it_was_foretold ago


MeatballPizza ago

Some member on this group was willing to let John Fucking Podesta be Chief of Staff for the United States by not voting for Trump!

WHY THE HELL IS SOMEONE EVEN HERE if they are okay with Hillary Clinton being in power?

Must be CTR shills or, as Lenin called them, useful idiots.

DentHouper ago

I remember this radio show distinctly. I was driving in an area where radio was very spotty and Glenn's show was the only thing coming in consistently. I was annoyed that I couldn't listen to music and was fascinated about what he had. I was scouring media for the next couple of days, then I concluded Glenn was just a hack who had tried to bait me into listening to his show. I kind of feel like he jumped the shark a long time ago. I never heard that he had been threatened, I don't generally listen to him.

chadchaddington ago here is a thread on this subject. It was June 13, 2013, we should research the broadcast for the 14th and see how he is body language wise to see if there is any actual truth to the threat.

notdivided ago

beck is "church broke" as they say, his entire public persona is controlled by the mormon church. Is it possible he called his church handler and the threat actually came from them?

Mormons have some intense international connections in israel and also Haiti and DR. The church hierarchy mirrors our political map- the 1% rule.

MeatballPizza ago

They might have control over Beck. They compromise and blackmail people. All of a sudden Beck is telling folks to vote for Hillary Clinton or at least help her get elected by voting third party? He's taking $100k from George Soros. He's having mental breakdowns and self destructing his empire. Something is going on. He's about to be removed from many radio markets, including mine.

EndThePizza ago

He didn't tell people to vote for Hillary. He didn't like Hillary, and he didn't like Trump. That's all.

MeatballPizza ago

Telling people Trump was a danger to the country and world and whatever he said sent some conservative voters to 3rd party voting. Which damn well could have elected Hillary, right? So he risked the nation with his stupid comments. Some of the vote margins in state were 10,000 or 20,000 votes? How many Beck listeners could have decided the election?

Fortunately we had Jill Stein taking away Hillary votes. Trump should have had his people give her a couple million so she could have stolen more votes from Hillary.

You do understand a vote for these 3rd party people is a vote WASTED and could cost you an election? Ross Perot, for example, is how the Clintons came to power in the first place.

EndThePizza ago

Telling people Trump was a danger to the country and world and whatever he said sent some conservative voters to 3rd party voting. Which damn well could have elected Hillary, right?

There were a lot of conservatives that didn't like Trump. He's very different from typical republicans,, and conservatives. It's not hard to believe that Beck indeed despised him. Actually, Mitt Romney also didn't like him, a lot of Mormons didn't like him. That's why McMullin did so incredibly well in Utah. I myself typicall vote republican, but there's no way I ever would've voted for Trump.

So he risked the nation with his stupid comments. Some of the vote margins in state were 10,000 or 20,000 votes? How many Beck listeners could have decided the election?

You're assuming that every 3rd party voter would've voted for Trump. Clinton is telling everyone that 3rd party votes cost her the elction, because obviously they all would've voted for her otherwise. It's ridiculous to assume who a 3rd party voter might've voted for otherwise. They obviously didn't like either Trump or Clinton, that's why they voted third party in the first place.

Ross Perot, for example, is how the Clintons came to power in the first place.

Again, no. Perot drew almost exactly 50/50 from democrats and republicans. He did not win a single electoral vote. He did not affect the outcome of the election.

MeatballPizza ago



EndThePizza ago

No, that's why I didn't vote for Clinton. And I didn't want Donald "grab the pussy" Trump to be President, which is why I didn't vote for him either.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Thanks for the insight. Wonder if all that had to do with what he said on-air? He was threatened with his life after all...

MeatballPizza ago

They threatened his kids, too.

MeatballPizza ago

The person who met with The Blaze group was, according to the account, representing someone else. That someone else might have been FBI or DOJ who got stonewalled when he tried to whistleblow.

Dumb of Beck to 'tease' such a major revelation.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Tip from a former employee at The Blaze. Glenn Beck has been sitting on an explosive scandal that would rock Washington D.C. and beyond since 2013. That summer an intermediary was approached with information by a whistleblower who was so terrified for his life he said he would only come forward with this scandal in front of Congress on live television. Just one of the documents, which was viewed by Glenn Beck & his staff, was enough alone to bring down the power structure throughout our nation's capital. We were told that when this information was presented, it was so extreme, that the "blood literally ran out of the faces of everyone at The Blaze who heard it." Glenn announced that he would be going into more detail on all of this the following day (a Friday). Friday came and went without a single mention. We're told that, immediately after Glenn's broadcast on Thursday, Glenn received the most serious, in the flesh, death threat to both him and his family he'd ever received in his career. In fact, the threat was so severe it altered the course of his life and of his show/network forever. After this happened a series of mysterious changes took place from then until now with Glenn's company, his personality, and his health. This event may explain much of what's happened to him mentally in recent years and why he backed off from being the "tip of the spear" that he once was in the past. Was this about the Pizza Gate scandal that is breaking worldwide after being exposed via Wikileaks? Is the fact that The Blaze & Glenn Beck decided not to report this, which likely led to the torture and rape of hundreds of additional children since 2013, the reason for his mental breakdowns & recent unworthy praise of Democrats and the Obamas? We call upon Glenn and The Blaze to please release this scandal information NOW to the American people or get the information into the hands of a third party for release before any more innocent lives suffer or are destroyed.

DentHouper ago

Just a recommendation to copy/paste this summary into the main body of the posting under the link.

HarveyKlinger ago

Well, if this is the case I hope he realizes that he is somewhat responsible for everything that has happened since 2013.

fckItsReal ago

Im sorry but if your kids are threatened, most would shut up. and you cant blame anyone for that if you arent in their shoes... Its gonna take someone with no family to blow this wide open.

HarveyKlinger ago

I bet if his kid was one that kidnapped/raped he'd want ANYBODY with information to come forward so those bastards could be brought to justice. "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!" At a bare minimum, he should pass that information to someone who would do something with it. He knows people.

EndThePizza ago

The Blaze/Glenn Beck will only release the information if it's safe to do so, and I wouldn't ask them to risk their lives for it. However, if we can talk to the informant, that would be invaluable. I doubt, however, that the informant would be willing to expose their identity. He could always post on Voat anonymously, but we would have no way of knowing whether the poster was legit or a troll. But if they could give us any leads on what to look into, that would still be helpful.

HarveyKlinger ago

They "THEY" win. Whoever "they" are. Not doing the right thing makes him partly culpable. That's what the whole Joe Paterno thing was about (as well as the Seinfeld series finale).