Silverlining ago

George Webb keeps mentioning the double - here he links it with organ harvesting - starting with prisoners in the notorious Chicago black prison [Holborn Square?] and then on to Wisconsin - @ 1:50:50

DRKStar00 ago

Trump is visiting Kenosa (next to Racine) tomorrow.

Maybe someone wants to keep on eye out for these Racine area hot spots, people have mentioned before.

privatepizza ago

@Jem777 and @wisconsin_is_corrupt - here's part of the VIP dox from the LHOHQ website. It documents that Priebus has an address in Racine, Wisconsin.

Profiles of high gov. persons including Trump, Flynn & Sessions

Laskar ago


MarieElise ago

I remember months ago when this all started to be investigated an anonymous insider said that all roads led to Racine. Then when Reice Preibus and Paul Ryan were both out in positions of influence the same anon said that nothing will happen if they are still there. The blackmail is severe. Family members could die. They don't kill their puppets-they need them in place.

fogdryer ago

No one kills their puppets but when they no No longer are useful or cant perform they do

3141592653 ago

Was the anonymous insider our Wisconsin guy?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Yes it was.

3141592653 ago


MarieElise ago

That is where Paul Ryan and Reice Preibus are from and the history of Deep State Masonic control of every elected official spans decades. remember the Franklin investigations where nobody was charged? I have been freaked that both Ryan and Preibus are anywhere near President Trump -i believe both are blackmailed and owned by the dark forces.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is very true.

NeedPolyGF ago

So if terrorists nuke Racine, who suffers?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Many involved were paid off in the process, and the court systems in Wisconsin are corrupt and controlled by Freemasons, Knights of Pythias, and other secret societies. Look into the nanny next. Then look into local foundations including The Fight to End Exploitation. It is all a cover up working with the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative, Reince Priebus, Paul Ryan, John McCain, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Ashton Kutcher, and others involved. Racine is linked to every other hub of Pizzagate and trafficking from Denver, DC, Pennsylvania, Arizona, New York, and Chicago to Haiti, Ghana, Norway, UK, Netherlands, Belgium and others.

There is much more to all of this. Everything is connected back to Racine, the birthplace of Sustainability and Agenda 2030, and they are all tied to the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and other elite players.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

When the FBI and DOJ finally do their job and begin indicting the evil elite behind Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, we can all celebrate together. We need to force them to restore the rule of law to America by putting a spotlight on Racine, Wisconsin. It is an undeniable hub of criminal corruption linked to the most powerful players in the nation and globe.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Indian Reservations in WI (casinos, money laundering, trafficking) potentially as well as GBPackers with Masonic G. And how did Paul Ryan get that job anyway.... (don't forget about Dahmer and Tony Podesta sculpture)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That is all correct and only a small portion of what is being hidden in Racine and Wisconsin. Trafficking, laundering and racketeering are standard practice in Racine and Wisconsin linked to the mafia and secret societies. Paul Ryan was made personally aware of the criminal corruption in his district and turned his back on his constituents to cover up for the global elite who are involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Mommyplayer571 ago

So was it corruption in WI over coverup of Hastert that got him his job?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

All of the above. Ryan and Priebus are the front door salesmen while the real evil is going on in the back room. Ryan and Priebus both look the part of a conservative Eagle Scout, and no one would normally suspect them being involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. It has been rumored by many including Robert David Steele that Priebus is gay, and there are similar rumors about Paul Ryan. They are not normal men, and the entire system in Wisconsin is filled with pedos, boy scouts and satanic ritual abuse within their secret societies and clubs. Similarly, Obama is rumored to have gay relations, whether you believe Joan Rivers' comments or not, along with Rahm Emanuel the mayor of Chicago, and both have been alleged as frequent patrons of bath houses where gay activities are commonplace. Who else fits this same strange behavior? John Podesta. We already know Robby Mook is gay, but the behavior of some involved appears to be more of a strange ritualistic perversion than simply being gay.

In Racine, there are similar operations going on, and everyone is being blackmailed, bribed, extorted or threatened to keep everything quiet and under control. Detention centers, shelter groups, healthcare groups, churches, and organizations are involved. It is a sanctuary city, with completely corrupt and complicit authorities at all levels. They will look the other way while the extreme criminal abuse is going on. Murders and scandals don't get solved in Racine, they get covered up.

fogdryer ago

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This barely scratches the surface but is relevant. Racine and Kenosha are closely connected. The entire area is a cesspool of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is nothing funny about this. This is very real, very serious and very dangerous for those of us who know the truth. The death threats, gang stalking, and retaliation are real. They are very afraid of an investigation into Racine, Wisconsin.

Dressage2 ago

Great to see you back! Seems like things are heating up in Racine area. Keep us posted if you uncover anymore. I have a feeling there will be more as the canaries start singing.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

A lot has been happening in Racine. More is being discovered each day. It is overwhelming.

They are desperately trying to cover it all up because people were starting to ask too many questions about Racine. The puppet masters have forced their puppets to all resign and they are bringing in more corrupt outsiders to replace them. Just in the past months an alarming number of local officials and authorities have suddenly resigned under allegations of criminal corruption including the corrupt mayor and city administrator (being replaced now), the corrupt district attorney (replaced with another corrupt district attorney), the corrupt city attorney (replaced by another corrupt city attorney), corrupt members of city council, corrupt county officials, corrupt reporters, corrupt officials and authorities including the police chief who was deemed as untrustworthy by the courts in a RICO lawsuit, and others.

They are all resigning in the middle of the biggest development deals in the history of Racine which have been infested with criminal corruption, racketeering, embezzlement, extortion, bribery and other crimes. Millions have gone missing, and millions have been handed out to members of the inner circle who are involved.

We need the spotlight on Racine now more than ever. The local media is absolutely corrupt and controlled, and the local court systems are ruled by members of the secret societies engaged in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

MysticMa ago

So, that's why u came here that maybe you need a band of billy bad ass citizen researchers? Sounds like they were given enough rope to hang & the noose is starting to choke!

AngB23 ago

Still searching SC Johnson stuff....billionaire heir molested 15 yr old step daughter

fogdryer ago

Sc Johnson is a global company !

Ship to Dubai , Belgium etc

Laskar ago

Good idea. The SC Johnson stuff is important.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is the tip of the iceberg. Now look into the recent RICO case in Racine and who gave illegal campaign contributions in a racketeering scheme - notice anything? Then look into the resignation of the current corrupt mayor and city administrator, the past pedo mayor, donations to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative, Sustainability, Community Policing, Vaccines, Viruses, and Agenda 2030. Look into the Knights of Pythias and the common theme. Look into the Pilgrims Society, and links between the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Racine. Look into the mafia ties to Racine and Milwaukee through Chicago. Look into the mafia ties to Kenosha. Look into the ties with John McCain and Arizona State University. Look into the ties with Ashton (Chris) Kutcher and Mark Ruffalo. Paul Ryan, Scott Walker and Reince Priebus are covering up a cesspool in their backyard.

Racine is an epicenter for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. It needs to be put under the spotlight.

carmencita ago

Johnson's is disgusting and so are the owners. The company left bad medicine that they knew about still being sold to children. They also gave us the baby powder problem as well, Let's hope that others come forward. We know there must be others. There is never just one. Sadly, when there are slaps on the wrist, it keeps others from telling their story. Shame and Fear of Publicity is the Abusers Friend.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is much more to this story. See Agenda 2030 and vaccines and viruses, as well as ties to global conglomerates and power players including DuPont, Dow, Monsanto, Cargill, ConAgra, and many others.

It is a global system of corruption, blackmail, bribery, and enslavement. Everything ties back to Racine, Wisconsin.

carmencita ago

You may be on to something. There are many hubs involved, but Racine may be a really big player.

carmencita ago

Thank you for that. This went right to my heart. I used to babysit a little girl many years ago and the mother always brought over that baby powder. So I used it. What did we know? Now when I see the ads telling people to contact a lawyer if you have problems stemming from the powder, it tugs at my heart. I have tried to contact the mother but cannot find her. This must stop. They are getting to our children all sorts of ways. I am not one bit surprised that he is guilty of sex abuse. The perverted ogre.

Silverlining ago

It appears the problem is related to the female pubic region, but if it causes cancer there, it can't be great for armpits and other places, I would have thought. I wonder if Johnson have known about it for a long time and sat on the information - like the tobacco companies and smoking - or whether they moved as soon as problems were suspected. Presumably there is a [prominent] warning on powder now - must check next time I go shopping. It probably should have just been withdrawn or reformulated.

carmencita ago

I never use any powder anymore. Those reports scared the heck out of me.

carmencita ago

Not to confuse things, but this may add to the rabbit hole. There is a town by the name of Rothschild in Wisconsin. The census count seemed a little strange to me, but I am not too good in that dept. It seems that whenever we discover something like in this case being Racine, the rabbit hole gets wider and deeper. Rothschild is a village in Marathon County, Wisconsin, United States. It is part of the Wausau, Wisconsin Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 5,269 at the 2010 census.[6] Rothschild is the northern terminus of Interstate 39, which starts in Normal, Illinois. I have not found any connection to the Rothschilds that we know, but am still looking.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The Rothschilds are in and closely connected to Racine, as are the Rockefellers and other powerful elite families. Sustainability, Agenda 2030 and the Pilgrims Society are a few of the key links. This is why Racine is so important, along with its deep ties to the mafia, secret societies, satanism, and extreme corruption. It is also the dialysis capital of the world that is a hub for trafficking and harvesting sitting on one of the largest fresh water supplies in the world.

carmencita ago

God, I have always hated Paul Ryan. I hope he goes down, and really big.He wants to take take take from us, but he had no problem taking money when his father died. That widow's peak is a perfect crowning touch, No?

fogdryer ago

What is Paul's ichelles heel

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racketeering is one. Boy Scouts and ties to John McCain are another. It is rumored he may also be in the Knights of Pythias although we do not have confirmation on that. Look into Arizona State University and it's connections to Racine and other Universities linked to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption (Penn State is another obvious one). University of Wisconsin is another along with Parkside and Gateway in Racine County. PACs play an important role as well, such as the Club for Growth.

Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, Ron Johnson and Scott Walker are covering up a massive cesspool and hub for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. How else would Paul Ryan become so powerful? He was groomed.

Additionally Paul Ryan was personally and directly made aware of criminal corruption in his district by his constituents, and turned his back on them as Loretta Lynch, Jim Comey, Andy McCabe, Peter Kadzik and others stonewalled RICO investigations in Racine. Paul Ryan loathes his constituents, and is a traitor to the United States of America.

carmencita ago

I have no idea, do you?

AngB23 ago

Top corporations in Racine SC Johnson is probably oldest, largest but I could be wrong,-87797810,2879&tbm=lcl&rldimm=10630460414127426553&tbs=lf_msr:-1,lf_od:-1,lf_oh:-1,lf_pqs:EAE,lf:1,lf_ui:2&rlfi=hd:;si:15004437709023629069;mv:!1m3!1d30771.94221336184!2d-87.83605595!3d42.73206015!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i676!2i504!4f13.1;tbs:lf_msr:-1,lf_od:-1,lf_oh:-1,lf_pqs:EAE,lf:1,lf_ui:2

Also, I posted this before regarding Racine and not sure if it part of the SC Johnson "family" but very well known in Racine is Johnson Foundation at Wingspread. As we know, sometimes these foundations posing as doing good are doing the opposite Also been around for a long time

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Keep digging. There are many foundations and generations of groups in Racine that are all linked to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Racine is also closely tied to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative, along with Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer, Robert Byrd and others in the Knights of Pythias and other secret societies.

Look into the locations that are linked to Racine. Do you notice a pattern yet?

Jem777 ago

Where is the @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt guy he was right all along.

Hey Pizzagate Bot can you bring up @wisconsin_is_Corrupt postings.

This would probably be the Republican Party take down. Paul Ryan, Walker, Prebies ?

Also adding the L. H. Q. O. CIA linked website where the IP address was linked to Wisconsin.

A note I hope everyone reads that Evelyn de Rothschild (married to Lyn) just put out an article stating the US has to take out Assad in Syria right before the alleged "chemical attacks" which are already being proven false flags. Trump switched literally overnight so he is being blackmailed or worse.

Sharipie ago

We are closing in on you, Paul RYNO! Be afraid. Be very very afraid.

Jem777 ago

Seriously. Saving the best for last. All these Boy Scouts who passed such judgement are are the biggest fakers of them all.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thank you. Your support is appreciated. This is extremely scary and dangerous, and we have been victims of death threats, stalking and other attacks. All we are asking for is a full proper investigation, and the FBI has proven to be either completely corrupt or complicit to corruption. Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe need to be removed from their positions immediately and prosecuted for potential crimes to stop investigations into Racine, Wisconsin.

The whole truth will come out with a full and proper federal investigation, and it is coming out regardless one way or another. We are in the midst of an in-depth private investigation, and more evidence is being discovered daily. This is an epicenter of criminal corruption tied to the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Clintons (including the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative), and other extremely powerful players involved. We believe Trump may be compromised either through his own relationships or through his children's. This is why Racine is so important - if Trump cannot demand full investigations into corruption in Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus' backyard and see them for what they really are, then Trump cannot be trusted to drain any swamp.

We have said it from the beginning, and everything is starting to come together. The past mayor was arrested for pedo crimes, the entire area has major problems with criminal corruption, pedos, human trafficking, organ harvesting, satanic ritual abuse, torture and murder, gangs, gang stalking, corrupt law enforcement, corrupt media, the mafia, and secret societies. Racine is also a sanctuary city with a fully controlled airport, interstate, and harbor.

The current corrupt mayor of Racine just announced his resignation along with his cousin the city administrator, shortly after the city attorney, district attorney and others all resigned under a cloud of allegations involving criminal corruption. This follows a string of corrupt insider deals including the biggest development deals in the history of Racine that were pushed through with racketeering, collusion, fraud, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, bid rigging, vote rigging, abuse of power, conspiracy, meeting law violations, open record violations, stalking, slander, intimidation, retaliation, and murder.

Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus are closely involved along with members of both the RNC and the DNC. John McCain and others are working to cover up the trafficking epidemic with Kabbalah and Freemason elite like Ashton (Chris) Kutcher. They even formed a local organization in Racine to cover it up called Fight To End Exploitation - Racine, Wisconsin - Fight To End Exploitation helps prevent conditions that foster human trafficking in southeastern Wisconsin through education, training and outreach efforts. Guess who is behind this group? Known pedos who are involved in criminal corruption, racketeering and other crimes. There was a recent RICO case in Racine that was settled under duress, fraud and criminal collusion involving attorneys who failed to disclose conflicts of interest. The FBI has slow-rolled and stonewalled subsequent investigations, and the local authorities are directly involved in the corruption and conspiracy.

We been working diligently behind the scenes on a full investigation. The results are alarming. We need your help. Racine, Wisconsin is a cesspool of corruption linked to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

MysticMa ago

Today Session's had a new clip stating the actions they are immediately enacting regarding illegals and enforcement.He seems to be a man on a mission, Anyway, my ? is, do you have.anything compiled that would help us put together a legend or action board... it would help us tremendously which I'm sure some of the info we have could either fill in blanks or at the very least link up so it flows. ( sort of like the "all roads lead to ROME," analogy) I'm game if this puts the icing on the very rotten cake!!

Jem777 ago

Your courage is amazing. Brought you up earlier today on this post in the beginning because your posts were burned in our brains. The persistently you have had is stunning. You named the right two Comey & McCabe that need to go. Put Trey Gowdy in charge. Let's clean out the swamp

20Justice4All17 ago

Holy Cow...he was right! Hopefully this begins the unraveling he was ranting about :)

Silverlining ago

Last comment 11 days ago on:-

David Seaman is backing down and stopping covering PG just days after saying he would never back down Mar 28 2017 by @awakenaware

awakenaware ago

aaaaand..... your point is? He did back away and said he wouldn't cover it anymore.. got scared.. maybe leaned on by Alefantis mates.. has stayed away from Alefantis and is just covering what hes allowed to cover. As ive said before also.. hes an opportunist.. is making a good income off patreon from all of this now.. he helps bring awareness.. his motivations are mixed.

Silverlining ago @ 1:55:00 George Webb starts talking about two girls garrotted in Wisconsin

@lascar @jem777 @redditsuckz @kestrel9 @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is going on all over Wisconsin, and they are covering up murders in Milwaukee like they are in Chicago. They are all sanctuary cities with heavy mafia and gang ties.

One of the many reasons why Racine is so important beyond its proximity and ties to elite financiers involved is because of the controlled harbor, international airport, interstate and LEO. The corruption and control through blackmail, extortion, bribery, murder and other means is pervasive and known by everyone. No one will speak up because they know what happens, just like inner city witnesses won't rat on gangsters. They are using MS-13, latin kings, mafia and other gangs to do their dirty work.

We know Racine is a hub for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, and we know the entire state of Wisconsin is controlled by groups of secret societies and network through the establishment and major industries. There is a reason why Paul Ryan is so powerful and a reason why no local, state or federal authorities will investigate RICO and criminal corruption linked from Racine to the Clintons, McCain, and the most powerful organizations, businesses and people in the world.

George Webb refuses to include secret societies in his investigations, but they play a major role in this and cannot be ignored. Specifically start with the Knights of Pythias and Pilgrims Society. There are many more. Kabbalah is another involved, and Ashton Kutcher knows why.

Silverlining ago George Webb mentions the double double garrotting again. @ 1:13:20 Linked to undocumented Pakistanis working at meat packing plants - Plainsfield Indiana - Evensdale(?) Wisconsin - identical double murder.

Silverlining ago

Apparently this happened in Delphi Ohio GW talks more about it at

Pakistani training camp thirty miles away from scene of murder. He says he investigates murders connected to his drug supply ratlines.

Silverlining ago

What brought on this trip down memory lane?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

David Seaman is too poor to be trusted, considering his opportunist approach. He is not a victim of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. He will sell out to whoever will pay his rent, and is afraid of anyone who threatens to sue him for the little money he has. He has followed the same disinformation patterns as Alex Jones has throughout Pizzagate. Prove us wrong David Seaman, and we will support you. But you can't, and neither can Alex Jones. At least George Webb mixes in real investigative research with their disinformation. The comments about George Webb (George Sweigart) from Gwen Jackman (Wendy Doster) are certainly interesting. It is hard to trust these people. They all seem too connected, and seem to avoid many of the same aspects of the Real Pizzagate, and instead focus on the narrow Fake News and Fabricated Victim aspects.

Racine is a litmus test for Donald Trump's real intention to drain the swamp, and it also serves as a barometer for David Seaman and George Webb and other "pizzagate investigators", whether they will put a spotlight on Racine, Wisconsin. If anyone can get them to investigate and report on Racine, it could help prove whether they are controlled opposition or not. George Webb got close when talking about the rat lines from Chicago through the Quad Cities and up through Rockford and Wisconsin regarding Mango-gate, but stopped short and moved on to other areas of the investigation. Very little faith can be placed in George Webb, David Seaman and even Donald Trump as all are more likely to be compromised than genuine.

Unlike so many other dead ends or shill leads, Racine is not a honeypot or disinformation. It is a truly genuine cesspool and swamp tied to every aspect of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. The story about Racine has not changed in any way, and only has been supported by everything that has transpired over recent weeks and months. Racine is Paul Ryan's district. It is Reince Priebus' home area. Scott Walker doesn't even have a college degree. The entire state is ran by corrupt Freemasons and other secret societies. The entire system is a network of blackmail, bribery, extortion, racketeering, embezzlement, abuse and intimidation.

We are working on a much more complete picture of this, but need help. We need the spotlight on Racine to see why the FBI and DOJ are refusing to do their job and convene a grand jury to being prosecutions related to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. How many FBI and DOJ agents are members of Freemasons, Kabbalah, Rotary, United Way, Knights of Pythias and other groups involved? Why is Donald Trump afraid to force investigations and drain the swamp? Was Donald Trump compromised with Epstein and others, or was the apple of his eye, his own daughter, compromised as a target of Global Criminal Corruption? It is looking more and more that way each day.

Silverlining ago

I think most of us sell out to a greater or lesser extent to whoever will pay the rent.

I hope you are using vpn [at the very least] and considering how best to conceal your identity. I imagine TPTB are all over this and show every sign of playing hard ball.

The fact that half the city council and officers have had to resign is clearly significant. Perhaps David, George and Alex would respond to anonymous tips and cover Racine and Wisconsin.

If you have more information, you should consider dumping it far and wide, simply as a safety measure. And maintain your anonymity. These people are evil.

Jem777 ago

Just went through his last comments. My God this country is saturated with such darkness. Thanks for posting that

Baxterbaxter ago

Maybe gassing all those poor innocent children in Syria WAS the Deep State making good on a threat to Trump. Maybe that's how they are blackmailing him into doing their bidding. So sick if true, and what the hell can he do about it????

Jem777 ago

Possibly...Something is definetly wrong about the whole situation. There are no pictures of the tomohawk damage or anything. Saw the same guy interviewed on CNN the FOX news about living through this in Syria. He had an Iphone and spoke with a British accent. Very strange.

Baxterbaxter ago

The timing is suspicious too. Deep State was about to get exposed via the Susan Rice scandal, and nobody's talking about that anymore. Also would explain why Trump was so genuinely rattled when he spoke about the CW attack. Let's face it, if everything we've researched is true, CIA is everywhere and can do anything, and will go to great lengths to hide the truth.

Jem777 ago

Yes this definitely intentional for anyone who thinks otherwise you are a fool. The entire Deep state spying operation was unveiled in the Susa Rice story which was going to lead to Obama. He fled the country. Their have already been attempts to serve him legal papers no one can find him.

The question is why did Trump fall for it. Or did he?

Bolux ago

Thinking the same thing, fucking Racine.

redditsuckz ago

"This all links to Racine, Wisconsin where the Knights of Pythias held their historic parade. Racine is Paul Ryan's district, and it is a complete cesspool of secret societies, criminal corruption, racketeering, trafficking, abuse and other crimes. It all ties to Agenda 2030, viruses, vaccines, water control (the new oil), and the elite system of blackmail, bribery, extortion and collusion. Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, Scott Walker and others in Wisconsin are the "boy scouts" covering up the incredible evils behind the curtains. Many judges, district attorneys and the attorney general are all in the same Freemason and related clubs and secret societies, and Loretta Lynch personally stonewalled federal investigations into Racine and Wisconsin.

Racine, Wisconsin is the domino that will work better on Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. It is all connected."

  • wisconsin_is_Corrupt

MysticMa ago

and it links to Cisero, IL as well right...of course I'm just remembering family and grownups talking when I was a kid.

naturallyfree ago

That's more than I could get him to tell. Well done! Right about the water. I see the watersheds in the midwest and northeast where they are placing all the refugee immigrants and it gives pause. Coming straight down from Canada. Here's a watershed map. You will find if you overlay refugee resettlement sites to be very interesting. Lots of cool maps about water here;jsessionid=F3B17C430F88FBD183DC3213BE43CFF4.2_cid331?nn=1577152

kestrel9 ago

Of course she did... isn't that what a DOJ AG standing up for clients, the American people, is supposed to do? (her more recent BS speech). Overcome terrorism with 'love', not enforcement of laws. Have 'regrettably public' secret meetings with former POTUS on tarmac to NOT discuss Clinton email investigations...?

carmencita ago

I can just imagine what goes on when THEY gather in Racine? SC Johnson is an evil company as well. They are sure to have made large political donations. Yes I remember reading his posts. Hope he shows up.

HillBoulder ago

The problem with the Racine guy was he just said stuff lol he never had any information to back up anything he said. I sure do miss him though haha

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have plenty of information and evidence. It is overwhelming. Some has been shared with others, some has been posted on here, and the rest is being developed into a full investigative report which is being added to daily. The corrupt mayor and his cousin just resigned in the past few weeks amidst the allegations of criminal corruption tied to the most powerful people in the area. This is no coincidence. This is an attempted cover up.

Look it all up even in the corrupt local Racine newspaper the Journal Times. Mayors don't resign unless they are forced to. The last mayor was arrested for pedo crimes, the last city administrator tried to commit suicide following sexual harassment claims, prominent judges have ended up dead in the river, there is a long list of satanic murders and abuse of children including at local detention centers, and Racine is a hub for trafficking including of undocumented immigrants and refugees. It is a haven for the mafia and secret societies, and a sanctuary city. It is one of the most corrupt places in America, tied to every other hub of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption from Pennsylvania, Denver and DC to Haiti, Ghana, Norway, UK, Netherlands, and Belgium.

Racine is the key to solving Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. We need everyone to put the spotlight on it until a real investigation brings out the true story that we have uncovered. The world will be shocked. It is time to rise up together.

fogdryer ago

Journal times articles has been scrubbed.....

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That newspaper is bought and paid for by those involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Everything is ran by those in charge. You can still find some articles, but you won't find many comments due to extreme censorship and cover ups.

fogdryer ago

The Journal-Times is owned by Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc., of Montgomery, AL.

Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. is an American publisher of newspapers and advertising-related publications throughout the United States. The company was formed in 1997 by Ralph Martin, they at one time owned 90 newspaers.

LinkedIn Address: 445 Dexter Ave, Montgomery, AL 36104 Founded: 1997 Headquarters: Montgomery, AL CEO: Donna J. Barrett Parent organization: Gannett Company Chairman: George Wakefield

donna barrett-------Community Newspaper Holdings

there is a donna barrett sueing cosby for sex abuse etc George wakefield----laywer

coowner matthew bradley

matthew Bradley has been arrested 7 times Not in Wisconsin marquette county lists the arrests of matthew Bradley however cannot figure out what the offense were found a pic online for matthew Bradley Wisconsin---------weird guy in drag. actor maybe (broadwaylistings)

journaltimes-----little boy eating pizza hot dog lunch at grayson park advertised but pic is of a boy eating pizza

that's it so far

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That may be outdated information. The owner of the The Journal Times is Lee Enterprises and they are an extremely corrupt organization peddling Fake News and heavy-handed censorship. They do not disclose their conflicts of interest and were instrumental in connections from Racine to Quad Cities that involved rigged development deals for insiders including the owner of the building Lee Enterprises rents from. Nothing is printed in the local paper without the approval of the key business influences in the area. Follow the money and it won't take long to figure out who that group is.

fogdryer ago

You got that right I can find links to sources ( journal times) but the article is scrubbed!

3141592653 ago

Is Racine near the border?

HillBoulder ago

I'm not sure if my reply went through earlier but it's great to have you back

20Justice4All17 ago

Yeah...his predictability and enthusiasm was endearing

3141592653 ago

Love this comment

AngB23 ago

Is he the guy that kept saying RACINE is the center of it all or something like that??

3141592653 ago

Yes, he had posted about the mayor

AngB23 ago

Just the mayor? I thought he was saying Racine was the center of it all (and I guess why I didn't pay much attention bcuz, really? Racine?) But it could be a great place to hide the "queen bee" of an operation because who would think to look there? It does have shipping ports and railroads

3141592653 ago

Yeah, he was saying Racine was the center of the corruption

Silverlining ago

Pretty much the top of the town corporation.

The mayor just resigned following his perjury in a federal RICO case. His departure follows the recent resignations of the city administrator, the city attorney, the district attorney, several council members, several judges, and many other prominent local "leaders", not too long after the past city administrator who tried to commit suicide, the police chief who threatened to leave town only to accept a big raise and special gifts to stay, the past police chief who was deemed "untrustworthy" by the court system in a RICO case, a history of pedo crimes including high profile cases and the past mayor, a history of secret societies and mafia corruption, a history of satanic ritual abuse, and major problems with drug, human and organ trafficking.

Dressage2 ago

That is how they keep them in line. All about blackmail.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Correct. Everyone in Racine works for the few employers in the area, so everyone is easily controlled and blackmailed, bribed, extorted, or threatened. Everyone also knows what happens when you raise questions or concerns. You end up dead in the river like prominent judge Dennis Barry did. It was not a suicide, and it was covered up without any investigation. The DA and medical examiner were closely involved along with many others.

They get people jobs, then bring them into local clubs, boards, organizations or foundations. They control banking, insurance, healthcare, media and virtually every industry in the area. Everyone knows everyone else, and they either have dirt on everyone in the city or they try to create it. There are only a few who are not controlled, and they are doing everything they can to slander, stalk, retaliate and threaten anyone who raises questions or concerns as an example to intimidate others. They are working desperately to censor and hide the truth to avoid real investigations. The FBI has more than enough evidence from the recent RICO case and many other related cases in Racine, and Loretta Lynch personally assured people of a full investigation before actively stonewalling it on her way out. It is now a full blown cover up. Loretta Lynch, Jim Comey and Andrew McCabe should be prosecuted for treason, and our own government agencies entrusted to uphold the law are acting on the same level as terrorist organizations. How can anyone work at the FBI or DOJ and not be demanding that they are removed from their positions? Who will restore the rule of law to America? Is Trump incompetent, corrupt or compromised? Is he too stupid to see the pure evil that is hiding in the backyard of Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus?

Everything that is happening on the global and national scale is being tested and perfected in Racine. It is an incubator for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption involving blackmail, bribery, racketeering, embezzlement, bid rigging, sustainability, population control, viruses, vaccines, private prisons, community policing, sanctuary city and crime havens, fake news, trafficking, organ harvesting and satanic ritual abuse. It is a testing ground linked to the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, UK and Dutch Royalty, DuPont, and many others at the top.

AngB23 ago

DAMN! That's crazy!! Thx for the info

Jem777 ago

Yes....repeatedly practically screaming through the computer. Then curious enough the site L.O.H.Q that was so crazy and obviously had MK Ultra technology in it as well as phone numbers & addresses for VIP was traced to an IP address in Wisconsin

redditsuckz ago

Then curious enough the site L.O.H.Q that was so crazy and obviously had MK Ultra technology

Thats (((DAVID WITZLING))) of Wisconsin's website;

The CIA have plausible deniability...David can just say his webiste was an "art project"...

Its like that site crawls and collects conspiracies on the web then if a "conspiracy theorist" happens to stumble upon that site they get mind-fucked.

notdivided ago

MK has long had ties in WI. check out how many cia people came from U Madison over the years, especially mk researchers

Dressage2 ago

You know there were a couple of people on James Alefantis' Friends list from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Judy Lichtman and Sam Havey.

AngB23 ago

OMG-you're right. This I believe is a HUGE connection. Thank you for the info and we need to dig deeper on this

Tanngrisnir ago

I'm flabbergasted!

sugarskull ago

You beat me to it!!!

cussingaintfunny ago

I do hope he sees this bless him. Compared to the wretched anti-semites and shills on here recently he was a breath of fresh air.

Saint_Eve ago

With Jews, you lose.

Old-Misogynist ago

I live in Wisconsin, ugh. Cold, overpaid gov workers, high taxes and Racine pedos

Laskar ago

It looks like all the people in power are corrupt in one way or another.

If they can be blackmailed by anything to do with harming children, then TPTB really have control over them.

Back when they wanted to establish the Fed, all they had on President Woodrow Wilson was adultery. Adultery seems to be a national pastime now, so they had to go deeper into the sewer.

PizzagateBot ago

Progression of types of blackmail?

adultery -> homosexuality -> bestiality (ala David Cameron) -> pedophilia

The people who have infiltrated all these institutions and organizations are either satanists or working for "satan". Their only purpose is to destroy innocence. They need a steady supply of it.

UndEr_DistrEss ago

Interesting line of progression to say the least! If the pattern continues what comes next, necrophilia?

Jem777 ago

necrophelia has already begun. Jimmy Saville was outed for having sex with corpses

AngB23 ago

Exactly right. Sibel Edmonds talked about this blackmail. I wonder how many appointed Obama judges like this as well.. Many of these Pedo and lawless people seem to escape prison or long sentences

Long list of Obama's appointed judges:

Laskar ago

At this point, it looks like they will start WWIII to prevent us from stopping the whole pizzagate racket.