siriansun ago

Too bad this good man is no longer with us... He had 700 FBI agents under his leadership at some point. Judging by the few videos that I watched of him, he gave the impression of a man that would command a lot of respect. It's my firm belief that there must be a good handful of them within the agency who are looking for ways to clean this whole mess up. He had also setup a private investigation firm in which he did do some work on investigating these pedo rings. He must have worked with good people who are also fighting for this, but in a more private manner than us! lol. Here's a 1hr clip of him talking about all this stuff several years ago.

Former LA FBI Chief Exposes Satanist cults:

quantokitty ago

Thanks and, yes, that's who we need. Someone who is fearless and will go after the big dogs.

If this is going on, it needs to be stopped ... and to be stopped, it needs to be proven. It's as simple as that.

RecycledUser ago

I do like the idea, and posted the ideas below I thought of. Question tho: if we go on the assumption that the anons gave us the timeline, tools and hints for us to do this part, IF it's also true that they would then pick it up and finish ( I still don't know if that's what they said), then having a PI involved, especially one from that area, would probably be able to find that out too.

sometimessage ago

It might be a waste of money not due to lack of skill but rather because its so public. It's easy to block one identified person, much harder to block a swarm of random voaters.

siriansun ago

Totally agree.

MeyerLansky ago

Opperman is way up to speed on these pedophilia networks. He says he needs $20K to get rolling.

Simple Solutions, Observations and Updates on PizzaGate

siriansun ago

EDIT:EDIT: Never mind, I was listening to Ed Opperman's casting tonight, and started involving myself in the chat room. As soon as I mentioned I was Canadian, they started mocking me and when I started defending myself Ed jumped in, said things like oh, he's Canadian, I should have known etc.. Making jokes about Reader's Digest, which I've never read in my life. When I logged in later, I could still see comments and one user mentioned wanting to throw me in the fire or something like that. No clue what the user meant. Ed definitely does not promote a healthy community So at this point, I can't take this man or his following seriously. I can't vouch for him. Looks like a capable guy, but I'm personally staying away from him and his following.

quantokitty ago

Yes, so does that mean you think someone should put up a crowdfunding platform?

dickface8 ago

I'd wager there's a PI reading who will read this thread.

quantokitty ago

Then they should post, without revealing their name, that they'd be interested.

thezodiac ago

The name of the PI can't be revealed.

quantokitty ago

People are suggesting Ed Oppenheimer. If one were to try crowdfunding, the name would have to be revealed, no?

You're asking people to give money, and really, the focus would be on finding out one specfic piece of information, not necessarily going after all of them. If a PI investigated everyone, it would be way too expensive.

siriansun ago

EDIT: Never mind, I was listening to Ed Opperman's casting tonight, and started involving myself in the chat room. As soon as I mentioned I was Canadian, they started mocking me and when I started defending myself Ed jumped in, said things like oh, he's Canadian, I should have known etc.. Making jokes about Reader's Digest, which I've never read in my life. When I logged in later, I could still see comments and one user mentioned wanting to throw me in the fire or something like that. No clue what the user meant. Ed definitely does not promote a healthy community So at this point, I can't take this man or his following seriously. I can't vouch for him. Looks like a capable guy, but I'm personally staying away from him and his following.

smokratez ago

Leaves a paper trail. Can be used to infiltrate us and give fake information. Or get the dude killed.

quantokitty ago

The idea would be for the list of donors to not get out there. But if the worst happened, there would be a list of say, 10,000 people giving two dollars. It hardly seems like the crime of the century. Yes, they'd have our names, but they are probably getting IP addresses.

What if the a known personality is recruited to put up the crowdsourcing. Would that interest you? Someone that we know has been fighting for opening up an investigation from the beginning.

RecycledUser ago

I do like the idea of a well known spokesman. I keep thinking Bo Dietl. Besides having lots of experience, someone like this wouldn't have to be the person working the case, but might recommend who to try to get. Plus he would have already established connections, on BOTH sides of the fence, imo.

smokratez ago

What can a private eye do that anons can't?

siriansun ago

Exactly.... From what I've seen up to now, anons have been more efficient. They've uncovered mounds of info compared to the likes of Ed Opperman who's had a show or two on the topic. During the past couple of weeks, he's been using pizzagate for topics of discussion, but won't go any further unless he gets paid for it. Meanwhile, we literally have tons of anons doing astonishing work simply because they're following the true voices within their hearts, not dollar signs.

quantokitty ago

Obviously, get definitive answers.

We're still dancing around the May pole as to whether there are tunnels beneath Comet Pizza. A good PI would be able to find out. For instance. the restaurant the Thai Room was there before Comet. They could call up the owner, or other people that worked there and get someone to say if there was a basement. Or call up the real estate company that sold the property. Ask them why there are two stories listed for the property. What's the second story? A basement? Or they could get the exact property square footage. The square footage would be instrumental in determining if there were a basement because the dimensions of the restaurant would be known. There's also access to building permits. Say, Alefantis decided to tap into those alleged tunnels that run beneath the restaurant, he would have had to have someone do it. A contractor? I believe I called out one of his friends or relatives in a photo he posted as being capable of doing the reno work. Or the granny of Maeve, etc., the PI could call her up and ask how many times that fun group came by to swim with the kids (remember Evie's growing up and they wanted her raw and uncensored). These are just some of the things one could do. You need access to records, and know what records to look at. Here's one more example, what about Besta Pizza and Besta World Group, Inc. A competent PI should be able to tell us if the two are connected.

therealwopD ago

I would donate to any serious investigations.

siriansun ago

EDIT: Never mind, I was listening to Ed Opperman's casting tonight, and started involving myself in the chat room. As soon as I mentioned I was Canadian, they started mocking me and when I started defending myself Ed jumped in, said things like oh, he's Canadian, I should have known etc.. Making jokes about Reader's Digest, which I've never read in my life. When I logged in later, I could still see comments and one user mentioned wanting to throw me in the fire or something like that. No clue what the user meant. Ed definitely does not promote a healthy community So at this point, I can't take this man or his following seriously. I can't vouch for him. Looks like a capable guy, but I'm personally staying away from him and his following.

Original: Ed Opperman ( offered, but $20 to $30K is required to start. We would need someone rich or start a crowdsourcing campain. The only problem is that he can't be answering to a bunch of clients... For it to be manageable, you'd need 1 or a few clients. But, try to stay undercover when there's a gofundme campain that reveals that he's investigating pizzagate hehe... There are also organizations like these: that fund investigations. I contacted both them and Opperman and left the ball in their courts. Hoping it leads to something but I don't know.

quantokitty ago

Well, I'm glad you found out. It was the hard way, but now you know.

siriansun ago

I did, thank you. Hate being disappointed in people but it happens. Look at Clinton, Podesta and the rest of them lol.

quantokitty ago

Exactly. It's better to find out.

quantokitty ago

Then would you be willing to start the crowdfunding platform? There has to be someone willing to do it. I'm not sure how to appoint someone, unless ... oh, unless we got a youtube personality to do it! Maybe that would give validity. Someone who's already fighting a good fight?

siriansun ago

I was wrong, I was listening to Ed Opperman's casting tonight, and started involving myself in the chat room. As soon as I mentioned I was Canadian, they started mocking me. At this point, I can't take this man or his following seriously so I can't vouch for him. He's a frustrated man with a lack of judgment. I wouldn't trust him to investigate this. My bad. I had a hard time logging into the spreaker platform that ed uses for his cast and he personally mocked me when I finally got in. Not acceptable.

RecycledUser ago

David Seaman? or James O'Keefe, couple names that do have a following.

siriansun ago

That's a good idea... Love the work that Seaman is doing with all this.

LionParty ago

Yeah if someone found a good one in DC we could trust we could easily crowd fund it.

quantokitty ago

I would, too. In fact, maybe the criteria for starting the gofundme pge would be to already have the investigator confirmed. In other words, Mr. (FILL IN THE NAME OF PI) will be conducting the investigation. His/her credentials are as follows: (details) Then have them speak in a short video of what they mean to do.

Yes, I think most of us would want to know the PI before giving and make sure their hands weren't dirty and that they were committed to digging for the truth ... the objective truth.

RecycledUser ago

Totally agree. One thing about O'Keefe or Dietl, even tho Hannity hasn't touched the subject, he does trust both these two, and if it got credible enough, he probably would have them on his show.