Dressage2 ago

Excellent post. Look forward to reading more of what you have to say. Thanks

Darkomantis ago

You got something wrong. There are two "High Level Insiders". The first one is the one who started posting on 4chan in 2016 yet originated prior to that date on Reddit (different name) starting around 2013. The one you see on Voat and Reddit using the "HighLevelInsider" name is a con.

SoberSecondThought ago

Okay, I don't want to seem cranky, but could you at least tell me the other name? And how you know that the 2013 guy is the same, if he used a different name? I'm interested, but it isn't much of a rebuttal so far.

Darkomantis ago


2impendingdoom ago

nice work, I'm looking forward to part 3

SoldierofLight ago

This is excellent work-- well researched and well written. Great job! And thank you.

SoberSecondThought ago

You're welcome. This has been a long time in coming, more than a year in all. It feels great to finally get it out there.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/IdJp0 :

How Media Matters Founder David Brock Is Trying to Gain Respect From the White House -- New York Magazine

https://archive.fo/zTXGo :

Media Matters founder David Brock accuses gay ex-lover of blackmailing him for $850K | Daily Mail Online

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