pray_the_gay_away ago

They can't keep killing people. This is starting to get ridiculous.

Plus, organ harvesting and trafficking? Is there any limit to the evil?

carmencita ago

WE NEED TO GET ON THIS! DIVE IN PEOPLE THERE ARE CLUES ON HOW TO FIND TRAFFICKING CENTERS, ETC. @2impendingdoom @Jem777 @jangles @Gilderoy @quantokitty @Cc1914 I will get on this later, need to be at important meeting personal stuff today. Will be on this tonight, but there is Valuable Info in here. Please Take A Look. Thanks.

quantokitty ago

@Gilderoy is a big-time scummy shill. I wouldn't expect any help from him/her except to turn it around and accuse Trump of being the force behind The Clinton Foundation.

2impendingdoom ago

c, I agree, Mayo is a serious connectionI hope that your day goes well.

carmencita ago

Ta-da. I am done. Back to voat.

carmencita ago

LOOK at this:I did some searching on that John C. Malone guy, who owns Liberty Media which owns Zulily, I mentioned back in the previous thread and it turns out that he has connections to that Sir Richard Branson guy. The connection is due to how Liberty media is a part of Liberty Global, and Virgin Group Ltd. happens to license to Liberty Global. If Sir Richard Branson does in fact have his own versions of Lolita Island, then Zulily might in fact be used for trafficking in some way. It's a little bit of a long winded connection, but it's a connection nonetheless. I think this is not that long winded. All of their connections are so twisted and intertwined that is how they roll and operate. The harder to unwind.

Dressage2 ago

What an emotional interview. She is just doing what she has been trained to do - gather the facts. I think she is terrified that she could possibly be killed uncovering these bomb shell facts. She realizes this is pure evil and extremely high up the food chain.

2impendingdoom ago

I really hate lawyers but I am worried about the Becks.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Share this with everyone you know... this is from the source. It isn't a report. It isn't a possible HRC kill count. This is a lawyer who is risking everything to build these connections. She is clearly doing this as a way to get proactive attention drawn to her, to keep herself protected from this murderous scum.


Trump & Sessions - THIS is what matters. You want to MAGA? Protect this woman, protect her colleagues. Investigate these deaths and destroy these treasonous cunts once and for all.

This got me choked up... she's is scared, she's not faking this and she CLEARLY didn't even want to do it.

Kudos to Owen Shroyer too, for handling this well, and Infowars for running this.

INFOWARS NEEDS TO PRESS THIS ISSUE. We all do. It's yet another ball of string that will go completely unwound if we don't. They are literally assassinating their weak leaks. We have them on the ropes... this is it. Take them down and abso-fucking-lutely prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, publicly ridicule them, shame them, and then after years and years of trials, round all guilty parties up and do the worst you possibly can to them within the fullest, most creative application of the law.

Fuck this shit. I'm trying not to break my keyboard in half right now...

izze ago

some notes

Beranton J. Whisenant Jr, found dead with head trama March 24 - found connected to the DNC lawsuit - people reached out them


1.)CONNECTION - Whisenant - J. Plotkin(sp?) - Jacksonville, FL - Plotkin was Dir St. Attorny Office in Jacksonvill 93 - 2009, until 2009 sup over 130 attoery and 300 support staff - whisenant is a jacksonville fl native, not miami (where he worked a) and/or brower county (where he was found) - grad HS in 1997 from bishop kenny hs - worked as asst st attorny w/ 4th judical circuut - plotkin and whise worked in state attonry office in jacksonville, fl at the same timeline

2.)CONNECTION - Jacksonville, FL - Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic has a hospital in Jacksonville, fl

3.)CONNECTION - Mayo Clinic - Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger - lawsuit filed 2015 in federal court in JV, FL against mayo clinc in a connection with an organ transplant case - Judge Schlesigner presided over the case

4.)CONNECTION - Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger - J. Plotkin(sp?)- Whisenant - Plotkin is Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger's son in law - Whisenant's body was recoved May 24, 2017 - Jun 8th 2017, Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger throw out the case against the Mayo clinic JV, FL on summary judgement

5.)CONNECTION - Mayo Clinic - Clinton Foundation - a number of hospitals include Mayo Clinic and St Vincent's, co-sponsered a launch event in Northeast florida in connection with the Clinton Health Matters Initiative

6.)CONNECTION - Mayo Clinic - High Govt Offical's - The ameritus public trustee of the Mayo Clinic include: Thomas J Brokaw, Barbra P Bush, Richard B Cheny, Seneator Thomas A Daschle, Paul A Boulker - Mayo Clinic services include: organ transpants, marrow transplants, blood transfusion, and genetic medicine

7.)CONNECTION - Clinton Foundation - Haiti connection

8.)CONNECTION - Klaus Eberwin - Haiti Connection - former Haitiangoverment Offical - Klaus Eberwin, July 11 2017, was found with a gun shot wound to the head - Found at 14501 South Dixie Hwy, at a Quality Inn - 7.5 miles from her office

9.)CONNECTION - Peter Smith - Mayo Clinic - Peter Smith, Propertedly took his own life, May 14, 2017 in Rodchester, MI in a hospital - Near Mayo Clinic at the Aspen Suites - The Aspen Suites is accross the street from the st mary's campus Mayo Clinic with is excluively used by patients of the hospital - Proportately left a suicide note saying no foul play, said a bad turn in health and insurnace expiring was the reason - was proportedly seraching for emails

2impendingdoom ago

Item #6) I think its Paul Volcker the head of the Federal Reserve Bank, the guy must be a million years old by now.

Mad_As_Hell ago

He's 90 - founder of Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger, links with Rockefellers, the usual

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks I'll check it out.

gumshoe_mob ago

I think we must be on the right track, peoples. This is pizzagate stuff.

Violetti112 ago

You're right!

2impendingdoom ago

It is very distressing that local police or FBI won't take any interest in any of this. It means that even if they care, they know they won't get support from the judges. The judiciary in this country is lost, and without a functioning judiciary we cannot get justice.

quantokitty ago

Everyone knows I'm not a fan of AJ, but this is interesting.

Hope they follow up on the info and keep this woman safe.

Tanngrisnir ago

Hope Mrs. Beck stays safe. She discovered a lot very fast.

carmencita ago

YES This Is Big. There are Big Names Revealed on here about the Mayo Clinic in Fla and who the Trustees are. Tom Brokaw is one, Barbara Bush is another. Whoa. Organ Transplant is involved.

fogdryer ago

Ah Knew Mayo Clinic was dirty When you ad the names of bush , mr and mrs Well alrighty then !

carmencita ago

Yes Mayo and the Shriners Hospital are all dirty. The Shriners run their ads night and day using the poor little kids to pull in cash for their dirty deeds. The charities have been taken over.

fogdryer ago

Do you know if it's all the Mayo Clinic's ?

carmencita ago

I don't really know but from all the research I have done it usually is the whole enchilada involving the B of Dir. There are so many infested it is sickening.

FuckReddit69 ago

She's next.

pizzagate007 ago

This is BIG. Look how scared she looks! She started crying at 10:10 in the video