Twitter account with 60K+ followers "heard that charges were going to come for Republicans and Democrats to this pedophilia ring" (pizzagate)
submitted 7.9 years ago by V____Z
"Wall Street for Main Street", a very large (over 60K) Twitter account interviewed David Seaman about a variety of subjects.
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St: I really do hope that the charges do start to come. I heard in January from one of my contacts here in DC who works next to the FBI building that charges were going to come for Republicans and Democrats to this pedophilia ring... you know, the whole "pizzagate" thing that the media tries to label it as, it's a lot bigger than that...
David Seaman: Oh definitely. This is an international scandal, and we're talking about child abuse by elites in multiple countries over many years, and it's much more than 'was there a basement in a pizza shop where Hillary Clinton was killing children herself'. No. Nobody is claiming that. Nobody reasonable. And yet, that's the bar the media set, they're like "Oh, OK, we've fully disproved this aspect, so there's nothing here". Wait a second. There's a lot here that doesn't make any sense. It seems like there is child trafficking occurring.
MainSt: [Talks about the latest SGT Report on NBC's piece about pedphilia scandals in the State Dept under Hillary, in 2013]; diplomats connected to the State Dept and other St Dept employees had a whole pedophilia ring, and people were ordered to kill the whole investigation. So this is revisionist history: they reported on this in the past, we have other pedo rings in LA and Norway, one busted recently in London... I'm just shocked the people at the top haven't gone down yet.
[David is asked about the recent attacks. He responds that of course it's nothing compared to what the victims are going through] What it does is it actually fortifies you. It shows you that there's something here. I was in corporate media when I was younger, and as you know if the media doesn't want to cover something, they just ignore it, they just let it die on the vine. They don't come out with all these pieces attacking you.. so they're very scared by all the pedophilia ring stuff that everybody's starting to buzz about in independent media. They're so scared of it and they don't have a proper answer to debunk it, so they're just rolling out ad hominem and threats.
equineluvr 7.9 years ago
More "charges are coming soon" BS that we've been spoonfed for MONTHS now.
Enough with that crap already!
equineluvr ago
More "charges are coming soon" BS that we've been spoonfed for MONTHS now.
Enough with that crap already!