Laskar ago

David Seaman's videos are a complete waste of time. He has done nothing but whine and ask for money or advertise bitcoin and gold. He is using pizzagate to attract attention to himself only, or attack others and complain. He is usually high and is pathetically uninformed about this world (his pretend shock about the Rothschild involvement with David Brock), and his age is no excuse. His constant bragging about his non achievements is as disgusting as his indirect exploitation of children, trying to capitalize on their suffering but doing nothing to expose anything we do not already know.

TweedleDee3000 ago

"abortionburger" has deleted numerous posts of mine, as well as other posts that I saw contained vital info. He/she/it has also deleted my accounts.

Newfind ago

Titus Frost already said tomorrow he was going to "be taking pictures of everybody" and doing interviews.

Newfind ago

SRA comes from JRA and Seaman is a Jew. I'm no an anti Semite so fuck off.

DeathToMasons ago

The fact that you call Sandy Hook a fringe conspiracy exposes you as disinfo. You ruined your entire thread, or you are ignorant and need to get with it. Either way, there does not seem to be much on Titus Frost. Seaman is a joke.

s2s ago

More about Titus Frost:

Real Name: Dean Fougere

...Belongs to the most fringe of the conspiracy movement, with confessed beliefs into chemtrails, Illuminati symbolism, cold fusion-powered particle beams destroying the WTC, a cruise missile hitting the Pentagon, Sandy Hook being a hoax.

Izzat so? You say that like it's a bad thing. So do you mean he's faux because he embraces all that, or do you mean he's just wearing those patches to build his creds? Or is he espousing all that "weird" shit (that I also embrace) to drag down PG? You seem to be saying some mix of all of the above at the same time. As for me, it's all data points to sift through, weeding out the misdirection from the controlled opposition, anyone who says anything is suspect, because it's way more than likely if they're allowed to open their mouth, they're one of "them."


DeathToMasons ago

Sandy Hook was a hoax. Chemtrails have many supporters but I don't follow chemtrails. Illuminati symbolism is exactly that. What are you trying to say about Sandy Hook? You sound like disinfo yourself.

MissT ago

A funny picture of someone stuck on themselves.This person is on YouTube -

IlluminatiKing ago

Please don't tell me DonaldWashington is a shill too. He actually had quite a load of interesting info.

IlluminatiKing ago

That pleadingyiff guy's post about Germany came up in a smear article about a series of subreddits including T_D(Wikileaks retweeted this article for some reason) targetted at altrighters and fake news.

cakeoflightylight ago

Check out the YouTube dumbest video ever on the Caris James semen spot theory it is by rambling rants of Ryan

cakeoflightylight ago

Thank you - David Seaman bringing up flat earth is totally ridiculous. He was the very first person I have seen bring up Flat Earth in reference to pizzagate research. He's no good. Today he bragged on Twitter that he has $60k in savings. OK, so people stop donating to that guy. He's fine. Also, last night a phenomenally stupid video was posted to youtube by some random person claiming the guy thinks he sees Semen on Caris James's newborn cheek. And then, went on to say, maybe she had an upside down heart branding on her cheek. These people are just trying to make us look dumb and crazy.

DeltaBravoTango ago

He's against flat earth in the 2/2 video

porqueno ago

Birdzeyeview ago

hahahah joke's on you fucktards. I always said he was a fucken SCAMMER

Pwner1775 ago

so wait, david is a fraud?

herbsmoke ago


herbsmoke ago

Seaman is a zionist double agent...

cantsleepawink ago

I've been warning people for ages about that guy. Glad it's now obvious, before he does any lasting damage to the pizzagate investigation.

cakeoflightylight ago

that does sound fishy