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oftotc ago

What is the Clinton machine most afraid of, and how can I use their disinfo to trick them into exposing things?

Sign me up.

I had three ideas that might get a reaction.

How does this come about? Is this series about you just sorting out your internal thought processes in text or do you have a formal process?

Now, one obvious clue is that @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, despite posting every day about freemasons and Rothschilds, has never said a word about the recount, Jill Stein, electronic voting machines, or Milwaukee.

That's stretch, even though I think W_I_C is disinfo.

This whole series is very dense and you're doing a good job explaining it - but he couldn't possibly be dumb enough to fall for the bait you left in this post. See you tomorrow, dude. Looking forward to it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Wake up. Racine is not disinformation, and there is no topic we avoid. Jill Stein is a controlled dingbat. She is not going to expose the real Truth or the real Agenda. All she cares about is the green party which will never go anywhere.

The election system is rigged and the political system is absolutely corrupt. Wisconsin are prime examples of both, and Racine is one of 13 Bellwether districts n the nation. Whining about the election process is a distraction. The system is beyond repair.

What is the Clinton machine most afraid of? The world finding out the Truth and the real agenda of global enslavement that leads to their masters, the Johnsons, Rockefellers and Rothschilds in particular.

Racine is the key to unraveling the entire system. Anyone who tells you otherwise is disinformation. Racine is the Ultimate Truth.

argosciv ago

Howdy doody! ;D

Don't worry W_I_C, I'm still around, been doing a lot of work in a lot of realms, making some seriously interesting connections! I will absolutely be able to explain how fuckery in Racine, WI, is connected to millennia-spanning corruption in the USA and indeed, across the globe.

Still gonna take a while, but, for all the doubters... well I dunno, give it time... there's no short explanation.

@carmencita @Dressage2 @srayzie @Vindicator @cantsleepawink

(PS: if you missed, it, I do apologize(somewhat) for my frustration the other day)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Those involved are getting increasingly desperate and agitated, and they also just got another $8 Billion.

Eventually everyone will find out the Truth, but in this case more than ever timing is truly everything, and we are forever grateful for your help and the help of anyone who cares about the Truth or wants to avoid eternal enslavement.

We know the Truth but we do not have all the answers. We can only shine the light on the Truth together.

argosciv ago

Where the fuck did they get the money?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago


argosciv ago

Typical, why is he still free... seriously, is there not enough to tie that prick to antifa violence?

srayzie ago

No, you apologized to one person. You sure didn't apologize to me. It's one thing to be frustrated. It's another to be straight up rude. Especially to someone who always put up with you. After writing a nice message to you, you twisted everything I said. Unless you apologize to me personally, then I don't give a fuck what you have to say.

argosciv ago

Well, the apology was broad-scope and open to anyone reading it(which you seem to have), honestly, I appreciate every bit of your support but I'm not coming back here to suck up to anyone.

I don't expect your forgiveness or understanding. You're welcome to drop your support for me, it certainly won't change my course nor the validity of my info.

I offer peace, truth and balance, no more, no less.

Do as thou will.

carmencita ago


argosciv ago

sorry, don't mean to be a broken record :P

just still hard to know how to proceed with ye ol' 10,000 character limit on posts xD

BerksResident ago

from all of us...BORE OFF

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Wake up. Do you want to be Saved or Enslaved?

What do you know about Racine, Wisconsin or UN Agenda 2030? Do you know anything about Sustainability or Community Policing or Art in Embassies or the Pilgrims Society?

Racine is the Truth. Wake up.

oftotc ago

I just want to make sure I understand you clearly:
You are saying that the best way to investigate the information from WL about potential crimes originating from a DC pizza place with a list of powerful suspects in and around the DC area is to stop looking at all of them and the things they do and look into a list of convoluted corporate relationships centered on SCJ inc. and Racine, Wisconsin. Is that a fair tl;dr?

ababcb ago

HLI made it very clear that you should be looking at Adams Morgan, which is in DC and employs former Comet Ping Pong employees. It just so happens to be ASoberSecondThought who is telling you "Don't look at Adams Morgan!!".

Just because someone says "Keep digging on Wisconsin" does NOT mean "Stop digging on DC", especially when they just told you one place to dig in DC. This is obvious, of course, but there is a massive gaslighting campaign going on right now to keep people from looking into both DC and Wisconsin.

oftotc ago

OP (@SoberSecondThought) is calling out HLI (and you). I was working to understand WIC's connection (if any) to all of this. Yet you answer on behalf of WIC with your second pp. OP has made a case why the invitation to AM is likely a honeypot. You're supporting his assertions with careless commenting or, maybe he's onto something.

ababcb ago

What case did he make? I don't recall him doing anything more than making an accusation but I didn't read everything he wrote in full because I became convinced of his status as a shill by the second thread.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are not even close.

Potential crimes originating from a DC pizza place? Stop looking at DC? Who is the most powerful man in American politics? It is Paul Ryan. What is his district? Racine, Wisconsin.

Your premise is severely flawed.

DC is one arm. Hollywood is another. The system of global criminal corruption has spread to many places through many methods. Racine is the weak link of the entire system that is much, much bigger than brownstone operations, pedophilia, and human trafficking.

This is about systemic global corruption and global enslavement through the great deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability) and Agenda 2030 with the Mark of the Beast enforced by AI and Community Policing.

oftotc ago

I want to thank you for such an amazing reply to my comment ;-)

SoberSecondThought ago

It is an amazing reply. I am frankly staggered by it, and I'm going to quote the part that I am most staggered by.

Who is the most powerful man in American politics? It is Paul Ryan. What is his district? Racine, Wisconsin.

I keep mocking HLI for clinging doggedly to the Racine story, and he just doubles down. You'll notice that he has abandoned @ababcb, and @HighLevelInsider has yet to even respond. Nothing today from @fogdryer or @Donk_Quixote either. He's pouring most of his energy into @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

I'm beginning to wonder if HLI / WIC was ever actually told the full story, because this is just agonizingly dumb as a response. I have been assuming that HLI really is a full "insider" and knows exactly what secrets he is tasked with defending. However, it's possible that Brock runs things in a more compartmentalized way, giving HLI specific scripts without explaining what their true purpose is. In which case, ha! I delight in your additional misfortune, HLI, you poor bastard.

Stay tuned in any case. Several days of revelations still to come.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We do not have any connection to High Level Insider or FBI Anon or US Senate Anon or Mega Anon. US Senate Anon was the only of those who said keep digging into Racine. We did not agree with many of his other assumptions such as trusting Donald Trump to "drain the swamp".

Your core assumption on us being HLI is absolutely incorrect.

Why not look into what we have posted such as the Clintons and Johnsons creating the system and model for Sustainable development, or the Johnsons involvement in creating Art in Embassies?

What would you do if you found out that everything we have said is the Truth?

SoberSecondThought ago

I never said you have a connection to Mega Anon. Your denial is duly noted.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We are glad to know that you understand the Truth. We do not fall for fake investigators and limited hangouts, yet we do not care how people eventually discover the real Truth beyond the veil of partial Truths and disinformation.

All paths to the Truth lead to Racine, Wisconsin the real Emerald City.

SoberSecondThought ago

I'm not sure which "he" you're talking about here. Do you mean HLI couldn't be dumb enough, or Jimmy Comet? I'm happy to explore the question but you'll have to specify.

oftotc ago

Don't overplay your hand. Isn't the enigma a better move?

SoberSecondThought ago

Ah ... I see that I read you a little bit wrong. No, I'm actually not baiting JA again. I'm trolling him, certainly. I want all of them to be pissed off and miserable, just on general principles. But the next few days really aren't about provoking a reaction. Their part in this is already over, they just don't know it yet.

oftotc ago

Well, you are either writing on caliber with Game o'Thrones or you're one of voat's well hidden gems. And while I lean toward the latter, I know you would not have me surrender my skepticism. Tomorrow awaits.

GeorgeT ago

I know JA trolls here. I myself was trolled on twitter by high degree masons (they sure do know their stuff .... and other THINGS) sick freaks!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They are afraid of people finding out the real Truth and the "root" of the real agenda in Racine, Wisconsin.