Silverlining ago

Looking for Racine and Wisconsin links in JournalTimes - not leaping out at me - site clunky - may need subscription.

Nurse stomps 12 year old

JT Search for pedophile

This perhaps the most interesting, but from ~San Diego 1993

Some of the youngsters said Akiki had murdered small children, sacrificed rabbits and slaughtered an elephant and a giraffe. They also accused Akiki of forcing them to eat feces, beating them and torturing them with scalding water.

Jury refused to believe 9 children's stories.

Search "racine corruption" - nothing I see here...

Search "knights of pythia" - pretty much zilch

Over to you @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

Silverlining ago

How long are you prepared to wait?

FckPizza3 ago

Well that should be enough for us to stand together. Whether we all share the same opinions beyond that doesn't really matter imo. As long as we can agree that some seriously fucked up shit is going on with our children and the elite and we all agree that we need to fight to stop it, then what else matters??

DerivaUK ago

And Bitcoin.

awakenaware ago

No I'm not a dummy :-) ive been commenting that AJ is cointel etc.. I just was sloppy in my wording of that post.. I was typing as a reply to David on youtube commenrs and I copy and pasted my comments to here with the video link as I was too lazy to rewrite it more clearly.. Appologies!

awakenaware ago

Just read all comments in this thread and I'm thinking .. Where to from here? Keep digging and putting pieces together etc? But we already have enough evidence that a full scale investigation would put away Podesta and many others.. And yet its not happening.. Trump is an establishment guy.. An oil guy.. A money guy.. And hes never mentioned PG directly once.. Not once has he ever uttered the word Pizzagate in public.. Yet he tweets about why isn't Clintons been investigated for Russian stuff.. But he never says investigated for trafficking etc.. He is been careful not to associate the Big players with PG.. Plus there was that photo op with that kid in front of the Hillary painting.. What does that really mean? The kid gave a clear hand sign that was weird and possibly satanic. Does this mean the opposite of what we hoped in meant. I hold little hope for Trump.. Another false lead.. I mean if I'm honest with myself I feel hes an arrogant arsehole.. Full of himself. Hes not even very intelligent. But he was the only celeb during 911 who said it looked exactly like a controlled demolition. So.... Fuck knows.

awakenaware ago

Exactly.. Brietbart made the same mistake by bragging about videos of Obama and others stuff before he released anything.. Its when arrogance and ego get the better of people.. In one of Seamans videos he actually says hes grateful for pizzagate for giving him income and subscribers which pretty much sums up his M.O. I think he got pissed off because people are calling him out and seeing through his true intentions. He now has over $5000 per month from patreon alone.. I kinda hope those supporting him will drop that but yea as some others are saying .. It doesnt matter.. Forget him and the other personalities.. Self promoters..

johnpedostalol ago

Why is it wrong to make money and support a cause even if it's your own? Do you live without money?

4_InquiringMinds ago

He now has over $5000 per month from patreon alone

Holy shit!!! I never looked at a patreon site. I had no idea he was raking in so much cash. Damn, I'm in the wrong business. I thought when ppl said he was doing it for money I'm thinking a hundred or so from trinket sales (shirts etc).

So if I pick a hot topic, promise big stories, throw hissy fits, whine and complain, then make a often should I do this a month (please be specific bc I really really want to do this right). Should I include threats on my life and loved ones? Does crying help? And I guess I need to learn how to twat? What would be a good cause to take up the mantel? Do you think the pizzagate issue is saturated or is there room for more?

I see David gives a special

At $4 or above, for a limited time you get a free subscription to my premium newsletter!

The more you give the more perks...

At $32/month or more, you'll get a free subscription to my premium newsletter, shout out on if requested, my personal 'rapid response' email address...

Do I have to do the rapid response email thing? I might be busy on my new tanning bed/I mean working on top notch expose documentary about ME in the cutting room. I need a video camera, can you buy me one please?

I guess I could go after, on second thought I might commit arkanside.

Maybe I could go after Dyncorp, McCabe and the Awan bros...that seems to be a safe topic health wise/it's working for Geo cause he's still this side of the dirt plus I could do undercover (pun intended) work in brownstones that I find on craigslist. Geo absolutely would not do kids and I won't either. He did dominatrix but I was leaning more towards bestiality...does that still count undercover wise? Is it hard to get beasts to do it under the covers? Would a goat or great dane be best?

Note to self, don't brag, might get briebarted.

You've been a real source of inspiration awakensware...any tips you can give me will be great!!! I can give you a limited time offer to my big deal newsletter. Is one page enough or do I need two?

awakenaware ago

Yea you've just highlighted things even better.. Makes me dislike David even more.. Screw him. Fuckin lying prick he is.. Winges on about himself because its all about him.. These all hes really thinking about. That's the truth.. Hes not even a convincing liar..

gamepwn ago

oh well if he wants to quit thats his choice. It's not about David Seaman its about the kids who are tortured, raped, and cannibalized. Making it about himself is a selfish prerogative

gamepwn ago nsfw horrifc scene from the movie hostel the blowtorch scene to the womans face. As horrible as it is all should watch it. I remember seeing this when I was younger and feeling traumatized. To imagine children going through this and worse is unbelievable if he wants to be a fucking man child let it be

Bolux ago


Azagthoth ago

I'm really excited for his next pizzagate video once his views bottom out. What a fuck up.

Votescam ago

Obviously, if Alex Jones is threatened then anyone still investigating and still with access to viewers will also be threatened. Imagine same for David Seaman :: threatened.

And will say again, the only way the right wing can rise anywhere is via violence ... assassinations -- threats, intimidation, blackmail, stolen elections, propaganda of lies. This has always been true and it continues to be true today.

Death2Masons ago

No more David Seman please. He does no research so what does he have to back off doing? Talking about Podesta code words pizza and hot dog? Who cares about David Seaman one way or another. Moving on.

awakenaware ago

Yes fair enough moving on..

nomorepepperoni ago

Seaman has admitted before he was sensitive to criticism and basically has a thin skin. So I'm not surprised he's wimping out.

And so what? We don't need AJ or Seaman or any other Youtube personality to move our cause. We can repost good content and facts ourselves, to Youtube or anywhere else (least whatever we can get past the content gatekeepers).

Be the change you seek. Leave those who would roll over and cower in the dust, and move on.

iceboob ago

he's a jew and a publicity scammer. he's shilling hard for his scammer buddies over at gold money. dont listen to him anymore.

sunshine702 ago

I admit I was disappointed in Alex. He really seemed to believe his sthick. But if there is one thing to not back down on in your career THIS would be it. Maybe he is counterintelpro. Ok. I like Frost and Seaman but their cat fight is ridiculous. Let's all focus on the work and how far we have come. Let's not worry about leaders or who said or did what when. Look at the people that get it now and this started only months ago! I mean come on that is huge.

Silverlining ago

Maybe they've been divided and conquered.

ZunarJ5 ago

Take the drama with a pinch of salt. It will all play out in the end regardless of the actors. Just don't buy the snake oil.

MattHelm ago

Seaman never broke any new news he had a large platform but all he did was hammer Podesta. Seaman was valuable but not essential. There is more than enough evidence right now to convict the Podestas and Alefantis and Hillary and Bill and Huma and Weiner. The reason they are not in prison is because of blackmailed traitors like Comey and possibly even Trump. I don't see any prosecutions ever happening there just are not enough courageous heroes in power to take this pedo-ring down.

shachalnur ago

So it's true.

People in general are so gullible,even the ones that think they are woke

This is a game for big boys,and you guys don't understand how this war is being fought on the highest level.

You don't even understand what side you're on ,or against.

Snowden ,Wikileaks,Alex Jones ,George Webb,David Seaman and a few others are all players in this game.

They are a lot smarter and protected by a lot smarter people than you guys and girls.

They are protected by being instrumental in this war,and play their part in coordination with the powers that want to bring down the current Elites .

Shill,complain and talk rubbish all you want,exposing the pedophile-Satanic child torturers is not just a goal,it's the only way to beat this monster.

And that's why it will happen.

You'll see some development in the near future ,that will turn the Alex Jones and Seaman saga around.

Their attackers will get cornered or humiliated somehow,and Alex and David will come back more famous.

Trump is in on this as well,that's why seriously damaging David,George or Alex is out of the question.

If you don't understand the three dimensional Chessgame,don't even bother making too much noise.

It just causes confusion.

awakenaware ago

Yes I think many of us know its not nearly as black and white as any of it may look. The bigger picture is a whole different level. We can't even really see that level because we don't even know who the players are at that level or what they are up to exactly. My take on it from that level is basically that all this is part of the drama creation game.. Humans on earth are emotional food and physical food in some ways.. But its all about keeping the fear frequency up.. Keeping the collective frequency low.. Keeping us fighting this and that.. Working 40+ hours per week and paying mortgages and choosing sides and staying in the drama. But when kids are been treated like this.. Its hard not to get involved.. But then again we have a planet of slaughterhouses where animals with feelings and hearts are bred in pens and not treated well and often not killed humanely. Its all tricky situation.. I feel like a tourist on this planet.. It feels a bit like an insane asylum that I've gotten sucked into. I know how to get out of this mess.. It requires awareness.. And meditation and quieting the mind and learning to expand the space between thoughts. We are phase locked into a mind matrix.. That is thought streams we pick up like a radio does. We can break free if we know where we are. Does any of this matter? Only each of us cann decide that for ourselves. Don't go to the light..(at the end of the tunnel.. Its the soul recycling scam) Follow your own light.. Or travel to hyperborea and leave this level back to the real emerald city where the black sun illuminates all and death is defeated.

4_InquiringMinds ago

@awaknsaware...your post is very insightful. Encouraging, I see this kind of insight a bit more these days.

a planet of slaughterhouses where animals with feelings and hearts are bred in pens and not treated well and often not killed humanely.

Until this primitive society focused on tribal warfare stops killing their own species I don't think much will be done for the animals.

re...killing it really humane to kill? That statement came from a friend of mine who is a carnivore.

ps...the happy organic farm raised is just as much of a myth. Sure, living conditions are better (unless you live on a Horizon farm) but calves are still taken at birth crying and moms suffering the loss. Egg chickens are recycled every two years. All birds go to usda approved facilities which means high quotas, dangerous working conditions, not enough time to slit all the throats so many skinned and scalded alive. Workers wear diapers bc they can't afford a potty break.

awakenaware ago

Yea it all sucks bigtime.. There is so much wrong with how things are done here.. And the same kind of denial happens with people not wanting to look at the facts of PG or where their meat comes from.. Its too disturbing to look at so most will just look the other way, which is a real sickness, because its enabling terrible crime by looking away.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I know this is OT but thought to share this with you 2 tubes I just watched. The lovely young lady has some very moving offerings/so file it away for a time when you want to fritter.

A lesson on oxymorons

DAIRY IS F**KING SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes

Most of my life a vegetarian/a year ago went vegan. It occurs to me now that all the injustice, cruelty, inhumanity that so racked my soul I was a part of bc you can't compartmentalize inhumanity. When I made the switch I felt a peace in my being/a relaxing of stress that I didn't even know was there till I decided to stop participating in the inhumanity to my brothers and sisters of the animal kingdom.


awakenaware ago

Thanks just read your reply.. literally food for thought.. and yes vegan might just have to be my thing

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

No one cares about David Seaman or Alex Jones. If they want to prove themselves to not be controlled opposition, or change that and actually make real progress, everyone will support them. But following people who claim to be the leaders of the 'revolution' or the investigations into Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption that end up quitting on their supporters is not working.

Both Alex Jones and David Seaman are either woefully misinformed about the real facts of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, or they are paid opposition. No one really investigating this would be so misinformed. The interview with the lawyer witness to the false flag shooting alone should tell everyone that Alex Jones is either controlled opposition or a complete misinformed fool and sellout. David Seaman constantly states how credible and professional he is, and then displays a complete lack of professionalism and credibility.

If they really want to prove they are not controlled opposition, the answer is simple - they should be calling for investigations and indictments in Racine, Wisconsin - a known epicenter of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. That is not an approved talking point. If they had any real guts they would show us.

shachalnur ago

They are not gonna prove anything to you.

Their job is to reach as many people as possible,not to prove anything or please you..

Alex reaches millions ,but can't talk about Jews,because they will label him anti-Semitic.

George Webb, David Seaman,and even Roseanne Barr can name Jews ,because they are Jewish,and are reaching more and more people.

Do you really think proof published on the Internet alone can bring down the Cabal?

No,only exposure to hundreds of millions of people will have any affect.

And that's the job of Alex,David,George

Please don't disturb.

Do research,post it ,but don't attack people who are waking up millions to the fact there's something rotten.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I'm only familiar with him in passing/on, off again seesaw. I couldn't even listen to this more than few minutes. I swear for someone who says it's about the children he mentions me, my, I a lot lol.

20Justice4All17 ago

It's pizzagate! Not pedogate!

sunshine702 ago

Can it be both? From my understanding Pizzagate focuses on Alefantis, Comet, Buck's, Brock, Podesta, Bill and Hillary, and the Podesta wikileaks, and then branches out there to connections ie. Silsby and the Pegasus Museum ect.

Pedogate is more worldwide: Saville, Epistein, Prince Andrew, the Dunblane murders, the Catholic church, Dyncorp.ect.

I see no reason why we can't have both and one does not discount the other.

20Justice4All17 ago

Why doesn't he mention James Alefantis? He only says Podesta is guilty. Who is JA? He is more powerful than Podesta...he is the key!

shachalnur ago

Use your brain.

Who's protecting JA,and makes him untouchable, and who was just dumped by the same protector through twitter?

And on who will the focus fall after Podesta goes down?

And who will be in trouble after that,and how will that family in London feel then?

20Justice4All17 ago

Maybe Rothschilds just want to protect their European base?

shachalnur ago


Exposing this Satanic child killing is a big threat to them.

It's happening in Europe as well,most people in power are in this ,and blackmailed through brownstoning.

The European Media,TV -advertisements are in overdrive,predictive programming,etc.

normalizing pedophilia and child abuse,teaching people to hate children and "understand" pedophiles.

it's a horrorshow,and the brainwashing is working.

But i still believe Rothschild will fall,because their opponents knows them from the inside.

Most of Trump's advisors ,and people attacking rothschild ,or exposing their operations like Seaman and Webb,are Jews.

Certain parts of Judaism have always rejected what Rothschild stands for,and it's them playing an important role in the attack.

That's why there's a chance.

20Justice4All17 ago

Thank you for your insight.

20Justice4All17 ago

Thanks for the reply. I understand Rothschilds control. The question I'm asking is why Podesta is less powerful than JA to them. I have another seems Trump is now on board, along with infowars (see video today calling out VP Biden) with going after Podestas, Clintons, Obama, and Biden. So either Trump is also dealing with Rothschilds about who it's ok to go after (which according to RDS they communicate), or Jones and fbianon are right CPP goes nowhere - even if JA is a pedo.

Interested in your comments on the above.

shachalnur ago

Answered most in reply above.

No,Trump is not Rothschild controlled,and he's seen as a real threat by Rothschild.

CPP and Podesta are the caricatures that will stay under attack.

Thier importance is symbolic,so there's no hurry, Trump can expose that ratline easily.

Too much proof,and CPP is just a part of a much bigger operation,with the same people involved.

JA also owns Dr.Pong in Berlin,so lines will lead to Europe as well.

The longer this pusses on ,the better.

Still not sure if Trump can really beat Rothschild without Europe waking up.

And Rothschild won't go down without a fight,so very dangerous times ahead

VieBleu ago

Yean, I skipped around in the video, same ol same ol

This kinda seals it. Coming off the protest, it should be a time for the names to network and share information. Instead he just complains and squawks, and I'm not ok with Titus Frost's part either. These "jourmalists" should be writing up articles together, or anything different than this stupid reality show fighting. I just learned TF's fiance is actally on the reality show The Real World. That does not damm him, but it does place him uncomfortably close to reality entertainment. If TF really has CP from CPP to deliver to the police, it is time for him to show it to one trusted person, who could confirm it - maybe Neil Wolf who he surely met at the protest. At this point, he needs to verify his claims more or he doesn't deserve his audience.

DS is too uneven. If he were putting out video after video of evidence based discourse (and hey, as a "journalist" would it kill you DS to ever write an article? EVER?) and then once in awhile these "me bawling" oriented ones, ok, but he is not and never has. At this point, DS doesn't deserve HIS audience.

If these two can't quickly come to a meeting of minds I'm done with both of them. And it's not because people accuse them of being shills, or part of a Jewish plot, or that they make any money, or all the other finger pointing unsourced accusations.

It's because neither of them is any good as "journalists". Titus Frost should be taking his dynamite evidence, if he has it, to top alternative journalists - whoever is running Breitbart now comes to mind, or Zerohedge, or Webb. Or Wikileaks.

V____Z ago

I believe he won't be able to stop, just like i have said :fuck this" a few times, publically, and cannot stay away. It's cathartic, and not necessarily meant to get attention. David's been taking hits that i doubt any of us would sail through. I've never had the daily Beast, or NewsWeek come after me, and call me mentally unstable, and then to have my own peers follow suit. It's got to be rough, and hard not to say fuck it.

awakenaware ago

Yes its true, to be in his shoes would be tricky.. But then again he asked for it.. He put himself on the front line as part of his ranting persona.. And now hes getting.. to use his own words.. Plenty of push back.

V____Z ago

I wouldn't be able to handle it. He's been through a LOT. I doubt he saw this coming. Dr Drew, Benn Swann, Alex Jones have all had to drop away and they are all far more established than David, who is just a single guy. Daivd is the one receiving the hit pieces in major media, all at the same time. He really did have his best friend from the past, the only woman who appeared over and over in his public facebook photos, one people might assume is his girlfriend, end up getting murdered with her roommate. (He never claimed this is related, but there is an eeriness about the timing) All of this would add up to an outburtst or two, wouldn't you think? He's held it together pretty well. I have never seen a meaner nor more sustained smear campaign, personally.

awakenaware ago

Yea on the one hand I think he's a squirmy little shit on the other hand I understand if he backs down.. Its all life or death thing.

ZPEnergyPsyOp ago

David Seaman is a confirmed shill who was doing much more harm than good.

VieBleu ago

but if he is a shill, why back out? why not stay in, give misinformation and keep misinforming?

doesn't add up to me. I don't think he's a shill, just a confused YT personality and major FAIL as a journalist.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Is David Seaman attempting to make himself a journalistic martyr and the "set the bar" for the Pizzagate investigation, so that everyone else sees that if he and others who work on this daily can't seem to break through and eventually give up, it forces others to think there is no hope for anyone else to investigate and break the case open.

This is why Racine, Wisconsin is a better strategy to exposing local, regional, national and global corruption. The corruption is indisputable, and will show everyone how this affects real people in real communities.

Guess what city just had the mayor resign along with the city administrator, city attorney, district attorney, and many other "local leaders" amidst allegations of brazen, willful and wanton criminal corruption? Yes - Racine, Wisconsin. It is all a cover up because they know they were caught. We just need the FBI and DOJ to do their job, or to have Trump force them to do their job.

Is America a lawless cesspool of corruption protected by corrupt actors in the FBI and DOJ? Racine is the way to find out.

VieBleu ago

Have you seen the Broadway musical, "Racine Babylon"?

Silverlining ago

Google had nothing for racine babylon

VieBleu ago

It was a coupe of weeks ago - pretty sure I was joking. That poster always says the heart of pizzagate and pedogate and all corruption starts at Racine WI

Silverlining ago

It did look like a joke, but I thought I'd do due diligence. Sounds like it could have been a catchy musical!!

Certainly up there with "Hitler in Springtime."

VieBleu ago

lol - a double feature staring James Woods as Racine's rascally singing Mayor, and Roseanne Barr as HItler.

ZPEnergyPsyOp ago

He has done this before (saying he is backing out, then coming back). Remember when he deleted all his videos? It is part of an effort to discredit himself and have people stop taking him seriously. They are hoping to make people stop investigating pizzagate when they realize Seaman is a nut.

rwb ago

With extreme malice aforethought, you and others set yourselves the task of doing anything and everything within your capabilities to get David Seaman to stop talking about PG, hound the man until you get exactly what you want, and then complain when you've won instead of savoring your short lived victory in private, because the joke's on you. If or when the fancy strikes David, he'll come back to the subject and send you losers into yet another round of wailing that you wish David would shut up. And when he does, he'll do so because he can do anything he feels like in spite of the deep desires of a few dozen malcontents hell bent on destroying the PG research community.

Silverlining ago

rwb There is only so much negativity anyone can take - and David has had more than his fair share. He has certainly helped spread the word. I hope he re-enters the lists soon. And if he genuinely believes he is being gang stalked [or whatever] and targeted for elimination and he's a blogger, it is hardly surprising he's going to get agitated about it and say so. I have a soft spot for both him and Titus.

awakenaware ago

Yes and no.. Some maybe have extreme malice.. There are lots of idiots and arsewipes that attack anyone who puts their face on youtube.. Its just what happens.. He could have ignored all those idiots. But he also put himself in the firing line.. He knew there would be pushback.. Anyway as others have said.. It doesnt matter let's move on... David might come back to PG if his patreon support stops. Hes just a personality..

ZPEnergyPsyOp ago

@rwb voting habits:

Submissions: This user has upvoted 83 and downvoted 2 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 150 and downvoted 1 comments.

Not surprising that a person who has only found 3 pieces of information to help curate by downvoating is sticking up for the confirmed shill David Seaman

rwb ago

Downvoting is for losers, and in some ways I regret downvoting anything, but if it helps your thesis, I almost certainly downvoted three items submitted by you or one of your cohorts that were so bad I had no alternative. I upvote interesting and relevant content that will help put Podesta and Co. in jail.

VieBleu ago

Downvoting is not for losers, it is how things operate here. Anyone who does not use their downvote is facilitating shills whether they are conscious of it or not.

rwb ago

I use my down vote privilege, albeit very selectively. Down voting would be effective if one had to put their name to it. Down voting anonymously allows so called shills to run roughshod over legitimate and well intentioned posters, hence my reluctance to potentially appear to be a party to it. If people had to put their name to down votes, shills would become transparent very quickly. By my rationale, I am attempting to shift the voting dynamic in a way that benefits the forum, not that it's remotely feasible. It's merely a decision based on principle, like one choosing to not eat meat even though the impact on the brutalization of animals in modern farming practice is going to be thoroughly negligible.

VieBleu ago

the shills widly upvoat their own, and don't downvote as much. thus your arguement falls.

rwb ago

Mmmm... That's an opinion, one you're obviously entitled to, but one I do not share.

VieBleu ago

it is not an opinion. It is an objective fact that the shills upvote terrible posts as a group of about 30-40. They don't downvote by usually more than 4 or 5 at most.

The good person's downvote is one of the only weapons we are allowed by our keeper mods against the shills.
You can often see comments of flabbergasted people saying, "Where did all these upvotes come from" and "Why so many upvotes and so few comments" and so on.

ZPEnergyPsyOp ago

You convinced me. Who cares about the facts.


Tanngrisnir ago

Hey Armyseer. How is the view inside your own ass?

ZPEnergyPsyOp ago

That @armyseer guy is a legend. He predicted how this pizzagate disinfo Russian narrative would unfold a long time ago. I think he is NSA.

Tanngrisnir ago

Stop autofellating yourself. It is goddam disgusting to witness.

ZPEnergyPsyOp ago

Just for the record, you are commenting here in this thread because you are Seaman Defense Force, right?

Tanngrisnir ago

Nah, I just like trolling you because you are a piece of shit.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Just trying to stay relevant, ignorr this man unless he has something worthy of discussion


I can see it now The only thing MSM will say now in their headlines: loook here look here the two biggest personalities on the net covering PG now have backed out (Alex Jones/David Seaman)and retracted their support of PGATE: I'm not going to bash the guy it does stink but it should show you that the only way to change this world is YOU and talking to the people in YOUR life. Change will come if you plant the seeds water it and watch it grow.

V____Z ago

He didn't retract his support of pizzagate like Alex did - he said he was tired of getting bashed, but that he still believes Podesta is a pedo, etc.


I never stated that. I said the MSM will put Out sensational headlines with some spin something like 'the leaders of the PG conspiracy back away from crazy conspiracy' and come to think of it I don't even know if seaman is big enough to be on their radar BUT none of it matters anyway!

if we can't get OUR local citizens,our families,of towns and cities across the nation/world on board to fight the good fight and wake up to realize that we need a complete dismantling of the current system all that is going to happen is one elite group is going to transfer or TAKE power from the old guard and the NWO agenda is going to continue as usual with a new playbook (Trumps playbook).

I'm still not convinced Trump is for the people and a righteous man! He is just a new version of how the elites want to control the masses! I hope I'm wrong. He'd be the biggest help in exposing the mystery cults that run the show. But all one has to do is look at the divide he pushes across America by keeping an ear to the streets and hearing MSM talking heads. His 50million plus supporters who most seem to have a nationalist mentality and are itching for a fight against whoever he points at. THAT is not good! it encourages a formula for civil war I hate to be a downer but I'm just coming from all angles we need to wake up the asleep people so that if Trump doesn't do anything regarding the exposure of the Luciferian cult then they know he is one of them (or powerless to do it all by himself) You have to remember back in '08 Obama was to the people what trump is today -a hope and change mantra to the masses and a slight hope to awake people...we all know how that turned out. PEOPLE NEED TO UNITE LEFT RIGHT UP DOWN AND ALL AROUND we need numbers and a unified goal

I guess I'm calling for anarchy because the system is so rotten and people are so brainwashed I don't think it can just be fixed by arresting a few and legislation change. They need some life altering shit to wake us all up OR some smoking gun clear cut evidence that exposes all.

WE NEED SOME POSITIVE OUTSIDE THE BOX GROUP THINK TANK (smart, common sense individuals of this world) RUNNING THE SHOW. LIKE TRUMP KINDA DOES but without the nationalist propaganda and racist overtones he or his team injects.

I know I kinda went off the tracks here with my response to your statement just a lil fired up. Just a little!!!

4_InquiringMinds ago

Don't think trump is a pedo or supports such but he's also a war hawk which is in direct contrast to what he promised. Time will tell.

ThePuppetShow ago

This is all a sham started with lawsuits/threats and followed with a shill campaign here. Maybe David did get served cease and desist papers and was told he couldn't talk about it. Maybe that's why Alex deleted the video where he talked about it. Maybe they both have sold out. Who really knows. There's just way too much coincidence involved that this forum is being "attacked" right after.

V____Z ago

I wouldn't lump David and Alex together. David is just frustrated, with good reason. But in an interview tonight, he said,

This is an international scandal, and we're talking about child abuse by elites in multiple countries over many years, and it's much more than 'was there a basement in a pizza shop where Hillary Clinton was killing children herself'. No. Nobody is claiming that. Nobody reasonable. And yet, that's the bar the media set, they're like "Oh, OK, we've fully disproved this aspect, so there's nothing here". Wait a second. There's a lot here that doesn't make any sense. It seems like there is child trafficking occurring.

You can't claim he has stopped talking it, and become a diversion like Alex who says to ignore James Alefantis and Comet pizza because they're innocent.

ThePuppetShow ago

Fair enough, but I wasn't lumping them together other than saying this is all a coordinated attack. Alex, David and the shill campaign. Say Alex sold out and David got caught up in a stfu order, reverse it, say they both did, it doesn't matter. This was planned by somebody with some pull.

V____Z ago

Good point.

jchoji ago

So much truth.

CompletelySickOFit ago

Who fucking cares if David Seaman is taking a step back from this. Not me! I don't need him to tell me anything and he isn't going to be able to do a damn thing about Pedogate anyway so who the fuck cares? Alex Jones got his leash pulled and Seaman is just couldn't handle it as an individual anymore. ITs partly our fault for not standing together as one.

FckPizza3 ago

I agree that we should all be standing together as one in all of this. The Twitter fight between Seaman and Frost was pretty pathetic and shows weakness within us. I don't think anyone's ego should ever get in the way of defending the kid's. I lost a lot of respect for those involved in attacking each other on Twitter yesterday. I am subscribed to their channels still but I rarely watch the videos they put out. I use voat to figure out what's going on... not YouTube.

VieBleu ago

I am furious at both of them for not finding a way to work together for the greater good.

Laskar ago

The are both phonies, enjoying the adulation of their fans. their fans are people who cannot think for themselves and need to follow a guru who will tell then what to think. Neither Seaman, nor "Frost" has done a single bit of original research or made any real contribution. It is just a pissing contest, and really revolting at this point--to say nothing of Seaman's endless whining and begging for money.

V____Z ago

Did you happen to see the recent Titus video where he is yelling into the camera from his car, cussing and telling lies about David? I can't have respect for this type of personality as a researcher among us. It is a big red flag about who to stay away from. I was in a truther community around the Occupy time, and this same exact thing happened - some youtubers decided to tear apart others in the community, and it was very reminiscent of what we used to do in Junior High, and took all eyes off the truths about the elite we were trying to expose. I think this was intentional, and that some of the youtubers who joined up on Titus' side were fooled into a plan to divide us. And it worked perfectly.

FckPizza3 ago

I actually did watch it. It was truly upsetting. Anyone who has the balls to go on camera to spread awareness of this horrible atrocity that is going on in the world today should automatically be shown respect imo. But when you use that same platform to show serious outrage towards another journalist fighting for the same cause it definitely makes you wonder what their true intentions are. The whole thing was just awful and I believe that it puts a serious target on to our community as a whole. They should definitely be ashamed of themselves. Now the stupid shills that monitor us will see the weakness and use it to their own advantage to further divide us. So unbelievably sad that they stooped to that level.

V____Z ago

It was a Brock inspired invention. It is no accident that the one person who has the biggest platform and is using it to confront Clinton, Podesta and James, received attacks simultaneously from both mainstream and alternative media - it was designed to break him and get him to shut up. One of the people involved in the childish youtube community that has ganged up against him (with the aforementioned interesting timing) also broke up a truther community that was gaining alot of steam on youtube during the Occupy days. Sadly, no one this time around recognized that the division they were taking part in is killing a movement meant to save children, and is based on a ridiculous false flag:

FckPizza3 ago

That is so sad. :( I just can't believe that anyone with a heart would be able to be bought out when reporting on a thing like this. So so sad.

druhill007 ago

I'll keep on charging forward. Nothing can stop the truth. If Podesta was arrested tomorrow. Wouldn't stop. If my break lines cut tomorrow. Wouldn't stop. If Donald Trump and resurrected prophet Muhammed somehow debunked pedogate. Wouldn't stop. If I was suicided I'd browse/research from the grave ayooooooo

V____Z ago

David's not stopping either. He's just human and releasing some frustration.

FckPizza3 ago

Wow.. That's crazy...

equineluvr ago

You WORSHIPPERS of these "personalities" aren't really redpilled as you claim.

There is the Church of AJ, the Church of Seaman (!), the Church of Steele, and, of course,the insanely popular Church of Webb. Speaking of Webb, why is he still alive and still on GooTube despite supposedly "exposing the criminal cabal" for months? Many smaller YT channels -- with fewer subscribers and exposng much less -- have been shut down in their censorship wave. If Webb's info were legit -- BTW, nobody is in a position to confirm or refute most of it -- he would have had his brains blown out already. Or perhaps had his car imploded a la Michael Hastings.

johnpedostalol ago

George Webb is a hero and leading people towards the truth. He hasn't been compromised yet because it would make it too obvious what he's saying is true.

Death2Masons ago

Good response. Of course. Webb is a spook so he is trained to lie and has noticably no emotion about anything he talks about. But he is useful.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

If you know all of this, then why would you possibly dismiss a real instance of criminal corruption in Racine, Wisconsin?

These YouTube liars are all performing magic shows to divert attention from the real crimes going on in our own local communities.

What DO you support? Why not help investigate what we already know about Racine which is that it is a cesspool of corruption and a weak link just waiting to be exposed and lead to the bigger connections including the Clintons, Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative?

DerivaUK ago

The Racine thing again? Without as much of a hint of a link or source, again? Put up or shut up comes to mind.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The mayor just resigned following his perjury in a federal RICO case. His departure follows the recent resignations of the city administrator, the city attorney, the district attorney, several council members, several judges, and many other prominent local "leaders", not too long after the past city administrator who tried to commit suicide, the police chief who threatened to leave town only to accept a big raise and special gifts to stay, the past police chief who was deemed "untrustworthy" by the court system in a RICO case, a history of pedo crimes including high profile cases and the past mayor, a history of secret societies and mafia corruption, a history of satanic ritual abuse, and major problems with drug, human and organ trafficking.

Verify all of the above with any source you wish, even the corrupt newspaper the Journal Times.

This is a major cover up. Racine is a cesspool and epicenter for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Independent investigations are underway, but we need more people to put the spotlight on Racine and federal investigations to produce indictments before it is too late and more lives are destroyed.

Death2Masons ago

Your Racine thing you have been kicking around the forum for a while. Make a thread and make your case. It seems we don't know what you are going on about so we never respond. But why would you throw it in every thread you are on without first making us aware of how it is the center of PG? Make a thread with links please.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Make a thread and make your case.

My thoughts exactly every time I see Racine.

dFrog ago

I have to point out that logic based on a question has a hole in it about the size of the question. Why hasn't X, Y, or Z happened? Maybe it's more complicated than you can discern from your perspective. It's not like we have a rubric of what qualifies a person for assassination. Let's say all the people we think were assassinated actually were, there are others who haven't been. It's not a good way to measure because it's based on assumption.

That aside, I've really always been opposed to celebrity. It's natural for humans, as social creatures, to "celebrate" personalities, but I think for our purposes, we ought to move away from that. Neither journalism nor investigation need your face and personality. When I make informational videos, I don't show my face. I let my editing do the heavy lifting and just guide it with my voice.

Death2Masons ago

Bill Cooper was legit and is dead. Gunned down by cops in his own front yard. Jones is promoted by the corporate media, has stratphor agents in his staff, does limited hangouts, and is still alive and kicking. Webb gets no pushback and says he loves Obama. I tried to work that out. couldn't do it. I like Webb. But he is a spook and will always be looked on with suspicion.

dFrog ago

I've always kind of felt like InfoWars being so big was reason enough to not take it at face value. I definitely had more faith in Cooper than Jones. I've only seen one of Webb's videos so far, so I don't have much of an impression at all.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Bill Cooper was legit and is dead.

I mentioned on another thread the first time I knew of Bill was a VHS that was being passed around when the grapevine was person to person. He was giving a talk in Sedona about aliens. He had stumbled on the top secret info while in the Navy, left on some desk where his station was by accident. He was trying to spread the word about a massive cover up. He was scared shitless/pale white, sweating, said he knew his life was in danger/and he certainly looked the part of someone freaked out. Much different than the gosh folksy Geo glibly saying his life was in danger but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Everyone was praying for him.

Fast forward to the internet and I looked Bill up. He apologized for the navy ufo thing saying he realized now that the top secret info was left there on purpose so he would spread disinfo...and making it his mission to not only correct the disinfo but show how psy-ops really work. Eventually he got pretty heavy into drink bc he knew his time was limited/sent his wife and child away for their safety.

Contrast that with Geo who said he didn't tell his family he might be doa any day bc he didn't want to worry them. I would post it really fair to put their lives in danger too/without so much as asking if they are willing to be off'ed for the cause/at the very least to know to check break linings or to drive to a well lighted safe place if they are being followed? Natch he never replied.

I also asked if we were to believe that his entire family was so pc illiterate that they didn't know how to look up dear ol'dad, son, ex hubby etc to know what the heck he was up too and all the prayers for his safety? Again, no response.

Bill gave his life to spread the truth as he saw it. He knew the fear of being a true target and he made great personal sacrifices for his vision of the greater good.

I'm tired of whiny baby drama queens. Then again if I stick with Geo I could be a zillionaire if I learn how to twat. Not sure if that special is still running...note to self, ck on zillionaire shit.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Webb gets no pushback and says he loves Obama

And Billy minus the rapes. Yeah he does come off as likable and sometimes I think maybe he's just a dufus. But then nah bc he goes into some bait and switches that just can't be ignored.

When the opposition is gaining too much steam the solution is to control it.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Church of Webb. Speaking of Webb, why is he still alive and still on GooTube despite supposedly "exposing the criminal cabal" for months?

Yeah, makes you wonder doesn't it? The value I perceive in his channel is a bird's eye view as to who is considered expendable to throw under the bus...pass the popcorn please :)

V____Z ago

Not only that, but if George Webb has info somehow gleaned from his brilliant mind plus his former position with the CIA that might save some children, why doesn't he take it to the authorities rather than trying to insert himself into the pizzagate investigation via a neverending soap opera in 200+ parts? And he called David Seaman a distraction. Case of projection, there.

SwampAintDrained ago

And he called David Seaman a distraction.

Seaman was putting off distraction/controlled-opposition vibes for me too, perhaps I need to check out this George Webb fella.

V____Z ago

If you haven't already checked out George Webb, you've just given away that you are not a part of this investigation and are a shill, or you're lying. Everyone's seen a George Webb video by this point, dude. Nice attempt though.

SwampAintDrained ago

Infallible logic. Maybe you'd best be sidelined on this investigation if that is how you think, you'll make us all look bad otherwise. It is called "false dichotomy."

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

George Webb puts the info out there and asks his viewers to do the work, nothing wrong with that AND it lends to his credibility as he is putting into the hands of the consumer, he isn't controlling the narrative the whole way, he points out areas of interest for others to dig and until anyone proves otherwise he has a very large following AND those followers are following up AND finding exactly what they expected to find. I have never met George but I havent found anything he states to be untrue yet so until I do, he is the man!

V____Z ago

He's been caught in some discrepancies, but i've no intention to try to sway you. It bothers me that he is quoted here not as someone postulating unsubstantiated ideas (like, stuff that should go in v/pizzagatewhatever), but as fact.

Today there was a post where he claimed VooDoo donuts meant something... but there were no details as to how he got the idea, and it wasn't posited as "hey you guys, see if there's any evidence to support this idea! It seems groundbreaking and really worth our while!!!!!"

stillinit ago

So in your opinion if you aren't censored(and accept it and move on) or killed then you are fake? People like to relate to others, and hear different opinions on topics they are interested in. Not having that quality doesn't make you redpilled.