angelafogo ago

So what is the actual factual progress we are doing?

ababcb ago

Here is a post by HLI that will irritate ASoberSecondThought:

I'm glad someone used that SOBIB list property and started checking on the leadership. Whenever you're researching masons, look at the Secretary and the Worshipful Master.

He was the head of Suncoast Bank. Here's the docs from when he sold it.

Go down the rabbit hole on Suncoast Charities. They named buildings after Stafford, and he's heavily involved in the many tentacles of this operation. (Heart inside a heart) (Butterflies and hearts)

ababcb ago

Why does it matter if Senate Anon passed information off as their own or not? This is what I mean when I say nothing you say makes sense and that nobody can figure out what your point is. Seriously, WHAT IS YOUR POINT when you say that he "passed off information as insider stuff"? How is this negative and how does this discredit the idea that shady stuff is going on in Racine, Adams Morgan, Sarasota, etc.?

This is classic gaslighting. Your posts are designed to distract and confuse, nothing else. You are trying to stop citizen investigations into Racine, Adams Morgan, and Sarasota. Why?

SoberSecondThought ago

All will be revealed on Day 8.

You're sounding pretty stressed out, with the all-caps and the why-why-why. I'm thinking you should have asked more questions before taking this job. And I suspect you're thinking that too.

Law of the jungle, man.

ababcb ago

You're sounding pretty stressed out, with the all-caps and the why-why-why.

Sounds like you don't want to answer "why". Gee. I wonder why?

ababcb ago

There's one thing that every comment, thread and post OP makes has in common; it is always impossible to tell what his point is. He is trying to confuse all of us and waste our time. This is not going to work.

This is a desperate gaslighting campaign because real arrests are being made thanks to anons digging up dirt on criminal networks in Wisconsin, DC and Sarasota.

ababcb ago

HLI screwed up the execution on that. In his 9/18 post, sockpuppet @ababcb didn't credit either HLI or Senate Anon, he just blurted out that John Stafford runs Sarasota airport. HLI had also neglected to make Senate Anon say anything about Sarasota. This was the sort of blunder I had been hoping to generate all along.

This gaslighting is unbelievable. I didn't "credit" Senate Anon for the Sarasota lead, therefore, we shouldn't be looking into Sarasota?

Literally every single word in your post is just like that sentence. Shameless gaslighting. What you are saying makes so little sense that it's hard to even formulate a reply. That's what gaslighting is.

ababcb ago

The amount of effort going into discrediting Senate Anon/HLI is remarkable, especially given how the Senate Anon threads are not very well known outside of the Voat community. Most people I see who know about pizzagate have never heard of Senate Anon, so to see this much effort put into gaslighting makes me believe Senate Anon when he said "3. Arrests have been made based on threads like this and HTG. Many good cops are now posting in these threads."

Four long threads of convoluted conjecture and not one single concrete fact to back anything up? Your efforts will not save anyone.

SoberSecondThought ago

Ah, you're back! I was just saying a few minutes ago (well, 12:52 am Voat time) to @oftotc that HLI had apparently abandoned your character and was staking everything on @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. You haven't posted in two days! But now, by sheer coincidence, at 1:31 am Voat time, here you are!

And of course you're not explaining how you came up with the fact that the head of SOBIB runs the Sarasota airport, while Senate Anon has never so much as mentioned Sarasota. Still nothing from you on that. Are you an insider too? Did you forget to tell us that part?

My surmise an hour ago was right on the money, wasn't it? Brock the paranoid's paranoid compartmentalizes his operation ... so he never told you precisely what secret you were protecting. That explains a lot. So our relationship is evolving. I've been giving you too much credit. Now apparently you're going to have to rely on hints from me to figure out what is going on.

Like I said to @oftotc, I delight in your additional misfortune.

ababcb ago

Ah, you're back! I was just saying a few minutes ago (well, 12:52 am Voat time) to @oftotc that HLI had apparently abandoned your character and was staking everything on @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. You haven't posted in two days! But now, by sheer coincidence, at 1:31 am Voat time, here you are!

Yes, my job is not "working for David Brock" so I don't post on Voat all day every day.

And of course you're not explaining how you came up with the fact that the head of SOBIB runs the Sarasota airport, while Senate Anon has never so much as mentioned Sarasota. Still nothing from you on that. Are you an insider too? Did you forget to tell us that part?

lol this is ridiculous. I never came up with ANY information. All I ever did was copy and paste information back and forth between Voat and 8chan. Secondly, I do not believe it is true that Senate Anon has never mentioned Sarasota. After people began investigating the SOBIB directory a random anon using TOR pointed out that the head of SOBIB ran the Sarasota airport. Here is that post:

Here are the posts in that thread that are presumed to be Senate Anon because Senate Anon was posting in that thread with TOR.

This poster may not be Senate Anon, but he is using TOR. Either way, it's irrelevant because it's true that illegal things are going on in Sarasota.

There's one thing that every comment, thread and post you make has in common; it is always impossible to tell what your point is. You are trying to confuse me and everyone who reads your posts. This is not going to work.

Now apparently you're going to have to rely on hints from me to figure out what is going on.

lol I know exactly what's going on, and that is a desperate gaslighting campaign because real arrests are being made because anons are digging up dirt criminal networks in Wisconsin, DC and Sarasota.

SoberSecondThought ago

There's one thing that every comment, thread and post you make has in common; it is always impossible to tell what your point is. You are trying to confuse me and everyone who reads your posts. This is not going to work.

I'm confident that people know what my point is. I'm saying that David Brock pays a guy to operate a bunch of sockpuppets including you, @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, @fogdryer, HLI, and Senate Anon (plus minor walk-on characters). That's not the least bit confusing. It's either true or it's not, but nobody is confused about what I said.

There are still plenty of people reading this thread who are on the fence ... they want to believe I'm the real deal and that we've finally had a big breakthrough. But they have been manipulated so much, been disappointed so often, that they're having trouble trusting anything they read. That's not quite the same as being confused. They're being properly cautious.

And yes, for several days I certainly have been trying to confuse you, or more precisely, to prod you into making revealing mistakes. I kind of thought we were done with that phase, as I remarked to @oftotc a few hours ago. But I've been forced to re-evaluate that idea, because you (meaning @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt) have stuck so doggedly and single-mindedly to the Racine story.

Now, there was bound to be a bit of a problem in my mocking your/WIC's constant refrain of Racine and Paul Ryan, because we haven't gotten to that aspect of the story yet. That was going to be Day 8 material. I was mocking you for it in anticipation of a big reveal later, and trusting that readers would be willing to wait a little while for the full story. But you/WIC have been so clueless in your responses, it made me wonder out loud if I had been assuming more knowledge on your part than you really have. And minutes after I said that, suddenly I was no longer arguing with WIC, I was arguing with @ababcb, who has been missing for two days. It's kind of revealing to those who are still on the fence.

So I'll say this now: Paul Ryan is the actual target of WIC's constant Racine-Racine-Racine babble. The goal is to discredit him, to isolate him from potential allies, to cast doubt on anything he says or does, to fill the Internet with second-hand and third-hand references to Paul Ryan being a traitor. All the things that WIC says about the Rothschilds, the Council of 13, and so on, are side plays designed to draw in his conspiracy-minded audience and make his true intention harder to spot. While Ryan is WIC's target, Ryan is not the only target, and I will explain why he was made a target on Day 8.

So I guess if Brock really does compartmentalize his disinfo function, then you'll be finding out why on Day 8 along with everyone else.

This poster may not be Senate Anon, but he is using TOR. Either way, it's irrelevant because it's true that illegal things are going on in Sarasota.

Oh, no, it isn't irrelevant. The original charge I made was that HLI borrows the work of real researchers and passes it off as "insider" stuff. No matter how you rationalize on their behalf, HLI and Senate Anon both blatantly misrepresented the info they were sharing. They conned us. But when I said that, you came at me with a blizzard of wild accusations, that I wanted people to stop real-life investigations altogether (false), or that I wanted people to stop investigating Adams Morgan (also false), that I wanted to divert attention from Sarasota (really false as I did high-quality research on it), that I was shilling for the pedos, and so on. Then I put you in the hotseat for claiming that Senate Anon "risked his life" and for claiming that Senate Anon "came back" with the Sarasota info, when neither claim was true. You then vanished for two days, and didn't come back until moments after I pointed out your absence.

And now your defense is that a random anon generated the Sarasota lead, and that you knew it was really Senate Anon in disguise because he was using TOR.

Dude, you just don't act like a guy who has been accidentally swept up in a sockpuppet hunt. You're massively over-invested in defending these phony "insiders" and casting doubt on my arguments. There are other people who raise reasonable questions about one aspect or another of what I've said, and when they do, I address them. But you're in a class by yourself.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Again your entire premise is completely flawed. We work for David Brock, we are also HLI, and Paul Ryan is a good guy?

Is this comedy or investigation?

You are only digging yourself deeper into your own falsehoods.

We are HLI, and also US Senate Anon, and also @fogdryer, and also @ababcb, and who else? Where do you get this from?

So then if you are here to Save everyone, what is the real agenda if not global enslavement, and who is really involved if not the Council of 13 and others we have listed continuously?

We have been crystal clear from the beginning and we only post the Truth. You are not a credible source on Racine or anything elae we have posted about.

Start over with our Truth about Racine as the basis for a real investigation. We do not vouch for HLI. We disagree with much of what US Senate Anon claimed, but he know that he recognizes the Truth we have been telling about Racine, Wisconsin and the real agenda.

What is your objective and motive? Ours is the Truth and working with anyone else who is interested in Saving the world from criminal corruption and eternal enslavement.

ababcb ago

I'm confident that people know what my point is. I'm saying that David Brock pays a guy to operate a bunch of sockpuppets including you, @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, @fogdryer, HLI, and Senate Anon (plus minor walk-on characters). That's not the least bit confusing. It's either true or it's not, but nobody is confused about what I said.

Again, you have not provided any evidence and everyone is confused by your longwinded and disorganized posts. As I pointed out, the ONLY thing people can gather from any of your posts is that HLI is "working for David Brock" which you have provided both 0 evidence and no reasoning for. You just claim that it's true and then go on a long, gaslighting tangent.

"on day 8 you'll find out!!1!"

LOL we've got another George Webb here, eh? Nobody is taking you seriously.

Oh, no, it isn't irrelevant. The original charge I made was that HLI borrows the work of real researchers and passes it off as "insider" stuff. No matter how you rationalize on their behalf, HLI and Senate Anon both blatantly misrepresented the info they were sharing. They conned us.

So what? Who cares and why does it matter if they passed the information off as their own or not? This is what I mean when I say nothing you say makes sense and that nobody can figure out what your point is. Seriously, WHAT IS YOUR POINT when you say that he "passed off information as insider stuff"? How is this negative and how does this discredit the idea that shady stuff is going on in Racine, Adams Morgan, Sarasota, etc.?

This is classic gaslighting. Your posts are designed to distract and confuse, nothing else.

Dude, you just don't act like a guy who has been accidentally swept up in a sockpuppet hunt. You're massively over-invested in defending these phony "insiders" and casting doubt on my arguments.

I am not even close to being as invested in this as you are, lol. You plan on making long winded posts for at least eight days straight and one little reply from me sets you off on a post like this? You've got your work cut out for you if that's the case. I'll be poking you with short statements in every single thread you make, forcing you to write out extremely long posts like this one. You WILL respond, exactly like this, every single time, because you're paid for it.

Again, you make wild speculation and accusation, refuse to ever back them up with concrete facts and are extremely invested in getting people to stop looking at anything and everything Senate Anon tells us to look at. What possible reason could there be for it to be such a big deal if someone is researching info they obtained from Senate Anon/HLI?

So I'll say this now: Paul Ryan is the actual target of WIC's constant Racine-Racine-Racine babble. The goal is to discredit him, to isolate him from potential allies, to cast doubt on anything he says or does, to fill the Internet with second-hand and third-hand references to Paul Ryan being a traitor.

Why is this a bad thing? I think you're a shill who works for Paul Ryan, not David Brock.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thank you @ababcb. @sobersecondrhought is wildly speculating and completely wrong.

For anyone who has not noticed it's all about him. We do not tell the Truth for our own credit. We feel an absolute obligation to the world to share the Truth that we know, because everyone's lives and souls are at stake.

Anyone who says "don't look into Racine" or other legitimate leads should be questioned with a high degree of skepticism, particularly when they are not a credible source on the topic.

Paul Ryan is a criminal and traitor and should be treated as such. David Brock is also a criminal. They are middle men to a much bigger and more powerful network.

Does anyone really trust Paul Ryan or David Brock? Even James Alefantis doesn't trust David Brock.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Paul Ryan is never getting arrested. Timothy Dolan is never getting arrested. Reince Priebus is not getting arrested. Tom DeLonge is not getting arrested. Evan McMullin is not getting arrested. Message us when any big arrests happen in Wisconsin.

The swamp cannot and will not be drained in our corrupt system. Paul Ryan is guarding the swamp, and those at the top are working above and beyond the reach of any effective justice.

For the record anything we posted about Sarasota is from research based on leads from sources. We do know for certain however the Royal Order of Jesters in Wisconsin is connected along with the Knights of Pythias among many more groups involved. We also know Rotary is involved, Freemasons are involved, and a long list of other groups including Paul Ryan and Scott Walker's close ties with Jesuit institutions including Marquette and Georgetown as two of the most prominent.

What do you want is to clarify to prove we are not following a controlled narrative, and that we are not connected in any way to High Level Insider?

Your premise of us being disinformation insiders is flawed. Consider changing it and find the real Truth and the "root" to the agenda in Racine.

DomKeyhote ago

The FBI symbols have been useful, yet were leaked by FBI+WikiLeaks+MSM. Thus what he panicked about was the codename Pegasus itself, for like the symbols it is a way to identify other fronts.

The museum was to be a real museum to host kids to fulfill tax obligations and park laundered pedo-art.

nameof ago

I found this...I discovered something...that's how you usually hear posts start out about PIZZAGATE. Not How I baited....Nor does one typically read about Tomorrow Surprises. This is getting gross. When a person can totally 100% personalize grave tragedy (child sexual spiritual enslavement) and make it about themselves for recognition validation. Reputation. at the stake. Same time having very shallow emotion.

PlutoInCapricorn ago

Come on, surely OP has the right to split her write-up into smaller pieces and do one per day?

SoberSecondThought ago

I surely do have the right, and Voat has a 10,000 character limit that I bump up against. But that's not the reason I'm dragging this out. I want maximum eyeballs. As I said in my post on Day 4, I want /pol/ and Reddit and everyone everywhere to know about this series. I want volunteers to go post links there, I want everyone to tell their friends.

Also, I'm definitely a dude. I occasionally misdirect on certain topics, to keep the pedosadists guessing. Standard procedure since they wouldn't hesitate to kill me if they could. But I don't see any advantage to hiding that.

nameof ago

@sobersecondthought @Wisconsin_is_corrupt I think it's weird to post about how you're setting people up, and saying all these people are phake, convoluded by the fact that it's good to remind people Alefantis amyjames communication, its not the same as prooving people ( the accounts you name) on Voat being full of shit. Especially wonder what you mean by now that you cleared out the sock puppets as you yesterday called me one. I'll let that go for the sake of communication, but you also called me CIA. Which is just dumb and unproductive wondering why attack people who are talking about child sex trafficking/ exploitation in their home state. ? I think we need more members.

srayzie ago

"phake", "prooving"

I think it's strange that you keep spelling common words wrong and doing your punctuations wrong. You are trying too hard. You obviously aren't stupid so it makes no sense.


nameof ago

Btw I never said I'm stupid. Calling myself dumb yes...not too smart. But not stupid. My feeling from the stupidness of the last couple posts, is that it's quite possible @Senateanon is all these other people, like @carmencita like @wisconsin_is_corrupt but it's just not likely and it sounds really paranoid. As soon as I say that I'm now classified as a sockpuppet too. Hence the stupidity. Well, its incredibly boring and sad. @sobersecondthought

carmencita ago

I hope you did not mean I though you were stupid OR dumb. Sorry if I conveyed that.

srayzie ago

I never said you were stupid. I said you obviously weren't stupid so it made no sense that you would be spelling such obvious words wrong. You've GOT to be kidding if you think @Carmencita is one of the sock puppets 😂 You must have bumped your head. @SoberSecondThought

carmencita ago

Wow. I just caught on to that. I used to make sock puppets with kids many years ago, but I don't even look like one either. I've had men chase after me so unless they are blind as bats (which they could be) I don't think I am a sock puppet. I am going to take this as a joke. All I have to say about this is that just because you don't believe something and someone else does, does not mean they are sock puppets. It as called agreeing to disagree. I am going to stop trying to defend myself because I don't think I should have to. Thanks srayzie

srayzie ago

You're so cute Carmencita. That's not what he meant. You know how @SoberSecondThought has been talking about thinking High Level Insider (HLI) , Senate Anon, Wisconsin is Corrupt (WIC) etc... is all the same person?

Well the one that called you a sock puppet is also one that could really be the same person playing the other alts. What he is saying is that WIC, HLI, and YOU could all be the same person. Nobody would believe that. It's absolutely ridiculous that he said that.

bopper ago

I applied to be a sock puppet but I got cold feet. @carmencita

carmencita ago

HAHAHA! We would not be very good at it anyway :)

bopper ago

Haha, nope I wouldn't.

srayzie ago

Lol. Don't lie Bopper. We all know that you are also donkeyhote 😂

bopper ago

Donkey is a dead man. Miss him, miss him.

srayzie ago

Lol. Well listen to Alex Jones's Viral music video!

bopper ago

You should post that in pizzagatewhatever, that was hilarious.

srayzie ago

Maybe I should but prepare for Alex Jones haters to be hatin

carmencita ago

Hah. Well, the fact that I cannot even figure that our, sure shows that I would be too dense to be able to keep up with all that stuff. So again, I must admit to DUH again. I just am not up on all this stuff. Sigh.

srayzie ago

Haha don't worry. That's how I am in person. I come off as a bubbly ding bat! Friends and family tell me I should have been blonde LOL. It doesn't mean you are dumb.

carmencita ago

Hah. I have always wanted to be a blonde, maybe that is very telling. It is never tool late. I was at birth, but the sands of time have shifted.

srayzie ago

Lol. There's always hair dye.

carmencita ago

Hmm. It is a thought. It might even spice things up around here :))

srayzie ago

Haha. I went blonde once

carmencita ago

I am somewhat close but not quite. So it would be a short path. My sister in law went blonde once and she never looked better, now she is back to dark brown. I think she was more fun then too. I think when you do something so very opposite and daring, it makes you like that too. Daring to do something exciting.

srayzie ago

Well then go for it! Change is always nice.

carmencita ago

Well, I do already have one of those Marilyn Monroe Wigs I have worn for Halloween. :)

srayzie ago

Did your husband like it??

carmencita ago

Oh yes, And he loves the dark pitch black one too. It is very long with lots of curls and a pouf on top with pouf bangs. I have shorter hair so he loves Halloween!

srayzie ago

Haha. Well who says you can't wear them sometimes at home then?! 😮

carmencita ago

Tee - Hee. I do.

srayzie ago

Carmencita! 😮 Well you go girl!

carmencita ago


nameof ago

I think you are strange being this distracted from a conversation about say child exploitation at the hands of...whom...and slavery and blood let, and kidnapping in Haiti, uh Luara Silsby VP at Alertsense. Really that's what I was talking about. Trying to make paper flyers, get a template fashioned. Get people on board. Possibly a waste of time on Voat, or just talking about Senate Anon. Who the fuck cares!?

srayzie ago

So you type out "laugh out loud" when you are on your phone, when "lol" is much easier? That's funny!

I tryna splane too u. 🙄

It matters if someone is giving disinfo here and leading people in the wrong direction. The fact that you try so hard to not appear as the same person by using such obvious grammar errors, and the fact that you try so hard to act like it's no big deal if people posting here are frauds, makes you look more and more guilty. You would be smarter to just not respond.

nameof ago

Bully weirdo

nameof ago

Nope. Not tryna act different than I am. It seems to me like anonism may create mental break down for some. Sockpuppets!!! Laugh out loud. U doubt me cause I'm not a typer, can't type. Cause I never learned to type now I write on a phone. Sad.

ababcb ago

The amount of effort he is putting in to shutting down anything and everything related to Senate Anon, yet gives no real reason, is strange. Especially because he also admits that both ROJ and SOBIB are "dirty". All of his posts are very long winded and confusing and after reading them I can't figure out what he was trying to say, other than "Senate Anon is working with David Brock" in some bizarre and elaborate reverse psychology shill campaign.

BerksResident ago

@sobersecondthought... you have revitalised this forum, respect

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Great job! 👍👍

4_InquiringMinds ago

Holy cow...what an AMAZING series.

You sir (madam, trans etc lol) are AMAZING too!!!

I regret that I have but one upvote to give to this investigation~

ababcb ago

You should check the post history of the people he's calling "sock puppets" before you accept anything he's saying.

Iyd10 ago

Thank you for all of this work. The patience it must have taken all this time to put this together is impressive and admirable.

I think you have a great idea with the Beck angle. I remember watching that episode and waiting for the earth shattering news, then nothing. He went crazy, lost a lot of subscribers and his network tanked. The people I know who were big Beck followers completely forgot about that big announcement that never came. He talked a lot about being harassed by the IRS and the typical stuff everyone who is or wants to appear relevant claims, but he really wasn't one to over exaggerate the importance of what he had to say like Alex Jones who claims "earth shattering" about every thing. It never added up and I think a lot of his subscribers (and he had a lot) never put those pieces together - his big claim and then falling apart shortly thereafter.

Hell - if he gets enough questions on Twitter - maybe he'll think now is a good time to talk.

SoberSecondThought ago

We'll be talking more about Glenn Beck. Not tomorrow, though. He's not the surprise.

Iyd10 ago

Looking forward to the next one!

PedoStomper ago

Funny how everyone has their panties in a twist over fatass Harvey Jewsteinberg, but when you bring up THIS kind of sexual abuse, the sickest and most twisted kind imaginable, you get laughed at and ridiculed. Are people so stupid that they honestly think true evil doesn't exist? Or does it just make it easier for them to go through life if they pretend that no one can be THAT bad? I've never understood why people's brains completely shut down as soon as terms like "child porn" and "trafficking ring" come up. I assume its part of the mass brainwashing techniques used by our lovely (((leaders))) to get people to shut down when certain topics arise in conversation. It prevents a dialogue from forming between autists and normies. Yes I'm using 4chan terms, fuck off.

fogdryer ago

Because people can’t accept that child abuse is here. They rather focus on Harvey

SoberSecondThought ago

Totally agree. There's a panic over "rape culture" on university campuses, and when you actually get into the numbers, we're talking about a few thousand women per year who have unwanted touching or at worst, get actually raped once.

Meanwhile we're trying to rescue kids who will be raped thousands of times EACH before they are killed.

I'm a proud goat. Lots of you may be kooks and fascists and racists, but you're all on the side of pure righteousness when it comes to this.

13Buddha ago

If the college campus coed darlings stopped dressing like they want to get screwedand acting like bimbos, none of this shit would be an issue, and I am a female writing this.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I was 17 when I started college and naive to the max. I had a blind date with a fraternity guy to a frat party. I was not a drinker, had one cherry slo gin and stopped. My date said oh please, just one more, I made this especially for you. He sure did, it knocked me flat on my ass/still don't know what drug it was. He raped me even as I begged others to save me. I was not dressing like I wanted to be screwed/was pretty much naive in that respect also. And I did not act like a bimbo. Rape is a real issue on campus. I was propositioned by more than one professor. In those days the term date rape didn't even exist.

Please don't generalize about campus rape. I cannot begin to tell you how horrified and guilty I felt bc even when raped for some weird reason the victim feels guilty.

13Buddha ago

I am not implying there are no victims of rape. You are taking this way out of context. I know rape is a real issue. My comments are not affecting a f'ing thing. I am not generalizing. I stated a fact. Jeez.

4_InquiringMinds ago

My comments are not affecting a f'ing thing.

No, not your comments...this kind of attitude however does affect a f'ing thing.

13Buddha ago

I disagree. Lay off.

4_InquiringMinds ago

If the college campus coed darlings stopped dressing like they want to get screwed and acting like bimbos, none of this shit would be an issue,

Oh, my bad, sounded like generalizing to me~

bopper ago

Shhhh ... don't speak truth ... it's not in vogue

PedoStomper ago

Kind words man, thanks. I know I can be abrasive and I have that 4chan /pol/ humor thing going, but everyone here can agree one one thing: pedos are a menace to society, a far bigger problem than anyone realized, and they must be fucking stopped.

To be honest with you it really pisses me off that we can't get people to talk about kids getting raped multiple times and murdered by these elitists, but people will get into a big tizzy over famous ADULT women getting their butts grabbed. Oh no, Rose McGowan sucked Harvery Jewsteinberg's sweaty cock and now she feels gross about it? Fuck off bitch, you made your choice, and now you want to come out and act like you're the only victim here? When one of these celebrities comes out and actually talks about the real problem--pedophilia--then I'll be supportive of this #MeToo bullshit. People are literally so brainwashed and under MK Ultra that they live in a reality where an actress sucking a cock or getting her butt slapped is the most heinous thing that could possibly ever happen. People don't even think that organized pedophilia is real, or if they do, they imagine it as a "poor people/trailer park" problem, and they never think of doctors, lawyers, priests, and people in positions of power being pedos. It fucking pisses me off.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Its denial. We know there are high level pedos; in the MSM this has been reported. DuPont, Ted Heath, Jimmy Saville are a few name that come to mind.

Anyone living in lalaland needs a rude awakening. It'll take some time getting used to, but its for the best.

PedoStomper ago

Exactly. Fuck this "ease them into it" shit, we don't have time for that. People need to fucking accept and understand this shit, and fast. The pedos are making their biggest moves yet, and if the Sheeple don't wake up, then we're fucking fucked.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Yeah I mean the whole "the public can't handle the truth" is such nonsensical garbage. I am a member of that same "public" these subhumans look down on. You are as well. It was a shock (well not entirely, I had always suspected that the elite could theoretically get away with acts of murder and rape long before I heard of it actually being a thing in today's society). We are not lambs or sheep bleeting about in the wind. We are not children. We can accept the truth and gain strength from this knowledge. Shitty government agents looking down on us when they've done FUCK ALL until now. Probably because they know their time is up and now are suddenly "da good gaiz". I don't trust anyone who says the public cannot handle the truth; its just elitism, typical of an elite part of an obscure secret society. We are created to handle it. Humanity exists for the purpose of finding the Truth. All sentient beings with an evolved consciousness do.

13Buddha ago

Well said.

ben_matlock ago

Well said. ☝ About time someone articulated that point. We can handle the truth, but first we just need to wake the fuck up.

carmencita ago

OMG. I have been reading for about 2 hrs. Thank you for THIS. Linking the Amy Jones link helped me find out about the two guys that saw the 2 boys picked up by an Uber. BUT, then they showed how behind CPP there are woods. In the woods is a hatch in the ground that they think leads to a dried up Creek. Rock Creeek. Possibly it comes up behind Koloroma. We know who lives there. I wish I could give you a K UPVoats. Alas I only have one. I will be waiting.

oftotc ago

What is the Clinton machine most afraid of, and how can I use their disinfo to trick them into exposing things?

Sign me up.

I had three ideas that might get a reaction.

How does this come about? Is this series about you just sorting out your internal thought processes in text or do you have a formal process?

Now, one obvious clue is that @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, despite posting every day about freemasons and Rothschilds, has never said a word about the recount, Jill Stein, electronic voting machines, or Milwaukee.

That's stretch, even though I think W_I_C is disinfo.

This whole series is very dense and you're doing a good job explaining it - but he couldn't possibly be dumb enough to fall for the bait you left in this post. See you tomorrow, dude. Looking forward to it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Wake up. Racine is not disinformation, and there is no topic we avoid. Jill Stein is a controlled dingbat. She is not going to expose the real Truth or the real Agenda. All she cares about is the green party which will never go anywhere.

The election system is rigged and the political system is absolutely corrupt. Wisconsin are prime examples of both, and Racine is one of 13 Bellwether districts n the nation. Whining about the election process is a distraction. The system is beyond repair.

What is the Clinton machine most afraid of? The world finding out the Truth and the real agenda of global enslavement that leads to their masters, the Johnsons, Rockefellers and Rothschilds in particular.

Racine is the key to unraveling the entire system. Anyone who tells you otherwise is disinformation. Racine is the Ultimate Truth.

argosciv ago

Howdy doody! ;D

Don't worry W_I_C, I'm still around, been doing a lot of work in a lot of realms, making some seriously interesting connections! I will absolutely be able to explain how fuckery in Racine, WI, is connected to millennia-spanning corruption in the USA and indeed, across the globe.

Still gonna take a while, but, for all the doubters... well I dunno, give it time... there's no short explanation.

@carmencita @Dressage2 @srayzie @Vindicator @cantsleepawink

(PS: if you missed, it, I do apologize(somewhat) for my frustration the other day)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Those involved are getting increasingly desperate and agitated, and they also just got another $8 Billion.

Eventually everyone will find out the Truth, but in this case more than ever timing is truly everything, and we are forever grateful for your help and the help of anyone who cares about the Truth or wants to avoid eternal enslavement.

We know the Truth but we do not have all the answers. We can only shine the light on the Truth together.

argosciv ago

Where the fuck did they get the money?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago


argosciv ago

Typical, why is he still free... seriously, is there not enough to tie that prick to antifa violence?

srayzie ago

No, you apologized to one person. You sure didn't apologize to me. It's one thing to be frustrated. It's another to be straight up rude. Especially to someone who always put up with you. After writing a nice message to you, you twisted everything I said. Unless you apologize to me personally, then I don't give a fuck what you have to say.

argosciv ago

Well, the apology was broad-scope and open to anyone reading it(which you seem to have), honestly, I appreciate every bit of your support but I'm not coming back here to suck up to anyone.

I don't expect your forgiveness or understanding. You're welcome to drop your support for me, it certainly won't change my course nor the validity of my info.

I offer peace, truth and balance, no more, no less.

Do as thou will.

carmencita ago


argosciv ago

sorry, don't mean to be a broken record :P

just still hard to know how to proceed with ye ol' 10,000 character limit on posts xD

BerksResident ago

from all of us...BORE OFF

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Wake up. Do you want to be Saved or Enslaved?

What do you know about Racine, Wisconsin or UN Agenda 2030? Do you know anything about Sustainability or Community Policing or Art in Embassies or the Pilgrims Society?

Racine is the Truth. Wake up.

oftotc ago

I just want to make sure I understand you clearly:
You are saying that the best way to investigate the information from WL about potential crimes originating from a DC pizza place with a list of powerful suspects in and around the DC area is to stop looking at all of them and the things they do and look into a list of convoluted corporate relationships centered on SCJ inc. and Racine, Wisconsin. Is that a fair tl;dr?

ababcb ago

HLI made it very clear that you should be looking at Adams Morgan, which is in DC and employs former Comet Ping Pong employees. It just so happens to be ASoberSecondThought who is telling you "Don't look at Adams Morgan!!".

Just because someone says "Keep digging on Wisconsin" does NOT mean "Stop digging on DC", especially when they just told you one place to dig in DC. This is obvious, of course, but there is a massive gaslighting campaign going on right now to keep people from looking into both DC and Wisconsin.

oftotc ago

OP (@SoberSecondThought) is calling out HLI (and you). I was working to understand WIC's connection (if any) to all of this. Yet you answer on behalf of WIC with your second pp. OP has made a case why the invitation to AM is likely a honeypot. You're supporting his assertions with careless commenting or, maybe he's onto something.

ababcb ago

What case did he make? I don't recall him doing anything more than making an accusation but I didn't read everything he wrote in full because I became convinced of his status as a shill by the second thread.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are not even close.

Potential crimes originating from a DC pizza place? Stop looking at DC? Who is the most powerful man in American politics? It is Paul Ryan. What is his district? Racine, Wisconsin.

Your premise is severely flawed.

DC is one arm. Hollywood is another. The system of global criminal corruption has spread to many places through many methods. Racine is the weak link of the entire system that is much, much bigger than brownstone operations, pedophilia, and human trafficking.

This is about systemic global corruption and global enslavement through the great deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) and Agenda 2030 with the Mark of the Beast enforced by AI and Community Policing.

oftotc ago

I want to thank you for such an amazing reply to my comment ;-)

SoberSecondThought ago

It is an amazing reply. I am frankly staggered by it, and I'm going to quote the part that I am most staggered by.

Who is the most powerful man in American politics? It is Paul Ryan. What is his district? Racine, Wisconsin.

I keep mocking HLI for clinging doggedly to the Racine story, and he just doubles down. You'll notice that he has abandoned @ababcb, and @HighLevelInsider has yet to even respond. Nothing today from @fogdryer or @Donk_Quixote either. He's pouring most of his energy into @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

I'm beginning to wonder if HLI / WIC was ever actually told the full story, because this is just agonizingly dumb as a response. I have been assuming that HLI really is a full "insider" and knows exactly what secrets he is tasked with defending. However, it's possible that Brock runs things in a more compartmentalized way, giving HLI specific scripts without explaining what their true purpose is. In which case, ha! I delight in your additional misfortune, HLI, you poor bastard.

Stay tuned in any case. Several days of revelations still to come.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We do not have any connection to High Level Insider or FBI Anon or US Senate Anon or Mega Anon. US Senate Anon was the only of those who said keep digging into Racine. We did not agree with many of his other assumptions such as trusting Donald Trump to "drain the swamp".

Your core assumption on us being HLI is absolutely incorrect.

Why not look into what we have posted such as the Clintons and Johnsons creating the system and model for Sustainable development, or the Johnsons involvement in creating Art in Embassies?

What would you do if you found out that everything we have said is the Truth?

SoberSecondThought ago

I never said you have a connection to Mega Anon. Your denial is duly noted.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We are glad to know that you understand the Truth. We do not fall for fake investigators and limited hangouts, yet we do not care how people eventually discover the real Truth beyond the veil of partial Truths and disinformation.

All paths to the Truth lead to Racine, Wisconsin the real Emerald City.

SoberSecondThought ago

I'm not sure which "he" you're talking about here. Do you mean HLI couldn't be dumb enough, or Jimmy Comet? I'm happy to explore the question but you'll have to specify.

oftotc ago

Don't overplay your hand. Isn't the enigma a better move?

SoberSecondThought ago

Ah ... I see that I read you a little bit wrong. No, I'm actually not baiting JA again. I'm trolling him, certainly. I want all of them to be pissed off and miserable, just on general principles. But the next few days really aren't about provoking a reaction. Their part in this is already over, they just don't know it yet.

oftotc ago

Well, you are either writing on caliber with Game o'Thrones or you're one of voat's well hidden gems. And while I lean toward the latter, I know you would not have me surrender my skepticism. Tomorrow awaits.

GeorgeT ago

I know JA trolls here. I myself was trolled on twitter by high degree masons (they sure do know their stuff .... and other THINGS) sick freaks!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They are afraid of people finding out the real Truth and the "root" of the real agenda in Racine, Wisconsin.

2impendingdoom ago

The bigger picture, in all of what you are saying, is that other "crazy talk ideas" don't get the kind of push back that pizzagate does. What does that say? That its both real and these perpetrating it have resources.

I am really looking forward to part 5.

carmencita ago

I have bee looking at this for two hrs. Read the old post as well, amazing. The two boys that happen to be picked up by an Uber outside of CPP and the hatch found in the woods behind Ping Pong as well. That really knocked me for a loop. I think it could possibly go to Kolorama. Where high level pols, bankers etc. live. Obama, Tony P and I think JP. Rock Creek runs right up behind Kolorama.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Comet Ping Pong and Pizza is a showroom and an auction site. Kids are paraded there, not molested. Who are the kids? A variety, for sure. Members of the Pedocult bring their own kids ( Jake Tapper ) and Jimmy's associates and connections to local orphanages and foster homes bring others. It is a location for bidding and transactions. After a bid is won, members head up to Jimmy's shitty art gallery to launder money and arrange delivery. There is a even more sinister aspect, and that has to do with Pegasus. It's designed to be a location of human sacrifice and only the most Elite ( gold key ) members would be aware of its function. All the while, every customer was being Brownstoned for blackmail. @SoberSecondThought

fogdryer ago

Just sickening Hidden in plain sight

Dressage2 ago

You sound like you are very sure of what you write. I have always believed what you just said (except no clue about Tapper bringing his kiddos.). I remember looking at pics of Pegasus and he had a huge iron ring placed in the 2nd story ceiling. I knew that could only be for one thing, hanging something heavy from it. Also the 2nd floor that could roll to the other end of the room. Almost like a viewing stand or conducting something to a hanging object. What else can you shine light on?

SoberSecondThought ago

This is certainly a plausible hypothesis. Jimmy was obviously not afraid of anyone finding anything on the Comet premises, and he was very upset about anyone going to, or talking about, Pegasus. I honestly don't know how much human sacrifice is involved, as opposed to simple murder. HLI tends to exaggerate the power and scope of the networks, as a subtle way of demoralizing investigators. He would say 80 percent of public figures are blackmailed. I think the blackmailed percentage is likely smaller, and that many people are controlled through bribery, or by simple threats. This setup is more fragile and vulnerable than HLI lets on.

One other point: Titus Frost's hacker found hundreds of client accounts with Bitcoin transactions on Jimmy's server. That doesn't mean they don't also launder money through the art gallery. Just saying, remember the Bitcoin.

Are_we__sure ago

This is certainly a plausible hypothesis.

What's your definition of plausible?

Titus Frost's hacker found hundreds of client accounts with Bitcoin transactions on Jimmy's server.

Why does anyone believe this?

PedoStomper ago

I think you summed it up quite nicely. I can only hope we live to see James Alefantis' head on a fucking stick, along with his whole fucking brood.

GeorgeT ago

Also if one is versed into the occult numerology would have noted that GQ's placeent of JA as the 49 th most powerful man in DC is simply a code - it's a hidden 77 for 7x7=49. It was a way of telling us that Jimmy is very, very high up - head of the Brownstone operation (and possibly a Rotchild) I will never forget his cocky denenour when Megyn Smelly soft balled him.

independenceday ago

My understanding the numerology of the #49 is 4+9=13....none the less, the fact that JA shows up at all on a "DC most powerful list", is highly suspect. Speaking of which, I think every name on that top 50 most powerful DC list, should be extensively scrutinized!

GeorgeT ago

And Jacke Tapper is his regular client. Also JA was photographed with Tony Podesta and Michael Alig (after serving 17 year sentense) Alig explains on video what chicken lover is!!!! JA sure has interesting friends.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Look into the Young & the Guest events for the next generation of players in the mix including Alefantis, Abedin, Braverman, Podesta and Caron Butler of Racine, Wisconsin.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Whoever downvoted this, did you even bother to look at the list, or are you on the list?

agoutix ago

I'm cheering you on. Thanks for this.

Rmm ago

All i can say is thank you and I hope you are for real.i am starting to feel that everyone with critical information to share is a fake!