wokethefkup ago

Sorry but your post just discredits us and makes people look and think "they r planning soemthng" this isn't the way to go about it but I have the feeling you know this.

HighLevelInsider ago

You think you're going to convince normies by playing 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon to prove there's an underground sex dungeon under a pizza shop. And you're worried that I'm going to cause you to be discredited...

jafbm ago

Pinhole cameras are cheap

MileHiLife ago

Well said. It's beyond frustrating when our MK'd/brainwashe'd "war hero" loving society squirts sympathetic tears when watching 'Saving Private Ryan'...yet, sits quietly instead of Saving Ryan's Privates when the young lad is violated.

The1stLantern ago

You must think we are pretty goddamn stupid to post links and try to sell us merchandise.

HighLevelInsider ago

Do you seriously think this is an elaborate hoax brought to you by Ebay? Come on man, I've got way too many people just spewing the first criticism that comes into their brain.

If you want to call me a shill, at least come up with a coherent theory that fits the evidence. Do some critical thinking.

The1stLantern ago

No I think its an elaborate post that contributes little beyond saying "I told you so" and pointing us to buy things.

Heres my theory: That isnt shill behavior, its the work of a fucking retard.

HighLevelInsider ago

That isnt shill behavior, its the work of a fucking retard.

I'm so glad that someone put in the time to work up an even more effective strategy! Please, share your insights with everyone! How do you recommend proceeding?

DeathTooMasons ago

How about the fact that you have hostility towards everyone else in this sub, and tell them to do things you should be able to do yourself? I bet you would get along with Viindicator,* wink*

NeverGiveUp ago

I'm with you bra. Because as you said, nothing will happen if everyone just surfing the net.
Some well placed cameras would work wonders to wake people up. But would it bring their filthy culture down? You know the answer. It's a fake video, made by terrorists.

I feel your anger, because I feel the same.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

You know what we have to do if we ever come to one of their places hearing screams and see men in black on the front door, for frodo.

HighLevelInsider ago

But would it bring their filthy culture down?

Yes. The blackmail networks are at the heart of the regime's control. Your Congressman can't help you because they've got a video of him doing something horrible, or he won't be allowed into Congress. Take down the blackmail, and you'll get elected officials that aren't corrupt to the bone.

DeathTooMasons ago

Massive downvoat to this distraction thread. Ignore this Troll.

DeathTooMasons ago

The author is butthurt and telling us what we already know. You have said nothing that we are not aware of. Now, why don't you lead by example. I expect you to, go into the real world, and put cameras and microphones on these suspect locations, and get definitive evidence that normies can understand in 30 seconds. sound fair?

Narcissism ago

You'd need to get in a long queue after m!6 and Mo$$ad before you could get a chance to plant any bugs.

ThePuppetShow ago

Go suck on your mans balls mf

mergen ago

How about thermal cams to search for possible trafficking warehouse/shipment

Or get domestic helper friends to help plant the spy cams

HighLevelInsider ago

Great ideas.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

As much as I would love joining a death squad hunting for kid fucking Masonic Jews....I am going to wait for at least a mob to form....it makes zero sense being a suicide bomber type......the Jew will mock your death in their corrupt media and use you against us....so if you really want to make a difference you have to keep pushing this way till more of the sleeping masses wake up some. When and if we hit crititcal mass then you get your gun and in a constitutional approved militia......we can death squad these fucks...but we got to have a ¨well regulated¨ militia....okay?

You kind of make me think your attempting to provoke someone who is in a vunerable mental state and get them to do something stupid. Something the damn Frankist Occultist would love.....

HighLevelInsider ago

Most Freemasons are not Jews. And Freemasons push Jewish conspiracy theories so you don't pay attention to them. Ever hear of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion?"

9946017? ago

Really like your post.


Have written this before here:

I heard someone say this:

The side that shoots first...loses. Feeling that today we are still at that point.

DeathTooMasons ago

Not true. They shoot and kill everyday. Shooting back we lose. Not doing anything we lose. They win basically. This will be your life. Unless, we stop worrying about who is going to win, and actually grow a sack and fight regardless of the outcome. Easy to say yes? Agreed.

HighLevelInsider ago

Unless, we stop worrying about who is going to win, and actually grow a sack and fight regardless of the outcome.

Exactly what I'm telling you to do, and you've spent hours shitting all over me for it. Way to fight the right people.

miballz ago

Someone should pick up Alefantis... He is gay so it's easy... Take him somewhere and enhance interrogate him... Film it tadaaa

HighLevelInsider ago

I wouldn't try any kidnapping or torture, but you've onto some hilarious and potentially effective ideas with picking someone up.

DeathTooMasons ago

Would get to distracted torturing him and probably would go overboard, if that is possible.

Mammy ago

lol yea, but it would have to be a young guy.

Impresaria ago

Says someone sitting on their ass and trolling the internet.

DonKeyhote ago





DeathTooMasons ago

Caps were not necessary.

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for sharing.

HighLevelInsider ago

Not with that Mickey Mouse toy you didn't.

It's a list of hundreds of products. Amazon can't be linked here, so I picked another random large retailer so they couldn't correlate purchases to investigators.

Now you've stepped on your own dick and shown you think the people here will believe anything you say without verifying, insulting their intelligence and proving yourself to be a disinformation agent.

You also linked to a site with an Eye of Horus in the corner that looks like it was set up for an FBI sting operation. Go ahead and out yourselves by buying from "Horus R Us!"

I think that's enough destruction of your narrative for now.

DarkMath ago


What the fuck are YOU waiting for. You could have named names here. You didn't. Dark occultists in government are raping children. What are their NAMES.


HighLevelInsider ago

I have given you many, many names, and not a damn thing was done with the information.

DeathTooMasons ago

You have done nothing and your absense won't be noted, missed, or regretted.

DarkMath ago

I'm waiting for the names. Just naming the Royal Order of Jesters isn't gonna cut it.

And now that I mention it all your evidence regarding the Royal Order of Jesters is dealing with prostitutes 18 years old and up. In the grand scheme of things busting hookers at an Elk's Club convention isn't high on the list.

We're trying to stop CHILD TRAFFICKING here. You need to reclassify your contribution because you've got High Level Shill written all over ya. Giving us useless information that's already known is Shill attack plan B right after posting Anti-Semitic shit calling for Jews to be exterminated.


HighLevelInsider ago

all your evidence regarding the Royal Order of Jesters is dealing with prostitutes 18 years old and up.


In the grand scheme of things busting hookers at an Elk's Club convention isn't high on the list.

You may not be seeing what's going on here. The FBI certainly doesn't expend resources going after regular, adult, voluntary prostitution. That's a matter for local police. The issue was that the police were protecting the prostitution rings (police chief and a judge convicted in one case). This was a corruption case where they nailed them under the Mann Act because that was the only thing they could get them for.

Now, our problem here regarding pizzagate revolves around police protecting, or else not being allowed to investigate pedophiles. Logical question: who is controlling the police?

The Jesters are a blackmail operation that frequently co opts local police. You're not necessarily going to get a ton of really high-level people here (Scottish Rite is more important than Shriners on a national level), unless you're working in DC. But what you are going to get is breaking up the blackmail networks that control your police force, and allow many of the blackmail networks to operate, while simultaneously getting your first actual convictions.

I'm also trying to help you develop some skills here by starting with smaller fish, maybe taking down the Jesters that control a small-town police force, while simultaneously allowing you to participate in work that really will aid cleaning up the corruption at a national level.

It's much easier to catch the Jesters have a cocaine-and-hookers party with a local judge or police officers than it is to catch Hillary Clinton.

DarkMath ago

Come on man. I wasn't born yesterday. That article is from April 2010!

Then there's the misleading title: "ABC News Confirms FBI Investigating Jesters for Child Sex Tourism". The first reference to hookers describes them as "young women". This is the Deep State Modus Operendi: throw a few meaningless stories over the wall so you can say they're fighting child trafficking.

Almost without fail those arrested are released when the heat is off. They never face trial:


You're not fooling anyone.


HighLevelInsider ago

You're hopeless. You didn't even consider any of the evidence; you're just reacting without conscious thought to everything I post because it's more comfortable to be on autopilot than to think for yourself. "FBI Investigating Jesters for Child Sex Tourism" isn't enough for you.

DarkMath ago

""FBI Investigating Jesters for Child Sex Tourism" isn't enough for you."

HighLevelInsider did it ever occur to you a SEVEN YEAR "investigation" probably means it's not really an "investigation".

Seriously dude. Did you even look at the post I sent you? Rarely does one of these "investigations" lead to arrests and when they do the perps are released and never go to trial:


You have no point. You are just another disinfo agent.

HighLevelInsider ago

You're arguing my point for me. The Feds can't take these guys down, because they're often restricted or stopped from getting the people at the top.

Now, what will FORCE an investigation? Incontrovertible evidence that normies can understand in 30 seconds. Videos or picture of children being taken into Podesta's house in the middle of the night.

Nothing illegal about putting a camera on the entrance to someone's house or business. Not gonna get your murdered, because you just wait till no one is around to plant it. Private investigators do this all the time.

Now you can confirm that I'm offering you legal, effective tactics to deal with the problem. You are surrendered to hopelessness, and attacking the one person giving you hope.

DarkMath ago

"Videos or picture of children being taken into Podesta's house in the middle of the night."

Really? You think John Podesta is that stupid he'd walk a kid in the front door of his house?

"Nothing illegal about putting a camera on the entrance to someone's house or business."

Actually many state's consider that a crime.

"attacking the one person giving you hope."

You're giving out hope by referencing a story from 7 years ago where almost no one was arrested and those that were plea bargained down to a slap on the wrist.

You might as well have posted a story about Jeffrey Epstein being punished with 6 months of house arrest despite the fact he kidnapped and had his friends rape at least 10 underage girls.

That's ain't "hope" and it's just proving MY point which is you're a disinfo agent shill.


HighLevelInsider ago

Really? You think John Podesta is that stupid he'd walk a kid in the front door of his house?

I won't comment on Podesta specifically, but other people do that.

Actually many state's consider that a crime.

Which states? What exactly does it prohibit? Do you live in one of those states?

Again, you're refusing to even think, you're simply giving full vent to memes that come into your brain, mistaking them for your own thoughts.

And you are enraged at me for telling you truths you don't like to hear.

You're giving out hope by referencing a story from 7 years ago


I gave you a report from 7 years ago as proof that the Jesters engage in underage blackmail pedophilia. YOU just lied about what I said. That is a verifiable fact: you are LYING, right now, and spreading disinfo. And you're justifying it because you concluded long ago that I was a "shill" because some switch went off in your brain, and you never questioned it or analyzed the facts for yourself.

You are ASLEEP. ASLEEP. Once a meme is triggered in your brain, you shut down all thinking faculties.

which is you're a disinfo agent shill.

And here YOU are grossly misstating everything I've ever done. Even if I was a disinfo shill, smart users wouldn't believe you because you can't prove it. Your arguments are non-factual and unsound. You have to calm the fuck down and THINK if you want to prove I'm a shill and be respected for doing so.


Proof of your mentality, which is "tease the shill" which is why you can't even see reality correctly. Take the red pill, Neo.

DarkMath ago

You're right.

Good luck with your plan to catch pedos bringing kids into their homes using hidden cameras you've planted across the street. At this point anything would be better than what's being done today.


DarkMath ago

"I have given you many, many names"

Can you point me to where you provided those names?

HighLevelInsider ago

You can start with the Royal Order of Jesters. Or all of the users that I explained were government disinfo agents.

DarkMath ago

Yet again you provide no names. You obviously are "upset" enough to come here and bust our balls but you can't be bothered to put down the NAMES of the people raping children?

You're a fucking disinfo shill you piece of shit.

You better hope there is no God because if there is YOU WILL BURN IN HELL.


Pablolove ago

What do you think the ordinary person is able to do? In reality they have no real power in comparison to the government and its agencies. This will be sorted once and for all, though not by human hand. This is Armageddon, God's war to end wickedness. Stop looking to human beings to solve this.

HighLevelInsider ago

Stop looking to human beings to solve this.

But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

DeathTooMasons ago

Practice what you preach. All the stuff you rattle on about, do it yourself. You have an obnoxious David Seaman manner of self promotion when you have done nothing.Nobody here recognizes anything you have done, becuase you have done nothing. I have produced very little to ponder I admit, but at least I am a sort of bullshit buster. You are bullshit.

HighLevelInsider ago

Practice what you preach. All the stuff you rattle on about, do it yourself.

Ok, you didn't actually read my posts, then. Because I've stated that I already have done, and am doing this, and have caught people.

So, you've concluded I'm "bullshit," but you didn't even read my posts, or take time to process them. That's a serious failure on your part, friend.

Pablolove ago

Sorry not sure what point you're making here?

HighLevelInsider ago

You just said God doesn't want us to stop pedophiles.

Woe unto you.

Pablolove ago

I didn't say that. I said look to Him to solve things, especially of this magnitude, not other human beings.

HighLevelInsider ago

"Stop looking to human beings to solve this."

Translation: "don't act, let the pedophiles go, God will solve all our problems."

God called his people into years of direct warfare against pedophile religions in the Old Testament.

Pablolove ago

Yes I know. His people were only ever successful because of His backing, hence His power. This whole system we're living in is satanic(1 John 5 v 19). As human beings we aren't powerful enough to overcome satan and His representatives ie the political, commercial elements etc . Only God can.

HighLevelInsider ago

Read St. Augustine's City of God regarding God's use of human entities to defeat evil in the world.

GeorgeT ago

Exactly what I have been saying. In fact we have TOO MUCH evidence! Yet look at CNN, FOX, MSM - not a word! We actually had arrest of Deblasio's Right Hand man Jacob Schwartz who had a vid of 6month old baby being raped on his laptop!!!! You think Deblaso had no idea - they are all part of it. So what does justice do with a freak like Jacob Schwartz - set him free on $7500 bail!!!! But God forbid if anyone grows pot in their garden - they will send police tanks!!! It's all a joke. We people have to awaken the lobotomized masses!

Are_we__sure ago

You have TOO MUCH evidence, but you believe this nonsense?

We actually had arrest of Deblasio's Right Hand man Jacob Schwartz

You're aware this is false right? Schwartz didn't even work in City Hall or even Manhattan. He was a City employee, not a DeBlasio staffer. His dad is a prominent Democrat, but Schwartz was not high up. People growing pot in the garden will also have the benefit of bails.

cantsleepawink ago

We people have to awaken the lobotomized masses!

The question is how to do that. On my social media for example, I only see comments and memes about Trump and my so-called 'friends' still wondering how he got elected. I post article after article about Clinton crimes in Haiti and elsewhere - crickets!

GeorgeT ago

You can't stop the Zeitgeist

Pablolove ago

Fifteen year olds signed up because they were brainwashed by the relentless propaganda we still have today.

HighLevelInsider ago

You're defending child rape. I hope you sleep well, tonight.

DeathTooMasons ago

HighLevelInsider you are not. You have provided nothing, yet you carry on how we didn't take your NOTHING and do SOMETHING. For a moment, I started to think you are dumb enough to think you made the Screen name HighLevelInsider in hopes it would give evidence that you are a high level insider. The way you express yourself suggest you are a troll or a disinfo op or just a wannabee. Either way, thumbs down to your stupid thread and downvoat to you.

HighLevelInsider ago

You must not have seen the times that I have given information on the Royal Order of Jesters, including some actionable intelligence.

It sounds to me like you're afraid, because I'm asking people to do things that feel scary, and you're projecting fear of the unknown into fear of the person bringing you the truth.

For example, you said I'm giving you disinfo, but what have I said that is incorrect? You have to really sit down and think through scenarios, rather than engaging in memetic, emotional thinking. In reality, control of your thoughts is the most powerful game the dark occultists play.

Amino69 ago

I don't disagree with what you stated but you perhaps overestimate the capability of the average person and their nous in how to approach doing anything remotely like you describe. The average person, at least with regards to myself is preferably not someone who believes they are gifted or chosen to be part of an investigation like this, rather one of privilege and due diligence and who has taken notice and enquired.

Graduating from the average person who very likely has all the obvious burdens of modern life to one of a super sleuth who plays at being Spec Ops is unrealistic to say the least. This subject is among the most terrifying and confusing to confront behind a keyboard and monitor so inciting one to go out with the combined knowledge of a few Wiki pages and home made Bond gadgets to snare an insider is mental!

No one who has dedicated real time and energy to this is content with the pace it's moving at and we all want to end this nightmare so I'll concede that I hope someone does something above and beyond. What we desperately need is someone skilful enough to leak a smoking gun before being apprehended and thus willing to literally sacrifice themselves for the cause. Where are you Intel ops who are willing to change the course of history??

HighLevelInsider ago

Pretending you need a degree in Super Advanced Spy Stuff to plant a camera.

Smart readers will notice that the shills all flooded into this post at once. They are shitting their fucking pants trying to discredit this.

I am the biggest threat to the pedophiles that has ever hit this sub, and they know it.

PedoStomper ago

I completely agree with this. I have made several comments about mass investigation IN-PERSON of Comet Ping Pong, Pegasus, the Pig Farm, Harrison Dyar's tunnels, etc. And what is the most common response?


Fuck these people. If I didn't live all the way in Florida, I'd have already been outside of Comet with a camera, handing out the full JA instagram archive to everyone I could on a flash drive, and I'd have them all printed out for people to flip through, and then tell them, "Yeah, the guy who runs this pizza joint here, he posted these pictures online. Do you think these are normal?"

I'd be a real pain in the ass for Jimmy, and not the kind of pain in the ass that he enjoys. People need to be harassing the fuck out of these people, day and night. They can't arrest us all, and they can't whack us all either.

HighLevelInsider ago

I've personally done surveillance on a number of places in DC, including Comet Ping Pong. Not dead, arrested, possessed by the devil, or anything else.

2impendingdoom ago

and you gave this evidence to someone WHO? and now people are arrested. Right? is that what you have done? you slinkaround with eavedropping equipment and get people arrested. because you are on tax payer payroll as a high level insider arresting corrupt baby raping fuckers. so we shouldn't have to. GO DO YOUR FUCKING JOB OR SHUT THE FUCK UP

Blacksmith21 ago


Most of the people on this sub would burst into flames if they stepped outside in the daylight. Another good chunk probably probably does not even own a screwdriver. That's a pretty tall order asking folks to go buy a laser mic or concealable video equipment and properly operate it in a high stress environment.

I call it high stress, because sitting in a vehicle outside of one's business, venue, or residence, trying to focus on collection while being cautions someone doesn't come put a bullet in your head. This type of surveillance is very tricky and very dangerous as we are dealing with essentially, serial killers. Or maybe one step below - complicit killers and rapists.

I cannot condone doing this without have professional training in surveillance, countersurveillance, use of firearms, and skilled at hand-to-hand combat. This is can get you killed.

And if you don't get killed, you may have broken half a dozen laws at the least, not to mention collected inadmissible evidence, illegally gained.

I'd also like to remind everyone exactly how many times we have seen law enforcement not act. (LAPD logo (Hollywood)). But also note, they are acting. We've seen more pedos arrested in the last 7 months vice the last 7 years.

My guess is there are a lot more people skilled at hacking here than the aforementioned activities. Find their networks, hack their accounts and hardware, anonymously send the videos to local media. You have half a chance getting them to pick up the story.

CREATE ANOTHER CPP. If all of a sudden local papers and TV are getting heinous videos of local business owners doing the unimaginable and CPPs start popping up all over. That's when shit gets interesting. Create another Satanic panic. Start dropping leaflets everywhere (this still gets adrenaline going). Psyops.

I'd also like to remind everyone exactly how many times we have seen law enforcement not act. But also note, they are acting. We've seen more pedos arrested in the last 7 months vice the last 7 years.

I appreciate the OP's call to arms and echo his emotional argument. Believe me, I would have no problem getting my hands wet with these motherfuckers. But discretion is the better part of valor.

jafbm ago

Only way to learn is to start

HighLevelInsider ago

You guys are hilarious. I bet you're shaking in your boots.

This type of surveillance is very tricky and very dangerous

You just walk by and stick a tiny camera somewhere. Or you sit at a safe distance and point "point that thingy at the building". A small child can do it.

, trying to focus on collection while being cautions someone doesn't come put a bullet in your head

Because the government totally has trained ninja assassins constantly watching all important people. :)

professional training in surveillance,

That's the first good idea you've recommended. Since you've had training in this area, why don't you enlighten us? Maybe talk about FBI square formations, moving squares, tails, etc?

you may have broken half a dozen laws at the least,

You know the federal code. Why don't rattle off a few? And definitely don't become a private investigator, because apparently that's illegal now in made-up-law-land.

not to mention collected inadmissible evidence, illegally gained.

Ahh yes, the rules of evidence are the problem when you have Federal Judges that are blackmailed perverts. Don't want to get excluded as fruit from the poisonous tree, right?

discretion is the better part of valor.

Says the Fed-goon oath-breaker, sitting behind a desk lying to people to cover up criminal activity. You'll have plenty of time to think about it burning in hell.

Blacksmith21 ago

You can't be serious?

  • Tell you what, go sit in an alley in DC with a parabolic, shotgun, or laser mic. In fact, go sit in the alley behind CPP. If you think for a second that there is no risk at getting caught with dire, extrajudicial consequences, you are a fool.

  • You second statement tells me you know ZERO about technical surveillance. Z-E-R-O. I have no need to qualify myself in this area. Suffice it to say I am qualified.

  • Trained assassins? You're machination, not mind. Contract killers run the gamut. Most of the ones doing hits for med-low level pedos are compromised cops. And most of them are not very good. If they were, we wouldn't be talking about Cornell, Bennington, and 100s of other highly suspicious cases.

  • "That's the first good idea you've recommended. Since you've had training in this area, why don't you enlighten us? Maybe talk about FBI square formations, moving squares, tails, etc?" Yeah, and I can talk pickets, webs, SDR, etc. Remind me again what this has to do with buying cheap pinhole cameras and laser mics? Neither of them work well when moving.

  • I'm not LEO so I can't cite federal, state, and local ode as relevant. Consent and surveillance laws vary wildly.

  • We have laws for a reason. Knock yourself out if you present illegally collected pedo evidence to a judge in a civil suit. The second you file that suit, you will become a target. I hope for your sake you know how to present a hard target.

  • "Says the Fed-goon oath-breaker, sitting behind a desk lying to people to cover up criminal activity. You'll have plenty of time to think about it burning in hell." - Go fuck yourself. You couldn't be more wrong.

HighLevelInsider ago

Yeah, and I can talk pickets, webs, SDR, etc


Blacksmith21 ago

"Woops" nothing. There is this little thing called Al Gore's Amazing Internet. Funny what you can find there.

Shillaxe ago

I hear inciting revolution pays the big bucks.

HighLevelInsider ago

Implying anyone reading this would even need a single accomplice to take down the whole United States Government. If I wanted a revolution, I could take down the power grid, like the Metcalf Sniper Attack. Lucky for you, I don't.

Viniferamn ago

Take down the power grid? That's a pretty serious claim/threat. Someone should report this person

HighLevelInsider ago

Here is a Senate report stating that the grid can be taken down with as little as 9 transformers being eliminated.

You got offended by new ideas outside your paradigm, to the extent that you didn't read what I wrote. Notice I said "I don't" want to take down the power grid.

The ease of executing such an attack should also prove both my lack of desire to do so, and other important principles such as the non-invulnerability of the United States government to attack. They are a paper tiger, clinging to power primarily by the acquiescence of decent people, who prefer nonviolence to revolution.

2impendingdoom ago

do it!!! take down the power grid. We know you can't so prove it

HighLevelInsider ago

Just to be clear, you're committing a few felonies there, so you might want to delete that.

In any case, here is a Senate report stating that the whole power grid can be taken down with attacks on as few as 9 stations.

If you recall the Metcalf sniper attack, this takes nothing more than a rifle and a little bit of skill.

i.e. You can take down the grid, as can anyone reading this.

i.e. The US Government is a paper tiger

i.e. Terrorism is 99+% fake, because they could do horrendous damage if they wanted

i.e. The whole population of Americans pissed-off at this sick system (you and I) are level-headed, and are trying everything possible to avoid violence.

2impendingdoom ago

you are the one making the threat, I don't believe you have the capability. I think you are a lying shiilling fraud.

HighLevelInsider ago

I think you are a lying shiilling fraud.

And yet here you are, lying about what I've said, claiming I'm "making a threat" when anyone can verify I specifically stated I don't want to do this.

The sad part is you're not even a paid operative like some of the other clowns. You're a real person whose brain shuts down completely and stops thinking rationally when confronted with new ideas.

You are literally not thinking right now, are you? You're spewing the first thing that pops into your head, giving it no critical consideration whatsoever. Mind Control 101.

2impendingdoom ago

why are you still here? why aren't you out with your clown cameras eavesdropping on your senator?

HighLevelInsider ago

Calm down. Think.

"Why am I so angry? Am I thinking objectively right now? Can I articulate any actual things this person has done that are morally wrong?"

Now, next response, come back with a long-from response that shows your critical thinking faculties were used in its construction.

2impendingdoom ago

who have you arrested?? Why are you such a loser? how long are you going to live in your mother's basement?

Start answering some questions retard, or prove that you are a HIGH LEVEL INSIDER. oooh I'm impressed!! lol

HighLevelInsider ago

who have you arrested?

We were involved in stopping the US from supporting ISIS.

Start answering some questions retard, or prove that you are a HIGH LEVEL INSIDER

You haven't asked any questions, nor have you read my posts. You are to blame for your inability to gather or absorb information provided to you, yet you lash out in anger at me, as if I am to blame for your refusal to question memes that pop into your head, mistaking them for original thoughts.

2impendingdoom ago

I've read your posts. You've arrested a senator and now you are stopping the US from supporting ISIS? All of that from your mother's basement, wow you really are impressive. You want us to go lurk around our senators houses with a mickey mouse camera. how is that not batshit crazy?

HighLevelInsider ago

You've arrested a senator

I never said this. Now, you will acknowledge this is a fact, or I will conclude you are not dealing in reality and stop wasting my time.

2impendingdoom ago

you did say it, are you now RETRACTING your statement?

SwampAintDrained ago

In WWII, 15 year-olds lied about their age to gladly go rush German machine gun nests because this country had the biggest balls on the fucking planet!

That, or because the (((propaganda))) game is top notch.

SuperShilly ago

Oh look it's this faggot shill again

Filthy_Khajiit ago

Oh look it's some lethargic cuck.

HighLevelInsider ago

FBI agent, actually. Admitted to it.

KikeFree ago

Getting young men to sign up as cannon fodder in a war against their own interests was a victory for the jew. On the bright side, if skepticism has a hereditary component, it might have changed the makeup of future generations to eventually overcome this parasite.

HighLevelInsider ago

Getting young men to sign up as cannon fodder in a war against their own interests was a victory for the jew.

World War II was perpetuated by a banker plot. Hitler was a Rothschild, so you are correct in a sense. But you're also hilariously wrong in that you think it's Jews, when it's all dark occultists that feed you Jew propaganda.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Not exactly. The Occultist plan to destroy the Jew in the end also....only room for one religion....think this is the reason they scripted the movie Highlander....their can be only one! But before the end they want to use the Jew as the main Tie Fighters(tie as office workers who wear ties but think they are bad asses) in the NWO. This is because the Jews have been infiltrated first by the Luciferian Frankist. They then use the Jewish cover to infiltrate the rest of society. So the Jews are behind everything in a sense. But not totally accurate. There are real Jews still. Some real Jews are just clueless, some real Jews just want to do real Jew stuff and be left alone. But large amounts of the Jews know bits and pieces of the real truth and are going along with it...because they can make a buck.

Haldelos ago

locations??? (besides private homes)

unbiased_researcher ago

That would be illegal. Advocating for violence is a great way to get this sub banned.

The best thing to do besides research, is keep raising awareness. People are waking up. This can increase exponentially if everyone does their part.

PedoStomper ago

LOL putting a camera near someone's home is not "advocating for violence."

Saying "Drag Jimmy Comet out into the street and beat him till he pisses blood" is advocating violence. I DO advocate violence.

HighLevelInsider ago

That would be illegal

TIL private investigators are criminals.

thelandofchocolate ago

I have informed you that the sub is crawling with shills and disinfo agents, and that you need to learn to think critically about anything you read here.

True. Same should apply to your own post.

I doubt it was random 4chan autists who first noticed the queer language in the podesta emails. Someone on the inside is laying down the breadcrumbs.


So you go from 'critical thinking' to 'HANG THEM FROM LAMP-POSTS'.

The suspicious social media was enough to warrant an investigation. It was not enough to convict and hang them. A lot of good people died during the french revolution, you know.

If absolutely noone with inside intelligence and access to superior technology and training is working against these fuckers, what in god's name can amateurs accomplish? If we have another 'comet pizza shooter' -- only a real one this time, not a false flag -- their motives will be lied to the public, the narrative twisted to the elite's preference; they will be seen as a villain and the sheep will carry on their suicidal path.

The revolutionary action of the masses is like society's innate immune system. It will run amock, attacking friend and foe alike on the only understanding that something is SERIOUSLY WRONG and anything resembling an invader needs to go. Under those conditions we stand as much to lose of the republic as to regain of it. It should be the absolute last resort. And without a certain critical mass of public awareness, it's not even achievable.

HighLevelInsider ago

If absolutely noone with inside intelligence and access to superior technology and training is working against these fuckers, what in god's name can amateurs accomplish?

The FBI isn't being allowed to investigate this. They want to, but the top levels won't let them, because the country is currently run by dark occultists that cover up for each other. These blackmail rings are how they keep each other in line.

If we have another 'comet pizza shooter'

Oh no, someone might do something bad! Better not investigate the Satanists raping and murdering children!

Under those conditions we stand as much to lose of the republic as to regain of it. It should be the absolute last resort

Why do you think we haven't set off a 2nd American Revolution yet? It's not like we don't have the capability. Hell, you have the capability if you're clever enough.

thelandofchocolate ago

The FBI isn't being allowed to investigate this. They want to, but the top levels won't let them

So they lack the stones to mutiny and do off-record investigation, yet you expect joe public to do so?

Oh no, someone might do something bad! Better not investigate the Satanists raping and murdering children!

That's not what I said. I said the people you're inciting to action are going to be portrayed that way -- they will be unsung martyrs that are seen in the public eye as villains. Their action will be futile.

Why do you think we haven't set off a 2nd American Revolution yet? It's not like we don't have the capability. Hell, you have the capability if you're clever enough.

You'd certainly have to be smart. Smarter than to plant cameras at a statesman's house, as if they'd perform their blood sacrifices in such an obvious place. And if you know that it is the place to look, then you must already have proof/footage of the fact yourself, otherwise you're just guessing.

More likely, such premises would be laden with cameras to spot any intruder trying to plant their own surveillance.

jafbm ago

Why not? You gotta start somewhere

HighLevelInsider ago

So they lack the stones to mutiny and do off-record investigation, yet you expect joe public to do so?

Who said I'm not an FBI agent, trying to get your help in an "off-record investigation"?

Let's see I've given you:

  1. Locations
  2. Groups
  3. Methods

That's awful consistent with a white-hat FBI agent, don't you think? Or maybe I'm just another autist trying to really make some headway on this investigation? These are all scenarios you haven't even thought through, but you should have thought through.

The problem is you don't THINK. You REACT in memes planted in your head by dark occultists, that if you oppose them magic boogeymen will appear and arrest you.

Should I upload a video of me planting a camera on Pedosta's house, and totally NOT getting arrested? Seriously, what does it take to snap people out of complacency, if not child rape?

thelandofchocolate ago

Should I upload a video of me planting a camera on Pedosta's house, and totally NOT getting arrested?

Yeah why not.

Seriously, what does it take to snap people out of complacency, if not child rape?

You're trying to snap them into impulsiveness. This isn't complacency, it's needing an end goal in mind that has a plausible chance of being realised and not just fulfilling the goal of your enemies.

If anyone is working systemically against this cancer, they've probably had to become accustomed to knowingly letting innocents suffer and die for the greater good of being able to prevail in the future and prevent greater suffering. That isn't complacency either, on the contrary it takes great courage.

DonKeyhote ago

Fuck off with "dark occultist" euphemizing. We know who they are.

HighLevelInsider ago

Freemasons. "Mystery Babylon."

I've already given you direct evidence, including convictions for human trafficking by the Royal Order of Jesters, so anyone reading this can tell I'm a reliable, verifiable source, and you are LARPing, blaming it on "muh Jews" like the COINTELPRO agents.

mergen ago

Give HLI a chance guys. Freemasons are up to no good

t. my family executed them and their sheep last Flip revolution

HighLevelInsider ago

Give HLI a chance guys.

Most of the detractors are paid agents. Sadly, some of the others are real users here that saw negativity from others and jumped to conclusions. You can tell they aren't thinking clearly because they aren't even getting the facts straight.

If someone wants to criticize what I've actually said, please go ahead. But criticizing what I've not said is indicative that you're playing into narratives planted in your head by someone else:

"oh no, he said the government is vulnerable to attack, must be a TERRORIST!" (notice, I said NOT to attack the government)

"oh no, he said to engage in surveillance, that's illegal and will get me immediately killed by ninja assassins!" (notice, it's not a crime, and I'm telling you to put a camera somewhere, which involves virtually zero risk if you do it properly)

DonKeyhote ago


Freemasonry is kabbalah for the goyim

2impendingdoom ago

Hello? are you suggesting that we go out and bring evidence to the very same people you just said aren't going to do anything? How is that smart? I'm supposed to be invited to a basement baby eating party in Chappaqua or at Speilbergs Hamptons beachhouse and get video evidence so that I can be killed? ARE YOU DUMB AS SHIT?

HighLevelInsider ago

are you suggesting that we go out and bring evidence to the very same people you just said aren't going to do anything?

No, I'm suggesting you put in the time to learn tradecraft, put a camera on all of the locations that you suspect, and get some hard evidence that you disseminate anonymously to force them to investigate or the normies are going to grab the pitchfork.

DeathTooMasons ago

As long as THEY control any investigation, any evidence will be deemed not enough. The entire government and it's apparatus needs to be overthrown with force. They will never leave and your peaceful solution will never work. They are violent. They don't care. They control the media. They rig elections. They control all state apparatues. They will not investigate themselves and jail themselves. Ever. EVER. Hope we have the same understanding. When the people are ready to take the country by force, they will try. And not a second earlier. Right now, no way in hell whill they attempt such a thing or could it be organized. Instead, we will continue to be aware and angry and impotent. And some will be idiotic and think an investigation is underway to bring down the world wide syndicate. These people have not shaken their programing and keep forgetting the setup.

2impendingdoom ago

force who to investigate?

OtisFirefly ago

Oh no way, really? You've been saying the same shit for how long now? Lead by example or at least take into account that going on a roadtrip to play spy for a couple weeks might take a little money. Since your so high level and obviously want this to go down, why don't you finance your own venture man, instead of doing what must be the equivalent of giving a couple of hints and a wanted ad titled "Figure It Out Stupid"

HighLevelInsider ago

Lead by example or at least take into account that going on a roadtrip to play spy for a couple weeks might take a little money.

Already caught a United States Senator. Not my organization, but me personally.

Since your so high level and obviously want this to go down, why don't you finance your own venture man

Already doing it. But these operations are extremely easy to infiltrate, which is why I can't just put an ad in the newspaper "I'll buy cameras for anyone that wants to gang-stalk the perverts!"

instead of doing what must be the equivalent of giving a couple of hints and a wanted ad titled "Figure It Out Stupid"

Do you want to stop children from being raped or not? Just because you're feelings are hurt doesn't mean I'm wrong. Your current tactics are an abject failure, and you're butthurt because I'm telling you the truth.

Factfinder2 ago

You personally "already caught a United States Senator." Congratulations. The real difficulty lies in turning incriminating evidence into prison time and death sentences. What are the steps you have taken to achieve this using the intelligence you obtained on the senator? Please be specific and also include the results of these actions.

PedoStomper ago

THIS. We are trying to prevent little children from being raped to death, and everyone is all up their own asses about MUH FEELINGS, MUH BELIEFS, MUH EGO. Everyone only cares about themselves, their own lives, and their own families. No one here cares enough about these kids to try and actually do some real detective work.

My problem isn't lack of caring, its a lack of funds. I have no girlfriend, no family, nobody, so I'm not holding back out of fear of someone being hurt for my actions, I simply can't afford to leave my job for weeks at a time to go on scouting missions.

OtisFirefly ago

I haven't been part of this abject failure for a few months now, been busy, but dropped back in to see the big release for today, or the halt of the release according to VoTL. Wrote this bullshit because if you are who I think you say you are part of you hasn't changed one bit. But part of you has: you need us you are too stupid to replace the current system you have no alternate solutions

And forgive me if I am simply out of the loop but, did you all of a sudden have a change of heart, because if your plans succeed and have massive implications but control falls into the hands of a hungry mob with no real solutions, well you know how that ends. Unless of course something has changed.

ThePuppetShow ago

Same dumb shit was shilling on pol too. Someone just posted a thread.. SwordFish getting rekt on /pol/ - put up or shut up retard and linked this thread.. http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/134783269/swordfish-delivers Look who's about 8 comments in.

HighLevelInsider ago

you need us you are too stupid to replace the current system you have no alternate solutions

I absolutely need you.

The alternative is violent revolution, which means 100 million or more dead, the country burned to the ground, and we pray to God that China and Russia show the moral courage to put things back together again well.

This is the way we fix things without 100 million deaths. You decide if you want to participate.

OtisFirefly ago

That was paraphrasing you, or the person you are larping as. How is hanging the pedos (who run the government) from lamp posts not violent revolution? How would this not upset the necessary order that brought them into power? Who provides the dark pools of money necessary to prevent mass starvation. These are concerns that you raised yourself that aren't apparent anymore.

HighLevelInsider ago

Hi, CIA.

We've already given many proposals to replace your drug-running. And we don't see child rape blackmail as being "necessary order."

The question you should be asking is "how much longer can I wait to jump ship before I'll face the Day of the Rope"?

OtisFirefly ago

Maybe not now, but you did once or you're lying. Do as you see fit, parasite.

HighLevelInsider ago

Do as you see fit, parasite.

I'm not the one that works at a drug cartel and tells themselves that they're doing it for the good of the nation. You've got our situations directly flipped; I'm advocating for productivity over parasitism, and you're arguing that child rape is required for "order."

Your short response indicates my point is well taken and you're giving a standard response because you're too rattled to deal with what I said. And that's ok. We really are coming, and there will be Nuremberg.

Lucky for you, people that sell out the regime early will be viewed favorably in these proceedings. You know you're in over your head, and you should know that the leadership is in even worse shape. Get out while you can, or, even better, turn on the regime.

2impendingdoom ago

has your senator been arrested, is your senator in prison?

I am pretty fucking sure that when a normal person brings prima facie evidence of crimes by corrupt officials to be investigated they get either arrested (for something), locked up in a mental hospital, or killed.

HighLevelInsider ago

has your senator been arrested, is your senator in prison?

Nice fishing (trying to nail down whether it was "my" senator). Not giving further information.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Put up the info on the Senator u caught, or you are a shill!

2impendingdoom ago


DonKeyhote ago

Well im obviously legit, give me money

Blacksmith21 ago

Lol. Dick.

Gothamgirl ago

I have combed my area and found nothing. If its done near me I suspect it would done through the dark web, backpage or craiglist etc. Maybe we should make a interactive map.

HighLevelInsider ago

Put a camera on your Congressman's house. That's a good place to start.

DeathTooMasons ago

Why don't you do the things you are talking about instead of yelling at others to do so?

HighLevelInsider ago

Why are you calling me a "disinfo agent" when you are spreading disinfo?

Right now, you're accusing me of not doing anything (because you're substituting butthurt feelings for logic, as I warned you not to do), when you haven't even read my posts, where I explain exactly what I have already done?

This is what happens when you don't think for yourself. You guys have been here for months and months, doing "6 degrees of Kevin Bacon" with no results, and then you lash out at the one person giving you a strategy that will actually work.

Am I bad because I hurt your feelings, or because you can point to anything objectively unethical I have done?

If you can't think for yourself, you're asleep.

2impendingdoom ago

and you'll be arrested.

HighLevelInsider ago

Private investigators are now criminals, in made-up-laws land.

2impendingdoom ago

yes try living in reality. You think I can go bug my senators house with a recording device and not be arrested? are you fucking insane?

istalkezwhoa ago

Schindler broke the law when he saved jews.

kekistocrat ago

Was a book of FICTION. Won awards for being a book of fakery. Look it up. Was not real. Did not happen.

2impendingdoom ago


istalkezwhoa ago

Guess he was insane to.

2impendingdoom ago


HighLevelInsider ago

are you fucking insane?

I'm willing to go to very extreme lengths to prevent children from being kidnapped, trafficked, raped, and murdered.

2impendingdoom ago

fine, if you're such a high level insider, start arresting people.

Jem777 ago

Feelings not hurt sir. Where is the Draft line for a new civilian military that will fight to take our country back from child rapists in our government. Signing up

daveywavey86 ago

that made me lol for a sec.

ThePuppetShow ago

This cock whore is a Nazi shill from pol. It's only about 8 comments in.


EllaMinnow ago

Thank you for pointing that out. I've read his /pol/ comment several times and still didn't notice this was essentially the same. Trying to incite a riot for the "lulz"?

HighLevelInsider ago

As long as you get the right people.

DonKeyhote ago

I have dozens of actual locations but no one here would collaborate with me in a thousand years because theyre stupid.

Nor will i collaborate with someone who thinks the german OR russian peoples deserved what happened to them.

jafbm ago

I'm game. I'm old, and retired. Where do we go from here?🤔

HighLevelInsider ago

Have you put any cameras on the locations near you?

DonKeyhote ago

Nope. With enough anons though we could get something. I know where but cant risk even a trespassing charge.

Mammy ago

Tell ya what...you PM me any locations in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. and I'll tell you if I am near enough to be game. Just not chasing windmills -- but can do the dumb blonde early-onset Alzheimers act convincingly enough if need be.


Now that's a Reality we need to create