Factfinder2 ago

I suspect a hoax. The website seems not legit, and it's nowhere else in the news.

Factfinder2 ago

I don't know why you're suddenly responding to this a month later. Anyway, I have been following your work since you began posting, and you are now providing some links to legitimate news or other impartial information sources in order to back up your assertions of fact, which is great.

I suspected a hoax a month ago because, as I said then, the website you linked to, Racine Community Media, did not seem like a legitimate news source. It asserted facts without providing links to actual news reports or other impartial information sources for documentation.

Voat Pizzagate is a research site, and our purpose is to identify and properly document corruption related to our area of research.

Is Racine Community Media your website?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is not a hoax. This is very real. The newspaper in Racine was directly involved in the racketeering, collusion, conspiracy and other crimes involved. Some of the major networks in the community involved in criminal corruption are Rotary, Lodges, Freemasons, RAMAC, Leadership Racine, Racine Community Foundation, Johnson Foundation, Racine Interfaith Coalition, and many others.

Racine is directly linked with Pilgrims Society, Knights of Pythias, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Committee of 300, Council of 13, and other global societies and groups. Racine is also a hub for the mafia (Dominicans, Sicilians, Franciscans, Mexican, Dixie, etc.), and represents the path to one world religion through corrupt partnerships with Jesuit / Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Scientology, OTO, LDS, LC, Kabbalah, and other faiths.

RICO investigations linked to Johnsons and to Clinton Foundation among many more were obstructed at local, state and federal levels with Loretta Lynch personally involved. Racine is the "Root" to the real agenda of Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast built through Sustainability and enforced by AI and Community Policing. Racine is the model for these programs.

The corrupt criminal mayor who recently resigned following a string of others involved was rewarded with an appointment to privately control the Great Lakes - one of the largest fresh water sources in the world. There is much more to the recent Foxconn and Amazon deals in the Racine area.

carmencita ago

YES. The Foxconn and Amazon deals I believe are going to microchip employees, among other things, at least that is my thought. Correct me if I am wrong. I also believe this is why Bezos is buying Whole Foods, many thousands of employees to be micro chipped as well.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are not wrong Carmencita, and it goes beyond microchipping and the Mark of the Beast. It is about control over every aspect of life including food, water, healthcare, education, religion, communication, and much more. It also is tied to prison labor, education reform, and the pipeline of slavery from Cradle to Grave.

EricKaliberhall ago

Where is WisconsinIsCorruptionCapitalOfTheWorld?

carmencita ago

Whoa. Only saw the first link in your other message. THIS IS BIG. We need to call in @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. I am so excited I cannot contain myself. What a Happy 4TH present. Thank you @fogdryer for your discovery.

Factfinder2 ago

Carmencita, don't get too excited just yet. The poster is only providing part of the story, which is old. The RICO part of the case was dropped in 2015: https://youtu.be/NUSBTVovKrQ?t=6002 Calls into question all of the breathless and voluminous Racine posts made today as probably providing an incomplete picture. I certainly don't doubt that Racine is corrupt to the bone, as most governmental organizations seem to be, but the posters do themselves no favors in presenting distorted information on a research site.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The RICO civil case was settled under fraud, threat, extortion, embezzlement, racketeering, intimidation, and collusion between law firms in order to prevent it from going to trial. They never intended on it making to depositions. The mayor and others committed perjury and committed other crimes in the process of the civil case, and also revealed a lot of the racketeering and conspiracy in discovery. The parties involved are asking for full federal criminal investigations into the corruption and the collusion involved in the case. They were assured that the FBI would prosecute the case until it became known who was involved in the illegal campaign contributions and who they were connected to. It was shut down by the FBI and by Loretta Lynch personally at the DOJ who was in direct communication with one of the attorneys.

carmencita ago

Looking closer, you may be right. I hope it is not false, for we have been waiting for this so long. Hoping that what is posted is what is to come. Thank you for the warning. Upvoat for you.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Factfinder2 is absolutely wrong. Racine is a hub for extreme criminal corruption tied to the world's most powerful players.

The chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, WI). Look at the Zika virus test for one example.

Carmencita and others - you should know by now how serious this is.

Racine is the "Root" to the entire system of Global Criminal Corruption. Do you want to be Enslaved or Saved?

carmencita ago

I agree it is very serious and do not doubt what you have been posting about Racine. What I was saying was that the article was confusing me, and unless you noted the date, it seemed that it was happening now. I am not saying it did not happen, and since it did happen before, it can be achieved again. Yes, of course, I also believe that papers would not publish the article, having been taken over. We experience this with many other pieces of news that people question because the MSM has been bought.

Factfinder2 ago


carmencita ago

Much appreciated. We have to look out for each other :)

fogdryer ago

found some rico cases Wisconsin is corrupt---says the rico case was stonewalled by lynch and FBI. the attorneys involved went to law schl with lynch

carmencita ago

Not surprised one bit. They keep their "friends" close. They are probably all Brownstoned and well payed. They certainly are copying the mob tactics of no pay no play. This goes on in Mexico. Wake up people, what you thought was going on in other countries has been going on here too, Big Time.

fogdryer ago

The Italian Mafia is in Wisconsin Can't think of the name Starts with B

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Bonanno and Balistrieri are two of many that come to mind.

fogdryer ago

ill take the compliment lol ol hope it does help

carmencita ago

Take another upvoat, for you certainly deserve it. Congrats!

DarkMath ago

Wow. When did this news drop? RacineIsCorrupt is gonna be stoked.