AmyJames ago

Married2Martha ago

Remember the words in the wikileaks emails about a "square box" Well i found something that stood out to me and its directing related to J.Alefantis and a place called @squareformdesign on instagram. Not only did these people deck out pegasus they also did some work to LITTLE RED FOX as you can see in this link.

But what i found that was interesting was that they also make "branding irons" (((((SQUARE SHAPED BRANDING IRONS)))))).

Are kids being branded with a square branding iron??? This is a business that has direct ties with PEGASUS, LITTLE RED FOX and JAMES ALEFANTIS squareformdesign Follow

LikeComment 31 likes • squareformdesign@littleredfoxdc back entrance really getting the square form treatment. #squareform #Color #awning#door #littleredfox #design • littleredfoxdc👍👍🐺 • maryearly🔻♦️🔻🔺🔻

squareformdesign Follow

LikeComment 19 likes • squareformdesignReally excited about our new branding iron! #branding #brandingiron#design #squareform #handmade • littleredfoxdcAwesome! • normcore_momHot

This is pegasus and their work done there.

Silverlining ago

AmyJ Do you have the direct / original links to the chans you have in your imgur links, please. Tried to find them, without success, but I'm no proficient channeler. Thanks.I'm surprised / disappointed nohas put the links in the comments.

AmyJames ago

they were 404ed but I'll see if I have them

Silverlining ago

Do you have the direct / original links to the chan threads, please?

anotherdream ago

I laugh when I read threads like this because I can't help but think that if Alefantis is such a big shot, what the fuck is he doing explaining himself on Pol? What is he in fucking high school? He comes off as highly medicated and disturbed to me. Definitely a pedo and trafficking criminal.

AmyJames ago

probably bored during non Satanic occult human sacrificial holiday dates

AmyJames ago

edit: someone commented below that they also got a screenshot from another portion of the original 4chan thread: Album thanks hat tip to you @pizzaBAD tag me if you have any more

OK guys, if you haven't looked at the second screencap yet, please take a look. Whoever posted that is trying full on intimidation via threatening to cut off people's heads, or at least implying it could be done if we are investigating them and so much as disrespect them.

Dear Innocent Pizza Chef sir, I mean no disrespect. Just please, oh pretty please tell your mommy I said she is quite the looker since she lost all that weight, and her decorating is fantastic. I heard your pizza is bland. (the food kind)

Oh and Heavy Breathing is a bad band that pretty much is bad at music and only exists because of how daring you guys are at being Satanic. Also, Chapel Perilous sucks, and you are even less attractive than your retarded looking ex boyfriend David Brock.

AmyJames ago

edit: someone commented below that they also got a screenshot from another portion of the original 4chan thread: Imgur Album thanks hat tip to you @pizzaBAD tag me if you have any more

hookednosedjoooo ago

I could've switched on an anarcho capitalist flag and said the same thing. You guys should be careful, with red-herring and all. Goyim love to eat up the bait.

PedoStomper ago

What people need to do is pester him into making direct threats on their lives, and then find a way to accurately prove that the user is Alefantis. I wonder if the new owner of 4chan, "gook moot" as they call him, would be willing to help out with something like this? The new owner is Japanese, and we all know the Samurai don't like the Kikes.

4chan can be the most powerful ally in this battle, if they can stop spanking it to traps for five minutes. Imagine if PizzaGate protests could start popping up, like the old days with the Scientology protests, with hundreds and thousands of people gathering all over? Wow that would be fucking amazing, seeing /b/ and /pol/ join forces and wipe out pedos.

AmyJames ago

Did we effectively wipe out Scientology? I fear that they may play a role in all of this.

PedoStomper ago

Well, obviously not, because Scientology is still alive and kicking. The average person looks at Scientology as "harmless and weird," when in reality it is very dangerous. L. Ron Hubbard has ties to the occult, Crowley, and pedophilia, and the "religion" itself uses gang stalking, drugging, sleep deprivation, and other torture methods to followers who step out of line or try and leave. Scientology is not a "fruity little club" like South Park joked about; its a very serious cult.

PedoStomper ago

The only thing you need to know about Scientology is that it's creator was associated closely with Aleister Crowley. If you need more information than that to know you should throw Scientology in the fucking trash, then you're not really awake. ANYONE with ties to Crowley, or any of his organizations/cults, is fucking PART OF THE PEDO CULT.

AmyJames ago

I completely agree.

sid_of_d_woman ago

Why do I always just feel this sicko alfentatis is a reptile, a pidgeon- terrified lizard.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Do not forget, the biggest amount of evidence there is on Comet Ping Pong is what Titus Frost revealed. The anon hacker got into their website and found child porn and a lot of it, then sent all the info directly to the Washington Police Chief and NOTHING was done. NOTHING. they have it all but won't do anything. Further, the hacker immediately thereafter had his truck damaged and was threatened, etc. This is all fact, not speculation. Again, FACT: CHILD PORNOGRAPHY WAS FOUND ON COMET PING PONGS WEBSITE. The "shooter" went in and shot the computer server in an attempt to destroy it.

PedoStomper ago

Problem is, average people or "normies" aren't going to take something as "evidence" once you say "it was posted on YouTube by a guy named Titus Frost." People immediately discredit anything that was "discovered" online, that's part of the Fake News psy op, to make people think that EVERYTHING that is not on CNN or MSNBC must be completely fabricated.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Very true, however, I do trust what he put out as he shows the emails with amount of data sent and the very brief response from the police chief that they received it. He also follows up every month asking when the investigation is starting by email, no responses. Also the amount of data of child porn found was huge. The hacker is scared as they know who he is obviously as the police ratted him out, likely to Alefantis and his white truck was badly damaged in front of his home. Say what u want about Titus Frost but I have watched a number of people and stopped watching many of them for various reasons and Titus is extremely truthful and dedicated to the movement of pizzagate. He was also at the protest in DC. The problem with the "evidence" is, is that it is child pornography and we can not view it, it is illegal, nor do we want to see this vile shit, so what further can they do other than what they both have worked together to do? At this point I'm not worried about everyone else and what they think, whether they believe it or not, I just want to see these monsters exposed for what they have done and prosecuted.

PedoStomper ago

That's all I want as well, to see them go down. The question is what can we physically do to make that happen? We can only do so much via keyboards.

hacktheplanet ago

Sources please

DeathTooMasons ago

Maybe the FBI can do what? Reverse their coverup agenda and investigate if Alefantis made the post? What is the logic?

AmyJames ago

It's the FBM now... and yes, the FBM should definitely start investigating cyberterroristic threats and death threats IMHO

UlyssesEMcGill ago

What video?

ImmortalCommunity ago

David is Homer's Achilles and this is why James is related to The Rothschild Family.


pizzaBAD ago

I managed to save another part of a thread where Alefantis was asking what our 'endgame' was. He seems scared. Good.

SoberSecondThought ago

That poster doesn't sound like Alefantis. The grammar and spelling are too good, he stays sharply focused on topic, and he has way more 4chan knowledge than Alefantis. He used a tripcode, he included images.

It's possible that in the aftermath of Alefantis going on and stirring things up, someone more competent was sent in to try and cool things down. But what is really weird is that this guy is so focused on our making the cartels mad. That would be another clue, if indeed this was someone associated with Alefantis. There has been plenty of talk about MS-13 being behind the human trafficking in D.C., but nothing connecting them to Alefantis.

It's kind of ambiguous at this point. Could just be an annoyed third party, someone in law enforcement who lurks 4chan as part of their job and is more concerned with the cartels than with people connected to the DNC. Interesting, for sure, but hard to draw a conclusion from.

PedoStomper ago

My endgame is his head removed from his body.

SoberSecondThought ago

The part that I think is most reliable is Ryan's report that Alefantis texted him and phoned him with threats. He filed a police report, using his caller ID and other documentation.

The posts on /pol/, Reddit, and Voat are all obviously less certain. Using Ryan's report as a starting point, I think I could LARP all the others. His texts have a sort of rhythm to them, swinging from threats to sarcasm and back to threats, that also shows up in all those other places. So since I figure I could do it, obviously I concede it's possible someone else actually did. Or several someones. This is the Internet, after all.

But even if the only real interaction with Alefantis was the death threats he made to Ryan, that one series of texts contains all the elements I was talking about. It still shows he's getting very bad advice, or more likely no advice, in dealing with this thing. He's flailing around.

I'm giving you an upvoat because skepticism is always appropriate. I don't mind your comment, I'm glad you made it. But I'm comfortable with my observations as they stand.

PedoStomper ago

Remember, Alefantis is a faggot/queen, and on top of that he's probably an alcoholic/druggie, and on top of THAT, he's a pedophile pimp. I'm sure that anything he says, whether in person or via text, has a very specific cadence to it.

quantokitty ago

The notion that pedophiles "love children" is a fallacy.

They hate children. They abuse, rape, and violate them. It's like saying a rapist loves women. No, they hate women. That's why it's okay to objectify them and use them to their own ends without giving a shit that they ruin their lives.

PedoStomper ago

This should be painfully obvious, but there are sadly lots of people who think that pedos are just sad people who happen to "fall in love" with children. Once people start looking at pedos as non-human, then we'll get somewhere.

quantokitty ago


Rapists do not rape because they fall in love with a woman. They're cowardly, sick, inhuman bastards who only care about humiliating and torturing a human being, something they're not.

Pedos are childdestroyerrapistsadistcrazies.

10060571? ago

It is part of the neurolinguistic programming for normalization. Pizzagaters are the ones who love children and want them to have freedom to be innocent, and the right to grow up safe from harm. But saying "I love children" is now semantically tainted. While "pedophile" is semantically neutrallized. Two birds with one stone. "Pedosadists" is perhaps a better word for them

quantokitty ago

"Pedosadists" is perhaps a better word for them

Yes, PEDOSADISTS is the perfect word. It's ridiculous to think, or say, they love children.

And I agree with your explanation. Imagine the outcry if we started calling rapists "woman lovers". It's bad enough we tamed the crime down by calling them "sexual offenders". No, they're RAPISTS!

Say what you mean. Any society that doesn't want you to do that, doesn't respect truth, and probably will one day want truth outlawed.

Steinmacher ago

calling customer "clients" is the latest corporate terminology... you'll hear it a lot in health care now. it's a form of political correctness where "customer" is a bad word... some airlines have switched to "guests" instead of customer...

not that pedopizzaboy doesn't have another reason for using that term.

AmyJames ago

I've never been referred to as a client for ordering pizza, but I only order the food type

Cigarette5mokingman ago

No. I wouldn't say. That's called reaching. And although it may be weird to you it may not to someone else. I say coke someone else says soda or pop. We all speak differently. Nothing suspicious here.

Shillaxe ago

Are you saying that, although JA says clients, he doesn't pimp children?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

No, I'm saying, there's no proof that post wasn't a troll.

10057656? ago

yeah, "ignore the context behind the uses of certain words" because it's actually just as simple as "we all speak differently" ok

10060719? ago

This actually reminds me of the weird adoption cnsltnts post with all those companies offering pizza under the "service" category rather than the "food" category. Restaurants call diners "guests", service industries call their customers "clients".

AmyJames ago

I'm going to start calling you my Coke client.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

That doesn't even make sense. Also, if it was your fail attempt at humor, try again.

AmyJames ago

Neither does pizza client

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Also, side note, theres no way to even confirm that was alefantis. Jesus people, do you not realize 4chan is the troll capital of the internet?!. Use some fucking critical thinking.

PedoStomper ago

/b/ is the Troll Capital. /pol/ is different.

Seriously people, stop saying "4chan" when you mean a SPECIFIC BOARD. There are millions of people on 4chan at any given moment. /pol/ is not typically a board with a lot of trolling.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

No, I mean 4chan. Don't try and put words in my mouth. I've been using 4chan since you were swimming in your dad's scrotum. Remember something awful, probably not. /B/ tards, REGULARLY troll other 4chan boards just for the hell of it. 4Chan is troll central.

PedoStomper ago

Yes of course I remember SomethingAwful, ran by Lowtax. I also remember AlbinoBlackSheep, eBaums World, and all that shit. I'm a 35 year old man, dumbass. I browse /pol/, /mus/, /k/, /x/, and lots of boards. Know what they all have in common? They hate /b/, and try to discourage any connection with them whatsoever. Of course /b/ goes on troll missions on other boards, but not nearly as much as they used to, and these days the /b/ folks are easy as fuck to spot. Calm the hell down and don't be so confrontational. There are people other than yourself who have gone to Japanese imageboards before, you know?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Well then, being such an avid Internet user, then you should know, using an anonymous image board as a source, ESPECIALLY 4chan, is absolutely retarded.

PedoStomper ago

Damn man, why are you so apt on fighting with other Voat users? This is the reason we can't get anything done, too much in-fighting. And there have been plenty of credible things posted on 4chan over the years, like the multiple murderers who have gone on there to talk about their future crimes, which end up actually happening. Pic related.

Don't go to school tomorrow

If that madman will go on 4chan, why not another madman like Alefantis? Especially if he's all fucked up and drunk.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Jesus Christ wtf is wrong with all of you. I'm not saying it's not possible. I'm saying there's no way to prove it, so there's no reason to mention it. It's definitely possible he has been on 4 Chan etc. But how do you prove it?

AmyJames ago

I don't frequent them and I do not know the lingo. My apologies.

WordsAreMagic ago

I thought that was CNN

AmyJames ago

that's why I said allegedly in the title and said I wasn't there etc. I will add cannot confirm

Cigarette5mokingman ago

There's no reason to post anything alleged. It just complicates things. Verifiable only pls.

10060141? ago

This would be a nearly-empty forum.

Criticalthinker615 ago

He posted on voat under the name birdzeyeview for a while. Stopped posting a few months ago

Joe10jo ago

Wow! As in a "birds eye view" of the playground next to and below the lookout deck at Pegasus.

10060606? ago

Pegasus helped kill the Chimera because he could fly above it.

bibigirl_ ago

Like a chicken hawk

darkknight111 ago

If we can get a look at the "death threat phone calls" (preferably audio), throw it in his face and remind him that those threats are an admission of guilt. Make sure he knows we're not afraid of him either.

PedoStomper ago

I wish I could see Alefantis face to face. I'm not the kind of guy to prattle on about how I'm a huge guy or how I can kick anyone's ass, I'm not and I can't, but I would stomp that motherfuckers face into a jelly. His own Rothschild mama wouldn't recognize his face with his teeth all smashed out, his nose sideways, and his eyes swelled shut. James Alefantis, if you're reading this, come at me you motherfucker. I'm not one of your little controlled buddies like Eddie Welch. I'll shoot you in the fucking throat, not into some computer closet, bitch.

10060641? ago

I thought we paid the NSA to record all this for us, the dirty bastards

AmyJames ago

Yep. Thank you for stating the obvious, that the NSA and the FBI and the CIA are all capable of taking the motherfuckers down but nobody will do a damn thing...

SwampAintDrained ago

What indicates that this is actually him?

UlyssesEMcGill ago

It'd be like a dealer being named "Kush", but never smoking.

Not crazy

ToMuchBS2 ago

I'm new sorry. Was a lurker and I only made an account to tell you guys that's not all that's in that pol/ thread. I was there when it happened and someone doxxed him and a specific Rothschild. They desided to take the 2 week ban to figure it out and posted all numbers, addresses and age. When they did a check it all matched perfectly. This is why he will never go down. I also think it's why the other Rothschild called out Podesta on twitter. They are mad at him for putting them in harms way but it's truely their own stupidity. I have the pol/ thread but I think everyone knew and suspected he was a Rothschild.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Please tell us someone screen capped that.

ToMuchBS2 ago


AmyJames ago

do you have a copy

ToMuchBS2 ago

I have screenshots of the important info for sure! You know pol has a lot of sh&t posting in between. Also remember to watch pol in 2 weeks cause the doxxer said now I have 2 weeks to research and dig. What's crazy is when this comes up and links him to Rothschild (which is often) do you ever notice no one follows it? What info would you like? I don't want to get called for doxxing. I have all phone, addresses, aliases and more. Also what can we do about it? This is what scares me is that this is a big fish so can it ever be brought down?

tapsnapornap ago

You should post them without addresses and phone numbers.

AmyJames ago

DM me with info and I'll discuss

ImmortalCommunity ago

David is Homer's Achilles and this is why James is related to The Rothschild Family.

survey_girl ago


I would like to know how he got his money... he owns several properties & businesses in DC... how was he named one of the top 50 most powerful in DC. How does a pizza shop owner do all that? Is it through blackmail or did he have family money?

psynapz ago

Presumably by brokering art sales via his galleries? IOW, from money laundering.

ToMuchBS2 ago

Also seams to be untouchable. You would think if he was some pee-on & not a Rothschild they would've let him take the fall already. I truely think this is why no one can bring PGATE down.

ImmortalCommunity ago

He's from a long line of CIA.

VieBleu ago

Once again with the "he already said he doesn't like kids" from the owner of the super kid-friendly pizza place with kids programs and a "kids party room" at the back with a door that leads to the alley and the woods...

PedoStomper ago

The same door where a grown man was seen on camera escorting several young boys away from the restaurant? If you haven't seen it, here's the video:

Pizza Underground

VieBleu ago

Oh yeah, I know that video - I think it is visual evidence pointing to what went on there regularly. You can FEEL it, sense it. Ive always said, those guys went there to troll and as a joke and stumbled on something that even freaked them out. They were clearly disconcerted.

LostandFound ago

There was more! Il come back with an archive later when I find them. There were several threads on alefantis last night and a strange recurring poster not afraid of making threats. I am not convinced either is alefantis but the op on the attached image definitely stuck around a bit longer.

Edit : all gone from 4chins ... not in the archive ... there were multiple threads yesterday discussing James being a Rothschild all gone

AmyJames ago

I got banned under an alt for posting spam, several times, either related to stuff like that or planned parenthood and occult ritual info

10055422? ago

Some one brought up chicken hawk's--er I mean birdzeye--view

SoberSecondThought ago

I agree the transition from "my shop" to "his clients" is highly suspicious. But I actually find something else in that post even more suspect.

When he says "He already said he doesn't even like kids," that is very, very interesting to me, because the poster (whoever it is) is referring back to something Alefantis said to a researcher back in January. The researcher put up a YouTube video about the Pegasus Museum that Alefantis clearly found very alarming; he got into a Twitter DM conversation and phone call with Alefantis, and Alefantis very bluntly threatened his life and the lives of his family. This mirror video covers the whole episode fairly well. In it, Alefantis does three things of special interest:

  1. He uses threats of murder in a very casual, practiced way, as if this is far from the first time he has done it.

  2. He shows a really shallow understanding of online culture, referring to things he saw on Voat but asking, "What's mods?"

  3. He specifically says, "Everything they say about me is true. Except I don't like kids."

This visit to /pol/ has all the same characteristics. It sounds to me like the same guy. Alefantis is not a criminal mastermind, he plunges into interacting with researchers without preparing or thinking things through. He leaves a trail of clues a mile wide. As someone observed in the /pol/ thread, "Protection from officials has made you all sloppy, sloppy, sloppy."

I strongly urge anyone investing time in researching Pizzagate, to sit down and spend an hour or two just absorbing the clues that Alefantis provides in that video, linked above.

scotchfor1 ago

Except I don't like kids.

Is this the hallmark of a pizza shop owner? Family friendly, but leave your kids at home.

DeathTooMasons ago

If evidence and blatantlty suspicious behavior mattered, it would matter. Alas, nothing matters. There is no investigation.

GeorgeT ago

He is part off the Brownstone - how on earth does he rank top 50 power players in DC. I can Guess who his clients might be ..... I will use initials CS, TC, NP? And of course Skippy.

SoberSecondThought ago

Some further thoughts. People should also read the posts of birdzeyeview, who is strongly suspected of being Alefantis. It's just really, really revealing.

First, it shows the relatively limited resources that are being put into covering this up. There isn't a single experienced /b/tard overseeing the shilling for these guys, because if there was, he would immediately forbid Alefantis from ever going online. The guy is a loose cannon, as this thread illustrates. The thread is about the alleged rape victim holding an AMA on Reddit. Alefantis is flailing around everywhere, on Reddit, and on Voat. Over on Reddit he apparently tried to argue that he couldn't have raped his teenage employee because he's strictly a bottom, and finds topping "gross". Meanwhile on Voat he posted a total of five times in the thread, issuing vague threats about libel, calling everyone stupid, and fooling nobody as to his identity.

Occasionally he has made points that are based on more sober research, but they're the sort of thing that a $10-an-hour shill could do. So why is he doing it? Using the same username, he once went on Reddit and posted this:

you forgot about the underground tunnels (train tunnels) the pottery kilns (for cremation/s) random deaths of random people (Peterson, Kidman) the footie player who is a completely different footie player to who they said, the architect L'Enfant who did/not design DC a couple hundred years ago, the art by Louise B that you would have to be a very serious collector to afford, The fact Assange is not actually dead at all.....

then add in the drama, the drama, the drama in all caps, many !!!!! the drama, a bucketload more drama, and bingo! it all comes together /s

Now sure, those were all legitimate screwups. Again, I feel sure he laughs about the tunnel theory and brings it up at every opportunity, because there isn't a tunnel. The signal-to-noise ratio here on /v/pizzagate is pretty damn low sometimes. But while we're tediously sifting through LARPers and Sorcha Fail and endless clickbaity crap ... guess what? Alefantis is doing the same thing. He's reading all those false leads because there's nobody he can trust to do it for him. And he's not actually very good at it. This is way outside his skill set, even when he isn't drunk.

paulf ago

But while we're tediously sifting through LARPers and Sorcha Fail and endless clickbaity crap ... guess what? Alefantis is doing the same thing. He's reading all those false leads because there's nobody he can trust to do it for him. And he's not actually very good at it. This is way outside his skill set, even when he isn't drunk.

This is both remarkable insight and grimly amusing. My guess is that many, many of these fuckers have been nervous wrecks for months now as the combined autism of /pol/, here and elsewhere closes in. When is the hammer going to fall? Who will it be? My own people? Or Trump?

PedoStomper ago

Trump and the Elite, sitting in a tree, C-O-L-L-U-D-I-N-G.

paulf ago

No. Let me be clear. James Rothschild is waiting for either his own side to off him or the side of law and order, i.e. Trump. If you have a single shred of evidence that Trump is on the side of the globalists, by all means share it. Because they themselves been trying for a good two years now to discredit him and haven't succeeded.

PedoStomper ago

I feel like all of their "fighting" with each other is all staged. A big psy op to make people believe the "alt right" will save them. People like Cernovich and Milo, who throw up the 666 hand sign all the time in photographs. These people are not our friends.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I don't doubt for a second there isn't tunnels. I feel like he's mocking us because the entrance will be hidden like the toilet doors. Or the two day clean up when they closed down after the obvious false flag scary incident involving a Pizzagate researcher and a gun, could have easily given them time to cement it up.

Edit .. In regards to getting sloppy, I agree completely plus a possible use of drugs screwing his perception of this situation plus narcassim. You can't treat another human being in the ways we have learnt without being narcassitic to say the very least. I urge everyone to educate themselves on this behaviour. It will be there downfall.

10060440? ago

Affluenza is real! Rich people lacking in compassion raise offspring without moral compass.

AmyJames ago

There are numerous online support groups and v-logs for people to teach the ins and outs of narcissism. It's today's most recognized personality disorder.

10059091? ago

That's for sure ! I barely realized that my own mother has this disorder , I have done research as to what causes this and there is no known cause , but most narcissistic have had some huge trama in their lives. Once you are awake to this behavior, you can start healing for sure and never be a victim again ! Or you could go in a completely different direction and get even with your abuser . Once the narcissist figures out that your "on to them " YOU start getting accused and set up to be the person that they actually are . They are able to make you look crazy because they can charm anyone ! They can never admit fault or genuinely be sorry for anything ! If you question them you are disrespecting them .

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Cc .. I am sorry to hear that. I have been told by an abuse worker that they appear to be either way way way too loved .. or not loved at all.

The beauty is children of these types of people have the ability to be super kind caring and loyal .. or can go the same way as the parents. Congratulations you chose to care!

As people have described in other comments there is different disorders, e.g. Passive aggressive, borderline, antisocial, that are in the same cluster B personality types.

10061559? ago

Thank you U&S it truly is a sad situation . I wish I could help her . Her mom was killed when she was only 16 in a head on car accident. She herself was with my dad when she was only 15 , so that tells you right there the mother didn't protect her from harm . Back in the 50's girls married young I know , but doesn't make it right .

Truthseeker3000 ago

I think you all are referring to Borderline Personality Disorder which definitely has narcissistic personality traits due to trauma but just plain narcassism without trauma would be deemed a psychopath...

Judgejewdy ago

Just plain narcissism is...narcissism.

10060010? ago

Thanks for that

10057530? ago

i feel like it's also a bit misunderstood and pop-psychologied these days, so i recommend relatively academic sources and also reading the anecdotes of people WITH narcissism to get an idea of what their inner experience is like (thus what drives them) and the anecdotes from people who've dealt with them, whether romantically, in their family, or at the workplace. that would give you the most well-rounded understanding from a layman's perspective and help you spot their behavioral patterns/manipulation both in real life and on this board.

AmyJames ago

ok, do you have any links for such a thing you would care to share? I have only seen the amateurs and the shrinks but I've never seen anyone admit they're a narcissist, except this one guy from 20 years ago who said that he knows he's not supposed to but he really believes he is better than everyone else.

10076279? ago

plenty of narcissists know that they're narcissists, from the spectrum of it being an intuitive knowing to them being clinically diagnosed. if they need you for something they're not going to admit this to you, but they really do know exactly who and what they are.

anecdotes from narcissists

anecdotal posts concerning covert narcissists

this page has a lot of valuable information on the disorder, with academic citations. if you need more than that it's easy to google it and sift through the sensationalized bullshit.

this page covers covert narcissism. millenials experience this manifestation of NPD at epidemic rates, imo. snowflakes and transgenders in particular.

those are some starting points, if you google people's personal experiences with narcissists just google the dynamic you're curious about (NPD + workplace) there's a lot out there so i can't really sift through those and point you in any direction. some people are really dramatic about their experience with NPD people, so many of these anecdotes are written sensationally. rather than be emotionally affected by the way the person is writing, take note of the behavioral dynamics between them and the narc, and how manipulation manifests in mild to severe forms.

GeorgeT ago

I also believe that he is a heavy drug user.

PedoStomper ago

Well of course. He's a raging homo and a fucking child trafficking pimp. I'm sure he rails lines up his nose, sniffs poppers, and shoots up pills.

Gothamgirl ago

Same here you can tell by his employees.

ImmortalCommunity ago

David is Homer's Achilles and this is why James is related to The Rothschild Family.

bibigirl_ ago

Outside his shill* set

neo50 ago

Good one!

SoberSecondThought ago

Heh. An upvoat for you!

VieBleu ago

"he plunges into interacting with researchers without preparing or thinking things through."

He gets loopy on drugs, the fear and anger kicks in, and he wants to get even.

PedoStomper ago

I think you mean:

He gets loopy on drugs and gets severely buttfucked

VieBleu ago

ugh, a thought I will not deal with.

Mad_As_Hell ago

This is confirmation that Ryan was telling the truth. I remember he got a lot of shit from people on here at the time. We owe him an apology, and should go back over what Alefantis said during those phonecalls. Also, there must be something to Pegasus, which we dropped like hot potato.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I never had a reason to doubt @IsThisGameofThrones... nor the importance of Pegasus.

Agreed that anyone who shit posted on him should offer an apology.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

They still give me shit... everyday. My only vindication will be if these scum have to answer the questions we have in a courtroom. Only justice will get these people off my back.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I got your back bro! Justice is coming. You will be vindicated.

Konran ago

...but you had all the reason to believe???!!

Have you heard of confirmation bias?

PedoStomper ago

I keep saying it - ten to fifteen anons need to go to Pegasus at 3am with night-vision cameras and ski masks. The pedos play dirty, and now we have to as well. Just be smart about it, no graffiti or vandalism, just observation. Maybe stick a few hard-to-see security cams around the place, including in that nearby playground. If we put eyes on Pegasus, we're bound to find SOMETHING eventually. Maybe even something we didn't want to find.

Konran ago

I've said before that those anons also need to take some homemade luminol and a UV light. Splash that shit around and see what comes up - photograph the fuck out of the place and then we'll have forensic evidence that the authorities will have to investigate.

PedoStomper ago

The traveling is the only problem for me. If I were a D.C. local, I'd be all over this type of shit, abso-fuckin-lutely.

Konran ago

Hombre. I would too. Just I'm on another fucking continent.

DeathTooMasons ago

Ryan the Pizzagate Merchandise phase guy? fuck that moron.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

This is not confirmation of anything. We can't even prove if it was alefantis in the first place!!!!!!

Fahrvergnaked ago

Hi James

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Hahaha. Geez you're an idiot. It couldve been alefantis, but am I seriously the only one who cares about proof around here anymore. Are we a full blown conspiracy forum now?!

ImmortalCommunity ago

David is Homer's Achilles and this is why James is related to The Rothschild Family.

GeorgeT ago

Mr Ping Pong also happens to be a board member of Edibleschoolyards - all celebs are behind it. He sure does like to hang around all things kids.

10060351? ago

It breaks my heart how these parasites blight even the best programs. Edible schoolyards is a damn good concept, but vile predators are the reason we can't have nice things.

GeorgeT ago

Those monsters have infiltrated every sacred children's organization.

bullfyta ago

He can't seem to make up his mind whether he loves kids or hates them. Check the video here.. Starting @0:20

Gothamgirl ago

There is a huge space behind the stage we have never seen.

ImmortalCommunity ago

Yeah, it's all a computer program

Gothamgirl ago

I don't understand.

ImmortalCommunity ago

Virtual Reality, that's what the elites know.

ImmortalCommunity ago

No, reality itself.

Gothamgirl ago

Can you explain more?
So far I think you're saying reality is a computer program, run in the extra space behind the stage, at Comet and I am guessing thats probably not right.

ImmortalCommunity ago

Yes Virtual Reality run by deep State.

ImmortalCommunity ago

Help me share this info please

SoberSecondThought ago

I remember seeing that when it was posted. I don't think there is necessarily a contradiction here. My own personal theory about Alefantis is that he is more of an enforcer/broker type. He has always seemed very confident that no one will find any tunnels or kill rooms (he specifically tells Ryan, the researcher, that he can keep all the "kill room" stuff up; he only has to take down references to Pegasus).

So in a weird way, he may actually be telling the truth both times. In the interview video you referenced, he is saying that Comet entertains hundreds of kids every week, that he loves kids and loves everybody. That fits with his public persona as one of D.C.'s well-connected power brokers. Then in conversation with people from Voat, he says, "I don't like kids," meaning he isn't sexually attracted to them. And he may very well not be! Successful drug dealers don't use their own product. It seems entirely possible that he just auctions kids off, and blackmails the people who do have sex with them, and occasionally disposes of their bodies afterwards on a pig farm.

10055411? ago

Excellent , I agree

EllaMinnow ago

The 1st comment is the suspect one. "Stop harassing that man. You already got a lunatic to get into my shop and threaten his clients...".

It's likely Alefantis is pretending to be an unrelated third party, telling people to "stop harassing that man" but then slipping up and calling it "my shop" before reverting back to third person again and saying "his clients".

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Or its a 4chan troll like it usually is.

Vindicator ago

Maybe the Awan's really were doing the IT for the server in his closet that Welch shot up "looking for kids". LMAO. He was probably drunk-posting after too much expensive wine.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Yeah, I noted that a Google search of Pizzagate last night yielded about 1,000 stories that read, "Pizza restaurant shooter..." But would they still label him "shooter" if he never fired a shot? Of course they would.

ImmortalCommunity ago

Unicorn Wine Standing on it's head to pour. David is Homer's Achilles and this is why James is related to The Rothschild Family.

10055416? ago

Vintage Adrenachrome

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Wow... that must take a REALLY long time to age it properly. Since it is harvested at such a young age.

Baddabing ago

Is it the "you're going to die" comment that you're talking about? I don't get it. I am very new to all this, so most of my comments are of the "I don't get it" type. gosh...I just don't get it.

Damnpasswords ago

Alefantis, is that you?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

It is a weird rabbit hole......if you have the courage to face it the answers are all in there. You will discover the World you thought you lived in is not the World as it all. There is really only one "conspiracy theory" and it all involves the mind games of the Global Banking Elite. They are not who they say they are.

ImmortalCommunity ago

They are an ancient order of Jewish Aryans from another dimension.

emptygoldframes ago

As long as the world needs ethicists without ethics, DAs that have to be flexible or end up broken and Masons with a little too much sand in their concrete, well will have this sort of moral relativism.

ImmortalCommunity ago

W it h ou t ethics no Golden Age

emptygoldframes ago

Then no golden age for you, kids.

ImmortalCommunity ago

You can't kid me I run the illuminati.

emptygoldframes ago

Great, then why did you chose that freak as an ethicist? Other than he would've said "yes" to transplanting a monkey head onto his mother?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

At the very top of the post where it says, "stop harassing that man..." That is the comment that preceded the "you're going to die".

It seems the guy might have MPD. 'that man', 'my shop', 'his clients'. Get it now?

AmyJames ago

MK Ultra Personality Disorder