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Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We bet our lives and our souls that Paul Ryan is the real sockpuppet working for his global masters and that your theory is absolutely wrong.

Paul Ryan is to DC as Ashton (Chris) Kutcher is to Hollywood. They are the corrupt boy scout front men covering up the true Evil going on behind the curtain.

Paul Ryan is a traitor who was given information by his own constituents who were victims and witnesses to extreme corruption and abuse involving his donors and the most powerful people in his district. He obstructed RICO investigations along with Jim Comey, Loretta Lynch and others that linked to the Clinton Foundation and other elite groips.

The real swamp is in Paul Ryan's backyard - Racine, Wisconsin.

SoberSecondThought ago

Can you for once point to something other than your own authority that demonstrates any of this? What RICO investigation? What donors? What victims and witnesses? Do you have any dates, any documents? You have a thousand comments that all say variants of this:

Paul Ryan is never getting arrested. Timothy Dolan is never getting arrested. Reince Priebus is not getting arrested. Tom DeLonge is not getting arrested. Evan McMullin is not getting arrested. Message us when any big arrests happen in Wisconsin. The swamp cannot and will not be drained in our corrupt system. Paul Ryan is guarding the swamp, and those at the top are working above and beyond the reach of any effective justice.

You assert the same points as HLI or Senate Anon, exactly as I explained above: Trump is useless, we are helpless, the grip of the elite pedosadists is unbreakable. And you base that claim on vague word salads like this one:

For the record anything we posted about Sarasota is from research based on leads from sources. We do know for certain however the Royal Order of Jesters in Wisconsin is connected along with the Knights of Pythias among many more groups involved. We also know Rotary is involved, Freemasons are involved, and a long list of other groups including Paul Ryan and Scott Walker's close ties with Jesuit institutions including Marquette and Georgetown as two of the most prominent.

Well, yeah. I would hope that what you posted about Sarasota was from research based on leads from sources. It was also organized into sentences made up of words that were made up of letters. But since you don't tell us what leads, or what sources, you might as well say that you were told about Sarasota by Blue Avians and Galactics. You're not saying anything concrete. It's just pointless babble. Paul Ryan having ties to Marquette or Georgetown tells us absolutely nothing, since you never explain what criminal activity Marquette or Georgetown are engaged in, or even what they could be engaged in. Saying "Rotary is involved" is exactly as meaningful as saying "verbs and nouns are involved" or "the Earth's gravitational field is involved". Involved how? How do you know Rotary is involved? Did you read their DNA? Are you part of a secret society dating back to Plato that just knows stuff?

In all this time you have yet to point to something that isn't just you talking, and isn't bland Wikipedia articles or press releases. Anyone who is on the fence regarding your trustworthiness doesn't need to read what I say about you. They need to go to and page backwards until they come to something that isn't pure floating word-clouds of assertion. It will be a long journey.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We know it is all true because we have direct sources, witnesses and victims who experienced it.

It takes 2 seconds to look up Racine RICO. The entry point was racial discrimination but it led to a much bigger network of racketeering, fraud, blackmail, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, rigged development deals, retailiation, death threats, gang stalking, and extreme corruption and abuse. The criminal RICO investigations went all the way to the top levels of FBI and DOJ and was obstructed by top officials including Jim Comey, Andy McCabe and Loretta Lynch.

We exposed the Fight to End Exploitation, I-94 Project, Racine Coalition Against Human Trafficking and the Racine Social Justice League as corrupt organizations running cover programs to protect the criminals involved.

The last mayor was a pedo who was sacrificed by his peers to push him out of the way and the more recent corrupt mayor had to resign for his brazen and sloppy criminal activity. His cousin the corrupt city administrator had to resign, corrupt city attorneys had to resign, corrupt county executives had to resign, corrupt city council members had to resign, rhe corruot police chief had to resign, and the corrupt DA had to resign.

Many of them and their associates were in the same groups and clubs including Rotary and Freemasons. The Wisconsin Attorney General is also a corrupt Freemason who is close friends with those involved. The Wisconsin court sytem is run by corrupt Freemasons, dominated by members of the Marquette mafia including the governor Scott Walker. The last governor Jom Doyle was also corrupt. See the Dennis Troha case for one shining example.

We know what we are talkng about. We are not saying you are wrong about everything but you are definitely wrong about us.

Most of this has occurred in the past 5 to 10 years but it also links up with other sources we have dating back to Global corruption that Senator Paul Wellstone knew about before the Iraq War which he was likely murdered for.

The same people are involved at all levels.

Have you looked into John Jeffry Louis and Pilgrims Society, or Christine Whitman and CFR, or Kissinger and Committee of 300, or Les Aspin, Bill Clinton and his friend Jeff Neubauer who are creating corrupt education reform agendas? Jeff's sister is Kristin Bauer van Straten is also involved on the Scientology side with the elite circles in Hollywood. Tom DeLonge and Podestas are connected to Racine, and so are Ashton Kutcher and John MvCain.

We are not speculating. We are telling the Truth. Open your eyes.

SoberSecondThought ago

<Exasperated sigh.>

The entry point was racial discrimination but it led to a much bigger network of racketeering, fraud, blackmail, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, rigged development deals, retailiation, death threats, gang stalking, and extreme corruption and abuse. The criminal RICO investigations went all the way to the top levels of FBI and DOJ and was obstructed by top officials including Jim Comey, Andy McCabe and Loretta Lynch.

The first part of your example, about racial discrimination, involved a couple of dozen liquor licenses and never developed into a full-blown RICO case. You can read the court's very sound reasons for dismissing it here. The "larger network" you're talking about is referenced in this post by @fogdryer (that is, you). I read it a while ago. The problem is, if you actually follow the links in that post, there's just nothing there. For example, this link to the Racine community newspaper offers us the spectacular revelation that Mayor Dickert received two in-cash campaign contributions worth $1,000 and $1,200 that were not properly documented! Oh my God, we've exposed the center of a global network of transcendant evil!

Come on, man. I can find more terrifying criminal organizations selling weed in the local high school. The rest of your post is just more of the vague crap that I was talking about. I mean, if the corrupt city officials you mentioned all had to resign (not that anyone should take your unsupported word on that), doesn't that suggest that Racine is kind of failing at being the world headquarters of corruption? Logic, how does it work? These guys control everything on the planet and we are absolutely powerless to defeat them ... but your evidence for this is that they were all exposed and thrown out of office? Man, I wish my town was as corrupt and evil as Racine!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You know nothing about that case or who or what was involved, and it was one of many more related cases and overlapping investigations. The federal RICO civil suit was settled under fraud blackmail, bribery, extortion and death threats. The Federal criminal RICO case was obstructed by Jim Comey, Loretta Lynch, Paul Ryan and others. The Clinton Foundation model is part of a much bigger system of racketeering, blackmail, bribery and other crimes involved.

We have already outlined repeatedly why Racine is so important. It's not just about illegal campaign contributions and rigged development deals. It is about agenda 2030 and global enslavement. Do you support global enslavement?

Did you look to see who the illegal campaign contributions were from? Did you notice those are the same groups that control the international airport and harbor, and the Racine County data center? Did you notice those same groups were some of the top donors to the Clinton Foundation such as SC Johnson and Rotary? Do you know about the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville?

Do you know anything about the Johnsons at all? Is Curt Johnson a good guy like Paul Ryan is? Do you know anything about Cargill, Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Bayer, Solvay and their other business partners? What about Reince Priebus? Is he a good guy too? How about Jeff Neubauer and his sister Kristin Bauer van Straten? Do you know who Fred Young is? Have you ever heard of the mafia? Do you know about the Bonnano or Balistrieri or Madrigrano or Infusino or other families involved?

Did you look to see who is connected to the Fight to End Exploitation and I-94 Project and Racine County Coalition against human trafficking and the Racine Social Justice League?

We are all risking our lives and the lives of others to expose the real truth while you are speculating and playing games. This is not a game.

SoberSecondThought ago

The federal RICO civil suit was settled under fraud blackmail, bribery, extortion and death threats. The Federal criminal RICO case was obstructed by Jim Comey, Loretta Lynch, Paul Ryan and others. The Clinton Foundation model is part of a much bigger system of racketeering, blackmail, bribery and other crimes involved.

I already linked to the judge's entirely proper dismissal of the civil RICO case, and you've offered nothing more on that. You've yet to show that there even was a criminal RICO case, much less that anyone obstructed it. And the Clinton Foundation model indeed is part of a large horrific system, but so far exactly none of it has been shown to operate in Racine, WI.

Did you look to see who the illegal campaign contributions were from? Did you notice those are the same groups that control the international airport and harbor, and the Racine County data center? Did you notice those same groups were some of the top donors to the Clinton Foundation such as SC Johnson and Rotary? Do you know about the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville?

Do you notice the consistent pattern here of you not actually saying anything? Or saying things that it takes 10 seconds to check and determine are not true? If you go here, you will find an official statement from Rotary International that they have never been donors to the Clinton Foundation or the Clinton Global Initiative. They aren't "top donors" or donors of any kind. You're recycling an unfounded rumor.

And as for the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, yes, I know something incredibly important about it. It's not in Racine. I also know (see above) that the Clinton Foundation isn't in Racine. I don't know for sure if the scary stories linking the Clinton Foundation to sales of human organs by the Mayo Clinic are true, but I'm willing to stipulate that they are. Unfortunately, that's not your discovery or your research, it's something that other Pizzagaters posted about months ago. And so far as anyone can see, it has nothing at all to do with Paul Ryan, or Racine, or Wisconsin. Feel free to demonstrate how it does.

Do you know anything about the Johnsons at all? Is Curt Johnson a good guy like you claim Paul Ryan is?

I know a lot about Curt Johnson! For example, I know that @Lasker posted about the mayor of Racine about six months ago, and that you showed up a day later to deliver your usual vague lecture, and got mocked for it. I know that @AngB23 showed up in that same thread to post a link about Curt Johnson molesting his daughter. And now here you are in my thread, smugly implying that you did the research into Racine's mayor, and you did the research into Curt Johnson, when I and many other Voaters know perfectly well that you did exactly nothing. You just take credit for our work, like, hmmm, HLI and Senate Anon!

Have you ever heard of the mafia? Do you know about the Bonnano or Balistrieri or Madrigrano or Infusino or other families involved?

Ah, the Mafia! I remember when you posted that one. I thought, maybe now he actually has something. But no, more crap. People really should go and look at this one. First your sockpuppet @fogdryer posted a random wall of text about crime families and cheese factories, and got mocked for wasting everyone's time. Then you helpfully came along and noted the names of some other Italian crime families that are worth investigating, including the Madigrano family. And then you said, "Paul Ryan paid his respects," and linked to a Fox News story about Ryan attending a dinner for Glenn Madigrano. Oooh, very shady indeed! Except that when I search for news articles about the alleged Madigrano crime family, there's nothing. Once again we only have your word that any Madigrano is a gangster, much less that Glenn Madigrano is one. You made a little more effort that day than you usually do, but it was all lies again.

Do you really want to keep humiliating yourself this way? Do you think I didn't prepare for this? I'll say it again, man, Law of the jungle

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are full of lies and disinformation. Where do we start?

The RICO civil suit was settled not dismissed. The criminal RICO investigation was obstructed and the FBI does not confirm or deny their investigations yet our sources met with them directly many times.

Both SC Johnson and Rotary were contributors to the Clinton Foundation. We don't see a retraction from Vox -

The Johnsons were major contributors to the Mayo Clinc in Jacksonville. Here is your link -

We don't care about credit. We knew about Mayor Becker being a pedo before he was arrested long before anyone posted about it on voat. Same goes for Curt Johnson. Did anyone here post about their nanny Danny Johnson who was running a drug trafficking operation in Racine along with several doctors? We don't need to research this because we know it all directly through our sources. You are clearly trying to turn some of the researchers against us. It is despicable.

You are now dismissing the mafia being involved in Racine too? This is ridiculous.

Even wikipedia knows about Bonanno and Balistrieri, but of course you want to cherry pick the Madrigranos.

Here are a few basics on crime families in the area. The Madrigranos are some of the key lawyers for the mafia in the area also tied to corrupt beer and liquor distribution businesses. They are also contributors to corrupt officials and foundations such as Racine Community Foundation.

Do you know anything about this case? Http:// They are also linked with the corrupt Tavern League of Wisconsin that was involved in the RICO case.

Do not let the Truth get in the way of your wildly inaccurate speculation and cherry picked arguments.

SoberSecondThought ago

The criminal RICO investigation was obstructed and the FBI does not confirm or deny their investigations yet our sources met with them directly many times.

This is exactly what I accused you of this morning. Thank you for breaking down and confessing! If you recall, I said that every "fact" you provide rests on pure authority. We can't know about the criminal RICO case because it's FBI policy not to tell the public. You somehow know not only that there was one, but that Paul Ryan obstructed it. Because you have "sources" that you cannot tell us about. Wow!

The Johnsons were major contributors to the Mayo Clinc in Jacksonville.

Rich people in Racine gave money to a hospital in Florida. The one that other people reported might be doing bad things. Holy crap, you've broken the case wide open! Racine holds the entire world in an unbreakable grip of corruption and evil. That might almost be a clue except that once again you are lying. If anyone bothers to read the article you linked to, they will see that the Johnson family gave $12 million in 2004 to the Mayo Clinic organization as a whole, which has literally dozens of hospitals across America. That some tiny portion of that money might have gone to the Jacksonville location, more than a decade before the allegations of wrongdoing at that location, means absolutely nothing.

We don't care about credit. We knew about Mayor Becker being a pedo before he was arrested long before anyone posted about it on voat. Same goes for Curt Johnson. ... We don't need to research this because we know it all directly through our sources.

Oh, yes you do care about credit! You take credit for every actual news item that your deluded fans dig up, and they just plain forget to keep track of their own work. And now I've caught you out so badly that you have to retreat into LARPing as a mystic oracle instead of a Voat researcher.

Dude, this is such a perfect parallel to HLI yammering about belonging to "Three" or Tory Smith yammering about "Mother God" that I can't even call it a defense. You might as well be weeping in fetal position on the floor and begging me to stop asking you questions. You can't tell us how you know, you just know about all this evil in Racine. Congratulations! That's the disinfo method that I have spent a year preparing to accuse you of. We're speeding along now in terms of getting my job done.

You are clearly trying to turn some of the researchers against us. It is despicable.

Correction, I am trying to turn all of the current researchers against you, and all of the future ones. I won't succeed with all the current ones, of course. You've managed to muddle up their grasp of things such that they can't remember how they learned that Paul Ryan is a traitor and a rat, they just know that he is. When I ask how they know, they snort as if that's an insane question. So yes, great job. But the longer this exchange goes on, the less heroic and wise you're going to look to any future researchers. And by "future researchers" I mean anyone Googling Tory Smith, or @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, or HighLevelInsider, or Pedogate, or Glenn Beck, or countless other subjects, and coming to this page.

It's not as satisfying a victory as reading that someone stuck a shiv in you in the prison shower, to keep you from squealing on your child rapist friends. But I'll take it. You never know, the other thing might come in time.

The Madrigranos are some of the key lawyers for the mafia in the area also tied to corrupt beer and liquor distribution businesses.

@4_InquiringMinds already called you out on this one. Thanks fellow goat!

In case you don't understand her point, let me spell it out. You've still not provided a link to anything whatever about the Madrigranos. Your entire case for Paul Ryan having Mafia ties remains that he attended a luncheon honoring a guy with an Italian surname.

See you tomorrow. And the day after that.

Mej777 ago

Who you cited Mayo Clinic and do not realize they have been implicated in massive organ harvesting scheme as have others. This evidence is already in federal custody.

SoberSecondThought ago

Yes. If you look back to WIC's previous posts and mine, you will see that he mentioned the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, and I agreed that the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville has been implicated in something bad. But Jacksonville is not Racine. Merely pointing to a bad thing that happened somewhere does not justify his claim that Paul Ryan is the leader of a global crime network based in Racine. We're still waiting for WIC to show how any of this relates to Racine.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You want us to be murdered?


So according to you we are also High Level Insider, and US Senate Anon, and a guy named Tory Smith who hired a make up team and faked his death to then post here about Racine, Wisconsin?

You have also been planning this attack on is for a year?

You can't tell us how you know, you just know about all this evil in Racine. Congratulations! That's the disinfo method that I have spent a year preparing to accuse you of. We're speeding along now in terms of getting my job done.

Do you know what the scariest part of Halloween is?

The Truth.

SoberSecondThought ago

You want us to be murdered?

As I said once before, it's a tautological observation. If you're not fronting for a gang of loathsome child rapists, then I don't want anything to happen to you. If you are, then everyone wants bad things to happen to you. Not planning to murder you myself in either case.

So according to you we are also High Level Insider, and US Senate Anon, and a guy named Tory Smith who hired a make up team and faked his death to then post here about Racine, Wisconsin? You have also been planning this attack on is for a year?

Well done. You formed some sentences with actual content in them. Yes.