ChristopherMarlowe ago

Sandy Hook was a HOAX. There were no kids killed. This was propaganda to get rid of guns. Ergo this story is also a HOAX. This is a waste of your time. Las Vegas was also a HOAX. Now we find that the "brother" of the "shooter" got busted for child porn? These stories are lying crap. Don't waste your time looking into the secret lives of people who don't exist.

AgainstPedos ago

Last Sun the Las Vegas Review Journal published a story from the ER nurse, Head of Trauma, at University Medical Center, re dealing with the horror of 10/1. Gave praise to his co-worker who had received his training in the US Army in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Come to Vegas and take a look at the Las Vegas sign surrounded by palm trees on Las Vegas Blvd just South of Mandalay Bay. See for yourself the 58 white crosses which have been so carefully decorated by the still grieving families. The coroner's office has been on lock down since 10//1. Many, many rumors that a LOT more than 58 people were murdered that night. That doesn't count those still hospitalized and permanently injured.

Don't understand WHY others aren't taking 10/1 very seriously. Even those who were not hurt will be traumatized for the rest of their lives. A friend's roommate was at the concert because she needed the $$ from her part-time crew gig.

millennial_vulcan ago

Gene Rosen approves this message!

(Link to Crisis Actors Academy Awards Ceremony - LOL) @carmencita @Blacksmith21 @Donk_Quixote

carmencita ago

HAHAHA. And we got to see Anderson Cooper talk out of the side of his mouth. I wonder in how many FF Rosen has been in.

Blacksmith21 ago


Jem777 ago

Wondering if any of you idiots realize the state of Israel was founded by the elite Nazis, who are actual Zionists, who are actually Lucerferians as a giant camp to get all the genectic Jews corralled before the planned slaughter.

I am guessing that is a no!

YogSoggoth ago

That makes zero sense. There is much evidence that the Nazi party were indeed a sub-sect of the so called Jews, and murdered only the ones who would not convert to the old god. Even so, there was no holocaust except for the Russians and Poles. So called jews were also the Bolsheviks who tortured Russia for many a year. In order for your statement to make sense there would have to be a truly ancient lighter skinned controller running things. The first Jew, (as you say,) is Akenhaten, also known as Moses. Despoiled, expelled, and thrown into the wilderness until he found a new god, and that god was Baal/Molech.

huhWHAThuh ago

Have you researched sabbatean jews? I'm not sure of your sources of information, but this topic is thoroughly documented and basically explains today's current situation. Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman gives a fairly comprehensive rundown of the movement of modern Zionism in his book : "To eliminate the opiate." He is a little selective and somewhat of an apologist but it is filled with sourced, documented information. Barry Chamish is another source of solid info, if you are interested.

YogSoggoth ago

My sources are varied. My main source is that I am part blood of the worst of the tribe. There is a battle in the tribe. Some are smart enough to realize that we can live without taking over everything. There is also the most powerful who all fear and they worship Molech.

Jem777 ago

Nazi's are the AshkeNAZI khazars....they are not Jews...forced into conversion by the king told to pick a religion because they were sacrificing babies, etc. They are Babylonia Talmudic and are Jesuits as well. The Talmud was an oral teaching of mysticism until they codified it.

Research Khazar and where that is actually located. Stalin & Hitler were buddies in Vienna after WW1 as well as Sigmend Freud and M15 British agent Aleister Crowley.

DNA proved that in 2013 by several genetic scientists in Israel and in several other countries. Haven't heard about the studies? Wonder why?

YogSoggoth ago

Founded by elite Nazis makes zero sense in a general historical pattern. Founded by certain elite families with special connections makes more sense. Promised land was the wilderness that the uprising against Sun Boy and his wretched followers were forcefully exiled toward with spears and arrows. The closest these traitors to Egypt ever came to the modern shape of Israel was hiding in Canaan from the locals and the ruling Babylon. They did survive only to get chased out of every place they went to. Not what I do after work. I am openly part Ashkenazi. I tell everyone this, and it is no secret.

huhWHAThuh ago

Anyone who has read Alice and Foster Bailey's works knows that. They spell out in detail the situation we are in now and where it is all leading. Oh but you left out the part about exterminating all Christians too. Well the ones that can be converted may be allowed to live. There are some pesky details to be worked out. They actually refer to Hitler as a "disciple." And as far as i know their Lucis Publishing house (formerly Lucifer Publishing" ) is still the official publishing arm of the United Nations. I haven't heard that anything changed lately.

Jem777 ago

Have not read it but met someone who was in Hitler's inner circle as a child. Her father top Commandant of Hitler.

Yes that is the plan of course. Exterminate the Christians with Islam then attack the encircled Jews for the kill and final slaughter.

David V Goliath... Goliath (Nephilem)believes he will win. His father knows he won't but wants to take as many as he can down with him. Project Soul Catcher.


huhWHAThuh ago

You may be interested in this website: This is a jewish woman named Hannah Newman who did a good overview of the new age movement and the stated intentions of its most esteemed writers. When you sift through all the fluff and find the nuggets of statements in plain words, their goal and intentions are clear and to the point.

DomKeyhote ago

Lol so even when they win they're actually victims, sweet

DomKeyhote ago

Another individual puns the most famous fictional character in Western history in their username, paging @srayzie so we can point and laugh at how dumb and presumptuous she is lol

srayzie ago

You're the one to be laughed at you fake idiot

Donk_Quixote ago

Mine was inspired by poker lingo.

srayzie ago

How could that be poker lingo? Did you know Donkeyhote or Equineluvr here? He/They claim that name on other social media accounts too. I would think you were his alt but you are too nice.

Donk_Quixote ago

I now see what you mean by me being too nice.

srayzie ago

LOL. Domkeyhote is a fake trying to act like Donkeyhote, who had a lot of other profiles. They would start with D and end with Keynote. Donkey hated me and hates women in general, and is like the meanest shill here until a few weeks ago when he just stopped coming here. He must have been fired. So now we have this little wannabe @DomKeyhote failing miserably at trying to convince me that he's not a fake. He's getting better but I know donkey too well and I've given this freak several ways to prove himself but he can't.

Vindicator ago

I banned a whole bunch of his alts, because he kept shitposting and ignoring the rules.

srayzie ago

Yeah but I don't think this is him. This ones a fake

SoberSecondThought ago

Actually, take a look at @Donk_Quixote's date of joining. Same day as HighLevelInsider, and absolutely no activity in the five months since. He has a couple of old alts created that day that he's deploying to distract from my series on him. This is the only one that got serious traction, using three-year-old news about a conspiracy topic that barely touches PG.

I'll give you credit, HLI. You use whatever you've got. You really are smarter than Alefantis, and determined in your own disgusting way. But you know as well as I do the limitations of your bag of tricks. This is all going on the record, and the DDOS won't change that, and siphoning away a few views won't change it either. I'm sure you and Brock already had a very sour discussion on that topic ... or soon will.

Remember, when it all plays out, I did warn you about being arrogant. Law of the jungle.

Donk_Quixote ago

5 months ago Reddit was pulling some kind of shit and the mods of The_Donald shut it down for a day in protest, I'm sure a lot signed up that day. This is a post from someone who joined at the same time as me, within 2-3 days. You can check this user name on Reddit, it's nearly all stuff on TD.

I'm not big on all the Sandy Hook stuff, but with all the shit about Weinstein and Dan Schneider it seems like a good time to point out that that Lanza (if he existed apparently) was probably fucked in the head because he was molested. The recent articles made it seem like this was new information, when I found out most of this was old news I updated my post.

Remember, when it all plays out, I did warn you about being arrogant. Law of the jungle.

I have no idea what you are talking about here nor do I care.

srayzie ago

Yikes. I always find the crazies.

SoberSecondThought ago

He panicked a little bit ... he went and deleted two threads by the other alt he was using. Doesn't matter, though, this one will do for illustration purposes. Tune in tomorrow!

Donk_Quixote ago

Not really.

DomKeyhote ago

I don't post anywhere else, so you just pulled that out of your fat greasy asshole, woman. At this point I assume you had never even heard of the book, LOL. You've already said you've barely got a high school education.

srayzie ago

The real donkey knows that I know about the book because he told me several times a week dipshit. FAIL

Donk_Quixote ago

A donk is someone who plays really bad or makes a really bad play.

Are_we_sure ago

Saw one report that this is a FOIA release, but it doesn't say who made the request.

Donk_Quixote ago

Here's the dump if you're interested.

Cheesebooger ago

Oy vey its as if its part of (((their))) culture

used2likepizza ago

Whose culture, Catholics? LOL I'm barely participating in this site and even I've figured out that all you do is make antisemitic remarks. Your user name seems like something a condescending liberal twat would think a conservative Trump supporter should be called rather than something someone would name themselves. It's almost as if you're BEING PAID...but I'm not sure why because it's waaaaaaayyyyyy too obvious, Dude.

YogSoggoth ago

A Semite is a brown skinned person in the general area of where Palestine used to be. I read old dictionarys. After a certain group of people started taking over all the printing presses the term changed into something else entirely.

Cheesebooger ago

Try again, jew. The word "anti-Semitic" means less than a pile of dogshit. Who the fuck would call a conservative a "cheesebooger"?? You low IQ idiot. Your name is "used to like pizza". That makes you a fucking pedophile kike.

used2likepizza ago

Used 2 like pizza references the fact that it was once my favorite food....but since I have been reading these forums I lose my fucking appetite every time I even think about ordering it. I'm thinking about what these sick bastards do to kids and trying to wrap my head around how fucked up they are that they not only think this is ok but that they are even proud of it and want to show it off like a normal person would wear a team jersey or make their avatar their sports team logo to show pride in their team .......except their team is the team of sick fucks.

I'm not Jewish but grew up in a wealthy neighborhood where a bunch of Jew doctors lived because it was close to their community center. I was the babysitter to all of them....meaning I had lots of access to how they run their homes. The stereotypes of them being cheap were not even true...they paid me more than the non Jews I babysat for. I never saw anything weird so your constant Jew bashing I find off based on my experiences and interactions. Have you been close ever to any Jewish families?. I do absolutely agree with you that a large population of Pedowood executives are sick pedophiles who are Jewish....but I don't believe it's a "Jewish" thing any more than it would make sense to extrapolate that because I'm a Catholic ....and Catholic priests are often closeted fucking perverts ...that somehow I must be one too.

Cheesebooger ago

bahahahaha jew detected

Guise, jews are just like us!!!! I used to baby sit for them and live amongst them oy vey!!~

DomKeyhote ago

Dumb theory, and I'll tell you why: voat is already known as the most "antisemitic" foru. This is actually the only sub that isnt, because of the high proportion of naive women.

pimpinainteasy ago

IMHO, it's a tie between Voat and Zerohedge lmao. Not only do many of the commenters there hate Jews, they are starting to turn on their "Christian" Zionist cheerleaders as well. Who make up the likely majority of the posters on this forum.

Cheesebooger ago

Most of the world is turning on jews again and for good reason. there's a reason they're the only group to have been expelled from almost every country on Earth. oy to the vey Almost every time pedo groups turn up it is kosher or members of the tribe

EarlPoncho ago

adam lanza has never existed

carmencita ago

So now they have found the reason he went berserk. So, that verifies their story. Hmm. Funny it came out right after the LV shooting. And the Brother is arrested for CP and the Paddock's hard drive is missing. Pedo Visions seem to be popping up everywhere. I Smell a Rat somewhere.

diamonddust2 ago

There was a guy on YT who got access to Nancy Lanzas unopened mail somehow, don't know if he broke into the house to get it, he didn't say. There was a guy on VOAT who connected the fact that one of the people who had left a cryptic message for Nancy was related to PG in some way. It was a very, very odd coincidence.

Also...and I imagine others must feel this, this whole Hollywood thing feels very stage managed. Old media are fully on board with it. It feels like a sacrificial thing and I already see it is being used to promote various identity politics plays - the "old white men" thing being churned out.

carmencita ago

I have an odd feeling about it too. Especially when I see Gloria Alread getting involved. It seems like they are all coming out of the woodwork one after another. Very odd only because it seems they are all marching out one after one, as if in line. I am starting to smell a rat. It is a good thing getting out there, but we want and need to break the child sex abuse connection to Pedowood. Also that DC is connected as well. When either one starts breaking I will breathe a little easier.

YogSoggoth ago

Confusion is where they want your mind at. Don't be confused. By sticking to the facts we will prevail, even if they change. The disinfo will only get worse now, so prepare your mind for that. My Mama always said to wear clean underwear for just such an occasion.

diamonddust2 ago

You get articles like this, where the director mentions his arts charity in Haiti.

The whole thing seems very political.