witch_doctor1 ago

In re-reading FBI Anon's AMA's, I notice that several times he said that HLI was a larp, but had "interesting philosophy"....beginning in AMA 4, question #5.

ababcb ago

HLI still said we should do surveillance on SOBIB, ROJ, and Sarasota, all of which you admit are extremely dirty. Why on earth would anyone working on behalf of a pedophile network advocate putting hidden cameras on suspected pedophile networks? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Not only does it make no sense, I didn't see you post any tangible evidence that suggests this is true. You just claim HLI is working for David Brock because "It makes sense" for David Brock hire someone like that.

SoberSecondThought ago

I answered all of this already, in detail, in the other conversation we were having. I'm upvoating that one, and downvoating this one, so people can find my answers. You really shouldn't be inconsiderate like this, splitting up a conversation in the middle.

ababcb ago

I did it so people would see that point since I think it's worth drawing attention to. Most people are not going to read the entire conversation.

ababcb ago

Having read through most of your threads, I see absolutely 0 evidence for any of your claims. You want me to believe US Senate Anon is working for David Brock and is possibly David Brock himself? LOL!!! At the same time, you say we shouldn't do ANY surveillance of groups like the ROJ, SOBIB or the Sarasota Airport? It's obvious that YOU are a shill, not HLI, and that you are very, very scared of private surveillance being done on you.

I'm supposed to believe HLI is working for David Brock when it is YOU who are practically BEGGING us not to do any real life investigation? Sorry, but I'm laughing at you.

Everybody reading these threads should take this as a BIG RED FLAG that HLI is on to something about putting hidden cameras on pedos and they do NOT want you to do this. This is damage control of the highest level. Everybody needs to get a hidden camera and spy on their local SOBIB members. They are literally begging us not to.

SoberSecondThought ago

Okay, slow down a bit if you please.

  1. I did not say, do not do ANY surveillance. I said do not go to the address in Adams Morgan. That's all. You can find me encouraging someone to go undercover against the Shriners in Sarasota here. If you're going to claim I said something different, provide a quote.

  2. Did you check the links I provided in Part 1 showing that HLI did not originate the ROJ information, or the Adams Morgan address? Did you check the Senate Anon thread to see that he also claimed to have originated these things, when they are nearly a year old now? I have proved that HLI and Senate Anon both lied, and that they told the SAME lie. Did you really not see that?

  3. Yes, I think it would be great if you put a camera on your local SOBIB member. Here's a thread I posted the other day, based on my own original research, showing that Ralph T. Baker, SOBIB member, is the son of the man who founded CIA front organization Summit Aviation. It was a busy time, and it got hardly any attention, so I can see where you might have missed it.

  4. The problem with going after SOBIB is that nobody has offered any stronger proof of a connection to Pizzagate than that the ROJ once rented space next to a liquor store that Alefantis got his Comet sign from. They're dirty, yes. That is indisputable. They are worth going after, even if they aren't connected to Pizzagate. But HLI did not turn up that info, and Senate Anon did not turn up that info, despite claiming to. Citizen investigators on this board did. What good are these supposed "insiders" if all they offer us is lies about our own work?

Now, if you possibly can, I'd like you to take a breath and calm down. No more all-caps, okay? Thank you.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Do you think there might be a bit of "taking out the competition" here? Newer Podesta blackmail circle trying to steer pizzagaters to research the old guard (Shriners/Masons)?

By the way, strongly agree with calling these sickos what they are, not pedoPHILES (as in, they like children) but pedoSADISTS (who hate children and torture them).

ababcb ago

I did not say, do not do ANY surveillance. I said do not go to the address in Adams Morgan. That's all. You can find me encouraging someone to go undercover against the Shriners in Sarasota here. If you're going to claim I said something different, provide a quote.

If you're not against surveillance then perhaps you aren't a shill but the lack of evidence you've provided for any of your claims, combined with your insistence not to investigate Adams Morgan is suspicious to me.

Did you check the links I provided in Part 1 showing that HLI did not originate the ROJ information, or the Adams Morgan address? Did you check the Senate Anon thread to see that he also claimed to have originated these things, when they are nearly a year old now? I have proved that HLI and Senate Anon both lied, and that they told the SAME lie. Did you really not see that?

Yes but I followed the Senate Anon threads closely and he did not claim to be the "originator" of the information. He just said "look here". And secondly, he didn't tell anyone to spy on Adams Morgan in particular, but local ROJ and SOBIB members in your own state. It was necessary to bring up Adams Morgan to get this point across, however, because if you said to me "An offshoot of Freemasonry called the Royal Order of Jesters is controlling the country through blackmail" I would have laughed at you. But with the evidence pertaining to Adams Morgan in hand, that actually becomes a very believable claim.

Yes, I think it would be great if you put a camera on your local SOBIB member. Here's a thread I posted the other day, based on my own original research, showing that Ralph T. Baker, SOBIB member, is the son of the man who founded CIA front organization Summit Aviation. It was a busy time, and it got hardly any attention, so I can see where you might have missed it.

I did indeed miss that thread, I'll check it out.

The problem with going after SOBIB is that nobody has offered any stronger proof of a connection to Pizzagate than that the ROJ once rented space next to a liquor store that Alefantis got his Comet sign from.

Wrong. In addition to what you said, they also currently employ two former comet ping pong employees and there is a news article of about them blackmailing Len Downie (former executive editor at the Washington Post) at Adams Morgan and his subsequent attempt to cover it up. There's also the fact that Obama had a secret meeting with donors at Adams Morgan. Moreover, the February advertisement for their "Drag Queen Brunch" on their facebook has dozens of girl lover logos all over it (to me, indicating an underage orgy). There is also the fact that they USED to have back-to-back pictures of an assortment of children of different nationalities, followed by a raunchy picture of a drag queen giving a lap dance, in between their photos of sushi (as if to indicate that something else might be on the menu). These pictures were immediately removed when this was pointed out on 8chan, in spite of the fact that the post didn't get much attention (here's the post: https://8ch.net/pol/res/10589216.html#q10595684 )

SoberSecondThought ago

Hey, by all means, if you want to investigate Adams Morgan, do it. But there are very few Pizzagate clues that are so well-known by this point. As I pointed out, that connection is even noted in the Wikipedia article on the subject. So the odds that there is still something to be found at that particular place are slim. By now, if they're smart, they've turned it into a honeypot. But maybe they're not that smart.

As for the Senate Anon thread, sure, if you want to nitpick and say that he never explicitly claimed to originate the info, go ahead. But then, I've got to wonder what is left of your claim that he "risked his life" to give us this information. That's your thread title, right? If you were aware that it was year-old information, would you still have posted that thread? Would you still be so impressed with Senate Anon?

ababcb ago

I copied the text from an 8chan thread but at the time I did not know he was not the originator of the information, nor did I know it was old information, so I might as well have wrote the words myself.

I don't see why that's relevant at all but sure, I retract any claim that Senate Anon "risked his life" to give us the information. What's your point? He still said we should do surveillance on SOBIB, ROJ, and Sarasota, all of which you admit are extremely dirty. Why on earth would anyone working on behalf of a pedophile network advocate putting hidden cameras on suspected pedophile networks? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Not only does it make no sense, I didn't see you post any tangible evidence that suggests this is true. You just claim HLI is working for David Brock because "It makes sense" for David Brock hire someone to say what HLI said.

SoberSecondThought ago

Oh, I think my point is pretty clear. You've picked the wrong part of my sentence to concede to.

The folks in that thread were begging Senate Anon to give some actual, hard, insider information. He said "look here," and gave them information that Voat already had at least six months earlier. The pool of Senate staffers is not that large, so if he really was one, then he really was risking his life, but he wasn't giving them any new information. He was letting them believe that it was, though. He fooled you, right? So he was lying. On the other hand, if he wasn't a Senate staffer, then he wasn't risking his life OR providing any new information. He was just lying about everything. As I said.

Now, the much more interesting question is -- as you noted -- how does it benefit David Brock to pay someone to encourage people to do surveillance? It's an unconventional strategy of disinfo, certainly. It took me a year to understand his setup well enough to even attempt to explain that. That's what this whole series is about, to help people wake up and see just what a complex disinfo scheme Brock is running. I'll have another long post about that tomorrow. It's always better to post during prime time, I've found.

Will you stick around and read the whole series?

ababcb ago

The folks in that thread were begging Senate Anon to give some actual, hard, insider information. He said "look here," and gave them information that Voat already had at least six months earlier.

He also said that he was not going to give any more information until he sees anons taking action in real life. IF he was risking his life then it makes sense that he would not reveal any new information if the old information he had been drawing attention to never spurred any real life action. Why should he stick his neck out any further than he has to if nobody is going to place a hidden camera anywhere?

But that's a moot point because he DID give new information; he came back to point us in the direction of the Sarasota Airport only after Adams Morgan had been thoroughly investigated and many anons had independently come to the conclusion that Senate Anon wasn't lying about ROJ or SOBIB.

I think he might have been lying about being a Senate Staffer but that doesn't matter because FBI anon was likely lying about being an FBI agent. What's clear is that Senate Anon was NOT lying about ROJ, SOBIB, or Sarasota.

Will you stick around and read the whole series?

That depends on how convincing your arguments become. So far the only thing stopping me from dismissing you is your past post history which doesn't look like what I'd expect from a shill trying to dismiss Senate Anons claims. Then again, we're both in agreement that sophisticated shilling is going on, so we'll see.

SoberSecondThought ago

He also said that he was not going to give any more information until he sees anons taking action in real life.

Yeah, about that. You're looking for the reason why David Brock would pay someone to encourage citizen surveillance. Seems like you just identified at least one good reason: To get the anons doing the surveillance to come and tell him about it on /pol/. Right? Isn't that what's supposed to happen next? How else could he "see anons taking action in real life"?

But it's all a bit upside down, because anons like @thisisnotagame and @gumshoe_mob already DID take action in real life. So Senate Anon took their work, let people assume (including you) that it was his, and then said, "Come and tell me when you find something good." Aren't you mad about that? You were taken in by him. Why are you defending him?

he came back to point us in the direction of the Sarasota Airport only after Adams Morgan had been thoroughly investigated and many anons had independently come to the conclusion that Senate Anon wasn't lying about ROJ or SOBIB.

Yeah, but that's not really what happened. What happened was that Senate Anon lied, and then you innocently passed along his lie, and then other anons went and did some work that was based on his lie and your mistake. They didn't independently come to the conclusion that Senate Anon wasn't lying. They trusted him, and you, and assumed that they were working on new information. Or anyway, that's certainly what I did when I posted three different threads with original research on Sarasota, plus comments in several others.

At this point, I don't see any evidence of my having misled you. But your "he risked his life" thread certainly misled me. Didn't it?

ababcb ago

Isn't that what's supposed to happen next? How else could he "see anons taking action in real life"?

No, he did not say to "come tell him", he said to post it online anonymously immediately. He'll know when anons are taking action in real life because the videos of private surveillance will be posted on the internet. If someone set up a live stream of flights going in and out of the Sarasota airport (like he recommended), and then people made 4chan threads trying to match the number of flights on tape vs the official number of flights, it wouldn't be hard for him to find out and then come back with more information.

So Senate Anon took their work, let people assume (including you) that it was his, and then said, "Come and tell me when you find something good." Aren't you mad about that?

Why would anyone be mad about someone using research to encourage people to spy on criminals, simply because the person did not himself do the research? Why does it matter who did the initial research?

What happened was that Senate Anon lied, and then you innocently passed along his lie, and then other anons went and did some work that was based on his lie and your mistake.

Lied about what? You haven't shown that he lied about anything.

They trusted him, and you, and assumed that they were working on new information. Or anyway, that's certainly what I did when I posted three different threads with original research on Sarasota, plus comments in several others.

He never said the information was "new" and I don't see why that would matter at all. Who cares if the information is "new" or not if it's true and lot's of people didn't know about it before? If the information he was giving us about SOBIB or Sarasota is true then he was doing us all a service by articulating the information more than once. It would be a good idea, in fact, to make more threads on 4chan about SOBIB, ROJ and/or Sarasota to enlighten even more people.

So I'm not sure what you're point is. How is it bad that you did a bunch of original research on Sarasota?

Blacksmith21 ago

1) Ummm...Did anyone ever consider that Osama and Obama were brothers?

2) I concur with your profile on Brock. Spot on. The one thing omitted was "likely suicidal tendencies or inclination".

3) WTF does this have to do with PG? C'mon....conform to the rules or die ; )

SoberSecondThought ago

Oh, this is as PG-related as possible. For the past 15 months, folks have been chasing after Podesta, Brock, and Alefantis. What I am saying is that this guy, HLI, is equal to them in status, and guilty (under RICO laws) of all the same crimes. He has been meeting with them, probably eating meals with them, and the rest of the time spending all day, every day, on /pol/, /v/pizzagate, Reddit, YouTube, and everywhere citizen investigators gather. He has hundreds of alts, and probably a notebook filled with all their passwords that he guards very carefully. He is like a silent partner in the enterprise. This is a big step forward in the investigation, proving that he exists and explaining what he does. And there is more to come.

I know this argument is complicated. That's why I broke it into pieces, and I'm delivering it at a slow pace to let people digest it. Today's argument is not really about Obama. I don't care about Obama. But he makes a good introductory example for how HLI does his work. He has an assigned script. He can say certain things, and he has to be silent on certain things. He pushes us toward safe subjects, and away from unsafe ones.

As a rule, if he says something about Obama, it can only be (a) a lie designed to confuse you and waste your time, or (b) something true but of no interest to Brock or Hillary. For example, I don't know who Obama's real father is. It could be his mentor Frank, who molested him. It could be someone else. I would imagine that HLI/Brock/Hillary are unsure of the truth on this as well. Jerome Corsi has probably done the best job of anyone on this, and he says he doesn't know.

What matters is that despite careful reading of HLI, and Senate Anon, and other alts of his that I have not yet unmasked, I have found no reference to Obama's very tangled sex life. That's not an accident. It is part of a pattern.

We're going to be doing a lot of this kind of pattern analysis in coming days, and what we find is going to be REALLY damaging. But obviously it won't work if people can't keep up, or if I don't tell the story well. So I humbly ask that everyone bring up whatever isn't clear. Thanks.

ababcb ago

What I am saying is that this guy, HLI, is equal to them in status, and guilty (under RICO laws) of all the same crimes. You have put forth 0 evidence for this. Your threads are full of wild speculation with no evidence, but you seem very concerned about hidden cameras and microphones being placed on people like Brock.

SoberSecondThought ago

Nope. Go place them! Seriously, you might catch him talking to HLI. Or yelling at him, more likely.

2impendingdoom ago

Well duh, the most obvious thing is that if HLI is really an HLI on our side, he would have spill real info and provided evidence, docs and such, even if through wikileaks.

At this point I can only conclude that anyone who says I know names but doesn't say, is one of them. that includes Corey F.

SoberSecondThought ago

Well, no. It isn't as simple as you're thinking, because I'm not just trying to prove HLI is disinfo. Most people believed that anyway. I'm trying to use the disinfo he provides to figure out what truth he's hiding.

HLI has been doing this for years. He often runs the same phony character through hundreds of posts, over months of time. He doesn't always claim to be an insider. He doesn't necessarily make a lot of sense. He can ramble on, compulsively, about stuff that nobody cares about, and just be ignored by 98 percent of a forum, and yet still accomplish his objective.

Since you mentioned Corey Feldman, let's take @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, for example. Nine posts out of ten are about "Sustainability = Satan's Ability" and the Council of 13 and freemasons and Racine, Wisconsin, which is the center of pure evil in the world. Or something. After the first dozen posts, most people tune him out. But every once in a while, he'll sideswipe some relevant topic. He'll go after Corey Feldman, for example, as he did here, and help to build anti-Corey sentiment. And the most likely outcome is that you'll remember that there were other people who agreed with you about Corey ... but you won't remember who they were, or exactly what argument they gave. Over time he'll do the same thing to Trump, or Trey Gowdy, or any threat to Hillary that needs to be taken down a notch.

HLI = Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. He's just using his vast knowledge of conspiracy theories and mystery religions in a slightly different way. He's still a condescending know-it-all, and he still claims to be part of a secretive organization fighting other shadowy forces, but as an outsider instead of an insider. He doesn't give out phony facts, so much as nudge you into unfounded opinions. It's an expensive, slow, but diabolically effective way of injecting ideas into people's minds. It's one of the many things that HLI does when he's not being HLI. That's what this series is about. Listing all the ways that he has been fooling everyone.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Have you researched anything we have posted about, even what we repeat over and over? Have you researched Sustainable Development and Community Policing or Art in Embassies or Rotary or Knights of Pythias or the ancient discoveries in Wisconsin? Have you researched the business partners of SC Johnson and their International locations? Are you risking your life and rhe luves of orhers to tell random strangers the Truth about a small Midwestern city that is the "root" to the entire agenda that leads to Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast?

For the record we feel sorry for Corey Feldman and we hope he does name is abusers, but we have zero hope that Corey Feldman is going to Save the world by making a movie to reveal a few more pedophiles in Hollywood. That is sad and is connected to the bigger picture but is nothing compared to global enslavement. We aren't asking for any money. We don't post submissions for upvotes. We don't have a house of girls like Hugh Hefner called angels or dress up like the Grim Reaper on The Today Show. We don't star in reality TV shows or make terrible albums. We didn't sit back cashing checks for decades as others were abused. We are not compromised. We have no motive but the Truth.

If high level insider or Corey Feldman or anyone wants to prove rhey really want to Save the world, let them shine the light on the Truth and the "root" of the real agenda in Racine. At least US Senate Anon knows we are telling the Truth.

Vindicator ago

Well, no. It isn't as simple as you're thinking, because I'm not just trying to prove HLI is disinfo. Most people believed that anyway. I'm trying to use the disinfo he provides to figure out what truth he's hiding.


witch_doctor1 ago

HLI referring to himself as "Three" reminded me of the cryptic email Hillary sent Cheryl Mills "Subject: SO, HOW'S SEVEN DOING? ANY PHOTOS??" Any thoughts on that one, considering they run in the same circles? https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/17422

ESOTERICshade ago

"Three" is a Masonic occult thing and it has different layers of meaning depending on what its applied to.

2impendingdoom ago

no. never saw that email! weird!! And it part of Mills email address is redacted in the PDF. I wonder if it was another addressee?

witch_doctor1 ago

Agreed it is weird. That is one of the emails that really needs answering IMO.

Vindicator ago

Yeah -- that one, and the one about the Minerva Rule.

witch_doctor1 ago

Here is the another one that still haunts me.. https://www.wikileaks.com/clinton-emails/emailid/19339

witch_doctor1 ago

Let me preface what I am about to say by stating that I believe HRC is a luciferian...that being said, I was recently re-reading FBI Anon because I always find something that is important right now.

Anyhoo..FBI Anon was asked about that email in his 5th AMA, question #41...he said "It refers to open declarations of regime change". So, it appears that it was more about globalism than occultism. See: http://faculty.arts.ubc.ca/tiberg/Homepage08/Minerva.html

ESOTERICshade ago

I think the Minerva Rule may have something to do with the codes and policies of secrecy but can't remember for sure. I'm getting to the point that I can learn something one day and forget it in three.

SoberSecondThought ago

I remember that email. No idea what she was talking about. But good catch! Maybe we'll learn more as we go.

witch_doctor1 ago

John Podesta read for some BLM type play called Seven in 2015...but the timing doesn't match up.. https://gwtoday.gwu.edu/%E2%80%98seven%E2%80%99-recounts-women%E2%80%99s-stories-horror-and-heroism. That "Seven" email+Jean-louis Warnholz are some of the unanswered questions I have from the daily email dumps.

darkknight111 ago

I knew something was off when HLI pushed us to do dangerous activies that could easily gets us exposed/killed.

ababcb ago

These are not even remotely dangerous activities. Putting a hidden camera in a banquet hall in a hotel that the Royal Order of Jesters plan on staying at is not dangerous at all for anyone OTHER than the Royal Order of Jesters.

They are begging you not to spy on them.

SoberSecondThought ago

They? I think you mean me, and we've established that you are wrong about that.

fru_glo ago

hahaha that was so fuckin sketchy. thanks op hope, you hang HighLevel

party1981 ago

Obama was raised by the CIA.

Wayne Madsen wrote an entire book about it.

AgainstPedos ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYvQdpqfqGc Vid confirms Sheriff A. of AZ claim Obama's HI birth certificate is a forgery created by HI governmental officials. It's a copy of a specific woman's birth certificate who was born around the same time period. Vid explains details.

SoberSecondThought ago

I am sure that the CIA took a close interest in Obama, starting at least as far back as his initial run for Senator. The senior CIA pedos want to know who is "in the club". What I reject is the idea that the CIA "groomed him from childhood" and pre-determined everything. They just don't have that kind of comprehensive control. The 2008 primary was a brutal knife fight and nobody knew ahead of time how it would go.

Wayne Madsen tries to argue, for instance, that since USAID paid for some of Obama's mother's anthropology work, and USAID has had some past ties to the CIA, that this means Obama's mother was CIA. It's a stretch at best. If HLI pushes that theory, that's a reason to be more skeptical about it. That's my take.

party1981 ago

The evidence for Obama being CIA is far more extensive than that his mother's ties to CIA. But I haven't read the book and I'm not an expert.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I believe Obama's mother was in the CIA. Her sewing job in Indonesia was said to be a cover job. hmmmm....

ababcb ago

Obamas mother and step father make it undeniably obvious that Obama was a CIA asset from birth.

ESOTERICshade ago

The cult has been raising children to play specific roles from birth for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. It is entirely possible that Obama is such a person too.

independenceday ago

I'm confused. Are you saying that Obama is literally Osama bin laden? Or did I miss something?

SoberSecondThought ago

@millenial_vulcan, @pizzaequalspedo, @mooteensy, @2impendingdoom

Clarified at the top of the page. I didn't have a lot of sleep when I posted this, it could have been a bit simpler.

pizzaequalspedo ago

No he’s saying that it’s misinformation when HLI claims that Obam is Osama.

millennial_vulcan ago


2impendingdoom ago

I am confused too, I've read this twice now, I think Obama is gaypedo is the truth HLI is trying to hide.

fogdryer ago

I agree

AgainstPedos ago

Haven't you seen the photo of Obama when POTUS playing ping pong at Comet with a shirtless young White teen? Later there was a statement that he was only trying to help a few street kids.

Some question why Obama after his term in office spent an overnight in England with Prince Harry. Or his other vacay hosts. Michelle Obama was never mentioned.

independenceday ago

wow. didn't see that photo, can you post it? Only saw the photo of Bambi playing ping-pong in the WhiteHouse basement with the 8 year old, but he had his shirt on, in that photo.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think the ping pong game was at the whitehouse and everybody had their shirts on. The Comet thing is probably disinfo or some joke meme.

2impendingdoom ago

his vacation with richard branson, the two of them together on a jet ski?? seriously? nobody rides a jet ski with someone they aren't boinking.

witch_doctor1 ago

LOL! Maybe a poorfag or college kid...which I don't think either of them are...

Vindicator ago

That is a hilarious comment.

Are_we_sure ago

Haven't you seen the photo of Obama when POTUS playing ping pong at Comet with a shirtless young White teen?

You haven't see that either. Because that photo doesn't exist. What a load of shite! You took the original fake story and embrodied it to include a shirtless teen. Good Lord.

Here's the photo some idiots tried to pass along as being "AT COMET PING PONG." https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zPw6Wvg5G48/WFmZqi2UwNI/AAAAAAAADNc/ak3MeERxCWErnQ18llfIFCl_jPIH_P-jACLcB/s1600/barack_obama2.jpg

Here's where it took place. Gee, I wonder if that's Comet Ping Pong. https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/2016/12/07/pizzagate/daaa6b3b2a4ae2f0d1d1a18456d77ed4436b8ca0/images/whitehouse-streetview.jpg

2impendingdoom ago

fuck off douche.

mooteensy ago

I think there may be more to it. Even after all the birth certificate stuff came out, people said it was fake and ridiculous. If this kind of stuff gets traction for others to look into obama, then I'm happy enough with that as there are too many rabbit holes to hide at this point.

AgainstPedos ago

Very suspicious when the 1 woman in HI who could verify Obama's birth certificate as authentic died in a mysterious small plane crash. There were clearly many mistakes when it was presented to be analyzed such as the signature and the printing font.

Trump always claimed AZ official would make an official judgment. Then the subject was completely dropped. Likewise there's a debate as to the identity of Obama's actual father, since he looks much more like another man than the Kenyan claimed to be of his bloodline.

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=8kbhkFrrxNs | https://www.hooktube.com/embed/8kbhkFrrxNs :

Larry Sinclair Press Conference about Gay Love Affair with Barack Obama FULL MOVIE - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

YogSoggoth ago

Thank's maybe later. I am going into the kitchen to eat food. Yuck.