archons ago

Then I have to ask why are you here? Seems masons are the ones behind all this.

RexAxisMundi ago

Catholics are behind this. Muslims are behind this. Jews are behind this. Masons are behind this. Republicans and Democrats are behind this. People who like the color blue are behind this.

The common thread to them all is money and power. Let's evolve away from this simple way if thinking and blaming one group. Its fucking dumb.

archons ago

May I ask how even you are invited to become a mason? I am guessing they are racist? But they have many different races in their ranks, Lots of black and hispanic people from what I have seen.

dogeminho ago

Yeah... the FreeMasons are known to be very involved in charity involving children... they run the CHiP program(child identification program) which the NCMEC

VieBleu ago

why angry at you if he is further in than you?

TheSeer ago

Wasn't there a post a few weeks ago about the Order of the Eastern Star, and its connections to Pizzagate/CPP? And it got kibboshed??

Antonius ago

"There hasn't been a jester in these parts...for a hundred years" -Skyrim

carmencita ago

I was watching the news and was so glad about the Elephants not being used anymore. Then they said that the reason that Ringling Bros. is shutting down is because of lack of business due to people missing the Elephants. WTH?

VieBleu ago

I'm not understanding, sincerely - he's a brother, not a blood brother I assume you mean, angry at you for what the Mason's do? but he was in further than you? possible for you to just do a quick summation of what the video is about?

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Back in 2010 we found (R) Rep.Gus Bilirakis from Pasco County, Florida was a member of this group. We tried to get into their next meeting, but were not able to. We went to the local newspaper, The Tampa Bay Times with this info, and they did NOTHING. Glad to see the Jesters back up for consideration.....of evil. Adding the link for all the doc I have here:

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

What is sad is that there would be much more outrage at the idea of an animal being beaten but the sounds of outrage at human chldren being beaten and worse is just the sound of crickets............

ThePuppetShow ago

Here is an interesting video of a shriner, from back in the day, saying he's lucifer and that lucifer is pure and wholesome.

NikitaVerite ago

What it boils down to for me, is that wherever there is SECRECY, there should be suspicion. It is their strict adherence to secrecy that should make it blatantly obvious that something just isn't right. There's no way around this - there's no way to explain away all the secrecy.

Mommyplayer571 ago

False idols, in fact any idol is bad. If I worship myself that is a slippery slope too. The best we can hope for is mercy at our human frailty. Be careful of methods that require one to earn respect or conversely reward respect or shed our shared responsibility to the innocent.

crystalclearme ago

While every group is suspect and no group beyond reproach in shining a disinfecting light- the number of positive and glowing expressions of gratitude for all of the Shriner Hospitals' services are quite consistent over many years. I would be interested to see anything bad and would hope it would be immediately condemned and shut down.

GivenyaThunderc00kie ago

The Kosair Shriners in Louisville,Ky had some sort of a dispute with Nortons Hospitals over 2 million dollars, and removed all the Kosair names off all local affiliated medical offices/hospitals just a few months ago. I will need to do more digging into this.

crystalclearme ago

thank you I'd appreciate it

Insubordinate ago

The Freemason's Royal Order of Jesters is a bizarre group. They have been linked to human trafficking, prostitution, pedophilia, and other sorts of perversion I won't mention. Granted, Shriners raise a lot of money for children... but they have ulterior motives.

Yuke ago

This is precisely it, and why these things are happening. Take a random anti-trafficking charity, make yourself a well known big-time donor, gain information on the organizations work, perhaps learn about the weaknesses in the systems that are in place, exploit said weaknesses on a need-to-know basis amongst trusted friends, make money, get your kicks, all the while looking like a good guy, cause everyone "knows" you donate tons of money to children's charities.

eyeVoated ago

Well said. The wolf in sheep's clothing is ancient, yet people STILL fall for it. Sometimes I wonder how this is even possible.

FuckReddit69 ago

Brainwashing and early childhood indoctrination. It's not hard if you get 'em early.

eyeVoated ago

You're right. We need to develop strategies to fix that. On Facebook, I'm surrounded by intellectuals with more doctoral degrees than I care to count. Yet very few even have a vague understanding of the dark occult. Although I'm sure a few of them are part of it, unfortunately. Some days this great new dark age we're living in gets to me, but I press on.

thisisnotagame ago

Thank God the end has come for Ringlings, just late last year...after over 150 years of abusing those poor animals. I only went once to the circus and left depressed for all the critters who needed love and the outdoors and to be free, not to be beaten into control like it is the children :(

thisisnotagame ago

Here is how the feds describe the Jesters in the Sheriff’s plea agreement.

“The Royal Order of Jesters (“ROJ”) is a worldwide fraternal organization whose membership is limited to individuals invited to join by other members. The motto of the ROJ is ‘mirth is king.’ The ROJ has local chapters or ‘courts.’ On occasion, a local court or group of local courts in the same geographical area sponsor social gatherings known as ‘books of the play’ or ‘books.’ The sponsoring courts organize the ‘books’ and arrange for food, lodging, and entertainment at the ‘books.’ The ROJ also sponsors a yearly national ‘book,’ the equivalent of a national convention. In April, 2005, the Jester’s national book was held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. As set forth below, a typical feature of a ‘book of the play’ is the presence of prostitutes (‘Jester Girls’) who engage in commercial sex acts with members of the ROJ. Arrangements for the prostitutes are generally made by the organizer of the ‘books,’ or the region hosting the national ‘book.’ On occasion, individual Jesters make arrangements to transport prostitutes to ‘books.’”

Indiana officials recently toughened human trafficking penalties in advance of the Super Bowl being held in Indianapolis. The state’s Attorney General worked with the Indiana legislature to create and unanimously pass a bill that Governor Mitch Daniels signed on Monday, January 30, 2012. The bill increases the penalty for forcing an underage person into the sex trade to up to 50 years in prison.

carmencita ago

This should be the law of the land. Not just in Indiana. There have been articles written about what goes on during the Super Bowl Games not to mention the Olympics. They Olympics should be shut down.

VieBleu ago

the "book" thing reminds me of this post and Tamara Luzzatto's deep affiliation with a group of 25 "book club" members, or "followers of the book" who she wrote to Podesta about. HIs wife Mary was in the "book club". (scroll about halfway down to start seeing the book references)

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Good catch, thx