witch_doctor1 ago

Thank you for this. I saw the original HLI thread go down on /pol/, and the ROJ one....I still consider myself an FBI Anon literalist, and anything that leads away from the Clinton Foundation makes me suspicious.

Vindicator ago

This brings us to May 20th, when he came to Voat, and introduced us to HLI v3.0. Now he was far less condescending. Here on v/pizzagate, he didn't waste anyone's time with Nazi bases in Antarctica or Obama = Osama, since it would simply be deleted by the mods.

@kevdude, you are vindicated. Check out this thread confirming the effectiveness of the submission rules.

mooteensy ago

Thank you so much for this, OP. I don't know what we would do here without people like you.

madhatter67 ago

Pretty interesting stuff......it's clear there are all kinds of weird agendas at work here as well as those of us who are just trying to get at the truth

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

The british royal family controls everything


SoldierofLight ago

Looking forward to more of your posts on this. When HighLevelInsider was on here telling everyone to go get a video camera and film people in their homes, I took him to be a (bad) copycat of the /pol/ version. In fact, the feeling I got was he was some loser kid living in his mother's basement. I loved it that everyone was basically ignoring him. And I'm especially glad you were paying closer attention.

Factfinder2 ago

Astute analysis.

alphabravo ago

Very interesting. I recall he was on a mission to get us to camera up and go surveiling, then when that didn't work he did the Jesters dump. Hmmm. Thanks for all the work you're putting into this OP.

oftotc ago

I have a question re: The British Royal Family controls the Saudis. How does the islamification of England benefit the Royal Family? In my opinion, it's the other way around - the Saudis have found leverage against the Royals which keeps the Royals in check during the Saudi funded jihadi invasion of Europe.

SoberSecondThought ago

Excellent question! This particular lie, like all of HLI's lies, is driven by the need to divert people away from Hillary's actual agenda and deeds. In this case, the Clinton Foundation and the Clintons themselves have taken vast amounts of money from the Saudis and their Sunni allies. When she was Secretary of State, Hillary pushed a Sunni agenda (trying to overthrow Assad and put a Sunni pipeline through Syria, overthrowing Libya, and so on).

Telling stories about how the Saudis are puppets and the real power is elsewhere is a way of hiding that the Saudis do have power and Hillary is their puppet. (Think about Huma Abedin here.) It's not a top priority, it's just something that HLI has on his checklist. He lies about countless things, but always with the same goal, to protect Hillary.

LawofTruth ago

This is great info, High Level Insider is serving up a croc of bull shit

srayzie ago

You put a lot of work into this. How did you figure it all out?

SoberSecondThought ago

Oh, this is barely the tip of the iceberg! I will explain as we go along, but it will take weeks to go through everything.

For now, just believe me when I say, there's a really stressed-out meeting between HLI and David Brock coming up in the near future. He writes and performs the LARP, but Brock is the one who pays for everything.

I know a lot of you have tried confronting HLI/Senate Anon, and that's great. Glad he didn't fool you. But I scare the crap out of him, and with good reason. And the best part is, I'm not any kind of insider. I'm not law enforcement or government or intelligence. I'm just a guy who is good with Internetz and wants his country back.

If you're impatient to understand more, you can go back and read my comments and submissions from the beginning. Lots of clues in there to why I scare this guy.

Vindicator ago

I'm just a guy who is good with Internetz and wants his country back.

The justice of this is sweet. Came here for people like you, Sober. Upvoat!

srayzie ago


ESOTERICshade ago

I confronted him several times. His focus at Voat was to get people to engage in illegal surveillance. My suspicion was that he hoped people would discuss and plan it here in the forum so that the plans would be known. Then when people actually went to do the surveillance they would run into a trap. Just a suspicion. Whatever his deal is there is something off about him.

independenceday ago

I went into the referenced first link here and all I get is: "Socket create error". Has someone scrubbed the archive somehow?

SoberSecondThought ago

Still works fine for me.

independenceday ago

just tried it again, and it works. weird.

independenceday ago

I can open the link fine, just not the images in the link. That's where it comes up "socket create error".

Vindicator ago

We've been under DDoS for 22 days an counting. These weird errors are one of the symptoms.

independenceday ago

thanks for clarifying.

Jem777 ago

Thanks. I think he is a plant as well but Obama story is more complicated than CIA and HRC and goes back in origination to WW11. The Nazis did have a base in Antartica and pure evil exists there the difference is the alleged Americans took it over. I say alleged because all presidents since JFK are actually part of Operation Paperclip in some way....so they are Nazi's and they run this country. The only two who would not surrender was Nixon....look what happened to him, then Reagan who they shot....but he had to sign a deal with the devil and put GHWBush as Vice.

Arrvee ago

There is a theory going around that the first HLI was legit and the ones afterward are all LARPs and disinfo. Were 2.0, 3.0, and the Voat AMAer able to verify their identities in any way?

SoberSecondThought ago

Nope. Nobody has ever offered hard proof for any version of HLI or Senate Anon. All we have are the claims they make about other people.

Arrvee ago

You may be on to something by calling them 2.0, 3.0, etc by their writing styles. People guess at the identities of Old Testament authors this way.

Voat's @HighLevelInsider runs /v/CAJI which has the same name as radio talk show host William Cooper's organization. He is into End Times stuff and was the author of Behold A Pale Horse. I'm guessing he's a fan.

Rmm ago

Thanks so much for this post. Good to step back and really analyze with a fresh look at all the leads

Blacksmith21 ago

I missed the bit about Adams Morgan. What is supposed to be there? A ROJ temple?

SoberSecondThought ago

Yes, but the part that got everyone interested originally is that the Jesters own property next to a former liquor store, Comet Liquor. Alefantis bought the sign when the store closed and used it for Comet Pizza. So it has this enticing ROJ+Alefantis connection, see? It's so well-known at this point that it's even in the Comet Pizza Wikipedia article. But since it was first identified about a year ago, and since the connection was old to begin with, you can bet there's nothing there but a trap. Or just simply nothing.

2impendingdoom ago

He also claims that he infiltrated his senator. He is nasty when you question him or warn others not to act illegaly, which is what he suggests (he told us to put cameras on our congresspeople homes!!) as though we would catch incriminating evidence but for what purpose, to get us arrested!!

The guy is an arrogant smug cunt who thinks he is smarter than us.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Although I agree 100% with the first point about Obama being a child of the CIA, since birth..

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Obunghole was a orphaned ape. The Kenyan Zoo sold him to Stanley Ann Dunham in late August 1961, through Jane Goodall.

witch_doctor1 ago

"The Kenyan Indonesian Zoo"...took the liberty of fixing that for you.

2impendingdoom ago

Even if that is not true, its pretty funny.

SoberSecondThought ago

We'll look at that claim later, in detail. There's a much simpler back story for Obama, one that comes with living eyewitnesses, and genuine dead bodies. That's the story Hillary does not want discussed, which is why HLI talks about the CIA instead.

Oh_Well_ian ago

btw... HighLevelInsider is definitely disinformation. so we agree there.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Did you ever wonder who has the ability to execute Hillary's enemies without raising awareness from the MSM and law enforcement ?

Hillary = CIA = MSM ( only possible explanation )

Rmm ago

I believe you've got that right . There's a lot of dots to connect but I think we all know that the CIA has been tasked with providing propaganda to citizens

derram ago

https://snew.github.io/r/conspiracy/comments/5ee4wk/updated_for_anyone_interested_in_high_level/?st=j92t19t4&sh=1b350939)). :

[Updated] For anyone interested in High Level Insider: Thread dump + NEW 11/21 thread(Wikileaks/Assange status/etc) : conspiracy

This has been an automated message.

2impendingdoom ago

thank you