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2impendingdoom ago

nice work. Looking forward to your next reveal. You are so right about the arrogance. they can't hide it, its their achilles heel.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We are not arrogant. We are humble yet determIned, and understand people questioning why Racine is so important.

Read all of our posts. We are trying to help Save the world from Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast. It is real. This is not a distraction or a joke. Enslavement is as real as trafficking and corruption. Agenda 2030 is real. Sustainability is real. Community policing is real. Art in Embassies is real. These all started in Racine, Wisconsin and play a main role in the global agenda.

We discovered the "root" of the entire agenda. It is Racine, Wisconsin. Question anyone who says otherwise when all we have done is post Truth after Truth after Truth. Look up anything we have posted. Why else would Paul Ryan be the most powerful politician in the country? He worked with Jack Lew and even with Les Aspin as he worked his way up. Racine is the model for the New World Order and Paul Ryan is the spokesman.

Why are they so afraid of people finding out the Truth about Racine, Wisonsin?

SoberSecondThought ago

You still don't understand how bad this is going to be for you. Tell me again about the importance of Racine. I like it when you do that.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Is that a threat?

SoberSecondThought ago

It's ... a tautological observation. If you're not the sockpuppet of a guy working for a gang of child rapists, you've got absolutely nothing to worry about. But if you are, then you do, pretty much by definition.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You have no idea of the risks and sacrifices involved. You are speculating about us and assuming things you do not know of.

If you are really trying to find the Truth, we are on the same team. We do not trust Alex Jones, or George Webb, or Jason Goodman, or Robert David Steele, or Mike Cernovich, or Jeff Sessions, or Robert Mueller, or Donald Trump. They all know about Racine, Wisconsin and the Truth we are telling. So do the Podestas, Tom DeLonge, Peter Lavenda, Evan McMullin, David Miscavige, Ashton Kutcher, Kristin Bauer van Straten and her brother Jeff, Caron Butler, Timothy Dolan, the Pope and many others.

Why would Jim Comey and Loretta Lynch personally obstruct criminal investigations into Racine, Wisconsin tied to the Clinton Foundation and many more powerful groups? Because it leads to the real Truth and the real Agenda they cannot let the world find out about.

Change your premise to believe in the Truth that we are telling you, read all of our comments, and you will begin to see things in a new light.

Why trust anyone who will not investigate the Truth we have told about the "root" and weak link to the entire system in Racine, Wisconsin. Sustainability is the great deception to forge the path for the new world order. It is Satan's Ability to bring about the Mark of the Beast. Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft (and the Gates Foundation), Google, Tesla, Peter Thiel, and the rest of the tech giants are all in on it.

We know the Truth. Be Saved or be Enslaved.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Look at all of the downvotes. Someone is afraid of the Truth about Racine.