pby1000 ago

Has everyone seen this video? It was filmed at our favorite DC pizza joint. The family friendly one.


There is a lot of Masonry symbolism in it.

ArthurEdens ago

No one gives a shit, jog on

equineluvr ago

DAILY REMINDER: Freemasonry is a crypto Jewish organization.

HighLevelInsider ago

DAILY REMINDER: Albert Pike said they have no idea what the symbols mean, and they just use them to fuck with people. Go read Manly P Hall, and come back when you have more than just talking points you heard from someone else.

equineluvr ago

Yes, but it will never happen.

Freemasons founded the United States.

HighLevelInsider ago

Freemasons founded the United States.

Not the dark masons, like you're thinking of. Washington, Franklin, and others were part of another, ancient secret society that has been at war against freemasonry for about 3000 years.

In a sense, you might say they are the true freemasons, and the occultists are the ones that corrupted a once-noble craft.

TimesUp ago

As a branch of Freemasonry, does the Royal Order of Jesters gather at the Scottish Rite Temple on 16th St. in Northwest DC; the historic Masonic Lodge near the White House? I heard that the two locations might be connected by an underground tunnel.


Or do the Jesters mainly just host exclusive "brownstone entrapment parties" in private homes?

Also, would you comment on Jesters being the Shriners who run 20 or more childrens hospitals throughout the US?

HighLevelInsider ago

As a branch of Freemasonry, does the Royal Order of Jesters gather at the Scottish Rite Temple on 16th St. in Northwest DC; the historic Masonic Lodge near the White House?

That's the national office for the Northern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite. They are doing all sorts of things there, but I'm not aware of the ROJ operating at that site.

Shriners operate out of the Temples, generally, but sometimes a regular lodge. ROJ has intentionally made it very difficult to find them, delisting everything from being online. Still worth seeing if you can find them anywhere, though.

Or do the Jesters mainly just host exclusive "brownstone entrapment parties" in private homes?

Not exclusively, although that happens. They do it at all kinds of places: restaurants, hotels, casinos, country clubs, lodges, meeting spaces.

Also, would you comment on Jesters being the Shriners who run 20 or more childrens hospitals throughout the US?

Pretty perverted, huh?

TimesUp ago

Thank you.

So I found that the only guys who can become Jesters are Shriners. And Shriners run childrens hospitals, offering free or discounted medical treatment (surgeries) for kids?

And don't the Shriners also host the Shrine Circus for children?

Creepy Shriner clown at a parade: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shriners#/media/File:2016July4-Parade-19.jpg

I never understood why there was a Shriner's Hospital for Children in my home town where we already had an excellent children's hospital.

I feel sick.

HighLevelInsider ago

So I found that the only guys who can become Jesters are Shriners.

Yes. It's an invite-only appendant body.

And Shriners run childrens hospitals, offering free or discounted medical treatment (surgeries) for kids?

Yes. And you can read about financial mismanagement, abuse, all sorts of terrible things.

I feel sick.

You should. That's a normal response to child rape. Now, turn the sickness into anger, and then the anger into focused, productive action.

pby1000 ago

I am pretty sure that that is the last thing some children saw before they were sacrificed to Molech.

Littleredcorvette ago

Seen at a local Walmart mid April 2017 Mason bus

And that's not a cheap ride either!



pizzaequalspedo ago

Probably a traveling pedo entertainment center

HighLevelInsider ago

They run a lot of adult prostitutes, as well.

HighLevelInsider ago

The Shriners and freemasonry in general is a criminal terrorist organization that needs to be completely smashed and destroyed.

Sadly, yes. Some of these groups started with noble intentions, and a lot of decent people are participating them not knowing anything about the seedy underworld.