CyborgCuttlefish ago


Oil_shill ago

Welcome to voat! you'll fit right in!

Just remember, sticks and stones may break our bones but feminists and other pussys will always find a reason to be offended.

EarlPoncho ago

you tried

MrPim ago

Go get beaten by Reddit admins you illiterate coward. Thats what you like. And if you could read thats what i obviously said. Go crawl back to reddit and your karma beacuse you dont like a certain set of words. Youd rather chain yourself than allow someone else to be free. Go be a prisoner. I pity you like a Stockholm syndrome suffering North Korean.

MrPim ago

The door looks like a logout button. I suggest you go get abused by the reddit admins some more. You seem like you like being beaten.

kolarov133 ago

Nigger. What are you gonna do about it?

kolarov133 ago

Yeah, you are so brave for standing up for apes and sheboons. Nigger.

terabyter9000 ago

I love the "music band" shirt

gauss_markov ago

Hello yourself!

IceCreamComey ago

N-I-G ...gee look it's another chimpout in the hood for more gibs! G-E-R... REEEEEEE jews, nigger, and faggots oh my!

ZdaytonaRoadster ago

i blame the joos for this

tr8t0r ago

That's Mr. Nigger Faggot to you.

Metkim ago

Opened this five times.

Still laughing

BukkakeBlaster ago

Same here. I laugh harder every time I look at it! Kek definitely approves.

Indefiance11 ago

Haha. Yeah me exactly. Love free speech. Call me whatever you want, say whatever you want, won't bother me.

niggerfaggot1488 ago

My culture is not a costume OP

ScreaminMime ago

The best way to fit in here is to just do you and try not to fit in.

Nadeshda ago

Oh wize one...

Nuclear_Duck ago

You will do just fine judging by this post. :)

WyattMale ago

How do you do, fellow goyim?

repoman ago

Please jump in the well and spare me the trouble of throwing you down it!

strangebrew ago


DabbaDan ago

This pleases me. We are all niggerfaggots, it's just to what degree do we accept our niggerfaggot ways? Embrace the n-.... no, that's... nevermind. Don't embrace niggerfaggots. That's icky. Get you some AIDs that way.

CarRamRod ago


kolarov133 ago

Are you retarded? Everybody loves saying nigger.

Nekochan11 ago

Holy shitting dick nipples.

I can go much further and invoke nausea in oldfags who remember this.

ReallyTiredofthem ago

I know, it feels like we all just fled North Korea.

MrPim ago

I might be wrong, but i think glow in the dark CIA niggers are never off topic.

MajorGrumbles ago


Cheers you beautiful faggot moonloving jew.

dingomeat ago

praise the sun tbh

MrPim ago

Why does it matter why be wants to? If he wants to he wants to and should be allowed to. Do you have a problem w people being free?

corsairio ago

You'll eventually know the real voat then lmao.

MrPim ago

You can say Almost any damn thing you want.

BasedHelicopter ago

Can I post a picture of Mohammad shitting in his own mouth Ma?

MrPim ago

You sure can sonny. You sure can. Dont forget he's fucking a goat or a child while he does so.

Pwning4Ever ago


What can you not say?

MrPim ago

Well, im mean you cant post CP. I have trouble thinking of anything else really. Doxing, no doxing, theres that. But i didnt want to leave it totally open and have some noob hang himself cause i said Anything. Its pretty much anything, but not quite.

AgentAlbinoMonkey ago

Shit, What gave it away?

goatsandbros ago

You're alright, you kike.

dmthirdeye ago

Great job

dingomeat ago

why did this make me laugh

biglywinner ago

It will take some time, and who knows if we truly will become true voaters (??), but I understand the meaning of these freedoms on this site and it is more than just the words, it is freedom from propaganda and censorship.

MrPim ago

Voaters. And we often call ourselves Goats.

biglywinner ago

Alright, thanks.

SpaghettiJones ago

Lol I wish I had more upvoats

phukyewspez ago

Ya im lost on the whole process over here. I got voat a long time ago, didnt understand it and went back to Faggit. So in order to give some cumguzzling nigger a plus or minus one you gotta earn that shit thru quality posts? seems legit.

EarlPoncho ago

can i direct you to a safe space?

kneo24 ago

Fix your link bro.

I_like_paint ago

You don't get it, there is no safe space on voat.

kneo24 ago

I viewed it as him telling them to fuck off back to Reddit, not to stick around on Voat and adapt.

EarlPoncho ago

either way

MajorGrumbles ago

Never have I been so happy to be called a cum guzzling nigger faggot. This is paradise.

DyingEurope ago

Some of you are alright. Just don't meme too hard. Our frontpage is slow.

CarollQuigley ago

Our frontpage is slow.

It'll speed up with more people.

Furthermore, I believe censorship must be destroyed in all its forms including political correctness.

Kike nigger faggot.

Crensch ago

It'll speed up with more people.

No. "Slow" is not perjorative, it's a good thing.

News used to be a once a day thing, with the occasional "EXTRA!" when something big happened. Now "News", like T_D, runs its mouth 24/7 with bullshit.

Despite what you've been conditioned to believe, happenings are slow.

@DyingEurope was telling you not to continue with your rEddit ways pushing memes to the front page. Our front page has actual content for the most part, and the few shitposts that make it to the top organically are generally from goats with their hooves on the pulse of Voat. Y'all can have your fun for maybe a day or two more, but a secondary immune response will happen after too much more.

The rally for Trump inundates this entire website. Some few are detractors, naysayers, doubters, and that's OK, but for the most part, we're all rooting for the guy. High energy is all well and good when that's the only tool you can use after the cucks take your toolbox, but the information here can effect real change, and real positive outcomes.

I don't know how you T_D faggots kept up your spirits after being anally fucked so hard by everyone around you, and despite my distaste for you taking it, I have to admire your ability to carry on so long without battle fatigue. It's possible that the reason you could continue is that very little actual content was there, and it became a kind of mass hysteria of tossing shit into fanblades and laughing about it.

I only mention the latter because as you swallow redpills, (or as your ass swallows them,) the massive mental resources required to process the information, re-examine the foundations of your mental constructs, and link the disparate bits of information together into a cohesive picture of reality will cause a kind of exhaustion.

This leads to a situation where you have to meter out your emotional and intellectual resources, and prepare for the next big fight - and there is always another fight ahead. The goats you saw kicking in to high gear to tear your asses to pieces have been patiently saving up their energy, shoring up the gaps in their redpill knowledge, and re-examining their own mental constructs for weaknesses in foundational structures.

Furthermore, I believe censorship must be destroyed in all its forms including political correctness.

This requires a constant fight. One that lets people know that every single thing they believe is on the fucking chopping block, so they'd better have their shit together to defend their position, or it's lights out.

Most of us would like to take a fucking goat nap now, but we have to be wary of those of you that passed the first filter, but are not suited to pass the next.

42ent0 ago

It will take time getting used to so much freedom

dingomeat ago

Say it with me, N-I-G-G-E-R

auto_turret ago

Because you're a nigger loving jewfaggot.

Marou ago

Welcome, please have a look at this orientation material:

tlhIngan_DruID ago

Leaping shitlords, this is a GOLDMINE. It's like, if any of this triggers you, GTFO and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, snowflake.

Drewcifer419 ago

Jews, blacks, and women are responsible for the removal of race sciences

BasedHelicopter ago

"97% of white men do not want to date black women".

No roast beef for me!

anon3911 ago

Why is there no page on (((them)))

Cykonut ago

Good stuff

dingomeat ago

nothing on jews


goat2017 ago

Im pretty sure TRS has a whole second archive just for jews. If not fuck them.

Cheesebooger ago

What page is the truth about kikes on?

tr8t0r ago

To my surprise there was some actual stuff about (((our greatest ally))) there, but not as much as Islam.

ImJustaBagofHammers ago

Thank you so much for this.

eongoat ago

Great stuff, spent nearly a half hour just browsing through that.

InternetUser ago

Fuckin saved

Irene_Ignacius ago

Can anyone recommend a good Android app? I use Boats but it lacks the ability to save posts and submitting is a dickpain as well.

Travelersoma ago

I use voatify but it has issues. Hard to do anything with your account, but it works pretty well for browsing.

InternetUser ago

Just use the mobile site. It's light-years better than the reddit mobile site which bullies you into installing an app.

ReactTM ago

Use "AppVoat". It's newer and updated.

InternetUser ago

Says Early Access Program is full

sesto_uncias ago

How do you submit with the boats app? I just downloaded and can't find a button for it

HollatotheBalla ago

How to trigger EVERYONE with one simple link.

EarlPoncho ago

did you know that the niggers are about twice as likely to be faggots than whites?

now whether this is from the abuse many of them sustain in childhood or due to inferior weaker genetics is still up for debate. it's also interesting cause no one hates faggots more than niggers

wallstreets ago

Color me suprised since ~70% of black people are raised by a single parent (mother obviously)

individualin1984 ago

It due to their lack of emotional connection to a father figure.

strangebrew ago

Test Nigger Faggot, Please Ignore.

grabvotesbythepussy ago

whoa we have cultural cross-pollination, trippy, memes find a way

strangebrew ago


walls_winning_whisky ago

Yeah, I'm going to do my best to assimilate. It's time to practise what we preach, fellow nigger faggots!