me. Well, you need to make other plans because you aren't getting your bonus check. This gig is up.

@ESOTERICshade @Carmencita @Jem777 @mooteensy @2impendingdoom

4_InquiringMinds ago

That is the most RIDICULOUS excuse. There are A LOT of videos of Tory Smith!

The most I know about Tory is watched a few vids and when he stated there are rape lines where boys are lined up and raped at one time by hundreds of men he lost me. A child could not physically withstand that either bc of shock or his intestines would fall out. It defied all logic. His claims of being targeted with dark energy and 'they' were killing him also was not logical bc his claims were so over the top he would be inconsequential to 'them'. How did he start looking like he was dying? Makeup makes sense to me...I've been a movie buff and see transformations that are impressive.

Ppl that are a real danger are murdered, like Bill Cooper, in his front yard, or Hastings or so many others that are verifiable, oh, like Monica Peterson. Other so called 'hits' unless there is some verifiable evidence are open for speculation and examination. What is so wrong with examination? What is so wrong with speculation? Isn't that what research is all about?

srayzie ago

I can't believe I'm actually having to explain this again. Did you look at the pictures? You watched a few videos and this was your conclusion? If you watched them regularly then maybe you would change your mind. He got skinny and brittle. It was no makeup. Who the hell is going to lose all that weight, pay for makeup to appear sicker and sicker, just to make some fricken YouTube videos?!

Of course what he said wasn't logical. He obviously had some issues going on. He probably died of cancer or something like that. He could have been paranoid and seeing all these things because he was schizophrenic. I used to have to work with one woman one on one who was schizophrenic.

Normally I'm nice to people that are nice. But, if you honestly believe that Tory Smith faked everything, wore makeup and fake his death, then you are truly gullible. I've said all I'm gonna say about it. You can read it and see the pictures. I wasted so much time yesterday on this shill poster. The truth about Tory Smith is just too obvious. Believe what you want.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Appreciate your reply. I also considered cancer. I consider everything bc nothing is as it seems grin. I had also considered before yesterday that it might be makeup and a set up bc his claims were so over the top/was he nuts or something else. I didn't need this post to steer me in that direction/just found it interesting that someone else might have the same impressions/that's all. Didn't correlate Tory with HLI bc when he made the scene I dismissed him early on. Same with many of the anonys. When I see the levels that the deep state will go to nothing really surprises me anymore. They may have poisoned Tony to give some legitimacy to his outrageous claims...anything is possible.

Thank you for taking the time to reply and being civil...thank you very much.

srayzie ago

Thank you for being civil back. I felt sorry for him. That's why it made me so mad that the poster was tarnishing his name. He can't defend himself.

4_InquiringMinds ago

These are difficult times for all of us. Last night we placed candles throughout the woods with the words 'this is for the children'. When it was done I looked out over the woods and thought we are like this, little flames shining in the darkness, united in a common cause and yet feeling our way in the darkness bc nothing is clear. It would be the same with this post/as I see it/looking for patterns/trying to make sense of it all.

I could relate when the OP spoke of cognitive dissonance bc that exploration has been a passion of mine for many years. When I have a strong emotional reaction I know I have come upon a bias and to see past that bias is imperative if I am to see clearly. Emotional reactions are based on past experiences and the cabal uses that against us/we are creatures of habit. So even if something hits me the wrong way, or especially if that happens, then I endeavor to center myself and consider all possibilities.

Personally I have had questions about wic for awhile now. When I question his information he responds with hostility and character assassination. When I find links that do not support his claims or are 404 he gets very angry. What would that indicate?

Sure I wonder about OP's claim about Vindicator. I have a strong bias about Vindicator. So I am willing to consider all sides simply bc that seems to be the most prudent. It does not mean I agree with OP about this...simply willing to look at another perspective.

I also have a strong bias against Beck and Ryan.

It becomes a game of Clue for me (a favorite as a child). Consider everything and see what fits. I do believe that is what OP is trying to say.

Like I said, this time of the year is especially hard for those of us that have had our eyes opened. My heart has been so quiet thinking of all the children that were sacrificed last night. There is a fog that covers the woods today and it reminds me that we are still in a fog trying to see thru it. The candles in the woods reminded me we are all connected like little points of light/we are not alone and our numbers grow. What the cabal fears most is that we awaken to the true nature of who we are.

peace~and love to you

srayzie ago

I myself don't remember reading anything from HLI. WIC has always been polite that I have seen. I told the poster that I didn't have an opinion on the others. What did it for me was basing things off of a dead man because he shared some of the same opinions. Seeing him wither away and die only to have someone say it was all a fraud pisses me off. I don't even want to talk about him anymore because it makes me mad when someone disrespects the dead.

Peace and love to you too. Thanks for being nice.

SoberSecondThought ago

I can see I won't convince you, and that's okay. I was never going to convince everyone. So this response is really more for other folks who are still on the fence or trying to sort out their reaction.

What you're experiencing is called cognitive dissonance. It's a very common, normal human reaction. I'm saying that a whole bunch of things you have believed for a long time (that WIC is a good guy, that Tory Smith was a harmless abuse victim, that Paul Ryan is a rat and Glenn Beck is a lying lunatic) are not true. Nobody handles that well. We're just not built to revise big chunks of our worldview all at once.

But please notice that people who aren't already invested in those same ideas (like @mooteensy, say) aren't reacting the way you are. They aren't indignant and incredulous. My hypothesis might be right, or wrong, but either way it's not making them climb the walls in sheer outrage.

What I am trying to say is that the people protecting the pedo elite know a lot about cognitive dissonance. It's in their bag of tricks along with the mockingbird press and MK Ultra techniques and everything else. They've been doing this for decades, and HLI/WIC/Senate Anon/Tory Smith is just the latest in a long line of manipulators.

The more emotional you are about something, the more careful you have to be. They use that.

ESOTERICshade ago

What you're experiencing is called cognitive dissonance. It's a very common, normal human reaction.

Uhhh, no...What I am experiencing is someone spinning a hilarious tale of Glenn Beck and Paul Ryan being driven from the hero chairs. And dragging WIC into it, which is probably the intended target in the first place.

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

Awww how nice of you for your manipulative condescending advice. You're right. I won't be convinced by something that makes absolutely no sense. That's why I'm here. I'm not a stupid brainwashed puppet.

What you're experiencing is called cognitive dissonance. It's a very common, normal human reaction. I'm saying that a whole bunch of things you have believed for a long time (that WIC is a good guy, that Tory Smith was a harmless abuse victim, that Paul Ryan is a rat and Glenn Beck is a lying lunatic) are not true. Nobody handles that well. We're just not built to revise big chunks of our worldview all at once.

I understand that you are upset. When someone doesn't fall for your tricks, it makes you get defensive. That's only normal. Maybe being a paid troll isn't for you. Have you tried putting in other applications?

Since your blood pressure is up and you aren't thinking clearly, let me help you. I never said that WIC was a good guy. I said that YOU are trying to discredit him. I don't even know the guy. But, he's been consistent and is by far more credible than you.

I obviously knew more about Tory Smith than you did. I guess you didn't expect that. I never said that he was a harmless abuse victim. That's your problem. You twist everything. You are doing a great job showing that you have no credibility. I most certainly didn't say he paid to have his makeup put on to look like he was slowly dying or his YouTube videos. 🤣 Let me clear my throat. Whew! That was priceless.

I feel kind of bad for Glenn Beck. I think he did want to say something. I remember that. He used to be more honest. He was forced to shut up. But I know too much about Paul Ryan. If what you had to say wasn't full of shit, then maybe you could have changed my view of him. I am open minded. However, I'm not dumb.

But please notice that people who aren't already invested in those same ideas (like @mooteensy, say) aren't reacting the way you are. They aren't indignant and incredulous.

Yeah, that would be so much easier for you right? Unfortunately for you, I do my homework. I don't just fall for what internet trolls try so hard to convince me of. You need more people like @mooteensy. People that aren't already knowledgeable in certain areas are easier to manipulate. I can see why you feel that way.

Don't worry. I am aware of tricks used by manipulative pedo protectors. I've read my shill handbook. But thank you for taking the time to give me advice. It helps seeing the different techniques shills use when backed into a corner.

@ESOTERICshade @Carmencita @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt

SoberSecondThought ago

I never said that WIC was a good guy. I said that YOU are trying to discredit him.

Well, yes. I am. But this is what I mean about cognitive dissonance, because I said very clearly, in my Day 4 thread, that I was trying to discredit him. And then in that same thread, you came along and made this helpful observation:

I noticed something. It may be nothing. But Wisconsin_is_Corrupt called James Comey "Jim".

So at that point, you were helping me discredit him. Or anyway noting something suspicious.

I don't even know the guy. But, he's been consistent and is by far more credible than you.

It would be great if you would read the exchange between him and me in this thread. I'm being mean and sarcastic to him, because I know who he is. But set that aside and just ask yourself: What research has he actually done? Where is it? Why can't he show me any of it?

srayzie ago

That was before you absolutely blew it and I realized that the whole thing was just a smear campaign. That should let you know that I'm not standing up for him because he's my friend. I don't follow the whole Racine thing. But from threads I've been on where I see his comments, he seems to know what he's talking about.

He's not my problem. You are, because I clearly saw what you were doing. If he's a shill, then he's definitely not so obvious like you are. What really set me off was you using Tory Smith. That was the most stupid example to use if you want to be believed. Even worse, it's mean. I'd like to get caught up on the real world now and not waste the rest of my day on you.

mooteensy ago

@srayzie I do my homework. Talk about condescending.

srayzie ago

If you did, you wouldn't believe a word that this fraud is saying. Don't be his puppet.

carmencita ago

Thanks for speaking up against someone that is trying to discredit and malign someone on voat that has spoken up many times when we call upon him to corroborated something we are writing up or researching on. We here on voat spend countless hours looking up and researching almost every day and sometimes all day. It is hard work and can be very sad and depressing at times. Anyone trying to tear someone down when they themselves sound shifty and disrespect someone that can no longer speak for themselves is none other than a shill in my book.

srayzie ago

It takes a shitty person to do this kind of thing for money.

carmencita ago

I would rather be poor than have to look at that face in the mirror every morning. But maybe it doesn't bother them.

srayzie ago

Me too! Look at what greed has turned people into. Like the elite!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Read our entire history of comments and do some real investigating. You dismiss it without researching anything because it supports your absurd theory that we are also high-level Insider and that Paul Ryan is a good guy.

ESOTERICshade ago

I agree srayzie. I suspect this might be a hit job on WIC.

Mej777 ago

Yes this is a hit job. Interesting that he says Vindicator supports my posts as does Milennial Falcon by allowing him to ramble on while actual witnesses and victims are banned. So they have to change names.

Interesting he shows up now to make Paul Ryan the hero....if Ryan or Beck who hatched this plan in 2013 against pedos why did they fight Trump so much which would have put the Witch herself in power. They actually sold their soul for HRC...ecspecially Beck.

I am actually aware of what Beck was told. He did not go forward because a few men in dark suits showed up to let him know personally to "shut the fuck up" or you and your family will be harmed. He got an in your face death threat.

Yes he lost it and his support for HRC was through force and threats to his life. You can't even see that which makes you a complete shill.

Beck is also part of the mouthpiece for the Mormon Mafia a CIA operation of Mitt Romney. He promoted Operation Underground Railroad on Super Bowl Sunday as a child sex trafficking sting run by "hero" Tim Ballard. That was all a rouse Opeartion Underground Railroad is a CIA child, drugs, weapons trafficking ring that got exposed by some of the very people who you mention and are banned.

They did a fake child trafficking sting on Super Bowl Sunday in Haiti, leaked it to Beck to change the truth of what had been uncovered.

Research who was arrested by Ballard and his one. No convictions.

You are a paid shill and disinfo agent trying to take the heat of the major players including Tavistock and its direct relationship to Racine/CIA and the Luceferian rings that run it all....

Spare us with these guys are beatable they mostly they blackmail, kidnap children place them in DUMBS, conduct human experiments and are involved in child rape and sacrifice according to rituals

Your attempt to minimize and convince everyone that a few of these bad apples can be handled and Lead people away from the control centers and groups to the lackeys who got caught is laughable.


@ESOTERICshade @Srayzie @carmencita @Dressage2 @Wisconsin_is_Correct.

This whole series should cause everyone to hyper focus on Racine. If he was a sock puppet or anyone else there would be no need to attack them (yes that is plural) in an 8 part tear down and promotion of Ryan or Beck. It is fucking embarrassing.

4_InquiringMinds ago


I am actually aware of what Beck was told. He did not go forward because a few men in dark suits showed up to let him know personally to "shut the fuck up" or you and your family will be harmed. He got an in your face death threat.

Yes he lost it and his support for HRC was through force and threats to his life.

Can you clarify? How did you come upon this information? This is not a challenge, just want to verify.

Mej777 ago

I am sure you would like to know butcas demonstrated repeatedly in this thread some people are attempting to draw out links that will expose the witness and/or victims to harm...

Honestly I have been notified yesterday they are working on re-locating me for protection because authorities believe I am in danger.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Right and wasn't looking for info that would identify. Just interesting how there is so much insider info that has to be taken on faith with no background just 'believe me, I have sources' which you would understand could be anyone saying anything.

Mej777 ago

If your life is really under threat you can tell by the poster. Mine is and I have dropped bombs but the ones I have that will end it quickly for me are so personal taking me out would be the next option.

So we are required to release breadcrumbs...and many of us have extreme PTSD from being gangstauked so this has been the only shot we have.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Thank you for taking the time to clarify...appreciated :)

If your life is really under threat you can tell by the poster.

Yes, bc the poster mentions such.

Did a bit of reading on Beck and it seems like he has had threats to himself and his family a few times/or so he claims. I don't doubt threats are strewn about on a sop basis.

What I did read about his 'kinda' support of HRC was less support and more anti trump. When he converted to Mormonism in 99 it changed his views on many issues. However he voted for the independent candidate Evan McMullin. Since Beck was never anyone of interest had not researched his stand on this last election.

Thanks again~

carmencita ago

I agree with everything you have just written. I also remember the Underground Railroad Fake Set Up. And yes they are another fake group pretending to do good but participating in the very things we are trying to stop, child trafficking, drugs, etc. And yes it is easy to look that up too. Trying to make Saviors out of Ryan and Beck is laughable, at best.

srayzie ago

Yep! Paid shill.

carmencita ago

I could not agree more. A Shill Staring Us Right In The Face. The first thing that Stands Out, is that Paul Ryan is a good guy some how. BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I don't think I have read anything shiftier in recent memory. I am not even going to get into the credibility of WIC or not. The rest of it speaks for itself. WIC needs to be researched in order for someone to really believe in what he is saying. You cannot just say he is a shill or a liar for that is a blanket statement. When you go into the background of Racine and find SRA and also people being forced out of business and paying to stay in business, you know it has deep mob connections. There also is information all over the internet about the control that Hoffa had, and his mob ties. We could go on and on. I Smell a Shell or a Rat, Same Thing.

srayzie ago

Did you read his comment to me about why Tory Smith looked sick??

carmencita ago

Yes! Total Shill. There are holes in many places. If your eyes are open you can see through them.

ESOTERICshade ago

@SoberSecondThought I am not trying to be ugly to you but you really threw it all in the garbage with this post. Glenn Beck and Paul Ryan? You can't be serious, but evidently you are.

I don't trust HLI but as far as I am concerned that might be the only thing you have right. SenateAnon might be a sock of his too but I have no idea.

I don't know if you are this misinformed or if this is an elaborate disinfo campaign but this post is pure, unadulterated, garbage material.

srayzie ago

That's how I feel. I don't know about the other ones. But he or she blew it using Tory Smith, Glenn Beck and Paul Ryan as an example. Today's was supposed to be the grand finale!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We bet our lives and our souls that Paul Ryan is the real sockpuppet working for his global masters and that your theory is absolutely wrong.

Paul Ryan is to DC as Ashton (Chris) Kutcher is to Hollywood. They are the corrupt boy scout front men covering up the true Evil going on behind the curtain.

Paul Ryan is a traitor who was given information by his own constituents who were victims and witnesses to extreme corruption and abuse involving his donors and the most powerful people in his district. He obstructed RICO investigations along with Jim Comey, Loretta Lynch and others that linked to the Clinton Foundation and other elite groips.

The real swamp is in Paul Ryan's backyard - Racine, Wisconsin.

srayzie ago

I agree with you here and if anything, all of this has made me believe more in what you are saying about Racine.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thank you and anyone can see from our history that we have never tried to discredit anyone else, and support anyone seeking the real Truth. Our only motive is the Truth and our message has been consistent the entire time we've been posting here and elsewhere.

If you read our entire history of comments and the escalating attacks against us you will see they are very afraid of the real truth being exposed and Racine, Wisconsin is the weakest link to the entire system.

4_InquiringMinds ago


Racine, Wisconsin is the weakest link to the entire system.

Can you elaborate on why you say this? Would they not have hubs all over the US, Europe and elsewhere? Would they risk it all by having one place that can take it all down? It doesn't seem logical but I'm willing to listen to a logical explanation of how this would be so. Shining the light on racine just doesn't seem logical. Lots of places that are mired in corruption have the light shined on them and nothing happens.

I have searched online for other racine posts and all that came up was one from last spring on lunatic outpost which simply commented on a racine post you made here. Why is this not being discussed on all the major conspiracy sites...there are so many where it would 'seem' to be of major importance if one is focused on shinning the light.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Our posts on Reddit pizzagate were part of the reason why it was shut down. That is also why we do not post submissions here in order to keep voat alive for as long as possible. We do not trust Reddit and we do not trust you either, Rose.

We don't take this lightly. You betrayed our trust and are now joining in the hit job on us. Congratulations I hope you feel proud of yourself for working for the criminal corrupt Elite planning to enslave the world.

Is it because we didn't respond to all of your nonsense emails? Or were you trying to infiltrate and become our friend from the beginning only two joints on the year-long planned attack against us?

You should be ashamed of yourself Rose but we're positive that you aren't.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Even tho I never post my name in comments, only in pm's, you have taken it upon yourself to 'out' me. This crosses a forum line and you know that.

I'm fine with that~but what does it say about you? Is this how you respond when someone questions your information? I have always been very civil in questioning and sincere in my inquiries.

Your actions speak volumes~now who is it really that betrays trust?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

No we did not out you, you openly called yourself that. Moreover to make a point we are saying we are real people and this is real life. You betrayed us and started nitpicking and targeting anything that we said because we didn't reply to every long-winded email you sent us or something we wrote about struck a nerve with you and we want people to know that.

You have partnered with someone doing a complete and absurd year-long hit job on us who made a deliberate reference about murdering us. Do you think we should be murdered for telling the Truth? Do they sound like a good person to you? Or do we. All we have ever talked about is trying to work together to expose the real truth and save the world. We cannot do it alone. That's why we are here posting about it.

Watch whose side you take. We are risking Our Lives to tell people the truth and we are being targeted for it.

Why are you so sore about rotary? Maybe you should look into rotary a bit more if you aren't in the club. It's widely known for corruption and some places are worse than others and Paul Harris was born in Racine like we said. Rotary is a big deal in Racine. It is massively corrupt and involves many of the people linked with the global agenda and New World Order. Wake up and apologize.

4_InquiringMinds ago

No we did not out you, you openly called yourself that.

Nope, did not/only in pm's. It is easy to search my comment history, simply put rose in the search box and see if any hits other than yours come up. So now you resort to lying to cover yourself. If you will lie about that what else will you lie about to make your point?

Inquiring minds~

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You did not address anything that we just said. We did not expose you. You call yourself that. We didn't know it was a secret and we assume that's not your real name.

You also are attacking us along with your cohort who is clearly a psychopath that wants us silenced and murdered. Who would spend a year planning some ridiculous hit piece if we were not teling the Truth about Racine?

You are both clearly trying to turn the community against us. Anyone with half a brain can see right through you and your new partner. Paul Ryan is not a good guy. We are not high-level Insider. We are not Tory Smith. We are not fogdryer or any of the others he claims. He is wrong and then wrong again and wrong some more. He also has a motive and evil intentions.

Our only motive always has been and always will be the Truth. You called yourself Rose. That is the Truth. Online forum rules are not going to matter when everyone is enslaved, and you lost all of your etiquette privileges when you partnered with someone who is targeting us with malicious intentions and called for us to be murdered.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Multiple guess?

1) We didn't know it was a secret

2) we assume that's not your real name

3) You called yourself Rose. That is the Truth.

4) Online forum rules are not going to matter when everyone is enslaved

5) you lost all of your etiquette privileges when you partnered with someone who is targeting us with malicious intentions and called for us to be murdered

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

6) All of the above.

You failed to befriend and infiltrate despite our kindness and honesty, so now you are attacking us. You made your bed and now you can lay in it.

Why don't you apologize and repent? Have you honestly looked into what second sober thought is saying? It is evil and malicious. You chose to associate yourself with that and betrayed us.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I've decided to ping this so some ppl can see your response to an honest inquiry. One member saw this, one who gave you support, and said your response was scary. Indeed it might be a veiled threat to dox me. I don't really care, nothing to hide~but you crossed a line, a line that any forum member knows about. As the member said to me it doesn't matter if there is disagreement with another member/would never divulge personal information. It's um, an honor code.

@carmencita, @srayzie, @ESOTERICshade, @mooteensy

srayzie ago

I can see why that would come off scary. This is the first time I've ever ever seen WIC appear angry. I don't know the whole back story. I can't really talk because I did that to my enemies Equineluvr and Donkeyhote after they threatened me.

I'll just be the go between and tell WIC that could scare someone. So don't use names. I'd say to you that I would be pissed too. But don't worry because it's on your first name.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

She is lying to turn the community against us exactly like equinluvr did Either she has relationship issues and got mad because we stopped replying to her private messages or she is partnered with this other person who is calling for our murder.

This is scary. We are the ones risking our lives. She is the one targeting us and supporting a psychopath who is calling to silence and murder us. We do not know who either of them are and we believe they have malicious intentions so we do not care about their feelings or forum etiquette.

We don't see anyone else here saying they found the root of all evil in a town under a hundred thousand people. That puts a pretty big target on some people. We have more information but our lives and our sources' lives are already in danger.

mooteensy ago

All of our lives are in danger due to the nature of this investigation. Sure, some more than others. Especially, 4 InquiringMinds now, because of YOU.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We don't trust you either.

We are the ones being targeted for sharing the Truth about Racine and the real agenda. She is part of a group who is running a targeted attack program on those of us who know the Truth.

Up until 20 days ago she was trying very hard to be our friend and infiltrate our group. We have been suspicious of her since the beginning, and everything she has done recently confirmed all of our suspicions. She betrayed us and partnered with second sober thought on the malicious hit campaign. We have no sympathy for her as she has sold her soul to be part of the group with malicious intentions.

We have to protect ourselves and we have to protect the Truth.

mooteensy ago

You shouldn't trust me. I think for myself, and I can smell an agenda a mile away. I don't claim to know everything or be this mighty important figure around here (like you), but I care about this cause and if you are in the way, then that's a problem that must be addressed. I feel like others are not commenting because they FEAR you. Well, I don't fear you. Glad we had this talk.

SoberSecondThought ago

This is scary. We are the ones risking our lives. She is the one targeting us and supporting a psychopath who is calling to silence and murder us.

This is a pretty desperate move on your part, dude. It might buy you a few hours of sympathy, but not much more. Anyone wanting to check what I actually said can go here. Not exactly psychopathic, am I? I just want what everyone on this board wants, for the criminals associated with the Clinton gang to be punished. And I'm doing exactly what you're doing. You accuse me of working for them, and I accuse you of working for them. People can judge who is right.

But here's the big difference between us. In the past day or so, I've posted some very specific accusations about your methods and history. I've challenged you to refute them. And in this back-and-forth a few hours ago, you admitted that I've got your method and history exactly right.

  1. You take credit for the work of other researchers, just like HighLevelInsider and SenateAnon.

  2. You post long, rambling, content-free comments that just repeat over and over that you have "sources" or that "Rotary is involved". When challenged, you always fall back on arguing from authority. You just know and we have to take your word for it.

  3. Neither you, nor the folks you have conned into helping you, have ever found one single concrete piece of evidence showing that Paul Ryan is corrupt, or a traitor, or anything of the sort. Your evidence for Racine being a hub of evil, when we trace the handful of links you supply, turns out to be trivia like a municipal politician taking a $1,000 cash donation and not having a receipt for it.

After more than 1,000 comments you've still got nothing.


srayzie ago

I challenge you to prove that a man that I've watched many videos of, over a long period of time, FAKED his declining health and death and lived on to become HLI, WIC, Senate Anon and others. Your lame excuse is that his declining appearance was made using makeup!

You are the one long rambling content that is false just to try to prove that a few posters are shills. You are the fraud. I don't know if they are the same person. But I DO KNOW that you are basing your claims off of a lies. You have zero credibility.

Before anyone here believes this person, I recommend you start on day 7 and read my comments proving this is a shill. Here I prove this is all a lie.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @ESOTERICshade @Jem777 @Carmencita @2impendingdoom

SoberSecondThought ago

I've been thinking about your comment on Day 7, and the best way to respond. Here's what I decided. You know that the Clinton machine runs a horrifying child sex trafficking organization. Hillary has been overseeing the rape and murder of children for decades. But other people don't understand that. They read Hillary's book, It Takes A Village, and they watch her speeches, and they're completely enthralled by her compassion and wisdom.

Watch this video of women writing thank-you notes to Hillary. Watch Miley Cyrus cry.

I'm not telling you something ridiculous or insane. I'm telling you something you already believe. These people are very skilled liars. They can commit the most awful crimes and yet their fans go on thinking that they're wonderful human beings. Hillary Clinton has fooled Miley Cyrus in the same way that "Tory Smith" has fooled you.

srayzie ago

Go find that Tory Smith did not die and I will believe you! I am not denying some of the stuff you said. You used lies mixed with truth. That's a limited hangout.

A person that is working so hard to smear others on here, better have some good solid proof before saying that shills are a man that died! You are not only smearing names here using false claims. You are also smearing the memory of a mentally ill man that DIED.

I realize that it's hard to accept defeat. But, you royally fucked yourself on this project. All you are doing every time you comment is digging yourself a deeper hole. My advice to you is to find another job. This isn't for you. Either that or shill for a sub that doesn't involve the rape and murder of children and come up with a better lie that is more believable. Take your sock puppet @mooteensy with you.

I'm pinging you guys so you can be a witness to the desperation of this shill.

@ESOTERICshade @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @2impendingdoom @Carmencita

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm pinging you guys so you can be a witness to the desperation of this shill.

Witnessed. Right now I am reading over all this again and the desperation and exasperation of not being able to pry details from WIC is becoming palpable. This whole story was contrived to dig info out of WIC. sobersecondthought totally dropped HLI, SenateAnon, Tory, fogdryer, etc...and has gone after WIC with an unnatural passion. Defending Paul Ryan tooth and nail, using Glenn Beck for credibility, DEMANDING evidence from WIC, while the whole time providing no evidence of his own. This is a con job.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @2impendingdoom @Carmencita

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is absolutely correct. Thank you for seeing the Truth.

2impendingdoom ago

its probably Paul Ryan (HLI?) himself.

ESOTERICshade ago

its probably Paul Ryan (HLI?) himself.

Could be, or one of his staff members or something.

2impendingdoom ago

or maybe someone connected to the C street Bible Group (the Family / the Fellowship) a guy named Coe. That looks like a sketchy org and it has a lot of work with kids programs . They need a closer look.

Mej777 ago

Coe is the original brotherhood....very dangerous and deceptive

ESOTERICshade ago

I just read a piece somewhere in the last couple of days about Coe's involvement in that. Apparently he is one of the main movers and shakers in that org. Extremely powerful group.

2impendingdoom ago

It was a now deleted post about Rose McGowan and the Family, I had some info in the comments and tried to do a separate post on them but I forgot to copy and voat verified my bits so all was lost.

carmencita ago

Yes, but I do not agree with calling @mooteensy a sock puppet. I know what that feels like since I was named as one as well by OP and I thank those that defended me. There are times that I do not always agree with someone but we agree to disagree, and that is how I feel at this moment. I respect mooteensy and do not want to be part in name calling. My comments are in the thread and I have not changed my opinions, except that I was very upset about the outing of someone's name, as we all know. Very disrespectful and dangerous. Also the take down of someone that cannot defend himself, Tory. Before making such accusations, especially about a deceased person, there must be more concrete evidence.

srayzie ago

Yeah. I think one of his alts is sock puppet @mooteensy

mooteensy ago

Are you sure you aren't pinging your other accounts so you can log into them and see exactly where you were in the thread?

srayzie ago

That's funny lol

mooteensy ago

I'm done engaging in this convo. No offense, but we clearly don't have anything further to discuss. If I were getting paid to do this, I would. Or if I had something to loose, I would. Let's just leave it at that.

srayzie ago

That's just fine with me 👍🏻

ESOTERICshade ago

sobersecondthought is demanding "proof" from WIC, her intended target, and then used Glenn Beck for proof...nuff said. This whole messily done larp was to target WIC and make Paul Ryan look like a good guy.

SoberSecondThought ago

her intended target

Again with the misgendering.

used Glenn Beck for proof

Okay. Let's talk about that video again. Mej777 has agreed that it was about exposing Pedogate.

I am actually aware of what Beck was told. He did not go forward because a few men in dark suits showed up to let him know personally to "shut the fuck up" or you and your family will be harmed. He got an in your face death threat.

Now, as I explained, the whistleblower said he would not speak unless it was to Congress. You understand that Paul Ryan controls the schedule for the House? So if Ryan was not involved, then by talking about the whistleblower, Beck was simply killing him to no purpose.

I have offered you evidence that Ryan had to have been involved, and you already agreed that the event happened. WIC has offered absolutely nothing that incriminates Ryan, has falsely claimed credit for the research of others, has libeled an ordinary citizen (Glenn Modrigrano) as being a gangster, and now you're telling him not to provide any evidence?

He has told you, over and over, that the situation is hopeless, that none of the elite will be arrested, that the pedos are too powerful. And you've tied yourselves into such knots that you're urging him to go on refusing to support his claims. I know you're not shills. I am not angry with you for what you're doing, I knew from the beginning it would be like this. But you have to wake up here and see the contradiction in your own beliefs.

ESOTERICshade ago

sobersecondthought you are calling WIC a liar because WIC hasn't offered you "proof." Your rambling story has produced no proof and asks us to ignore Becks's Vicks Vapor Rub crying and trust Ryan. You have none, no proof. Stop demanding what you cannot provide. Its bad form.

srayzie ago

Even worse, she used a dead man. Tory Smith.

Mej777 ago

I am aware they are not just a shill they are attempting to find out how much info or evidence @Wisconsin_is_correct has and force their hand to expose themselves for targeting.

This is intentional and @Vindicator is involved. They are trying to find out how to draw out evidence they can send teams in to clean up. The next step is get rid of the witnesses.

This happened to me. The links I was forced to provide led to a physical assault at my home that is now being investigated as a targeted hit job to silence me.

It is sickening the dpravity these people have.

@Wisconsin_is_Corrupt do not give up your evidence. I am sure you have placed it in numerous safe positions to protect yourself. That is why I am still around except Vindicator could not handle the fact the open death threats did not deter me so banned my account for over a week....not realizing all threats and comments are being copied in other locations.


Vindicator ago

More drama and fearmongering, eh Jem? You prove my point.

Mej777 ago

Not fear monger omg reality.... you do not know what you are talking about and who the many people are behind these posts, not the level of risk involved.

These people can attest to my assault, targeting, & dear threats.

@Wisconsin_is_Corrupt @jangles @Dressage2 @carmencita @wolftrail72

SoberSecondThought ago

Well, we agree on something. @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt hasn't actually offered any evidence. So that's a start.

Can we maybe agree on something else? @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt has also faked evidence. As I showed above, he tried to imply that Paul Ryan "paid his respects" to a Mafia gangster. But after repeated challenges, he has failed to provide any evidence that Glenn Madrigrano, or anyone in his family, is connected to the Mafia.

If you're going to worry about people being targeted unjustly, you should worry about Glenn Madrigrano, because WIC has libeled him.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are deranged and dangerous. We know exactly what you're doing. We know the Truth and we know that you are running a desperate and malicious smear campaign against us calling for our murder.

We are not going to post everything we know here. We have plenty of evidence. We have plenty of witnesses. We have plenty of sources. Everything we have posted since the beginning is the Truth.

Racine is the ultimate litmus test, and you are a lying evil piece of garbage.

Again your entire hit campaign is based on the false premise that we are high-level Insider and also US Senate Anon and also Torrey Smith and also fog dryer and others. You claim Paul Ryan and Mike Pence are good guys and you know nothing about Racine whatsoever. You are trying to diminish and dismiss a RICO case that we know much more about than you ever will. It leads to the Clinton Foundation and other foundations, DNC, Rotary, secret societies, corrupt officials, corrupt corporations and an evil global agenda.

You are a despicable human being.

If there is nothing to hide about Racine why would you run a year-long planned malicious smear campaign to silence the Truth?

Mej777 ago

Exactly see above. I called them out for attempting to force your hand it is a sick game....they want exposure of evidence to see what you have. Then they will send clean up crews and get rid of the witnesses...

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are exactly correct again! Thank you.

SoberSecondThought ago

We are not going to post everything we know here. We have plenty of evidence. We have plenty of witnesses. We have plenty of sources. Everything we have posted since the beginning is the Truth.

You are trying to diminish and dismiss a RICO case that we know much more about than you ever will.

Everything you have posted since the beginning is contained in these quotes. You just keep posting variations of the same statement, over and over. You know but you won't say how you know. You know everything, supposedly, but you share absolutely nothing. No names. No dates. No dollar amounts. Witnesses and victims by the billions but no specifics, ever. Not a single fact that wasn't provided by other people.

deranged ... dangerous ... desperate ... malicious ... lying evil piece of garbage ... despicable ... malicious

I sense you might be building up to faking your own death ... again. <snicker>

But the record clearly shows that I never threatened you. I absolutely reject the notion of using violence against you in any way. I am a law-abiding citizen who delegates the use of force to the proper authorities. I just said I would count it as a victory if I read one day that your criminal associates got rid of you.

Also for the record, my campaign never aimed at silencing you. It aimed at exposing, humiliating, and neutralizing you. Given your fumbling cooperation over the past few days, we are well along that road. Nothing would please me more than for you to keep posting your claims here forever. I don't want you silenced! Heavens no! I want you to keep talking, for as long as you are dumb enough to do so. I just plan to be on hand to, ahem, Correct The Record. So tell me again about Racine. I like it when you do that.

ESOTERICshade ago

Also for the record, my campaign never aimed at silencing you. It aimed at exposing, humiliating, and neutralizing you. Given your fumbling cooperation over the past few days, we are well along that road. Nothing would please me more than for you to keep posting your claims here forever. I don't want you silenced! Heavens no! I want you to keep talking, for as long as you are dumb enough to do so. I just plan to be on hand to, ahem, Correct The Record. So tell me again about Racine. I like it when you do that.

After this and the rest of this same comment I didn't post it is now spanking clear that you are working for the bad guys. Your whole story was a fishing expedition on behalf of some worried criminals. I knew this whole enterprise of yours stunk from the beginning I just wasn't sure what you were fishing for. Now we know....

srayzie ago

What do you mean a person called for your murder? Can you explain what you mean by "we"?

She didn't turn me to the wrong side. I'm just saying that it's not right to call someout out publicly like that. It scared her. Go back and read my reply to the original poster. I don't change my views just because someone else has a different view. I still haven't found any reason to doubt you. She pinged me and so I was trying to help.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is a trap. Do not fall for it.

Out of the hundreds of people who have messaged us she is the only one out of all them who gave us a name and was trying extra hard to be our friend. Many others have questioned us and we have always responded. She was highly suspicious from the beginning and now we have confirmed our suspicions about her. She chose to be part of a malicious and evil group attacking those of us who know the real truth and are really risking our lives to share it. We have zero respect for her and her malicious agenda.

You tell us whether you believe us or sober second thought. We have been here sharing the truth for a long time. They showed up with lies claiming a year-long plan attack against us.

Do you believe anything they say?

srayzie ago

I don't believe SoberSecondThought. I've never had a reason to disbelieve you. I don't know the others. I can't tell if it's exaggerated because I can't see the proof. But I can see why you would need to remain on the downlow if it is true.

mooteensy ago

@srayzie takes another sip of the kool-aid

srayzie ago

I thought you were done. I must have really struck a nerve. You can't control yourself. Did your master Lord SoberSecondThought tell you to slip in one last comment?

mooteensy ago

I couldn't help myself...

4_InquiringMinds ago

Very kind of you srayzie. The only backstory is I questioned his information. In my comment history one can see I was always civil. It started when I questioned the logic of getting a 500 dollar non computer car and hit the road going to racine if the grid went down and basically apocalyptic conditions ensued. I suggested sheltering in place, staying centered, uniting with neighbors and helping others. I also pointed out that there would be no gas stations, only gas would be siphoned and anyone on the road would face roving gangs risking torture, rape and murder or at the very least being stranded with nothing in a sea of rotting corpses. That was the first time I challenged his information and from his response my suspicions were aroused. It is not betrayal to question information is it? He's been angry at my questioning quite a few times of late.

I'm quite sure he knows what he was doing posting my name. He knows a lot more about me bc in pm's I'm very open (and don't intend to change). Some of us are open in pm's, some of us are guarded. Whatever happens in pm's is supposed to not be posted in open forum and anyone who has been on forums knows that/it's an honor code. I take what he did as a direct threat to shut my mouth or he would leak more personal information/which is no worries, have nothing to hide/but it is just not done ya know?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It was us being honest offering and honest solution. We said if you prefer to meditate go ahead, we just don't think that's going to help you survive. It's not just about dying, we don't want others to be tortured or abused, and more specifically see any children suffering.

You can disagree without targeting and attacking us or partnering with someone for our murder. You completely betrayed us so we don't owe you anything.

srayzie ago

I agree with you on both things. I don't think it's a good idea for people to all panic and race over to Racine if something happened. I was tripping out on that advice as well. I think it was him just trying to help. It's something he's passionate about.

I am more open in PM too and I agree. One should never out someone's name publicly like that. Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree and move on you guys.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Thanks srayzie, he will probably listen to you. Our pm's were always very cordial. There was only 2 times he ignored questions, once when I asked if there was anything going on in my area that I needed to be aware of/shine the light on and recently a question I had about ancient history that I had only looked at for 2 days/was mystified/and since I respected his opinion wondered what he thought. The other parts of the pm's both times he replied /but those specific parts for whatever reason he chose not to comment on/which is of course personal choice. Up until the roadtrip to racine we got along just fine.

Now I'm working on the side of evil, support depopulation and global enslavement lol. Well that makes a helluva lot of sense doesn't it? At my age I'd be one of the first to hit the ovens.

srayzie ago

At my age I'd be one of the first to hit the ovens.

Don't say that lol 😄 He's not gonna listen to me. I'm nobody special. We've barely communicated. But hopefully the group effort will help.

ESOTERICshade ago

@carmencita, @srayzie, @mooteensy

Maybe you are mistaking something I said to the OP as a comment to you? Like I said I will go look.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Heavens no, nothing you said ESOTERICshade, what wic replied to me.

@carmencita, @srayzie @mooteensy

Our posts on Reddit pizzagate were part of the reason why it was shut down. That is also why we do not post submissions here in order to keep voat alive for as long as possible. We do not trust Reddit and we do not trust you either, Rose.

We don't take this lightly. You betrayed our trust and are now joining in the hit job on us. Congratulations I hope you feel proud of yourself for working for the criminal corrupt Elite planning to enslave the world.

Is it because we didn't respond to all of your nonsense emails? Or were you trying to infiltrate and become our friend from the beginning only to join in on the year-long planned attack against us?

You should be ashamed of yourself Rose but we're positive that you aren't.

ESOTERICshade ago

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt that was very uncool. You should have left that in the PMs. A difference of opinion with @4_InquiringMinds does not constitute that in my opinion.

If your intention is to show how Racine has slowly modeled itself after Agenda 2030 principles I understand your desire, and it is a valid goal. At the same time your methods of transmitting your ideas needs some serious work in my opinion.

@carmencita @srayzie @mooteensy

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Do you know what is not cool?

Evil malicious agendas to target witnesses and victims that can expose the real Truth are not "cool".

Raping and murdering children is not "cool".

Global criminal corruption is not "cool".

The Mark of the Beast is not "cool".

Be careful who you believe.

ESOTERICshade ago

Be careful who you believe.

I'm very savvy. Being diplomatic and measured pays, flying off the handle almost never pays. You want to get paid...(not money, but you get the point)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The time for diplomacy has come and gone.

Use your head. You may disagree with our strategy but surely you know by now that we are telling the Truth.

mooteensy ago

WHY DON'T YOU JUST CREATE A v/WisconsinIsCorrupt FORUM?!?!

ESOTERICshade ago

The time for diplomacy has come and gone.

You need for people to pay attention, become followers.

Use your head.

Losing your head/cool, creates detractors,

You may disagree with our strategy

I do.

but surely you know by now that we are telling the Truth

I do not doubt that Racine is a cess pool.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

She tried to befriend us and it failed. She has an agenda.

srayzie ago

I agree.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

See how it works? She just got both of you to join the wrong side.

The people involved are full of tricks. Make no mistake. Do not be deceived.

We are telling the Truth. We have, we are, we will.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm looking at this from the comment screen so I can't see what you are talking about. I will search through the thread and look. Whatever it is I either worded it poorly or you took it wrong. I always enjoyed your posts. I don't have to always agree with you. Doesn't bother me. Let me look through the thread and see what you are talking about. I'm not mad at you. I don't even remember what you said in that thread but I will go look.

@carmencita, @srayzie @mooteensy

srayzie ago

She's talking about Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. She just pinged is.

srayzie ago

You're welcome. It's not right trying to discredit someone over ridiculous evidence. I don't know about any of the others. I've only paid attention to you because you are here all the time and make sense about a lot of things. You have been very consistent.

Read the ridiculous comment he made to me regarding the Tory Smith photos. LOL. That was the final nail in the coffin!

SoberSecondThought ago

Can you for once point to something other than your own authority that demonstrates any of this? What RICO investigation? What donors? What victims and witnesses? Do you have any dates, any documents? You have a thousand comments that all say variants of this:

Paul Ryan is never getting arrested. Timothy Dolan is never getting arrested. Reince Priebus is not getting arrested. Tom DeLonge is not getting arrested. Evan McMullin is not getting arrested. Message us when any big arrests happen in Wisconsin. The swamp cannot and will not be drained in our corrupt system. Paul Ryan is guarding the swamp, and those at the top are working above and beyond the reach of any effective justice.

You assert the same points as HLI or Senate Anon, exactly as I explained above: Trump is useless, we are helpless, the grip of the elite pedosadists is unbreakable. And you base that claim on vague word salads like this one:

For the record anything we posted about Sarasota is from research based on leads from sources. We do know for certain however the Royal Order of Jesters in Wisconsin is connected along with the Knights of Pythias among many more groups involved. We also know Rotary is involved, Freemasons are involved, and a long list of other groups including Paul Ryan and Scott Walker's close ties with Jesuit institutions including Marquette and Georgetown as two of the most prominent.

Well, yeah. I would hope that what you posted about Sarasota was from research based on leads from sources. It was also organized into sentences made up of words that were made up of letters. But since you don't tell us what leads, or what sources, you might as well say that you were told about Sarasota by Blue Avians and Galactics. You're not saying anything concrete. It's just pointless babble. Paul Ryan having ties to Marquette or Georgetown tells us absolutely nothing, since you never explain what criminal activity Marquette or Georgetown are engaged in, or even what they could be engaged in. Saying "Rotary is involved" is exactly as meaningful as saying "verbs and nouns are involved" or "the Earth's gravitational field is involved". Involved how? How do you know Rotary is involved? Did you read their DNA? Are you part of a secret society dating back to Plato that just knows stuff?

In all this time you have yet to point to something that isn't just you talking, and isn't bland Wikipedia articles or press releases. Anyone who is on the fence regarding your trustworthiness doesn't need to read what I say about you. They need to go to and page backwards until they come to something that isn't pure floating word-clouds of assertion. It will be a long journey.

fogdryer ago

I’m sorry , you’re an idiot. I wasn’t going to waste my time with this but I guess I have to.

If you bother to read my posts it is obivious that Wisconsin -is corrupt and I are not one in the same He paints a bigger picture than I His posts are longer , more articulate and he uses auto correct ! His vocabulary is also more sophiscated than mine. He writes long hand and I speak quickly and simply and more to the point.

SoberSecondThought ago

And this proves what? That a guy who can spell can also misspell? That a guy who uses big words can also use small ones?

But okay, you were bound to deny it at some point. Duly noted, we'll let the jury decide.

srayzie ago

Can you for once point to something other than your own authority that demonstrates any of this? What RICO investigation? What donors? What victims and witnesses? Do you have any dates, any documents? You have a thousand comments that all say variants of this.

You aren't one to talk because your sources are full of crap. I don't agree with @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt on some things. I am Pro Trump. But he's posted here for a long time and is knowledgeable about a lot of things. In my eyes, you have no credibility.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We would be glad if Trump would prove us wrong and Racine, Wisconsin is his ultimate litmus test. We gave him information about it a long time ago before the primary election and continued since. He has done nothing except endorse the corrupt Foxconn deal in Racine. All Trump needs to do is shine the light on Racine and use it as an example to drain the real swamp.

srayzie ago

I think Trump is compremised and is doing things at the right time. If he goes off script too fast they will say he's mentally ill and impeach him or they will assassinate him. Look how many child trafficking busts there has been. He's got probably 75% of the government against him. He needs time.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We do not disagree with that however he can address the American population directly at any moment and expose the model and agenda stemming from Racine, Wisconsin as a key example of how deep the swamp really is. We do not trust him at all until he proves us wrong. He knows how to reach us.

srayzie ago

You're a SHILL then!

Just kidding 😁

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

One more note about Rotary - the founder of Rotary is from Racine, Wisconsin and it is a key global organization for vaccination orograms linked with the Clinton Global Health Initiative and the Gates Foundation. See what happened in India with their polio vaccines.

Viruses are another element. Rockefellers own the patent for the Zika Virus and SC Johnson owns the testing labs for genetically modified mosquitos. They have deep connections in Brazil as one example that linked them to huge contracts for the Olympics. This is just one example. Many of the companies involved in the network make a killing selling poison. It is no coincidence, and they are all partners working toward the same goal under the deception of Sustainability and Agenda 2030.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Rotary - the founder of Rotary is from Racine, Wisconsin

He was born there, moved to Vermont at the age of 3. He settled in Chicago. Just a little clarification. The polio vax is dangerous and sure they are tied into some dark projects. But remember, not every rotary member realizes this...unfortunately most ppl still think vacs are a good thing.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Not every Rotarian knows of the evil agenda, so we should give Rotary a pass? Are you by chance in a Rotary club, or have friends or family who are? We would guess so from your responses.

As we said Paul Harris was from Racine, Wisconsin and they are celebrating him as their own with a 100 year anniversary including a corrupt takeover of the festival site on Lake Michigan. Fraud, collusion, racketeering, kickbacks, bribery, extortion and blackmail helped push through the new stage.

Is murdering children with vaccines a good thing? Do you support population control or global enslavement?

If you or others you know are in Rotary we would advise you to quit immediately. If you or others you know are a Freemason, you can't quit, at least not without retaliation.

We know there are good people that accidentally get involved in Rotary, but like good cops who know about the bad cops at some point they have to make a choice. Please try helping instead of defending an evil and corrupt organization..

4_InquiringMinds ago

Your responses make no sense. I clarified where Harris was raised and where he eventually settled.

Is murdering children with vaccines a good thing? Do you support population control or global enslavement?

I agreed that the polio vax is dangerous but unfortunately most ppl still believe in vacs (I have this discussion with ppl all the time).

Are you by chance in a Rotary club, or have friends or family who are? We would guess so from your responses.

None of this even remotely suggest I am in the Rotary, friends or family.

This is the thing that raises flags for me wic...whenever your information is cked (links etc) and it does not prove out you resort to attacks. Or when I disagree with you on best course of action in an apocalyptic situation of sheltering in place and helping others which conflicted with your suggestion to hit the road, meet in racine and save the world. In a normal situation it would be 'oh, let me provide a different link' or 'thanks for the clarification (like Rotary and Vox), I didn't realize'.

That is how research happens/everyone looking at the 'facts', seeing if they prove out, and taking it further (if need be). It is not about stating 'this is how it is' and if anyone finds different information going into attack mode. I've gone this route with you before. You absolutely will not take anyone questioning what is said. You imply the person is evil for doing so. That is not research, that is bullying and why the need for bullying unless it is propaganda with an agenda?

@carmencita and I disagree on a lot of things but never once do we start attacking each other. Why would that be? Maybe because we are two ordinary ppl that are concerned about uncovering the truth? Maybe because we don't have an undisclosed agenda?

You know I used to be one of your biggest fans. I read your comment history (as you know) and really thought you were on to something. The problems came when I started questioning some things. You became hostile and made wild inferences to my character and intentions. When someone is telling the TRUTH as you so like to say they simply answer questions and engage in dialogue. TRUTH has no need to be hostile as it stands on it's own merit~just sayin

ESOTERICshade ago

WIC now you are making first class posts brother. This is the type of info you need to keep pumping out. This is information you can repeat if you want to and gain traction.

Vindicator ago

Except @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt needs to man up and post link to supporting material for these claims. Until he does so, he is just a bag of hot air with an unfortunate habit of Capitalizing Words like he thinks readers will be Convinced.

Mej777 ago

Who are you to say "Man up" I posted links and got staulked and beat at my home specifically telling me to "keep my fucking mouth shut" over links two months ago....that is right nothing is anonymous and they trace your very location to your home if you have actual evidence....I was also threatened with death multiple times and still am....

You did nothing except ban me from this forum...We have served the US government bad actors filed a 100 million dollar suit against Federal law enforcement over 4th Ammendment violations...

Are you even aware that two of the VOAT researchers who were here in the beginning have been found dead in their homes..

You are asking people to commit suicide by linking directly...

And yes their is a Federal Investigation and I am on the witness list. I did not have to come to Voat to leak info at the risk of my life I was asked to....and you do not seem to understand that...

That means all threats, comments, banning, etc has been saved. Spolization lettets sent...keep it up

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

No amount of links will convince you of the real agenda if you refuse to understand the Truth.

Do you support witnesses and victims of criminal corruption and abuse or do you support evil, corrupt and criminal pedophiles who want to reduce global population and enslave the world?

One link should tell you enough: We know the Truth and the Truth should be capitalized.

ESOTERICshade ago

He says he is scared to. Might be some validity to that claim. I looked into it some and I don't doubt what he says. I told him his approach is irritating as hell, and it is.

I don't believe sobersecondthought's bag of wind for a minute though. What a crock of shit...

Mej777 ago

They have posted this before again (they is an important term...plural) If your life is under threat and the links you post lead directly to testimony you have given in secret court proceedings, FBI, DOJ in the past it is over for you. @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt is walking that balance trying to stay alive because other witnesses of Racine have been found floating in rivers.

Many of us are trying to do this. I could post some names, locations, "hospitals", treatment centers, DA, Agents, psychologists, Chiefs, Sherrifs, right now involved in the crimes or cover-ups. I have given much of that information in breadcrumbs to stay is not a fucking joke.

I have also placed it in safe places as have others should I not....

Read how many of us have openly called out Andrew McCabe. Research that alone and you will know who knows the darkest truths and who is putting their life on the line.

Research all my posts (deleted) of how many times I have stated McCabe and Tavistock. I actually posted the roster for the current Committee of 300, which is signing your death warrant.

@Wisconsin_is_Correct was the first account to bravely mention these groups and a few of us have added @fogdryer being another.


oftotc ago

other witnesses of Racine have been found floating in rivers.

Name one. Just one.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Judge Dennis Barry.

Mej777 ago

That was easy...glad you named him..that shot down that embicle..

Maybe we should start a dead bodies list, dead victim/witness list of those in this year alone who have been exposing the deepest parts of pizzagate..

carmencita ago

I have seen him give that information before. I think that some just have not read up on all his reports. There are many posts also by @fogdryer and all you have to do is go to the Voat Search and find any of the posts. Type in Racine and I guarantee that a slew of them will pop up. Actually I remember reading about the RICO case that almost came about in one of the Racine papers. But it was scuttled. @Wisconsin_IS_Corrupt @srayzie

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thank you and if you dig into our comment history in between the repetitiveness there are many more leads. We have also named many names that no one else has. This is not a joke to us like it is to others. Real lives have been ruined and destroyed in the course of our investigations and experiences. Their goal is much worse than ruining a few lives and that is why we are here to tell everyone what we know to be true.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We know it is all true because we have direct sources, witnesses and victims who experienced it.

It takes 2 seconds to look up Racine RICO. The entry point was racial discrimination but it led to a much bigger network of racketeering, fraud, blackmail, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, rigged development deals, retailiation, death threats, gang stalking, and extreme corruption and abuse. The criminal RICO investigations went all the way to the top levels of FBI and DOJ and was obstructed by top officials including Jim Comey, Andy McCabe and Loretta Lynch.

We exposed the Fight to End Exploitation, I-94 Project, Racine Coalition Against Human Trafficking and the Racine Social Justice League as corrupt organizations running cover programs to protect the criminals involved.

The last mayor was a pedo who was sacrificed by his peers to push him out of the way and the more recent corrupt mayor had to resign for his brazen and sloppy criminal activity. His cousin the corrupt city administrator had to resign, corrupt city attorneys had to resign, corrupt county executives had to resign, corrupt city council members had to resign, rhe corruot police chief had to resign, and the corrupt DA had to resign.

Many of them and their associates were in the same groups and clubs including Rotary and Freemasons. The Wisconsin Attorney General is also a corrupt Freemason who is close friends with those involved. The Wisconsin court sytem is run by corrupt Freemasons, dominated by members of the Marquette mafia including the governor Scott Walker. The last governor Jom Doyle was also corrupt. See the Dennis Troha case for one shining example.

We know what we are talkng about. We are not saying you are wrong about everything but you are definitely wrong about us.

Most of this has occurred in the past 5 to 10 years but it also links up with other sources we have dating back to Global corruption that Senator Paul Wellstone knew about before the Iraq War which he was likely murdered for.

The same people are involved at all levels.

Have you looked into John Jeffry Louis and Pilgrims Society, or Christine Whitman and CFR, or Kissinger and Committee of 300, or Les Aspin, Bill Clinton and his friend Jeff Neubauer who are creating corrupt education reform agendas? Jeff's sister is Kristin Bauer van Straten is also involved on the Scientology side with the elite circles in Hollywood. Tom DeLonge and Podestas are connected to Racine, and so are Ashton Kutcher and John MvCain.

We are not speculating. We are telling the Truth. Open your eyes.

SoberSecondThought ago

<Exasperated sigh.>

The entry point was racial discrimination but it led to a much bigger network of racketeering, fraud, blackmail, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, rigged development deals, retailiation, death threats, gang stalking, and extreme corruption and abuse. The criminal RICO investigations went all the way to the top levels of FBI and DOJ and was obstructed by top officials including Jim Comey, Andy McCabe and Loretta Lynch.

The first part of your example, about racial discrimination, involved a couple of dozen liquor licenses and never developed into a full-blown RICO case. You can read the court's very sound reasons for dismissing it here. The "larger network" you're talking about is referenced in this post by @fogdryer (that is, you). I read it a while ago. The problem is, if you actually follow the links in that post, there's just nothing there. For example, this link to the Racine community newspaper offers us the spectacular revelation that Mayor Dickert received two in-cash campaign contributions worth $1,000 and $1,200 that were not properly documented! Oh my God, we've exposed the center of a global network of transcendant evil!

Come on, man. I can find more terrifying criminal organizations selling weed in the local high school. The rest of your post is just more of the vague crap that I was talking about. I mean, if the corrupt city officials you mentioned all had to resign (not that anyone should take your unsupported word on that), doesn't that suggest that Racine is kind of failing at being the world headquarters of corruption? Logic, how does it work? These guys control everything on the planet and we are absolutely powerless to defeat them ... but your evidence for this is that they were all exposed and thrown out of office? Man, I wish my town was as corrupt and evil as Racine!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

@fogdryer -

Will you please tell everyone how ignorant his assumptions are about us being the same person?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You know nothing about that case or who or what was involved, and it was one of many more related cases and overlapping investigations. The federal RICO civil suit was settled under fraud blackmail, bribery, extortion and death threats. The Federal criminal RICO case was obstructed by Jim Comey, Loretta Lynch, Paul Ryan and others. The Clinton Foundation model is part of a much bigger system of racketeering, blackmail, bribery and other crimes involved.

We have already outlined repeatedly why Racine is so important. It's not just about illegal campaign contributions and rigged development deals. It is about agenda 2030 and global enslavement. Do you support global enslavement?

Did you look to see who the illegal campaign contributions were from? Did you notice those are the same groups that control the international airport and harbor, and the Racine County data center? Did you notice those same groups were some of the top donors to the Clinton Foundation such as SC Johnson and Rotary? Do you know about the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville?

Do you know anything about the Johnsons at all? Is Curt Johnson a good guy like Paul Ryan is? Do you know anything about Cargill, Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Bayer, Solvay and their other business partners? What about Reince Priebus? Is he a good guy too? How about Jeff Neubauer and his sister Kristin Bauer van Straten? Do you know who Fred Young is? Have you ever heard of the mafia? Do you know about the Bonnano or Balistrieri or Madrigrano or Infusino or other families involved?

Did you look to see who is connected to the Fight to End Exploitation and I-94 Project and Racine County Coalition against human trafficking and the Racine Social Justice League?

We are all risking our lives and the lives of others to expose the real truth while you are speculating and playing games. This is not a game.

Vindicator ago

It is about agenda 2030 and global enslavement. Do you support global enslavement?

This, right here, is why you lack credibility. WTF does this even mean. Perhaps you would deign spell out the details in an actual research post, with links supporting it? "Global enslavement" reeks of propaganda. This is the kind of vague term people use to scare people whom they think are retards. It shows a deep lack of respect for members of this sub.

Mej777 ago

This is the truth try reading the UN Agenda 21 project and the admission that Directed Energy Weapons were used in California as part of that..

You do not even realize the grown child of a Majestic 12 member posts on Voat and you ban them every time...

Vindicator ago

No, what I don't understand is why anyone sincerely interested in posting authentic information would ignore the submission rules so that their posts are repeatedly removed. If you're that worried about having your IP traced or whatever, pass it to someone completely unassociated to post.

And what evidence do you have to Voat users were found dead? Without any evidence, this is just more fear mongering designed to scare people away from investigating, just like the claims about being beaten up and about being targeted by DEWs. There is a clear pattern in your posts, Jem, and it doesn't help your credibility at all.

Mej777 ago

I did not say I was targeted by DEW they trargeted communities right down the freeway as well as numerous places many people had exposed as pedo-communes, MK Ultra sites, I did not expose them directly on Voat but on another site....and it has been confirmed they were DEW now....

I am honestly sick of your down playing me being targeted, then assaulted. You have no idea what risk I have taken this last year. Nor do I assume you are on a targeted list so do not know what being gangstaulked means...

There is one in custody from the assaul a 9x felon parolee and the DA & his parole officer have both told me I am under threat that this appears to be a hit job....more reasons than pizzagate I assure you. I was an insider who risked it all to speak truth to power 8 years ago. I have been gangstaulked ever since and have lost someone very close to me who was an eyewitness whitehat as well...

I will not speak to you again Vindicator, you are literally attacking a victim/witness to these atrocities... and one of the people that can personally testify against these monsters and tell the whole story all the Way from Tavistock into Esalen and many places in between.

@Dressage2 @carmencita @jangles

carmencita ago

Stay Safe and Thank You for Your Bravery. We are fortunate to have you. @Dressage2 @jangles

Mej777 ago

Research Aaron Dover posts he was exposing the Hampstead case....posted on Voat directly under his real name... His family was involved in Tavistock. Only a few of us kept contact he is now dead...

ESOTERICshade ago

You do not even realize the grown child of a Majestic 12 member posts on Voat and you ban them every time...

I know who you are talking about and it is their own fault they get banned. Instead of posting coherently they post in cryptic riddles that only those with an incredibly high level of occult knowledge could ever hope to unravel, if they ever unraveled it.

I don't know if that person is really a Majestic 12 spawn or not and there is no way anybody can know. But, if they want to contribute they need a style change.

If I were a mod, even though I am able to decipher some of it, I would be forced to ban them too.

SoberSecondThought ago

The federal RICO civil suit was settled under fraud blackmail, bribery, extortion and death threats. The Federal criminal RICO case was obstructed by Jim Comey, Loretta Lynch, Paul Ryan and others. The Clinton Foundation model is part of a much bigger system of racketeering, blackmail, bribery and other crimes involved.

I already linked to the judge's entirely proper dismissal of the civil RICO case, and you've offered nothing more on that. You've yet to show that there even was a criminal RICO case, much less that anyone obstructed it. And the Clinton Foundation model indeed is part of a large horrific system, but so far exactly none of it has been shown to operate in Racine, WI.

Did you look to see who the illegal campaign contributions were from? Did you notice those are the same groups that control the international airport and harbor, and the Racine County data center? Did you notice those same groups were some of the top donors to the Clinton Foundation such as SC Johnson and Rotary? Do you know about the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville?

Do you notice the consistent pattern here of you not actually saying anything? Or saying things that it takes 10 seconds to check and determine are not true? If you go here, you will find an official statement from Rotary International that they have never been donors to the Clinton Foundation or the Clinton Global Initiative. They aren't "top donors" or donors of any kind. You're recycling an unfounded rumor.

And as for the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, yes, I know something incredibly important about it. It's not in Racine. I also know (see above) that the Clinton Foundation isn't in Racine. I don't know for sure if the scary stories linking the Clinton Foundation to sales of human organs by the Mayo Clinic are true, but I'm willing to stipulate that they are. Unfortunately, that's not your discovery or your research, it's something that other Pizzagaters posted about months ago. And so far as anyone can see, it has nothing at all to do with Paul Ryan, or Racine, or Wisconsin. Feel free to demonstrate how it does.

Do you know anything about the Johnsons at all? Is Curt Johnson a good guy like you claim Paul Ryan is?

I know a lot about Curt Johnson! For example, I know that @Lasker posted about the mayor of Racine about six months ago, and that you showed up a day later to deliver your usual vague lecture, and got mocked for it. I know that @AngB23 showed up in that same thread to post a link about Curt Johnson molesting his daughter. And now here you are in my thread, smugly implying that you did the research into Racine's mayor, and you did the research into Curt Johnson, when I and many other Voaters know perfectly well that you did exactly nothing. You just take credit for our work, like, hmmm, HLI and Senate Anon!

Have you ever heard of the mafia? Do you know about the Bonnano or Balistrieri or Madrigrano or Infusino or other families involved?

Ah, the Mafia! I remember when you posted that one. I thought, maybe now he actually has something. But no, more crap. People really should go and look at this one. First your sockpuppet @fogdryer posted a random wall of text about crime families and cheese factories, and got mocked for wasting everyone's time. Then you helpfully came along and noted the names of some other Italian crime families that are worth investigating, including the Madigrano family. And then you said, "Paul Ryan paid his respects," and linked to a Fox News story about Ryan attending a dinner for Glenn Madigrano. Oooh, very shady indeed! Except that when I search for news articles about the alleged Madigrano crime family, there's nothing. Once again we only have your word that any Madigrano is a gangster, much less that Glenn Madigrano is one. You made a little more effort that day than you usually do, but it was all lies again.

Do you really want to keep humiliating yourself this way? Do you think I didn't prepare for this? I'll say it again, man, Law of the jungle

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are full of lies and disinformation. Where do we start?

The RICO civil suit was settled not dismissed. The criminal RICO investigation was obstructed and the FBI does not confirm or deny their investigations yet our sources met with them directly many times.

Both SC Johnson and Rotary were contributors to the Clinton Foundation. We don't see a retraction from Vox -

The Johnsons were major contributors to the Mayo Clinc in Jacksonville. Here is your link -

We don't care about credit. We knew about Mayor Becker being a pedo before he was arrested long before anyone posted about it on voat. Same goes for Curt Johnson. Did anyone here post about their nanny Danny Johnson who was running a drug trafficking operation in Racine along with several doctors? We don't need to research this because we know it all directly through our sources. You are clearly trying to turn some of the researchers against us. It is despicable.

You are now dismissing the mafia being involved in Racine too? This is ridiculous.

Even wikipedia knows about Bonanno and Balistrieri, but of course you want to cherry pick the Madrigranos.

Here are a few basics on crime families in the area. The Madrigranos are some of the key lawyers for the mafia in the area also tied to corrupt beer and liquor distribution businesses. They are also contributors to corrupt officials and foundations such as Racine Community Foundation.

Do you know anything about this case? Http:// They are also linked with the corrupt Tavern League of Wisconsin that was involved in the RICO case.

Do not let the Truth get in the way of your wildly inaccurate speculation and cherry picked arguments.

SoberSecondThought ago

The criminal RICO investigation was obstructed and the FBI does not confirm or deny their investigations yet our sources met with them directly many times.

This is exactly what I accused you of this morning. Thank you for breaking down and confessing! If you recall, I said that every "fact" you provide rests on pure authority. We can't know about the criminal RICO case because it's FBI policy not to tell the public. You somehow know not only that there was one, but that Paul Ryan obstructed it. Because you have "sources" that you cannot tell us about. Wow!

The Johnsons were major contributors to the Mayo Clinc in Jacksonville.

Rich people in Racine gave money to a hospital in Florida. The one that other people reported might be doing bad things. Holy crap, you've broken the case wide open! Racine holds the entire world in an unbreakable grip of corruption and evil. That might almost be a clue except that once again you are lying. If anyone bothers to read the article you linked to, they will see that the Johnson family gave $12 million in 2004 to the Mayo Clinic organization as a whole, which has literally dozens of hospitals across America. That some tiny portion of that money might have gone to the Jacksonville location, more than a decade before the allegations of wrongdoing at that location, means absolutely nothing.

We don't care about credit. We knew about Mayor Becker being a pedo before he was arrested long before anyone posted about it on voat. Same goes for Curt Johnson. ... We don't need to research this because we know it all directly through our sources.

Oh, yes you do care about credit! You take credit for every actual news item that your deluded fans dig up, and they just plain forget to keep track of their own work. And now I've caught you out so badly that you have to retreat into LARPing as a mystic oracle instead of a Voat researcher.

Dude, this is such a perfect parallel to HLI yammering about belonging to "Three" or Tory Smith yammering about "Mother God" that I can't even call it a defense. You might as well be weeping in fetal position on the floor and begging me to stop asking you questions. You can't tell us how you know, you just know about all this evil in Racine. Congratulations! That's the disinfo method that I have spent a year preparing to accuse you of. We're speeding along now in terms of getting my job done.

You are clearly trying to turn some of the researchers against us. It is despicable.

Correction, I am trying to turn all of the current researchers against you, and all of the future ones. I won't succeed with all the current ones, of course. You've managed to muddle up their grasp of things such that they can't remember how they learned that Paul Ryan is a traitor and a rat, they just know that he is. When I ask how they know, they snort as if that's an insane question. So yes, great job. But the longer this exchange goes on, the less heroic and wise you're going to look to any future researchers. And by "future researchers" I mean anyone Googling Tory Smith, or @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, or HighLevelInsider, or Pedogate, or Glenn Beck, or countless other subjects, and coming to this page.

It's not as satisfying a victory as reading that someone stuck a shiv in you in the prison shower, to keep you from squealing on your child rapist friends. But I'll take it. You never know, the other thing might come in time.

The Madrigranos are some of the key lawyers for the mafia in the area also tied to corrupt beer and liquor distribution businesses.

@4_InquiringMinds already called you out on this one. Thanks fellow goat!

In case you don't understand her point, let me spell it out. You've still not provided a link to anything whatever about the Madrigranos. Your entire case for Paul Ryan having Mafia ties remains that he attended a luncheon honoring a guy with an Italian surname.

See you tomorrow. And the day after that.

Mej777 ago

Who you cited Mayo Clinic and do not realize they have been implicated in massive organ harvesting scheme as have others. This evidence is already in federal custody.

SoberSecondThought ago

Yes. If you look back to WIC's previous posts and mine, you will see that he mentioned the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, and I agreed that the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville has been implicated in something bad. But Jacksonville is not Racine. Merely pointing to a bad thing that happened somewhere does not justify his claim that Paul Ryan is the leader of a global crime network based in Racine. We're still waiting for WIC to show how any of this relates to Racine.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You want us to be murdered?


So according to you we are also High Level Insider, and US Senate Anon, and a guy named Tory Smith who hired a make up team and faked his death to then post here about Racine, Wisconsin?

You have also been planning this attack on is for a year?

You can't tell us how you know, you just know about all this evil in Racine. Congratulations! That's the disinfo method that I have spent a year preparing to accuse you of. We're speeding along now in terms of getting my job done.

Do you know what the scariest part of Halloween is?

The Truth.

SoberSecondThought ago

You want us to be murdered?

As I said once before, it's a tautological observation. If you're not fronting for a gang of loathsome child rapists, then I don't want anything to happen to you. If you are, then everyone wants bad things to happen to you. Not planning to murder you myself in either case.

So according to you we are also High Level Insider, and US Senate Anon, and a guy named Tory Smith who hired a make up team and faked his death to then post here about Racine, Wisconsin? You have also been planning this attack on is for a year?

Well done. You formed some sentences with actual content in them. Yes.

4_InquiringMinds ago

The first link to wikipedia discusses the Balistrieri crime family which is considered basically defunct originally operating in Milwaukee and considered to be a branch of the Chicago mafia. I'm not sure how how this makes Ryan part of the mafia???

Second link to the case and pdf gets a 404 page not found.

Yes Rotary did donate to the clinton campaign.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Rotary, Clinton Foundation, Gates Foundation and others are all partners. Do you have any reason or motive to defend these organizations?

4_InquiringMinds ago

Do you have any reason or motive to defend these organizations?

Not defending, cking your links and reporting what I find. Are we not supposed to ck links? Why?

SoberSecondThought ago

Allow me to translate:

The Earth, the Moon, and the Sun are all in the same solar system. Do you have any reason or motive to deny that Racine is the gravitational center of evil and that all criminal enterprises (the Council of 13, the Knights of Pythias, Agenda 2030, and many many many many others) rotate around it? We have shown by methods absolutely beyond your understanding that this is the Truth. When you question our methods you are endangering the lives of heroic victims and witnesses who have witnessed and been victimized.

Meaningless babble.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Italian crime families that are worth investigating, including the Madigrano family

Just tried to look it up and can't find anything either. Do you have a link...anyone?

ESOTERICshade ago

Just tried to look it up and can't find anything either. Do you have a link...anyone?

Joseph is on this list of mobsters in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Presumable he has family in it as it tends to run in families.

He is a mafia attorney.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Thanks for looking that up esoteric. From what I read John was convicted in 1984. He served time, disbarred since then so he could not be a mafia lawyer now. His dad, head of the family is also doa. So is the older brother John.

Glenn, best I can find out, is not an atty. He is head of a local brewery setup.

And please understand I'm not trying to be argumentative, but Glenn coming from a mafia family does not make him someone ultra important in the mafia matrix. I'm not saying he can't be ultra important but there are no reports that I can find. Glenn has one court case on the settlement of his father's estate.

This does not equate to Ryan is part of the Racine mafia. Mind you I'm not a fan of Ryan for other reasons but then I'm not a fan of career politicians for my own reasons.

Still cannot just state as fact Glenn is mafia, Ryan going to a public luncheon to honor a local businessman makes him mafia connected. It certainly doesn't make him the most powerful person in politics (which wic has stated) and it doesn't place him at the heart of darkness. I would venture to say a vast number of politicians have mafia connections. The mafia is intertwined in the govt/something I know from a first person account (personal friend) who discovered this while at Julliard in the early 70's/mafia runs Julliard also.

So lots of dirty hands into dirty dealings but that does not equate to being a focal point for global enslavement. Most are simply in it for personal benefit and really would not fair very well in a NWO setup/they are not high ranking in that regard and not into satanic worship.

I also have some experience with mafia in a very lose sense as some family history has my paternal family was friends with mafia but certainly not thugs or evil. In Italian families from the old school it can be quite common. Actually my greatgrandfather, from Italy, loaned another man money to get his start and he became the biggest crime boss in his area. My greatgrandfather however was just a happy go lucky immigrant. In those days immigrants looked to the mafia for protection bc local police were brutal to them.

The good news about mafia 'stuff' is the families are each vying for the biggest piece of the pie and don't all get along, don't all know who is who on down the family tree (again first person experience from my friend). It is not nearly as organized as one might think from the movies. They frequently bump each other off which is not the kind of organization that is needed for global enslavement. They are devout Catholics and even tho my dad was an alter boy he was never sexually abused nor was there any scandal where he was from. The atmosphere was so strict in that area if anyone had tried to pull anything they might have wound up floating. Same for my cousins that grew up in the same environment.

We are looking at generalizations based on innuendo.

I still think Ryan is a real ass...just sayin :)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Google Racine Tony Podesta and click on the Bates College interview yourself. It is a PDF link.

4_InquiringMinds ago


Just trying to verify your claim/can't find anything on Madigrano/other Italian family names that are similar 'sounding'. Please link :)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are not looking very hard.

4_InquiringMinds ago

These guys control everything on the planet and we are absolutely powerless to defeat them ... but your evidence for this is that they were all exposed and thrown out of office? Man, I wish my town was as corrupt and evil as Racine!

This is an excellent point. Our area is rife with corrupt politicians et all and they are never exposed and thrown out of office. If they are exposed it never goes anywhere sigh.

ESOTERICshade ago

For starters there are so many enormous holes in this story I can hardly decide where to begin. The only thing I can probably agree with you on is that Highlevelinsider has some sort of agenda or is just an intelligent kook larper.

In order for your theory to hold water Paul Ryan would have to be one of the good guys and Glenn Beck would have to have not be a lying lunatic.

Glenn Beck is a lying lunatic. Have you seen this off camera footage with Glenn Beck rubbing Vicks Vapor Rub under his eyes to generate tears for the camera, and laughing because it is burning his eyes? Yes, the lunatic lying Glenn Beck rubs Vicks under his eyes so that he can pretend to cry for the camera.

SoberSecondThought ago

In order for your theory to hold water Paul Ryan would have to be one of the good guys and Glenn Beck would have to not be a lying lunatic.

Yep. That's what is necessary for my theory to hold water. I never said Glenn Beck was a perfect human being. He's a showman, a carnival barker, an agent of persuasion. So is Trump. So are most politicians. We don't get the luxury of only dealing with sober, quiet, bland people who never lie or even appear to lie. We have to decide who is more believable among the choices available: Trump or Hillary? Jim Comey or Jeff Sessions?

If you set your standard of proof sufficiently high, you not only won't finish an investigation, you'll never start one. That's my take on the subject.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't believe Paul Ryan is one of the good guys. There is a possibility that Ryan thought he saw an avenue to blackmail the pedos into a situation he could take advantage of. That might be the extent of his "goodness" in my eyes.

I don't know if Ryan is in the pedo clique or not but I wouldn't put it past him to attempt to blackmail them if he isn't. These days a person can't have Paul Ryan's job without being a blackmailable piece of shit themselves.

SoberSecondThought ago

These days a person can't have Paul Ryan's job without being a blackmailable piece of shit themselves.

If I could accomplish just one thing, it would be to persuade you that you don't actually know this. That is the whole point of what I am saying. All these "insiders" agree with you. @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt agrees with you. Consider the possibility that the pedosadists are weaker than all these people are saying. They have never blackmailed everyone. They have bribed and bullied far more than they have brownstoned.

I'm bringing you evidence that we have a chance to beat them. You're pissed off at me and calling me crazy. Just consider the possibility that this is something they wanted and worked very hard to achieve.

Vindicator ago

I'm bringing you evidence that we have a chance to beat them. You're pissed off at me and calling me crazy. Just consider the possibility that this is something they wanted and worked very hard to achieve.

So, SST, how do you see knowing we have a chance to beat them via your expose changing the situation? What do you hope people will do differently, if they start looking at these players differently?

I used to enjoy Beck's history lessons back when he was on Fox, but the guy has been a nut from the getgo and went off the deep end over Trump. Ryan's body language screams "lying slimeball" to me. Both are clearly pussies who would only expose pizzagate if they had very powerful protectors. That said, I saw what the deep state disinfo machine did to Sarah Palin, so I keep an open mind and realize not much of what meets the eye in the media is what it seems.

I personally couldn't give two shits if pedocrats are few or many; I am going to keep at this until they are exposed and purged. One thing I know is true: they are definitely weak -- because that's what vice does. It enslaves, stupifies and weakens. Corruption is it's own downfall, ultimately. They won't prevail.

But how do you see your expose changing things? What are we not doing that we should be?

4_InquiringMinds ago


I personally couldn't give two shits if pedocrats are few or many; I am going to keep at this until they are exposed and purged. One thing I know is true: they are definitely weak -- because that's what vice does. It enslaves, stupifies and weakens. Corruption is it's own downfall, ultimately. They won't prevail.

I must be having a senior moment/I just upvoted you lol.

Vindicator ago

LOL. I upvoat everyone as often as possible.

SoberSecondThought ago

Okay, so I am planning to spend a whole day just on ways for activists and researchers to exploit this, and a day just on ways for journalists to do so. I'm too tired to dig up all the links and such tonight. But let's do some highlights.

First, it seems clear to me that the people trying to attack Brock's two Media Matters slush funds don't realize what he is using the money for. If they did, I think they could use that fact to get more support for their petition, raise money for a lawsuit, things like that. That attacks the Clinton machine in a very direct way. Now Brock will waste still more time and money in responding to lawyers' letters, discovery hearings, and so on. Plus it's one more thing that the establishment media will have to cover, if only on the bottom of page 23.

Second, the Milwaukee part of the Wisconsin recount is a time bomb for them. They admitted it was when they brought in the HLI sockpuppet to /v/pizzagate to steer us all away from it. It isn't a coincidence that Mike Pence is heading up that voter fraud commission. I don't know why they haven't moved to investigate Milwaukee yet, but it can only strengthen their hand and speed things up if activists and journalists start pushing on that front. There was a non-partisan commission headed by a former president of the American Statistical Association that looked at the Democratic primary and concluded it was rigged -- Election Justice USA. It would be fantastic if they started working on Milwaukee. Also, there are a couple of firebrand lefty journalists who see through all the Democrat Party corruption, Lee Camp of Redacted Tonight, and Jimmy Dore of the Young Turks. Point them to Milwaukee. They will be a nightmare for the Clinton camp because they aren't Pizzagaters and they aren't alt-right or New Right or whatever. They're sincere progressives who are really pissed off. Give them a weapon, they'll use it.

(Also, you may remember that a staff member of Pence's voter fraud commission was "caught" with child porn by NCMEC a little while ago. We know NCMEC is dirty because they employ Brian Podesta. So why is NCMEC ratting on a government pedo (if indeed it wasn't some kind of setup)? Could it be to cast doubt on whatever Pence's voter fraud commission does in future? Plus of course it takes a little bit of the heat off NCMEC if they put out a press release publicly highlighting their role in the takedown. My project puts that story in a whole new light, doesn't it?)

There are a bunch of other points along these same lines that I intend to make, but I'm just plain bagged. I've been going nonstop all week. So I'll close with this, about Ryan and Beck and Pence. I personally disliked all these guys when I started this project. I couldn't understand why Trump picked Pence, I didn't trust Ryan, and as you say, Beck is just so weird. But something FBI Anon said has haunted me. He said that Hillary planned to launch full-scale war on Russia within two years of taking office, and he said that he and his wife had a suicide pact if Hillary did win. This was before we had proof of FBI Anon's bona fides from the FBI archives, so I believe he did write that. (Later FBI Anon posts I don't find convincing.)

I think whatever it was that they told Beck shattered him. Like maybe the document he saw only talked about the pedosadist network in Congress, and he didn't understand that pedosadists run most Western governments now. Like maybe he didn't realize the true scope of what would come crashing down. He treated it like a big news story, not what it will eventually be, a popular revolution against an entire form of government. Take a look at his interview with Tucker Carlson, on Tucker's first day in the new time slot at Fox. He's apologetic, talking about how he learned that he can't change the world. Tucker is almost gentle with him, like he doesn't care about the last few years of weirdness, and he knows that Beck has been through something terrible. Why was Beck his very first guest in his new Fox gig? What does Tucker know?

There's a whole lot of stuff like this to get through. Tomorrow I'll set up an FAQ/timeline post, and we'll see what new evasions HLI has cooked up. Thanks for asking the questions.

srayzie ago

Okay, so I am planning to spend a whole day just on ways for activists and researchers to exploit this, and a day just on ways for journalists to do so.

That's what you're paid to do. It's not out of the goodness of your heart or you wouldn't have used lies.

4_InquiringMinds ago

and we'll see what new evasions HLI has cooked up. Thanks for asking the questions.

For the record you are a psychopath and I am your partner~according to wic. Just thought to let you know how evil we are :)

This is the result of my asking sincere questions in a civil manner. Now why would someone want to stifle inquiry? Why indeed?

ESOTERICshade ago

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt agrees with you.

As far as I am concerned you can leave WIC out of your theories. His story makes a hundred times more sense than yours. Glenn Beck? For fucks sake....

Consider the possibility that the pedosadists are weaker than all these people are saying. They have never blackmailed everyone. They have bribed and bullied far more than they have brownstoned.

That is true to some degree but their system works. If it didn't it would not be in place for thousands of years. Periodically their system has toppled and they get run out one country after another, always to slither back in.

The very nature of their system makes it both strong and fragile. Exposure is their death because child abuse is a hill everyone is willing to fight on.

I would agree that there are probably more people bribed and bullied than brownstoned but still the system obviously works.

You're pissed off at me and calling me crazy.

Not mad. Don't know if you are crazy or not. I know for a fact, at the least, your powers of discernment are lacking if you are using Paul Ryan and Glenn Beck as lynch pins in your theory.

Watch the video of Glenn Beck putting Vicks Vapor Rub under his eyes so that he can cry. Not a thing he does or says has any credibility.

Paul Ryan is a fucking rat. His motives are far from pure. At the very most he might blackmail some pedos to his advantage, and if that turns out to be good for us little animals, it was just an accidental byproduct.

SoberSecondThought ago

Not trying to be hostile here, but again, how do you know his motives? What evidence did you base that judgment on? Can you link to something?

ESOTERICshade ago

You are either a newbie at all this or this was an attempt to make Ryan the good guy and WIC the bad guy. Time will tell....

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have stood the test of time and we aren't going anywhere. If you stop hearing about Racine you will know exactly what happened. Paul Ryan is evil and this entire hit piece on us is evil.

We swear on our souls that everything we have told is the Truth. We need help. This is why they are targeting us.

srayzie ago

Well said

derram ago