Eyezopen ago

I would really like to know we're all these "rescued children" end up going in the end. A huge question because of all the scum cps.

je-sui-pepe ago

Beck has turned into a mentally ill maniac. I don't give a DAMN about him or what he has to say. he needs to be put into a mental institution and forgotten. I used to listen to him all the time but he went mental the minute he went on television starting with CNN. NOPE I don't care about him or anything he says. After the Cheeto incident I knew he had completely lost his mind. I will never ever have any respect or trust in him ever again. While I like Ted Cruz, His wife is top level at Goldman Sachs and I don't really trust him anymore either. ANY politician that has major donors like them are not to be fully trusted.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Cruz's wife is also CFR, plus he's an Israel-firster. Cruz can jump in a wood chipper.

Howmanyarethere ago

Glen Beck is a proud mason and a disinfo shill and it goes back to his days at CNN

He was sent to Fox to capture an audience and establish himself as a conservative He was used to try to subvert and take over the tea party movement.
He was then set to cover the more conspiracy subjects and was copying stories from Alex Jones He quit his Fox Job to start a online radio show to try to capture the Alex Jones type audience He recognized the Ron Paul liberty movement as a force and pretended to suddenly become a libertarian even though his views were nothing of the sort. In every election when given the opportunity to back a libertarian he would back an establishment republican who was contrary to his newly adopted tea party or libertarian rhetoric. He was used to rail as hard as he could against Trump in effort to draw libertarian and the fed up republicans support away from trump and toward anyone but Rand Paul or Trump. This was a hail Mary pass as he destroyed himself with it. He now is trying to subvert and direct investigations into pedophilia.

Dude has been compromised from the beginning.. With these shills you have to have a long term memory because they keep coming back and keep doing the same garbage over and over. People are pissed at Glen Beck and for good reason.

sunshinepines83 ago

Yeah I will never forget how hard he railed against Ron Paul when he was running for president in 2011. Same goes for Hannity and all the other fakes. I really hope trump is on the side of the people, but I'm not going to be fully convinced until big things start happening.

equineluvr ago

Beck is a Freemason (member of a crypto Jewish organization) and always has been while on air.

It is all a Jewish and crypto Jewish SHOW..

Alan_Gordon ago

BREAKING-- NEW ARRESTS -- Part II (with new busts), in which the SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD predator slave ring, protected by RI police who deal drugs, spreads its filthy tentacles into other States


AngB23 ago

I thought I read somewhere he got inside scoop on Snowden/NSA stuff, which was huge news and still haunting us today, but for some reason Beck laid down.

SoberSecondThought ago

I read the same thing, but I now think that's wrong.

Michael Hastings was killed in a very suspicious car crash a few days later, and he was going after the CIA for surveillance issues, so people have argued that Beck's whistleblower was probably Hastings.

But Beck never mentions CIA or NSA or surveillance in the video. He talks about something that will absolutely smash Republicans and Democrats to rubble, something horrifying that will change history. Snowden's revelations embarrassed the intelligence community, but they wouldn't (and didn't) have that kind of apocalyptic impact. Politicians keeping kids in cages and raping them obviously would.

Beck folded in June 2013. OUR was set up by Beck's fellow Mormon, Tim Ballard, in December 2013. It just fits.

Browns1 ago

Operation Underground Railroad. George Webb talked about them "before" The Super Bowl trafficking roundup in Haiti. Of which we know they may have "rescued " some kids, but all of the perps got away, scot free. WTF?

rooting4redpillers ago

As a long-long-time Glenn Beck fan and a regular listener (until a short while ago), y'all have covered most everything I would have to say. Just one more small point. I've always been annoyed, and more so since the election, at how - despite his constant cries for unity - Glenn continues (and often) to use ridicule as a tool. To entertain, to make a point, to win an argument. I understand the effectiveness, and I used to excuse this. But it makes it really difficult to understand why he would expect anything useful, or positive, to come from a sit down with Samantha Bee. So difficult, it's impossible to believe that was anything but a publicity stunt, that went wrong. Glenn's a really smart guy and has made an enormous contribution for good. Trump's win left him, and his crew, with no solid road to follow. It's painful to watch, and I find myself always wishing he'd just stick to whiteboard history lessons.

SterlingJB ago

Long read but good read. Maps out a lot of the problems with OUR on the financial side. Involves Elizabeth Smart Foundation. http://lyingforthelord.com/uploads/43._Rambo_Reyes_Saves_Child_Sex_Slaves_1_Apr_15.pdf

SoberSecondThought ago

Excellent find, thank you for this.

SterlingJB ago

If you want to look into more of the Mormon angle. Look up Sterling Allen and his American Study group and whatever is happening out in Eagle Mountain, UT. Gets weird quick. This side of things, since I grew up in UT, is when I started to think the satanism "scare" in the 80s was a bit more than just a scare. Here are some of the links I've gathered so far.

(this one was pretty shocking, since I consider Tanner to be a reliable source and the report he's citing to be legit) http://www.utlm.org/newsletters/no80.htm


Hadfield Case/lehi: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/205708/SOME-INVOLVED-IN-LEHI-ABUSE-CASE-PREFER-TO-LET- THE-SLEEPING-DOGS--LIE.html

http://law.justia.com/cases/utah/supreme-court/1990/880234.html http://www.cesnur.org/2001/archive/mi_mormons.htm 2007

About the therapist in the hadfield case. The Utah courts don’t like her much. http://archive.sltrib.com/story.php?ref=/news/ci_5051155

(if you look at this court reporters other reports, there seems to be a disturbing trend happening in "Happy Valley". http://www.heraldextra.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/sheriff-s-office-arrests-fountain-green-man-following-reports-of/article_b163d357-46d2-542e-9815-9b3823df58ad.html

Also, somehow the study group leads into the Phoenix Project, which is a sort of a cult that has connections to the study group involving some sort of alien communications. It reminds me of the messages from RA book that came out in the 80s. If you read this newsletter, you'll likely see some familiar themes and topics. http://phoenixarchives.com/contact/1994/0294/021594.pdf

BlackManta2 ago

The problem I have here is that Beck more or less hysterically endorsed Hillary who is into and made megabucks from child trafficking and whatever else sick shit. I don't buy that he's some kind of martyr. He either has severe emotional issues or he's paid opposition.

Newfind ago

You don't go as far as he has without paying some dues.

Nana66 ago

I have a theory that the crazy religious right really thinks there's a God wanting them to run for president because they are trying to stop the devils that run the world....which they make them look like lunatics for it...I also think they have been planning the Trump presidency for a long time and that's why he had to pal around with the Clinton's and their associates. They probably went to him in 08 after Obama won realizing the power of the shadow government and that they had both the Dem and Repub sides covered with back up even with Obama and that stopping Hillary was not enough and made a plan. Trump started tweeting anti Obama stuff at some point and the media proceeded to make him out as a right wing conspiracy nut even though he donated to Hillary. Trump was told he had to run as a repub cuz the fix was in already with the DNC and to just wing it and pander to what republicans were trained to want and Liberals are trained to hate them for, ex. build a wall to keep out illegals AKA elite sex slaves and terrorists they planned to use to destabilize the country creating mass protesting while deflecting from the process of making pedophilia legal and easier to create access to victims. Hillary's campaign knew for some reason Trump would out of nowhere run so they had to have intel http://imgur.com/x64kXK1

Her campaign knew the media could build him up along with Cruz and Carson while simultaneously discrediting him to protect her from attacks. They took Fiorina down and out quick because as another female gave Hillary less vagina power and that hilarious pic of Christie behind Trump was a panic cuz he realized Trump was taking them down and making a fool of him. If we replay the entire primary without all the censoring and 404ing of content, we would have so many AHAH moments. If you think back to Iowa caucus not only did they have O'Mally drop out so Hillary wouldn't lose to Bernie but Donald Trump had nothing going on or money spent on the ground except a couple rallies and won...I always thought he had to be being helped by the DNC and Clinton campaign just like they were cheating for her in order for Trump to be back up and lose for her but now it looks like others helped Trump and all we can do is hope their plan is way ahead of anything the deep state has the power to screw up and that there are enough good guys.

Dressage2 ago

I truly believe Trump was contacted by the White Hats of the intel world many years ago to run and save the country from globalization and all of us being made into slaves for the New World Order. He knew just what to say and he knew who to target to get his point across. Hillary believed she was the chosen one years ago and really thought with a rigged election she would win easy. Her ego would not let her understand just how much she was truly despised.

Jem777 ago

I am with you on this Dressage. I posted on Voat three months ago about Beck being threatened including the videos. Operation Railroad is a CIA smokescreen and was called out ahead of time by G. Webb. They use Mormons and other faiths start these "non profits" use military operatives and rescue a few kids. Beck used twitter to blow this up during the Super Bowl. A few kids in Haiti "allegedly" rescued and all of the suspects have been released now with no charges.

The FBI Vault released of Trump's father information as a good man followed by releases of the Marc Rich pardon info of Clinton were signs.

Also this was followed by releases of instructions on how the FBI can bring someone in as an agent.

I think that has happened.The NWO & pedosatanists are the same people. They have been pushing for WW111 and are currently trying to make it happen to cover up their crimes and push for their sick agenda.

Nana66 ago

I also think it could have gone back farther. We had weird hints like the escalator Simpson's scene of Trump etc but his pushing for and donating to Hillary for 08 has me unsure about how that would fit into it. Then again maybe that is fake news....or perhaps just to bring her far enough in that race to hope it was her last chance but then Obama turned out to be one of them too and put her into the perfect criminal enterprise postion.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Very interesting. When i first started to 'wake up', Beck's vids especially the Soros expose, was great. I was surprised and disheartened with his behaviour in the last year and probably mental breakdown. He was a clear Globalist shill this last year, from the man who could NEVER have been a shill if he had exposed Alinskyite tactics, Obama's background, and Globalist kingpins like Soros. It never sat right with me, i always felt there was something else going on. This theory makes sense but I guess we are reduced to speculation.

Maybe he felt Cruz was best in a Machiavellian way, because he knew how awful and corrupt the system was and that Trump had the potential to expose it all. Pedo Satanism, Trafficking, the lot. So he felt the country would be in ruins if exposed, a civil war, and he would rather a 'muddle through' globalist-controlled candidate like Cruz who he probably knows is compromised but at least he's a Republican.

SoberSecondThought ago

Maybe. We don't know what Cruz told Beck, or for that matter what Trump told Cruz. Or when the story changed. It's very hard to piece it all together.

But I'm betting that Beck at some point read the foreword to The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp, where he quoted William Colby about not throwing your life away fighting something too big to defeat as an individual. Colby's remark about his one-man victory parade on Red Square is very poignant.

Sometimes, there are forces too powerful for us to whip them individually, in the time frame that we would like. We have to keep working at our goal. But we have to be sensible enough, not to risk everything and get ourselves destroyed or killed in the process. That victory we seek may take much longer than we wanted, and come in ways we never anticipated.

Maybe, just maybe, you have to have your own private victory parade. You maybe have to face the fact that you cannot ‘right’ all the ‘unrightable wrongs’ That there really are people too powerful, interests too big; that the rich and the powerful, even when doing evil, can and will succeed and you can do nothing about it at that moment.

I won't judge Beck too harshly without having all the facts. There's just way too much that we don't know. But this does look to me like him taking Colby's advice.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Great comment

slit_minions ago

Beck's change in behaviour points to him being compromised. He went from revealing Soros to being a total cuck. I think he got into financial trouble and they used that and threats to control him. He's a Momo, all they would need to do is have enough on him, or create enough on him to get him kicked out of the church and that's all it would take to get him to fall in line.

fartyshorts ago

For all we know, they might have roofied him and taken pictures of him with kids.

Newfind ago

He's playing for the chosen people now.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I appreciate that he gave money to Operation Railroad, but he can do far more with his platform by simply getting the information out if he has it.

Man up, and tell what you know. It's not ok to sit back knowing more kids are being trafficked, raped, etc just because you fear for your life.

artfullyours ago

What about the life of his family...it's easy to judge when we don't know all the facts. Do you have kids? Are you willing to lose one or all of them to save another child? That is a very hard call to make.

je-sui-pepe ago

Yes I have kids and NO I would never ever let pedophiles rule this earth as they are now knowingly. Its time we all rise up to end this and we can only do it together. Glen had a huge platform at one time to do this and he didn't.

artfullyours ago

I'm not a big Glen Beck fan, I just don't know why he didn't. If it was a sellout there's no respect here. If it is fear of death for family, because that is worse than death of self, it is a different story. I can hardly sleep if I actually think of those kids. And I am trying to spread the word about it and educate the people in my life...not easy because some just would rather not know...like I want to know...but how can we turn away? What if it was my child?

Hug-a-Root ago

Is this the same operation underground railroad that George Webb discussed several times? Interesting.