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OtisFirefly ago

Oh no way, really? You've been saying the same shit for how long now? Lead by example or at least take into account that going on a roadtrip to play spy for a couple weeks might take a little money. Since your so high level and obviously want this to go down, why don't you finance your own venture man, instead of doing what must be the equivalent of giving a couple of hints and a wanted ad titled "Figure It Out Stupid"

HighLevelInsider ago

Lead by example or at least take into account that going on a roadtrip to play spy for a couple weeks might take a little money.

Already caught a United States Senator. Not my organization, but me personally.

Since your so high level and obviously want this to go down, why don't you finance your own venture man

Already doing it. But these operations are extremely easy to infiltrate, which is why I can't just put an ad in the newspaper "I'll buy cameras for anyone that wants to gang-stalk the perverts!"

instead of doing what must be the equivalent of giving a couple of hints and a wanted ad titled "Figure It Out Stupid"

Do you want to stop children from being raped or not? Just because you're feelings are hurt doesn't mean I'm wrong. Your current tactics are an abject failure, and you're butthurt because I'm telling you the truth.

Factfinder2 ago

You personally "already caught a United States Senator." Congratulations. The real difficulty lies in turning incriminating evidence into prison time and death sentences. What are the steps you have taken to achieve this using the intelligence you obtained on the senator? Please be specific and also include the results of these actions.

PedoStomper ago

THIS. We are trying to prevent little children from being raped to death, and everyone is all up their own asses about MUH FEELINGS, MUH BELIEFS, MUH EGO. Everyone only cares about themselves, their own lives, and their own families. No one here cares enough about these kids to try and actually do some real detective work.

My problem isn't lack of caring, its a lack of funds. I have no girlfriend, no family, nobody, so I'm not holding back out of fear of someone being hurt for my actions, I simply can't afford to leave my job for weeks at a time to go on scouting missions.

OtisFirefly ago

I haven't been part of this abject failure for a few months now, been busy, but dropped back in to see the big release for today, or the halt of the release according to VoTL. Wrote this bullshit because if you are who I think you say you are part of you hasn't changed one bit. But part of you has: you need us you are too stupid to replace the current system you have no alternate solutions

And forgive me if I am simply out of the loop but, did you all of a sudden have a change of heart, because if your plans succeed and have massive implications but control falls into the hands of a hungry mob with no real solutions, well you know how that ends. Unless of course something has changed.

ThePuppetShow ago

Same dumb shit was shilling on pol too. Someone just posted a thread.. SwordFish getting rekt on /pol/ - put up or shut up retard and linked this thread.. Look who's about 8 comments in.

HighLevelInsider ago

you need us you are too stupid to replace the current system you have no alternate solutions

I absolutely need you.

The alternative is violent revolution, which means 100 million or more dead, the country burned to the ground, and we pray to God that China and Russia show the moral courage to put things back together again well.

This is the way we fix things without 100 million deaths. You decide if you want to participate.

OtisFirefly ago

That was paraphrasing you, or the person you are larping as. How is hanging the pedos (who run the government) from lamp posts not violent revolution? How would this not upset the necessary order that brought them into power? Who provides the dark pools of money necessary to prevent mass starvation. These are concerns that you raised yourself that aren't apparent anymore.

HighLevelInsider ago

Hi, CIA.

We've already given many proposals to replace your drug-running. And we don't see child rape blackmail as being "necessary order."

The question you should be asking is "how much longer can I wait to jump ship before I'll face the Day of the Rope"?

OtisFirefly ago

Maybe not now, but you did once or you're lying. Do as you see fit, parasite.

HighLevelInsider ago

Do as you see fit, parasite.

I'm not the one that works at a drug cartel and tells themselves that they're doing it for the good of the nation. You've got our situations directly flipped; I'm advocating for productivity over parasitism, and you're arguing that child rape is required for "order."

Your short response indicates my point is well taken and you're giving a standard response because you're too rattled to deal with what I said. And that's ok. We really are coming, and there will be Nuremberg.

Lucky for you, people that sell out the regime early will be viewed favorably in these proceedings. You know you're in over your head, and you should know that the leadership is in even worse shape. Get out while you can, or, even better, turn on the regime.

2impendingdoom ago

has your senator been arrested, is your senator in prison?

I am pretty fucking sure that when a normal person brings prima facie evidence of crimes by corrupt officials to be investigated they get either arrested (for something), locked up in a mental hospital, or killed.

HighLevelInsider ago

has your senator been arrested, is your senator in prison?

Nice fishing (trying to nail down whether it was "my" senator). Not giving further information.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Put up the info on the Senator u caught, or you are a shill!

2impendingdoom ago


DonKeyhote ago

Well im obviously legit, give me money

Blacksmith21 ago

Lol. Dick.