TimesUp ago

According to this writer, Obama is a Jester:


"Barack Obama is a Freemasonic member of the Royal Order of Jesters which was founded in Hawaii where Barack Obama is from. The Order of Jesters is a Shriner Order that specializes in mental terrorism. Fully initiated members of the secret societies are involved in human sacrifice and even the consumption of human blood and flesh."

Jem777 ago

Yes read deeply into the Bush story. You will see what their original last name was as well as the Windsors. They are all related and pay allegiance to the crown and ultimately the Vatican including Obama, Clinton and Pence.

HighLevelInsider ago

I don't think so. The rabbit hole on Obama is his whole family is CIA, and he worked for a CIA front.

TimesUp ago

I Googled the Obama/Jester connection after someone else on VOAT mentioned it months ago (I can't find that post). His ties to CIA are well known by now, but would that preclude his being involved as a top level Freemason/Jester?

Jem777 ago

I agree. He is CIA all the way that is what I am saying he has been in training since birth even before birth. The shocker will be when his true bloodline is revealed that is what I am alluding to. His mother's actual name not CIA identity.

Commoner ago

When I read the following about 'fishing tour', I could not help but think of Buck's camping and fishing. https://aconstantineblacklist.blogspot.ca/2009/10/tax-returns-reveal-jesters-controlled.html

"A failed application for habeas corpus has made public a court file that details the evidence for which former fishing tour operator Richard W. Schair was indicted by the Brazilian federal police as they investigated the sexual exploitation of minor Indian girls living along the Amazon. The file includes a client manifest that names three members of the Shriners secret sub-group, the Royal Order of Jesters (ROJ)."

Jem777 ago

This has to be a focus everyone even if you are not sure why please research. @ESOTERICshade @Dressage2 @jangles @carmecita @swazie

ThePuppetShow ago

The shriners are definitely part of the clique..


Dressage2 ago

I am on it. There is a great deal of history with these Orders. I believe Racine is on the Autists' radar as well as all these bullshit secret societies.

HighLevelInsider ago

You're welcome. Thank you for helping to bring them to justice.

NoBS ago

Hat tip. Hell, bro hug!

Commoner ago

The Indianapolis Scottish Rite https://aasr-indy.org/# supports the Children's Dyslexia Center Non-Profit Organization

Children's Dyslexia Center Non-Profit Organization Location Map show it next to Indiana Masonic Library Museum and American Legion Mall https://www.google.com/maps/place/Children's+Dyslexia+Center/@39.776172,-86.1604597,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x9dcf7dc1fd7d5fdb!8m2!3d39.776172!4d-86.158271?hl=en

EDIT **There are tunnels in downtown Indy, not too far away from the locations

TOURS https://www.indianalandmarks.org/tours-events/ongoing-tours-events/city-market-catacombs-tour/

Beneath Indianapolis’ historic City Market lies a hidden 20,000 square foot (1,858 square meter) maze of passageways. Built in the 1880s, the impressive vaulted Market Street Catacombs were constructed as a pre-refrigeration means of preserving the meat and other foods overnight, so that they would remain fresh enough for sale at the market the next day. More than a century later, many parts of the catacombs remain remarkably intact, chiefly because of the preservation of the City Market itself. Although not currently officially open to the public, there has been increased interest in the catacombs in recent years. Guided tours and other events are becoming more frequent as the popularity of the catacombs grows. http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/essential-guide-urban-tunnels


“Ironically, it was primarily locals who had never heard of the catacombs or never knew they existed, and were super-intrigued by them,” Stoesz added.

It’s hard not to be impressed by the secrets buried way beneath the bricks in the bowels of Indianapolis, especially if you’ve spent much time wandering through City Market. What lies beneath isn’t for the weak, but it’s one more reason why Indy has even more underrated, understated, and underground cred. https://www.thrillist.com/lifestyle/indianapolis/catacombs-of-indianapolis-what-lies-below-indys-streets


More than twenty thousand square feet of underground passageways run beneath Market and Delaware streets in downtown Indianapolis. Most residents don’t know why the catacombs were first built in 1880, although a copy of The Indianapolis Register from July 1886 hints that the network of tunnels accommodated the city’s red light district. “Our practical leaders know they cannot eradicate the vice that is spreading from Chicago and Detroit,” says the editorial. “Yet being a modest Midwestern town, we can certainly conceal it underground.” http://bureauofmanufacturedhistory.com/catacombs/

WD_Pelley ago

Children's Dyslexia Center Non-Profit Organization Location Map show it next to Indiana Masonic Library Museum and American Legion Mall

Funny, because even in my small town the Masons are directly across the street from a Boy Scouts of America merchandise store. Really makes you think, really activates those almonds.

Dressage2 ago

💥💥💥 Upvoat