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AditiDhruv ago

33 days ago Operatives of CTR created /v/pizzagate to control the narrative, their primary goal has been to stifle mention of Kline, Saudi, and Besta-Pizza; Their PRIMARY GOAL has been to limit the investigation to Comet-Ping-Pong,

Funny how the same goal of MOD's here ( Kingkong, all mods are same person ) the PRIMARY narrative is exactly that of NYT, that CPP is HQ for Clinton to practice witch-craft.

In essence PPL the goal of this site is to KILL the pizzagate investigtion.

WHO IS ANDREW KLINE (DOJ) he is the go between SAUDI-CIA-ClintonFoundation to make sure that NO pedophile ever gets caught or goes to jail.

abortionburger ago

the dude that posted a dump of ACTUAL CHILD PORN that he allegedley got from "WE, THE PIZZA" know....the day before the entire subreddit got fucking were asking about KLINE?! COINCIDENCE! he shows up here too:

abortionburger ago

the "serving alcohol to minors" part is cute :(