popcorn77 ago

I had no idea! Memes are a great idea. Young people pay more attention to them rather than reading an article.


What we need to do is blow the lid off the domino effect and open the floodgates and watch the tips of the icebergs come crashing down.

carmencita ago

I am so sick of people lauding him and oohing and aahing over his acting. They look the other way and it disgusts me. I can't stomach him, or their accolades another day. Take down time.

DomKeyhote ago

Guess what, normal people have contempt for actors because it's not a real fucking job. Nobody cares about them getting raped.

The real crime is the lies they tell and the fact that we allow an ethnic minority such a huge propaganda platform in the first place.

"Pedophilia in Hollywood" then in the child beauty pageant circuit then the advertising industry, boy scouts etc etc, that will always exist by nature of the individuals brought together (selfish parents, cute kids, and pedos).

Imagine we could end it all but their decades of Holocaust fantasy movies have ensured they will "never again" be targeted as a group and can safely throw powerful Jews like Weinstein under the bus without suffering themselves.

So that's where we are today.

SecureYourSeats ago

Beat it with your nonsense talk about the holocaust being a fantasy.

angelafogo ago

Agree. Though lest not despair and lose hope for still breathing and alive we are.

NoBS ago

Who is the most powerful (read: Famous) actors/directors who can influence millions? Long term child actors groomed under Disney is where I would start.

Sackajahweeda ago

I think he all but exposed himself with who he married and the article that he did about being caught with a pack of 12 year olds or something like that...that was 1976!! So he has put it in the worlds faces and they still choose to think he "makes such great filllms" (which I totally disagree but I digress) so he has become persona grata to most all of hollywood and dont forget...JEFFREY EPSTEIN TOO!! As my dad used to say..."Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who YOU ARE!"

darkknight111 ago

Dan Schnider. Saw his twitter feed. There were some creepy images in it.

We could use him as a jumping board to find pedophilia connections to the parent company Viacom.

Sackajahweeda ago

Yes that is him!!

senpaithatignoresyou ago

My vote would be for that nickelodean guy

MTV and Viacom are one hell of a rabbit hole.

This is also an intersection with multiple connections, to both Weinstein, Weiner, and some of the disney starlets that seemed to have had serious nervous breakdowns.

mooteensy ago

Who????? I'm trying to find the connection but pretty much everyone I look into has one or had one with mtv and or viacom. ugh

senpaithatignoresyou ago

There are a lot of who's in this mess.

Brittney spears and justin timberlake are a few I am looking at.

Another one that i am suspicious of, is the guy who created the Rugrats cartoon. He also created Aeon Flux, then seems to have magically dropped off the face of the earth.

waxdino ago

I think most people know he molested his children then married one of his daughters. What is there to expose? People just need to get it through their brains that we need to not accept that behavior.

mooteensy ago

I'm 23 and surprisingly most of my peers had NO idea. Really sad. Maybe it's just my shitty generation though.

Are_we__sure ago

Well the psychiatrists and social workers who examined Dylan Farrow said no abuse occurred which is why he was never charged. And this was no a case of looking back years later. Mia took her to the doctor right away

Sonn Yi Previn was the adopted daughter of Mia's ex husband Andre Previn.

waxdino ago

As I recall, the medical doctors found Dylan "intact," as in, perhaps he didn't penetrate, but doesn't mean she wasn't molested.
And, I'm sure I don't even need to say this- obviously it wasn't his biological daughter given the legality of their marriage. But anyone with a fucking brain and no penchant for defending pedophiles knows that grooming and marrying one's own stepdaughter implicates some deep mental and sexual abuse.

Are_we__sure ago

That was not the only reason they said abuse didn't happen. They also interviewed her several times. Her story was not consistent about details not regarding abuse. If they asked something that directly related to abuse, she did answer in her normal voice but replied with something that sounded rehearsed as if she was coached.

Was anyone arguing Soon Yi was his biological daughter? I surely wasn't. She was an orphan from South Korea when Farrow and Previn adopted her.

And she was not Allen's stepdaughter either. As he and Mia Farrow never married and never lived together. I understand your point -- whatever the technicality, he still had an affair with his girlfriend's daughter and the step sister of his own children--- however, I think you have to understand the facts of the Soon Yi affair to make sense of the case of Dylan Farrow. It's possible to think Woody is a creep for the Soon Yi thing, but that he did not do what he was accused of with Dylan.

I don't think any grooming went on and I think Soon Yi is not an abused victim but a willful adult. I think Soon Yi hated Mia Farrow and wanted out. I'm a fan of Woody Allen as director and I'm a fan of Mia Farrow as an actress (I recommend Broadway Danny Rose and Radio Days to show her range), but they both have issues. Supposedly Mia Farrow broke a chair over Soon Yi's head when she found out about the photos. This is according to Moses Farrow and I know the NY tabloids reported this back in the day.

I think this timeline is pretty accurate https://www.thenation.com/article/woody-and-mia-modern-family-timeline/

First thing to note is Farrow and Allen lived apart for their entire relationship and court records note for the first 7.5 years of their relationship, he is not around their kids. He supposed only really spends time with them on vacation. When he is around the kids, it's his kids, Satchel is his biological kid (though this is in doubt now) and he later adopts Dylan and Moses.

Until infants arrive years later, according to a court, “He had no involvement with them [the children] and no interest in them.”

Second thing is Woody and Mia's relationship starts wane just about the time they agree to have kids. Their first kid was Satchel Farrow who now goes by Ronan Farrow. He is born in late 1987 and court records say

Mr. Allen showed little or no interest in the pregnancy. It is not disputed that Ms. Farrow began to withdraw from Mr. Allen during the pregnancy and that afterwards she did not wish Satchel to become attached to Mr. Allen.

Third thing is the Dylan accusations come well after the Soon Yi Affair AND during a period of time when Allen and Farrow are negotiating child care payments. Soon Yi was 20 years old when Mia found nude photos of her in Allen's house. She was not a child. Supposedly the affair started when she returned home from college, Mia suggested Woody take her to a basketball game. It is Mia Farrow's behavior before the Dylan Farrow accusation that makes people doubt this story.

So here's the timeline. January 1992: Mia Farrow finds intimate Polaroids of her (adopted) daughter Soon-Yi Previn, age 20, under a box of tissues on the mantle in Allen’s Manhattan apartment. After confronting Soon-Yi and confirming the affair, she tells all but the youngest children what she has learned.

February 1992: Farrow gives Allen a Valentine, a family photograph with the children pierced by trussing skewers, and herself pierced by a steak knife wrapped in a photo of Soon-Yi.

Over the next several months, according to Dr. Coates’s testimony, Farrow’s rage intensifies while she and Allen privately try to come to some agreement about the future: “I felt it was a really dangerous situation.” Court records establish that Farrow did not conceal her rage from her children. Coates advised Allen not to visit Farrow and the children at her country house in Connecticut. “In my clinical evaluation, this was a place where protection was needed.” Allen does not heed the warning.

July 1992: Farrow learns that the affair between Woody and Soon-Yi has not ended.

While visiting in Connecticut to celebrate Dylan’s seventh birthday, Allen finds a note in Farrow’s handwriting on his bathroom door (more accurately, the door of a bathroom near the guest room where he slept):

Child Molester at Birthday Party! Molded then abused one sister now focused on youngest sister Family disgusted

August 1, 1992: In a call to Dr. Coates, Mia, distraught over the Soon-Yi affair, says Woody is “satanic and evil.” She begs the psychologist to “find a way to stop him.” In the same conversation she asks Dr. Coates, “Do you think I should marry him?” Coates’s testimony: “I said, ‘Are you serious?’” Coates added that Farrow “heard my reaction to it, and realized there was something absurd about it.”

Read the rest for all the pros and cons of the accusation itself. But suffice to say it came about during an already toxic environment.


AugustaJulia ago

She repeated her allegations recently, as an adult. I tend to believe her.

Oh_Well_ian ago

what is there to expose ? How about perhaps hundreds of more victims of Allen's sexual predation ?