srayzie ago

I noticed something. It may be nothing. But Wisconsin_is_Corrupt called James Comey "Jim".

Why would Jim Comey and Loretta Lynch personally obstruct criminal investigations into Racine, Wisconsin tied to the Clinton Foundation and many more powerful groups? Because it leads to the real Truth and the real Agenda they cannot let the world find out about.

To me, it seems like only someone who knew James Comey personally would be calling him by his nickname.

In the early summer of 2013—what seems like a lifetime ago—James “Jim” Comey was nominated by President Barack Obama to serve a 10-year term as the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation


SoberSecondThought ago

Nice catch! Might be nothing, but worth noting for sure.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is because our sources had direct communications with top officials at the corrupt FBI and DOJ offices. They obstructed federal RICO investigations linked to the Clnton Foundation and other elites.

nameof ago

Sorry to put this twice just want people to know that no I'm not HLI but that it's a kinda cool mixuo. RAD. But WRONG not really that flattered considering how many are now also being called sock puppets of hli and it's not a joke so here's my answer to @sobersecondthought who's having a confusing weekend. Commenty for nameof. Day 4: HighLevelInsider / Senate Anon Sockpuppet Hunt! (Gotta catch them all!) by SoberSecondThought in pizzagate [–]nameof 0 points (+0|-0) 8 minutes ago @sobersecondthought @highlevelinsider hope I get names right. Sign me up to use my skills to bring pedophiles online and in real life to justice. Not tolerance.. I'm not sure if this a mistaken post....or @sobersecondthought is now calling me @highlevelinsider as well as @wisconsiniscorrupt. Slightly amusing, not true. Flattering cause I don't know shit. That's what's legit. But the last person to call Moi CIA was @ horuju ku out of Australia newzaeland side and that ended up being weird. @sobersecondthought what are you trying to do? /Say ? If there are false leads here, let people know. But demonizing one two accounts is exactly what makes me think someone " doth protest too much" . I am interested in next step. Not infighting. Especially infighting about a limited hangout. If that is what it was roj sobib etc...that shit is frightening to me. But my geuss is and I'm dumb(!) That that was just a bone. That the trafficking routes must be very hidden in our society, in our states, hotels, hospitals, tunnels, mountains, roads. It seems like we really must be crazy to try to shine light here...but for the sake of those shot dead for trying before us, and I say us happily, contentedly we. No infighting. No CIA. HALLOWEEN coming up. No time like the present to protect kids. My belief about the trafficking of kids in the USA is still back at foster systems, juvenile programs for at risk youth, institutions that hold kids within their system. I have listed two people I know for sure are pedophile pornographer s. One was deleted cause it invaded that guys privacy, Scott Stitham a foster dad in San Rafael, who a dear friend was photographed by during the time he spent there in the 80's he is a druggie today. The other pedopornographer guy I posted about is Paul Guerin, he was convicted of rape and pornography of a four year old. His own kid Sophie Guerin spokesperson for Dell computers today. Anyway the mods left that one up cause he is directly PIZZAGATE. Married to Gene Bush, they moved after the bust, to Mexico, and now that he's scrubbed the internet of his face, I think I found him operating a photo studio in France. So they left it up. But that should let you know what level m at. Lowly. No power. So don't kid.

srayzie ago

You seem to be purposely spelling common words wrong. Like you're trying too hard to prove you are not one of the alts. @SoberSecondThought

SoberSecondThought ago

It's a pretty standard technique in sockpuppeting. So is filling up a thread with utterly irrelevant rambling. Good observation, thank you.

srayzie ago

Did you learn how to detect all of this just by reading what to watch for? How do you have such a good eye and pay attention to dates and details from months ago? I could never do that!

SoberSecondThought ago

I have some relevant experience, and it isn't in spycraft. Think of a loss prevention expert trying to catch people selling pilfered GameBoys on social media. Plus just being a /b/tard myself. You'd be amazed at what a teenager will do for attention. I've known kids who maintained active sockpuppets for years for no particular reason other than because they could..

But the really important thing in this case is to remember, we're not up against an army. That's the weakness of this whole scheme. Brock and HLI are just a couple of guys who aren't any smarter than we are. They're responsible for covering up something that is massive, yes. But these guys aren't supervillains, they aren't SPECTRE with a whole data center filled with loyal evil minions. Media Matters is a crappy place to work even for the $15 per hour normies who archive Fox News videos. They unionized a few years back, did you know that? And Brock had to step down from the day-to-day because he was a bad boss. No loyalty there. So by the nature of things, HLI had to be one guy, and it looks like Brock didn't even trust that one guy with everything.

Think about the screwups we've seen from the Clinton gang. Podesta left his phone in a cab, and the password was supposedly "password". The IT guy responsible for wiping Hillary's server went on Reddit to ask for advice for how to do it because he didn't have enough experience. This is really just more of the same.

srayzie ago

When you say sock puppet, is that profile alts?

Yeah I knew about David Brock. Did you know in the past he had a mental breakdown and thought people were trying to kill him? He had to be in a mental hospital. He also used to be on the other side. Not a Democrat. What a trip huh?

Some people think David Brock died when he supposedly had a heart attack. Has he been seen? Anyway, I see what you mean. I think he hires a lot more people tho than just this guy.

I don't know how people could do that job. If they are in a forum everyday and they see the proof right before their eyes, how can someone be mean and try to discredit everything? It would take a psychopathic personality to see all of this and not give a damn.

Heck, I would take a job being a shill if it was going to pro Hillary forums lol. THAT I could live with lol.

Donk_Quixote ago

You are barking up the wrong tree with me. I came to Voat that day because The_Donald mods shut it down in protest. You can look at my posting or comment history on Reddit. And let me put to rest any concerns that I may not be in control of that Reddit account.

How is Adam Lanza attending a church when he was ages 9-12 at the same time as a convicted pedophile pastor was assigned to it off topic? Isn't shining a light on potentially unreported pedophilia the whole point of this subverse?

SoberSecondThought ago

Okay. I'm sure you can also clear up the mystery of why your account was completely inactive for four months, and coincidentally started posting when I accused HighLevelInsider of having a whole bunch of sockpuppets.

Donk_Quixote ago

Voat had limits on how much up voats you could do in one day until you had accumulated enough... IDK what it's call, participation point? Being limited to 5 or whatever voats a day was really annoying and I stopped coming here. There was nothing coincidentally about anything, the FBI files and Adam Lanza just dropped and I made a post about it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I believe @Millennial_Falcon removed the submissions you claim @polwarrior1030 removed. I could be wrong.

SoberSecondThought ago

Good question. I have some additional evidence that I can't share today, showing why @polwarrior1030 is shady. I promise to address this soon.

madmama ago


nameof ago

@sobersecondthought- When Voaters became afraid of dilution. As far as condescending...GOT very condescending and narcissistic so after that long explanation of confusing fake accounts...You suddenly acquire that same surprise YOU FUCKED UP ...Type thing happen with you, cause it's a change of character. So...not so credible. If all we have to go on is what you say, then "Got it" doesn't match up to the feelings of who you describe yourself it matches up to hli or WIC as you described them. Aaaasaaaand you've succeeded in creating fundamental uncertainty. Hmm Racine does mean root?????

witch_doctor1 ago

Do they speak English in what?

nameof ago


SoberSecondThought ago

He's channeling the spirit of Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction.

And you're another HLI sockpuppet.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine does mean "Root", and Wisconsin has ancient secrets few know about. It is also connected to the largest fresh water source in the world - the Great Lakes. Racine and Wisconsin have a deep and dark history. It is the "root" of all Evil and the agenda that leads to global enslavement and the Mark of the Beast.

They don't want people to find out their great deception to forge control for the New World Order - Sustainability (Satan's Ability).

Racine is the ultimate Truth.

captainramius87 ago

Why did they decide to make Racine the center where they have there most important plans for global corruption? If enough people start learning about Racine couldnt they just get up and go some place else ? Or are you saying if people learn about Racine and stop there plans then its game over for the globalists?

Im someone with barely any knowledge about cyber security and have really no connections or money in real life. Would it even be safe for someone like me to look into Racine?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine, Wisconsin is a completely controlled community. Wisconsin is absolutely corrupt at all levels. Federal agencies know all about Racine and actively obstructed justice to keep the nation and the world from learning about it.

Racine is a central and private meeting hub and represents a coalition of leaders from industry, government, religion, labor, education, secret societies, NGOs, and various mafia groups.

The world needs to wake up and learn the Truth about Racine, Wisconsin and the real Agenda it is the model for.

Racine is Trump and America's litmus test. Once the world knows what is at stake and that the swamp cannot be drained through traditional justice, we can move to the next phase. Global enlightenment is absolutely necessary.

Anyone can look into Racine, but nothing is safe. The best course of action is to shine the light on Racine, Wisconsin for the world to wake up and take notice of how they are being deceived and what the real end game and agenda is.

Racine is the biggest story in the world that no one knows about.

captainramius87 ago

Are the elites starting to panic ? And realistically, how much time do you think we all have to warn people about Racine? From what I understand after reading your comments, it seems that the globalists are setting things up for 2030? Is that correct?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That was the initial plan, but they have moved the schedule up considerably. They are now claiming everything will be aet in place by 2018.

Their panic is real but so is the speed of their agenda. It is a race between AI and the Truth.

captainramius87 ago

AI? As in artificial intelligence? How do they plan to control the world using AI?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Yes. They are moving toward an all connected system that leads to the Mark of the Beast enforced by AI and Community Policing (which Racine is the model for). Under a one world currency you will not be able to buy, sell or trade without the Mark. It is a coalition of industry and tech giants pushing the agenda ahead. This is also why Amazon and Foxconn are investing in Wisconsin to be close to the "root". Quinn Michaels reported about the massive data center in Racine. Their new "God" is forged through AI as we approach Singularity. The result is not only Global Enslavement but Eternal Enslavement with transhumanism where they control whether you have the ability to die. They will remove all sense of individualism and free will, and all hope for an afterlife.

captainramius87 ago have my attention. You've said a number of times that your part of a group trying to expose Racine. Can you say roughly the number of people thats in your group? Also, isnt there a large number of good people in the intelligence communities who know about this? And can you explain more about the community policing? How could they convince such a large number of people to go along with something like this? They would have to have the biggest propaganda campaign in history to pull this off.

Also I really appreciate your quick and detailed replies.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Many of our sources worked directly with multiple agencies after exposing corruption throughout local and state levels, including up to Jim Comey and Loretta Lynch directly who obstructed RICO investigations in Racine linked with the Clinton Foundation and some of the most powerful people in the nation. Their experience along with others has proven the swamp is too deep and corrupt for any real justice. The Truth is the only way.

Community policing is a model to militarize local forces and spread JTTF to a local level within control groups where eventually people will be rewarded for turning each other in.

The propaganda is already everywhere throughout news, movies, music, education, art, and even online forums. Look at the trend of smart phones, digital currency, wearables, facial recognition and AI. They are not too far from complete control which they predicted could happen as early as 2018.

What major nation, organization or corporation has gone against Sustainability? It is a system built to "go along" with the agenda without knowing what it leads to. Racine is the real Emerald City.

nameof ago

Deeply chilling. I don't know that much, I know a little Latin. I have some honed skills from being an artist, in seeing hidden messages. Also I study language, and body language, faces...I feel I can be helpful, but it's hard to know where to start.

madmama ago


nameof ago

Why spend anytime at all critiqing my comments? That's sadder than sad. BTW I don't do that at all...I had engaged someone directly and it was not you at all- in a dialogue around what they had posted and explained to that poster that the poster ends up sounding exactly like high-level insider, who they claim is a detractor a phony and that hli had an obvious behaviour/language that reveals itself in other posters like Wisconsin is corrupt, i in the end because of the condescending arrogance of an imperative statement like "got it". Thanks for the compliment. I have nothing but respect for the moderators. And gratitude to be here BTW. I try to follow the rules. The only other serious critiqing, I been up to lately is the Corey Fldman story. It's a lame story but has one key important detail. The name is not an accident. COREY = HEART PIZZAGATE=HEART TRANSPLANT HEART MEDICINE, HEART BLOOD OF CHILDREN. I WOULDNT TALK SHIT ABOUT THE MODS. MAYBE I USED TO, IF I DID, I DOBT NOW.

SoberSecondThought ago

Were you CIA trained originally, HLI? Is that where Brock got you from?

I'm thinking a Master's in English, or History, or Psych. Definitely the arts side. You're okay at economics and science but you really shine when you're stringing together weird stream-of-consciousness stuff, or tying the Knights Templar to the CFR in a thoroughly paranoid way.

I'll bet when you're building one of your long-term characters, you prefer to start with someone real as a template. You borrow some of their phraseology but also their particular cluster of fetishes. If they're into Fortean Times, you make sure to mention Fortean Times. You think a lot about how these conversations will get treated by Google and you build up little word-cloud packages for each character. This one talks about the Council of 13 and Agenda 2030. That one talks about other stuff. You try not to leave clues. Unfortunately for you, adaptive Bayesian analysis just laughs at basic tricks like that. You should've taken more science!

nameof ago

@sobersecondthought @highlevelinsider hope I get names right. Sign me up to use my skills to bring pedophiles online and in real life to justice. Not tolerance.. I'm not sure if this a mistaken post....or @sobersecondthought is now calling me @highlevelinsider as well as @wisconsiniscorrupt. Slightly amusing, not true. Flattering cause I don't know shit. That's what's legit. But the last person to call Moi CIA was @ horuju ku out of Australia newzaeland side and that ended up being weird. @sobersecondthought what are you trying to do? /Say ? If there are false leads here, let people know. But demonizing one two accounts is exactly what makes me think someone " doth protest too much" . I am interested in next step. Not infighting. Especially infighting about a limited hangout. If that is what it was roj sobib etc...that shit is frightening to me. But my geuss is and I'm dumb(!) That that was just a bone. That the trafficking routes must be very hidden in our society, in our states, hotels, hospitals, tunnels, mountains, roads. It seems like we really must be crazy to try to shine light here...but for the sake of those shot dead for trying before us, and I say us happily, contentedly we. No infighting. No CIA. HALLOWEEN coming up. No time like the present to protect kids. My belief about the trafficking of kids in the USA is still back at foster systems, juvenile programs for at risk youth, institutions that hold kids within their system. I have listed two people I know for sure are pedophile pornographer s. One was deleted cause it invaded that guys privacy, Scott Stitham a foster dad in San Rafael, who a dear friend was photographed by during the time he spent there in the 80's he is a druggie today. The other pedopornographer guy I posted about is Paul Guerin, he was convicted of rape and pornography of a four year old. His own kid Sophie Guerin spokesperson for Dell computers today. Anyway the mods left that one up cause he is directly PIZZAGATE. Married to Gene Bush, they moved after the bust, to Mexico, and now that he's scrubbed the internet of his face, I think I found him operating a photo studio in France. So they left it up. But that should let you know what klvelim at. Lowly. No power. So don't kid.

Markb63 ago


ababcb ago

I further claimed that HLI's advice about investigating the Royal Order of Jesters and the Alefantis-connected building in Adams Morgan (delivered in May) and Senate Anon's similar advice (delivered on 9/11) were bogus, because our own researchers @thisisnotagame and @Gumshoe_mob had reported on these things in January and November.

Anyone with a two digit IQ understands that this doesn't invalidate Senate Anons advice. You are trying to gaslight people so they don't bring their already intimidating investigation skills offline and into the real world, because you know the criminal networks you are defending are absolutely fucked if that happens.

SoberSecondThought ago

I think it would be wonderful if people brought their investigating skills into the real world. I think they should investigate every name in the SOBIB directory, and every chapter of the Jesters. And David Brock. And Media Matters. And my surprise topic for tomorrow.

And anyone with a two digit IQ understands that you're a sockpuppet, desperately trying to change the subject.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

You keep saying that to everyone who disagrees with you. We are jaded and do not trust anyone anymore. The vast majority of anons have spewed half-truth nonsense. You, and this HLI, /pol anons etc.

SoberSecondThought ago

I certainly understand your being jaded. If you're trying to evaluate my claims, though, this particular individual (@ababcb) is more clearly a sockpuppet than any of the others I've called out. He argued at length that Senate Anon supplied the Sarasota lead, but the record clearly shows that he supplied it.

It's fair to doubt me when I mock @nameof, for example, because I haven't gone through a laborious proof of why that account is a sockpuppet. That is an editorial choice on my part. At a certain point it isn't worth yet another lengthy argument, as I have a lot of other topics to address besides HLI's sockpuppet shenanigans. But I have proved beyond a doubt that @ababcb is fake.

VaginalCanal ago

Why are all these "anons" trying to get everyone else to pursue leads IRL while they sit back banging on a keyboard?

I'm over anons trying to get others to act without providing anything more than speculation. Either provide actionable proof (not sensationalized claims) or BTFO.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Many of our sources have investigated in real life. Several groups took actionable evidence to the FBI and DOJ after already going to local and state authorities. The Milwaukee and Chicago federal offices in particular were rampant with corruption.

Loretta Lynch and Jim Comey personally obstructed RICO investigations that connected to the Clintons. The witnesses and victims were then targeted, threatened, and worse, and they have been working to cover everything up since while the foundation of criminal corruption, trafficking and abuse remains.

ababcb ago

I am here to challenge you again. After reading half of your post today I am 100 percent sure YOU are a shill, and you are desperately trying to get us not to investigate anything in person. This statement completely gives you away:

I noted how HLI's condescending mystery-and-wonder style is very similar to that of @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt.

LOL? Now you are going to try to tell us to stop looking into Racine, too? Buddy, you and whoever is paying you WILL go to jail.

who declared that there was "absolutely zero evidence" for anything I was saying. He defended Senate Anon, saying that it was absurd that David Brock would pay anyone to go on /pol/ and urge people to do surveillance on the Royal Order of Jesters or their secretive masters, SOBIB.

You STILL haven't posted any evidence for any of this. You post long, convoluted threads that have no evidence in them. You should be able to provide some evidence in reply to my post right now, but you won't because you can't. I challenge you right now. Come on. Let's see some tangible evidence for one single claim you've made. We're all waiting...

I will be back with much more information. It is going to be YUGE!!!

You haven't provided any information to begin with. Just long winded posts going off on several tangents.

I have no allies or collaborators.

I am accusing you right now of being a shill who collaborates with pedophiles. You are desperately trying to get people to stop the surveillance of your criminal networks.

For anyone else reading, get a hidden camera or a laser microphone and learn how to do a stakeout. Here is a guide:

They are unbelievably scared right now, as these threads indicate. Grab a tool box, dress up as a maintenance man, and put a hidden camera into a banquet hall at a hotel the ROJ are staying at. Not only is this easy to do, but it also acts a PSYOP that makes these criminals shit their pants every time they see an innocent man with a tool box.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

What we have learned is that it does not matter what evidence you have. There will never be justice in a broken, corrupt and disparate system. They will never prosecute for perjury and they know how to skirt quid pro quo and jurisdictional limitations. The people we know are involved have more money, resources and power than any investigative agency or prosecutor. They own the judges. They control the top directors.

We went all the way up to Loretta Lynch herself. We found out the hard way that they will never prosecute those involved. Only when they confess to crimes as Curt Johnson did do they get a minimal punishment. There is much more to Racine, Wisconsin than anyone realizes. It is the model for the real agenda of global enslavement. They control everything in Racjne and through global ratlines frim Haiti and Dominican Republic to Ghana to Belgium to Pakistam and UAE.

Royal Order of Jesters is involved. So are Knights of Pythias, Knights of Malta, SOBIB, Club of Rome Pilgrims Society, Committee of 300, Council of 13, Majority 12 and others. They all connect back to Racine, Wisconsin.

Judgejewdy ago

The mark of a shill seems to be their arrogance. If you walk away from a post or comment feeling belittled or condescended or just generally...negative, seems to be the shill calling card. I agree, this op fits. (Isn't to say to say i don't question a few on here who, in fact, seem too nice and pollyannaish, or are experts in everything and don't mind telling us. I'd venture to say we have plenty of experts flying under the radar bc they know not to draw attention to themselves. I dobt even necessarily disagree with the choice of people he's called out. But those of us who really care don't make grandiose promises or, generally, put people down. Just food for thought.)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

He may be trying to group Racine with false leads. Everything we have posted aboit Racine is the Truth and we are risking many lives to tell it. They are very afraid about people finding out the true meaning of Sustainability and Agenda 2030.

Racine is the weak link to the entire network. They know we are telling the Truth.

Judgejewdy ago

Why don't you (plural or royal?) just lay everything out if you know so much? Why make broad claims with no dots connected or tell to find out what apparently you already know????? I'm not calling you a liar but I've seen your posts and ive yet to see you back up anything with hard evidence. What gives?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have. Put all of our posts together and it is clear as day.

We don't post links on purpose because we don't want the Truth we post to be compromised by a particular source that can be discredited.

We risk our lives and the lives of others to being you the Truth. What will you risk to look any of it up?

We have hard evidence. Many of our sources provided it to the FBI and DOJ. Jim Comey, Loretta Lynch, Paul Ryan and others at the very top obstructed RICO investigations with indisputable evidence that led to the Clintons, Johnsons, Podestas and many others in the chain.

Instead of any justice, sources, witnesses and victims were then targeted and retailiated against.

You have no idea of the sacrifices and risks we have taken to learn and share the Truth. We cannot do this alone. We need your help.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Lets discuss the Black Nobility before talking about low level scrubs like Clinton, the Podestas etc. This is why I don't trust any of you. No mention of the Jesuits, the Royal families of Europe and the Middle East, just gobbledygook, EVERYWHERE.

They are the perpetuaters of this farce we call reality; these so called "blue bloods". The lower rats you discuss are not the root of the problem. Destroy the head of the snake, and the body crumbles.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have discussed the Jesuits often as the Marquette mafia runs the corrupt Freemason and secret society based Wisconsin court system, and is xonnected to Georgetown and 26 other corrupt Jesuit institutions in the U.S. with a couple in Canada also.

We have also discussed Black Nobility which the "root" of the agenda based in Racine, Wisconsin leads to along with Pilgrims Society, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Council of 13, Majority 12 and others.

The key chain of command and weak link is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin).

The path to the head of the snake is through the Truth about Sustainability (Satan's Ability).

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I see. The chain of command is as expected. I believe you, somewhat, though confirmation bias may play a part. OP is suspicious. We've had a lot of these guys come in, discredit whistleblowers, and this all occured in the same time, with different whistleblowers being discredited, and this was pertaining to different topics of discussion (from alien overlords, big bankers to pizza). They also call anyone who questions them shills and alts. The latter point is the most suspicious. Most of us do question; it is expected. Calling others shills without any backing is of course dubious, especially in this community. I reserve my judgement for now.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Look at our history. We don't generally call out shills or those who don't understand. Instead we try to convince everyone to open their eyes and see the real Truth we are telling about Racine and the real agenda.

We know all about confirmation bias. This is not confirmation bias. Racine is the Ultimate Truth.

DomKeyhote ago

The shill/idiot litmus test is saying "khazar"

paulf ago

Good work SST. I will certainly alert the people I know on the places I frequent to come and take a gander.

fru_glo ago

this is one of the best things ever on this sub. God bless ya op, HighLevelInsider you're a faggot and ya gon die

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You do not know what you are talking about.

Racine is real. We are not connected to David Brock, high level insider, or any others as you imply. We were initially attacked by some of the others you mentioned until they realized that everything we have posted is the Truth and it is indisputable.

We have proven time and again that we know who is involved and what it leads to.

You may have some other inferences correct but you are dead wrong about us.

We have been in here since the very day that Reddit pizzagate was shut down. Racine was part of the reason Reddit pizzagate was shut down. We know too much and we know who is connected.

Try reading all of our comments and dispute any of them you wish. We may be some of the few real people who know the real Truth.

You theory is destroyed by insinuating that we are part of the very groups we are exposing.

Racine is not part of the controlled narrative. It is the "root" to the entire system through the primary chain of command Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin).

Shine the light on Racine and we will prove how very wrong you are.

No one else on the planet is saying they found the "root" of the global cabal and that it is in a small city in the Midwest.

We know people who have been murdered and had their lives ruined for what we know. You need to revise your theory. It is compromised by your false accusations. We are risking our lives to tell you about Racine, Wisconsin. Open your eyes.

popcorn77 ago

I have read a lot of your posts on FB and I have always liked your work. I love that you are so brave to take these people to court and put their names and faces on billboards calling them out. My only concern is, why isn't Trump helping you?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thank you, and Racine, Wisconsin is the ultimate Litmus Test for Trump. We do not trust him, and we believe he is putting his allegiance to the masonic brotherhood ahead of his allegiance to America, the Constitution, the rule of law, and to God.

His endorsement of the corrupt Foxconn deal in Racine speaks volumes.

popcorn77 ago

It does seem like he could be doing some things differently. For sure. Please be careful and keep up the good fight. God bless you.

SoberSecondThought ago

I'm just going to highlight a sentence here, for future discussion.

No one else on the planet is saying they found the "root" of the global cabal and that it is in a small city in the Midwest.

That's true. But it's bad strategy on your part to keep underlining it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We know the Truth. It must be repeated for people to understand how important this is. The history, present and future of the world is at stake.

If you have a better idea how to shine the world's light on the "root" of the real Agenda in Racine, Wisconsin please help do so.

You have been wrong about many thing already. Try helping and making it right.

VaginalCanal ago

Risking your lives by hiding behind a computer monitor that is hidden behind a VPN on the tor network? You aren't risking anything. You're providing information without risk and asking strangers to pursue and act on it IRL.

SenateAnon is the exact same. There isn't any risk for you or SenateAnon. If you "know" the information you possess is legit and damaging, why don't you act on it?

Instead. If you can't provide any real evidence, why are you even participating? All I have seen from you, or any "anon" for that matter, are salacious claims of criminal activity with no real tangible evidence to bank it up.

You have no photos, video or official documentation. Only speculation and uppercase words meant to sensationalize your posts.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

What do you know about risk?

We know many people who have been murdered in the course of several overlapping investigation. Many others have had their lives or businesses destroyed, their families stalked and threatened, their rights abused, and much more including by officials and law enforcement after going to the FBI. This goes to the very very top. We have said over and over many who are involved including the main chain of command which is Rothschilds to Rockefellers to Johnsons in Racine.

There are federal RICO cases linked to the Johnsons and Clintons that support our knowledge. Look at the Clinton Foundation donors. Look at our entire history of comments. What we post is the Truth. It is indisputable. Reaearch anything we talk about.

Thia is real. You have no idea what we have gone through as a group. Have you heard of the Pilgrims Society? Committee of 300? Council of 13? Those are a few involved. They all link to Racine, Wisconsin.

Remember the Majority 12? 3 were from Wisconsin.

Have you researched anything we have posted about?

VaginalCanal ago

I'm not denying what you say. In fact, ill agree with you.

What I'm saying is that going onto a website and encouraging people to investigate allegations, without providing any proof of said allegations, is ludicrous. Then, certain anons, get upset when people don't investigate In real life even though they haven't provided a shred of evidences themselves.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have provided names. We have provided links. We have provided details that very few would know about. We have replied to everyone who has contacted us. Look up the last post on Reddit Pizzagate. People were starting to gain an intereat in the Truth about Racine..

There are no other groups on the planet saying they discovered the "root" of the real agenda and that it is in a small midwestern city. There are many reasons why. What would you do if you exhausted all legal avenues and knew the Truth about the agenda for global enslavement and the Mark of the Beast?

We know it is the Truth. We know it first hand. Research what we have posted about. You will find the Truth.

AgainstPedos ago

Just to let you know I had a lot of interest on what I posted re Racine on GLP. Stopped for awhile as there's too much other hi interest political news re 10/1 lies, JFK release, Hillary & Uranium One, 11/4 ANTIFA. Will start a new thread on Racine when things quiet down.Many on GLP dislike politics but want spice/scandal.

Hollywood pedo scandals connect to DC & to 10/1 Vegas (Saudi child auctions.) Don't know Racine link.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The Emanuels and Podsstas are key links through DC to Chicago (and Racine) to Hollywood. One of the key Scientology connections is Kristin Bauer van Straten. Look at the roles she has played. Then look into her brother Jeff. He is a key player in Racine tied to global education reform which is a main part of the agenda of enslavement from cradle to career or grave.

Share any information and ask any questions. Racine is the "Root" of the entire agenda. We would not be repeating it so much if we were not absolutely sure.

2impendingdoom ago

What is GLP? I think of the reasons they move army families so frequently is to prevent detection of the MKUltraing of the kids. The constant moving every few years keeps them isolated from grandparents and from making long term relationships that would notice personality or behavior changes.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

It's a Tavistock owned honeypot forum

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

GLP=GodLikeProductions? IDK seems likely.

AgainstPedos ago

Because of the more thorough examination of 10/1 Shootings Vegas on multiple threads, with many linked videos, multiple theories, and examination by many retired military who are weapons experts, there are now hundreds of posters reading on GodLikeProductions daily.

Not all but many are pro-Christian, borderline Libertarian, most are pro-Trump as he's proven to be less corrupt than Hillary. There's a very strong undercurrent of general government distrust among almost all posters. Some are fearful, others are preppers. Hard to find anyone pro-NWO for a combination of reasons especially rugged individualism & faith.

I don't care who owns it or that we're not allowed to link this particular site or to mention "Tavistock." You'll see many of the subjects covered here, duplicated on GLP. Except on GLP they are far, far more suspicious of the Feds in general. Home schooling movement is strong.

Mind control methods (most GLP are anti-TV & MSM music,) underground government bases (posters are highly educated or at least well-read,) whether North Korea actually is a serious military threat, current US weapons capability, and why Sandy Hook and 9-11 were not what was presented are very popular topics.

Therefore I don't see it as a honeypot. Due to being an actress I am more open than the average. I've dealt with a dangerous stalker long before I got on the internet. I've had my phones tapped and a tiny bug put behind a picture in my room. Super personal/private info with my lover no longer held private. How do I know this to be true?

A man who should have known very little about me, as I NEVER discuss certain aspects of my life, knew every single personal & intimate detail and explained how & why the surveillance was done to me. Also what was in the small package sent to me by a relative in another state. They had to x-ray my vitamins?

Now if some of this info is 100% private please let me know. Posters have specifically asked about Racine. I haven't written anything so far you can't get with a Google search and by reading just a few widely known posts on 4Chan about the one company everyone hates to work for in the area. You can read what I wrote. I NEVER mention anyone's name/handle or what would specifically identify them in any way.

Everything needs to be considerably watered down anyway as some, but not all, don't have much of a background in NWO topics. We do get a lot of newbies who arrive to read other threads, particularly lately. I am assuming you want some of this info spread like re Stephen King (everyone on GLP apparently hates him & thinks his books are un-Godly or at least immoral.)

Vindicator ago

Sounds based. Wish I had time to check it out.

2impendingdoom ago


2impendingdoom ago

So I believe the complete opposite. By focusing only on Racine, you are ignoring and giving a pass to all of the other corrupt shit going on in the rest of the world.

Just for starters, Pennsylvania is proven constantly to be an absolute rats nest. DC is beyond unspeakable. Connecticut is the UnConstitution State. Hollywood and So Cal is a pedoland in and of its self. And it goes on and on.

Why do you insist we don't investigate any of that?

If you have so much actual dirt on Racine, LETS HEAR NAMES AND DATES.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Look into the connectioms between Allentown, Pennsylviana and Tacine, Wisconsin for starters. Racine is tied to all main global hubs of corruption, trafficking and abuse from Haiti to Ghana to Belgium to Norway to Pakistan and UAE.

The main chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin). Key middle men include the Podsstas and Emanuels with other ties to groups such as Pilgrims Society and John McCain and his Institute through connections such as John Jeffry Louis. Do you know who he is and the generations before him?

Here are other some names for you who are involved -

Tom DeLonge, Travis Barker, Evan McMullin, Mitt Romney, Warren Jeffs, Ashton (Chris) Kutcher, Demi Moore, Bruce Willis, Guy Oseary, Ron Burkle, Mark Cuban, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and many others you surely know.

And a few from Racine you may not - Caron Butler, Mark Ruffalo, Kristin Bauer van Straten and her brother Jeff Neubauer, Paul Ryan, Reince Preibus, and of course the Johnsons and other local business leaders.

Look at how many officials in Racine have resigned, retired, changed positions, moved away or ended up dead in the river aince we have been exposing the Truth.

Many sources and witnesses went to the FBI with lists of names and dates. They obstructed the investigations and targeted the sources. This is extreme tryanny. Research Racine and you will find out the everything we have posted is the absolute Truth.

Racine is the "root" of the entire agenda.

DomKeyhote ago

You are listing Jew-infested areas, bud. Add Miami, Chicago, Philly, SF, Boston, DC, even Phoenix and Atlanta.

Here's NYT 1991 about the mass popularity in Japan of books about Jewish dominance, including ones by former parliamentarians. Do the JAPANESE strike you as an ignorant, bigoted people?

popcorn77 ago

Why does everyone seem to leave Nashville out of that circle? You know they are big into trafficking children. Bob Corker and his crew are just as corrupt as the rest. Why do you think he chose not to run again?

srayzie ago

Donkey would never call someone "bud" you FAKE.

2impendingdoom ago

Not really sure what Japan has to do with my comment. And I don't want to know why you think it does either.

witch_doctor1 ago

This delusional faggot shills on T_D under a similar user name. And you are exactly right, what does this word salad have to do with anything?

witch_doctor1 ago

For me, anything that doesn't point to the Clinton Foundation is a distraction. Also, I commented late in the other thread that FBI Anon commented several times that he thought HLI was a larp, this began in the 4th AMA, question #4 (IIRC)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine is directly connected to the Clinton Foundation. Racine had a RICO investigation that went all the way up to Loretta Lynch personally (because it initially started as an entry point with racial discrimination patterns and practices - see the documentary made about it. That was only an entry point as people have been murdered for knowing about Racine.

The investigation led to the Rotary clubs, the Freemasons, and other groups including one of the wealthiest families in the nation, the Johnsons. SC Johnson and Rotary were large donors to the Clinton Foundation, and many Racine foundations, organizations, officials and their donors were involved in brazen criminal corruption - bribery, blackmal, extortion, fraud, rigged development deals, racketeering, illegal campaigns, racketeering, and more.

Clintons, Podestas, John McCain, Paul Ryan of course, along with his running mate Mitt Romney, and many others are involved at the top levels. Tony Podesta got his big break into art and politics in Racine. Hillary used Racine as her model for Community Policing (now Racine serves as the primary model across all communities).

Racine is not a distraction. Comey and Lynch personally obstructed investigations that directly linked to Racine and the same racketeering networks used by the Clinton Foundation.

Racine is the "Root" of the Truth. Look up anything we say. It is the Truth the world needs to know before their Agenda is complete.

What is Agenda 2030 also known as Agenda 21 based on? Sustainability.

Where did Sustainability begin, and who was the pioneer for Sustainability and Sustainable development?

Racine Wisconsin and the Johnsons, specifically working with President Bill Clinton. Look any of this up. Look up the Earth Summit in Rio. Look up Christine Whitman. Look up Pilgrims Society and John Jeffry Louis.

What will it take for people to believe the Truth? Sustainability is the great deception for the New World Order to assume global control. Sustainability is Satan's Ability. The real agenda is Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast through one world currency and one world religion enforced by AI and Community Policing.

We Know the Truth and we found out where the Root of the entire system is.

witch_doctor1 ago

It's not my job to look all of these claims's your job to provide sauce if this town of less than 100K is so motherfucking important and has ties to the Clinton Foundation...I don't remember seeing it mentioned once in the countless hours I spent researching the Wikileaks dumps. Meanwhile, FBI Anon said HLI was a larp. FBI Anon is legit...therefore; HLI is a larp until proven otherwise.

In fact, here is the Wikileaks search of the Clinton dump with search term "Racine"..a grand total of, minerva and pizza beat the shit out of your hotbed of corruption..

Or how about the Podesta dump? Yeah, pretty much all Karl Racine and Racine, WI, not so much...

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Why don't you look at the top 50 donors to the Clinton Foundation? Why don't you look into the Clintons and Sustainable development? Do you know anything about Curt Johnson?

You downvote and insult without even knowing the basics.

Look up where Tony Podesta got his big break into art and politics. It was when he met the real players in Racine, Wisconsin.

Vindicator ago

WIC, here's the problem. Maybe you aren't a shill and just have Asperger's, but what you don't seem to understand is the basic expectation of this board.: provide research.

Why don't you look at the top 50 donors to the Clinton Foundation? Why don't you look into the Clintons and Sustainable development? Do you know anything about Curt Johnson?

Why don't you make a post laying this out? You post theses, but don't support them. AND then you perseverate in comment after comment about how no one is doing your job for you. It's weak, and it does make you look like someone who is not here to help.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We do not do this for voat.

We do this for the Truth.

We do however appreciate voat and the reason we only post comments is to keep voat alive for as long as possible. We also cannot do this alone. We need the world to shine the light on Racine, and we will guarantee you that once they do, you and everyone will understand that everything we have posted is the Truth.

We try to avoid putting links because we know with absolute certainty that everything we posted is the Truth, and it is based on a long term experience with a wide mixture of sources including first hand accounts. Posting a few links is easier to discredit the source rather than the Truth. We do have evidence, sources and witnesses ready to testify however there will never be justice in the traditional sense. This is much bigger than what our corrupt and compromised system can handle. How do you prosecute the Pilgrims Society for example?

It does not take much to use any sources you wish to research anything we have posted about. Use any sources you wish. Have you bothered to look into anything we have posted about even for a few minutes?

If you want to be Saved, you must Choose to be Saved. We are not weak. We are risking our lives and the lives of others to tell you the Ultimate Truth. You have no idea of the sacrifices we have made to do this.

Try helping us if you don't want yourself and the rest of the world to be enslaved for eternity.

ababcb ago

Do you have a link to this? Senate Anon (or someone claiming to be him) claimed that FBI anon was Steve Pieczenik.

witch_doctor1 ago

All I have is a link that I startpaged...but it is a .pdf file...

I have long theorized that Steve Pieczenik was FBI Anon, because he was the first well-known person to come out and publicly say pretty much exactly what FBI Anon was saying...

Vindicator ago

I tend to agree with this.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

For the record we believe that US Senate Anon is legit for the simple reason he is the only one of the Anons who said "keep digging into Racine".

We also know that they Royal Order of Jesters, SOBIB, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Malta, Pilgrims Society, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Council of 13 and other connected societies are real and absolutely involved.

Your examples of David Seaman and Mike Cernovich are a joke. They are opportunists at best. See if they will shine the light on Racine, Wisconsin. We are sure they won't.

@fogdryer is also legit, so is @carmencita, and so are many others here who have actually done the research instead of playing guessing games. They know we are telling the Truth.

Do you know anything about Racine, Wisconsin? Maybe you should try reaearching everything we have posted about. Do you know what happened at the Earth Summit in Rio? Do you know about the meetings at Wingspread? Do you the Truth about Ashton (Chris) Kutcher and Tom DeLonge? Do you know anything about Community Policing or the Mark of the Beast?

witch_doctor1 ago

"For the record we believe that US Senate Anon" Who in the fuck is "we"?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We is a group who knows the Truth through overlapping investigations, and a collective of sources, witnesses and victims. Many roads converged in Racine, Wisconsin and a string of events led to massive discoveries including deep ties to criminal corruption, trafficking and social agendas that lead to more nefarious goals.

This is very real and is very dangerous. Many went to the FBI and other agencies. The entire system is compromised. This is a state of tyranny. US Senate Anon's mistake is trusting in Trump.

Racine is Trump's ultimate Litmus Test. He has known about it since long before he won the primary and general election.

Either way US Senate Anon knows that everything we have posted about Racine is the Truth.

ababcb ago

Exactly. There's no way Senate Anon can be on the side of the pedos because he did NOT distract us from Racine, unlike ASoberSecondThought, who is doing everything he can to stop citizens from taking this investigation into the real world.

ASoberSecondThought is almost certainly a shill for this reason, in spite of his previous post history, which does not appear like the post history of a shill account but he's a sophisticated shill, so maybe that's why.

EricKaliberhall ago

Tom DeLonge had that live-stream event, Podesta tweeted about it... Anyway, Tom wants to build a spaceship and he is looking for money. Obvious scam, but what's that all about?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is about Project Blue Beam.

Tom DeLonge is part of the cabal. They want to forge one world religion through AI. Do you know anything about Poway? Travis Barker does.

Many people you have heard of know about Project Blue Beam. And it's not only LDS leaders like Warren Jeffs, Evan McMullin and Mitt Romney (or their Jesuit running mates Paul Ryan linked to Timothy Dolan and the Vatican).

Chester Bennington knew. Chris Cornell knew. Courtney Love is part of it too. Marilyn Manson knows.

Even Kristin Bauer van Straten knows. She is from Racine of course, and L Ron Hubbard, Peter Lavenda, and Aleister Crowley know.

It is part of the plan. The "root" and model for their agenda is Racine, Wisconsin.

used2likepizza ago

What do you think about hyperbolic jew hater @cheesebooger?

Cheesebooger ago

and why are you pinging me in this thread? It makes no sense to disrupt this

used2likepizza ago

Honestly .....I was ASKING because I was thinking that maybe my impression that all you ever do is reply with some "jews suck" "jews are all pervs" "more proof it's the jews" comments was off base. So I wanted to know what this guy thought. If I was not right I was going to apologize for what I said yesterday actually. It's pretty easy to get conspiratorial in a conspiracy type forum and I was thinking maybe my impression of you was wrong. And I might have said something like that because unlike what you think I am not jewish or a jewish defender and I do think there is definitely something there.....I just think it might be in a certain little clan and not the entire group.....

Cheesebooger ago

You are a fucking pedo jew. Just look at your jew name and some of the shit you have said. I know you by your fruit. You can try and divide us all you want.

KeksMex ago

Booger is a solid bro. Right @Cheesebooger?

Cheesebooger ago

I think I am. I've caught 'Usedtolikepedo' saying some jew shit

oftotc ago

What is the link between the HLI accounts and the jem777 crowd? Is she disinfo or just a click-whore?

Dressage2 ago

I think you have it all wrong about @mej777.

Mej777 ago

What is you fucking problem? I have outed many of the top pedophiles. I am a Federal whistlevlower who has been beaten for speaking out 8 weeks ago. I have been targeted for eight years and had to discover an eyewitness preparing to testify with me dead in his car.

I have been here from day 1 and have gained a reputation as being beyond credible I am risking my life daily.

I have first person witness testimony and will names and locations you have never heard of.

I was banned because I am in possession of all of Stephen Paddocks history, criminal, property, locations seen for last two years. His plane and links to defense contractor, The truth about what he did for the CIA and links to trafficking, weapons, children, whatever,

I am aware of the pre-planning...the ritual sacrifice involved in front of the Sphinx, the Pyramid, and Obliesk...

I also have been placed on top 50 lists on Voat for being one of top poster. Fuck off. Jem777

@2impendingdoom @Erickaliberhall @carmencita @darkknight111 @Dressage2

Vindicator ago

I was banned because I am in possession of all of Stephen Paddocks history, criminal, property, locations seen for last two years.

No, Jem. You were banned because you gave the finger to our submission rules, as I clearly stated in the last post I removed. You even got a warning from VSD, but did not edit the post. You also like to attack those who disagree with you and make unsubstantiated claims designed to cause fear and discouragement in others.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thank you for risking your life and posting the Truth @Jem777. Many do not understand how real this is. It is not funny. It is dangerous.

Cheesebooger ago

There's been some agents running around here lately

VaginalCanal ago

I am sick of these LARP faggots trying to act more important than they are.

You, on the other hand, get nothing but respect from me. I hope it works out for you.

AgainstPedos ago

Thank you for your info. Will watch for your posts/new info for GLP threads. Hundreds are seeking provable links between 10/1 and Pedo Rings. Can you help post on GLP?

Dressage2 ago

Well this clearly sums up why @Jem777 is considered an exceptional researcher. We need researchers with this dedication and intelligence to see this job through to the bitter end. I hope @Vindicator will restore her acct.

Vindicator ago

Look, I have to ban those who knowingly give the finger to our submission rules, whether they are shills or longtime members. Voat hates moderators and requires objective administration of the subverse rules. Jem chose to ignore the rules as well as the reminder from @VictorSteinerDavion. Furthermore, s/he cried "mods are censoring" and keeps saying the ban was about post content -- a totally false claim, and quite shillish. There has been no acceptance of responsibility for disregarding community standards, either.

paulf ago

Ignore the trolls Jem. The people who matter know you're legit.

oftotc ago

I have outed many of the top pedophiles. I am a Federal whistlevlower who has been beaten for speaking out 8 weeks ago. I have been targeted for eight years and had to discover an eyewitness preparing to testify with me dead in his car.

I have been here from day 1 and have gained a reputation as being beyond credible I am risking my life daily.

I have first person witness testimony and will names and locations you have never heard of.

I was banned because I am in possession of all of Stephen Paddocks history, criminal, property, locations seen for last two years. His plane and links to defense contractor, The truth about what he did for the CIA and links to trafficking, weapons, children, whatever,

I am aware of the pre-planning...the ritual sacrifice involved in front of the Sphinx, the Pyramid, and Obliesk...

I guess I forgot to mention the third possibility: a LARPing loser in his mother's basement.

Mej777 ago

I don't have a mother or a basement so fuck off. Why did you make your way over to this board as soon as I spoke about the Las Vegas shooting, connected the shooter to defense agencies, got hold of his criminal history, properties, accounts, social media, aliases, connection him as a weapons trafficker and so much more.

I identified actually foretold,( though did not know the location until it happened) that the Las Vegas event was a ritual sacrifice as well in front of the Sphinx, Pyramid, Obliesk.

It also involved cover up for childctrafficking involving the UAE, Saudi's & others. Who owns the top five floors of Mandaly Bay?

King of Saudi, floors 35-39 Israili tycoon?

I knew this information from a much quieter investigation but called Mandolay Bay the day after, getting them in record.

Don't live in mother's basement but was notified being moved for my protection. Interesting that my testimony is being asked under protection about things much larger than this but I am a larper...

Dressage2 ago

I am glad you are being moved. Disregard this loser. You are so far ahead of his game and anyone that matters knows that already. Take those mofos down!

oftotc ago

Why did you make your way over to this board as soon as I spoke about the Las Vegas shooting,

Also, you have no investigative skills whatsoever. Two minutes on would reveal the falsehood of your statement. But that's just not as much fun as pretending to be a federal witness now, is it.

carmencita ago

Upvoats for you are in order. @fogdryer @cantsleepawink @jangles @srayzie @mooteensy

srayzie ago

I’ll check it all out when i’m back in town. Thank you for the ping

DomKeyhote ago

LOL pinging each other to rack up your gay little points is cheating, like brigading my accounts is. You play dirty now after a few months defending historys most notorious CHEATERS! HAHA

srayzie ago

You're just jealous that the only time you are pinged is to tell you what a dipshit you are. Get over yourself

DomKeyhote ago

LOL only a retarded cunt like you NEEDS some arbitrary point system to judge content, lacking any independent thought herself. "Get over yourself" says the bitch who just told me I cant be in her club lol

srayzie ago

My club? Lol. The only reason Vindicator hasn't banned you yet, is because you are obviously nor donkey

DomKeyhote ago

@Vindicator is a kikeshill doofus who could confirm I am, but shan't bother, and in any event the pair of you can suck my balls!

srayzie ago

I've told you how you could confirm to me but you can't because you aren't capable of logging into the real donkeys accounts. So you can go find some balls to suck!

carmencita ago


2impendingdoom ago

Why are you bringing Jem into this?

Jem is working at a grassroots level to expose corruption, she has participated in efforts to submit spoliation (forbidding any destruction of evidence) letters to all of congress and other gov. agencies. This is more than HLI has done. Also Jem is banned again from pizzagate by Vindicator for posting about Stephen Paddock. @Jem777

Vindicator ago

ababcb ago

Why bring Jem into this? Well, if what you say is true then ASoberSecondThought may want her to stop doing what she's doing at all costs. His threads are as desperate as they are long winded.

2impendingdoom ago

it was otfotc who brought Jem into this, not SoberSecondThought.

EricKaliberhall ago

I say unban Jem777

Dressage2 ago

I agree as well.

oftotc ago

I suspect she is either a forum slider designed to push people away from investigating PG and its' suspects, or a click hunter designed to draw traffic to monetized YT videos. Either way, her posts dilute the investigation.

EDIT: Pinging her is a sub she banned from is a great idea :-/

Dressage2 ago

You are so far off the mark on this one, bubba.

2impendingdoom ago

yeah, nobody else's posts dilute the investigation either.

2impendingdoom ago

nice work. Looking forward to your next reveal. You are so right about the arrogance. they can't hide it, its their achilles heel.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We are not arrogant. We are humble yet determIned, and understand people questioning why Racine is so important.

Read all of our posts. We are trying to help Save the world from Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast. It is real. This is not a distraction or a joke. Enslavement is as real as trafficking and corruption. Agenda 2030 is real. Sustainability is real. Community policing is real. Art in Embassies is real. These all started in Racine, Wisconsin and play a main role in the global agenda.

We discovered the "root" of the entire agenda. It is Racine, Wisconsin. Question anyone who says otherwise when all we have done is post Truth after Truth after Truth. Look up anything we have posted. Why else would Paul Ryan be the most powerful politician in the country? He worked with Jack Lew and even with Les Aspin as he worked his way up. Racine is the model for the New World Order and Paul Ryan is the spokesman.

Why are they so afraid of people finding out the Truth about Racine, Wisonsin?

SoberSecondThought ago

You still don't understand how bad this is going to be for you. Tell me again about the importance of Racine. I like it when you do that.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Is that a threat?

SoberSecondThought ago

It's ... a tautological observation. If you're not the sockpuppet of a guy working for a gang of child rapists, you've got absolutely nothing to worry about. But if you are, then you do, pretty much by definition.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You have no idea of the risks and sacrifices involved. You are speculating about us and assuming things you do not know of.

If you are really trying to find the Truth, we are on the same team. We do not trust Alex Jones, or George Webb, or Jason Goodman, or Robert David Steele, or Mike Cernovich, or Jeff Sessions, or Robert Mueller, or Donald Trump. They all know about Racine, Wisconsin and the Truth we are telling. So do the Podestas, Tom DeLonge, Peter Lavenda, Evan McMullin, David Miscavige, Ashton Kutcher, Kristin Bauer van Straten and her brother Jeff, Caron Butler, Timothy Dolan, the Pope and many others.

Why would Jim Comey and Loretta Lynch personally obstruct criminal investigations into Racine, Wisconsin tied to the Clinton Foundation and many more powerful groups? Because it leads to the real Truth and the real Agenda they cannot let the world find out about.

Change your premise to believe in the Truth that we are telling you, read all of our comments, and you will begin to see things in a new light.

Why trust anyone who will not investigate the Truth we have told about the "root" and weak link to the entire system in Racine, Wisconsin. Sustainability is the great deception to forge the path for the new world order. It is Satan's Ability to bring about the Mark of the Beast. Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft (and the Gates Foundation), Google, Tesla, Peter Thiel, and the rest of the tech giants are all in on it.

We know the Truth. Be Saved or be Enslaved.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Look at all of the downvotes. Someone is afraid of the Truth about Racine.