bolus ago

show us your archives. i want one for your first post, and then another for your edit. show us JECA/kenya, then show me the JECA/caymans.

if you think i haven't looked, but you have, show us the connection.

show me a capture where McGill is listed, and not HA Gill.

bolus ago

i didn't ignore anything - i followed up on the H A Gill & Son lead.

they aren't that big, and they connect to CONNEB II directly.

Show me an archive of a document with McGill listed, and not HA Gill.

bolus ago

it's not CON-N.E.B, it's CONNEB II, and they are not the most direct connection. this CONNEB points to Virginia:

and it's not JECA, you're again heading in the wrong direction. JECCA is not the same as JECA, and i cannot find anything on JECA anywhere, Kenya or otherwise. get out.

AdVict0riam ago

Hi @priyankaRahul @AditiDhruv @RheaRaskesh @senehaDoll @milo_nambla @millenial_faggot @DavidBrock @trumpisPizza @pizza4trump @pedos4trump @trumpisaPEDOPHILE @chelseasPizza @ChelseasCunt @BlueBerryPie @rapists4trump @PizzaClinton and whatever other user names you're currently using to shill and spead disinfo.

ANOTHER fucking user name? SERIOUSLY???

DarkMath ago

All the American based Shills have quit so now they're outsourcing their Shrillage to India. That's profoundly fucked up. ;-)

bolus ago

Besta Pizza is a few doors down from Comet Ping Pong.

Andrew Kline at 225 19th Street, N.W.,, #320 was the agent.

Andrew Kline at 225 19th Street, N.W.,, #320 is also the agent for a holding group called JECCA Corporate Services:

JECCA is into everything - they are the agent on roughly 480 corporations in DC alone, including the DC Bar

JECCA also holds a transport company called Titan Transportation:

Titan is D/B/A Royal Traveler:

Luke Albee emailed a picture of one of the royal travelers to Podesta in the leaked emails: attachment:

Comet <---> Besta <---> Andrew Jon Kline <---> JECCA <---> Titan Transport <---> Podesta

AditiDhruv ago

CON means construction, the actual DBA say's


N E B is National Engineering Bureau which is Arab Emigrate, but it owned by House of Saud.

Andrew Kline ( shady lawyer at Veritas ), Andrew Kline @ besta, andrew kline at DOJ are all the same person, a proven fact.

AdVict0riam ago

No, this has been debunked over and over and over. Stop spreading disinfo.

AditiDhruv ago

33 days ago Operatives of CTR created /v/pizzagate to control the narrative, their primary goal has been to stifle mention of Kline, Saudi, and Besta-Pizza; Their PRIMARY GOAL has been to limit the investigation to Comet-Ping-Pong,

Funny how the same goal of MOD's here ( Kingkong, all mods are same person ) the PRIMARY narrative is exactly that of NYT, that CPP is HQ for Clinton to practice witch-craft.

In essence PPL the goal of this site is to KILL the pizzagate investigtion.

WHO IS ANDREW KLINE (DOJ) he is the go between SAUDI-CIA-ClintonFoundation to make sure that NO pedophile ever gets caught or goes to jail.

DarkMath ago

Go away Shill. Get a real job. Everyone knows it's not the same Andrew Kline. I'm even helping you do your Shilling by asking you to at least plow a new field or something. No wonder you guys lost the election. You're not very bright. Sigh.....

RheaRaskesh ago

Everyone know that @DarkMath real DOJ shill to keep Kline away from media.

Embarrassing for DOJ for world to know that Pedophile's are protected people by DOJ.

AdVict0riam ago

Hi @RheaRaskesh @AditiDhruv @senehaDoll @milo_nambla @millenial_faggot @DavidBrock @trumpisPizza @pizza4trump @pedos4trump @trumpisaPEDOPHILE @chelseasPizza @ChelseasCunt @BlueBerryPie @rapists4trump @PizzaClinton and whatever other user names you're currently using to shill and spead disinfo.

Replying to your own comments from different user names again I see.

DarkMath ago

So CTR is running out of money and now they're hiring Indian shills. Excellent.   Rhea have you ever considered CTR is hiring you because all their American based Shill's got so disgusted defending Pedophiles they quit? Won't be too long now boys. The Truth Will Out.......Always.

abortionburger ago

the dude that posted a dump of ACTUAL CHILD PORN that he allegedley got from "WE, THE PIZZA" know....the day before the entire subreddit got fucking were asking about KLINE?! COINCIDENCE! he shows up here too:

abortionburger ago

the "serving alcohol to minors" part is cute :(