BlueEyedDevil64 ago

Corey seems controlled by someone. I think they will sacrifice a few to protect the many.

pizzaequalspedo ago

The victims of this stuff are always imperfect.

Sexual abuse victims (and particularly ones that go on to become Hollywood types) will always look and sound like crazy people.

It’s part of what keeps these elite pervs in bus Ness is the outlandish tales that seemingly uncredible.

NoBS ago

If desperation blinds one to the absurdity of attacking the victim, then pedo protectors are approaching suicidal desperation.

Thank you for posting examples of why Pedophilia can happen out in the open.

Vicious personal attacks to silence whistle blowers is getting harder to hide.

mjvictims ago

First of all I have been advocating for victims of child exploitation for quite a long time now. This idea that Corey Feldman is somehow beyond reproach because he was victimized is total nonsense. Also I know this might be hard for you to grasp but being a victim does not mean you cannot victimize or exploit others. I am no way saying that Corey Feldman is a child predator. However what I am saying is that he has exploited the situation and treated women like objects. The links I provided are crystal clear on those points

ESOTERICshade ago

However what I am saying is that he has exploited the situation and treated women like objects. The links I provided are crystal clear on those points

You sound like a social justice warrior shill quite frankly.

mjvictims ago

Did you watch the videos, did you see Corey thanking a known predator at a function with a group of children. Don't find anything wrong with that. You do realize the man he is thanking is one of Corey Haim"s abusers. You do realize Marty Eris's the man he was thanking was actually raping children during that time frame. Is that politically correct, sorry

ESOTERICshade ago

Did you watch the videos, did you see Corey thanking a known predator at a function with a group of children. Don't find anything wrong with that. You do realize the man he is thanking is one of Corey Haim"s abusers. You do realize Marty Eris's the man he was thanking was actually raping children during that time frame. Is that politically correct, sorry

My point to you is that most likely Feldman is not a free man. It is more likely he IS being controlled than not. You are not aware of that or refuse to acknowledge it. If they shove your head in a trash can and drown you a few times you would repeat their words too. Either way, you are either ignorant of cult tactics or you are a shill. Which means your words are no good in a room full of people that understand the possibilities, and you are standing in one.

kazza64 ago

he tweeted he is not going to name abusers. he's been paid off

kazza64 ago

i dont know the word just was suddenly he was flush with cash

millennial_vulcan ago

by who, do you think?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Corey Feldman is no saint. He has no talent. He runs an extortion scheme pretending that he may someday come forward when he never will. He milks the victim card to get every last reality show, tv appearance, record deal or movie cameo.

Look at his lifestyle and his fake "angels". He has condoned, enabled and catalyzed the system of abuse for decades allowing so many others to be abused along the way.

Be skeptical of anyone coming forward who isn't naming names other than Weinstein in particular.

One of the latest examples coming forward is Kristin Bauer van Straten who has played a vampire, Malificent and many other satanic roles. She is another scientologist involved in the network of extreme deception and abuse. She is also from the "root", model and headquarters of the real agenda that leads to Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast where her brother also plays a major role tied to the Clintons and others involved in Racine, Wisconsin.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Wisconsin is corr.........I've been waiting months for you to say something other than Racine bla bla bla.. Like explaining why it's any different than every other place in terms of pedophilia.

That you are joining mjvictims here in trashing Corey Feldman says all I ever need to know about Racine being some center, Your all smoke and mirrors.

mjvictims may respond "I'm only raising issues" but it's your persistence defending it that's the tipoff. Show some respect for the guy with his neck on the line (that be Corey), or do it better yourself.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Your handle implies you were saved by Jesus. Do you know how Corey feels about Jesus? Do you Trust in him, or Trust in Him?

Do you believe he Saved others along the way with his silence? Or did he continue getting paid for his silence and false threats?

Do you believe the Pope, Timothy Dolan, Paul Ryan, and the Catholic Church have done the right thing and cleaned up the extreme abuse in the church?

Do you also believe Ashton Kutcher is leading the fight against Human Trafficking?

Do you believe the FBI is doing their job to stop trafficking, racketeering and criminal corruption among the elite circles?

Do you believe Alex Jones is leading the fight against the global cabal to Save the world?

We feel sorry for Corey Feldman and others who were both victims and enablers of the system of abuse, especially if they went to the authorities who were negligent. We know there are many ways for them to get their stories out, and we hope they do, but we are not going to put Corey Feldman on any pedestal of Truth and justice. His "angels" know what we are talking about, and all of the other victims after him know as well. Open your eyes to the real Truth.

This is much bigger than Corey Feldman could ever wrap his warped mind around. If he wants to Save the world he should change his life and shine the light on the real "root" of the system in Racine, Wisconsin.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Smoke and mirrors.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That is your response?

Try reading all of our comments here alone. We challenge you to dispute any of them.

Racine is the "root". We speak the Truth.

mjvictims ago

So I should not defend the point of this post? Defending my point of view is a Tip off to???? My complaint about Feldman deals with his exploitation of the situation. Writing a book and teasing the public that he may reveal names. His blatant disregard for women and treating them like objects whose only purpose is to idolize him like a deity. His lack of respect for Corey Haim 's mother who asked Corey Feldman to stop using her son as a method to garner attention. Corey Feldman coming out against predators in Hollywood and asking for the public to speak up for victims but than bashing individuals who claim abuse against Jackson. Neither myself or any of the Jackson accusers have ever called Corey Feldman a liar regarding his abuse. I support Corey Feldman's path to healing but I do not support his blatant hypocrisy.

millennial_vulcan ago

SHUT UP about Racine now, fucks sake.

He's been paid to keep his mouth shut. You'd do the same if you were him.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Someday soon you will find out that everything we have posted is the absolute Truth. Shine the light on Racine and you will find out sooner if you want to be Saved.

Our souls are not for sale.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

No, and no.

millennial_vulcan ago

Is it all of Wisconsin or just Racine? Steve Avery, Jeffrey Dahmer, were Wisconsin but not racine

Joe10jo ago

Okay, you obviously live in or around Racine. Ever go to the Brat Stop?? Lol (to those out of the loop, its Brat as in hotdogs and beer, not bratty kids).

ESOTERICshade ago

I looked at your posting history. Michael Jackson is an old story and unimportant in todays world of sadistic pedophiles and Monarch Programmers. Move on to some current people that are actively abusing kids. All you are doing is muddying the water.

mjvictims ago

Really the mjvictims name didn't tip you off to the advocacy I have been doing to educate the public for the last five years

ESOTERICshade ago

Really the mjvictims name didn't tip you off to the advocacy I have been doing to educate the public for the last five years

Actually it makes me wonder if you are an attorney or interested party that wants to shake the Jackson estate down for some cash.

mjvictims ago

No not an attorney, received zero compensation of any kind to discuss this topic or others. My motivation is simple , support and education for the victims of Michael Jackson and other high profile cases. I am tired of seeing the victims of Michael Jackson treated like some sort of joke. They are as real and as relevant as any person who has survived child rape.

millennial_vulcan ago

There is only one person who can make a difference to the Michael Jackson case becoming relevant again but fear that person was too, paid off by Jacko.

Macaulay Culkin

angelafogo ago

Octocopter ago

This guy is obviously trying to shill a narrative about something, I don't trust it.

mjvictims ago

I have had a page up for close to 5 years supporting the victims of Michael Jackson and other high profile cases. I was talking about the problem of elite child exploitation long before this thread ever existed. I earned my place at the table , have you?

Octocopter ago

"Earned my place at the table" Wtf is wrong in your head?

mjvictims ago

It is called a metaphor. Any other sentences you would like explained.

ESOTERICshade ago

Only Hollywood will benefit by attacking Feldman. Feldman was a an abused confused kid doing what he had to do to survive. Just because a confused and abused kid didn't behave like Jesus does not strip him of victim status. Not sure what you hope to gain by this.

mjvictims ago

Corey is definitely a victim but he "ain't" no advocate. Being a victim is not a free pass to call other victims liars. It is not a free pass to act hypocritically when discussing Hollywood,s abuse of power to objectify young impressionable women. It is not an excuse to make money off of a book that teases at the possibility of predators being named. "What I am trying to gain from this" as you worded it is to give the public a understanding of how important the message is. Show why when you have a individual like Corey Feldman being the sound piece for this cause how it can taint the most important thing the message. Again the title of this post says it all

ESOTERICshade ago

Every time I look at a picture of the disgrace that is a burial tomb the cult fashioned for Michael Jackson i'm not so sure he even was a sadistic pedophile. His tomb has a carving in it of a man shoving a child onto his dick. Considering that the cult seeks to do most things backwards it leaves questions open in my mind. Jackson spoke against the cult in his music that this was directly responsible his demise. The cult sacrificed Michael Jackson because he was sorta outing them.

If Corey Feldman says that Michael Jackson never tried to take advantage of him and always treated him like a friend and a gentleman I have no reason not to believe it.

You can bash Corey Feldman all you want but what you be willing to do for the cult after a few days of non stop torture? Hmmmm? Would you run a small time call girl/boy ring for them after they drowned you and brought you back to life about 15 times in 24 hours?

I bet you would, hero....

In_Umbris ago

There are any number of reasons why Feldman would support MJ, some of them very unsettling.

Unfortunately, there are other factors that suggest his motivation is suspect. For example, there are reports that Corey Haim's family did not want Feldman (supposedly best friend) at the funeral. Later reports suggest Haim's mother spoke out about Feldman, and suggested he take care of his own issues.

We'll know more if Feldman actually names abusers. I suspect there is a lot of guilt involved.

Are you speculating about 'torture'? I don't see evidence of torture in this case. Torture was an early part of mind control techniques. There are far more effective methods of mind control. With this in mind, there are other reasons why someone would be complicit in child abuse. Please excuse the shameless plug, but my book, D.C. the DArk City explores this issue in ways that change the paradigm.

ESOTERICshade ago

With this in mind, there are other reasons why someone would be complicit in child abuse.

I'm interested. Outline a couple quickly. I'll read your book too.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yes torture is possible but they have methods of intimidation that are very effective too. People keep shitting on Feldman but Feldman didn't ask for his shitty situation but yet there he is anyway. The cult specializes in slipping people into situation from which escaping, except insane or in a body bag, is all but impossible.

Its just like the Spider and the Fly. By the time a person realizes they are in deep shit its too late already. They have you. Either with blackmail, drug addictions, and certainly have your self will beaten down to nothing. The specializes in trapping victims in a double bind from which they cannot escape whole. Its what they do. Its who they are.

I don't know if Feldman has been "tortured" or not and that depends on a person's definition of torture. If they sent three or four thugs to his house, beat the shit out of him, and sodomized him all night while they did who knows what else to him then I consider that torture.

All these people shitting on Feldman either are not considering his possible true circumstances because they don't truly understand how the cult works or they have something to gain and skin in the game.

It would be just another day in the neighborhood for the cult to shove his head in a trash can full of water and nearly drown him to death a few times and there would be nothing anybody could do about it. All these armchair heros shitting on Feldman are laying on the couch thinking about what a hero he should be.

All I can is they are not in his shoes and if they were I feel certain they would see the world in all its ugly glory.

mjvictims ago

Michael Jackson was not a mk ultra victim or part of some black helicopter conspiracy theory. He as Wade Robson was a disturbed individual who equated love with sex. He believed like so many predators that what he was doing was not harming a child but another expression of love. He was no different than so many text book predators he just happened to be a pop star

ESOTERICshade ago

Again, watch "Clive Davis Presents Satans Son" and learn something because you don't know whats going on or pretend not to.

millennial_vulcan ago

Clive Davis is another pedo whose name is going to come out soon.

ESOTERICshade ago

Michael Jackson was not a mk ultra victim or part of some black helicopter conspiracy theory.

Wrong. Just like Whitney Houston, Sam Cook, Otis Redding, and so many others, he was sacrificed. He was done away with intentionally by the same people that made his career.

Again, either you don't even know who the BOULE is or you are a shill.

mjvictims ago

I never said I didn't believe he was a victim however Corey Feldman has called victims who I am advocating for liars and Feldman's story is now gaining press because of Harvey Weinstein but Feldman is acting in a similar way wrong is wrong

ESOTERICshade ago

Scum like Clive Davis for instance. Look up a video series "Clive Davis Presents Satan's Son." Those are the type of fuckers that create the Feldmans. Along with producers, directors, etc....

ESOTERICshade ago

Feldman is only a peanut in a bag of nuts. The targets that need to be focused on are the execs and the people that bankroll them. These are the people that create and destroy the Feldmans of the world.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

For sure. The same could be said about Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie. The day is late but there would be no daylight without these world known people with this type of monetary stature. The nobodies would never be heard. And that is sad.

derram ago | :

Goonies Lost Boys Star Corey Feldman SHOCKER! - thanks Haim's "molester". Protects pedophiles? - YouTube | :

Celebrity Wife Swap 411 Corey Feldman and Tommy Davidson - YouTube

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