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oftotc ago

What is the link between the HLI accounts and the jem777 crowd? Is she disinfo or just a click-whore?

Mej777 ago

What is you fucking problem? I have outed many of the top pedophiles. I am a Federal whistlevlower who has been beaten for speaking out 8 weeks ago. I have been targeted for eight years and had to discover an eyewitness preparing to testify with me dead in his car.

I have been here from day 1 and have gained a reputation as being beyond credible I am risking my life daily.

I have first person witness testimony and will names and locations you have never heard of.

I was banned because I am in possession of all of Stephen Paddocks history, criminal, property, locations seen for last two years. His plane and links to defense contractor, The truth about what he did for the CIA and links to trafficking, weapons, children, whatever,

I am aware of the pre-planning...the ritual sacrifice involved in front of the Sphinx, the Pyramid, and Obliesk...

I also have been placed on top 50 lists on Voat for being one of top poster. Fuck off. Jem777

@2impendingdoom @Erickaliberhall @carmencita @darkknight111 @Dressage2

Vindicator ago

I was banned because I am in possession of all of Stephen Paddocks history, criminal, property, locations seen for last two years.

No, Jem. You were banned because you gave the finger to our submission rules, as I clearly stated in the last post I removed. You even got a warning from VSD, but did not edit the post. You also like to attack those who disagree with you and make unsubstantiated claims designed to cause fear and discouragement in others.